About Us

About Us

The Historical Society of the Bible Fellowship Church is people who appreciate the history and heritage of the Bible Fellowship Church. They know there is much to learn from our past.  Our successes and failures contain lessons from which we profit as we make decisions about what to do and not to do as we continue to do God’s kingdom work.  Our strengths and weaknesses teach us who we are and help us determine how God best uses us.

Those who share an interest in our history and desire to learn the lessons of our history are invited to become members of this society. 


The society has two memberships from which you can choose.

Electronic membership (e-membership) is for those who would like to receive the publications electronically over the internet.  It is the most economical since the yearly dues are only $3.00.  Click here to view and print the e-membership application form.

Regular membership (r-membership) is for those who prefer to receive the publications in printed form.  The yearly dues are $15.00 and cover the cost of printing and postage.  Click here to view and print the r-membership application form.


The Society meets yearly for the presentation of papers which explore our history and help to preserve it.  Prior to the yearly meetings, members and others will be invited to make a reservation.

1.   If you would like to view the presentations made at our meetings, simply click here to see the individual papers beginning with 2001.

Each year, our society issues a publication filled with reminiscences and reprints. Many of those issues are available for you here. As you read them, you might find something to tickle your fancy or stir your memory. Past issues are available to you. Go to Reminiscences and Reprints.