Study Committee Papers

Study Committee Papers

Reports of Study Committees

The Annual Conference often establishes study committees when it wishes to carefully examine an issue. These study committees do extensive and intensive examination of biblical evidence on the assigned topic and report back to the Annual Conference. These reports are normally recorded and provide a record to explain why a certain position or practice was chosen. Because of the care of the committees and the review of Annual Conference, these reports are valuable even today.

Listed below are reports listed chronologically and thematically. At the bottom is a list of all study committee reports.

Chronological List of Study Committee Reports

Stewardship Committee – Church Finances (1962)

Church Government (1963)

The Problem of Secret Societies (1964)

An Alternate Form of Church Government (1965)

The Problem of Divorce (1965)

Ordination (1965)

Church Government Harmonization of the 1963 and 1965 Papers – (Included in 1966 Minutes)

Pulpit Supply (1967)

Church Membership (1969)

The Role of Women in the Church (1977)

Church Discipline (1979)

An Alternate Understanding of ‘The Biblical View of the Role of Women in the Church’ (1980)

Abortion (1982)

Homosexuality (1985)

The Relationship Between Total Abstinence From Alcoholic Beverages and Church Membership (1985)

Tongues (1986)

Cults (1986)

Local Church Membership Requirements (1986)

Local Church Membership Requirements (1987)

Report of the Committee to Study Divorce (1987)

A Biblical Response to the Epidemic of AIDS (1989)

Inter-Cultural Ministries (1990)

Advanced Directives (1996)

Baptism and Church Membership (1999)

Divorce and Eldership (1999)

Baptism and Membership (2000)

Divorce and Eldership (2000)

The Role of Women (2001)

Baptism and Membership (2002)

Multi-Staff Churches (2003)

Secret Societies (2003)

Credentials and Multi-Staff Churches (2004)

The Role of Women (2004)

Weak and Declining Churches (2005)

Women as Deacons (2005)

The Millennium (2005)

Credentials and Multi-staff Churches (2005)

Distinction Between the Office of Pastor & Elder with Reference to Divorce (2006)

Articles Pertaining to Salvation (2006)

The Millennium (2006)

The Process and Purpose of God’s Calling People to Salvation (2007)

Women Serving as Deacons (2007)

The Steering Committee (towards new government) (2008)

Process & Purpose of God’s Calling People to Salvation (2008)

The Millennium (2008)

The Kingdom of God (2011) Study Papers

The Kingdom of God  (2012)

Article 21 – The Sabbath  (2012)

Immigration (2015)

Human Sexuality and Marriage (2015)

The Pauline Exception for Divorce (2017)

Prayer (2017)

Expositional Preaching (2019)

Expositional Preaching (2021)

Child Sexual Abuse (2021)

Sexual Identity (2021)

Sexual Identity (2022)

Family (2022)

Mode of Baptism in Regards to Membership (2023)

Abortion (2023)

Role of Women in the Church, 1 Tim. 2:12, Majority (2023)

Role of Women in the Church, 1 Tim. 2:12, Minority (2023)

Role of Women in the Church, 1 Tim. 2:12 (2024)

Eternal Conscious Torment (2024)

Mode of Baptism in Regards to People With Disabilities and Infirmities (2024)

Topical List of Study Committee Reports

Church Government

Stewardship Committee – Church Finances (1962)

Church Government (1963)

An Alternate Form of Church Government (1965)

Church Government Harmonization of the 1963 and 1965 Papers – (Included in 1966 Minutes)

Study Pulpit Supply (1967)

Church Discipline (1979)

Inter-Cultural Ministries (1990)

Weak and Declining Churches (2005)

Report of the Steering Committee (towards new government) (2008)

Church Life

Article 21 – The Sabbath  (2012)

Prayer (2017)

Expositional Preaching (2019)

Expositional Preaching (2021)

Church Membership

Church Membership (1969)

Local Church Membership Requirements (1986)

Local Church Membership Requirements (1987)

Baptism and Church Membership (1999)

Baptism and Membership (2000)

Baptism and Membership (2002)

Mode of Baptism in Regards to Membership (2023)

Mode of Baptism in Regards to People With Disabilities and Infirmities (2024)

Church Staff

Ordination (1965)

Multi-Staff Churches (2003)

Credentials and Multi-Staff Churches (2004)

Credentials and Multi-staff Churches (2005)


The Problem of Divorce (1965)

Divorce (1987)

Divorce and Eldership (1999)

Divorce and Eldership (2000)

Distinction Between the Office of Pastor & Elder with Reference to Divorce (2006)

The Pauline Exception for Divorce (2017)

End Times and Eternity

The Millennium (2005)

The Millennium (2006)

The Millennium (2008)

The Kingdom of God (2011) Study Papers

The Kingdom of God  (2012)

Eternal Conscious Torment (2024)


Articles Pertaining to Salvation (2006)

On the Process and Purpose of God’s Calling People to Salvation (2007)

Process & Purpose of God’s Calling People to Salvation (2008)

Sex and Sexuality

Homosexuality (1985)

Human Sexuality and Marriage (2015)

Child Sexual Abuse (2021)

Sexual Identity (2021)

Sexual Identity (2022)

Societal Issues

The Problem of Secret Societies (1964)

The Relationship Between Total Abstinence From Alcoholic Beverages and Church Membership (1985)

Tongues (1986)

Cults (1986)

A Biblical Response to the Epidemic of AIDS (1989)

Advanced Directives (1996)

Secret Societies (2003)

Immigration (2015)

Family (2022)

Abortion (1982), Abortion (2023)

Women in Church Ministry

The Role of Women in the Church (1977)

An Alternate Understanding of ‘The Biblical View of the Role of Women in the Church’ (1980)

The Role of Women (2001)

The Role of Women (2004)

Women as Deacons (2005)

Women Serving as Deacons (2007)

Role of Women in the Church, 1 Tim. 2:12, Majority (2023)

Role of Women in the Church, 1 Tim. 2:12, Minority (2023)

Role of Women in the Church, 1 Tim. 2:12 (2024)

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