November, 2005 Pleasant company and good conversation. They are at the heart of meetings of the Historical Society. If you were at Bethlehem on October 29, you enjoyed them. You enjoyed hearing about [...]
Read MoreJanuary, 2005 The holidays have ended again. You are either sad to see them go or somewhat relieved that they are over. I tend to get weary of the commercialism of the holidays and the schedule that c [...]
Read MoreThe Historical Society of the Bible Fellowship Church July, 2005 I hope your summer is going well. If it is, you are probably hanging out beside a pool or hibernating in an air conditioned room. Hot a [...]
Read MoreJune, 2005 I will use this edition to give you a report on the memorial giving towards the purchase of fire resistant cabinets. I am very glad and grateful for the response. [...]
Read MoreApril, 2005 I have spring fever. The day I have chosen to begin my work on this edition of historical remembrance is beautifully resplendent with golden sunshine and warm temperature. It is the sort o [...]
Read MoreAugust, 2004 This edition comes a little bit later than I had hoped. Something in my computer fried and I was not able to get access to this mailing list. I had backed up just about everything else bu [...]
Read More1904 Conference, Quakertown Court Case Reflections, and Salem Allentown Reflections: Society Newsletter
June, 2004 This edition of our presentation of timeless articles rolls out quickly after the last. I have several articles for your interest and pleasure. I will remind you that your follow up article [...]
Read MoreApril, 2004 The opportunity has rolled around again to publish another edition of this whatever. I talked recently to Joel Alderfer of [...]
Read More1951 Mizpah Grove Menu, 1937 Spring City Memories, and Quakertown Court Case: Society Newsletter
August, 2003 Greetings to all of you who love and enjoy the heritage and history of the Bible Fellowship Church. My enthusiasm a [...]
Read More1903 Conference, Little Albert Snyder’s Death, and What William Ellinger Didn’t Tell You: Society Newsletter
June, 2003 The 120th Annual Conference is now a part of our history. You might think that we have had 120 meetings like the one held this year. I know I can make things complex but we could use a [...]
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