Campbell Chronology


            July 25 – birth – Springfield Twp, Bucks County PA


            birth of Helena


August 27 – Census – Springfield Bucks Co. Father John, Mother Julyann, brother Samuel


September 11 – enrolled at Lehigh Co. and Philadelphia as private, Co. H. 2nd PA Heavy Artillery


            September 29 – captured in action at Chaffin’s Farm VA [New Market Heights]

            November 25 – wounded at Salisbury Prison NC 

            December – contracted scurvy due to starvation and exposure


            March 20 – Released from Confederate Prison

            treated at Spring Mill PA prior to discharge

            June 14 – discharged honorably

October 26 – Protective War Claim filed [filled out by 1st Lt. commanding co. H – can’t make out name. “Was present at his capture & received official notice of his death from Surgeon in charge of Hospital for reasons above stated. At ?Burkeville VA

            December 14 – Honorable discharge filed


            September 28 – marriage – to Helena S. Mann in Bethlehem by Issac K. Loos


            August 27 – birth of Flora


August 9 – Census – Springfield, Bucks Co. PA – Wife Helena, daughter Flora, occupation listed as shoemaker


            February 25 – birth of Minnie


            Conversion at protracted meeting under Jonas Musselman


            February 7 – birth of John


            Letter – George to Gospel Banner – April 1880 p. 62

            June 15 – Census – Springfield, Bucks Co. PA Wife Helena, Children, Flora, Minnie, John – Occupation – shoemaker

            November 10 – filed for invalid pension – Pleasant Valley , Centre Valley PA

            December – Letter Gospel Banner, Kate p 189


            March – Article Gospel Banner – p 35

            November Letter Gospel Banner – p 173


            February 2 – filed for pension increase – from Pleasant Valley PA


            February 12 – Affidavit filed from Thomas Winter / fellow prisoner, from San Francisco

            November Letter Gospel Banner, Flora M. 11/15/1883 pg 171 from Pleasant Valley


            July 31 – birth of Clarence Claude


February (Conference) – Declared a probationer

                        – appointed committee to examine songs to be published by W. B. Musselman

                        – assigned to Hatfield, Quakertown


            February (Conference) – assigned to Hatfield, Quakertown

                        – Committee to examine the evangelists


            February (Conference) – preached in English

                        – assigned to Hatfield, Quakertown

                        – committee on the temperance amendment

– committee to report on statistics about Bethlehem construction


            February (Conference) – preached in English

– assigned to Western, PA (Pleasant Unity, Westmoreland Cty, southwest of Latrobe)

                        – committee to oversee disbursement of home and heathen money

                        – approved for ordination


            February (Conference) – preached

– assigned to Western, PA (Pleasant Unity, Westmoreland Cty, southwest of Latrobe) from Verhandlungen, pg. 202, “9. Resolved: That Elder George Campbell, who supervises Westmoreland, Armstrong and Blair Counties, shall have authority to hold Quarterly Conferences, with permission to invite others preachers to assist when he wishes.”


[No pastoral assignment – Absent from Annual Conference – presented a letter with acceptable excuse – Conditional in pastoral assignment – Western PA to be assigned – Listed as local preacher]

May 4 – application for pension – Pleasant Valley PA [diagnosis – necrosis of lower jaw, gun shot wound of left side of back and bed sores – heart disease catarrh]


February – Annual Conference – Assigned to Reading – conditional roll call – Committees: Committee To Examine Minutes, Committee to examine slanderous letter to William Gehman


February – Annual Conference – Assigned to Reading – Committees, Correspondence, Finance, Gehman letter, Examine local preachers,


February – Annual Conference – Assigned to Reading – Committees, Worship, Statistics, Traveling preachers, – Conditional at roll call


February – Annual Conference – Assigned to Hatfield, Quakertown – Committees, Quarterly Conference Records, Examination of local preachers, to compile and print conference journal

August 22 – Declaration for invalid pension, applies for $6 per month [loss of teeth noted] – At Pleasant Valley, Bucks Co. PA

            October 16 – testimony for injuries – from John Hess – neighbor

            October 23 – testimony from Henry Funk


February – Annual Conference – Assigned to Hatfield, Quakertown – Committees, Examination of Candidates for ministry, Exam. for Ordination, auditing, English SS convention – conditional –


March – Annual Conference – Committees, Quarterly Conference Records, Exam Candidates for ministry – Assigned to New Tripoli, Northampton


March – Annual Conference – Committees, Candidates for ministry, Resolutions, Standing committee over presiding elder – Unconditional – Assigned to Graterford, Harleysville

            May 4 – Questionnaire complete for Bureau of Pensions – at Graterford


September – Annual Conference – comm on worship, Committee on examination of presiding elders, local preachers, missionaries, comm on examination of candidates for ordination – unconditional – Assigned to Graterford, Harleysville – vice presiding elder of Schuylkill Valley district

June 1 – Census – Perkiomen Twp. Montgomery Co. PA Wife Helena, Child Clarence C., occupation – clergyman.


October – Annual Conference – Committees, Examination Committee, exam of applicants, Executive Committee- unconditional – Assigned to Graterford, Harleysville

October – Ministerial Convention – Essay on “The Necessary Qualifications of an Applicant for the Ministry.”


October – Annual Conference – Committees, Examination of Presiding Eld, Local Preachers, etc., -treasurer of Ann. Conf. fund – unconditional, Assigned to Remps, Terre Hill


October – Annual Confernce – Committees, Exam. of Pres. Eld. etc, Exam of Applicants, -unconditional -Assigned to Remps, Terre Hill


October – Annual Conference – Committees, Communication, Quarterly conf records, executive comm.- unconditional – Assigned to Walnutport and New Tripoli

October – Ministerial Convention – essay “Deacons, etc.


October – Annual Conference – Committees, Communication, – unconditional – Assigned to Walnutport and New Tripoli


October – Annual Conference – Committees, Exam. of Applicants, – unconditional – Assigned to Walnutport and New Tripoli


July 25 – Declaration for pension, living at Walnutport, [places of residence – Springfield, Bucks Co., Pleasant Unity, Westmoreland County, Allentown, Lehigh Cty, Graterford Mont. Co ? Walnutport, Northampton Cty] Occupation listed as farmer

October – Annual Conference – Committees, Exam of Applicants – conditional – [no assignment – listed as local preacher for Quakertown, Hatfield]


October – Annual Conference – Committees, Exam of Traveling Elders, [no assignment, listed as local preacher for Quakertown, Hatfield]


October – Annual Conference – Committees, Exam of Trav. Eld. [no assignment, listed as local preacher for Quakertown, Hatfield]


April 21 Census Quakertown Boro – Wife Helena, child Claude (Claude’s occupation is cigar maker) Under George’s occupation, retired – own income

October – Annual Conference – Committees, Exam of Trav. Eld.

            November 15 -17 – Trip to Salisbury, NC, for dedication of Pennsylvania Monument


October – Annual Conference – Elder G. A. Campbell, of Quakertown, Pa., writes: – My hearts’ desire is to come to Conference, but it seems all pertaining to this life has an end. “I trust you will pardon me as my time has been, and I am perfectly satisfied. The Lord has been good to me. You must increase but I must decrease. I trust the Lord will deal kindly with you all and lead the work to His honor and glory.”

October – Ministerial Convention “The Committee has learned with sorrow that the Ministers G. A. Campbell and L. B. Taylor are unable to be present at this Convention on account of their physical condition. May the Lord greatly bless them.”

            November 7 – Death of George at Quakertown PA

            November 24 – Declaration for Widow’s pension filed [Helena age 64]

            December 16 – Drop pensioner [receiving $12 per month]


            Letter from A. R. Trumbauer [Justice of the Peace, Passer PA] to Robert E. Difenderfor, Washington DC – mailed death certificate, marriage certificate and affidavits from Cletus S. Weierbach and John W. Mease


            March 1 – death of Helena at Coopersburg PA [receiving $30 per month]

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