Cora I. Schearer, GW

Cora I. Schearer, GW

Cora was born on 26 August 1893 to William and Ellen (Stoudt) Schearer in the Lehigh Valley.  Some of Cora’s growing up years were in Reading where her father was a laborer in car shops and Cora and her sister Annetta worked as knitters in a hosiery mill. Her sister Annetta married MBC pastor William Heffner.   At some point Cora did the work as a Gospel Worker.  In those days in Eastern Pennsylvania, being a Gospel Worker was not necessarily a life commitment; one could also hold a paying job.  Cora did not stay with the Gospel Workers.  On 17 November 1922, she married R. Paul Schaeffer.  The marriage was performed by B. Bryan Musselman.  The couple settled in Allentown, Pa. where they raised their two children, Bryan and Doris.  Doris later became a missionary in France where she met and married Ron Hoyle.  Cora died on 18 June 1987 and is buried in Grandview Cemetery, Allentown. 

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