Gehret Family Genealogy Report

Descendants of Jacob GEHRET


Jacob GEHRET was born on 15 Apr 1846. He died on 21 May 1887 in Reading, Pennsylvania. Typhoid Fever He was buried in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania.

Jacob GEHRET and UNKNOWN were married. UNKNOWN was born. Jacob GEHRET and UNKNOWN had the following children:

              I. Adam B. GEHRET was born on 7 Jan 1867. He died on 1 Jun 1898 in Reading, Pennsylvania.

              Adam B. GEHRET and Ida DONEY were married. Ida DONEY was born. Adam B. GEHRET and Ida DONEY had the following children:

              A. Timothy GEHRET was born in 1885 in Terre Hill, Pennsylvania. He died on 21 Nov 1971 in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

              Timothy GEHRET and Esther DEPPE were married. Esther DEPPE was born. Timothy GEHRET and Esther DEPPE had the following children:

              1. Robert W. GEHRET was born.

              2. Marilyn GEHRET was born.

              B. Myron GEHRET was born.

              C. Esther GEHRET was born.

              Esther GEHRET and Horace A. KAUFFMAN were married. Horace A. KAUFFMAN (son of Charles L. KAUFFMAN and Ellen J. SCHOENLY) was born.

              II. Mary GEHRET was born in 1871.

              III. Fannie GEHRET was born in 1873.

              Fannie GEHRET and A. M. CLAUSER were married. A. M. CLAUSER was born.

              IV. Frank GEHRET was born in 1877.

              V. Hetty GEHRET was born in 1880.

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