Georgena Morgan, GW #174

Georgena Morgan, GW #174

Georgena was born on 7 February 1904 in England to George and Euphemia (McArthur) Morgan.  Sometime before 1926 Georgena’s father died and her mother married William MacMillan.  In 1926 Georgena’s brother emigrated to the United States followed by the rest of the family in 1927.  Their intention was to settle in Cleveland, Ohio, which they did.  In 1936 her step-father died; perhaps this is when she joined the Gospel Workers.  Georgena applied for naturalization and took the oath of allegience on 16 April 1937, witnessed by Gospel Workers Mary Musselman and Annie L. Halteman.  In 1940 she was still with the Gospel Worker Society and appears in the census with them.  She reports she had one year of high school.  Georgena did not stay with the Gospel Workers.  In the 1950 census she is listed with her sister and brother-in-law, a nephew, and her widowed mother.  Georgena’s occupation is binder worker at a book and draft publisher.  Apparently, she gained some marketable skills while a Gospel Worker.  Georgena died on 19 February 1990 and is buried in Cunningham Memorial Park in St. Albans, West Virginia where her sister and nephew are buried.  The photo below is from her naturalization papers.

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