Grace Violet Wolf, GW

Grace Violet Wolf, GW

Grace Wolf was born Grace Violette Kramer on 18 March 1907 in Mohrsville, Berks County, Pa. to Franklin T. and Catharine (Rentschler) Kramer.  In 1910 the Kramer family lived in Penn Township, Berks County, Pa. where Frank worked as a farmer.  Grace’s sister Florence also served as a Gospel Worker.  By 1930 Grace’s parents moved to Waverly, Virginia.  At some point Grace married a man by the name of Gardon, or Sardon but the marriage ended in divorce.  On 3 July 1931 Grace married widower Richard Wolf, 22 years her senior.  Sadly, Grace’s husband Richard died in 1939.  The following year shows Grace’s parents living with her in Waverly, Virginia where Grace’s mother died in 1942.  By 1950 Grace and her father had moved back to Reading, Pa. where Grace worked as a waitress. Grace took care of her widowed father until his death in 1955.  In Grace’s application to the Gospel Worker Society she declares she was born again on 25 August 1956, at age 49 years old. She came to the Gospel Worker Society on 29 January 1957.  She served in various capacities in the print shop for 20 years at which point she retired.  Grace died on 17 October 1986 and is buried in the Brooklyn Heights Cemetery in Cleveland with the other Gospel Workers. 

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