Jennie Goranflo, GW #10
Jennie was born in Ohio on 19 April 1880, the daughter of Jesse B. and Eulalia (LeVan) Goranflo. “It was during the momentous summer of 1914 just prior to the beginning of World War 1 that two missionaries, Mamie E. Caskie and Jennie E. Goranflo felt led of the Lord to come to Baltimore, Maryland to open a gospel mission. They had spent seventeen years of active service with the Gospel Workers Society of Cleveland, Ohio, a great faith in God, and $14.00 in money.” (Source: Grace and Hope Mission, Inc., Historical Sketch, online). In 1920, Jennie, along with Mamie Caskie and Edith Sherwin, were living in Baltimore as “Missionary Workers” at a mission. In 1940, she is listed as a lodger at the Grace and Hope Mission, along with dozens of other people. She died on 4 September 1941 in Allentown, Pa., and is buried in Woodlawn Cemetery in Baltimore. Below is a photo of Jennie Goranflo.