Leota Lillian Knopp, GW #160

Leota Lillian Knopp, GW #160

Leota was born on 11 December 1906 in Cambridge, Ohio to immigrant from Germany Charles W and Lillian L (Lang) Knopp.  Sadly, her father died in 1910, leaving Lillian with three-year-old Leota and five-month-old twins Albert and Albertha.  This little family was still together in 1920 in Cleveland, Ohio.  In the 1926 and 1927 Cleveland city directory, Leota was working as a stenographer and then a bookkeeper at Cleveland Blow Pipe Company.  She was still living with her mother at the time.  By 1930 she had joined the Gospel Workers and was engaged in city missions work in Pittsburgh, Pa., along with four other Gospel Workers.  By 1940 Leota is living in Cleveland with the main group of the Gospel Workers.  Also in that census is reported that Leota had four years of high school.  The June 14, 1952 issue of the Gospel Herald reports that Leota worked twelve years with city missions work in Cleveland, Youngstown, and Pittsburgh.  She became the editor of the “Christan Life Series” Sunday School Quarterlies and “The Bible Expositor and Illuminator.” In the same article it is stated that Leota was associated with the Plymouth Brethren Church in Cleveland.  Leota died on 23 August 1992 in Cleveland, Ohio, and is buried in the Brooklyn Heights Cemetery with other Gospel Workers. 

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