Levi Jung – 1863 Diary

Levi Jung – 1863 Diary


Thurs. 1 – At about 10 o’clock A. M. I left the house of Rev. Jonas Musselman Footnote where I came yesterday on a visit. David Musselman his father took me on his carriage to Emaus. From there I walked to Allentown and distributed some tracts on the way. In A. I bought a quire of paper 8 copies (german) of “Heart of Man” for $1.00 envelopes etc. I also bought a trunk for $3.25. I went with the cars to Bethlehem and also took the trunk along and left it at my uncle L. Geissinger. I came home again (at Trumbauer’s Footnote ) at 10 o’clock P. M. I had left last Monday a week. May the Lord bless any labors in the conversions of souls. I will by the grace of God labor more earnestly for the salvation of souls this year than I did last year.

Frid. 2 – Today we thrashed rye. In the evening I spoke with uncle John Hiestand about religion. He is not quite well since last Wednesday when he no doubt had a touch of apoplexy. I also wrote a letter to my cousin Peter Y. Landis and sent a tract to Mrs. Emma E. Yoder with the title Joseph Frestnet. (german) During my journey I had much spiritual happiness and so I had today. O that all knew that the Lord is precious.

Sat. 3 – This forenoon we cleaned the rye. We thrashed yesterday. In the afternoon we cleaned the stables. In the evening I wrote a letter to Sarah Clemmer whom I lately saw in meeting weeping at H. Diehl Footnote . I also spoke a little to old John and helped him in undressing. May the Lord make of him an heir of heaven for Christ’s sake. I also wrote a letter to cousin Peter Yoder.

Sun. 4 – This forenoon I read a sermon from Denner’s sermons to old John and also in presence of Mrs. R. Beaver and Mrs. Trumbauer. The text was from John 3:1-6. I also prayed after I was done reading. I felt the presence of God. In the afternoon I was at home. I the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Christian Bleam. I opened the meeting and read the 11th chap. of Math and made a few remarks. Tilghman Seipel made remarks in English and offered prayer in german. May the Lord guide me by his Spirit and use me as an humble instrument in bringing some to Christ. To day I spoke a good deal to John T. about his salvation.

Mon. 5 – This forenoon we put straw in the dung yard. In the P. M. we thrashed 585 sheaves of wheat which was the last. In the evening we had a prayer meeting in uncle John’s room. I read the 5th chap of Math. and made a few remarks greatly assisted from above. I received today a letter from Joel Spengler.

Tues. 6 – This forenoon we cleaned the wheat we thrashed yesterday. In the P. M. we thrashed 359 sheaves rye. In the evening I wrote letters to Charles Gehman Footnote , Miss E. Shelly and P. G. Shelly. Of the two last I kept copies. Today I helped to thrash rye with the flail Daniel Geissinger’s were here on a visit. In the evening I wrote a letter to Rev. Sam’l Moyer but kept a copy of it. Received a letter of Enos Y. Landis.

Wed. 7 – Also wrote a letter to Amanda Shelly.

Thurs. 8 – Today I helped to thrash with flail. Win. Odenwelter & wife were here on a visit. In the evening I made out an order for books & tracts to the A. T. Society in the amount $6.45.

Frid. 9 – Today we thrashed with flails. In the evening I was in Weaversville in store and sent the order for books which I made yesterday evening. On my way home I spoke to Noah Spengler about his soul’s salvation.

Sat. 10 – In the morning, I took Joseph Schmick’s corn sheller home. The remainder of the day we thrashed rye. In the evening I went to see Jacob Shelby who is sick and also distressed about his soul. I prayed with him and exhorted him by God’s help and left again about 2 o’clock Sun morning.

Sun. 11 – This forenoon I read a sermon of Denner’s to uncle John and Trumbauers on Luke 16:19-23. In the afternoon I was at home and spoke to Laura T. She was in tears and promised to give her heart to Christ. May God help her to keep her vow. At half past 3 o’clock I left and went to see Shelby again. He has not found the Savior yet but I hope and pray he will soon be able to exclaim “I know that my Redeemer Liveth.” In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Stephen Funk. I read the 25th chap. of Math. and made some remarks.

Mon. [12] – Today I filed a saw. We thrashed a Httle etc. In the evening I received two letters one from Sam’l Landis and the other of Sarah Clymer whom I wrote last week. I saw her for the first and last time so far at the house of Henry Diehl and in tears. I wrote a letter to Rev. Jonas Musselman and also one to Sarah Clymer.

Tues. 13 – Today we cleaned rye. I spoke again to Laura T. She promised again to seek the Savior. In the evening I wrote a letter to my father but kept a copy of it. May the Lord bless it to his soul.

Wed. 14 – Today we cut straw and corn stalks & and cleaned the stables etc.

Thurs. 15 – Today we cut and sawed firewood. In the evening I was at the house of Thos. Clendinen where Rev. Irvin was to have a prayer meeting but as he was not present I was called for and read the 15th chap. of Luke and made some remarks. I had very much the assistance from above.

Frid. 16 – Today we prepared firewood again, etc.

Sat. 17 – In the forenoon we cleaned the stables then we commenced to thrashed the oats and thrashed 621 sheaves yet. In the evening I wrote a letter to Joel Spengler and one to John Steinbach. Today I spoke again to Laura Trumbauer. She again promised to seek the Savior now. O may she soon be able to exclaim “I know that my Redeemer liveth.”

Sun. 18 – This forenoon I read a sermon to uncle John H. by Denners on Song of Solomon 3:2-4. In the afternoon I spoke to Laura T. again about her soul’s salvation. In the evening Iwas in prayer meeting at the house of Abraham Bleam. I read the 6th Chap. of Hebrews.

Mon. 19 – This forenoon Mr. Trumbauer and I cut a cherry tree. In the afternoon I helped to pile up rails. In the evening I went to the house of Jacob Shelby who had died when I came there.

Tues. 20 – Today I went to the house of Jno. Reichert to inform him of the death and burial of Mr. Shelby. In the evening I received the books & tracts I ordered lately. Mr. Shelby professed to have found peace by believing in Jesus about a week previous to his death. I hope it was true repentance though I do not know positively as I do not know the scenes of his last hours. I borrowed 35 cents of uncle Daniel Geissinger today.

Wed. 21 – Today we thrashed with the flail and cleaned the stables. In the evening I wrote a letter to Daniel Geissinger enclosing 35 cents which I borrowed yesterday, also 2 tracts I enclosed. I also wrote a letter to Andrew Walter, a whole sheet full. May the Lord bless it to his conversion is my prayer. I also enclosed 2 tracts german Nos. 87 & 97 and english handbills Nos. 64 & 73.

Thurs. 22 – This forenoon I was at the funeral of Jacob Shelby. Rev. Schantz of Catasauqua preached on Heb. 4:9-11. His age was 52 years 8 months 27 days. Laura Trumbauer rode with me to the funeral. I spoke much to her on the way about her soul’s salvation. May the Lord bless it to her conversion. She again said she would give her heart to Christ. When I came home I helped to thrash with flail.

Frid. 23 – In the forenoon we loaded a load hay etc. In the afternoon I cleaned the stables etc. In the evening I wrote a letter to Susanna Weisbach and one to Hannah B. Detweiler.

Sat. 24 – Today we thrashed 900 sheaves rye.

Sun. 25 – This forenoon I read a sermon for uncle John H. and also prayed with him. In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Sam’l Smith. I read the 40th Psalm and made a few remarks.

Mon. – 26 This forenoon we sawed and split firewood. In the afternoon we cleaned the rye that we thrashed on Sat.

Tues. 27 – This forenoon we cleaned the stables etc. In the afternoon I split firewood. In the evening I was at the house of the dec’d Jacob Shelby.

Wed. 28 – Today we thrashed sheaves rye. It snowed today for the most time. In the evening I wrote a letter to my uncle Jacob M. Yoder. I enclosed tract No. 124 E and 168 G. and Nos. 8 & 84 Handbills.

Thurs. 29 – This forenoon we cleaned the rye we thrashed yesterday. In the afternoon we thrashed corn. I received a letter of Charles S. Gehman.

Frid. 30 – This forenoon we cleaned the stables etc. In the afternoon we thrashed corn again and got one corn crib empty. I received a letter from my cousin Peter Yoder. In the evening I was in meeting in the Evangelical Church where Rev. Christian Bleam preached on Luke 13-24. There were the penitents pleading for mercy in the meeting one which was Alice Weaver one of my school mates.

Sat. 31 – In the forenoon we cleaned corn etc- In the afternoon we did sundry work. In the evening Mr. and Mrs. Trumbauer were not at home then we sung several hymns and I prayed before we went to bed.


Sun. 1 – This forenoon I read a sermon from Denner’s Book on Ps. 51:12 and also offered prayer. In the afternoon I read in the Bible etc. and “The Lord’s Day” by Gesner. In the evening I was at the house of Jacob Shelby in prayer meeting where I read the 13th Chap of Luke and made a few remarks. There were only a few persons present. On my way home I spoke to Amos Meyers (teacher) in regard to his soul’s salvation. He confessed that he is without a good hope for heaven. When I came home it was almost 11 o’clock. I wrote a letter to him yet and enclosed several tracts. I also sent a tract to Henry Clemens and to Wm. A Doerle & Levi Ulmer. May the Lord bless them to their conversion.

Mon. 2 – Today we butchered 4 hogs. In the evening I was in meeting in the E. A. new church near Bleam’s. Rev. I. Hess preached on Rom. 2:4. There were 4 penitents crying for mercy.

Tues. 3 – In the forenoon I cut apple trees etc. In the afternoon cut apple wood.

Wed. 4 – Today cut and sawed apple wood. In the evening I heard that my friend Wm H. Beaver  is sick. In the evening I was at Bath and ordered Rev. E. Herschey’s  Important Questions to be printed by J. S. Dreisbach. I spoke much with Mr. & Mrs. Dreisbach about religion. May the Lord bless it to their conversion is my prayer.

Thurs. 5 – In the forenoon we hauled apple wood. In the afternoon we did sundry work.

Frid. 6 – In the forenoon we cut corn stalks. In the afternoon we split apple wood. In the evening I was at Bath again about Mr. Herschey’s Important Questions to be printed. I loaned Baxter’s Saints Rest and Reformed Pastor to Mr. Dreisbach and also borrowed a book of him.

Sat. 7 – Today John T. and I took a toad of rye to Bethlehem.

Sun. 8 – This forenoon I read a sermon again and offered prayer in uncle John H.’s room. In

the P. M. I read in the Bible. I read today the greater part of Psalms. In the evening I was in

prayer meeting of Mrs. Shelby where I read the 3rd chap. of John and made a few remarks. I

had much spiritual darkness this evening.

Mon. 9 – This forenoon I helped to load corn and split wood. In the afternoon I loaded corn again and carried some in the grainery and helped to load hay for Mr. Savage. I rece. 3 letters by from Sarah Clymer, Antonetta Shelly & Amanda Shelly. In the evening I wrote a letter to Francis Stifflet for Jos. Schmick enclosing tracts Nos. 124 & 378 and Handbill No 164. I also wrote a letter to Jno. Trumbauer of Nazareth enclosing tract No. 548 and Handbill 12. May the Lord bless them to their souls is my prayer. My faith was strengthened this evening while read Antonetta Shelly’s letter as she stated that my letter did her good. To God be all the honor that He wishes to use me for some good to immortal souls.

Tues. 10 – Today I helped to clean the stalls and did other small jobs.

Wed. 11 – Today we thrashed a rye stack with 200 sheaves what we only hauled in the barn. In the evening I wrote a letter to Charles S. Gehman and one to my sisters which I pray the Lord may bless to their souls. Also wrote one to Antonetta Shelly.

Thurs. 12 – This morning early uncle John Hiestand had a slight attack of palsy. This forenoon we cleaned the rye we thrashed yesterday. In the afternoon I was at the house of Abraham Hiestand and bought Buchner’s Hand Concordance.

Fri. 13 – In the forenoon I carried wood for uncle John and helped to clean the stables. In the afternoon we made ready to thrash tomorrow.

Sat. 14 – Today we thrashed rye. In the evening I was in Bath to fetch the Important Questions but they were not printed yet.

Sun. 15 – This forenoon I read a sermon for uncle John H. The afternoon I spent in reading & prayer. In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Stephen Funk. I read the 2nd chap of Titus and made a few remarks.

Mon. 16 – This forenoon we cleaned rye. In the afternoon I sawed fire wood.

Tues. 17 – Today Mr. Trumbauer got Wm. Drach for another servant besides me. Today we hauled a rye stack in the bam & cleaned the stables etc. etc.

Wed. 18 – Today I sawed wood etc. etc. I received a letter of Sarah M. Seyfert.

Thurs. 19 – Today we thrashed 1200 sheaves of rye.

Frid. 20 – This forenoon we thrashed again and commenced to clean it. In the afternoon we cleaned the rye etc.

Sat. 21 – This forenoon I helped to put the grain in bags which we cleaned yesterday and to clean the stables. I received this forenoon 200 “Important Questions” half of which were German. In the afternoon I sawed wood etc.

Sun. 22 – This forenoon I read a sermon for uncle John Hiestand from Denner’s book of sermons. In the afternoon I read tracts etc. Today it snowed so that I was no in prayer meeting in the evening which was to be at the house of Christian Bleam.

Mon. 23 – Today we thrashed a crib full of corn. Wm. Odenwelder & wife &. Mr. Reese &

wife were here with the sled.

Tues. 24 – This forenoon we cleaned the horse stables etc. Yesterday I received a letter of

Tilghman Seipel.

Wed. 25 – This forenoon we cleaned some corn again and cleaned the cow stables etc. In the afternoon I hauled a load of corn with the sled to Kreidersville to Laubach’s Mill. In the evening I wrote a letter for Amanda G. Shelly.

Thurs. 26 – Today I did sundry work around the house.

Frid. 27 – This forenoon we thrashed oats. In the afternoon we cleaned part of the oats.

Sat. 28 – This forenoon we cleaned the oats, cleaned the stables etc. In the afternoon we hauled the corn crops out of the bam in the wood shed etc. In the evening I wrote a letter to Tilghman J. Seipel. I had much spiritual darkness for some time past and I must partly ascribe it to my immoderate eating into which temptation I yielded much more than I should have done. I feel the presence of God in this moment more than I did for some time and have resolved by the grace of God to be more moderate in eating and serve him more faithfully than I have heretofore. May the Lord grant grace to deny myself and be a faithful laborer in His vineyard. Amen.


Sun. -1 This forenoon I read a sermon in Uncle John Hiestand’s room on John 3:16 from Denner’s Book of Sermons and at the close offered a prayer. In the afternoon I read the Bible the latter part of the Book of Isaiah and the whole of the prophet Jeremiah. After supper I went to the house of Chas. Wagner and exhorted Mrs. Wagner who is sick. I read to her the 3rd chap. of John and the 8th chap of Romans and prayed with her. After this went to the house of Christian Bleam where we had prayer meeting. I read the 19 chap of Luke & made a few remarks and had much assistance by God’s Spirit. After I came home I wrote a short letter to Wm. H. Beaver and sent him a few tracts.

Mon – 2 This forenoon I was in Bath and good? the rest of the Important Questions which J. S. Dreisbach printed for me. He printed 350 copies german and 250 English copies making in all 600 for which I paid $3.75 yet who bought 2 books for 75 cents so that I gave him only $3. In the afternoon I sawed wood. In the evening I wrote a letter to my cousin Enos M. Landis and spoke a good deal to Wm. Drach about his soul. He was much affected but does not seem willing yet to forsake all for Christ. My prayer for him ascends to God.

Tues. – 3 This forenoon I cleaned the stables. In the afternoon I helped Mr. Trumbauer a little in the shop. Today 6 years was my father’s vendue at this place. How different as my condition then to what it is now. Then I was serving Satan and was respected by my father but now I am serving God. I have lost his esteem but thanks to God that I learned to love the Lord and that I became willing to resign my heart to Christ. May He guide me safe through the vain world and may the Lord soon open my father’s eyes and bring him unto true repentance is my earnest prayer for Jesus sake. Amen.

Wed. – 4 This forenoon we hauled a rye stack in the bam. In the afternoon Mr. Trumbauer went to the vendue at Homer’s and also the boys but I stayed at home and looked over some of my letters that I received in the years 1855 to 1861. I wrapt them together. They were 73 in number. I also wrote a letter to Schafer and Koradi in Phila and in the evening one to Hannah B. Detweiler and commenced to write John M. Yoder’s conversion in this book. Wrote a letter to his wife enclosing tract No. 24 Handbill No. 90 and Imp. Questions. Wrote

of a copy of the letter.

Thus. – 5 Today we thrashed a rye stack on which were 1250 sheaves.

Frid. – 6 This morning I cleaned the horse stables. Then Mr. T and I loaded a load of hay and John T. and I took it to Catasauqua. I received a letter of Susanna Weirbach. Today 8 years ago today my grandfather Peter Young changed time for eternity. How near my dying hours is God alone knows but I hope through grace to enter heaven when that arrives. May the Lord give grace that I may watch and pray and serve Him with a humble heart and faithfully to the end.

Sat. – 7 This forenoon we cleaned rye and I also cleaned the cattle stables. In the afternoon we cut straw for the horses etc.

Sun. – 8 This forenoon I read a sermon in Uncle John’s room out of Denner’s sermons. In the afternoon I read in the Bible and other religious books. In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Abraham Bleam and read the 3rd Chapter of Romans and made a few remarks. Felt myself assisted by God’s Spirit.

Mon. – 9 Today I helped to thrash with the flail. Daniel Knauss and wife and a Mr. Taylor from the west came here this afternoon. Rec’d a letter from W. H. Beaver.

Tues. -10 Today we hauled togs for a wash house and also rails for fence.

Wed. -11 This forenoon I cleaned the stables and cut a little wood. In the afternoon I went to Saucon to the house of Chas. Gehman to take broom handles up for Jos. Schmick. In the evening there was a prayer meeting at Gehman’s house. I was called upon to open the meeting which I did. I read the 4th chap. of Hebrews and made some remarks. We had a happy meeting I felt myself much refreshed in it among my brothers and sisters in the Lord. Rev. Schultz  was also in the meeting.

Thurs. -12 This morning at about 8 o’clock I left Gehman’s house and stopped a short time at the house of John Yoder sen. where Rev. Schultz was. At about half past 9 o’clock I came home and stayed only about half an hour or a little more and loaded 30 broom handles and 270 at Wm. Landis turning mill. It was 2 o’clock P. M. when I came to the house of Daniel Geissinger. Here I fed the horse and took dinner. I came to Mr. Trumbauer a little after sunset. Here to my surprise I learned that Sam’1 Weaver died yesterday almost suddenly. I then took the broom handles to Jos. Schmick’s house. He [?] me 25 cents however was willing to give more yet I refused to take more.

Frid. -13 Today we threshed with the flails. I received a letter from Schafer and Koradi and

one of Rev. Jonas Musselman.

Sat. -14 This forenoon we hauled a rye stack in the bam and cleaned the stables. In the

afternoon Reuben Beaver had vendue. I was however not present. I wrote a letter Schaefer

and Koradi enclosing $1.78 for 19 copies “Herz des Menschen.” Also wrote a letter to Wm.

H. Beaver enclosing tract No. 236. I wrote nearly a sheet full. I also sent Henry Setteger the

german tracts Nos. 168 and 182 and to his sister Catherine the german tract No. 75 and

Herschey’s Important Questions german.

Sun. -15 This forenoon I read a sermon from Denner’s Book and ended by offering prayer.

In the afternoon I read in the Bible from the prophets. In the evening I was in prayer meeting

at the house of Sam’1 Smith. I read the 10th Chap. of St. John and made a few remarks during

which I felt myself greatly assisted by God’s Spirit.

Mon. -16 This forenoon we cut straw and corn stalks and went to the mill. In the afternoon I worked a little about the house. The others were all gone to Sam’1 Weaver’s funeral who was buried this afternoon. He brought his pilgrim days on earth to 54 years 2 months 27 days. Rev. Fuchs preached on Luke 12:35-41. Sent Important Questions to Rev. Strauss and [?]. How frail is man and how uncertain his life. By the grace of God I am determined to save my immortal soul and serve my Lord Jesus through all trials and temptations that death will not prove a “King of terror” but a welcome angel to transport me to heaven where sorrow is forever ended.

Tues. -17 This forenoon we thrashed 733 sheaves rye. In the afternoon I helped to haul and

to stack in the barn.

Wed. -18 This forenoon I cleaned the stables. In the afternoon I worked a little in the wood and helped to load hay etc. In the evening I spoke to Jacob and Laura Trumbauer urging them to repent now before forever too late. May the Lord bless it.

Thurs. -19 Today we cut firewood and did other sundry work.

Frid. – 20 This forenoon we thrashed oats. In the afternoon we sawed and cut fire wood for Uncle J. Hiestand. I received 3 letters of T. J. Seiple, Jacob M. Yoder and Wm. J. Landis. The latter my cousin informed me that he found the Savior. May the Lord bless him. In the evening I wrote a letter to my uncle Jacob enclosing german tract Nos. 87 and 184 and german Im. Ques.

Sat. – 21 Today we hauled a rye stack in the barn of 1660 sheaves and did other sundry work.

Sun. – 22 This forenoon I read a sermon out of Denner’s Book on Rev. 3:20 and closed by prayer. In the afternoon I read in the Bible. I was alone at home in the afternoon with the exception of John H. and Laura. I spoke a good to Laura T. about her soul’s salvation. May the Lord bless it to her soul for Jesus’ sake. In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Jacob Shelby (dec’d). I read the 1 chap. 1 Peter and made a few remarks.

Mon. – 23 Today I helped to hew timber to build a wash house.

Tues. – 24 This forenoon we thrashed 635 sheaves of rye. In the afternoon we cut and sawed fire wood for Uncle John H. I rec’d a letter from Sarah Clymer. In the evening I went to Dr. Riegel’s to get medicine who has a bad cold.

Wed. – 25 This forenoon it was raining and did not work for Mr. T. but wrote a letter to Sarah Clymer and one for George Muller of England and kept a copy of the latter. In the afternoon I was in Weaversville in store and bought 3 yards panting at 70c per yd. and took the letters in P. O. that I wrote this forenoon.

Thurs. – 26 This forenoon I cut wood for the bake oven etc. In the afternoon I helped to saw and cut firewood for Uncle John H. Yesterday Uncle John gave me $5 as recompense for labor that I did on him.

Frid. – 27 Last night I felt very bad and vomit several times. The reason doubtless was I ate yesterday too freely wintergreen and drank maple surp. and also rather ate immoderately at the table. This morning I felt better again. We sowed a field with clover seed this morning, then we went in the woods and sawed and cut fire wood.

Sat. – 28 This morning we sowed a second field with clover seed. Then we cut corn stalks for the cattle etc. In the afternoon we thrashed 717 sheaves rye. I feel now again pretty well. I intend by the grace of God to live more moderate in eating as I am too well aware that I generally eat too much. May the Lord help me to overcome this passion.

Sun. – 29 This forenoon I read a sermon again on Matth. 6:24-34 which was an excellent one. I also prayed after I was done reading it. This forenoon I also got done reading the Old Testament. I read it through from beginning to end. The New Tes. I read through 3 times once before my conversion and twice after that. I intend by the grace of God to read more in God’s word in future and less the work of uninspired men. In the afternoon I commenced to read “Edward’s History of Redemption” and also commenced to read in the Old Testament, In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of S. Funk. I read the 1 st chap. of Mark and was much assisted in making several remarks by the Spirit of God. To Him be all the honor and may He bless it to the souls of the hearers.

Mon. – 30 This forenoon we put Uncle John H.’s tools and things out of his shop as we intend to pull it down. In the afternoon we cleaned the rye which we thrashed last Saturday.

Tues. – 31 This forenoon we cleaned the stables etc. In the afternoon we pulled the floors partly out of the old house.


Wed. 1 – This forenoon I was in Weaversville and had intended to go to Catasaqua but Wm. Drach received a letter that he should go home today therefore I returned again. In the afternoon I helped to pull the remaining floor out of the old house. Of late I have had many temptations of Satan. They are about a place for next summer. My prayer is that the Lord will make clear to me whether it is for his glory that I stay in this neighborhood or not and I have now confidence that my prayer will be answered in one way or other.

Thurs. 2 – This forenoon I pulled out the stairs from the old house. In the afternoon I prepared kindling wood for uncle John Hiestand. Today 6 years we moved away from this place and little did I expect that it would be my home again in less than 6 years. How different our ways from those of Providence. Where I shall I be in 6 years to come God alone knows. Perhaps no more among the living is so I expect by the grace of Jesus to be in heaven above then.

Good Frid. 3 – This morning at about 1 o’clock Mr. Trumbauer awoke me as uncle John seemed unwell again. We discovered that he had by appearance an attack of apoplexy. At

four o’clock Wm. Drach left to procure a physician, Mr. Kern of Bath who came at about 6 o’clock and declared that uncle John was quite insensible. This afternoon I was in the P. O. in

Weaversville and got my pants which Mrs. Houser made for 40 cents. Uncle John is insensible yet this evening.

Sat. 4 – This morning at half past 4 o’clock uncle John Hiestand expired. His soul is before the bar of God to meet its everlasting reward. This morning I helped to clean the horse stables and oxen stalls. Then I dressed myself to go home to my parents to inform them of the death of uncle John. In Bethlehem I bought a gold pen and silver pencil for $1.25. At the Bethlehem Depot I met the Rev. David Henning  who likewise went to Centre Valley Station. I went directly from the station to my father’s house.

Easter Sun. 5 – This morning I went at 9 O’clock to see John Steinbach who lives at present in my father’s house. I spoke to him and his wife about their soul’s salvation. Left at half past 10 o’clock and went to the house of Chas. Gehman where I heard part of a sermon yet by Rev. Wm. Desh. In the afternoon I was in meeting again under a sermon by Rev. Henning on 1 Cor. 1:30. I closed by making a few remarks and offering prayer. I felt very serious while speaking and noticed a few women in tears which encouraged me in speaking. After supper I left Gehman’s and went to the house of Rev. A. Strawn  .

Easter Mon. 6 – This morning at 9 o’clock I went on the cars at Coopersburg to go home again. I arrived home again. I arrived at the house of S. Trumbauer my present home at about 1 o’clock P.M. tired but thankful to Providence for bring me back safely. Yesterday John S[?] revealed to me about my father which encouraged me to pray more earnestly for his soul’s salvation. The thing he told me I promised to conceal which I will by God’s help. This afternoon I wrote a letter to my cousin Wm. Y. Landis. Jacob Shelly and wife were the only relatives that came here this evening.

Tues. 7 – Today uncle John was buried. Father and mother and sisters Susanna and Elizabeth were at the funeral also. He was buried at the Mennonite Meeting House. Rev. C. Becker at the house and Rev. A. Fuchs preached the funeral sermon in the Howertown Church on Psalms 39:5-8. His age was 77 years 4 months 3 days. He was bom Dec. 1,1785 and April 4,1863. This afternoon I wrote a letter yet to Aunt Mary in Ohio. This evening I spoke to Mr. Trumbauer about staying at his house during the summer and I now resolved to if I can get a place to get my washing done.

Wed. 8 – This morning at about 8 o’clock my parents & sisters left for home. I left a little past ten o’clock to go the house ofWm. Odenwelder. On the way there I sold books to the amount of $2.37. I came to his house a little before dark. Before we retired I read the 8th chap of Romans and offered prayer. May the Lord bless the labors of this day.

Thurs. 9 – This morning at about 8 o’clock I left the house of Mr. Odenwelder to go about the neighborhood to sell books. At noon I was at the house of Andrew Walter. I came to Odenwelder’s at about 4 o’clock P.M. In the evening Mr. Odenwelder and I went to see Andrew Walter again. I offered prayer before we left.

Frid. 10 – This morning I left Odenwelder’s and went to Andrew Walter’s who went with me to the Poor House. I distributed many tracts there. I came home at 5 o’clock. Then I went to Royer’s yet to get my boots mended. Yesterday I sold books to the amount of $1.31 & today $1.23, in all during my journey, $4.91. This evening settled with Mr. Trumbauer. I earned $70.50 and 75 cents he owed me for books etc. and $52.76 he had given me in cash so it came that he owed me still $18.47 but the cents he gave me so he owes me still $18.

Sat. 11 – This forenoon I sowed clover seed. In the afternoon took the shingles for the old house.

Sun. 12 – This forenoon I was in Howertown in church. Rev. Becker had the communion of the Lord’s supper. Rev. Leimbach preached on 1 Cor. 11:23″28. In the afternoon I was at home reading etc. In the evening I was to meeting at the house of Christian Bleam. I read the 4th chap of Mark and made a few remarks.

Mon. 13 – This forenoon I picked stones. In the afternoon helped to pull down the old house. Rec’d a letter of Enos Y. Landis and wrote answer in the evening. Also in the evening ordered books and tracts of the A. T. S. for $6.01 and contributed $1.00 for the missionary cause. Also ordered 20 copies “Hertz des Menschen” of Schafer and Koradi.

Tues. 14 – This forenoon I helped to haul dung on the piece of ground for early potatoes and helped to haul logs for the wash house. In the afternoon I harrowed after the oats were sown. In the evening I wrote a letter to T. J. Seiple.

Wed. 15 – This morning we measured up potatoes and then, planted the early potatoes. Also planted some yet in the afternoon. Then I worked a little at the old house till half past 3 o’clock P.M. when it commenced to rain. Then I wrote a letter to Antonetta Shelly and went to Royer’s Shop to fetch my boots.

Thurs. 16 – Today it rained. In the forenoon I was in Weaversville and read. In the afternoon I wrote a letter to Rev. A. Tucks and kept a copy. Also enclosed I. Q. ger. and tract No. 168. In the evening I copied the appraisement of Uncle John. It amounted to $23448.23.

Frid. 17 – This morning I took the scholars to school. Then I went to the house of David Bleam and spent the day there. In the evening I took the scholars home again.

Sat. 18 – This forenoon I worked at the old house. In the afternoon I helped to pick stones. In the evening my cousin Enos Y. Landis came here. We spent the evening in conversation on religion and also sang.

Sun. 19 – This forenoon cousin left again. I was this forenoon in Howertown in Sunday School which was the first for this spring. I got 4 children to teach. I feel this a responsible work to teach these young souls the way to heaven. May the Lord guide me and show me how to teach and give me zeal and more love to win immortal souls. In afternoon I was in church in Bath which Rev. Bachman preached on 1 Cor. 1:20. In the evening I was in meetings at the house of Abraham Bleam. I read the 23rd chapter of Luke and made some remarks and was followed by R. C. Becker.

Mon. 20 – This morning I started to go to Quakertown. I got dinner at Geo. Schafer’s. I came in Quakertown to the house of Rev. Shelly at a little before 9 o’clock.

Tues. 21 – This morning Bro. Shelly and I went to see Rev. Diehl who is sick of a fever. At dinner time we were at the home of Daniel Weirbach. In the afternoon I went to C. Sellig and at Jacob Shelby I took supper and went to Jonas Fretz to stay during night.

Wed. 22 – This morning I went to Lewis Snyder and went with him to Coopersburg then I went home and came to John Yoder a little before noon. In the afternoon I went to see Samuel Musselman and got the book that I loaned of John Hiestand. At supper I was at Jacob Landis. In the evening I was in prayer meeting at Chas. Gehman. I read the 10th chap of John. After meeting I went home with Wm. Minninger. We were up till about 2 o’clock and I was much encouraged in my way to immortality by our conversation.

Thurs. 23 – This morning I went to Centre Valley and went with the cars to Bethlehem and was at dinner at Daniel Geisinger’s. In the afternoon I went with A. Leh to Weaversville. There I got my books and tracts of the A. T. S. I also received a letter from Hannah B. Detweiler. Thus God brought me safe home again for which I feel very thankful. This evening I sent a few tracts to Dr. Kern.

Frid. 24 – This morning I wrote a letter to Andrew Walter and read “Porters’ Evidences” yet in

the forenoon. In the afternoon I went away with books and got supper at the house of Mrs. Gersbach.

Sat. 25 – Today I threshed. I worked only 3/4 days. In the evening I was in [?] meeting in Catasauqua where Rev. Henry Desh preached on 1 Cor. 1:23. When I reached home again it was nearly midnight.

Sun. 26 – This forenoon I was in Sunday school and taught my class and in church where Rev. Fuchs preached on Luke 24:29-31 and had the communion of the Lord’s Supper. In the afternoon I was at the house of Geo. Schafer and read a short time for Mrs. Schafer. In the evening I was in meeting at the house of Sam’l Smith. I read the 7th chap of Math and made a few remarks and was much assisted from above.

Mon. 27 – Today I made fence. In the evening wrote a letter to Wm. N. Shelly  .

Tues. 28 – This forenoon I made fence. In the afternoon loaded dung.

Wed. 29 – Today I loaded dung. We got done hauling dung for the present.

Thurs. 30 – This forenoon I made fence. In the afternoon I cleaned the stalls etc. In the evening I was in meeting at the house of Abraham Bleam. I read the 3rd chap. of Jonah and made a few remarks.


Frid. 1 – This forenoon I made fence. In the afternoon I worked at the old house and made a little preparation for Uncle John’s vendue. Received a letter from my uncle Aaron Yoder.

Sat. 2 – This forenoon I and A. Bleam prepared the meeting house for tomorrow. This afternoon the vendue of Uncle John took place. I bought books to the amount of $1.27, 6 in all.

Sun. 3 – This forenoon I was in meeting where Rev. Wm. N. Shelly preached on Psalm 126:5- 6. During dinner time I was at the house of Abraham Hiestand with Rev. Shelly and also Wm. Mininger. In the afternoon Rev. Shelly preached in the Howertown Church on 1 Cor. 2-5. We had a serious meeting. In the evening we had meeting at the house of Jacob Shelby. I got supper at the house of C. Bleam. Rev. Shelly read the first part of the 4th chap. of Hebrews and made a few remarks and I also. After meeting Wm. Mininger went home with me.

Mon. 4 – This morning early Rev. Shelly came here again to take Mininger home. They both left at about 7 o’clock A. M. Then I helped to haul dung and put corn stalks in the dung yard etc. In the afternoon I helped to plant potatoes.

Tues. 5 – This morning I planted potatoes till 9 o’clock. Then I helped to dig the foundation for the wash house.

Wed. 6 – Today I wrote letters to Sam’1 Landis, Susanna Landis, T. J. Seiple and Jonas Musselman. I also wrote of the names in vendue list for Mr. Trumbauer for which I received the board today.

Thurs. 7 – This forenoon I went to see James Pflueger. I got dinner at his house and left it at past 4 o’clock P. M. I got supper at the house of Sam’1 Snyder. I prayed at both these families before I left as they are under conviction of sins. May the Lord bless my exhortations to them.

Frid. 8 – This forenoon I made mortar. In the afternoon I helped to plant potatoes. In the evening I ordered books from A. T. Society to the amount of $6.

Sat. 9 – This forenoon we planted potatoes etc. In the afternoon we hauled saw logs etc.

Sun. 10 – This morning I went to Sunday school. I have now 7 scholars. I was also in church. Rev. C. Decker preached on Heb. 2:3. After sermon I went with Sam’1 Smith home and stayed there till after supper. In the evening I was in meeting at the house of Stephen Funk. I read the 5th chap. of Matthew and made a few remarks. The closing prayer was offered by Rev. C. Bleam. Today I had a pleasant time. Nature appears very pleasant as the trees are in blossom. I had much happiness in the Lord but to Him be all the honor.

Mon. 11 – Today I made mortar and hauled stones. The wall was made today or part of it for the wash house.

Tues. 12 – This forenoon I hauled stones again etc. In the afternoon I helped to put up the frame of the wash house etc. In the evening I was at Geo. Schaefer’s reading to Mrs. Sc[h]afer and praying before I left.

Wed. 13 – This forenoon I worked about the wash house etc. In the afternoon I worked in the garden, etc.

Thurs. 14 Ascension Day – Today I helped to plant corn til half past 4 o’clock when it commenced to rain there. I wrote letter to my uncle Aaron Yoder.

Frid. 15 – Today I planted corn. Received a letter of T. J. Seiple. Mr. Trumbauer this evening gave me some forks as recompense for service done for John Hiestand.

Sat. 16 – This morning Abraham Bleam left for Saucon. We came to my father’s house a little before noon. When I found that my father had by accident lost one of his eyes, I spoke to him about his soul’s salvation. He is not yet willing to surrender his heart to Jesus though I hope and pray the time will soon come. At 2 o’clock P.M. we left and went to Milford Square and from there to Quakertown and arrived at the house of Wm. N. Shelly before sunset.

Sun. 17 – This forenoon we were in meeting in Haycock Meeting House  where Rev. Hershey preached on Rom. 12:11-13. At noon we were at the house of Charles Frick. In the afternoon we were in meeting where Rev. Wm. Gehman  preached on Luke 22:19 after which the communion of the Lord’s Supper was held. In the evening we came [to] the house of Christopher Sell. In the evening we were in meeting at the house of Levi Shelly where Rev. Hershey preached on Prov. and the meeting was closed by Rev. C. Bleam.

Mon. 18 – This morning at a little past 8 o’clock we left C. Sell’s again and came home at half past 2 o’clock P. M. I planted corn a quarter day yet.

Tues. 19 – Today I planted corn. Mr. Trumbauer got done planting corn this evening.

Wed. 20 – This forenoon I pulled down the bake oven partly etc. In the afternoon I did the same and other sundry work etc. In the evening I wrote a letter to Sarah Clymer.

Thurs. 21 – Today I made mortar and handed bricks to the mason who worked at the wash house. In the evening I was at the house of Mr. Geo. Schafer where I read to Mrs. Schafer and offered prayer before I left.

Frid. 22 – Today I made mortar again and handed bricks, etc.

Sat. 23 – Today I made mortar and handed stones for the mason he worked at the bake oven. To[day] Mr. and Mrs. T went on a visit to Bucks Co. also to my parents etc.

Sun. 24 – This morning I taught my class in the Sunday School After that I was in church where Rev. Fuchs preached on Acts 2:1-41. It was a sermon mixed up with truth and lies. On my way home I stopped Rev. Fuchs to converse with him about his sermon. Jos. Weaver was present. He gave me no satisfaction. He seemed to be more or less in a passion. May the Lord have mercy on his soul. In the afternoon I had conversation with Jos. Weaver and tried to persuade him to surrender his heart to God without delay. In the evening I was in meeting at the house of A. Bleam. I read the 4th chap. of Acts and made a few remarks and was much assisted by God’s Spirit.

Mon. 25 Pentecost – Today I was on a visit at the house of John S. Hiestand and his mother and also had a little visit. Yesterday I have a letter that I wrote to Rev. Fuchs some time ago to J. Weaver to put in the p. office.

Tues. 26 – Today I made mortar again for the baking oven. In the evening I wrote a letter to Rev. J. Beidler and kept a copy of it.

Wed. 27 – Today I made mortar again and received a letter of Samuel Landis.

Thurs. 28 – This forenoon I made mortar.

Frid. 29 – This forenoon I helped to thrash. In the afternoon I helped to make fence.

Sat. 30 – Today I helped to thrash oats. This was the last Mr. T had to thrash of last year’s crop.

Sun. 31 – To day I taught my Sunday School class again and was in prayer meeting in the E. Church. In the afternoon I was at home. In the evening I was at the house of Christian Bleam and read the 15th chap of John and made a few remarks.


Mon. -1 This morning I left to go to Upper Milford to the Conference  . I came to the house

of Rev. Wm. Gehman at about 5 o’clock.

Tues. – 2 This forenoon Rev. Peffly of Lebanon Co. preached on 2 Tim. 4:2 which sermon I heard. At noon I was at the house of Rev, Jonas Mussehnan. In the afternoon the Conference commenced. Rev. E. Herschey Pres. D. Gehman Sec. At supper I was at the house of Widow Kaufinan. In the evening I was in meeting where Rev. Henning preached on Math. 18:3. After meeting I went to the house of Rev. A. Kaufman.

Wed. – 3 This forenoon I was in the Con. again which was closed at noon. Aft dinner I was at the house of Rev. Gehman. In the afternoon I gave to Rev. Herschey 50 cents and Rev. Schultz and I went to the house of Jno. Backensto. In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Widow Kaufinan. After meeting I went to the house of Jonas Musselman.

Thurs. 4 – This morning I left the house of Rev. Jonas Mussehnan and went to Wm. Gehman’s at 7 o’clock. Rev. Henning and I left for home. In Allentown we separated. I came home at 5 o’clock P. M. This afternoon as I walked from Allentown to Catasaqua I distributed tracts to several, tracts which I pray the Lord may bless to their souls.

Frid. 5 – This forenoon I was present at the funeral of Philip Spengler  who died last Sunday in the hospital on the battle field. Rev. Mendsen preached on Isaiah 57:1-2. His age was 29 years 7 months 3 days. As I walked alone from the mourning house to the church, I felt very serious. I had thoughts that my dying hour was perhaps nigh for me. God alone knows whether these thoughts may not be fulfilled. My intention is to serve the Lord faithfully to the end by the grace of God so that I can enter heaven and be forever at rest. This afternoon I made of sprouts again from potatoes, a 1/4 day.

Sat. 6 – Today I made of sprouts again from potatoes.

Sun. 7 – This morning I taught my Sunday School class in the Howertown S. School and was in church where Rev. C. Becker preached on John 14:23. In the afternoon we made the attempt to commence a Sunday School in the so called Snyder’s School house. As there were books wanting we did not class the scholars but postponed it till next Sunday. I had a very serious time. My intention is by the grace of God to lead young souls as well as teachers to Christ. In the evening I was in meeting at the house of Sam’1 Smith where I read the last Chap of Luke and made a few remarks.

Mon. 8 – Today I made fence. In the evening I wrote a letter to Tilghman J. Seipel.

Tues. 9 – This morning I put ash to corn till 9 o’clock then Mr. Trumbauer went to Allentown. I bought books for the Oxford Sunday School to the amount of $7.52. 30 cents I received back from Joseph Schmick for books.

Wed. 10 – This morning I helped to thrash corn and then made fence till night.

Thur. 11 – Today I shoveled on the road. In the evening I was at the house of George Schafer and read for Mrs. Schafer and had an argument with Mr. Schafer. He thinks the punishment of the ungodly is not eternal. May God open his eyes before it is eternally too late.

Frid. 12 – This forenoon I helped to work in the cornfield. In the afternoon I helped to clean

corn make fence etc. etc.

Sat. 13 – This forenoon I finished the vendue list in making up the accounts and wrote german. In the afternoon I read a while and then I went to the house of Abraham Hiestand to see whether the key to the meeting house was there. I prayed with him before I left. Christian Bleam helped then to make the meeting house in order to hold meeting tomorrow. When I came home Rev. Jacob Godschall  and Jacob Ackerman were here.

Sun. 14 – This morning I taught my class in Sunday school. There were 6 scholars present. They read part of the 7th chap of Math. After this I went to the Men. Meeting house where Rev. J. Godschall preached on Jer. 5:3. After meeting I went to the so called Snyder’s School House where we had Sunday School for the second time. There were about 40 children present and 12 teachers. I received a class of three scholars who read in the german testament. I opened and closed the school. After school I went home with Jos. Schmick and left his house again at about 5 o’clock. In the evening I was in meeting at the house of A. Bleam. I read the 14th Chap of Luke.

Mon. 15 – Today I worked in the cornfield with the cultivator.

Tues. 16 – Today I worked in the corn by followed the cultivator. In the evening wrote a letter to Sam’1 Landis.

Wed. 17 – This morning I went to Schmick’s to fetch a scythe. At about 7 o’clock I commenced to work for Mr. T. and helped to cut straw etc. In the afternoon we commenced to mow grass. About an hour we did not mow as it rained.

Thur. 18 – Today I mowed grass again.

Frid. 19 – This forenoon it was raining then. I wrote a letter to Hannah B. Detweiler and rec’d etc. In the afternoon I mowed grass and received a letter from Wm. Y. Landis.

Sat. 20 – Today I mowed grass for P. Spengler (dec’d).

Sun. 21 – This forenoon I taught my Sunday School class which consisted of two scholars. Then I was in church where Rev. A. Fuchs preached on Math 19:16. At the end of the sermon he called to by name about what I wrote him about his doctrine etc. In the afternoon I was in the Oxford Sunday school. I received a new scholar. I have now four scholars there in my class. One however was absent today. In the evening the weather was so very unfavorable that I was not in meeting. May the Lord guide me and help me willingly to suffer all persecutions and the scorn of men.

Mon. 22 – This morning Jos Schmick and I swept the Oxford School house. Then I wrote a letter for Rev. A. Fuchs. In the afternoon we worked at the hay.

Tues. 23 – This forenoon we worked at the hay etc. In the afternoon we hauled home 3 loads. Then I finished the letter for Rev. Fuchs. I kept a copy of the same.

Wed. 24 – This morning I helped Jos Schmick to mow 1/2 an acre grass. Then we turned grass. In the afternoon I loaded hay. We hauled 6 loads. Rec’d a letter of Sarah M. Seyfert. In the evening Jos. Schmick and I were at the house of George Schafer. This morning I sent the letter for Rev. Fuchs to the P. O. May the Lord bless it and send the truth to the heart for Christ’s sake.

Thurs. 25 – In the morning I mowed grass. Then I turned some and loaded 1 load hay. In the afternoon I loaded hay. We hauled 7 loads today in all.

Frid. 26 – This morning I took the scholars to school and was in Weaver’s store. In the morning however I loaded 2 small loads hay and worked till half past 7 o’clock. Then I did as stated. When I came home I assisted Mr Trumbauer a little in looking over accounts etc. In the afternoon I wrote etc. Today I received board for my work I did.

Sat. 27 – This forenoon I mowed grass for Jos. Schmick. In the afternoon I loaded hay for Mr.T. We hauled 7 loads.

Sun. 28 – This forenoon I taught my class in the Howertown S. School. In the afternoon I was in the Oxford Sunday School. In the evening I was in meeting at the house of Widow Shelly and read the 15th chap of Luke. The meetings are closed now till after harvest.

Mon. 29 – Today I ploughed corn etc.

Tues 30 – This forenoon I worked at the corn and also hay. In the afternoon we hauled hay. 5 load in all today.


Wed. 1 – The forenoon I helped to unload hay and worked a little at the potatoes. In the afternoon, Jos. Schmick and I filled up the graves of my brother and grandfather & and grandmother. When I returned I wrote yet a letter for Sarah M. Seyfert and a note to my sister Susanna.

Thurs. 2 – This forenoon I helped to work at the corn. In the afternoon we hauled home 2 load hay.

Frid. 3 – This morning we put ash in corn. Then we worked at the hay and hauled home 7 load of hay. In the evening I was in Weaversville. Today the report came that Wm. H. Beaver was wounded on the battle field.

Sat. 4 – Today we worked at the hay and hauled home 6 load.

Sun 5 – This forenoon I was at home as it rained very fast. In the afternoon I was in the Oxford Sunday School. I taught my class of 4 scholars and they read the 15th chap. of John. In the evening I was at the house of Elias Houser and stayed there over night. 8 doz. eggs $4.28.

Mon. 6 – This morning I came home till breakfast. In the forenoon I wrote a letter to my cousin Wm. Y. Landis and one to my sister Elizabeth. Then I commenced to write some incidents in my life. In the afternoon I was in Weaversville. When I returned I finished the incidents in my life. In the evening I wrote a piece of poetry on False teachers. May the Lord grant that I may only seek His honor whatever I may attempt. I am aware that there is danger to fall if the Lord chooses to see fit to use me in his vineyard. My prayer is for an humble spirit that is always willing to learn at the feet of Jesus.

Tues. 7 – This forenoon I read and wrote a piece in rhyme in german. At half past 10 o’clock we commenced to work at the hay and worked till a little past 2 o’clock. I went to Jos. Schmicks to tie grain. I stayed at Schmick’s during night.

Wed. 8 – This morning it soon commenced to rain. Then I left Schmick’s and went to the house of widow Shelly and here I left at 3 o’clock P. M. Then I went to Weaversville. In the evening was at the house of Reuben Beaver. Today it was reported that Wm. H. Beaver was killed in battle last Wednesday  . Today I received a letter of Sam’1 M. Landis.

Thurs. 9 – This forenoon I read etc. till half past 10 o’clock. I began to work at the hay. In the afternoon I tied grain for Joseph Schmick.

Frid. 10 – This forenoon I ploughed corn etc. In the afternoon I tied grain and Jos. Schmick

cradled around the fields.

Sat. 11 – This forenoon I read etc. as it rained this morning. In the afternoon I help to 4 [????]

which was the last for this summer. Mr. T. got 42 load of hay this year. Today true reports came that Wm. Beaver was killed in battle July 1 in the vicinity of Gettysburg Pa. and is now buried in a cemetery in Gettysburg though at first was buried by the rebels. He cannot therefore be at present taken home for burial. Thus another of my friends has gone to the land of spirits and left me here in the vale of tears. Whether he has gone to heaven God alone positively knows. It has been affecting to me during the few last days to think that Wm. Beaver is no more. This case reminds me of my own death which is perhaps nearer than I imagine. May God give grace to continue in His service till death calls me hense to the judgment seat of Christ that I may then receive an unfading crown in the mansions of heaven where the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are forever at rest. Amen.

Sun. 12 – This morning I taught my class in Sunday School which consisted of 6 scholars today. Then I was in meeting in the Mennonite M. H. where Rev. Wm. Gehman preached on Mat. 22:1-13. In the afternoon I was in Bath where Rev. Fuchs and Heisler preached the funeral sermon of my friend Wm. H. Beaver  . Rev. Fuchs had for text Rev. 2:10 and Heisler Ps. 55:6. After supper I was a short time at the house of Reuben Beaver’s. In the evening I spoke to Laura T. about her soul’s salvation. She confessed that God’s spirit strove much with her today and expressed this – the desire to become a Christian. May God bless the exhortation I gave and may the time soon come that she may receive the pardon of her sins through the blood of Christ.

Mon. 13 – This forenoon I read and wrote a letter ordering “Christian Self Culture” as it rained. In the afternoon we commenced reaping wheat with the machine. In the evening I was at Mr. Schafer’s and read there the 20 first of the Psalms.

Tues. 14 – This forenoon I read again as it rained. In the afternoon I tied wheat. I received a letter today of Sarah Clymer. In the evening I spoke again to Laura T. and tried to persuade her to surrender her heart now to Christ and showed here the danger of delay. May the Lord bless her for Christ’s sake and convert her heart.

Wed. 15 – Today I tied wheat and a little rye as we got done with the wheat a little before night.

Thurs.16 – Today I tied rye the whole day. As it looked for rained we shocked rye till nearly 9 o’clock P. M. In the evening I spoke to Laura T again and urged her to immediate repentance. I prayed with her before I retired. May the Lord bless her for Christ’s sake. Amen.

Frid. 17 – As it rained I wrote a letter to Sarah Clymer and kept a copy of the same and also wrote one to S. M. Landis. I also sent the English tract No. 115 to Philip G. Shelly. In the afternoon I was in Weaversville P. O. and received the “Christian Self Culture” and had also 2 horses at Dietz’s to get them shod.

Sat. 18 – This morning I wrote a letter to Wm. Minninger for Jos. Schmick. At 9 o’clock A.M. we commenced at the grain.

Sun. 19 – This morning I taught my class in Howertown Sunday School in the afternoon I was in the Oxford Sunday School.

Mon. 20 – This morning Dr. Riegel extracted two of my teeth. At 8 o’clock I commenced to tie grain.

Tues. 21 – This forenoon I tied grain till about 1 o’clock when the reaper broke and had also just got done with the third field of grain. We then commenced to haul grain and hauled till night. I loaded some and forked some. This forenoon it was very stormy so then nearly every shock of grain fell down.

Wed. 22 – The forenoon I tied grain. In the afternoon I forked grain as we hauled in the afternoon.

Thurs. 23 – This forenoon I tied grain till about 10 o’clock when we commenced to haul and hauled till night.

Frid. 24 – This forenoon I tied grain. In the afternoon I helped to haul grain till about 8 o’clock.

Sat. 25 – This forenoon we hauled grain till about 10 o’clock. Then I tied grain till noon. In the afternoon I helped to haul grain again. Today the soldiers of the 153rd Regt. P. V. came home who were not killed and died during their absence but alas my beloved friend Wm. H. Beaver was not among them. It sometimes almost seems impossible that this can be but so it is and I will say. The Lord’s will be done. Perhaps soon I will be numbered with the dead. May the Lord grant that I may faithfully serve Him to the end of my pilgrimage through this vain world and vale of tears. Amen.

Sun. 26 – This morning I taught my class in the Howertown Sunday school. In the afternoon I was in the Oxford Sunday School. Tilghman Seipel closed the school by a short address and prayer. In the evening I was in the E. Church where I hear a sermon on Isaiah 35:10.

Mon. 27 – This forenoon I binded grain. At noon it commenced to rain. At 4 o’clock I began to bind grain again.

Tues 28. – This morning I did sundry work. At 9 o’clock we commenced to reap grain. In the afternoon we hauled grain.

Wed. 29 – This forenoon I mowed grass etc. In the afternoon we reapt grain and got done

and also hauled a few loads.

Thurs. 30 – This forenoon we hauled rye till 9 o’clock when it commenced to rain. I helped to

unload 2 loads grain yet in the forenoon. In the afternoon we mowed oats till half past 3 o’clock. Then I helped to thrash rakings till supper time.

Frid – 31 Today I mowed oats with grass scythe. A little before supper we hauled home 2 loads rye which was the last for this year. Mr. Trumbauer got 1945 shocks rye and 550 shocks wheat making in all 2495 shocks. In the evening I was at Schafer’s reading in Psalms.


Sat. 1 – This forenoon I mowed oats. In the afternoon we worked at the hay.

Sun. 2 – This forenoon I taught my Sunday school class at Howertown. In the afternoon I was in the Oxford Sunday school and taught my class in Luke 18th chap by opening the school. I read the 3rd chap of John and at its close made a few remarks on that Chap and had assistance from above. After supper I went to the house of James Pfluger and was there a short time. Then we went together to the house of Sam’1 Snyder and spent the evening in conversation mostly on matter of religion. I prayed with them. It was a little past midnight till I came home.

Mon. 3 – This forenoon I worked at the oats. In the afternoon I helped to haul hay though about an hour or perhaps a little more. I did not work as I did not feel well on account of the extreme heat though I charged a day as last Thursday I only charged half a day and work more. I received a letter of Sarah M. Seyfert.

Tues. 4 – Today we hauled oats and got done.

Wed. 5 – To[day] I and Mr. T. raked off rye stacks.

Thurs. 6 – This morning I spread dung till 9 o’clock. Then I raked at the rye stacks to noon. In the afternoon I loaded dung. A little before dinner time my old teacher Rev. Rosenberger came here and left again at about 2 o’clock P. M. In the evening I was at A. Bleam’s.

Frid. 7 – This forenoon I spread dung. In the afternoon I loaded dung. Received a letter of Sam’1 M. Landis and one of my sister Susanne.

Sat. 8 – This forenoon I loaded dung. In the afternoon I spread dung. This afternoon David Henning came here to preach tomorrow.

Sun. 9 – This morning I taught my class in the Howertown Sunday school and then I went in meeting where Rev. David Henning preached on John 5:29 a serious sermon. In the afternoon I went to the Oxford Sunday School.

Mon. 10 – This morning I and Harrison Seipel went to Catasauqua and took dinner at the house of John Funk. In the afternoon we went with the cars to Allentown and left there at 4:20 P. M. for Emaus and from there walked to the house of Rev. Wm. Gehman where we arrived a little before night.

Tues. 11 – This morning we left Gehman’s and went to the house of Owen S. Eisenhart, where

we seemed to be indeed very welcome. In the afternoon I went to see Rev. A. Kauffman and family and also went to the house of David Musselman where I took supper. In the evening I returned to the house of Mr. Eisenhart. Before we returned we sang and I read a few chapters in the New Testament and I prayed before and felt seriousness.

Wed. 12 – This forenoon Mr. Eisenhart and my companion and I spent the time most in conversing on religious topics. At noon he left and I arrived at the house of Jacob W. Landis at about 5 o’clock. Harrison Seiple left me here and went to see his uncle. In the evening I was in prayer meeting and was called upon to open it. I read the 2nd chap. of 2nd Timothy and made a few remarks and felt very serious while exhorting. I was greatly refreshed in prayer meeting this evening. To God be all the honor. After prayer meeting I went home with John Yoder where also Mrs. Emma Yoder and Caroline Keener were. We spent some time yet in singing praise unto our maker and I offered prayer. It was about midnight when we retired. I slept in the same room where my dear friend and brother in the Lord breathed his last a little over a year ago.

Thurs. 13 – This morning I left at about 10 o’clock and went home to my parents. After dinner I soon left again and went to John Yoder’s. I seemed not to be very welcome with my father though the rest appeared to be quite otherwise. I soon left Yoder’s and went to the house of Charles S. Gehman where I stayed during night. In the evening I and Sam’1 Landis were in prayer meeting in Centre Valley at the house of Reuben Weaver.

Frid. 14 – This morning I left Gehman’s and went a short time to John Yoder’s and then I went to the house of Abel Strawn where I stayed till after dinner. Then I spent a short time at the house of Jacob Cooper. Then I went to Solomon Hottel’s where I took supper. Then I left and went on the cars for Bethlehem. I stop[p]ed a short time at the house of Daniel Geissinger. My Aunt Susan was there. I left at 7 o’clock and arrived home at 9 o’clock.

Sat. 15 – Today I dug early potatoes and ploughed the land and then we sowed turnips in the same etc. Yesterday I received a letter from my sister Elizabeth which was the first I received other since I left my father’s house.

Sun. 16 – This morning I taught my Sunday school class in Howertown. In the afternoon I

was in the Oxford Sunday School.

Mon. 17 – This forenoon we thrashed rakings and rye &c. In the afternoon I loaded dung. In the evening I was at Geo. Schafer’s where I read in Psalms and prayed before I left. When I was in bed I had much happiness in the Lord and felt His presence in such a measure as I not very often do. To Him be all the honor.

Tues. 18 – Today I loaded dung. Yesterday the Camp Meeting commenced in David Bleam’s woods. This evening I was there when Rev. R. Lichtenthaler preached.

Wed. 19 – Today I loaded dung again. In the evening I was at the Camp Meeting where Rev.

F. Butz preached.

Thurs. 20 – This forenoon I loaded dung. In the afternoon I was at Camp Meeting. Rev. Knerr preached and after that Rev. Bauman on Rev. 3:20. In the evening Rev. Flier preached on Ezek. 33:11.

Frid. 21 – This forenoon I mowed grass for second crop. In the afternoon I ploughed. In the evening I was at Camp Meeting. Rev. Knerr preached the last sermon. This evening the congregation bid farewell to each other, many many to meet no more this side eternity. It was

past midnight when I came home.

Sat. 22 – This forenoon I mowed grass. In the afternoon we hauled second crop and I also cleaned the stables etc. Rec’d a letter from Enos Y. Landis.

Sun. 23 – This forenoon I taught my class in H. S. S. In the afternoon was in Oxford Sun. School where at the close I informed that there is to be preaching on the 6th of September next in Mr. F’s woods.

Mon. 24 – Today I mowed second crop.

Tues. 25 – This forenoon I mowed again etc. In the afternoon we hauled second crop, etc.

Wed. 26 – This morning till about 9 o’clock we mowed and then worked at the second crop and hauled 2 loads home, etc. In the evening I wrote a letter to Sam’1 M. Landis and intended it also an answer to S. M. Seyfert.

Thurs. 27 – Today I loaded dung till about half past 4 o’clock. We hauled home 2 loads of second crop. In the evening I was at Schafer’s where I read 20 Psalms.

Frid. 28 – Today I loaded dung and also helped to haul 2 loads second crop.

Sat. 29 – This forenoon I loaded dung and put straw on the dung yard. We hauled 127 loads of dung in all since harvest. In the afternoon I worked a while yet at the straw and reckoned the afternoon work for my board this evening. I wrote a letter for my cousin Enos Y. Landis and fixed some things of mine.

Sun. 30 – This forenoon I taught my Sunday School class in Howertown and was in church. A child of Marcus Rothermel was also buried. The text was Psalm 107:1. In the afternoon I was in the Oxford Sunday School. I read the 16th Chap. of Luke and after the instructions I made a few remarks and had assistance from above.

Mon. 31 – Today I mowed thorns along the fence and weeds etc.


Tues. 1 – Today I received a letter of A. W. Stauffer. This forenoon I made fence etc. In the

afternoon I thrashed flax. In the evening I was at Abraham Bleam’s.

Wed. 2 – This forenoon I wrote letters to my sisters, M. S. and E. and kept copies of the same. This forenoon a chimney sweep was here to whom I gave tracts and a testament. May the Lord bless it. In the afternoon I spread flax and helped to thrash timothy.

Thur. 3 – Today I dug potatoes and did other sundry work.

Frid. 4 – Today I dug potatoes etc. etc. Today I received a book [?] “Gospel Treasury.”

Sat. 5 – This morning I helped to dig potatoes a while. Then we commenced to thrash wheat. Towards evening I helped again a little at the potatoes.

Sun. 6 – This morning I taught my Sunday School class. Then I went in meeting. Rev. Jonas Musselman preached on 1 Timothy 6:6. Sam’1 Landis came with him and closed the meeting by prayer. S. Landis went to the Oxford Sunday school after meeting and Rev. Musselman to A. Bleam’s. After I had taught my class we went to Mr. Trumbauer’s woods where as was appointed Bro. Musselman preached on Rev. 22:17. Bro. Landis went after meeting with me home.

Mon. 7 – This morning at about half past 7 o’clock Bro. Landis left. Then I commenced to help to thrash.

Tues. 8 – This morning I did sundry work till about 10 o’clock. I commenced to dig potatoes and continued till night. In the evening I was at the house of Geo. Schafer and read a sermon.

Wed. 9 – Today I dug potatoes etc.

Thurs. 10 – Today I sowed ten acres with timothy seed after the grain drill I felt at times today very serious. It occurs frequently to my mind that my pilgrimage on earth is but a short one. Whatever this is God alone knows. It is not my prayer for length of days and riches and honor and this world but only assistance from my Maker that I can faithfully serve Him till my dying hour. It occurs also sometimes to my mind that it would perhaps be good if I would the coming winter go to school to Enos Landis. Now my prayer to God is that He may guide me in this respect by His Holy Spirit as well as in all other instances. My determination is to walk humbly in the narrow way to heaven and do the will of God by His help.

Frid. 11 – This forenoon I helped to make fence. In the afternoon I did sundry work and towards evening cleaned the grain drill till night. Yesterday Mr. T. commenced to sow.

Sat. 12 – Today I sowed timothy seed after the grain drill.

Sun. 13 – This morning I was in Howertown in Sunday School and then was in church here. Rev. Fuchs preached a miserable sermon on Luke 10:25. May the Lord enlighten him before it is eternally too late. May the Lord give me grace to teach, witnessing but the truth as it is in Jesus to my class in Sunday School and wherever I explain scripture and to do so be the circumstances whatever they may and that I also might be light to the world in my daily walk during my pilgrimage through this vale of tears. I am determined by God’s help to walk the narrow road of heaven till the end of life and try to win souls for heaven. It sometimes grieves my heart that hirelings such as Rev. Fuchs have so great influence to deceive poor souls as they really have. But such was the case in older times that false prophets deceived many people. In the afternoon I was in Oxford Sunday School and taught my class from Mark 8. I made a few remarks and was much assisted from above. To God be all the glory. May this blessing rest upon this school that a seed may be sown which will bring forth much fruit to the glory of God. After Sunday school Henry Snyder went with me home and after supper we went to Bath in church where Rev. Flier preached on Math 7:24,25.

Mon. 14 – This forenoon I sowed timothy seed. In the afternoon I harrowed a while then sowed timothy seed again till night.

Tues. 15 – This morning I sowed timothy seed. Then I loaded some hay and helped to haul a load of stones. In the afternoon, I made mortar etc. as a wall is to be made for a porch. In the evening I sent a letter to Rev. E. M. Long ordering a year [of] his letters for children and 200 envelopes.

Wed. 16 – This morning I made mortar then I sowed timothy seed after the drill the whole day. I received a letter from Sarah Clymer.

Thurs. 17 – This forenoon I sowed timothy seed. Mr. T. got done sowing this forenoon. In the afternoon I hauled stones and did other work.

Frid. 18 – This forenoon as it rained I went in the morning to the shoemaker. Then I wrote a letter to Sarah Clymer and kept a copy of the same. I also sent tracts to Levi Hutchins, James Whet and Solomon Fry which I pray the Lord may bless to their souls. In the afternoon I wrote and read and at half past 4 o’clock I went to the mill and was in store and also at the blacksmith.

Sat. 19 – This forenoon I helped Mr. T. a little at his wall for the porch and did other similar jobs till 11 o’clock. I stop[p]ed working but called it half a day as I did yesterday go to mill for Mr. T. In the afternoon I read most of the book “Advice to Young Christians” by which I derived much benefit. I have again firmly resolved to serve the Lord till the end of my travelling days on earth. I felt God’s presence this afternoon while reading and meditating. O for grace to love my Maker and Savior more. The burden of my prayer is often

            “O for a closer walk with God

             A calm and heavenly frame,

            A light to shine upon the road

            That leads me to the Lamb.”

Sun. 20 – This forenoon I taught my class in Howertown Sunday School and was in the Presbyterian church where Rev. Trim preached on Isa 25:6-8. In the afternoon I was in Oxford Sunday School. I read the 7th Chap of Math and made a few remarks and felt very much assisted from above. I taught my class from Luke 16. In the evening I was in church in Hall in Bath where Rev. C. Bleam preached on Heb. 13:9. I was called upon to close and never before did God assist me more to speak than this evening. I will never forget it. May the Lord bless my labors of today and show me His will and give grace to do it for Jesus sake. Amen.

Mon. 21 – Today I helped to thrash etc. I received a letter of Enos Y Landis and one of Sarah M. Seyfert and Envelopes of Rev. Long  and his Monthly Sabbath School letter.

Tues. 22 – Today I taught school for Francis [?]. I had 29 scholars and for the first time prayed aloud in public in the english language. When I came home Elias Houser was here and had a list of the drafted men as they was drafted in Easton. I am also drafted. I feel very calm and have confidence God hath a way for me.

Wed. 23 – This forenoon I wrote a letter to Gov. Curtin and to my father and kept copies of both. I enjoyed very much God’s presence and aid while writing. O may the Lord bless and help me and bless my father that soon he may come to conversion. In the afternoon I took up books and went to Weaversville. In the evening was in prayer meeting at the house of R. Snyder. I opened the meeting and read the 9th Chap of Mark. After meeting I went home with Christian Bleam.

Thurs. 24 – This morning I left Bleam’s and sold books during the day. At noon I was at John Hiestand’s. In the evening I came home again. I enjoyed God’s presence today very much. O for a closer walk with God.

Frid. – 25 This morning I went from home with books again. I was this forenoon at Schafer’s again and read for them and prayed with them. I came home again till noon and went away again in the afternoon and came home again in the evening. May the Lord bless my labours and may the book and tracts I distribute away souls from their sinful slumber for Christ’s sake. Amen.

Sat. 26 – This forenoon I read a while and also wrote a letter. At about 11 o’clock I left and went to Dr. Riegel’s and from there to Weaver’s store and was invited to take dinner at Weaver’s which I did not refuse. I then went to Riegel’s again and sold him books amounting $2 which cost me $2.90 and went to their store again and then went home. Evan Odenwelder and wife were here and also H. Treichler.

Sun. 27 – This morning I taught my class in Howertown Sunday School and was in church yet where Rev. C. Becker preached an excellent sermon on John 15:4. In the afternoon I was in Oxford Sunday School. I gave each of the scholars handbill tracts and Important Questions and also the teachers. I also read Long’s Monthly Sabbath School Letter and gave them a short exhortation and felt very much the presence of my God and to Him be all honor and praise. Stephen Miller and John Heiney disbehaved in the School Room. Then I put them to shame and then with some others went out of the school room. After school they commenced to speak to me and I also spoke to them but they soon commenced to swear and I soon told them that in their present condition the[y] would soon go to hell. They said if it was not Sunday they would lick me. I was not the least afraid of them I had the presence of my Savior. May the Lord open their blind eyes. In the evening I exhorted under much influence of God’s Spirit at the house of Sam’1 Smith. I read the 11th Chap. of Math. but made my remarks only on the three last verses.

Mon. 28 – This morning I wrote a letter to S. Miller and J. Heiney and enclosed tracts. Then I went to R. Beaver’s and from there to A. Bleam’s where I took dinner. From there I went to the P. O. and then home where I received my notice of the draft and then left to see my parents. I stopped a few moments at Geissinger and also saw Christian Heitzelberger who is sick. I prayed with him. He confessed that he was without hope. At 6 o’clock I went on the cars and went to Centre Valley from there directly home. I spent only a short time at home though offered prayer which cause the tears [to] flow from my mother and sister though father was as stubborn as ever. May God for Christ’s sake open his blind eyes. I went in meeting in Fry’s store house where Rev. Butz preached. Fanny Lewis found peace in believing in Christ this evening. I went home with John Yoder.

Tues. 29 – This morning I and Rev. Butz and John Yoder went to Quakertown to attend the funeral of Emma Jacoby. Rev. Horne preached on Phil 1:21-24. It was a serious time. She was 19y 6m 15d old. I happed to see Sarah Clymer. I spoke a few words to her. At dinner time I was at Bro. Shelly’s. Sam’1 Snyder came here who is in a backsliding state but who is penitent again. Rev. Schultz and I offered prayer and indeed I felt the presence of my dear Savior. To God be all the honor and glory. I went to Saucon again with J. Yoder. In the evening Rev. Gehman preached on Jer. 23:29. I went home with Chas. Gehman.

Wed. 30 – This morning I went to the house of Mrs. Moyer whose son John is sick of fever and who quite lately found peace by believing in Jesus. I prayed with him and also spoke with brother Henry. From here I went to the house of Jacob Landis where I got dinner. In the afternoon I was a short time at the house of Solomon Hottel and from there to A. Strawn’s where I got supper. In the evening I was at meeting where Rev. Henning preached on Rev. 3:20. I was during night at the house of Bro. Strawn.


Thurs. 1 – This morning I went with Sam’1 Landis to Flatland Meeting House where Rev. Herschey [preached] on 2 Cor. 2:11. It was a blessed time. At noon I was at the house of Jacob Basler. In the afternoon I attended the conference. I made a confession. In the evening I got supper at Chas. Frick’s. In the evening we had the communion of the Lord’s Supper after which Bro. Herschey spoke to me and urged me more or less to go to Canada the coming winter. He no doubt was inclined to do so through the influence of God’s Spirit Footnote . May God in his wise providence give me grace to do however according to his will. I was during night at the house of Bro. Diehl.

Frid. 2 – This morning I left Diehl’s and visited Sarah Keil who is sick of fever. I prayed with her. I had a serious time. From here I went to the house of David Weirbach. In the afternoon I went to see Sarah Clymer and spoke to her and prayed with her and from here I went to the house of A. Strawn where I was during night.

Sat. 3 – This morning I left Strawn’s and went to see Michael Landis. At about 11 o’clock brother Diehl went to go to East Settlement. We were at Geissinger’s at noon. My Aunt Geissinger gave me $200 to pay my fine Footnote next Sat. My heart was indeed filled with gratitude towards the Lord. My prayer has partly been answered. O may God give me an humble heart. We visited Christian Heitzelberger who is sick with fever. We came to the house of S. Trumbauer a little before night. I wrote a letter this evening to Rev. E. Hershey. This evening I received two letters from Harrisburg as an answer to my letter I wrote to Gov. Curtin.

Sun. 4 – This forenoon I taught my class in Howertown Sunday School. Then I went to the M. Meeting house where Rev. H. Diehl preached on Gen. 19:22. I closed the meeting by exhortation and prayer. At noon I and Bro. Diehl were at the house of A. Bleam. In the afternoon Bro. Diehl preached in Trumbauer’s woods on Heb. 4:9 and I afterward closed again by exhortation and prayer. We took supper at C. Bleam’s and then we went to the house of Abraham Bleam.

Mon. 5 – This morning we left and went to Trumbauer’s and Diehl went home. I wrote a letter to my cousin Enos Y. Landis. In the afternoon I worked at second crop and cut corn, etc. In the evening I was at Schafer’s and read there.

Tues. 6 – This forenoon we thrashed 81 sheaves of rye. In the afternoon we turned second crop and cleaned rye. In the evening I wrote a letter to John Trumbauer and enclosed two tracts.

Wed. 7 – This morning I helped to measure up rye. Then I picked up potatoes after the harrow and also after the plough.

Thurs. 8 – Today I made mortar and sorted potatoes, etc. etc.

Frid. 9 – This forenoon I made mortar etc. In the afternoon I turned second crop and clover. In the evening Stephen Trumbauer gave me $70.78 cts which I earned during the summer and also gave me $10 more for which I gave Webster’s Dictionary and the Comprehensive Commentaries for security till I can pay him again. I have now $300.00 to pay my fine tomorrow if I am found able for military duty. To God be praise that he furnished me with means to do so. By His help and grace I will serve Him more faithfully in future than I have done to the present time.

Sat. 10 – This was a day which I shall not soon forget. At half past 3 o’clock I left home and went to Catasauqua to go to Easton to report. I was examined but found able to a soldier. At about 9 o’clock I left Easton and went to Bethlehem with the cars and at the latter place paid my $300. At noon I got dinner at my uncle’s S. Geissinger. I also visited C. Heitzelberger who is sick of fever. In the afternoon I went to Easton again and there got my certificate. At 3 o’clock I left Easton I went on past home though rode about 2 miles with James Dech. I distributed many tracts today. Also gave a few to Provost Marshal Yohe. May God for Christ’s sake bless them that they bring fruit unto eternal life.

Sun. 11 – This morning I was in Howertown Sunday School. It was the last time for the season. In the afternoon I taught in the Oxford Sunday School. In the evening I was in church at Bleam’s where Rev. Eberhart of Iowa preached on Isaiah 33:20-21.

Mon. 12 – This forenoon I wrote letters to Sam’l Yohe and Dr. Humphrey at Easton and Gov.

Curtin and kept a copy of each and also enclosed in each letter tract and a little before 11 o’clock I commenced to work. In the afternoon I helped to haul the clover seed. In the evening I was at Schafer’s and read from the 103 to the 126 Psalm and prayed before I left. Today I was 22 years old.

Tues. 13 – This forenoon I helped to thrash the clover seed etc. At noon I went to Odenwelder’s to vote which was the first time. I voted the Republican ticket. In the afternoon I helped to haul second crop.

Wed. 14 – Today I helped to make fence.

Thurs. 15 – Today I husked corn.

Frid. 16 – This morning I went to Jacob Fatzinger’s to read a little in “The American Encyclopedia.” I went to the P. O. and in the afternoon home. In the evening I went to the house of Levi Pflueger where I stayed during night. We spent the evening mostly in conversation on religious subjects.

Sat. 17 – This morning at about 9 o’clock I left Pflueger’s and went home and spent the forenoon yet in reading, etc. In the afternoon I helped to make [?] at the [?] side of the house, etc.

Sun. 18 – This forenoon I commenced to read Menno Symon’s works. In the afternoon I was in Oxford Sunday School. I read the 15th Chap. John and taught my class from the latter part of the 24 Chap of Math. In the evening I was in church in Hall in Bath where Rev. C. Bliem preached on Isaiah 33:20-21 which was the same text that I heard a sermon last Sunday evening. I closed the meeting by a short exhortation and prayer.

Mon. 19 – This forenoon we husked corn till nearly 9 o’clock then it commenced to rain. Then I Farewell words for Jacob Nicholas who left last Saturday to go to war. In the afternoon I was in Weaversville and rec’d a letter from Bro. Herschey and when I came home wrote one to Bro. Sam’1 Landis.

Tues. 20 – This forenoon I husked corn. At noon my cousin E. Y. Landis came here in the afternoon. I spent the time with him. In the evening we sing praises to God while cousin played on the piano.

Wed. 21 – This forenoon I took my cousin to Catasauqua. We had much conversation on religious experience etc. We parted in Catasauqua perhaps for the last time in this vale of tears. Expect however if such be the case we meet on Zion Hill there to part no more. I also rec’d a letter of John J. Heiney. O may God visit with His Spirit this poor mortal who is deluded by sin and Satan. In the afternoon I husked corn.

Thurs. 22 – Today I husked corn. In the evening I was at Schafer’s and the better part of the Psalms.

Frid. 23 – Today I husked corn.

Sat. 24 – This forenoon as it rained I wrote a letter to John J. Heiney in the german which was the first letter I wrote with german letters. I also kept a copy of the same. In the afternoon I wrote parting words to John Trumbauer and brother and sisters and also wrote off a copy.

Sun. 25 – This forenoon I was at home reading etc. In the afternoon I was in Oxford S. School. In the evening I was in church in Bath where Rev. Bachman preached on Psalm 46:5.

Mon. 26 – Today I husked corn. In the evening I was at Schafer’s and read a sermon of Hofacker on John 4:47-54.

Tues. 27 – Today I husked corn.

Thurs. 29 – Yesterday and today I husked corn again and today Mr. T. got done husking corn.

Frid. 30 – This forenoon I helped to clean clover seed and in the afternoon I helped to haul corn fodder. In the evening I was at A. Bleam’s and in Weaversville. I loaned from Wm. Weaver “The Life of Wm. Tennant” and read it through yet when I came home before I retired. O may the Lord guide me by His Spirit so that I can faithfully discharge my duty and resemble this man of God in working for the good of souls. I have during the last few weeks eaten rather immoderately so that my stomach is much out of order at present. My prayer is that God may give grace that I may be enabled to overcome this passion.

Sat. 31 – As it rained I this forenoon wrote on a half sheet of paper parting words for Stephen Trumbauer and wife and spent also some time in reading. Bro. Shelly and wife came at 9 o’clock in the evening.


Sun. 1 – This forenoon I was in meeting where Rev. W. N. Shelly preached on John 5:25. In the afternoon I was in Oxford Sunday School. In the evening was in meeting at C. Bleam’s where Rev. Shelly exhorted on Acts 4. I was refreshed to day in my soul.

Mon. 2 – This forenoon I did not do much as Bro. Shelly and wife were here a short time and also Harrison Seiple was here this forenoon and left again in the afternoon. In the evening I received a letter from Bro. E. Hershey. May God guide me by His Spirit to act according to His mind. May He give me grace that I can in all cases say “Lord, not my will but thine be done.” This evening in prayer before I went to bed I experienced much joy and felt the presence of my dear Jesus. To God be all the praise.

Tues. 3 – This morning I left for Saucon. I took dinner at my uncle, D. Geissinger. After dinner I left and went to the house of Mrs. Heitzelberger where sister Mary Shilling is at home, who is in a backsliding state. I prayed there and enjoyed God’s presence and the women also had much seriousness. I then went to Weiss’ who fixed my watch for nothing. I have no doubt God inclined his heart to do so. I went home to my parents, though on the road met many acquaintances so that it was nearly sunset till I came home. I soon left again and my dear mother had tears when I spoke a few parting words and exhorted her. I was over supper at the house of John Yoder which I left again and went to the house of Charles Gehman. Bro. M. Landis was there. When he left God inclined his heart to give me $1 without my asking.

Wed. 4 – This morning I spent a short time at the house of sister Meyer. Then I returned to Gehman’s and then to John Yoder’s. The latter gave me $5 without my asking. God is indeed a prayer hearing God. I was at noon at Bro. Strawn’s. In the afternoon I went with him to Haycock and went to Bro. H. Diehl’s house. I went with Bro. Diehl to meeting. Bro. Shelly preached on John 3:36. I made also a few remarks. Sarah Hertzel felt deeply about her soul and wept and prayed to God for grace after meeting. I went home with Bro. Shelly and slept with him during night. I felt very happy in the Lord during this evening.

Thurs. 5 – This morning I left Bro. Shelly though first wrote a letter to my sister Susanna. I was a short time at the house of C. Sell though prayer with them before I left. At noon I was at the house of Bro. Levi Shelly. Then I went to the house of Levi Bleam whose wife was sick. I prayed before I left. I came to the house of bro. A. Kaufman at about 3 o’clock. After supper I went to the house of bro. Jonas Musselman.

Frid. 6 – This morning I left the house of bro. Musselman. Bro. David Musselman gave me $2 and wife 50 cents. I went to the house of bro. Wm Gehman who was ready to go to Juniata Co. He walked with me to Emaus where we separated. He gave me $2. At noon I was in Allentown with Bro. Jesse Young. I came to Weaversville at about 3 o’clock and was in store and bought under shirt, drawers, papers etc., amounting to $3.08. I was at Weaver’s in the house a short time, and came home a little before night. In Allentown I bought a second handed travelling bag for $1. Jacob Nicholas gave me 10 cents this evening without me asking. Thus I have since Tuesday received $13.60 in answer to prayer notwithstanding my fears. Satan tried to make me believe that God would not hear my prayer but I again found him to be a liar. My intention is by the grace of God to leave next week for Canada and trust in God for my support. O my God, give me faith that will not shrink. I wrote a letter to Sarah Clymer.

Sat. 7 – Today I made preparations to get ready to start next week for Canada. I wrote a letter for Sarah Frick of Quakertown or near there and one to my grandfather and to Uncle Auro and to uncle Levi. Towards evening I fetched my cloths from Mrs. Kiefer and paid her yet 63 cents for washing and mending. After Supper I went to Schafer’s and read a sermon of Hofacker on Luke 18:31 -43 in presence of Mrs. Beaver and her daughter. Mrs. Klepping, R. Beaver and W. Klepping came also when I was done reading but I prayed yet in their presence. Merle Bauer soled my boots this evening which I took home. Trumbauer paid me $5.30 for work and gave me 50 cents in silver this evening. I enjoyed God’s presence today very much and feel so far confident that it is God’s will that I should go to Canada.

Sun. 8 – This forenoon I was at home and spent the time in reading praying and singing etc. In the afternoon I was in Oxford Sunday School. We closed it for the present season. I went home with Jos. Schmick where I took supper. We went to A. Bleam’s where I exhorted on John 1. I felt God’s presence and His assistance. To Him be all praise and honor. Many tears were shed some I trust were tears of penitence. Jos. Schmick was inclined of God to give me $1. I stayed during night with Bleam’s.

Mon. 9 – This morning I returned to Trumbauer’s and made ready to leave Mr. T gave $2 without my asking. He left home this morning. After dinner I parted though we sang and I prayed before I left and had a most serious time. Farewell tears were shed. I took my baggage to S. Funk’s and went with him to Bethlehem. Mrs. Funk handed me a handkerchief which Mrs. Sam’l Smith bought for me. Indeed how good is God to give me all I need thus far. I was with Daniel Young a short time and went on the evening train to Centre Valley to the house of bro. Chas. Gehman.

Tues. 10 – This morning I left Gehman’s and went with first train to Sellersville and walked to my uncle Reuben to see sister Susanna but who had gone home. I went at about 11 o’clock in the cars at Sellersville and came to Phila. about 1 o’clock. I then went to the Tract House and bought for $1 tracts, and was also at the office of the “Sunday School Times” and also bought a blank book for a diary next year for 62 cents. I went to the house of Len Landis today over night. I agree with Cooper, “God made the country – men made the city.”

Wed. 11 – This morning Len Landis gave me $1 unasked. God is indeed good and holds His promises but I am unworthy. At about 9 o’clock I left Landis’ and went with my baggage to 13th and Callow Hill Sts. where the Pa and RR depot is. I was in the Phila Noon day Prayer meeting and felt God’s presence there. I then went to corner 6th and Chestnut Sts and bought a ticket to Niagara Falls for $7.75 and from there I went a bought a Port Folio and Pocket Inkstand for $2.50 and then went to the American Sunday School Union House and bought Mine Explored for 90 cts and from there went to the depot at 13th and Callow Hill Sts. The prayer meeting was at 1011 Chestnut St. and just when I came out on the pavement a brass band passed and I felt serious. I was thinking while the band was playing of the music in heaven, of which I by God’s grace expect to be a partaker. I also saw a funeral procession pass through Chestnut St. this afternoon. I left Phila. at 3.30 o’clock arrived in Reading at 6 and in Port Clinton at about 7 in Tamaqua at 9 and in Williamsport at 2 o’clock or a little before that time and slept in Parker Hotel in Pine St. Thanks be to God that He thus far brought me safe. I paid 40 cts. for my bed. I left Williamsport at about 8 o’clock and arrived at Elmira at noon.

Thurs. 12 -1 left Elmira N. Y. at half past 2 o’clock p.m. and came to Hornelsville at half past 6 o’clock a distance of 60 miles and nearly the whole way from Elmira to Hornelsville I was in the baggage car on account of the uncleanness in the Emigrant cars. I left Hornelsville at 7 o’clock in the evening and arrived at 10 in Buffalo the distance of the latter place being about 90 miles. I lodged in the “Reitz House” kept by a German.

Frid. 13 – This morning I paid 37 cents for lodging in the “Reitz House” and then when I came to the Depot to go to the Niagara Falls, I saw the cars going but was to[o] late. Now I have to go with the next train. The sinner who is unprepared when death comes must go with it over Jordan to Hell and no train for ever will come to take him to heaven, a sad truth indeed. My resolution by God’s grace to serve Him faithfully that death will bring me safe in the heavenly mansions. At half Past 2 o’clock I left Buffalo for Niagara Falls and came to the Falls at about 4 o’clock and there I was taken to the Suspension Bridge by a man who rode me and charged me $2. Thus I paid something to learn which I will not soon forget. In Buffalo at the Depot I met with a man by the name of Thos. D. Rutter who confessed that his condition was not safe and asked I should write to him which I promised if I could possibly. I took a view of the Falls and crossed the Suspension Bridge and then went on the cars on “Great Western Road” and went to Jordan and from there went to the house of Bro. Jacob Albright where I came till dark. Thanks be to God that He has brought me safe into Canada.

Sat. 14 – This morning while eating or just when done breakfast Bro. Hershey came here. When I came to Canada I had $ 1.12 left and faith in God that He will provide. I had 60 cents more when I then above stated when I treaded on Canada’s soil but had to pay that for fare from Suspension Bridge to Jordan Station. Soon after dinner we sang and Bro. Hershey prayed and then we left and went to the house of Bro Daniel High. Bro Albright gave $2 to Bro. Hershey for paying our fare to Waterloo Co. At present we are in Lincoln Co, Lowth Township.

Sun. 15 – This forenoon we had meeting in “Union Meeting House” where Bro. Hershey preached on Math. 6:9 I was when I had entered the M. House a little downcast but after sermon I made a few remarks and was assisted from on high and refreshed and closed by prayer. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. Jacob Hoch(3)  and took dinner and then went to the house of Bro. Daniel Hoch and Bro. Hershey preached on Rom 8:31 and I exhorted a little and closed by prayer. I was during night at the house of Bro. J. Hoch and B. Hershey at Bro. Albright’s.

Mon.16 – This morning I wrote a letter for Mr. Trumbauer and at 1 o’clock had meeting at the house of Bro. J. Hoch (4). Bro. Hershey preached on Psalm 73:23-26. I closed by making a few remarks and prayer.

Tues. 17 – This morning I gave the letter I wrote yesterday to Bro. Hoch who is to put it in PO and offered to pay for it. We left his house this morning and were a short time in the house of Bro. Try(5). At 10 o’clock we had meeting at the home of Bro. Jacob Hoch and here for the first time undertook to preach in my great weakness. Text Psalm 25:15. I did not speak very long and was succeeded by Bro. Hershey by appropriate remarks and prayer. This morning I commenced reading in the beginning of my Ger and E Testaments and intend to read in them in both languages at the same time. In the afternoon I wrote a letter to Thos. D. Rutter and visited Bro. Jacob Oberholzer (5) and took supper there. We visited also a short time Bro. Daniel Hoch and prayed in their family and Bro. H. and I spoke a few words to their children. We returned to the house of Bro. Jacob Hoch.

Wed. 18 – This morning Bro. J. Hoch gave me $ 1. We were a short time at the house of Dilman Moyer (6). We had meeting at the house of Bro. J. Oberholtzer(7) and Bro. H. preached on Rom. 12. I closed by exhorting and prayer. We took dinner at his son’s house. In the afternoon we were a short time at the house of Bro. Jacob Albright and from there visited a family by name of Saml. Moyer(8) and then went and visited an aged sister in the Lord named Keipple (2) who will be 92 years till next 26th of Dec. We came a little before night to the house of Bro. Jacob Cross(11) a preacher of the Evan. Ass. Here we spent a happy evening.

Thurs. 19 – This morning we left the house of Bro. Cross and visited a short time Bro A. Moyer(12) and then Bro. Saml. Moyer(13) and from there to the house of Bro A. Hunsberger(14) where Bro. Hershey preached on Heb. 4:9 and we had indeed a very serious time. I exhorted a short time and had the assistance of God to whom be the glory. I closed by prayer. I was very much refreshed this forenoon and felt alive which I not often do for immortal souls. In the afternoon we visited Jos. Nesh(15) Jacob Nesh (16), Bro. Grenzenbach(17) and took supper at the house or Bro. Houser(18). In the evening there was meeting in the Evan. church. Bro. H. preached on Rom 5:1 and I exhorted a short time. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. S. M. Moyer who gave me to book one containing sermons of R. Weaver and the other on “Christian Perfection” by Wesley.

Frid. 20 – This morning Bro. Moyer took us to Beamsville Sta. and from there we started for Preston, Waterloo Co. This morning I wrote a letter to my sister Susanna. We came to Preston at noon where Bro. Saml. B. Bauman(19) met us and took us to his house where we met Bro. Jonas Schultz. After dinner Bro. Schultz, H. and I went to see Bro. John McNelly(20) where we took supper and after that were taken to a meeting in a school house where Bro. H. preached on Dan 6:16 and I exhorted a little and Bro. Schultz closed by prayer. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. John Detweiler(21) .

Sat. 21 – This forenoon we visited 6 families and came before noon to the house of Bro. A Detweiler(28). In the afternoon we went to the house of Bro. S. Bauman (29) and after supper went to Bro. Benj. Bauman and were in meeting in Carlisle School House where Bro. H. preached on Acts 22:10 and I exhorted and Bro. Schultz closed by prayer. We were during night at the home of Bro. B. Bauman.

Sun. 22 – This morning we were a few minutes in the house of Bro. J. Schlichter(30). This forenoon Bro. J. McNelly’s son took us about 13 miles to the house of Bernhard Devitt(31) where we got dinner and after dinner Mr. Devitt took us 3 miles farther out to St. Jacobs in Woolwich T., Waterloo Co. where Bro. H. preached on Rom 8.31 and I exhorted. We were over supper with John Weitman(32) and in the evening I had a short discourse in my weakness also in the school house where the meeting was this pm. Bro. H. closed by exhortation and prayer. During night we were with Bro. Daniel Reutlinger(33).

Mon. 23 – This forenoon I wrote a letter to Chas. Gehman and one to Mrs. Schafer and in afternoon to Bro. Shelly and enclosed the letter with Bro. Hershey’s letter and we also visited 2 families and took supper with Bro. John Bauman (36). This evening when we went to meeting we heard that a man who was last evening in meeting had suddenly changed time for eternity. Bro. Hershey preached on Proverbs 6:9. I exhorted and prayed. Bro. H. asked the males in meeting the hope that is in them and I gave all who desired tracts. May the Lord bless them to the conversion of souls for Christ’s sake. After meeting we went home with Bro. Jacob Weber(37).

Tues. 24 – As it rained we did not leave Weber’s till this afternoon when we went to see – Hoch(38) a Mennonite preacher and from there to the house Bro. Adam Seybert (39) and took supper with Bro. Reutlinger. In the evening Bro. H preached on Acts 10:34-35. I exhorted a short time. After meeting we went Jno. Weitman’s.

Wed. 25 – This forenoon we attended the funeral of Christian Martin who died so sudden last Monday evening. Rev. Moses Erb preached on 2 Cor 5:1. Mr. Martin was in meeting last Sunday evening and had then drunk some liquor as I got from his smell. He died almost in a moment. This occasion should and hope will always make me when speaking in public or private to sinners urge them to decision. May the Lord give me grace for Christ’s sake. This noon we got dinner with J. Weidman. In the after noon we visited 5 families(44) and one which was Catholic and indeed a very miserable one. May the Lord enlighten them. We got supper with Bro. Daniel Reutlinger. In the evening Bro. H. preached on Dan 6:16 in English and I closed by exhorting in german. We went home with Bro. Otwein(45).

Thurs. 26. – This forenoon we visited 5 families (49) and were over dinner with B. Devitt. In the afternoon Bro. H. preached at the house of Devitt on Psalms 37:37 and I closed by exhortation and prayer. After meeting we went to the house of Rev. Staufer(50) and took supper and then paid a short visit to Daniel Martin (51) and then to St. Jacobs where I had a very short discourse on Isa. 3:10-11 and Bro. Schultz and Hershey also exhorted. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. Christian Weber(52).

Fri. 27 – Today after dinner Bro. H and Schultz left Bro. Weber and visited 5 families (57) though Schultz went to St. Jacobs and therefore was not in all families which I and Hershey visited. I and Bro. Schultz took supper with Bro. Reutlinger. Bro. Schultz preached on Jer. 17:14 and Bro. Hershey exhorted and prayed. Many of the brothers and sisters made confession and I also and was much refreshed. To God be all the honor. After meeting we went home with Bro. J. Bauman.

Sat. 28 – This forenoon we visited 3 families(60). We got dinner with Bro. J. Bowman. In the afternoon we had prayer meeting at the house of Bro. Ottwein and visited 3 families(63) and got supper with Bro. Reutlinger. In meeting Bro. H. preached on Rom 8:18 and I closed by exhortation and prayer. We got dinner with Bro. Singkern(64). We went home with Bro. A Seybert.

Sun. 29 – This forenoon Bro H. preached on Acts 24:14-16 and I closed by exhortation and prayer. We got dinner with Bro. Singkern (64). In the afternoon Bro H. preached on 2 Tim. 4:5 an interesting sermon and I closed by exhortation and prayer. I felt very serious and had God’s assistance while speaking and to Him be all the glory. We got supper at D. Eby’s Hotel(65). There Bro H. and I had the opportunity to offer prayer aloud at the table. It is indeed singular that a hotel keeper gave me more liberty in this respect than my father who is a professor of religion. In the evening I was in meeting in the Evangelical Church where Bro. Stabler preached on Zech 14:9. Bro. P. Winkler closed by exhortation and prayer. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. Isaac Bowman.

Mon. 30 – Today after dinner we went to visit and were in 7 families(72) and took supper with Bro. Reutlinger. In the evening Bro. H. preached on Isa 55:6 and I exhorted a short time. 2 souls were this evening deeply concerned about their souls salvation and we prayed on their behalf. They were both young females. After meeting I went to the house of Bro. Jac. Weber whose daughter is one of the penitent. Bro. H. went to another place as he intends to attend a conference in Carlisle tomorrow.


Tues. 1 – Soon after dinner I left the house of Bro. J. Weber though I prayed with them before I left and left three of his children in tears and they appeared to be in distress about their salvation. I went to the house of Bro. Reutlinger and wrote a letter to Jos. A. Weaver. This evening I had a sermon on Math 5:4. I did not speak very long and Bro. Reutlinger exhorted. We prayed for 4 souls this evening who were deeply distressed about their soul’s salvation. One professed to have found peace by believing in Jesus. After meeting I went home with


Wed. 2 – This forenoon I conversed with Weidman and also read to him John Yoder conversion and read etc. In the afternoon I wrote a letter at Bro. Reutlinger’s for Jas. Schmick. I was over supper with Bro. J. Bowman. In the evening, Bro. H. preached on James 4:10 and I exhorted a little. 3 souls were distressed about their soul’s salvation. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. Reutlinger.

Thurs. 3 – This morning I wrote a letter to Bro. Saml. M. Moyer and Bro H. one to Bro. J. Albright and I also wrote a few lines in the latter. We visited then 14 families (86) today. We [had] dinner with a family with the name of Cress. I took supper with J. Weidman. This evening Bro Schultz on preached Psalm 118:5 and Bro. H exhorted. After meeting Bro. H. and I went home with Bro. J. Weber.

Frid. 4 – This forenoon I wrote a letter to Daniel Young and one to Uncle Daniel Geissinger. In the afternoon we had a prayer meeting here. Bro. Schultz opened the meeting and read the 42nd Psalm. 3 of Bro. Weber’s and other young girls were deeply distressed about their salvation and the 2 daughters of Bro. J. Weber found peace by believing in Jesus. It was indeed a serious time which I shall not soon forget. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. G. Wells. Bro. H. preached on Rom. 10:1 and Bro. Schultz exhorted a short. 2 persons were in distress seeking the Savior and 4 profess to have found peace in believing in Christ.

Sat. 5 – This forenoon we visited one family and then (87) I wrote a letter for Harrison Seiple in the forenoon yet. In the afternoon we had prayer meeting in the school house and had a happy time. After meeting to the house of Bro. Jac. Weber where I got supper. Bro. Schultz preached on 1 John 2:2 and I exhorted and also Bro. H. One soul was penitent and cried for mercy. After meeting we went to the house of John Weidman.

Sun. 6 – This forenoon Bro. Schultz preached in English on John 3:7 and I exhorted in German and offered closing prayer. At noon I was at the house ofBro. J Bowman. After dinner we were 12 in number all young in years who had a prayer meeting before the meeting in school house and had a very happy time and which I shall not soon forget. Two of the number were penitent and wept an account of their sins. This afternoon Bro. H. preached and had for his text the 1st Psalm. I exhorted a short time and Bro. Schultz offered the closing prayer. I took supper with Bro. Reutlinger. In the evening Bro. H. preached on Psalms 40:1-4 and Bro. Schultz exhorted. After meeting I went to the house ofBro. Jacob Weber.

Mon. 7 – This morning I went to the house of Bro. J. Bowman where I met Bro. H. then we went to visiting and took dinner with Bro. John Detweiler and supper with Bro. Speiss. We visited 6 families (93) to day. In the evening I in my great weakness had a short discourse on Math. 11:28-30. Bro. H. exhorted. 5 souls were penitent and cried for mercy. I felt much seriousness. Today a son of Bro. Speiss gave me five cents which was an encouragement for me that the Lord hears my prayers and provides for my bodily wants. To Him be all the glory and honor and thanks for what He has done to my soul. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. Reutlinger. When I went towards this village I was in spiritual darkness and also at times since I am here but the Lord was also pleased at times to let my soul be refreshed. I now plainly see that our work has thus far been blessed by the Lord. My prayer is for a humble and sincere heart and grace to serve my Maker fully the remainder of my pilgrimage through this vale of tears that I may be ultimately saved in the celestial city above. Amen.

Tues. 8 – This forenoon we had prayer meeting at the house ofBro. Reutlinger and had a happy time. Five souls were penitent and in distress about their soul’s salvation though none obtained pardon. In the afternoon we were a short time at B. Devitt’s and visited a short time Bro. Houck (94). I took supper at Weidman’s. In the evening Bro. H. preached on 1 Cor. 7:29 and I exhorted. 7 young souls were in distress about their salvation though none obtained peace and pardon of their sins. After meeting we went home with Bro. Christian Weber’s where we had a happy time yet before we went to bed.

Wed. 9 – This forenoon I spent in reading and conversation and soon after dinner we left Bro Weber’s for St. Jacobs and visited 3 families (97). We took supper with Bro. Reutlinger. In the evening Bro. H. preached in English on John 9:4 and Bro. Schlichter followed and spoke in German on Jer. 37:9. There were five penitents this evening and Daniel Weber seemed more or less to have some hope in Christ. After meeting I went to the house ofBro. B. Bowman where also Bro. Schultz. This evening I did not feel quite as happy as I did this afternoon at Bro. Weber’s as there I enjoyed the presence of my God while I sat there singing as I seldom do.

Thur. 10 – This forenoon I went to the house of Bro. Jac. Weber. In the afternoon I was in prayer meeting at the house of Bro. B. Bowman and had a very happy time. Four souls were penitent and cried for mercy. After meeting I went home with Bro. Reutlinger. This forenoon Bro’s Schlichter, Hershey and Jac. Weber spoke to each other and Bro. Weber could not altogether agree with Bro. Hershey. I went upstairs and opened a Bible for consolation and opened Nahum 1:3 and then I prayed to the Lord and after that opened the Bible again and my finger pointed to a picture of Martha, Mary and Jesus but my finger was on Jesus. This was a great consolation to me. Christ is “all in all.” This evening Bro. Schultz preached on Heb. 11:1 and Bro. Schlichter exhorted and also Bro. H. a little. 7 souls were penitent and two for certain obtained peace by believing in Jesus and found Him precious to their souls. After meeting Bro. H and I went to B. Weidman’s.

Fri. 11 – This forenoon we went to the house of Bro. Reichard (98) and took dinner there. I read here awhile in Bishop Seybert’s Memoir. In the afternoon we visited 3 families where we have not been before (101) and also at the house of Schafer whose maid is penitent. We spoke a few words of encouragement to her. Bro. H. preached on Micah 2:13 and I exhorted. There was only one penitent soul present. After meeting we went home with Bro. J. Bowman.

Sat. 12 – This morning we went to the house of Bro. Reutlinger and read there etc. and after dinner went in the church of the Evangelist’s where Bro. S. Weaver preached on Psalm 26:8. We got supper at the house ofBro. Isaac Bowman. This evening I preached on John 12:35, and Bro. H. exhorted. There were a few penitents. After meeting we went to Bro. Reutlinger’s.

Sun. 13 – This forenoon we were in the Evangelist’s Church where Bro. Sol. Weaver preached on Acts 26:22-23 and after sermon they had the communion of the Lord’s supper. This noon I went home with Bro. Anthony Reitzel where we a few young pilgrims toward Zion after dinner sing and prayed with each other. In the afternoon I was in meeting in the School house where Bro. H. preached on Ps. 119:165. On the 19th of March 1862, I heard for the first time Bro. H. preach and saw him for the first time. It was at the house of Bro. Charles S. Gehman in Saucon Pa. We took supper at the house of Bro. Reutlinger. In the evening Bro. H. preached on Rev. 22:17 and I exhorted and then we prayed for penitents and one obtained peace by believing in Jesus. After meeting we went home with Bro. Reutlinger. 8 souls have now found Jesus precious to their souls and 4 are yet in distress.

Mon. 14 – This morning sister Reutlinger informed me that she and sister Weidman intend to make a shirt for us. This was quite unexpected, though it strengthened my weak faith that God will provide for me if I do faithfully the work He wishes me to do. We visited this forenoon Bro. Henry Seibert, who gave each of us 50 cents. Sister Reutlinger also gave me 50 cents this morning. We then went in the forenoon yet to the house ofBro. Jac. Weber and visited a family on our way (102) before noon. In the afternoon we visited a family (103) and took supper with Bro. Speiss. This evening I in my great weakness preached on I John 2:17. Bro. H. exhorted. This evening it appeared that Jacob Weber found Jesus precious to his soul. After meeting we went to the house of Jno. Weidman.

Tues. 15 – This morning Weidman gave me a $1. We then went to Bro. Reutlinger’s. We took dinner with Bro. Gilpin (104) and in the afternoon we visited some of our brothers and sisters and one family (105) we had not visited before. Bro. J. Bowman gave me and Bro. Felsinger 10 cents. Thus it appears the Lord will provide. Thanks be to Him. We were also this afternoon in the Evangelical church where an infant of Mr. Schroter and wife was buried aged 10 months 22 days. Bro. Stabler preached on John 14:4. I felt serious during sermon. Ah! how soon my frail life may end. Soon I shall breath my last. May the Lord give grace that I may always be prepared for death and eternity. This evening Bro. H. preached his farewell sermon to our fellow travellers to eternity on Psalm 37:37. The school house was pretty full. I exhorted also and gave my parting exhortation and felt serious. We gave our parting hand to each person in the school house and while doing so many tears were shed. We have good evidence that I [my] effort put forth in St. Jacobs for the good of precious souls was not in vain as 12 young souls expressed a desire to come on the Lord’s side and 7 we [k]now that profess to have found Jesus precious to their souls and 2 are not quite satisfied that God is their friend and 3 others expressed to seek the Savior till found. I received $3.12 1/2 unasked for this evening and Bro. H. $2.85. We went home after meeting with Barnabas Devitt.

Wed. 16 – Today we visited 12 families, 3 of which we had visited before (114). We took dinner with Bro. David Stauffer and supper with Bro. Houck. This evening we had meeting at the house of Barnabas Devitt where Bro. H. preached on Mark 10:28-30 and I closed by exhortation and prayer. We had a very serious time.

Thurs. 17 – Today I wrote at Devitt’s a letter to L. J. Pflueger and one to Saml. M. Landis and a little before night we went to the house of Wm. Bomberger where we had meeting this

evening. Bro. H. preached on Math. 6:33 and I closed by exhortation and prayer. We stayed

with Bomberger over night.

Fri. 18 – This forenoon Bro. Houck took us to the house of Peter Erb (115). We took dinner with Bro. Mismer (116). We visited 2 families (118). We wrote [rode] today in the sleigh as it snowed last night. This was the first sleigh ride I had in Canada. This evening we took supper with B. Devitt. In the evening we had meeting the school house near Devitt’s where Bro. H. preached on Micah 6:8 and I closed by exhortation and prayer. We went after meeting to the house of B. Devitt.

Sat. 19 – This morning early Bro. Hershey left to go with Wm. Bomberger to Carlisle. I went today to the house of Bro. Christian Weaver and returned in the afternoon again to the house of B. Devitt where Bro. H. soon also came and had 4 letters which are the first I received since I am in Canada. They were from John Trumbauer, Chas. S. Gehman, Jos. A. Weaver and my sister Susanna, This evening Bro. H. preached on 2 Cor. 5:1 and he was very serious while preaching. I exhorted and closed by prayer. Bro. D. Stauffer gave me this evening quite unexpected unasked for 50 cents. Bro. H. received a letter today of Bro. Wm. N. Shelly.

Sun. 20 – Last evening our meeting was in School house again but after meeting a letter was handed Bro. H. containing a notice that we are not allowed to preach any longer therein this day. This forenoon Bro. H. preached on Math 23:33 a very solemn sermon and Bros. Schultz and Schlichter exhorted and I also and Bro. Schlichter closed by prayer. At noon Bros. Schultz Schlichter and I went with B. Devitt to St. Jacobs to meeting and Bro. H. stayed at Devitts. This afternoon in St. Jacobs Bro. Schlichter preached on Math 22:42 and Bro. Schultz exhorted and I closed by prayer. The bro’s returned to Carlisle and I took supper with John Weidman and was in the evening in prayer meeting at the house of Bro. H. Seybert. I opened the meeting and read the 2nd chap. 1 Peter and made a few remarks. We had a happy meeting and felt the presence of our Savior. After prayer meeting I went home with Bro. Daniel Reutlinger.

Mon. 21 – This morning I left Reutlinger’s and walked to Devitt’s where I learned that 4 souls were penitent last evening and cried for mercy in meeting in the school house, Bro. H. is gone to Cyrus Bauer’s today and he was the only minister last evening in the school house. This afternoon I went to the school house and brought a letter to the teacher to give to Bro. Reutlinger and I gave a short address to the scholars. Then I went to Bomberger’s and soon Bro. H. came. Then we went to Devitt’s again. This evening I made the attempt to speak on Proverbs 8:17 and Bro. H. exhorted. The meeting was at Devitt’s. 2 souls were penitent though did not obtain peace.

Tues. 22 – This morning we rode with Wm. Bomberger and went to the house of Bro. Christian Weber. After dinner we left Weber’s and visited several (120) and took supper with Wm. Bomberger. In the evening Bro. H. preached on Gen. 7:1 a very serious sermon. I exhorted a short time. 2 souls were penitent. We went home with Bro. Daniel Stauffer.

Wed. 23 – This forenoon we visited a few families. Met one where prayer was denied us (121). At noon we were at Devitt’s. In the afternoon I read a short time in Lorenzo Dew’s works and was refreshed while read some experiences of this man of God. O may the Lord guide me by His spirit and give me grace that I may work with more zeal for the good of immortal souls. This afternoon we visited a little and returned before night to Devitt’s. In the evening Bro. H. preached on Ecc. 9:10 very solemnly and I exhorted a short time. I felt very serious this evening.

Thur. 24 – This forenoon I also wrote a letter to father and a few words to mother. This forenoon we walked to the town of Waterloo and took dinner at the house of Jacob Bricker (121 ). In the afternoon we went back again and took supper with Bro. Jos. Weber. This evening Bro. H. preached in Luke 12:32 and I exhorted.


Fri. 25 – This forenoon we were in the Old Mennonite Meeting where Bro. Mismer preached on 2nd Math. In the afternoon Bro H. preached at Devitt’s on Isaiah 9:6 and I closed by exhortation and prayer. After meeting we rode with the sleigh to the house of Bro. C. Weber and returned to Devitt’s again where Bro. H. preached in the evening again on Eph. 3:14-15. I exhorted a short time and closed by prayer. We had a serious time. We closed the meeting now at Devitt’s and went home with Bro. C. Weber. 2 young girls profess to have found the Savior during our meeting at Devitt’s.

Sat. 26 – This forenoon I was in a Lutheran Church in Heidelberg where Rev. Stahscmidt preached on Isa. 9:6. In the afternoon I was at Weber’s. In the evening we had meeting in a school house near Weber’s where Bro. H. preached on 1 Tim 1:15 and I exhorted and closed by prayer. After meeting we returned to the house ofBro. Weber.

Sun. 27 – This forenoon we had prayer meeting in Bro. Weber’s house. Bro. H. read part of the 95th Psalm. We had the presence of our Savior. Elizabeth Weber at the close of the meeting found the Savior precious to her soul. In the afternoon I in weakness had a discourse in the school house on Ps. 37:4. Bro. H. closed by exhortation and prayer. We took supper at the house of John Moyer. In the evening Bro. H. preached a very interesting [sermon] on Luke 15:18 and I exhorted and a few of the Brethren closed by prayer. After meeting we went to the house of John Moyer.

Mon. 28 – This forenoon we went to St. Jacobs with Mover’s sleigh and horse to visit B. Jno. Bowmen and several other families. Sister Bowman was sick though happy in her Redeemer. In the afternoon we returned to Moyer’s and then left for Bro. C. Weber’s. While on our way thither visited a Catholic family (122) where Bro. H. had the opportunity to pray. It is indeed remarkable that Catholics give more liberty in this respect then Mennonites. We visited Mennonites who refused to us prayer in their house before leaving. O that God by His Spirit may awaken souls dead and cold professors of religion before it is eternally too late. This evening Bro. H. preached on 2 Cor. 6.10 and I exhorted and prayed. There were only about 2 hearers though we felt the presence of God. After meeting we went to the house of Bro. C. Weber.

Tues. 29 – This forenoon I wrote a letter to Jno. Trumbauer and enclosed a tract published by the London Religious Tract Society. This afternoon we visited several families (126) and a Mennonite family where prayer was refused to us. May God have mercy on such dead professors of religion. We also spoke with a school teacher who believes that man doth not receive reward or punishment till after judgment day and I had some temptations about this man’s doctrine. May the Lord guide me into all truth by His Spirit, This evening Bro. H. preached on Proverbs 3.5-6 and I exhorted a short time but was in spiritual darkness while speaking as also during Bro’s sermon. After meeting we went home to the house of John Moyer.

Wed. 30 – This morning we walked to Bro. C. Weber’s and then to the school house where Bro. H. preached on Psalm 126:3 to 5 hearers but I was refreshed again in spirit and felt the presence of God and also exhorted a short time. John Moyer’s two daughters were of the 5 hearers and they shed tears so I trust tears of repentance. May God bless them for Christ’s sake- Amen. We took dinner at Bro. C. Weber’s. This afternoon we visited several families and in Lutheran families we had the liberty to pray and received thanks for doing so while in some Mennonite families prayer was refused to us. Singular indeed! (129) We took supper with Jno. Moyer. In the evening Bro. H. preached in the S. House on Acts 16:34 and I exhorted and offered prayer and Bro. C. Weber also offered prayer. After meeting we went home with Weber’s.

Thur. 31 – This day I spent in reading and wrote yet a little and enclosed it with the letter I wrote for Jno Trumbauer a few days ago. In the evening we had meeting at the house of John Moyer where Bro. H. preached on 1 Cor 7:29 and Rom. 12:11 and I exhorted and offered prayer, I felt very serious this evening. We stayed at Moyer’s house over night. During the past year the Lord has blessed me both in soul and body. It pleased the Lord to give me through the past year $231.92 through friends for my bodily support without my asking as answers to prayer. I also received articles of clothing to the amount of about $3.50. I have cash on hand $6.70. We had preaching 59 times since we are in Canada and 6 time prayer meeting. 9 times I made the attempt in my great weakness to preach. 129 families we visited in C. I am not able to thank the Lord as I ought to do for the goodness He has shown against me during the past year as well as from my infancy up to the present moment. And I, perhapse am n-

“Thus far the Lord hath led me on. “Thus far his power prolongs my days; And every evening shall make known Some fresh memorial of his grace. Much of my time has run to waste. And I, perhaps, am, near my home; But he forgives my follies past. And give me strength for days to come.”

My resolution is by the grace of God to serve the Lord to the end of my pilgrimage through this vale of tears that the crown of glory may be mine in the mansions of the skies. Lord, help me to this end for Jesus sake. Amen.

The Conversion of John M. Yoder

Written by himself previous to his death.

March. Monday 17th, 1862. Today I had school. This evening A. R. Horne commenced his protracted meeting in the Zion’s Church and prolonged three evenings. I remember the time last summer when I went up with him to church from Quakertown on Saturday afternoon which was the day he started his class in the Catechism. I was attending school at Quakertown and on Saturday I used to go home. I was attending school before haymaking and I felt uneasy in regard to religion. I was attending the lectures he gave there at church and school for I felt it my duty to do something. One of the scholars joined the church that spring. The idea was also in my head but the time arrived to be taken in and I stayed back knowing that I was yet in my sins, no peace with God, but I could not rest for I considered my condition a dangerous one. Then I concluded to join the church after harvest, told my parents of the matter. They offered a few objections, yet said I was of age. I should do as I think best. I mentioned the matter to a few companions who stood the same as I did. They confessed their condition was not right and seemed to be uneasy too but I concluded to join the church at Quakertown, mentioned the matter to Rev. Horne, he said he had no class any more till spring that I thought was put[t]ing it away too far. He then said he would start a class at Zion’s Church. I should come here. I spoke again to my young friends about it and we concluded to go. I was still attending school at Quakertown and I went along up with him to church. We spoke of the matter how the churches were etc. I told him I could not make myself at home where every thing was so cold etc for I like preaching oftener than every four weeks and also protracted meetings and prayer meetings and I knew that he would introduce these branches as he also told me. Then got the books and went into the class and then Levi Young, Sam’1 Landis, Catherine Schleifer and Elizabeth Bleam also commenced to go. Then we went awhile but these boys seems to become uneasy in regard to baptism. They thought immersion was the right way to baptize, according to the Bible, and also infant baptism they could not— Then the protracted meetings at Gehman’s Footnote commenced and they attended that and found peace through Jesus’ blood with their God. But I still continued but had much resistance also of my parents. They thought that Rev. Horne would not do his duty on us and we would be taken in as members of the church and that would be all. We would not get peace with our God. These girls also continued but Catharine Schleifer would also have left us had their parents left her go. They thought that she commenced this and should continue on. Her father requested me to take her down and as I did and also Elizabeth Bleam. Yet I often went that I felt deep in regard to my salvation. This question often occurred to me “What shall I do?” The time came to be taken in church and I am not prepared. I often thought of the hour. Fear and trembling almost came over me and this question again “What shall I do?” I took the girls down and home every time towards last but we hardly spoke a word on the way. My father told me again I might get peace, once when this meeting was at Gehman’s he meant to say, but I stood myself in the way. Now I would not get pardon of my sins. Time was near at hand and we would be taken in and become dead members of the church. This was again hard on me. I did not know what to do. I thought I could not stop going yet I thought I would not get prepared. Rev. Horne was going to have church in the evening the last week that still gave me a little comfort. I thought I might get peace yet perhaps. As the last week arrived I felt very sick but I had school. Still the evening came I took those girls down again but we had very little talk and comfort for they were as sick as I (I believe Levi Young was here last Sunday when I seen him come. I felt I can’t say how but it was somewhat like that I would leave home till he was going again. Again I thought it would not do but I knew he would speak in regard to my salvation & and I could not answer and so he did too but I took it as easy as I could but felt bad for he soon found that I had no comfort and hope for an eternal rest. After dinner they went to the meeting at Gehman’s but I went to Coopersburg in Rev. Strass’ church. Levi Young spoke to father in going over to the meeting that noon he wished that I would get peace with my God for he had to say yet that he came so far or at least I gave him the start for I spoke to him about joining the church & and he commenced then that gave him the start. Father told me this again. But it seems to me always they want me to leave the church down here and join this church where they are & and this I could not.

Tuesday 18th. I had school again but I did not feel much like teaching for I was sick at heart for the time came so near and no comfort yet in the evening. We went down again to church and he spoke very attracting words that I could not forget. He said in fifty years from today this voice will call you no more to come to Jesus; this hand will wink you no more for it will then moulder in the grave etc. I spoke a little to the girls that were along with me about the sermon & on our way home but I still had no hope for a future bliss consequently I could comfort them very little. Monday evening father and mother were down too. They thought made or preached not as [space] as he ought. He spoke of the duty of parents to their children today.

Wednesday 19th. I had no school. This forenoon I was at the funeral. Chas. Hillegas was buried. Rev. Hess held the funeral sermon here at the meeting house. I cannot express how I felt today. I went down to the meeting house all alone considering and had deep thoughts. The funeral was not there yet. I went down towards the school house at that of the grave yard. I went in and standing there a little while with a few others. David Young came then to talk to me but I did not feel like talking much. I went to the grave then. Emma was standing there, spoke a few words, then I passed up to the meeting house. The funeral came. Before they were there I spoke a little with M. Landis and Charles S. Gehman about our evening church etc. When they carried him in they sang a hymn and I thought it went so solemn as they went down to the grave. I passed in front of the meeting house. The sun was shining very warm and pleasant there. Then I heard them sing at the grave that I thought sounded so solemn again. David Schleifer came to talk a few words but passed in did not disturb me much. I was there alone again listening and considering. As they came up from the grave I went in the house but I cannot say how I felt. After the sermon was over I went home. At the table my parents commenced again but I could not refrain any longer. I then told them I knew this for a long time that I was not what I ought to be but they had not done their duty on me neither assisted me much in this since I was studying my Catechism but often greaved me in heart with these words, now you will be taken in church as a dead member if you don’t get forgiveness of your sins get converted and mother once told me give it up it is good for nothing etc. As I told them this at the table and more yet they said it matters not where a person is or to what church he belongs etc. It seemed so to me with them for they only been with me a few times and at these times I told them yet they should go etc. And then I said if they had gone hand in hand with me I could have went with pleasure so I had to go with grief and went to the barn and wept bitterly after while. I went in then Catharine Schleifer was here. Father got a book commenced to sing with us. At first I thought I could not sing for my heart was not filled with the love of God but I commenced to sing although it was against the will of my flesh and blood. Then he prayed with us upon his bended knees. I went to the Station. Then Rev. Horne promised me to come up this evening but unfortunately it happened that he could not come. When I came back Catharine Schleifer was going home. I then in my troubles went up stairs and prayed. After supper I went down church all alone on my carriage but I must say I felt an inward joy in my soul yet before I was at the church it was all gone. I could not listen to the sermon got sleepy etc (which I seldom do in church). I must believe it was nothing but a temptation of Satan who strives hard to keep souls from eternal happiness. I went home again with a heavy heart and considering the time was so near at hand only a day yet time for on Friday he was going to ask us each one separate and to give my name and join the church with my sins and troubles. I could not possibly do I thought for I knew that my companions received peace and pardon of their sins through Jesus’ blood and to join a church and be baptized etc. I could not possibly do without a new heart as Rev. Horne said that we must get new hearts for no one could enter into the kingdom of heaven unless he be born again and if I join the church in my sins I make of myself a child of hell twofold more th[a]n I am now thought I.

Thursday 20th. I had school again in the morning as we had sung our hymn and read our chapter in the Bible or part of it I prayed different and longer th[a]n usual. When I was through the children looked at me and I felt ashamed. I don’t know why but I told them to get their lessons and learn them and as I was at teaching again I got along quite well. I had my attention more to them I hear and so on. But in the evening it came again the time so much nearer only one night time. When I dismissed my school I told them we had no school till Monday and as they were gone I closed the shutters on one side of the school house along the road and in front so that no body could see me. Then I prayed a while that God should release me of the burden of my sins that pressed me hard. I thought of going home. I knew that old John Musselman was at Gehman’s and that he intended to come to our house and I thought him and father would pray and sing with me. On my way home I met J. Hottel. He worked at our house. I asked him is old Mussehnan at our house. He said no. That was a hard word for me again. Then I thought of going to Levi Young but thinking again I had no chance to talk with him what I would like to etc. for Old Young would not admit of it and thought again of the noise and fuss people would make of it if they would find it out. I concluded to stay at home, got my Commentaries or translations of the Bible, read in them a little, then Gehman came in and indeed I felt glad to see him come. He had a little bucket filled with water said he had a new kind of drink. I should taste it. It was maple sap. It tasted like sugar water but it did not comfort me much. I then got a hymn book said we would sing a few pieces perhaps we could employ the time very well and so we commenced to sing then. I asked him to pray after singing again. Father prayed too and they were with me till nearly 12 o’clock. Then he went home and parents went to bed but I did not feel sleepy. I then went upon my bended knees and prayed I know not how long. When I saw Charles come this evening I felt confident that the hand of God was working for I felt to save my soul and get rid of this burden which pressed so heavy on me. I knew the Lord would not despise those that will come to Him and that he had his servants who work in His vineyard but as they had left me and was all alone praying my heart became filled with the love of God. I could pray with all my heart and feel light and happy all sorrow was away and I could praise God with a pure heart and a living faith. I was engaged all night in singing praying and praising God for what he has done on me. A few minutes I slumbered on the rocking chair but I was so filled with pleasure and happiness in the Lord that I did not go to bed. In the morning when father came I asked him whether he slept well etc and said that I had also a happy night a night which I shall never forget.

Friday 21st. Today we met again at the church and I went with pleasure with a heart light and free every thing even the earth seemed look new to me and I could answer the questions with pleasure. Horne asked us and felt happy. I spoke to these girls that I found my Savior etc and they said they believe that it was so. But they had not found the Savior yet. As we went home from church C. Schleifer wanted to go home with me but feared her parents would not let her, wished me to go and speak to them etc. She then went along with me and E. Bleam also came over to night. We also sang and prayed til about 12 o’clock. They went to bed in the morning. They were up pretty early and we sang and prayed with them and they found their Savior both and we went with pleasure down church this morning namely, Saturday 22nd. It was snowing and the roads very muddy but we did not mind that. With pleasure we went and were baptized and had holy hours yesterday and today. Rev. Horne prayed with us upon our bended knees and spoke very affectionately to us which I took with pleasure for my soul wanted food. Yesterday I spoke to Horne that some of the members wanted to have prayed for them etc. He said he would attend to it and so he did. Charles Gehman also prayed on Friday with us. Father was down too.

March Sunday 23rd 1862. This morning it was pleasant again but the roads very muddy. These girls went along down with me to church. The house was full, more people were there then a long time before from all the parts and directions they came. Rev. Horne had selected for this text these words which the Lord spoke to Peter, “Lovest thou me” and he preached a very interesting sermon. Words fell which I shall never forget and he yet spoke to us in particular and said we should often ask us this question “Lovest thou me.” He then gave the Sacrament to the old members first and then to us after all he also took it and said he would also take the Sacrament with us particularly who came to the Lord’s table for the first time. So long I stood outside of the church with as it were the light in my hand, knew better but so days and years came and went and still brought me further from my God and the eternal home but as I had another call to come to Jesus. God be blessed I came and found Him whom my soul loveth as it is recorded in the 3rd Chapter Song of Solomon 1. By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth. I sought him but I found him not. 2. I will rise now and go about the city in the streets and in the broad ways. I will seek him whom my soul loveth. I sought him but I found Him not. 3. The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said Saw ye whom my soul loveth? 4. It was but a little that I passed from them but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him and would not let him go until I had brought him into my mother’s house and into the chamber other that conceived me. Amen.

J. M. Yoder

East Allen March 10,1863

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