Levi Jung – 1865-1868 Diary

Levi Jung – 1865-1868 Diary


When we published information on Levi Jung, it was always a hope that someone would appear with more information or even other diaries from Levi. Our hope was realized when Doug Salsbury came across our information on the website. After contacting me, he graciously made excerpts from this later diary available to us. Our thanks and appreciation to Mr. Salisbury for making it possible for us to learn even more of Levi Jung and his ministry.

January 1865

Sunday 1.

Last evening we had meeting at the house of Bro. Jacob Shoemaker and after meeting I went to Manheim to the United Brethren M. H. where they had a watch meeting. We closed the year 1864 and commenced the year 1865 in on our knees. There was a general experience meeting till 4 o’clock this morning then the meeting broke up. I returned back to Bro. Jacob Shoemaker’s and slept there till about 10 o’clock, then I read. In the afternoon we, a few of us, had a little prayer meeting, and indeed I felt very solemn and the presence of my Saviour. In the evening Bro. Peffly preached on Rom. 12:11 and I exhorted and indeed we were but few in number but had God’s presence in our midst. Shoemaker’s hired girl came forward expressing a desire to give her heart to God, and two other girls were also deeply convicted. May God visit them by His Spirit and let them not rest until they may find rest in Jesus. I have now again commenced a new year, but whether I shall see the end of it my God only knows. What the year 1865 has in store for me is as yet wrapped up in a dark futurity. I shall doubtless, if I have to live awhile yet, have many trials and temptations but I trust in the promises of my God. May He strengthen me and reveal unto me His most holy will and give grace to do the same so that if this year should close my pilgrimage in this vain world of sin and sorrow that I may land in Canaan’s happy shore. Where sin and sorrow can never come. Today I also felt warm in my heart for the salvation of my parents, brothers and sisters, and I am determined to pray for their salvation as long as I am in this mortal frame or till my God shall answer my prayer for Jesus’ sake.

Monday 2.

This forenoon I walked to Bro. Michael Hossler’s and got dinner there. In the afternoon I went to Bro. Jos. Snyder’s and preached there in the evening on Josh. 24:15 and Bro. Jeremiah Greiner exhorted. After the meeting was closed we sang yet quite a while and had a happy time in the Lord. This evening I saw an old drunkard by the name of Jno Tieher who was very drunk and Bro. Greiner and I took him in the barn for fear he might stay on the road and freeze to death and in his present condition his soul go to everlasting ruin. It made me feel very solemn to see this soul and I hope I get a lessen from so that I may warn more faithfully young men to forsake their evil ways while young before they have gone so far in the way to ruin.

Tuesday 3.

This morning I left Bro. Snyder’s and went to the house of Sister E. Brubaker, though met Bro. Peffly on the road, who was on his way home. I stayed at the house of Sister Brubaker till after dinner. Then I went to Bro. Shoemaker’s again, where I preached in the evening on John 11:28 and felt God’s assistance whilst attempting to preach. Lizzie Diems was penitent this evening and obtained peace by believing in Christ. I felt myself happy in my Saviour. To Him be all honor and glory.

Wednesday 4.

Yesterday I received a letter from my cousin Enos Y. Landis and tracts from Mrs. A.P. Jolliffe. This forenoon I read tracts and also a while in the afternoon and then I wrote a letter to Sister Jolliffe. This evening I preached at Bro. Shoemaker’s on Matt. 7:13-14 to nine hearers. I felt rather low spirited this evening through happy for Jesus is still my friend.

Thursday 5.

This forenoon I wrote of a copy of the letter that I wrote yesterday that I wrote to Sister Jolliffe. I also wrote a letter to Bro. Nathan Cassel and in the afternoon I took my letters to Meinheim P.O. In the evening I preached again on Rev. 6:17 to a small number of hearers. I felt that the Saviour was in our midst.

Monday 9.

This morning I left Bro. Young’s and did not get far until I met Brother Hershey not knowing at first. Then we went to visit Sister Eliza Brubacher. Then from thence I went to Brother C. Steiners and Brother Hershey went to Hosslers again. In the afternoon I went to Brother Levi Young’s again and from thence to Brother Halmans where I got supper and where I saw a young man who was in the army for nearly a year and is still in bed and has lost his hearing. I gave Him a few tracts and may God bless them to his soul’s salvation. In the evening I was in prayer meeting at the house of Brother Martin Greiner. I read the 23rd Psalm and made a few remarks.

Friday 13.

After the close of the watch meeting I went home with Brother Martin Greiner and stayed from 5 to 9 o’clock. I called today a short time at Brother Snyder’s and also at Brother J. Greiner’s and then went to the house of Sister E. Brubacher where Brother Hershey preached in the evening on Pro.18:24. After I exhorted. We had quite a number of hearers and had the presence of our dear and precious Saviour. This was the first meeting that we had viz (namely) I and Brother Hershey together in this county. I shall not soon forget it. Oh, that the Lord may give me a humble and sincere heart and willingness to discharge my duty faithfully in my responsible calling.

Wednesday 18.

In the afternoon we went to Brother C. Peffley and in the evening I preached in the United Brethem M.H. on Isa. 55:6 and Brother Hershey exhorted. They had two members with which we proved awhile. I also related my religious experience and the lord’s dealings with me. After meeting we went home with Brother Peffleys. This evening while preaching, I did not feel very well and the reason no doubt was that I have indulged too much in my appetite. May God forgive me for Jesus’ sake and give me more grace to be able to subdue my evil passions and become more holy.

“O for a closer walk with God,

A calm and heavenly frame,

A Light to shine upon the road,

That leads me to the Lamb.”

Thursday 19.

Today three years ago I was baptized by Brother Wm. Shelley. Alas, how many trials and temptations I have had since, altho many happy seasons and God has led me through this far.

Thursday 26.

Today Brother Peffley and I visited Isaac Hoover who is father-in-law to Brother P. This evening I received a letter from Brother Samuel M. Landis. In the evening Brother Hershey preached on Psalm 121:1,2. There were four penitents and none obtained pardon.

I felt since I am in Fairville this time not very well in spirit but I know it is for my good. Oh, may the Lord give me a humble heart and grace to do His holy will and live uprightly. While I live in this vain world of sin and sorrow.

Saturday 28.

In the afternoon we went back to Fairville again and visited several families and got supper with Brother John Bowman. In the evening I tried to preach again from Matt. II :28-30 and it pleased the Lord to come near my soul and visit me by His spirit while preaching and made my heart feel serious and burdened with the dear souls who were my hearers. There were four penitents but not I believe a satisfactory evidence of the pardon of their sins. The Saviour again was precious to my soul this evening and may He grant that I may love Him more and serve Him better and never depart from Him till I behold Him forever in Glory on high.

February 1865

Monday 6.

  I have still a very bad cold and feel very much discouraged in my calling. My prayer to God is for strength and grace to be able to learn what the will of the Lord is concerning me and that I may be able to do the same. Oh how I long to be where Jesus is ard join in singing everlasting praises to His name. But alas, perhaps many a storm will come against ne before I shall reach Canaan's fair and happy shore. But thanks be to God that

“From every stormy wind that blows,

From every swelling tide of woes,

There is a calm and sure retreat,

Tis found beneath the mercy seat.”

“I’m glad that I was bom to die,

From grief and woe shall fly,

Bright angels shall convey me home,

Away to new Jerusalem.”

I have many a wish to be released from this vain world of sin and sorrow, for I really find nothing that affords me true happiness sure what I find in the Saviour and Him I do not love as much as I wish to, being that my evil carnal nature prevents me so much but I often feel that I ought to be more contented and be willing to stay in this stage of action till I am tried and purified and then God in His own time vhen He sees fit will take me to himself.

Friday 10.

I had intended to go to Lebanon today but my cold got worse so that I did not leave Peffleys and felt at times pretty sick. I feel at times for the present very much discouraged, but my continual prayer to God is for His aid and assistance to bring me safe through this wilderness of woe.

“Through many dangers, toils, and snares,

I have already come.

Tis grace that brought me safe thus far,

And grace shall lead me home.”

Sunday 12.

After meeting we went home with Brother Abner Clime where we had quite a talk with his daughter in regard to fighting. I asserted that the true follower of Jesus has no right to bear arms and she argued to the contrary. Oh, that God would enlighten the poor misguided souls who are led astray by false teaching.

Monday 13.

In the evening Brother Hershey preached on Romans 10:1 and I exhorted in English. This was the first time that I exhorted English in Perm. There was one penitent at the altar. There was an election for an exhorter and class leader. Brother Aaron Sharer was elected exhorter and Brother Abner Clime class leader. After meeting we went home with Sister Sch..sler.

Monday 20.

…This was the first time that I was ever in Brother Hershey’s family. I do for some time feel very discouraged – often feel tempted that I am perhaps not all together doing my Master’s will in traveling to and fro and preaching. My prayer to God is that He may reveal unto me His divine will and what I shall do and that He may also give me the grace to do His will. I indeed long after more holiness and I wish to be more united to Christ, my life and light.

“O for a closer walk with God,

A calm and heavenly frame,

A light to shine upon the road,

That leads me to the Lamb.”

Thursday 23.

This forenoon I finished a letter for my grandfather which I had commenced yesterday already. Then we visited 17 families yet and returned before night to Brother H. house. I am very much depressed in mind yet I do not feel condemned. Frequently I am tempted that I am perhaps not doing the will of the Lord by continually traveling. My prayer to God is for His guidance and that He may reveal unto me His holy will and give me grace to do the same. My firm resolution is by the grace of God to work out my own soul’s salvation and to exert as good an influence on my fellow mortals.

“To serve the present age,

My calling to fulfill,

Oh may it all my powers engage,

To do my Master’s will.”

Friday 24.

Today I wrote letters to Sister H. Detwiler, Mrs. A. P. Jolliffe, Dan Bertolet, Boedosker and Stueling and to John Holdeman.

March 1865

Friday 3.

Today, ten years ago, my grandfather, Peter Young, departed this life. Alas how rapidly time passes away. Oh, may my God give me more seriously to feel the great importance of my days of grace that I may do the work allotted to me by providence. Today, eight years ago, my father had his vendue in North Hampton county. My life since has indeed been a changing scene. This evening I received a letter from my sister Elizabeth who informed me that Father was taken sick with the chicken pox on Mon. three weeks ago and that Brother Abraham Yoder changed time for eternity. I also received a letter from Canada of Brother Daniel Barkey. This day I had temptations from the devil to commit suicide but the Lord helped me.

Saturday 11.

On our way to Fairville I felt serious and felt the responsibility resting on me in my situation as preacher. In the evening I preached in Fairville on Prov. 10:28 and felt God’s assisting grace. I felt serious but many young people were trifling who I pitied from my heart. Brother Hershey exhorted.

Monday 13.

This forenoon we visited a family by the name of W—– whose wife told us to leave the house. I pitied the poor soul on account of her great ignorance in religious matters. We also met a man who was raised against us for advocating the unlawfulness of bearing arms according to the words of Christ.

Wednesday 15.

This morning Henry Bowman took us about three miles and then walked to the house of Brother Daniel Bertolet where Brother Hershey preached in the evening on I Peter 4:18-19 and I exhorted. I was in darkness this evening and did not exhort much. I did not feel well in body and spirit.

Thursday 16.

This forenoon we visited and got dinner with Daniel Bertolet and in the afternoon we walked to my uncle Joseph Meyers. Brother Hershey asked permission to have family worship and was permitted, but my uncle and aunt stayed in their chairs and did not kneel but my grandfather kneeled. Oh, that God may enlighten them before it is eternally too late. Well may He also give me more grace to learn and do my duty more faithfully in the future and walk humbly and blameless before God and man.

Sunday 26.

This forenoon I preached in Fairville Union M.H. on Psalm 84:12 and had God’s assisting grace. Got dinner with Sister Shader. In the afternoon I preached in Flickingers M.H. on I John 2:17. I got supper with Franklin Rupp. In the evening I preached on Psalm 84:12 and after meeting I went home with Brother Benjamin Keiper. This was the first time that I recollect that I preached three times in one day. I was tired when I retired but did so with a quiet mind and felt at peace with God.

Monday 27.

Today I wrote letters to Daniel Berkey, Eli Sherk, John F. Funk. In the letter I sent a copy of Christian Forgiveness to request an insertion in the Herald of Truth.

Thursday 30.

…Today I received a letter from John Holdeman of Ohio and one from Sister A. P Jolliffe with some tracts.

April 1865

Saturday 1.

…In the evening I preached at Brother Shoemaker’s on John 3:36. I preached and felt God’s assisting grace tho felt weak in body, having a cold. My Saviour was precious to me this evening. Oh, that I could love Him more and follow Him more closely.

Sunday 2.

Today, eight years ago, my father moved from Northampton to Lehigh County. How time passes away. What changes have since taken place in my father’s family.

Monday 3.

I called to see a man by the name of Hemperly from whom I bought a book on Nonresistance for 10 written by Daniel Musser, a preacher of the Herrites or New Mennonites. In the afternoon I went to see a man lying by the road dead who this forenoon had there expired to appear at the bar of God. He had only one arm and was a stranger to all who witnessed the scene. I shall not soon forget this occasion.

Tuesday 4.

This day I walked from Feghtmeyers to Spring Creek. On my way I spent some time at a secluded spot and prayed to God for light and direction. I also got through with reading Musser’s book. I have at present some serious thoughts and is this direction as if I was not at present in the right position in which my Saviour wishes me. My prayer to God is for the sweet influence of His good Spirit who may enlighten me and guide me into all truth. My determination is by the grace of God to walk in the truth and let poor frail men think and say what they please of me.

“Through many dangers, toils and snares, I have already come,

Tis grace that brought me safe this far and grace shall bring me home.”

I came to the Spring Creek a little after noon to the house of Samuel Sherk where I in the afternoon wrote a letter to John Holdeman and intend keeping a copy of the same. In the evening I preached in the Spring Creek M.H. on Psalm 84:12. I felt very weak in body and my strength was considerably exhausted when I closed preaching. I returned after preaching to Sherks.

Friday 7.

…I came til a little after dinner to the house of Preacher Peffley. In the afternoon I manifested to him my heart’s feelings but he did not favor my convictions and thinks I am laboring under a delusion. May God, for Jesus, give me his Holy Spirit to guide me in all truth. May God give me eye salve to perceive every snare of the devil. I received a letter from Hershey when I came here to Peffleys. I see if it is the will of God that I should no longer stay in the E. Men. Assoc. that I have to contend with much opposition, ridicule, and reproach. But determined I am to do the will of my Master. By His grace come what may. Oh, may God give me a revelation by His Word and Spirit of His divine will and grace to do the same.

Sunday 9.

…I enjoyed the presence of God in preaching. I got supper with Samuel Snyder and after supper I went to the house of John Synder. When I revealed my heart’s feelings and convictions, Peffley discouraged me not to leave the church where I belong to and offered to see to it that I would get a horse to travel. Either this is a snare from the devil to entrap my soul or is a hint from God to guide me in the right direction. May God, for Jesus’ sake, guide me by His unerring counsel and by His Spirit and give me health and strength to be guided by the same.

Monday 10.

… I did not feel condemned but rather felt weak and rather low-spirited but still was happy in God. I still believe that I have to leave the church to which I belong.

Tuesday 11.

Today soon after I awoke I had thoughts about my future and felt inner convictions that I was to leave my church to which I belong and I feel quite willing to do so if it is God’s will. May God guide me right by His Spirit, yea, in the ways of all truth. I got dinner with Levi Young (his uncle). I had quite a talk with him and he seemed to favor my convictions. I was happy in God while speaking with him.

I got supper with Samuel Fretz and preached in his house in the evening on Matt. 7:24, 25 and felt God’s assisting grace and tried to obey God’s spirit. I remarked publicly that I was probably making my last round unless God would give me other convictions than I have at present. This was a step I would not have taken had self held the reins. If God gives me grace I am determined to do the will of God.

Wednesday 12.

Today I am 23 years old… Last night I had a dream which doubtless has its meaning. I was with someone picking chestnuts and we had a light which was affected by the wind considerably so I expect the light which God gave me in Christ will considerably be subjected to opposition…My convictions are as if I should forsake Evan. Men. S. Lehn thinks so too and the majority of people doubtless do. Oh, may my God, for Jesus’ sake, give me His spirit to guide me in the ways of all truth. By grace I am determined to learn the will of my blessed Jesus and do it at the peril of honor and life.

Oh, for a closer walk with God,

A calm and heavenly frame,

A light to shine upon the road,

That leads me to the Lamb.

Thursday 13.

This forenoon I walked to Ephrata and on my way a little above Ephrata I met a woman by the name of Nissby who professes no religion but still has an enlightened mind… In the evening I preached at the M.H. and God was near my soul and felt this day that God is my Father and friend. Oh may He give me a willing heart to obey Him. I still very much feel it is my duty to withdraw from the E.M.S. and shall do so if it is the will of God.

Friday 14.

…I still feel convinced that I should leave E.M. Society. May God by his Spirit guide me right and in all truth.

Saturday 15.

Today I went on foot from Reading to Daniel Bertolet’s where I came in the afternoon at 2 o’clock. I spoke to old Bertolet about my intention and he admitted that my convictions were right. Before night Gehman came and also Hershey. The later thinks my convictions are mostly from Satan. O may God, for Jesus sake, guide me in the ways of all truth, especially in this respect. My desire, by the help of God, is to live hence forth only to God and do His will, not mine. My heart’s language this evening is,

“Jesus I my cross have taken,

All to leave and follow Thee;

Naked, poor despised, forsaken,

Thou, from hence, my all shalt be.

Perish ev’ry fond ambition,

All I’ve sought, or hoped, or known;

Yet, how rich is my condition!

God and heav’n are all my own.

Sunday Easter 16.

This forenoon Hershey preached on I Cor. 5:7-8. In the afternoon Gehman preached on John 11:28 and I exhorted. Gehman came nearer to the truth than Hershey. In the evening I preached on Matt. 11 :28-30 and after meeting I went to Bertolet’s again. I still have the convictions that I ought to secede from the church to which I belong, but not mine but the Lord’s will be done.

Monday 17.

This forenoon Gehman preached on I Cor 2:5 and Hershey exhorted and I noticed that Gehman much nearer the whole truth than did H. At noon Hershey predicted that probably in a year hence I would have fallen. God who knows me altogether knows that I am not aiming to please self but seek the honor and glory of God and wish only to deny myself and follow the meek and lowly Jesus where ever this Lamb of God may lead me, which may be perhaps to die a martyrs death. My resolution is to be led by the Spirit of God in all truth. In the evening Schultz preached and Hershey exhorted.

Tuesday 18.

This forenoon I left Bertolets and gave Hershey the parting hand, perhaps forever. He still thinks I am erroneous. My prayer to God is to be led by the Spirit of God in all truth and deny myself and follow Jesus. I got dinner in a family by the name of Sparely and came before night to my uncle Joseph Moyers tired.

Thursday 20.

This forenoon I visited John Yoder and Charles Gehman who plainly saw that my convictions were from God. In the afternoon I visited Samuel Landis, who also for some time saw that all is not right in the society to which I belonged. I am now firmly convinced that it is the will of God that I should withdraw from the E. Men. S. …

Sunday 23.

…Today was a very large crowd in Chestnut St. so that I could barely pass. It was an account of Lincoln being at present in the city who was shot in the theater in Washington on the 14th of April. I had much compassion for the precious souls who are living in gaity and vanity, unconscious how near the time may be when the door of mercy may be closed to them forever.

Sunday 30.

This forenoon I visited John Steinbach. In the afternoon I preached at the house of Samuel Landis to a pretty large audience on the porch. I stood, being that the people could not all get into the house. William Shelly exhorted. I preached on Matt 11:28- 30. After meeting I was attacked by many members of the E. Men. and accused of having acted very unwise in withdrawing from them. My convictions are still that I did but my duty, but if I did wrong my confidence in the Lord is He will convince me of my error. My only desire and resolution is to leam the will of God and to do the same. After supper at Landis’ I went to Wm. Mininger’s.

May 1865

Friday 5.

I still am firmly convinced that God has so ordered that I should withdraw from the church to which I formerly belonged. My heart however is open for conviction and I am willing to confess that I am wrong and have acted unwisely if God should thus convince me.

Saturday 6.

Today I was in Bethlehem and got Bibles and Testaments and also received my clothing from Lancaster Co. and a letter from D. Musser and Holdeman’s tract. I am still fully convinced that I did the Lord’s will that I withdrew from the denomination from which I did belong. My resolution is to learn the will of God and my prayer is to have a willing heart to obey the Master in all things and do whatever He commands me to do.

Sunday 7.

This forenoon I stayed at Trumbowers and read. In the afternoon I preached in the Evangelical M.H. near Bleam’s on Galatians 5:19-22. Christian Bleam opposed more or less the doctrine I advocated as regards Non Resistance. May God enlighten him in this all important subject. After meeting I went home with David Bleam.

Monday 8.

This morning I read the articles published by Roseborough against the Mennonite preachers Holdeman and Musser in the Evangelical Messenger.

Sunday 14.

This day I spent in reading, prayer, and meditation. At 6 o’clock I preached in Bath in the street on Matt 28:18-20. This was the first time I preached on the street.

Saturday 20.

This day I spent in writing some letters and reading. I received in the evening some pamphlets on Non Resistance from Daniel Musser.

Monday 22.

Today I read the latter part on Menno’s Foundation Book and found in it many precious Gospel Truths. O that God may by His spirit reveal to me His whole will and give a willing heart to do the same.

Tuesday 23.

Today I read in Menno’s “Reply to Gelius” and discerned many preacious gems of truth. And I also wrote a letter to David Henning.

Wednesday 24.

Today I read the remainder of Menno’s book against Gelius and Non Resistance and a German pamphlet by Holdeman against immersionists. I received a letter from John Holdeman containing $5.00 and received a lot of pamphlets and also a letter from A. P. Jolliffe.

Friday 26.

Today I wrote an essay to send to the Conference of the church to which I belonged and kept a copy of the same and commenced to read in Dietrich Phillips’ work. In the evening I received a letter from E. Hershey. He still tries his utmost to convince me that I am guided by the wrong spirit. I answered him again and kept a copy of the letter. God’s spirit shall be my guide…. I mean by the help of God to follow Jesus at all hazards. My prayer is for the spirit of God and a willing heart to be led of Him.

Wednesday 31.

…I had today evidence again that my withdrawal from the church is the will of God. May the Lord guide me by His spirit in things of all truth and give ms a willing heart to obey God in all respects, however it may bring me under the cross.

June 1865

Friday 9.

This morning at 9 o’clock I came safe to Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio. I came in the afternoon to the house of John Holdeman. In the evening I was at F. Seidner’s, but was very sick. I was rather too intemperate in eating on my way coming here. There was a meeting at Seidner’s in the evening, but I was in bed.

Sunday 11.

This forenoon in the barn at John Holdeman’s was meeting and the communion of the Lord’s Supper. In the afternoon at 4 o’clock there was meeting at Dinteman’s and at the latter place I stayed all night.

Tuesday 13.

…In the evening I was at the house of John Holdeman’s. Franklin Seidner was also present. We had conversation till nearly midnight and I saw that very little is between us till we be of one heart and mind. My prayer is to the Lord that He may guide me according to His divine will, in this as well as in other matters.

Wednesday 14.

This forenoon I was at the house of Amos Holdeman where I got dinner. In the afternoon I went to Berkey’s and in the evening I preached in West Union in the Evan. M.H. on Matt. 11:28-30.

Friday 16.

This morning I went with my cousin P. Landis to West Salem and there I was in the cars afternoon and went to Wadsworth, Medina Co. and got supper with E. Hunsberger where I saw John H. After supper I went to the house of Samuel Leatherman.

Saturday 17.

… In the afternoon I made arrangements to have meeting in the schoolhouse on Monday evening where I preached last fall.

Sunday 18.

Last night I had much toothache. What numerous sorrows and complaints has sin caused… I went down to John Leatherman’s who was today kicked by a horse and seems to be dangerous.

Monday 19.

…after meeting I went to the house of John Leatherman, who soon after I came there changed time for eternity. Alas, who knows what a day may bring forth. On Sunday forenoon J. L. was in meeting, at noon was kicked from a horse, and now is an inhabitant of the eternal world.

Thursday 22.

This morning between 9 and 10 I arrived in Lancaster. From thence I went to the house of Daniel Musser and stayed there all night. Musser is a member of the so called New Mennonites and preacher of said church.

Friday 23.

Today three years ago I left my father’s house for Jesus’ sake! Alas, what changes have since occured with me. May my God guide me by His will and spirit and give a willing heart to obey Him in all things.

July 1865

Sunday 16.

Today I read nearly the whole day. I got done reading the apocryphal New Testament and commenced to read the Martyr’s Mirror.

Sunday 23.

This day I spent in reading. Most of the day I read in Martyr’s Mirror.

Sunday 30.

Today I read most of the time in the Martyr’s Mirror.

August 1865

Sunday 6.

Today I mostly read in Martyr’s Mirror.

Sunday 13.

This day I mostly spent in reading the Martyr’s Mirror.

Friday 18.

Today ten years ago my brother Samuel departed this life, who is now ten years already exempt from the ills and sorrows in this vale of tears to which I am however yet subject. But God knows how near also my departure from here may be.

Sunday 20.

This day I spent nearly in reading in the Martyr’s Mirror and also read in the Word of God.

September 1865

Sunday 17.

Today I read in Martyr’s Mirror and got through. I had comm. on July 16, 1865 and consequently read 9 weeks.

October 1865

Thursday 12.

Today I was 24 years old, alas how time passes away! How near may be death and the judgment! Today I husked corn.

November 1865

Thursday 2.

Today I first time went around to subscribe for Menno’s work and succeeded to get four subscribers.

December 1865

Friday 1.

…In the afternoon I met John Holdeman and Mark Seiler in Weaversville and got supper at Christian Bleam’s and returned to Trumbowers.

Saturday 2.

Today we conversed at Trumbowers, I, Holdeman and Seller.

Sunday 3.

Today Holdeman and Seller preached in the old meeting house. At noon we stayed with widow Fatzinger.

Tuesday 5.

Today I and J. Fry got dinner with Pautz and stayed all night with Daniel Musser and also Holdeman and Seller.

Wednesday 6.

Today a little before night Holdeman, Seller and I left Musser for Lancaster where I stayed in “Cadwell House”.

Friday 8.

Today I returned to Trumbowers and learned that Grandfather died on Sunday and was buried on Wednesday.

March 1866

Thursday 8.

Today I read “Way to Heaven” by John Herr, etc.

Saturday 10.

The greater part of the day I helped to thresh oats. In the evening J. H. of Ohio came.

Sunday 11.

J. H. and I got dinner with Owen Eisenhart. In the afternoon and evening we had meeting near Baer’s M.H.

Monday 12.

This morning J. H. early started for Ohio, his home.

Saturday 24.

This day I spent in reading, etc. To my great surprise, Anna T. today said to me, “Pray for me, I wish to be converted.” May God help her, and me to give instruction.

April 1866

Thursday 12.

This forenoon was in Bethlehem and received books from John Holdeman. In the afternoon helped to plant trees.

May 1866

Thursday 10. Ascension Day.

Today I preached in Milton Landis’ barn in the forenoon on Acts 2:38-42. In the afternoon Luke 6:47-49.

November 1866

Monday 12.

This evening left Phil. for Wooster, Ohio.

Thursday 15.

At noon arrived at John Holdeman’s.

Friday 16.

Afternoon husked corn for John Holdeman’s.

Saturday 17.

Today husked corn for John Holdeman. Evening was in meeting at Frank Seidner’s.

Sunday 18.

Forenoon meeting at Seidner’s. Supper A. Holdeman. Evening meeting at John Holdeman’s.

December 1866

Monday 3.

Today H. read from Menno’s works for me at W. K. Yost from Canada. Evening went

to Christian Holdeman’s.

Tuesday 4.

This evening left Wooster for Fulton County, with Mm. R. Yost and John Holdeman.

Wednesday 5.

This evening late came to Mark Seller.

Thursday 6 to Sunday 9 was every day in meeting.

Monday 10.

Today was at C. Eschleman’s where the breaking of bread in remembrance of the Lord’s

death was held.

Tuesday 11.

Dinner at Joseph Eicher. Evening meeting near Joseph Lichti’s.

Wednesday 12.

A little before sunset was baptised by Bro. John Holdeman. In evening was in meeting

at Bro. Christian Gehrig. Was baptized in presence of Wilhelm K. Yost, Christian Berkey

and Bro. M. Seller.

Thursday 13.

Bro. H. and I walked to Napoleon, entered the cars and lodged in Peru, Indiana.

Friday 14.

Walked from Peru to Isaiah Seidner’s. Evening had meeting Waits Schoolhouse, on Matt. 11:28-30. Stayed all night with I. Seidner.

Saturday 15.

…Had meeting near E. Engelmayer and stayed all night with him.

Sunday 16.

This morning Brother H. baptised Sister Engelmayer.

Monday 17.

Today walked to Warsaw, 27 miles. Stayed at Wright’s Hotel.

Tuesday 18.

Today we traveled 30 miles. Had meeting at Bro. D. Holdeman’s in the evening.

Wednesday 19.

Afternoon had meeting at Bro. D. Kolp’s on John 15.

Monday 24.

Forenoon meeting. Bro. J. Calp (?) on I. Pet. 4:17-18. Afternoon went to Jonas

Troyer, a Amish teacher, and lodged.

Wednesday 26.

This morning Bro. Daniel Buerge was baptised at Geissinger’s. At noon Bro. H. and

I left Millersburg, Ind. for Archbold, Ohio.

Friday 28.

Today had meeting at Bro. Eschlemans. Lodged with Bro. Joseph Gehrig.

Saturday 29.

Today was present at Bro. Sellers when T. Gigax had an accusation against Bro. Seller. Lodged with Bro. Seller.

Sunday 30.

This forenoon taught at Bro. D. Etcher’s on Luke 9:23. Evening had meeting at Bro.

Eschleman’s. Night was at Christian Gehrig.

Monday 31.

At 3 p.m. left Pettisville for Canada.

January 1867

Tuesday 1.

This morning left Grand Trunk Junction at about 2 p.m. Came to Hamburg. On cars had conversation with Peter Durst of Detroit who visited Palestine, Egypt, etc. Evening had meeting at Bro. J. Litwillers on Matt. 11:28-30.

Wednesday 2.

Dinner with Wilhelm K. Yost. Supper with George’s. Evening meeting with John Yost on Isa. 28:19. Stayed all night with John Yost.

Thursday 3.

Forenoon meeting at W. Yost’s on Heb. 12:14, afternoon with Megly on I John 5:3. Evening meeting with Peter Yost on I John 2:17.

Friday 4.

Brother H., Peter Yost and I got dinner with F. Nafsinger. Evening meeting with Bro. Yuetzy (?) on Matt. 7:13-14.

Saturday 5.

Forenoon meeting at Bro. Schott’s. In the evening at Bro. Jacob Litwiller’s on Heb. 12:14.

Sunday 6.

Today had meeting at Bro. Litwiller’s.

Monday 7.

At noon Bro. H. and I were at Wendell Halman’s, and at night at Samuel Schlichter’s.

Tuesday 8.

Today was at Barnabas DeWitt’s and stayed all night.

Wednesday 9.

At noon were in St. Jacobs at Daniel Reutinger’s. In the evening had meeting in schoolhouse on Romans 8:14 and stayed all night with B. DeWitte.

Thursday 10.

This afternoon came to Peter Gingrich’s, evening had meeting in Hamakers M.H. on Matt. 28:19-20. After meeting was at John Hurrish (?) and thence went to Bro. Litwiller’s.

Friday 11.

This evening had meeting in a schoolhouse near Christian Nafsinger’s on I John 2:17. Lodged with Koch.

Saturday 12.

Today went to Wilhelm K. Yost’s. Evening had meeting at John Yost’s.

Sunday 13.

Today had meeting at Steckmeyer’ s. Overnight at Wilhelm Yost’s.

Monday 14.

At noon Bro. H. and I left Stratford, Canada, or Ohio. At Grand Trunk Junction hotel lodged.

Tuesday 15.

This evening at 9 o’clock, arrived at Bro. H.’s residence.

Wednesday 16.

This afternoon went to Bro. Seidner’s.

Thursday 17.

Forenoon went to Uncle Berkey’s. Evening to Bro. Dinteman’s.

Friday 18.

Forenoon went to Alpheus Holdeman’s. Supper with Bro. A. Holdeman. Evening meeting at Bro. Seidner’s on Titus 2:11-15. Night with Bro. John Holdeman.

Saturday 19.

Today was with Bro. H. to Bro. Fretz in Medina Co.

Sunday 20.

Forenoon had meeting at Bro. Fretz on Ps. 119:105. Evening had meeting.

Monday 21.

Today went with Bro. H. to Wooster and left at 6 p.m. for Pa.

Tuesday 22.

Left 3 p.m. Pittsburg. Came to Phil. at 10 a.m. Stayed Union Hotel.

Wednesday 23.

Afternoon went to Coopersburg and stayed with Samuel Landis.

February 1867

Sunday 3.

Forenoon walked to Henry Nagle’s, evening went with Nagle’s and preached on Matt. 7:13-14, and returned home with Nagles.

Wednesday 20.

Read and wrote on non-resistance.

March 1867

Sunday 3.

Forenoon preached at S. Landis on I Cor. 12:13. Afternoon on II Cor 5:10. Evening went to John Yoder’s.

Saturday 23.

Forenoon read, afternoon walked to Plainfield, evening meeting on Heb. 12:14 at Stauffer’s.

Sunday 24.

Forenoon at Stauffer’s on Matt. 25:1-13. Evening at Jacob Meyers on John 3:5.

Saturday 30.

Today home to Father’s house.

Sunday 31.

Dinner with Charles Gehman. Afternoon preached on Daniel 12:10. Evening on Luke 12:32 at S. Landis’ house.

April 1867

Sunday 14.

Afternoon preached in the house of Samuel Landis on Matt. 25:1-13. In evening on Rev. 21:7-8. After meeting went to Wm. Mininger’s.

Saturday 20.

Forenoon made fence. Afternoon walked to Plainfield. Evening preached at Stauffer’s on Luke 24:26.

Sunday 21.

Forenoon preached at Stauffer’s on Romans 6:3-4. Evening preached at the house of Jacob Meyers on Mark 16:15-16.

Sunday 28.

Forenoon went to S. Landis’. Afternoon preached on Eze. 18:31. Evening on John 15:5.

May 1867

Sunday 5.

Afternoon preached in Mennonite M.H. near Baer’s on Daniel 12:10 to a few hearers only.

Sunday 19.

Forenoon preached at Stauffers on I Gor. 2:5. Evening preached at Jacob Meyer’s, on Micah 6:8.

Thursday 23.

This forenoon Bro. Seidner came to Trumbower’s. In the afternoon went to Samuel Landis’.

Friday 24.

Today Samuel Landis, Bro. S. and I went to John Overholt’s in Bucks County.

Sunday 26.

Forenoon preached at Mininger’s on Matt. 18:23-35, Bro. S. exhorted. Afternoon Bro. S. preached on Gal. 5:6 at Landis’ and I exhorted.

Monday 27.

Bro. S., John Yoder and I were at noon at John Steinbach’s, for supper at Reuben Funk’s, evening at Charles Gehman’s.

Tuesday 28.

Forenoon were at Landis’, at noon at Milton Landis’, evening at William Mininger’s.

Wednesday 29.

…evening I preached in English in M.E. Church in Catasauqua and Bro. Seidner exhorted, overnight at Theo. Bashman’s.

Thursday 30.

Forenoon at 10 o’clock, Bro. S. and I parted at Catasauqua. Bro. S. went to Canada, I went to Trumbower’s.

June 1867

Sunday 2.

Forenoon read, afternoon preached in M.H. near Baers, on Matt. 13:36-43.

Saturday 22.

Mowed grass till half past 3 p.m. then went home to parents. Father fell from mill on Wednesday a week ago the 12th. Oh may he see God’s hand in this and truly repent and live forever.

Sunday 23.

Forenoon had meeting at Wm. Mininger’s on I John 5:4. Afternoon at Samuel Landis’ on Ps. 25:14. Evening visited Samuel Musselman.

Sunday 30.

Afternoon preached in M.H. near Baer’s on Ps. 25:14, though felt very unwell.

July 1867

Monday 1.

Today felt unwell. Read a little and helped only a little at the hay.

Tuesday 2.

Today felt still unwell. Forenoon helped to unload two loads of hay. Afternoon helped to unload hay at the lightest work.

August 1867

Monday 12.

Forenoon got three teeth extracted by Dr. Nagle and went home. Afternoon helped to haul oats rakings.

Sunday 18.

Preached at Mininger’s on I Cor. 1:30 and after meeting had a dispute with Joseph Ritter. Afternoon preached at Samuel Landis’ on II Thess. 2:16-17.

Monday 19.

Today went home, got dinner at Geissinger’s, afternoon wrote a letter to Bro. Seidner and one to my father.

October 1867

Saturday 12.

Today am 26 years old. How time passes away. May the grace of God guide me and keep me to life eternal in the world to come which is near. Forenoon read, afternoon went home to my parents.

Sunday 13.

Forenoon I preached at Mininger’s on I Peter 2:15-16. Afternoon preached at Samuel Landis’ on Hab. 2:3-4.

Thursday 31.

Forenoon went to William Kinstman’s in Nazareth. Received an offer to rent two small rooms.

November 1867

Thursday 7.

Forenoon unloaded seven loads of oom fodder, got done. Afternoon cut some wood for my own use, which I intend to take to Nazareth.

Saturday 9.

Today I took my books and other things to Nazareth, and till three P.M. was at Trumbower’s again.

Monday 11.

Forenoon went to Bethlehem. Got dinner with Nancy Heitzelberger. This forenoon got a chair from Aunt B. that belonged to Grandfather Peter Young which I carried this afternoon to Nazareth.

Tuesday 12.

Forenoon made the stove ready and got stove pipe. Afternoon helped Kinstman a little preparing my bedroom.

Wednesday 13.

Forenoon got lime for whitewashing my bedroom and put my closets in my room and put

my books in order. Afternoon I whitewashed my bedroom.

Thursday 14.

Forenoon washed my bedroom, afternoon was in Weaversville, Trumbowers and returned

home to Nazareth.

Saturday 16.

Today cleaned cellar and read and wrote a letter to Jacob Litwiller.

Sunday 17.

Today four years ago, I preached for the first time on Ps. 25:15 in Canada.

Monday 25.

This morning a 7 left Quakertown for Ohio. Got dinner with John L. Frick. This night at about 12 o’clock, left Phil. for Wooster, Ohio.

Wednesday 27.

…Arrived at 2:30 p.m. in Wooster, thence walked to John Holdeman’s and came there at about 6 in the evening. Time from Phil. to Wooster about 38 hrs. Rode about 28 hours and overlayed about 10 hours. This evening was meeting at Holdeman’s, I exhorted but a little on account of bodily and spiritual weakness.

Friday 29.

This morning went to John Holdeman’s and before noon went to Frank Seidner’s and here met Mark Seller. In the evening was meeting at Frank Seidner’s. I preached on Matt. 5:48.

Saturday 30.

Forenoon I went with Mark Seller to George Dinteman’s, in the evening was in meeting

at John Holdeman’s.

December 1867

Sunday 1 .

 This forenoon I preached at John Holdeman's on Rev. 3:7-13. Got supper with cousin William Landis in Lattisburg. In the evening preached in the Lattisburg chapel on Matt. 25:46. After meeting, Mark Seller and I went home with Amos Holdeman.

Tuesday 3.

This morning at ten I met with J. H. and Seller. We took dinner with Isaac Kolb. In the evening came to the house of Eli Fretz, in Medina Co., Ohio.

Wednesday 4.

At noon was with F. Wolf, at Henry Kindry’s. Got supper at the house of Jacob Leatherman. Evening preached at Eli Fretz on II Cor. 5:20 and J. H. and M. Seller exhorted.

Thursday 5.

Forenoon was at Samuel Leatherman’ s. At noon was at Henry Leatherman’ s. Got supper with Jacob Ritter. Evening preached in English on Matt 18:23-35, in Sharon, in a S. house near the house of Isaac Santee. Was home after meeting with Eli Fretz.

Tuesday 10.

At twelve this noon, left Toledo and came to Pettisville at 1:30 p.m. Got supper with C. Gehrig. Stayed all night with C. Eschleman’s.

Wednesday 11.

Forenoon preached at C. Kony’s on Rom. 12:1-2. After meeting went home with Peter Eicher. Evening went with Eicher to Lawyer to J.W. Roseborough and returned to Eicher’s.

Thursday 12.

Forenoon preached at P. Eicher’s on Ps. 25:14, and Holdeman, Seidner, and Seller exhorted. Evening went with C. Eschleman to see C. Kony’s.

Friday 13.

…Evening went to Joseph Gehrig’s, where I met Holdeman and Seller.

Saturday 14.

Forenoon F. Siedner preached at C. Gehrig’s on Luke 18:15-17, and I, Seller and Holdeman exhorted. After meeting P. Eicher and I visited Benedict Klopsey who is sick and thence I returned home with Eicher. Received a letter from Samuel Landis and one from E. Hershey.

Sunday 15.

Forenoon F. Siedner preached on Heb. 10:16 to end. I, Seller, and Holdeman exhorted. Got supper with C. Gehrig. Evening preached in Pettisville S.H. on Matt 11:28-30. Seidner exhorted. After meeting went to Havensteins.

Monday 16.

Today met at C. Gehrig’s for an investigation concerning the church. Got supper at A. Zerr’s. Evening was at Seller’s. Went with Seidner to sleep at A. Zerr’s.

Tuesday 17.

Forenoon F. Seidner preached at M. Seller’s on Heb. 8:9. Seller, Holdeman, and I exhorted.

Wednesday 18.

Forenoon preached at Jos. Lichti’s, on Matt. 28:18-20 and Holdeman and Seller exhorted. Evening Seidner preached on II Peter 1:1-9.

Thursday 19.

At noon I and C. Eschleman were at Backenbusch. At night was at Old Kropf.

Friday 20.

Forenoon preached at Jacob Sommer’s on John 10: 27-29. Evening Seidner preached in Burlington Methodist M.H. on Eph. 2:1-6. After meeting went horns with P. Eicher.

Saturday 21.

Forenoon preached at P. Eicher’s on I Cor. 13:6. Holdeman, Seidner, and Seller exhorted.

Sunday 22.

Forenoon preached at C. Eschleman’s on Heb. 11:1-16. Holdeman, Seidner, and Seller exhorted. Evening preached in schoolhouse near Haugensteins in English on Matt. 7:13-14. Holdeman exhorted in German and Seidner in English. Stayed overnight with C. Gehrig.

Monday 23.

Today we had a brethern meeting at C. Gehrig’s which I hope will not soon be forgotten. May God bless the good done and receive the honor alone and forgive the wrong. Stayed overnight at Eschleman’s and Seidner also.

Tuesday 24.

Today Seidner left for Indiana. Evening preached in German in schoolhouse near Lichti’s on Luke 24:46-47. Holdeman exhorted. Stayed all night at Lichti’s.

Wednesday 25.

Forenoon preached at A. Zerr’s on Gal. 5:22-24. Holdeman and Seller exhorted. Got supper with John Eicher. Evening preached in Burlington Methodist M.H. in English on Rom. 8:14. Holdeman and Seller exhorted. Evening went home with Geo. Giessel.

Thursday 26.

Forenoon visited B. Klopsey. At noon was at Joseph Roth’s. Got supper at Kropf. Evening preached in English and German in schoolhouse near Kroph’s on Micah 6:8 and Holdeman and Seller exhorted. Evening went home with Jacob Sommer’s.

Friday 27.

Today stayed all day at Sommer’s. Holdeman and Seller also came in the morning and stayed till after dinner.

Saturday 28.

Today got dinner with Kropf. Afternoon rode with Sommer’s. Evening David Kropf and I stayed all night with Jacob Nafsinger.

Sunday 29.

Forenoon Holdeman preached on Eph. 4. Got supper at C. Gehrig’s. Evening preached at C. Gehrig’s on Col. 3:23-25.

Monday 30.

Today we had a brethern meeting at C. Eschelman’s. In the evening I went to Jacob Sommers.

Tuesday 31.

This morning went to Kropf and there got dinner. Went with Jacob Sommers to Pettisville and left there for Canada at about 3 p.m. and arrived at about 5 p.m. in Toledo. At about 10 and 11 this evening came to Grand Trunk Junction. At night stayed at the station house and here ended the year 1867 and commenced the year 1868. Last year preached about 113 times. Received of the Lord about $51.57. See p. 18. Had expenses about $174.25. Preached in 1863-10 times. 1864-125, in 1865-76, in 1866-77, in 1867- 113, and total 401.

January 1868

Wednesday 1.

This morning at about 6 ½, left Grand Trunk Junction. Came to Stratford at about 12 ½ p.m. and to Hamburg at 1 ½ p.m. and thence went to J. Litwiller’s. This morning had money in hand $25.28. Evening preached at Litwiller’s on Romans 8:1.

Thursday 2.

Forenoon preached at Litwiller’s en Rev. 3:7-13. Afternoon went with Litwiller to factory and he bought coat and vest for me for $5.00. Evening preached in Hamakers E.M.H. on Matt. 11:28-30. Stayed all night with Litwiller.

Friday 3.

Morning went with L. to Hamburg to get ooat and vest cut. A litle before noon left with Litwiller for John Schott’s. In the afternoon preached at Schott’s on Matt. 7:13-14. Evening on Ecc. 12:13-14.

Saturday 4.

Morning went with D. Kropf to old Wenger’s. Forenoon preached at Schott’s on I Cor. 1:30. Evening preached at Litwiller’s on Matt. 5:1-14.

Sunday 5.

Forenoon preached at Peter Yost’s on Rev. 22:14,17. Evening preached at Gottlieb Drescher’s on Mark 16:16. At night was at William Yost’s.

Monday 6.

Forenoon preached at Carl Minch’s on John 14:6. Afternoon went home with Jacob Litwiller.

Tuesday 7.

Forenoon preached at Litwiller’s on Matt. 7:7. Evening preached at Daniel Iutzi’s on Hab. 2:3-4.

Wednesday 8.

Forenoon preached at Philip Gingrich’s on Heb. 4:15-16. Got super with Schroder who took me to Tavistock and left here at 6-2 p.m. and arrived at Buffalo at 11. Lodged at National Hotel

Thursday 9.

This morning left Buffalo, came to Elmira. Left at 7:55 p.m. and came to Williamsport at about 11. Lodged at City Hotel.

Friday 10.

This morning left Williamsport at 8:35. Came to Philadelphia. Stayed overnight with John Frick.

Saturday 11.

This morning left Philadelphia. Came to Bethlehem. Then came home to Nazareth. Spent for fare this tour $39.77.

Sunday 12.

This afternoon had neeting at Baer’s M.H. on Matt. 24:11-14. Evening in Bachman’s house on Rev. 22:17.

Wednesday 15.

Forenoon fixed my bed and visited a woman named Kokern who is in distress about her sins. Afternoon took Geissinger’s horse home to Bethlehem and visited Nancy Heitzelberger and in the evening went to the house of Andrew Benner.

Thursday 16.

This morning at Benner’s had a conversation with two preachers of the E. Association. At noon got dinner with Mary Young. Afternoon was at home and a little at John Yoder’s and got supper at Samuel Landis’ and in evening preached at Mininger’s on Psalm 23.

Wednesday 22.

This afternoon Clara, daughter of Samuel Landis, fell asleep in death.

Saturday 25.

This forenoon preached at the funeral of Clara Landis in Saucon Mennonite Meeting House on John 5:28-29. Schultz exhorted at house of funeral. Deceased age 2 yrs., 10 months, 26 days.

February 1868

Monday 10.

John Fry and I went this forenoon to Nazareth. Afternoon we went to John Yoder’s.

Tuesday 11.

Forenoon John Fry, John Yoder, and I wsnt to Mininger’s. This evening went home to my parents.

Thursday 13.

Today went through Bath, home to Nazareth.

Friday 14.

Today was at home. Read and meditated.

March 1868

Monday 30.

Forenoon was in Leibert’s mill and went home. Afternoon commenced to write a tract “A Short Testimony”. Gave Bibles to poor on the street.

April 1868

Monday 6.

Forenoon was a while at John Funk’s. Got dinner at Trumbowers and supper at Andrew Walter’s and returned home tired.

Thursday 9.

Today wrote a German tract with the title “Eimkurtzes Zeugniss” (?). After having finished the tract, prayed to God. After prayer, opened the Bible and for my comfort pointed out the words, “Blessed be God which hath not turned away my prayer, nor His mercy from me. Psalms 66:20”.

Monday 20.

This forenoon, went to the parental house. Evening went to John Yoder’s.

May 1868

Saturday 9.

Today walked to S. Landis’ here met Bro. Seidner. In the evening we came to David _.

Sunday 10.

Forenoon visited at Louis Snyder’s til noon. Came to C. George. Afternoon Seidner preached at George’s on Isa. 1 and I exhorted. Evening Seidner preached on Isa. 55 and I exhorted.

Monday 11.

At noon we were at S. Landis’. Afternoon Seidner went to Gehman’s and I to Bethlehem and stayed at A. W. Dech’s.

Tuesday 12.

This forenoon I secured the M.H. of U. Brethren in Bethlehem for meeting next Monday evening and read several hours in the reading room of the Y.M.C.A. and towards evening came to Landis’. Evening Seidner preached on Matt. 16:1-4. I exhorted in English.

Friday 15.

Afternoon we went to Jacob Landis’ and got supper there. Evening Seidner preached at Mininger’s on I John 5:1-12.

Monday 18.

Forenoon went to Mininger’s. Seidner went with S. Landis and wife to Bethlehem. Afternoon was at Landis’ and toward evening went in cars to Bethlehem. Evening I preached in U. Brethren M.H. in Bethlehem on Matt. 18:23-35 and Seidner exhorted.

Tuesday 19.

Forenoon we walked to Nazareth. Evening Seidner preached in Nazareth E. M. House on Eph.2:1-5.

Wednesday 20.

This morning Seidner left Nazareth for home at about 5 o’clock. Spent the day in reading.

Saturday 30.

Today worked on an old chimney for Theo. Hertzel. Commenced late and took it slow.

Sunday 31.

Afternoon preached at Baer’s M. M. H. on I Cbr. 13:6. Evening at Theo. Eachman’s on I John 4:1-2. Felt weak in body and partly in spirit.

June 1868

Friday 5.

Forenoon went to Gehman’s. Afternoon helped a little to plant potatoes.

Saturday 6.

Forenoon visited my parents and left a little before roon. Afternoon was at Gehman’s. Evening went to Landis’.

Sunday 7.

Forenoon went with S. Landis to C. George. Afternoon preached at George’s in great bodily weakness on Matt. 13:1-9. I am very weak in body now for some time. The will of God be done.

Tuesday 23.

Forenoon went in cars to stage to Samuel Landis’. Today six years ago left father’s house and came to this same house then occupied by C. Gehman. Then I had not a whole cent in possession. Today I have $1.37. Then had better health than now. Am of very ill health. God only knows whether I have come here to die soon or to recover and His will be done, not mine. Afternoon whitewashed a little at fence.

Saturday 27.

Rode with Uncle G. to near his farm. Stopped a little at R. Beavers. Beavers gave me a pair of friend William’s boots. The Lord is kind and good and cares for His unworthy children. After the first of July next, it will be five years that friend William H. Beaver was shot in Gettysburg battle. Afternoon took care of Sults child.

Sunday 5.

July 1868Morning walked to Lewis Snyder’s. Afternoon went with Snyder’s to Charles George’s and preached in great bodily weakness a very short time on Rev. 22:12. Maybe I preached

for the last time. Am very infirm. God’s will be done. Be it sickness or death, or health or life. My Heavenly Father knows best which will honor Him most.

Monday 6.

Morning C. Moyer took me to Quakertown Station. Went in cars to Coopersburg and walked to Landis’. At noon gave S. L. and wife directions in case I should soon end my life, about funeral and my few things I leave behind. Afternoon wrote to F. Seidner.

Tuesday 7.

Today wrote to E. Hershey. Today six years ago John Yoder died. My end may be near. God’s will be done. Christ is my life, to die is gain.

Wednesday 8.

Today kept myself pretty quiet.

Thursday 9.

Today wrote a letter to J. Litwiller.

Friday 10.

Forenoon John Yoder visited ms and gave me $5. The Lord gives always faithfully what I lend to Him. He is much more true to me than I to Him.

Saturday 11.

Today wrote some, a letter to friend Anna C. Beyer. Still am weak tho often felt glad and happy.

Sunday 12.

Forenoon exhorted C.S.G. and wife and J.G. and wife and in presence of them and S.M.L. and wife and E.B. gave directions about my books, clothing, etc., and funeral if I am by the Lord’s will soon to die. Afternoon was meeting here. I spoke only a few words sitting. A. Funk, a young man, was drowned today. Very uncertain life.

Monday 13.

This morning my brother John brought word to me from father to come home during my illness. I went home this morning. S.L. took me but can by no means be convinced if I can and do judge right that under father’s present circumstances it’s the lord’s will that I should….

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