Martha Ellen Knopp, GW #134
Martha was born 22 February 1900 in the Shamokin, Pa. area to Albert and Elizabeth (Harris) Knopp. She had joined the Gospel Worker Society by 1920 when she is listed in the census in Cleveland, Ohio, with the Gospel Workers there. It has not yet been discovered where she was in 1930. On 9 May 1935 Martha married Joseph Currie, an immigrant from Scotland. Three years later a daughter was born to them. They made their home in Cleveland where Joseph is listed as a mechanic in the 1940 census. From the same census it is learned that Martha’s formal schooling ended after one year of high school. Joseph died in 1963 and is buried in the Brooklyn Heights cemetery in Cleveland where most of the Gospel Workers are buried. At some point, Martha went to live with her daughter in Indiana. Martha died on 12 August 1987 and is buried next to her husband. An open Bible and a cross on their grave marker suggests their faith was strong.