Minerva E. Colby, GW #126  

Minerva E. Colby, GW #126  

Minerva was born in Lock Haven, Clinton County, Pa in July of 1874 to Robert M. and Francis (Bartholomew) Colby.  Minerva’s father was a carpenter.  By 1910, all seven of Minerva’s siblings left home.  Two years later Minerva’s father died.  Apparently, Minerva and her mother went to live with Minerva’s brother in Altoona, Pa. where their mother died in 1915.  Her obituary in the Gazette and Bulletin of Williamsport, Pa. reports that Minerva moved from Lock Haven to Youngstown, Ohio in 1916.  In the 1920 census, Minerva appears in Cleveland, Ohio with the main group of Gospel Workers.  Her occupation is listed as “home missions, publishing.”  Another obituary reports that Minerva came to Youngstown in 1923 from Altoona.  Apparently, Minerva moved around for a few years, finally settling in Youngstown.  Was she still with the Gospel Workers at this point?  Not sure, but by 1930 she had left the group.  She is renting a room from a family and working as a day worker for a private family.  In 1940 she is living by herself with her occupation listed as “other work.”  Also reported in the 1940 census is that she only had four years of formal education.  How did Minerva learn about the Gospel Workers?  The Gospel Workers had a ministry in Lock Haven in 1900, and in Altoona at least until 1920.  It appears that the real impetus for joining was the death of her parents.  Minerva died in Youngstown, Ohio on 6 August 1950 and is buried in Highland Cemetery in Lock Haven, Pa.

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