Ruth Rebecca Stengele, GW #107

Ruth Rebecca Stengele, GW #107

Ruth was born on 12 February 1892 in Emerald, Washington Township, Lehigh County, Pa. to Frank and Sophia (Wehr) Stengele.  Ruth came to faith when a young girl.  She was baptized in 1902.  On 3 October 1902 at the age of twenty Ruth joined the Gospel Worker Society.  She worked in the bindery department at first then worked in the editorial department.  Later she prepared orders for billing.  She retired from active work in 1959.  Ruth also sang in quartets, played the banjo, and assisted in mission meetings and street meetings.  From the 1940 census we learn that Ruth had only eight years of formal schooling.  Ruth’s brother was preacher P. T. Stengele (Paul Timothy).  Ruth died in Cleveland, Ohio on 4 January 1978 and is buried with the Gospel Workers in the Brooklyn Heights Cemetery.

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