They Called Him Daddy Gehman

They Called Him Daddy Gehman

The Early Life and Development of William George Gehman

by Richard E. Taylor

November, 1989

They called him Daddy Gehman. It was a good title for him, reverential and adoring at the same time. Its use captured the idea of the benevolent authority of its subject. Some used the title when speaking to him. Others used it only when speaking about him.

His given name was William George Gehman. (1) His first name was the name of his father and his middle name the name of his grandfather. When he was a little boy at home they called him, Willy. In later years, when Mennonite Brethren pastors were protective of their names, he was W.G.

Reactions to him varied. Some saw him a character bigger than life. Others saw him as a narrow minded hypocrite who bent his own rules to suit his purposes. There are different opinions about his impact but there is agreement that he was a leader.

In this paper, we shall review the events of his life up to the age of 36 in 1918. We shall limit ourselves to seeking to understand how his development as a pastor and a leader occurred. To understand the factors that shaped and molded his character and personality is a task which would require much more time and research than this paper allows.


He was born September 17, 1874. Our nation was still seeking to rebuild after the awful civil war. The revival fires were not burning quite as brightly in our nation as they had twenty years earlier. Ulysses S. Grant was in the White House in Washington, William Gehman was serving in Allentown that year overseeing a new work that would not come to maturity for many years.

W.G. was the last of the Gehman children. His father was 47 years old and his mother was 44. It was not another Abraham and Sarah story for he was just the last but they were older. What effect his position in the family had upon him cannot really be told at this point. Perhaps he was the center of much loving attention from his older sisters. He did come to delight in his older brother Menno who was already 22 years old when he was born. He delighted in seeing Menno’s big hands and enjoyed following him in the fields when there was work to do. (2)

His father was a Gehman and his mother was a Musselman. The Gehman and Musselman clans were intertwined, genetically crisscrossing in many places. The names of Gehman and Musselman would be prominent names in the new church called the Evangelical Mennonites and later called the Mennonite Brethren In Christ. They continued to be names of leaders in Pennsylvania until the 1940’s. For many of those years Gehman and Musselman were the names of the Presiding Elders.

We know very little about what it was like to grow up in Gehman family. We can be sure that each child was expected to do his or her part. They lived on a farm outside of Vera Cruz. Father William would often travel to preach and conduct meetings. The children would surely have been expected to carry a part of the load. The daily routines of farm responsibilities tend to produce reliability and consistency. It is probably also true to say that there was not a lot of outward affection shown. It was simply not the way of people in those days to show too much affection to their children. However, there was a great deal of caring.


Little is known of how W.G. Gehman came to be a Christian or a preacher. It is obvious that he was exposed to the gospel message again and again as a child. It is very probable that at some point he made a visible profession of faith and was baptized though the facts about these significant events are lost to us. Even his children know little or nothing of these events.

What we do know is that he set out to be a teacher. In those days, teachers were not expected to have gone to college. It was sufficient for them to finish school themselves. He attended the Orts School along with the Heist children who were his nearest playmates. (3) He eventually graduated from the Emmaus High School. (4)

As he completed his education, he began to prepare for a career as a teacher, He needed to qualify. In order to do this, he was required to take a series of tests. A journal in the possession of his daughter documents his preparation and qualification. Beginning in 1890, when he was but 14 or 15 years of age, he began to take a series of tests. The first reference to examinations are found on page 29 of this journal, “The examinations of the winter term of 1890 and 1891.” His examination notebook records the next test in this way, “The following are some of the questions given at the Emaus Teacher’s Examination on June38, 1891. J. O. Knauss, county superintendent.” He records other tests in his notebook: July 28, 1891 (Milford Square); July 31, 1891 (Dillingersville); August 1, 1891(Vera Cruz); June 27, 1892 (Emaus); July 38, 1892 (Old Zionsville). On page 134 of his notebook, he records,”Questions for graduating given at Emmaus, April 14 and 17, 1893. J. O. Knaus, supt,”

The subjects in which he was tested included grammar, mental arithmetic, physical geography, political geography, physiology, history, civil government, written arithmetic, algebra, and others. Questions were asked like, “Correct the following sentences: When cows is reddy to be slawter.””Where is Lake Okeechobee? Mobile? Vicksburg? Galveston?””Bought apples at 6 cents for 4, and sold them at the rate of 6 for 4 cents; what was the loss per cent?” “How often does breathing take place in a minute? What effect has oxygen on the blood?” “Give an account of the battle of Ball’s Bluff.”

The questions go on and on in the notebook. Finally, and mercifully, near the end of the notebook, we read,”Examination questions for Professional certificate, Feb. 2,1895. Got examined.”

At last, William George Gehman was a teacher, He was assigned to the school at Shimerville where he taught 8 grades of students. In 1895, he was but 21 years old and prepared to lead students willingly or unwillingly into the joys of learning.

However, his teaching career was short-lived. One year later, his name first appears in the minutes of the Annual conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ. His application for the ministry would have begun at his local church, Zionsville, at the Quarterly Conference. There, sometime during this year, he presented himself and declared his conviction that he had been called to the ministry. Those who were assembled would next determine whether they thought his call valid and if they did they would recommend him to the Annual Conference.

On Friday, February 7, 1896, at the Annual Conference held at the Liberty Street Church in Allentown, his name was presented.

Henry J. Ronemus, Wm. G, Gehman, and Amanda Shaffer, who had been recommended by their respective Quarterly Conferences to this Conference as applicants for the ministry, then expressed the nature of their call, They were questioned by the Conference concerning their consecration to the exclusive work of their high calling, their willingness for self-denial, sacrifice, suffering, and were referred to the Committee on the Examination of the Local Preachers, P. E., and Evangelists. (5)

His examination for the ministry began immediately. He had already taken the test on the Discipline. His score was a perfect 100. (6)

Over the next three years, his examinations continued. He did well. In 1897, he was examined on Bible (97%), Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation(l00%), Lessons in Holiness (l00%), Christian Theology (100%), Church History (77%). His average grade for 1897 was a resounding 95%. (7) In 1897, His examinations included, Year Two Bible (98%), Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation (88%),Christian Theology (80%), Reformed Pastor (99%), Church History(90%). His average was 89 ½ %. His average had slipped a little but the only other average recorded that year was a mere 60%. In 1898, there were more tests: Christian History (70%), Nelson on Infidelity (96%),Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation (98%), Fletcher’s Appeal (97%), Theology (98%), Jesus Is Coming (98%), and Bible (98%). His average was 94%. Other averages among those sharing the examination process that year were 68%, 49%, 56%, 66%, and 59%. (8) His test grades were clearly extraordinary. W.G. Gehman was in a class all his own.

He had begun to do some reading on his own. The same notebook which records his examinations for his teaching certificate records notes from his reading. He had read Jehovah’s Work, by Pastor F. E. March of Sunderland, England, Missionary Church, by T. L. Cuyler, D.D., and The Gospel in the Open Air, by Dr. A. C. Dixon. He was recording stories that he had read, apparently with a view to using them as illustrations. These stories had names like, “I’ve Got Father,” “Words from the Lips of Dying People,” “Hidden Power,” and “Actions Louder Than Words.” These stories tug at the heart and carry a message that would enhance the message. He copied the story of “Unwearied Well Doing.”

A poor crippled boy. On a storm-beaten shore in England a little handful of men were trying to launch a life boat and save a sinking crew out in the breaker. But they were not able to pull into the flood. Their combined strength was just too short to move it down the sloping beach. Just then a poor crippled boy came hobbling by from his cottage home. He saw their struggling in vain and he threw his added weight upon the long cable. It was just enough. Those few pounds turned the scale and the life boat slowly slipped down to the water’s edge, then caught the flood and the men sprang in and soon had brought ashore many a precious life that belonged to the cottagers hard by. It was but a crippled boy, but it was enough to turn the scale and save a dozen lives. (9)

Another is entitled, “Story of Death of Princess Alice as told by Mr. Gladstone in House of Commons.”

Her little child was ill with diphtheria, and the mother was forbidden by the physician to kiss it because of the almost certain of contracting the disease from its breath. In one of the child’s paroxysms of delirium the mother was so distressed that she took the little one in her arms and soothed it gently into quietness until reason returned and the little face looked up with a smile and the child cried. “Mamma, kiss me.” It was too much for the mother’s heart. Without stopping to think she pressed the little one to her bosom and kissed the child. But it was the kiss of death, and before many days had passed, the child was well and the mother lay cold and pale in her splendid shroud. She had given her life with an impulse of love. Christ thot not of the cost, but just loved and died. (10)

His testing and probationary period came to a conclusion on Friday, March 3, 1899. It was the last item of minutes for the day’s activity. “Resolved, That the candidate for ordination W. G. Gehman, be referred to the Committee on Ordination.” (11) On Saturday morning, March 4,1899, it was recommended that “this conference … ordain Elder W. G. Gehman, on Sunday afternoon.” (12) The details of this ordination service are not recorded in the Year Book that year. We can be sure that the service was held there at Zionsville on Sunday afternoon, March 5. Did Father William preach the ordination service? What was his text? Alas, there is no record.


He began his career in Allentown as the assistant to L. B. Taylor. (13) The Allentown circuit was then the largest circuit with 88 members. His address that year was listed as Vera Cruz showing that he was still living at home. His first assignment was to the Royersford / Spring City Circuit in 1897. These churches were still in formation, Royersford had begun in 1890 and Spring City followed a couple of years later in 1892.

His pastoral assignments would change for the next few years. He served the following charges: Royersford / Spring City, 1897-99; Lehighton / Weissport, 1899-1900; Mt. Carmel, 1908-1982; Bethlehem, 1902-1905.

His notions about the work of the pastor come out in several of his lectures and messages given during these early times. In 1899, he read an essay at the Ministerial Convention entitled, “The Home Missionary and His Work.” In it he said,

The Home Missionary and his work are very closely related to each other. By their fruits ye shall know them. He should be courageous, full of faith and the Holy Ghost and very active. He should preach and teach and shine and scatter literature, always ‘praying for himself and the work.’ He should always be doing good. (14)

In 1901, Gehman again addressed the Ministerial Convention and delivered an essay entitled, “The Dangers and Temptations to Which the Faithful Preacher of the Present Day is Exposed.”

We are living in the last perilous time; men are lovers of themselves, proud heady, high minded.

The bread and butter temptation is a great temptation of to-day yet. Paul worked for his support but asked forgiveness for the wrong. Praying night and day and working for the interests of the people and then be criticized, is a great temptation to impatience. There is danger of preaching either too smooth or too rough in order to have applause of man; also danger for a preacher not to be in close fellowship with the Lord. The temptation is to shrink from suffering and take the easy, popular route.

The world lieth in the wicked one but he that is in us is greater that he that is in the world. (15)

Gehman was invited to deliver several ordination messages in these early days of his ministry. In 1906, we read, “At 9:45am, the chairman, W. G. Gehman, preached a very instructional and impressive conference sermon from 1 Timothy 3:14-15, emphasizing very strongly the definite calling and characteristics of the minister of God.” (16) In1907, the minutes of Annual Conference record, “At 2p.m., Bro. W. G. Gehman, P.E. of the Mt. Carmel District, preached the Ordination Sermon from 1 Timothy 3:18; 2 Timothy 4:5. The meaning, object and benefits of ordination were clearly and forcibly set forth. The proper characteristics of a candidate for ordination, including loyalty, faithfulness, obedience, etc., were clearly defined.” (17) In 1908, he again preached the ordination sermon in which he emphasized “the call and study of the pastor and the importance of ordination.” (18)

Conference responsibilities came quickly. In 1897, he was appointed the assistant secretary and served on the committee to examine Quarterly Conference Minutes. He served as the chairman of the English Sunday School Convention. All this was in his first year of service at the age of 24. In 1898, he was again assistant secretary and chairman of the English Sunday School Convention in addition to serving on the Auditing committee. In 1899, he was elected the secretary of Conference and served as chairman of both the English and the German Sunday School Conventions. He also served on the “Other Studies”committee. In 1908, at age 26, he was elected vice presiding elder of the Lehigh Valley district and again as secretary. He was also selected as one of the delegates to the General Conference, a role he filled until his death. He chaired the Lehigh Valley Sunday School Convention that year and helped to select which essays were to be printed from the Ministerial Convention. In 1901, he was again vice presiding elder and added to his responsibilities that of secretary of the new Foreign Mission Board. In 1903, he was part of the committee on Examination of Applicants For Annual Conference. He was not yet 30 years of age. But clearly he was coming to take the mantle of leadership.


In 1905, the ministry with which he would become most closely identified began. He was appointed Presiding Elder of the Gospel Herald Society. He had been doing some thinking and writing. In 1903, at the Ministerial Convention, he presented an essay entitled, “The Relation of Our Church to the Home Missionary Society.”

That there should be a connecting link between our Church and the Home Missionary Society, is implied by the subject.

It is manifest that unless there is confidence of either one in the other, the Lord’s expectations are hampered.

There ought to be some rules and regulations between the two bodies mutually agreed upon, and made out by the president of the Society and the Presiding Elder of the Church with support of the rest connected with either body.

The Society might occasionally call the Church to hold conventions at missions to be turned over to the Church, a considerable length of time beforehand, to get the mission members acquainted with the Church, and vice versa. The Church should not urge the young men to marry to qualify them as pastors, for they may be pastors without the wife making them so, if they be called to God for such work. While some who marry may never become pastors. The Society should not urge them to remain single in order to retain them as Missionaries, for married men might possibly be used in the Home Missionary Society. (19)

This essay must have made an impact on some. Two days later he was asked to read the essay again. The minutes of Annual Conference records the following:

Resolved, That W. G. Gehman read the essay which he had read before the Ministerial Convention, on “The Relation of Our Church to the Home Missionary Society.”

Resolved, That a committee of seven be elected to form articles of mutual agreement, between the Gospel Herald Society and the church proper, which articles shall be submitted to the Gospel Herald Society for each on of them to sign.

Resolved, That W. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman be four of these men, the last three each to appoint another man. E. N. Cassel, J. G. Shireman, and R. L. Woodring were appointed. (20)

This essay contains the seeds of the organization of the Gospel Heralds and its subsequent development. The Gospel Herald Society was an organization somewhat independent of Annual Conference and so there was concern for the means by which a mission would become a church. The Gospel Heralds continued to be a separate organization with their own conference and records. It appears that there has always been a distance between the church and its church planting arm. There was also concern about the men that their marital status not become a factor in their selection or admission to the ranks of the Gospel Heralds. This concern is reflective of the fact that the Gospel Herald Society was a proving ground for future ministers as much as a church planting organization.

It appears that the Annual Conference thought so much of his thinking that two years later at the Annual conference of 1985 in Bethlehem W. G. Gehman replaced C. H. Brunner as the Presiding Elder to supervise the work of the Gospel Heralds. (21) He served in this capacity for the rest of his earthly life.

He went right to the task. He made his first report in1906.

W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District, reported the ministry united. Tent meetings were held at Nazareth, Catasauqua and Bingen, where souls were saved and much good done. The camp meeting at Hellertown was grand, large and many souls were saved and baptized. The missions were well represented there. There was one parsonage bought and quite some paid on it. The Gospel Herald society is doing nicely.

The missions at Washington, N. J. and Stroudsburg have been making progress. The mission in Philadelphia is doing finely. We held a few good tent meetings in this large city. The brethren have a large route where they sell 400 Heralds weekly. We have fully organized a Mennonite Brethren In Christ class of thirty members including the Heralds. This class is ready to be received into the Conference. They desire to be self supporting. (22)

In 1907, Gehman reported again. He was clearly ready and eager for the task that had been given him.

The work has been making steady progress. The Gospel Worker Society Missions at Sunbury and Shamokin have been turned over to us and are now supplied by Gospel Heralds.

At Shamokin we purchased a very valuable lot at a suitable location, containing a large dwelling in the rear. On the front we built a nice chapel, which is almost finished.

We held the first Gospel Herald Society campmeeting at Shamokin in September. The were 85 tents. Far beyond our expectation. All the Gospel Heralds were present; also nearly all the ministers of the Conference. It was glorious indeed. Souls were saved every day with one exception.

Successful tent meetings were held at Sunbury, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Washington, N. J. and Norristown.

All the workers are very loyal, obedient and open-hearted to their leaders. Throughout the Society there were very many saved and a large number baptized. (23)

In 1908, he reports:

The young men are doing very well. Some of them are very strong characters. They are loyal and preach and work with enthusiasm. Their work is very difficult. Their domestic work in the missions, preaching every night and making a great many calls speaks well for their energy and faithfulness, Grand tent meetings were held at Hackettstown, N. J.; Washington, N. J., and Sunbury, Pa. (24)

These early reports are characterized by concerns that would show through his years of leadership in the Gospel Heralds. There was his desire to plant new churches. His yearly reports tell of towns and villages where tent meetings were held and where Gospel Heralds were sent to plant the church. They would often speak of his pride in the men who served as Gospel Heralds. It was perhaps the “school teacher” in him that made him view with delight the development and character of the men who served with him. His fatherly and mature concern shows even though he is himself a mere lad in his early thirties.


We note with interest that W.G. was concerned about the marital status of the Gospel Heralds and that it ought not to enter in to consideration for their ministerial status. When he began his career, he was a single man. Our romantic imaginations can easily picture how the girls of the conference must have counted him “Mr. Right.” Of course, they would not have said anything and only whispered among themselves about him. When he began, he was 22 years old and very available. It must have been some time during his years serving the Spring City and Royersford circuit that he came to meet the girl who would become his wife. Her name was Emma Tyson Kinsell, a daughter of one of the prominent families associated with the Royersford Church. Mildred Henry writes, “When in Weissport he brot his bride Emma Tyson Kinsell to this parish, that had to be in 1900 – he must have discoverd (sic) this fine faithful girl while serving the Royersford pastorate.” (25) The exact date of their marriage is not known at this point. He was about 26 years of age and she was 25. Their wedding was probably quickly performed for this was a day when large church weddings would have been considered worldly. Perhaps Father William performed the ceremony in his house. Two years later, at the Ministerial Convention of 1902, W. G. Gehman was ready to give advice about the kind of wife needed in the parsonage. He delivered an essay entitled, “The Model Pastor’s Wife.”

By a Model we understand anything of a particular form, shape, or construction; intended imitation, something to be copied; a pattern, a mold. (Webster.) Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Prov. 31:18. This proves the scarcity of the Model kind.

The single woman in a class gets so intensely spiritual upon receiving a single minister, and lags behind upon receiving a married minister, will not make model wives for pastors.

Those who become so unduly modest and reserved, and jealous of those forward ones, who perhaps engage the attention of the single ministers, are very apt to become jealous wives.

One too easily persuaded and pressed into any sort of a mold, being too confidential; loving at first sight, sticking to any masculine object like a leech, are not commendable.

A model pastor’s wife, should be a pattern to the women of a class and community. For some qualities of a model wife, turn to Prov. 31:11-31. She ought to be economic, a house-keeper. She need not be a professional cook, confining half leaves of bread and quarter of pies to swill pail; but she should look well to the ways of the household. A wife who says it is cheaper to buy bread than to bake it, must have a tired feeling. She ought to make her own clothes, trim her hats as nice as a Christian’s hat needs to be. She fixes the clothes of her husband. It is the wife’s part to get breakfast and not the husband.

She desires the husband’s assistance in household duties as little as possible, but encourages him to attend pastoral work.

She must not be double minded, she has to take a stand with him. She ought not to be afraid to Amen the truth her husband preaches. She must not get to (sic) intimate with people readily. She must pleasantly accept the people without Partiality. (26)

The comments about this model wife seem to carry more experience than exegesis. It is easy to suspect that perhaps in this essay we are meeting Mrs. W.G. Gehman as well as hearing how it ought to be. Children soon came to the Gehman household. Grace came in February, 1901; Mildred in November of 1903; Valeria in September of 1905; and Ethel in January of 1907. The family would suffer through the frequent moves which came to a pastor’s family in those days. At conference, the pastors answered the roll call by stating whether they were conditional or unconditional. When they said they were unconditional, they spoke for their wives and children whether they liked it or not. The Gehmans began their lives together in Weissport and were moved the very next year to Mt. Carmel. After two years at Mt. Carmel, it was on to Bethlehem for three years. After Bethlehem, there was the assignment to the task of Presiding Elder and the move to 517 North Eighth Street in Allentown.

It might be expected that life would now stabilize for the Gehman family and frequent moves and adjustments would now be a thing of the past. But it was not so. The family, but a mere nine years old, would be sundered by death. On March 19, 1909, Emma Tyson Kinsell Gehman died. It was during childbirth. Something went wrong. Both she and the infant died. The infant would have been their fifth child and their first son. Mildred Henry writes, “He traveled by train in those days, was called home from York, Pa. saying she was dying…” (27) She also says, “…My father was at first tempted to be bitter, but instead set about to write out all the announcements…” (28) The obituary was recorded in the Gospel Banner of April 8, 1909,

Sister Gehman was the beloved wife of Eld. W.G. Gehman and was called away very suddenly at the age of 34 years, 6 months, and 21 days, leaving our dear brother with four little daughters to plod their way alone. Sister Gehman was converted at the age of 14 years, and proved herself to be a sincere and earnest Christian, a loyal worker in the church and a most true and faithful wife, as well as a loving and kind mother. She will be much missed. May the God of all comfort, sustain our dear brother in this, his sore trial. Funeral Services were held in Allentown M. B. C. Church. About twenty-seven minsters, together with a large number of ministers wives were in attendance to show their last respect for one of their number, who life had been spent as unto God. The church was crowded to over flowing. Funeral services by H. B. Musselman, and E. N. Cassel. Internment at Zionsville, Pa. (29)

While we can be sure that these were dark and difficult days in the life of W. G. Gehman, we do not know what he was experiencing. The reports to the Gospel Herald stop for a few issues but soon they return indicating that, whatever he was feeling, life and ministry would go on. He needed to get help with the children. He turned immediately to his niece, Ursula Heist and later to Howard and Mary Shelly, a newly married couple from Coopersburg who came and kept the house and cared for the children. Two years later, there was another helpmeet, Emma’s sister, Elizabeth, and more children, daughters Vivian and Alma and sons Willard and Clarence. And life would go on and the ministry would move


William George Gehman served the Lord until his summons to a heavenly home came on November 26, 1941. He was sixty-seven years, two months and nine days old. His obituary concludes, “Having lived and labored among us, and having profited by his example, we do and shall miss both the fragrance of his life and the example of his labors. We are the poorer for his having left us, but indeed, the richer for his having lived and served in our midst. “ (30)

1In his school journal, Gehman’s name appears as Wm. G. Gehman Jr. His father went by the name William Gehman and never seemed to use a middle initial. A copy of this journal is in the Archives of The Bible Fellowship Church located at Wallingford, Pennsylvania.

2. This information is gleaned from an unpublished writing of his daughter, Mildred Gehman Henry entitled Tribute To The Two Willies.

3. From M. Henry, writing 3/3/1978.

4. Henry, “More Memories.” 4/29/1983.

5. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Session of the Pennsylvania Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ, convened in Liberty Street Church (Evangelical), Allentown, Pa. February 7, 1896. Page 9.

6. Ibid., page 9.

7. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ, convened in Latschaw’s Hall, Cor. Fourth and Main Sts., Royersford, Pa, February 19,1897, page 10.

8. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, convened in Upper Milford Church, Dillinger, Pa., March 2 and 3, 1899, page 15.

9. W. G. Gehman Journal, page 165.

10. Ibid., page 190.

11. Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, convened in Upper Milford Church, Dillinger, Pa., March 2 and 3, 1899, page 16.

12. Ibid.

13. Proceedings – Fifty Ninth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Of Pennsylvania, 1942, page 30.

14. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Ministerial Convention. Upper Milford Church. Dillinger, Pa., March 2, 1899, page 8.

15. Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Ministerial Convention. Ebenezer Church, Laurel Street, Bethlehem, Pa., October 3, 1901, Page 39.

16. Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, Reading, Pa., October 10-15, 1906, Page 22.

17. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, Royersford, Pa. October 18-14, 1907. Page 23.

18. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, Bethlehem, Pa., October 8-12, 1908, page 24.

19. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Ministerial Convention of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, at Ebenezer Church, Mt, Carmel, Pa., October 15, 1903, pages 39-40.

20. Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ convened in Ebenezer Church, Mt. Carmel, Pa., October 16-20, 1903, pages 14-15.

21. Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren In Christ of Pennsylvania, Ebenezer Church, Bethlehem, Pa,, October 12-16, 1905. Page 19.

22. Proceedings of the Twenty-Third Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, M. B. C. Church, 10th and Oley, Reading, Pa., October 10-15, 1906, page 15.

23. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren In Christ of Pennsylvania, Sixth and Walnut Street Church, Royersford, Pa., October 18-14, 1987, page 14-15.

24. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, Bethlehem, Pa. October 8-12, 1908. Page 15.

25. From, More memories of My Most Unforgettable Father, by Mildred Henry, April 29, 1983. From the Archives of The Bible Fellowship Church, Wallingford, Pennsylvania.

26. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Ministerial Convention of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ, Faith Chapel, Tenth and Oley Streets, Reading, Pa., October 16,1902. Page 36-37.

27. From, “More Memories Of My Most Unforgettable Father,” by Mildred Gehman Henry, April 29, 1983.

28. From, “Our Father Who Art In Heaven and My Most Unforgettable Earthly Father!”

29. The Gospel Banner, Vol. 32, #14, April, 8 1909, page 224 (16).

30. Proceedings of the Fifty Ninth Annual Conference of The Mennonite Brethren In Christ of Pennsylvania, 526-530 North Eighth Street, Allentown, Pa., October 15-17, 1942, page31.

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