Jonas Musselman Notes

Jonas Musselman Notes

April 3, 1868 – Jonas Musselman purchased land in Richland Tower from Joseph B. Taylor and Mariah. This land is next to Lewis B. Taylor. Same date, Jonas purchased a tract from David A Weirback. Taylor tract was 56 acres, 140 perches. Weirback tract was 8 acres 138 perches.


page 84 – “When about four weeks old, he [H. B.] moved with his parents, the venerable Rev. Jonas, deceased, and excellent Christian woman, Mrs. Lucy Musselman, to the town, so familiar to those who have embraced the religion of this State (Penn) – Quakertown, Bucks County.”

“As stated above, his father was a farmer, and an honest industrious and sober-minded Christian man and minister of the Gospel – a powerful preacher in his day. He was not ‘slothful in business’ but diligent in all things, and on the Lord’s Day, he, “fervent in spirit,” would proclaim the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ. The writer is pleased to state that he was privileged to hear him preach several most powerful sermons. Hundreds of souls were brought to Christ and saved through the ministrations of this good man. As a minister, he was sincere and very zealous in the work of the Master.”

Gospel Banner, March, 1879, page 4

Eld. Jonas Musselman; of Quakertown, Pa, sending us subscribers in a recent letter says: “Dear Brother in Christ: – I am happy in Jesus. My resolution is to work for him while I live. Brother pray fro me and my class; they arre working for holiness. Please send me sample copies of the Gospel Banner, English and German. I will do what I can for the Banner.”

From Gospel Banner Feb? 1880

Hatfield, Montgomery Co., Pa.

January 12, 1880

Dear Editor, – Eld. J. Musselman, A. Strawn, and J. Rosenberger having organized their protracted meeting at this place, in their new meeting house, on Sunday, January 4th; the first night two souls came to the altar, crying for the forgiveness of their sins. At the end of the week six have been brought out of darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. A general revival is expected.

Dear reader, can’t you spend a few minutes in praying for Hatfield and vicinity? It will be pleasing in the sight of God.

Rudy S. Weikel

Gospel Banner, August 1, 1880, page 124

The ministering brethren from Pa., Traub Musselman and Strawn with the companions of the two latter and sister Heller accompanied the brethren to Canada to visit the churches there. They left Goshen the 12th inst. May the presence of God go with them and his blessings attend their efforts to do good wherever they go.

Gospel Banner, November 1, 1880, page 164.

Eld. Jonas Musselman, of Quakertown, Pa., requests us to remind those who handed to him their names and addresses, at the camp-meeting, of their promise: namely, to correspond with him. He says he has the names and addresses of nearly fifty brethern and sisters, who have agreed to correspond with him and has written nearly all but has received only on answer. This is doubtless somewhat discouraging to the dear brother, who is so deeply interested in your welfare – who has inquired concerning your prospects for heaven, – and only one answer. Please be so kind as to answer his letters, in the fear of God, thereby showing your regards to him.

Gospel Banner, Vol 4 #4 February 15, 1881 page 29

Quakertown, Pa.

Dear Brother: – I feel interested to labor in the vineyard of the Lord. I have not been well for the last month, but thank God am better again. God knows what is best for us all. I am still trusting in God and resting sweetly in him. Bro. Brenneman, God has delivered me from my farm. I am now freed from that and am no longer a farmer. I am only waiting for God to open the way and to direct me as to how and where to labor for Him. I feel to do all for my Savior and for precious souls that I can, and hence have consecrated my will to God and can say, Lord thy will be done. Oh there is much to do here in Pennsylvania. May the good Lord bless us with much courage. Pray for us in faith.

Jonas Musselman

In 1881, Jonas sold two tracts of land to Tilghman Osmun.

Gospel Banner Vol 4 #13 July 1, 1881 page 100

Bro. J. Musselman, of Quakertown, Pa. Writes “I am thankful today that we have a full savior, and I am ‘sweetly resting’ in Christ Jesus. Pray for me and our church here. Some have entered Beulah, and others seeking.”

Gospel Banner Vol 4 #16 August 15, 1881 page 124

We learn through a letter from Jonas Musselman that the brethren in Pennsylvania are about to purchase a tabernacle, and to enter upon a line of more earnest effort for God.

Page 126

Quakertown Pa. August 10

Dear Brother: – I wish to inform you that we intend by the will of God commencing a camp-meeting, Saturday, August 13th, near Coopersburg. We have receive a tabernacle to be used upon the occasion. Now Bro. is the time we need your help. It is true the time is short, but we must do the best we can. Brother, can you be here? If it is not possible then let all pray for us in faith, that the power of God may attend our effort. We are expecting a glorious time.


Jonas Musselman

Gospel Banner vol. 5 #15, 8/1/1882 p 116

It is expected that Bro. Jonas Musselman of Emaus, Pa., will attend the Bethel Camp-meeting. We hope also to see other of the ministering brethren from Pennsylvania, Canada and elsewhere present upon the occasion. All remember the time: opening services, Friday evening, Aug. 11th.

Gospel Banner vol. 5 #16, 9/1/1882 p 132

Bro. Daniel Keck’s “Lost Eden Found,”we are happy to say has been translated by sister Lucy Musselman into the German language. Our German brethren should send for a copy. Price 25c. Address, Elder Jonas Musselman, Emaus, Lehigh Co. Pa.

Gospel Banner vol. 6 #3, 2/1/1883, p 17

Bro. Jonas Musselman writes under date of January 18th: Our meeting here at Emaus (Pa.) is still going on. Next Sunday it will be nine weeks since we commenced and I cannot tell yet when we will close. We do not expect to close until all the seeking souls find peace in Jesus. Fifteen have already found peace. The house is sometimes crowded to over flowing. So far I have preached every evening this year and sometimes feel nearly worn out. Pray for me!

Gospel Banner 7#3 – 2/1/1884 p 17

The brethren Strawn and Musselman are holding a protracted meeting in Skippackville, Montgomery Co., Pa., with very encouraging prospects of success.

Gospel Banner 7#5 3/1/1884 p 33

Bro. Abel Strawn writes from Coopersburg, Pa., under date of Feb. 12th: I held a protracted meeting near Skippack, Montgomery Co., Pa. The power of God was wonderfully displayed amongst us. The meeting was held at the private residence of Bro. Geo. Detwiler, which, with its folding-doors, was arranged to accommodate quite an audience. As high as 300 persons were assembled. The meeting lasted three weeks, during which time there were fourteen seekers at the altar, some for sanctification and some for justification, greater number for the latter. Tears rolled from many a cheek, and sobs and cries were heard in every direction. Brother and Sister Detwiler have done much for the upbuilding of the kingdom of God, and I trust God will reward them for their services. Brother and Sister J. Musselman came to our assistance and remained four days. Brother and Sister Hillegass from Quakertown, Brother Ellinger, from Philadelphia, and my wife rendered effective services. Brother and Sister Bean, belonging to another branch of the Mennonite Church, also came to our assistance and exerted a good influence. May God wonderfully bless them for their self-denial. At the close of the meeting I read the Church Discipline to their general satisfaction, and afterwards gave an opportunity to join in church-fellowship. Five persons, who had previous been baptized upon the confession of their faith came forward and a new class was organized. Brother G. Detwiler was chosen class-leader and immediately there were six different calls for prayer meeting. Others are expected to join us soon. This class has been given over to the Quakertown and Hatfield circuit, which is under the charge of Brother Kauffman. I expect to hold another protract meeting at Emaus before long, and Brother Musselman has promised to assist. Pray for us, that God may send his blessing to the saving of souls.

Gospel Banner vol 7 #8 April 15, 1884, page 57

Bro. Jonas Musselman has taken charge of his new field of labor and his post-office address is now Coopersburg, Lehigh County, instead of Emaus, Pa.

Gospel Banner 7 #24 12/15/1884

Brother Wm. Gehman writes from Vera Cruz, Pa., under date of December 2nd: “Our ministers are everywhere engaged in protracted meetings, and at each place there have been some conversions. Bro. Strawn is engaged at Hereford, Bro. Kauffman at Skippack, Bro. Haws in the Ruch Church, in Bucks County, Bro. Jonas Musselman in Ruch’s Valley, and Bro. Wm. Musselman in Blendon, Bucks County. I trust they will each send a report of their meeting for publication in the Banner.

Gospel Banner 9 #8 4/15/1886 p 13

Musselman. – On the 26th of March near Coopersburg, Lehigh Co., Pa., Eld. Jonas Musselman, aged 46 years 4 months, and 14 days. He was buried in Coopersburg Cemetery on the 8th followed by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. He died triumphant in the faith. We deeply feel our loss yet we would submissively say: “What the Lord has done, is done well.” Eld. A. Kauffman conducted the services at the house and Eld. Wm. Gehman at the church. Text 2 Tim. iv: 7,8.

Wm. Gehman

[From Pastoral Assignment list]

1874 Jonas Musselman Quakertown

1875 Jonas Musselman Quakertown

1876 Jonas Musselman Springtown

1877 Jonas Musselman Quakertown

1878 Jonas Musselman Quakertown

1879 Jonas Musselman Quakertown

1880 Jonas Musselman Quakertown

1880 Jonas Musselman Hatfield

1881 Jonas Musselman Quakertown

1881 Jonas Musselman Hatfield

1882 Jonas Musselman Zionsville

1882 Jonas Musselman Fleetwood

1883 Jonas Musselman Zionsville

1883 Jonas Musselman Emmaus

1883 Jonas Musselman Fleetwood

1884 Jonas Musselman Coopersburg

1884 Jonas Musselman Springtown

1885 Jonas Musselman Springtown

1885 Jonas Musselman Bethlehem

1885 Jonas Musselman Coopersburg

1886 Jonas Musselman Bethlehem

1886 Jonas Musselman Coopersburg

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