1906 Ministerial Convention Minutes



Seventeenth Annual Ministerial Convention

Reading, Pa, October 10, 1906


The Seventeenth Annual Ministerial Convention of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the M. B. C. Church, Reading, Pa., October 10, 1906.

The Chairman, J. F. Barrall, opened the Convention at 9 a.m. with singing and prayer by J. C. Roth, followed by the roll call, after which the minutes of the last Annual Ministerial Convention mere read and approved.

Resolved, That the Convention Bar consist of the two Amen Corners and the first two pews throughout the church.

Resolved, That all Annual Conference members be voting members and all workers present, advisory members of this Convention.

Resolved, That no one be allowed to speak longer than ten minutes on any one subject and only once except by permission of the Chairman.

Resolved, That the Chair appoints a Timekeeper and a Reporter. He appointed C. J. Edwards and R. L. Woodring respectively.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee on Publication.

He appointed H. B. Musselman, J. C. Roth and G. A. Campbell.

The following essay was then read, discussed and received:

“Winning People to Christ versus Winning them to Ourselves,” E. T. Shick.

Resolved, That a collection be lifted to defray the expenses of this Convention, printing of programmes, etc.

Resolved, That Brother D. E. E. Vishanoff, of Macedonia, be received as an advisory member and be asked to give a five-minute address to this Convention.

The address was highly appreciated.

An essay on “The Proper Characteristics of a Pastor’s Wife” was then read by W. J. Fretz. The essay was discussed and received.

Adjourned by prayer by C. H. Brunner.


This session was opened by prayer by W. S. Hottel, after which the roll was called, the minutes read, corrected and approved.

Resolved, That we appreciate the presence of the Delegates who were present at this Convention in good time.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to deal with the ministers who are absent from this Convention.

He appointed C. H. Brunner, W. G. Gehman and H. B. Musselman.

An essay on “The Proper Characteristics of a Pastor” was read by J. F. Barrall. The essay was discussed and received.

An offering was lifted for the labor and expenses of the Secretary amounting to $3.50. (Thanks.)

W. S. Hottel then read an essay on ”The Power of the Word,” which was discussed and received.

Resolved, That we hold another Ministerial Convention a day prior to the next annual Conference and at the same place.

The following officers were elected for the next annual Convention: Chairman, J. G. Shireman; Secretary, C. W. Stine; Committee on Programme, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman.

The Committee appointed to deal with the absent ministers reported as follows:

WHEREAS, The brethren W. B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman and L. B. Taylor are not in attendance at this Convention and not having learned the cause of their absence, therefore

Resolved, That we as a Convention hereby express our sorrow at their absence and commend them to the love and mercy of God, who knoweth the hearts of all men.


C. H. Brunner,

H. B. Musselman,

W. G. Gehman.

The questions in the box were answered by G. A. Campbell and J. C. Roth.

Adjourned by prayer by W. G. Gehman.


This session was opened by singing and prayer by Wm. Gehman, after which the roll was called and the minutes of the afternoon session read and approved.

The following essays were then read, discussed and received:

“The Ministry of Prayer,” by C. W. Stine.

“Worldly Entanglements to be Shunned by the Ministers of To-day,” E. N. Cassel.

The Committee on Publication reported as follows: We recommend the essays on “Worldly Entanglements to be Shunned by the Ministers of To-day,” by E. N. Cassel, to be published in the Gospel Banner.

Resolved That the Secretary send a short report of the Convention to the Gospel Banner for publication.

Resolved, That the Minutes be published in the Conference Journal, privileging the Editor to exclude the extracts from the essays.

Resolved, That we invite all strangers to join with us in a rising vote of thanks to the Reading Class for their kindness and hospitality shown us during this Convention.

Adjourned by prayer by H. B. Musselman and benediction by C. H. Brunner.

J. E. Barrall, Chairman,

R. Bergstresser, Secretary.


W. G. Gehman,

H. B. Musselman,

C. H. Brunner.

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