1910 Ministerial Convention Minutes



The Twenty-first Annual Ministerial Convention of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church at Tenth and Oley Streets,

Reading, Pa., on October 12, 1910, at 9.15 a. m.

The Convention was called to order by the Chairman, J. G. Shireman, and opened by singing, after reading the 134th Psalm. C. H. Brunner and H. K. Kratz led in prayer.

The following members were enrolled:

H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, J. C. Roth, E. N. Cassel, R. L. Woodring, C. H. Brunner, J. G. Shireman, W. S. Hottel, R. Bergstresser, W. W. Zimmerman, J. F. Barrall, E. E. Kublic, V. H. Reinhart, E. T. Shick, W. J. Fretz, F. M. Hottel, H. K. Kratz, O. S. Hillegass, C. W. Stine, P. J. Musselman, Geo. A. Campbell.

Members absent: L. B. Taylor, W. B. Musselman and Wm. Gehman.

Delegates Present: H. H. Bergey, John Ziegler, S. S. Geil, E. R. Hartman, A. A. Wismer, Thomas Fehnel, S. H. Lichtenthaler, W. D. Evert, O. C. Kistler, H. L. Musselman, R. E. Hollenbach, Horace Z. Heist, G. O. Billig, A. A. Schaeffer, O. B. Bartholomew and Allen M. Gehman.

Delegates absent: G. K. Himmelreich and J. H. Baus.

The minutes of the last Annual Ministerial Convention were then read and approved.

Resolved, That the seats to the right and left of the Chair and the two front pews throughout the church constitute the Convention bar.

Resolved, That all Conference members be members of this Convention, and all workers present be advisory members.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three on Publication and a committee of three to deal with absent members.

He appointed on Publication E. N. Cassel, J. C. Roth and J. F. Barrall.

To Deal with Absent Members, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner and W. S. Hottel.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a timekeeper and reporter respectively. He appointed W. J. Fretz reporter; ·Geo. A. Campbell, timekeeper.

Resolved, That no one shall be allowed to speak on any subject longer than fifteen minutes and only once except by the permission of the Chair, except H. B. Musselman this morning.

Next was a talk to the Ministry by Elder H. B. Musselman. It was practical, heart-searching, inspiring and very timely.

Resolved, That we lift an offering to defray the expense of this Convention.

Resolved, That we hold another Ministerial Convention one day prior to the next Annual Conference and at the same place.

Resolved, That we elect the officers for the next Convention by open vote. These were elected: R. Bergstresser, Chairman; W. W. Zimmerman. Secretary.

Resolved, That we elect the Committee on Programme one by one; the first elected to be the Chairman; the second, the Secretary; the third, third man on the committee. .

Committee on Program: H. B. Musselman, Chairman; C. H. Brunner, Secretary; W. G. Gehman.

Adjourned with prayer by H. B. Musselman and benediction by W. G. Gehman.


The afternoon session was opened: at 1.45 p.m. by singing, and prayer by E. N. Cassel, after which the roll was called and the minutes of the forenoon session read: and received.

Note.- A. A. Schaeffer, O. B. Bartholomew and J. H. Baus arrived in time for the afternoon session.

The following committee report was submitted and accepted:

Committee to deal with absent members.

WHEREAS, The Brethren W. B. Musselman, L. B. Taylor and Wm. Gehman of the ministers and several of the delegates are not present at this convention and not having learned the cause of their absence. Therefore be it

Resolved, That we hereby express our regret for their absence as well as missing their counsel and commend them into the favor and blessing of Him who doeth all things well. We are, however, very much pleased to have so many of the delegates present and trust that in the future the interest among them may increase yet more and more.

(Signed) W. G. Gehman,

C. H. Brunner,

W. S. Hottel,


An essay; entitled, “The Character and Characteristics of a Presiding Elder,” by Elder C. H. Brunner, was read, discussed and received.

Resolved, That we lift an offering for the labor and expenses of the Secretary, which amounted to $5.25.

A discussion entitled, “Present Day Dangers Confronting the Church of Jesus Christ,” was opened by Elder W. S. Hottel, which was further discussed.


The Committee on Publication reported as follows·:

We recommend the following to be published in the “Gospel Banner:”

The twenty-first Annual Ministerial Convention of the Pennsylvania Conference convened in the M. B. in C. Church, Reading, Pa., on Wednesday, October 12, 1910.

All the active ministerial brethren were present, together with a large number of the delegates. The address to the ministry by the Presiding Elder, H. B. Musselman, was very edifying and elevating to the spiritual minded, and appreciated very much by the ministry. The essay on “The Character and Characteristics of a Presiding Elder,” by C. H. Brunner, was very comprehensive and instructive. The discussions were take advantage of by many. Altogether the Convention was a glorious success and a great inspiration to the ministry.

E. N. Cassel,

J. C. Roth,

J. F. Barrall,


Resolved, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the Reading class for kindness and hospitality shown us during this Convention.

Adjourned with prayer by R. L. Woodring and benediction by H. B. Musselman.

The evening service was in charge of the pastor, C. H. Brunner. After devotional services, Elder E. N· Cassel spoke on prevailing Prayer.” delivering a glorious message, after which J. G. Shireman followed on the same line of thought.

J. G. Shireman, Chairman.

E. T. Shick, Secretary.

H. B. Musselman,

W. G. Gehman,

J. C. Roth,


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