1880 Annual Conference Minutes


March, 1880 
Proceedings of the First Annual Conference 
The Evangelical United Mennonites in Pennsylvania 
March 15, 1880 

Conference members present: W. Gehman, S. M. Musselman, D. Henmng, E. Hershey, A. Strawn, A. Kauffman, J . Musselman, J. Rosenberger, S. Frey and S. Eby, Presiding Elder from Canada, M. Landis, D. Gehman, J. Ruch, J. Schneider, D. Koch, W. Yeakel. 

The Conference Sermon was preached on Sunday the 14th by S. Eby on I Peter 4:1. 

First Meeting 

Monday, March 15, 1880 – Morning 

The Conference was opened by W. Gehman with singing, prayer and the reading of Psalm 103. In connection therewith he spoke some solemn words of admonition for encouragement and cheer. 

W. Gehman was again elected as Chairman and S. Eby, as his assistant and S. M.Musselman, as Secretary and M. Zyner as his assistant. 

The proceeding of the last Conference were read and accepted. 

W. Yeakel, Treasurer of the Mission Society, presented his six month report: 

Amount in the treasury                                                                            $113.30

Paid out to preachers by committee 

in charge                                                                                                      40.00

leaves a balance of                                                                                    $20.7138

The report of the money-distributing committee was accepted. 

Second Meeting 

Monday March 15, 1880 – Afternoon 

Report of Statistics: 

Ordained Preachers 9 

Deacons 6 

Members Moved Away 5 

Dismissed 1 

New Converted Souls 30 

Baptized 32 

New Members 23 

W. Gehman was elected as Presiding Elder. 

Committee For Stations was elected: J. Rosenberger, D. Henning, W. Yeakel, M. Landis, J. Schneider, D. Koch 

Third Meeting

Monday, March 15, 1880 – Evening

A short time was spent in singing and prayer. The report of the Station Committee was accepted as follows: 

RESOLVED: That J. Musselman have supervision over Quakertown and Hatfield with the assistance of J. Rosenberger; and A. Strawn, over Coopersburg and Springtown with the assistance of S. M. Musselman; and A. Kauffman over Upper Milford, Berger Church, and Fleetwood, with assistance from S. M. Musselman. 

Probation Committee elected — J. Schneider, D. Koch. W. Yeakel. 

Committee of Inquiry elected — W. Gehman, J. Musselman, A. Strawn. 

S. M. Musselman was elected Secretary in German; M. Zyner, in the English language; and M. Zyner, Treasurer. 

These proceedings shall be printed in the English and German languages. 

Thanks were expressed from the Conference to S. Eby for his participation. 

Thanks were expressed from the members of this Conference to the brethren and sisters, neighbors and friends for the generosity and friendship they have shown during this session. 

RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference be held on the first Monday in March, 1881, in the Quakertown Meeting House. All meetings were opened and closed with singing and prayer.

S. M. Musselman, Secretary  

37 First Annual Conference after the merger of 1879. 

38 Apparently the balance should be $73.30. 

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