1881 Conference Minutes


Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference 
of the 
Evangelical United Mennonites 
of Eastern Pennsylvania 
Quakertown, Pennsylvania 
March 7, 1881 

The Conference Sermon was preached by William Gehman, Presiding Elder, on March 6, text I Timothy 4:16. 

First Meeting 

Monday, March 7, 1881 – Morning

On Monday morning, March 7, the Conference session was opened with singing and prayer by William Gehman, Presiding Elder. 

The Conference members were present as follows: William Gehman (Presiding Elder), E. Hershey, A. Strawn, A. Kauffman, J. Musselman, S. M. Musselman, J. Rosenberger, and S. Frey (Elders). 

Probationer: J. Traub. 

Deacons: J. Ruch, J. Schneider, D. Koch and William Yeakel.

Absent: Elder D. Henning and Deacon M. Landis. 

The minutes of the last Annual Conference as well as those of the Quarterly Conferences were adopted. 

Ministers now gave their reports expressing with emotion their gratitude to God for blessings received and victories won during the past Conference year. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, March 7, 1881 – Afternoon 

Statistical Report: 

Elders or Ministers 9 

Probationers 1 

Deacons 5 

Members Died 3 

New Converts 22 

Baptized 3 

Members Received into Church Fellowship 10 

Whole Number of Members 200 

Increase of Members 10 

Decrease of Members 4

Churches 5

Preaching Places 16

Preached in All During Year 702

Prayer Meetings Visited 154

Classes 24

Class Leaders 6

Sabbath Schools 3 

Officers and Teachers  52

Scholars 238

Times Sunday Schools Visited 46

Collected for Ministers $405.30

Collected for Home Mission  $71.94

Collected for Sabbath Schools   $95.00

Third Meeting 

Monday, March 7, 1881 – Evening 

The Stationing Committee brought in their report as follows: 

RESOLVED: That J. Musselman, with the assistance of J. Rosenberger, take charge of Quakertown and Hatfield circuit. 

RESOLVED: That A. Strawn with the assistance of S. M. Musselman, take charge of Coopersburg and Springtown district. 

RESOLVED: That A. Kauffman, with the assistance of J. Traub, take charge of Upper Milford, Berger Church and Fleet wood circuit. 

RESOLVED: That S. Frey shall stay in Lancaster as heretofore and shall try to open new places for preaching. 

RESOLVED: That E. Hershey shall be itinerant preacher as heretofore and preach where he can to the Glory of God and the saving of souls. 

RESOLVED: That D. Henning shall remain in Bangor and Richmond, Northampton County, Pennsylvania and preach as heretofore. 

RESOLVED: That William Gehman, Presiding Elder, shall attend to the call of the brothers of Faiville and Baumansville, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and if necessary that other ministers shall be called. 

RESOLVED: That, in each circuit where a quarterly conference is held, a delegate shall be elected who shall be sent to the next Annual Conference. 

RESOLVED: That the managing committee men of Pennsylvania, John Gehm an and John Traub shall remain another year. 

Since it has pleased Almighty God to remove from -our midst by death our brother, David Gehman, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we as a Conference, and church members in general, will with the help of God prepare ourselves fully for the hour of death which shall also soon overtake us. We wish the widow of the deceased brother the “Grace of God” so that she may also prepare to meet death, that her latter end may be in peace. 

S. M. Musselman was elected German and M. A. Zyner English Secretary for the next Annual Conference. M. A. Zyner was also elected Treasurer. 

RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference shall be held in Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, on the second Monday in February, 1882. 

RESOLVED: That the members of this Conference tender a hearty vote of thanks to the brethren, sisters, neighbors and friends of Quakertown and vicinity for their love, generosity and hospitality during this session. 

Each meeting was opened and closed with singing and prayer. 

RESOLVED: That we adjourn. 

M. A. Zyner, Secretary

39 The minutes of the conferences from 1881 through 1886 are available in English and German. The English text is used in this volume. 

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