The third Annual Conference of the Evangelical United Mennonites of Eastern Pennsylvania met at Upper Milford. Lehigh County. Pennsylvania. February 13 and 14. 1882. According to the announcement, the brethren in the ministry met on Saturday evening. February 11, 1882. Preaching by Elder Samuel Frey. text Ecclesiastes 9:10. followed by Elder J. Rosenberger.
Sunday morning : The Conference Sermon was preached by William Gehman. Presiding Elder. Text: Matthew 28:19. 20.
Sunday afternoon : Missionary Sermon preached by Elder Eusebius Hershey. text II Corinthians 6:10. followed by Abner Clime. After the service. baptism was administered to three applicants. Preaching in the evening by Elder A. Strawn. text John 7:38. followed by Elder J. Musselman.
First Meeting
Monday. February 13, 1882 – Morning
The Conference Members were present as follows:
Elders: William Gehman. Eusebius Hershey. S. M. Musselman. Joel Rosenberger. S. Frey, A. Strawn. Jonas Musselman. A. Kauffman.
Probationer: John Traub.
Delegates: M. Kauffman. Aaron Reinhard. Joseph Schneider. Enos Grebel. Henry Musselman. Jacob Ruch. William Yeakel. Daniel Koch and Marks D. Haws, and Abner Clime.
The Conference session was opened by William Gehman, Presiding Elder. by reading Psalm 127 and by spending half an hour in prayer and singing.
Before proceeding with the Conference. it was found that there were present: J. Y. Shantz of Canada. William K. Ellinger of Philadelphia. William H. Gehman of Berks County. Marks D. Haws of Reading and John Knauss of Emaus. They were recognized as advisory members of the Conference.
The minutes of the last Annual Conference as well as those of the Quarterly Conferences were adopted.
Ministers now gave in their reports. expressing with emotion their gratitude to God for blessings received and victories won during the past Conference year.
Second Meeting
Monday. February 13, 1882 – Afternoon
RESOLVED: That. if a member of one circuit moves into another, such member shall get a certificate of the minister in charge of that circuit and hand it to the one having charge of the circuit into which said member desired to be admitted.
Next in order an election was held for Presiding Elder. After the election it was found that William Gehman was elected Presiding Elder.
RESOLVED: That Marks D. Haws of Reading and William H. Gehman of Berks County are accepted by the Conference on probation as local preachers and William K. Ellinger of Philadelphia also taken on probation as a minister to go forth as an Evangelist and work to the Glory of God and the saving of souls.
(RESOLVED): That the circuits be divided as follows:
Upper Milford, Fleetwood and Emaus circuit
Reading and Terre Hill circuit
Coopersburg, Saucon Valley, Ruch’s and Springtown circuit
Third Meeting
Tuesday, February 14, 1882 – Morning
RESOLVED: That a committee of four delegates be chosen (one from each circuit) to serve as the Stationing Committee. They were chosen as follows: Daniel Koch, Marks D. Haws, Jacob Ruch and Joseph Schneider.
The Stationing Committee brought their report as follows:
RESOLVED: That Jonas Musselman, with the assistance of John Traub, take charge of Upper Milford, Fleetwood and Emaus Circuit.
RESOLVED: That Samuel Frey, with the assistance of William Gehman and Marks D. Haws, take charge of Reading and Terre Hill Circuit.
RESOLVED: That Abraham Kauffman, with the assistance of S. M. Musselman, take charge of the Coopersburg, Saucon Valley, Ruch’s and Springtown Circuit.
RESOLVED: That Abel Strawn, with the assistance of Joel Rosenberger, take charge of the Quakertown and Hatfield Circuit.
RESOLVED: That Eusebius Hershey (as before) during the coming Conference year travel as a missionary preacher.
RESOLVED: That William H. Gehman shall preach wherever a field 1S open.
RESOLVED: That of the Missionary Fund (what is left) after the expenses of the local preachers of 1881 are paid, twenty dollars shall be given to Samuel M. Musselman.
RESOLVED: That at each church door two boxes shall be put, one for the poor at home and one for the heathen, so that each brother, sister or “cheerful giver” shall be at liberty to give. The deacons (are) to provide for the boxes and the preacher in charge to see that a Secretary and Treasurer shall be chosen for the occasion, who shall give an account at the Quarterly Conference and the deacon there to take charge of the money for the poor.
Fourth Meeting
Tuesday, February 14, 1882 – Afternoon
Inasmuch that the brethren of Canada have thought it good to call the General Conference one year earlier on account of the printing establishment, therefore
RESOLVED: That we agree thereto. John Traub was elected as Delegate to the General Conference with the Presiding Elder. A. M. Musselman was elected German and M. A. Zyner English Secretary for the next Annual Conference. M. A. Zyner was also elected Treasurer.
RESOLVED: That the Presiding Elder shall appoint the time to hold the camp meeting and preside over the same.
RESOLVED: That a committee of five brethren be appointed to make arrangements for the camp meeting. The committee follows: M. A. Zyner, Milton Kauffman, J. Roeder, John Musselman and William Yeakel.
RESOLVED: That a committee of three brethren be appointed to take charge of the tabernacle for one year. The committee is as follows: William Gehman, A. Strawn and Jonas Musselman.
RESOLVED: That at our camp meeting no boarding tent shall be erected where victuals are sold and no tobacco smoking allowed on the campground.
The Conference took a recess of a short interval to bid adieu to J. Y. Shantz and his two daughters who were on a visit to our Conference from Canada and wanted to leave, wishing them the blessing of God on their journey home.
Since it has pleased God to remove from our midst, by death, our aged and beloved brother, Elder David Henning, of Bangor, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, during the Conference year, therefore
RESOLVED: That we as a Conference and church members in general take it to heart, and especially his desire, expressed on his death bed, that his brethren in the ministry (in particular) and the members in general, should redeem their time in leading godly lives. He professed entire sanctification and had a desire to be “absent from the body, and be present with the Lord.” We wish the sister as a widow and the children of the deceased brother the “grace of God,” so that they may also be ready to meet death — that their latter end may be in peace.
RESOLVED : That we as a Conference and church members in general pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth faithful laborers into His vineyard.
(RESOLVED): That the members of this Conference tender a hearty vote of thanks to the brethren, sisters, neighbors and friends of Upper Milford and vicinity for their love, generosity and hospitality during this session.
RESOLVED.: That the next Annual Conference shall be held at Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, on the first Monday in February, 1883.
Each meeting was opened and closed by singing and prayer.
RESOLVED – That we adjourn.
Statistical Report
Elders or Ministers 9
Probationers 1
Deacons 6
Members died 1
New converts 32
Baptized 39
Members received into church fellowship 55
Whole number of members 230
Increase 42
Decrease 2
Number of churches 6
Preaching places 15
Preached in all during year 838
Number of class-leaders 10
Sabbath Schools 4
Officers and teachers 67
Scholars 347
Times Sunday Schools visited 60
Collected for Presiding Elder $53.95
Collected for Ministers $470.47
Collected for Home Mission $58.10
Collected for Sabbath Schools $152.87
M. A. Zyner, Secretary