1883 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1883 

The fourth Annual Conference of the Evangelical United Mennonites of Eastern Pennsylvania, met at Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, February 5, 6, and 7, 1883. 

According to the announcement, the brethren in the ministry met on Saturday evening, February 3, 1883. Preaching by Abner Clime. Text Matthew 5:48, followed by William H. Gehman of Chester County. 

SUNDAY MORNING: The Conference Sermon was preached by William Gehman, Presiding Elder. Text Acts 20:28. After service baptism was administered to one applicant. 

SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Preaching by Elder Eusebius Hershey. Text I Corinthians 10:20, 21, followed by William Gehman, Presiding Elder, communion, and feet-washing. 

SUNDAY EVENING: Preaching by Marks D. Haws of Reading. Text Numbers 14:24, followed by Fellowship Meeting. 

First Meeting 

Monday, February 5, 1883 – Morning 

The Conference session was opened by William Gehman, Presiding Elder, by reading John 20:19-23 and exhorting the Conference. Before proceeding with the Conference, it was agreed to spend one half hour in prayer for God’s blessing to our Conference. 

Before proceeding with the Conference it was found that the German Secretary, S. M. Musselman, was absent on account of sickness. So it was found necessary to choose a German Secretary for the occasion. William H. Gehman of Chester County. Pennsylvania, was chosen. 

The Conference members were present as follows: William Gehman, Presiding Elder. Elders: Eusebius Hershey, Abraham Kauffman, Abel Strawn, Jonas Musselman, Samuel Frey, Joel Rosenberger. 

Probationers: Marks D. Haws, William H. Gehm an, John Knauss, William K. Ellinger. 

Delegates: Milton Kauffman, Owen Bitting, Jacob Ruch, Joseph Stauffer, Louis Wieand, Daniel Koch, Tobias Oberholtzer, Joseph Schneider, William Gambler and Abner Clime. 

Elder: Samuel M.40 Musselman was absent. 

Jacob Moyer, Evangelist of Canada, was present and recognized as an advisory member of our Conference. 

Ministers now handed in their reports as follows: 

Ordained Ministers8
On Probation3
Ordained Deacons4
Deacons on Probation2
Members Died4
Members Moved Away7
New Converts78
Members Received58
Whole Number of Members286
How Many Appointments14
How Often Preached1067
How Many Classes12
How Many New Classes2
How Many Class Leaders12
How Many Sunday Schools5
How Many Officers and Teachers86
How Many Scholars530
How Often Ministers Visited Sunday Schools64
How Many New Sunday Schools Organized1
Collected for Presiding Elder$81.54
Collected for Ministers$727.86
Collected for Home Mission$52.37
Collected for Sabbath Schools$218.53
Collected for Heathen Mission$12.64
Collected in the Charity Boxes$8.79
Expenses of the Local Preachers$38.11

Second Meeting 

Monday, February 5, 1883 – Afternoon 

RESOLVED: That we annul the 31st and 32nd questions on page 81 in the German Discipline, also the 21st and 22nd on page 80, and instead insert the question — How many classes? 

RESOLVED: That our printing establishment print us 100 German and 100 English schedules for ministers. The secretary shall send a copy of the new schedule to the printer. 

RESOLVED: That we elect a Treasurer to take charge of the Heathen Missionary Money. M. A. Zyner was elected Treasurer. 

RESOLVED: That the Treasurer elected at the Annual Conference shall be Treasurer for the Home and Heathen Mission money handed to the Annual Conference.

RESOLVED: That the money left after the expenses of the local preachers have been paid out of the Home Mission shall remain in the treasury for future use. 

Monday Evening Elder Jonas Musselman preached. Text II Timothy 4:2, followed by experience meeting.40A 

Third Meeting 

Tuesday, February 6, 1883 – Morning 

RESOLVED: That the expenses of John Traub and William Gehman to attend the General Conference shall be collected by the Ministers in charge of each circuit. Announcement of the collection to be made before taken. The sum to be collected $67.90. 

RESOLVED: That Thomas Leh of Emaus be recognized as an advisory member of this Conference. 

Next in order an election was held for Presiding Elder. After the election it was found that William Gehman was re-elected. Who are the preachers that are willing to travel this year according to the directions of the Conference, and our Discipline, and what is their number? As follows: Jonas Musselman, Abel Strawn, Abraham Kauffman, S. H. Frey and Marks D. Haws. 

RESOLVED: That a committee of four delegates be chosen (one from each circuit) to serve as the Stationing Committee. They were chosen as follows: Daniel Koch, Jacob Ruch, Joseph Schneider and Abner Clime. The Stationing Committee brought in their report as follows: 

RESOLVED: That Jonas Musselman. with the assistance of John Knauss, take charge of Upper Milford. Fleetwood and Emaus Circuit. 

RESOLVED: That Abraham Kauffman, with the assistance of S. M. Musselman, take charge of the Coopersburg. Saucon Valley, Ruch’s and Springtown Circuit.

RESOLVED: That Abel Strawn, with the assistance of Joel Rosenberger, take charge of the Quakertown and Hatfield Circuit. 

RESOLVED: That Marks D. Haws take charge of Terre Hill Circuit, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 

RESOLVED: That Samuel Frey take charge of the Reading Mission Station. 

RESOLVED: That if the members there cannot raise a sum sufficient for Brother Frey, that addition shall be made at the next Annual Conference, as the Conference sees good. 

(RESOLVED : That) William K. Ellinger of Philadelphia again to go forth as an Evangelist and work to the glory of God and the saving of souls; 

(Resolved:) That Eusebius Hershey shall (as before) during the coming Conference year travel as a Missionary Preacher; 

(Resolved:) That William H. Gehman of Chester County shall preach wherever a field is open as heretofore. 

William H. Gehman was elected German and M. A. Zyner English Secretary and Milton Kauffman Treasurer for the next Annual Conference. 

RESOLVED: That the Presiding Elder shall appoint the time to hold the Camp Meeting and preside over the same. 

The Committee to make arrangements for the Camp Meeting is as follows: M. A. Zyner, Milton Kauffman, J. Roeder, John Musselman and William Yeakel. 

The Committee to take charge of the Tabernacle during the coming Conference year is as follows: William Gehman, S. Strawn and Jonas Musselman. 

RESOLVED: That at our Camp Meeting no boarding tents shall be erected where victuals are sold and no tobacco smoking allowed on the Camp Meeting ground. 

Tuesday Evening: Preaching by Elder Samuel Frey, text Revelation 2:10, followed by William K. Ellinger of Philadelphia. 

Fourth Meeting 

Wednesday, February 7, 1883 – Morning 

RESOLVED: That none of our members are allowed to join any working men’s association. 

RESOLVED: That all elections on our circuits, the one having the majority, shall be elected, and the preacher in charge is to select a competent member to aid him in holding the election. Should the number of votes of two members be alike, they shall cast lots. 

RESOLVED: That we as Conference and church members in general pray the Lord of the Harvest to send forth faithful laborers into His vineyard. 

We as Conference and church members must confess that we never enjoyed a happy time as we did during this Conference Session, God blessing us wonderfully. To Him be all the glory through Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, Amen. 

RESOLVED: That the members of this Conference tender a hearty vote of thanks to the brethren and sisters, neighbors and friends of Coopersburg and vicinity for their love, generosity. and hospitality during this session. 

RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference shall be held at Terre Hill, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on the first Monday in February, 1884.

Each meeting was opened by singing and prayer. 

When the Conference session was closed it was found that the German Secretary, William H. Gehman, could not stay to help to get the proceedings ready for the printing establishment. Elder Abraha m Kauffman was chosen in his place. 

RESOLVED: That we adjourn. 

M. A. Zyner, Secretary 

RESOLVED: That our printing establishment print us 100 German and 100 English schedules for ministers. The secretary shall send a copy of the new schedule to the printer. 


1. How many ordained ministers? 

2. How many ministers on probation? 

3. Any on probation to be ordained? 

4. How many applicants for the ministry? 

5. How many deacons? 

6. Any deacons on probation to be ordained? 

7. How many members died during the past year? 

8. How many withdrawn? 

9. How many expelled? 

10. How many moved away? 

11. How many new converts? 

12. How many baptized? 

13. How many received into church fellowship? 

14. Whole number of members? 

15. Increase of members? 

16. Decrease of members? 

17. How many churches? 

18. How many appointments? 

19. Any new appointments? 

20. How many sermons preached? 

21. How many classes? 

22. Any new classes organized? 

23. How many class leaders? 

24. How many Sabbath Schools? 

25. How many officers and teachers? 

26. How many scholars? 

27. How often Sabbath Schools visited? 

28. Any new Sabbath Schools organized? 

29. How much collected for ministers? 

How much collected for Sabbath Schools?41 

30. How much collected for Home Mission? 

31. How much collected for Heathen Mission? 

32. How much collected in charity boxes? 

33. Bring a written plan of your appointments to give it to your successor. 

34. Name of Pastor. 

Be sure to attend to the above and report correct. N.B.-Print 100 copies of these schedules in English and direct them to- M. A. Zyner, Centre Valley, Lehigh Co., Pa. Feb. 9, 1883. 

40 Text reads “Samuel S. Musselman” 

40A an “experience meeting” is one in which people relate their religious experiences, ie testimonies.

41 This question added in the margin. 

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