1886 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1886 
Conference Minutes of the Seventh46 Annual Conference 
of the 
Mennonite Brethren in Christ 
Eastern Pennsylvania 

The seventh Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Eastern Pennsylvania held its meetings at Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, February 1, 2, 3, 1886. According to the announcement, the brethren met on Saturday evening, January 30, 1886. Preaching by Elder S. Frey, text I John 3:1-3, followed by experience meeting. 

Sunday morning: January 31, 1886: Conference Sermon preached by Presiding Elder William Gehman, text Acts 20:28. 

Sunday Afternoon: Preaching by E. Hershey, text Daniel 5:25. 

Sunday Evening: Preaching by Jonas Musselman, text Ephesians 4:22-24, followed by Joel Rosenberger. 

First Meeting 

Monday, February 1, 1886 – Morning 

The Conference session was opened by Presiding Elder William Gehman by reading Psalm 84 and by exhortation. Before proceeding with the Conference, half an hour was spent in prayer for God’s blessing. 

The following program was adopted: 

Forenoon Meeting: Open at 8:00 a.m.; Close at 11:30 a.m. 

Afternoon Meeting: Open at 1:00 p. m.; Close at 4:30 p. m. 

Voting: Members vote by raising right hand. 

Speakers: Each speaker to rise. 

Time: Each speaker to speak on a subject ten minutes and not more than three times unless privilege is granted by Presiding Elder. In case two speakers arise the Presiding Elder to decide which keeps the floor. 

Disturbing: No whispering or talking allowed while the Conference is in session; the Presiding Elder to preserve order. 

Conference Members Present: Presiding Elder William Gehman 

Elders: J. Musselman, A. Strawn, A. Kauffman, Joel Rosenberger, S. M. Musselman, E. Hershey, M. D. Haws, S. Frey Leh 

Probationers: William B. Musselman, O. Bitting, John Knauss 

Evangelists: William K. Ellinger, William H. Gehman, Thomas Leh


Peter Foltz of Terre Hill 

Jacob Gehret of Reading 

D. Koch of Fleetwood 

William Yeakel of Upper Milford 

David Bassler of Quakertown 

Thomas Geho of Coopersburg 

Ministers now handed in their reports which gave the following results: 

Ordained Ministers9
On Probation5
Any on probation to be ordained1
How many applicants for the ministry?1
How many deacons?6
Any deacons on probation to be ordained?0
How many members died during the past year?3
How many withdrawn?6
How many expelled?7
How many moved away?4
How many new converts?104
How many Baptized?85
How many Received into church fellowship?76
Whole Number of Members?429
Increase of Members?53
Decrease of Members?0
How many Churches?12
How Many Appointments?15
Any new appointments?1
How many sermons preached?1532
How Many Classes?19
Any New Classes organized?6
How Many Class Leaders?19
How Many Sabbath Schools?9
How Many Officers and Teachers?91
How Many Scholars?432
How often Sabbath Schools visited?132
Any new Sabbath Schools organized?2
How much collected for Ministers?$1058.61
How much collected for Sabbath Schools?$162.76
How much collected for Presiding Elder?$111.37
How much collected for Home Mission?$67.00
How much collected for Heathen Mission?$4.87
Expenses of Local Preachers$15.84

Second Meeting 

Monday, February 1, 1886 – Afternoon 

Rev. William Laros of Emaus was present and recognized as an advisory member of the Conference. 

Examination of Elders of last year: 

RESOLVED: That a committee be appointed to make distribution of Home Mission money left after expenses of local preachers are paid. 

Committee on distribution as follows: 

1. D. Koch 

2. J. Musselman 

3. A. Strawn 

4. William Gehman 

5. William Yeakel 

Distribution as follows: 

1. Joel Rosenberger, with expenses $21.84
2. Owen Bitting 10.00
3. E. Hershey 8.00
4. J. Knauss 6.00
5. S. Frey 3.00
6. Wm. H. Gehman 3.00
Total $51.84
Collected for Home Missions in 1885 $67.00
Balance in Treasury 1884 22.04
Total $89.04
Less distribution and expenses 51.84
Balance in Treasury $37.20

RESOLVED: That the committee appointed to take charge of the tabernacle shall also have the privilege to draw money out of the Home Mission Treasury for defraying the expenses of repairing and moving the tabernacle. 

Election for presiding Elder: William Gehman re-elected. 

Monday Evening: William B. Musselman preached, text John 14:3, followed by William Heffner of Terre Hill and by experience meeting. 

Third Meeting 

Tuesday, February 2, 1886 – Morning 

Opened by singing and prayer. 

RESOLVED: That John Knauss of Emaus, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, was a probationer as preacher, and his probation term having expired and being found satisfactory, shall according to our Discipline be ordained. 

RESOLVED: That, (since) William Heffner of the Terre Hill circuit, had convictions that he was called to preach the Gospel, (he) shall be taken on a probation term according to our Discipline. 

Fourth Meeting 

Tuesday, February 2, 1886 – Afternoon 

Opened by singing and prayer. 

William C. Detwiler of Easton was present and was recognized as an advisory member of our Conference. 

RESOLVED: That a division of Circuits be made. Divided as follows: 

1. Reading a Station by itself 

2. Terre Hill a Station by itself 

3. Emaus, Fleetwood and Blandon 

4. Coopersburg and Bethlehem 

5. Upper Milford, East Hereford and Skippack 

6. Springtown, Ruch’s, Quakertown and Hatfield. 

Who are the preachers that are willing to travel this year according to the directions of the Conference and our Discipline? As follows: A. Strawn, J. Musselman, A. Kauffman, S. M. Musselman, M. D. Haws, W. B. Musselman, S. H. Frey and E. Hershey. 

Local Preachers and Probationers: J. Rosenberger, J. Knauss, O. Bitting, Wm. Heffner and W.H. Gehman. 

RESOLVED: That the Stationing Committee shall consist of all the delegates with the Presiding Elder Committee as follows: Wm. Gehman, Presiding Elder 

1. Peter Foltz of Terre Hill 

2. Jacob Gehret of Reading 

3. D. Koch of Fleetwood 

4. William Yeakel of Upper Milford 

5. David Bassler of Quakertown 

6. Thomas Geho of Coopersburg 

The Stationing Committee’s report as follows: 

1. Quakertown, Hatfield, Springtown and Ruch’s – A. Strawn with the assistance of O. Bitting and Joel Rosenberger. 

2. Upper Milford. East Hereford and Skippack – A. Kauffman with the assistance of J. Knauss.

3. Coopersburg and Bethlehem — Jonas Musselman. 

4. Emaus, Fleetwood and Blandon — S. H. Frey. 

5. Reading — William B. Musselman. 

6. Terre Hill — M. D. Haws. 

Evangelists: E. Hershey, William K. Ellinger, S. M. Musselman. William H. Gehm an, William Heffner, Thom as Leh 

William B. Musselman of Reading asked permission of the Annual Conference for issuing a book of Revival Songs to be printed at our own printing establishment providing printing can be done as cheap as at other at other establishments. 

RESOLVED: That an examining committee be appointed to examine said Revival Songs (to be issued by the said William B. Musselman of Reading in book form). Committee as follows: Joel Brunner, W. C. Detwiler and A. Kauffman. 

RESOLVED: That two camp meetings be held this year by the Pennsylvania Conference. one on the old camp ground. Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, the other at Terre Hill, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 

RESOLVED: That the Presiding Elder appoint the time to hold the camp meetings and preside over the same. 

RESOLVED: That the following committee shall make arrangements for the camp meetings on Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania: 

1. Henry Gehman 

2. Thorn as Geho 

3. William Wieand 

4. Rodger Laudenschlager 

5. Henry Musselman. Jr. 

RESOLVED: That the Quarterly Conference of Reading and Terre Hill shall choose their own committee men to make arrangements for the camp meeting at Terre Hill, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 

RESOLVED: That at our camp meetings no boarding tents shall be erected, or allowed to be erected, where victuals or any kinds of articles of traffic or merchandise are sold and no tobacco smoking allowed on the camp grounds. 

RESOLVED: That a committee of three be appointed to take charge of the Tabernacle during the coming Conference year. Committee as follows: A. Kauffman. Milton Kauffman and J. G. Musselman. 

Tuesday Evening: M. O. Haws preached, text John 14:6, followed by W. C. Detwiler of Easton, W. K. Ellinger of Philadelphia and Thomas Leh of Pennsburg and Experience Meeting. 

Fifth Meeting 

Wednesday, February 3, 1886 – Morning 

Conference meeting. opened with singing. and prayer. 

RESOLVED: That W. C. Detwiler of Easton, Pennsylvania, be and was taken in by our Conference as a member, and ordained as an Elder, and commissioned to go forth as an Evangelist. John Knauss of Emaus, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, was also ordained as an Elder. 

RESOLVED: That Elder M. D. Haws and delegate Peter Foltz of Terre Hill tie excused on account of circumstances pertaining to their homes. 

RESOLVED: That a collection be taken for defraying the expenses ยท of the Secretary of our Annual Conference. 

Sixth Meeting 

Wednesday, February 3, 1886 – Afternoon 

Conference meeting opened with singing and prayer. 

William C. Detwiler was elected Secretary and Milton Kauffman re-elected as Treasurer for the next Annual Conference. 

We as a Conference and church members confess that that the blessing of the Lord was with us during this session. 

RESOLVED: That the members of this Conference session tender a hearty vote of thanks to the brethren, sisters, neighbors and friends of Upper Milford and vicinity for their love, generosity and hospitality during this session. 

RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference session shall be held at Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, beginning on the first Monday in February, 1887. Services to commence Saturday evening previous. 

M. A. Zyner, Secretary

46 Old numeration. The numeration was changed at the Annual Conference of 1892.

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