1887 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1887
Conference Minutes47 of the Eighth48 Annual Conference
of the
Mennonite Brethren in Christ
Eastern Pennsylvania 

The Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Eastern Pennsylvania, held its Eighth Annual Conference Session in the city of Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania on February 7, 8, 9, 1887. 

According to announcement, the brethren met on the previous Saturday. Elder A. Strawn preached. text Psalm 149:4-7. Frank Berkheiser admonished. 

On Sunday morning the Conference Sermon was preached by Presiding Elder William Gehman, from Acts 20:28. 

On Sunday afternoon a sermon was preached by Elder John Knauss, from Ephesians 4:30 in the German and Eusebius Hershey in the English language. 

The Sunday evening sermon was preached by Elder Abraham Kauffman, from I John 1:9 in German and William K. Ellinger in the English language. 

First Meeting

Monday, February 7, 1887 – Morning 

Monday morning at 8:30 the Conference was opened. The first half hour was used in prayer. The Presiding Elder. William Gehman, read from I Corinthians 2:1-5 and followed with a hearty address to the Conference members. 

1. A. Kauffman was appointed secretary for the Conference because W. C. Detwiler, the elected secretary. was not present and was no longer a member. 

2. Preacher Frank Berkheiser from Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania was present and was accepted as an advisory member. Brother John Troxel from Berlin, Canada, was accepted as an advisory member.

Preacher Samuel Ebeher from Reading was accepted as an advisory member. 

3. Conference Members Present: Presiding Elder, William Gehman 

Elders: Abel Strawn, Abraham Kauffman. Joel Rosenberger, Eusebius Hershey, Marks D. Haws, Samuel H. Frey and John Knauss. 

Probation Preachers Present: William B. Musselman, Owen Bitting, Willliam Reffner, William K. Ellinger. William H. Gehman. 

Absent: Elder Samuel Musselman 

Probation Preacher Thomas Leh. 

Delegates Present: Peter Fultz, Terre Hill; Jacob Gehret, Reading; Daniel Koch, Fleetwood; John B. Gehman, Hereford; Tobias Mittman, Quakertown; Thomas Geho, Coopersburg. 

The following program was adopted: The time for the forenoon meeting from 8:00 to 12:00. The afternoon meeting from 1:30 to 4:30. ~

Voting: Members vote by raising right hand. 

Speakers: Each speaker to rise. T1me: To speak on a subject ten minutes and not more than three times unless privilege is granted by the Presiding Elder. In case two speakers arise at the same time the Presiding Elder shall decide which keeps the floor. 

Disturbing: No whispering or talking allowed while the Conference is in session. The Presiding Elder to preserve order. 

Reports of the Preachers: 

Ordained Ministers9
On Probation6
Any on probation to be ordained4
How many applicants for the ministry?3
How many deacons?6
Any deacons on probation to be ordained?0
How many members died during the past year?6
How many withdrawn?11
How many expelled?11
How many moved away?12
How many new converts?47
How many Baptized?29
How many Received into church fellowship?38
Whole Number of Members?406
Increase of Members? 
Decrease of Members?2
How many Churches?12
How Many Appointments?15
Any new appointments?0
How many sermons preached?1649
How Many Classes?20
Any New Classes organized?1
How Many Class Leaders?20
How Many Sabbath Schools?7
How Many Officers and Teachers?94
How Many Scholars?394
How often Sabbath Schools visited?95
Any new Sabbath Schools organized?0
How much collected for Ministers?$1119.35
How much collected for Sabbath Schools?$225.34
How much collected for Presiding Elder?$140.84
How much collected for Home Mission?$65.55
How much collected for Heathen Mission?$5.33
Expenses of Local Preachers$50.05

The morning meeting was closed with singing and prayer by Joel Rosenberger. 

Second Meeting 

February 7, 1881 – Afternoon 

The afternoon meeting was opened with singing and prayer by Owen Bitting. 

1. Brother John Troxel was appointed to be Treasurer because M. Kauffman was not present. 

2. Brother Job Light, preacher from Reading, was accepted as an advisory member.

3. RESOLVED: That a committee be appointed to make a distribution of Home Mission money left after expenses of the local preachers are paid. Distribution Committee: Abel Strawn, Jacob Gehret, Thomas Geho. Distribution was made as follows: 

1. Joel Rosenberger, with expenses $21.30 
2. John Knauss, with expenses 13.28 
3. Owen Bitting, with expenses 23.47 
4. William Heffner, with expenses 12.00 
5. William K. Ellinger, with expenses 2.32 
6. For storage of tabernacle 3.08 
Total  $75.45
Collected for Home Mission $65.80 
Balance in treasury 1886 37.20 
Total $103.00
Less distribution and expenses   75.45 
Balance in treasury    27.55

4. Brother William Gehman was re-elected as Presiding Elder. 

5. The candidates for preaching were examined and 

RESOLVED: That George A. Campbell from Springtown and Adam Gehret from Reading shall be granted time for probation, in accordance with our church Discipline, to proclaim the Gospel. 

Milton A. Zyner, a candidate for preaching, was not present because of his father’s sickness. Therefore he could not be examined and not accepted. 

The afternoon meeting was closed with singing and prayer by Owen Bitting. 

In the evening, Marks E. Haws preached from II Peter 3:11. Owen Bitting admonished. 

Third Meeting

Tuesday, February 8, 1887 – Morning 

The meeting opened with singing and prayer by Samuel J. Frey. 

1. RESOLVED: That, because the probation period for William B. Musselman and William K. Ellinger has ended satisfactorily, they shall be ordained in accordance with our Confession of Faith. Thomas Leh, probation preacher, was not present, therefore he stays on probation. William H. Gehman declared, for himself, that he does not wish to be ordained. There were complaints against him because of the teaching of sanctification, etc. A committee was appointed to clarify these questions. 

Committee: Presiding Elder William Gehman, Elder A. Strawn, and William B. Musselman. 

2. RESOLVED: That the circuits shall be rearranged as follows. 

1. Quakertown and Hatfield 

2. Springtown and Ruch’s 

3. Coopersburg and Bethlehem 

4. Upper Milford, Hereford and Skippack 

5. Emaus, Fleetwood and Blandon 

6. Reading shall be a station in itself 

7. Terre Hill and Remps 

Fourth Meeting 

Tuesday, February 8, 1887 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer by Brother William Heffner. 

1. Traveling preachers: Abel Strawn, William B. Musselman, Eusebius Hershey, Abraham Kauffman, William Heffner, Owen Bitting, Marks D. Haws, George A. Campbell. 

Local preachers: Joel Rosenberger, John Knauss, Adam B. Gehret. 

Evangelists: Jacob H. Moyer and William K. Ellinger. 

Samuel H. Frey did not want to take a position because of family matters. 

RESOLVED: That the Stationing Committee shall consist of the Presiding Elder and the Delegates. 

2. RESOLVED: That the Committee shall consist of the following: Presiding Elder, William Gehman; Delegates, Tobias Mittman, John B. Gehman, Thomas Geho, Peter Fultz, Daniel Koch and Jacob Gehret. 

3. RESOLVED: That this year two camp meetings shall be held in the Pennsylvania Conference; one on the old camp ground, Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County, and the other at Terre Hill, Lancaster County. The Presiding Elder shall be in charge of the camp meetings and determine the time when they shall be held. 

4. RESOLVED: That the committee to arrange for the camp meeting in Lehigh County, shall be: Lewis Wieand, Thorn as Geho, William H. Wieand, Rodger Laudenschlager, and Henry G. Musselman. 

5. RESOLVED: That the Quarterly Conference in Reading and Terre Hill shall elect a committee to make arrangements for the camp meeting in Terre Hill, Lancaster County. 

6. RESOLVED: That at our camp meeting there shall be no tents or tables allowed for selling food or any other articles. Smoking of tobacco shall shall not be permitted. 

The afternoon meeting was closed with singing and prayer by Jacob H. Moyer.

In the evening William Heffner preached from the text, Mark 2:5. George A. Campbell admonished. 

Fifth Meeting 

Wednesday, February 9, 1887 – Morning 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer by William Gehman. 

1. The report from the Stationing Committee was handed in and read as follows: 

Quakertown and Hatfield: George A. Campbell assisted by Joel Rosenberger. 

Springtown and Ruch’s: William Heffner 

Coopersburg and Bethlehem: William B. Musselman assisted by Milton A. Zyner. 

Upper Milford, Hereford and Skippack: Marks D. Haws assisted by John Knauss. 

Emaus, Fleetwood and Blandon: Owen Bitting. 

Reading: Abel Strawn assisted by Adam B. Gehret. 

Terre Hill and Remps: Abraham Kauffman. 

Evangelists: Eusebius Hershey, Thomas Leh, Jacob H. Moyer and William K. Ellinger.

2. RESOLVED: That a committee be formed for supervising the tabernacle for this Conference year. The committee: A. Kauffman, John Musselman. 

3. We as members of the Conference felt the necessity to have meeting houses in the cities of Reading and Bethlehem if the work shall prosper, therefore 

RESOLVED: That, if possible, buildings be erected at both places this year. Abel Strawn shall have supervision over the construction in Reading and Thorn as Geho in Bethlehem, and further 

RESOLVED: That the Conference give them legal authorization in the name of the Conference, signed by the Presiding Elder, the Secretary and the supervising preachers. 

4. Preacher Hoffman was accepted as an advisory member. 

5. RESOLVED: That George A. Campbell, Joel Brunner and Abraham Kauffman shall form a committee to examine the song book which William B. Musselman wants to have printed for which he was given permission at the last Annual Conference. 

6. The matter concerning the printing shop came up for debate. Brother John Troxel presented a statistical report on it which was discussed.

The morning meeting was closed with singing and prayer by Abraham Kauffman. 

Sixth Meeting 

Wednesday, February 9, 1887 – Afternoon 

The Wednesday afternoon meeting opened with singing and prayer by Thomas Geho.

1. RESOLVED: That we are willing to pay our debts with which the print shop is burdened. It should be divided in proportion to the number of members for each of the three Conferences, payable within two years in semi-annual installments. Each Conference may collect the money in its own way. Brother John Troxel shall attend the Indiana Conference so that they can consider this matter together and find a solution. 

2. RESOLVED: That the Brethren Marks D. Haws and Peter Fultz be excused, because of the conditions in their home area. 

3. Abraham Kauffman was re-elected Secretary and Milton Kauffman, Treasurer. 

4. A collection was received to cover the expenses for the Conference secretary.

5. RESOLVED: That in election of officers no vote shall count unless the person casting the vote is present. 

6. RESOLVED: That we as members of this Conference express our thanks to all brethren and sisters, friends and neighbors from Reading for their love, generosity and hospitality which they have shown to us during this Conference. We feel that God was present and had blessed us. To Him be thanks, praise and honor. 

7. RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference shall be held in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, beginning the first Monday in February, 1888.

Abraham Kauffman, Secretary 

47 Text reverts to German Translation at this point. 

48 Old Numeration. The numeration was changed at the Annual Conference of 1892.

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