1889 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1889 

The Tenth50 Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, held its session in Terre Hill, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, on February 4, 5, & 6, 1889. 

In accordance with the plan, the preachers and delegates gathered on the previous Saturday as well as brethren and sisters from far and near. Elder Abel Strawn preached a sermon from I John 2:27 in German and Elder George A. Campbell in the English language. 

Sunday morning, February 3rd , the Presiding Elder, William Gehman, gave the Conference Sermon, on Acts 20:28. 

The afternoon sermon was by Elder Eusebius Hershey in German, text Psalm 84.:12 and by Elder John Roberts in English, text Romans 6:20. 

The evening sermon was by Elder Marks D. Haws, in German, text Hebrews 9:27,28 and by Elder William B. Musselman in the English language. 

First Meeting 

Monday, February 4, 1889 – Morning 

The meeting opened at 8:30. The first 30 minutes were spent in united prayer. Then the Presiding Elder, William Gehman, read I Corinthians 13, followed by a loving, urgent admonition to the members of the Conference.

1. RESOLVED: That last year’s program or regulations be accepted: 

That the morning meeting shall last from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m.

The afternoon meeting shall from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. 

Voting shall be done by raising the right hand. 

Every speaker shall stand to speak. Ten minutes shall be the time limit to speak on any subject and no one shall speak more than three times on one subject without permission from the Presiding Elder. 

In case two brethren stand up at the same time, the Presiding Elder shall decide which one speaks first. 

No whispering or talking shall be allowed during the Conference session and it is the duty of the Presiding Elder to see that order prevails. 

2. The minutes from the last Annual Conference were read and accepted. 

Conference Members Present: 

Preachers: Wiliam Gehman, E. Hershey, Abel Strawn, Joel Rosenberger, John Knauss, William B. Musselman, Owen R. Bitting, Joshua E. Fidler, George A. Campbell, William Heffner, Marks D. Haws, Abraham Kauffman, Samuel H. Frey. 

Delegates: Samuel Edwards, Jeremiah Boyer, Jacob D. Kindig, Milton Kauffman, John Baus, William Yeakel, John C. Krupp, Christian Ruch. 

Preachers absent: William Ellinger, Samuel Musselman. 

The last named, Samuel Musselman, for well-founded reason, did not get permission by the last Annual Conference to preach anymore for our denomination, nor in the name of the same, until the Conference finds his service satisfactory. Since he has made no effort, or shown any improvement of the relationship and has not come for a long time, therefore, we consider him no longer a member of our denomination. 

Probation Preachers Present: Adam B. Gehret, M. A. Zyner and Jonathan Meyer. 

Absent: Thomas Leh. 

3. A committee was appointed to examine the delegates in regard to the supervising preachers. 

Committee: William Gehman, Joel Rosenberger, E. Hershey. 

The Committee reports no complaint except that some men did not visit as often as it was advised. 

Committee — William Gehman, Joel Rosenberger, Eusebius Hershey. 

The first meeting (forenoon) was closed with singing and prayer by Elder Eusebius Hershey. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, February 4, 1889 – afternoon 

On Monday afternoon, February 4, the second meeting was opened with singing and prayer by Abraham Kauffman. 

1. A complaint was brought by Eusebius Hershey against Samuel H. Frey. A committee was appointed to examine the matter. The Committee: William Gehman, William B. Musselman, Abel Strawn, George A. Campbell, Marks D. Haws. 

The Committee brought its report that Samuel H. Frey shall be released from his assignment for a full year (because of the complaint against him) with the understanding that after the year passes he shall give a report to the Conference. 

Committee: William Gehman, William B. Musselman, Abel Strawn, George A. Campbell, Marks D. Haws 

2. J. D. Woodring and John Zern, preachers of the Evangelical Association, were accepted as advisory members of this Conference as well as Christian Siechrist. 

3. Elder John Roberts, member of the Western accepted as a member of this Conference. 

4. The Preachers’ Reports were as follows: 

Presiding Elder1
Ordained Ministers11
On Probation6
Any on probation to be ordained1
How many applicants for the ministry?3
How many deacons?6
Received into church fellowship78
Received by Transfer8
Died during the past year7
Moved Away3
Total Members496
New Appointments4
Sermons preached1794
Sunday Schools visited175
New Classes4
Class Leaders24
Sunday Schools11
New Sunday Schools3
Officers and Teachers133
Average Attendance412
Subscribers for Class Papers120
New Subscribers27
Number of Churches11
Apartment for Preacher1
Value of Church Property$18,700.00
Increase of Church Property3,000.00
Collected for Church Property3,659.39
Collected for Preachers in Cash1257.05
Collected for Preachers in Kinf200.00
Collected for Home Mission64.39
Collected for Heathen Mission15.00
Collected for Sexton and Sundry Expenses570.56
Collected for Presiding Elder196.73
Collected for Tabernacle Labor47.00
Collected for Camp Meeting175.19
Collected for Sunday Schools333.72
Total Collected6,519.03

The second meeting closed with singing and prayer by Elder M. A. Zyner. The evening worship sermon was preached by Elder Owen R. Bitting, in German, text Ecclesiastes 12:6 and Elder Joshua E. Fidler, in English, text I Thessalonians 5:16. 


Tuesday, February 5, 1889 – Morning 

The morning meeting opened with singing and prayer by Brother E. H. Flyte. 

1. The local preachers presented their reports with expenses, which were $40.58. 

2. A committee was appointed to decide about the Home Mission money after the expenses for local preachers are covered. The Committee: Brethren George A. Campbell, Abel Strawn and William B. Musselman. 

3. William Gehman was re-elected as Presiding Elder and William B. Musselman as his assistant. 

4. The Candidates for Ministry were examined in regard to their calling and character. Brother E. H. Flyte, Brother Oswin Hillegass and Brother Aaron A. Rhoads were admitted on probation in accordance with our Church Rules for preachers of the Gospel. 

5. Whereas, Brother William Heffner has satisfactorily fulfilled his probation time and has been examined, therefore 

RESOLVED: That he shall be ordained by the Presiding Elder at the earliest proper occasion. 

The third meeting closed with singing and prayer by Elder John Knauss. 


Tuesday, February 5, 1889 – Afternoon 

The fourth meeting, Tuesday afternoon, February 5, opened with singing and prayer by Brother William Yeakel. 

1. The Committee for Home Mission reported that Elder Eusebius Hershey shall receive $10.00 and that the remaining amount, after the local preachers have been paid, shall be kept in the treasury. Committee: George A. Campbell, Abel Strawn, William B. Musselman 

2. RESOLVED: That the assistant preachers shall be local preachers. 

Collected for Home Mission 
Upper Milford-Hereford17.29
Terre Hill – Remps14.62
Left over from 188824.88
John Knauss$6.38
Joel Rosenberger14.52
Jonathan Moyer3.25
Adam B. Gehret12.33
M.A. Zyner4.10
Eusebius Hershey10.00
To Balance38.69

3. The Circuits were arranged as follows: 

1. Quakertown – Hatfield 

7. Reading – Fleetwood 

2. Springtown – Ruch’s 

8. Terre Hill – Remps 

3. Bethlehem – Allentown 

9. Skippack – Norristown 

4. Plainfield 10. Loop – Blair County 

5. Coopersburg – Emaus 

11. Westmoreland County 

6. Upper Milford – Hereford 

12. Armstrong County 

4. The Preachers who are willing to take a field and appointment to travel are the following: 

1. William B. Musselman 

2. John Roberts 

3. Eusebius Hershey 

4. Joshua E. Fidler 

5. George A. Campbell 

6. Owen R. Bitting 

7. William Heffner 

8. M. A. Zyner 

9. Marks D. Haws 

10. Abraham Kauffman

11. Oswin Hillegass 

12. Adam B. Gehret 

13. E. H. Flyte 

14. S. McDonald 

5. The Stationing Committee is comprised of the Presiding Elder and the Delegates: 

Presiding Elder – William Gehman 

Delegates – Samuel Edwards, Jeremiah Boyer, J. D. Kindig, Milton Kauffman, John Baus, William Yeakel, T. C. Krupp and Christian Ruch. 

6. RESOLVED: That a camp meeting shall be held on the old camp ground at Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County. Pennsylvania. The Presiding Elder, William Gehman shall determine the times and shall supervise it. 

That part of the woods, where the camp meeting shall be held, must be cleared and free so that everyone with his carriage can go in without having to pay, if he is willing to follow rules of order. The committee must also see to it that there is provided a place to feed horses and to admit people who are willing to pay for (the feed). 

The members of the Committee are the Brethren: 

Lewis Wieand 

Milton Kauffman 

Charles Brunner 

John F. Roeder 

John Baus 

7. RESOLVED: That the Quarterly Conference at Terre Hill shall decide whether or not they will have a camp meeting in Terre Hill. 

8. A committee was appointed to secure tents for the camp meeting for those who want to rent with understanding that those people make their intention known two weeks ahead of time. 

The Committee, Brethren: David Bassler, Alvin O. Gehman, Harvey Hottel. 

9. The Committee for the Tabernacle, the Brethren; Abraham Kauffman, Milton Kauffman and J. G. Musselman. 

10. The Committee for Examining the Evangelists: Elder William Gehman, William B. Musselman, George A. Campbell. 

11. Whereas, we do not yet have the full amount in our Pennsylvania Conference needed to pay for our part of the debt for the print shop, therefore 

RESOLVED: That the Presiding Elder, William Gehman, renew his effort to secure the money especially from those who did not do their part yet. 

The fourth meeting closed with singing and prayer by Elder Joel Rosenberger. 

At the Tuesday evening worship service, a sermon was preached by Elder William Heffner, in German, text Matthew 25:1,2 followed by Elder John Roberts in English, John 11.28. 


Wednesday, February 6, 1889 – Morning 

The fifth meeting, Wednesday morning, February 6, opened with singing and prayer by Elder Owen R. Bitting. 

1. The Stationing Committee presented its report: 

Quakertown – Hatfield — served by George A. Campbell 

Springtown – Ruch’s – served by M. A. Zyner 

Bethlehem – Allentown – served by William B. Musselman 

Plainfield – served by William Heffner 

Coopersburg – Emaus – served by Adam B. Gehret 

Upper Milford – Hereford – served by Marks O. Haws 

Reading – Fleetwood — served by Oswin Hillegass 

Terre Hill – Remps — served by Abraham Kauffman 

Skippack – Norristown — served by Joshua E. Fidler 

Blair County Circuit — served by John Roberts 

Armstrong County Circuit — served by Edwin H. Flyte 

Westmoreland Circuit – served by Samuel McDonald 

South Bethlehem and Catasauqua Mission — served by Jonathan Moyer 

Evangelists: Elder Eusebius Hershey and Jacob H. Moyer. The Brethren Owen R. Bitting, Abel Strawn, John Knauss, Joel Rosenberger and Aaron Rhoades shall let themselves be used as much as possible to start new places to preach, and shall support the Supervising Preachers when needed. 

2. A committee was appointed to write a petition to the state government in favor of the temperance amendment. The state legislature wants to give the people a vote as to whether alcoholic drinks should be manufactured or sold. The committee consists of Brother M. A. Zyner, William B. Musselman and George A. Campbell. 

3. A committee was appointed to examine statistically the church construction in Bethlehem. The Committee: M. A. Zyner, George A. Campbell and Abel Strawn. 

4. RESOLVED: That this year a Sunday School Convention shall be held and that the Presiding Elder, William Gehm an, shall be Chairman of this Convention. 

5. Elders William Gehman, John Knauss and Brother C. L. Kauffman were selected as a Committee to set up a program for the Convention and decide what subjects should be discussed and who shall present them. Whoever has a suggestion for the program is asked to make it known to the Chairman by the first of March. His mailing address is: William Gehman, Vera Cruz, Pennsylvania. 

6. RESOLVED: That the Sunday School Convention shall be held on Ascension Day, which is on Thursday, May 30, and that it shall be held in Quakertown, Bucks County. 

7. A committee was appointed to be in charge over the Heathen Mission money. The Committee: Brother Eusebius Hershey, Abel Strawn and William Gehman. 

8. RESOLVED: That at elections for officers in our society: He who has more votes than all the others together shall be elected. 

9. Brother Christian Ruch asked to be excused by the Conference. It was granted. 

The fifth meeting closed with singing and prayer by William Gehman. 


Wednesday, February 6, 1889 – Afternoon 

The sixth meeting, Wednesday afternoon, February 6, opened with singing and prayer by Brother John Baus. 

1. The committee on the temperance amendment reports: WHEREAS our state lawmakers in Harrisburg have passed an act which has been brought before the people of our state to be voted on in June of this year 1889 as to whether or not alcoholic drinks should be manufactured or sold, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That we recommend that the preaching brethren in general at the Pennsylvania Conference should use their influence in sermons, private conversation, tracts and posters against the production or sale of alcoholic drinks. Committee — M. A. Zyner, William B. Musselman, George A. Campbell. 

2. The Committee on Heathen Mission reported that it will send the money to Brother William N. Taylor in China with the understanding that Brother Abel Strawn shall write to Brother Taylor and when the answer is satisfactory he shall send the money to him. The Committee: Abel Strawn, Eusebius Hershey, William Gehman. 

3. The Committee which was to report on statistics concerning the church construction in Bethlehem found everything in order. 

The Committee: M. S. Zyner, George A. Campbell, Abel Strawn. 

4. RESOLVED: That at the annual harvest festival a collection shall be held for the benefit of the Heathen Mission. 

5. RESOLVED: That the expenses for the delegates to the General Conference shall be collected by the Supervising Preachers in their districts. 

6. RESOLVED: That the next annual conference shall be held in Bethlehem, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, beginning Monday, February 3, 1890. 

7. The Committee for examining the Probation Preachers: William Gehman, William B. Musselman and Abel Strawn. 

8. Abraham Kauffman was re-elected Secretary and Milton Kauffman, Treasurer. 

9. A collection was received for the work and expenses of the Secretary which amounted to $6.38. 

10. RESOLVED: That we as members of this Conference express our hearty thanks to all brethren, sisters, friends and neighbors of Terre Hill for their generosity and hospitality which they have proven during this time. We wish them God’s blessing in time and eternity. 

11. RESOLVED: That we as a conference and denomination can confess that God’s blessing was with us and rested upon us, and that the spirit of true united brotherly love during all conference meetings was sensed and strongly revealed. In the evening services God’s nearness was felt and the spacious church was nearly filled with visitors every evening. God’s power was itself manifested among converts and non-converts. We praise God for it. 

William Gehman, Presiding Elder 

Abraham Kauffman, Secretary 


Report of the first Sunday School Convention of the Pennsylvania Conference of ttie Mennonite Brethren in Christ. 

It was held in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania the 30th of May (Ascension Day), 1889. 

It was opened at 10 a.m. by Presiding Elder, William Gehman by reading of Hebrews 5, singing and prayer. 

Thereafter Abraham Kauffman was appointed as secretary. The first item on the program was: 

1. Is Sunday school a part of the church or an institution of its own? The speaker was George A. Campbell. 

It was discussed by Jacob Horn, William B. Musselman, J. C. Krupp, Joel Rosenberger and John Knauss. It was 

RESOLVED: That the Sunday School is part of the church. 

The second item on the program was: 

2. What should be the ultimate object of the Sunday School? 

The speaker was M. A. Zyner. 

It was discussed by Jacob Horn, Jacob H. Moyer, William B. Musselman and William Gehman. 

RESOLVED: That the ultimate object of the Sunday School shall be to bring the children to a true conversion, and to win them for the Assembly and especially for heaven. 

The forenoon session was then closed with prayer by M. A. Zyner.

The afternoon session was opened with singing and prayer by Abraham Kauffman. The third item on the program was: 3. How can we hold the growing up youth in the school and win them for the assembly? The speaker on the third point was Adam B. Gehret. It was discussed by M. A. Zyner, H. B. Musselman, William B. Musselman, Abel Strawn, C. L. Kauffman, Jacob H. Moyer, Joel Rosenberger, E. C. Hollenbach and William Gehman. It was 

RESOLVED: That we believe the growing up youth does not stay in the Sunday School and is not won for the assembly because they do not feel loved, and the older generation is indifferent and does not care enough for the youth in and with the Sunday School, as well as in the sermon and prayer meeting and in all other church matters. The fourth item on the program was: 

4. Why are revivals and conversions so seldom, and when they take place, why are they so superficial and not deeply grounded? 

The speaker was William B. Musselman. 

It was discussed by George A. Campbell, Jacob H. Moyer, M. A. Zyner, Joshua E. Fidler, and William Gehman. 

RESOLVED: That we believe, that the main reason for failure in the above mentioned question is in general the lack of the power of the spirit, and true piety in both, the preachers and the members of the assembly. 

The afternoon session was closed with singing and prayer by Oswin Hillegass. 

The fifth item on the program was: 

5. The good and evil result of the Sunday School. 

The speaker was Abraham Kauffman. 

It was discussed by William B. Musselman and M. A. Zyner. 

RESOLVED: That we accept the lecture as it was given and as it has been discussed, namely, that when the Sunday School is not kept free from worldliness and secularism in conduct and dress, and in the observance of holidays, etc., then the evil result is greater than the good. 

The sixth item on the program was: 

6. How to hold the Sunday School in an inspired and lively spirit during class. 

The speaker was Joshua E. Fidler. 

It was discussed by George A. Campbell, M. A. Zyner, Jacob H. Moyer, Abraham Kauffman, H. B. Musselman, Oswin Hillegass and Francis Hoffman. 

RESOLVED: That the main ingredient for an inspired and lively Sunday School is when the whole assembly stands behind it with Christ’s Spirit. 

Brother William Gehman gave a pleasing closing address to the convention, expressed thanks for God’s blessing which was experienced, and spoke about good seed which will bring forth good fruit. 

A collection was held to pay for the costs of programs and postage. 

Collection $1.77
Left in the hand of the secretary $0.92

William Gehman, Presiding Elder 

Abraham Kauffman, Secretary

50 Old numeration. The numeration was changed at the Annual Conference of 1892.

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