1890 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1890 

The 11th51 Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania was held in Bethlehem, Northampton County. Pennsylvania. February 3, 1890. 

According to the plan. the preachers and delegates. as well as brethren and sisters from far and near gathered on the previous Saturday evening. Elder O. Hillegass preached in German. text John 15:12. Then Elder M. A. Zyner followed. 

On Sunday morning the Conference Sermon was preached by the Presiding Elder. William Gehman. text I Timothy 4:12. 

In the afternoon Elder E. Hershey preached in German, text Luke 12:32. After this Elder George A. Campbell preached in English. 

In the Evening Elder Abel Strawn preached in German, text II Kings 6:16,17. After him Elder J. Fidler spoke. 

First Meeting 

Monday, February 3, 1890 – Morning 

It opened at 8:30. About 30 minutes were spent in united prayer. Then Presiding Elder, William Gehman. read the first Psalm and followed with a loving but urgent admonition to the Conference members. 

1. It was necessary to appoint a Secretary for this session. Elder Abraham Kauffman. who was elected at the last Annual Conference. has been called away by Almighty God. Master over life and death. Brother M. A. Zyner was elected. 

The following program was decided upon: 

1. The forenoon meeting shall last from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. 

2. The afternoon meeting from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. 

3. Voting shall be done by raising of the right hand. 

4. Everyone who is to speak shall stand up and address the chairman before be speaks. Ten minutes is the limit for each speaker. unless an exception is granted by the Chairman. 

5. In case two men stand up at the same time, the Chairman shall decide who shall speak first. 

6. No whispering or talking is allowed during the session. and it is the duty of the Chairman to keep order. 

2. The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and accepted.

Conference Members present: 

Preachers: Elder William Gehman, E. Hershey, A. Strawn, Joel Rosenberger, John Knauss, William B. Musselman, O. Bitting, J. E. Fidler, G. A. Campbell, M. D. Haws M. A. Zyner, A. B. Gehret, O. Hillegass, and Jonathan Moyer. 

Probation Preachers present: E. H. Flyte, Aaron Rhoads. 

Evangelist: Jacob Moyer 

Preachers Absent: Samuel McDonald, William K. Ellinger. 

Delegates Present: H. G. Mussel man, D. Bassler, L. Wieand, J. Krupp, M. Kauffman, C. H. Brunner, W. Gambler, G. E. Teel, S. Edwards. 

Delegate Absent: G. M. Walters. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer by M. D. Haws. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, February 3,1890 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer by O. Bitting. The proceedings from the First Meeting were read and accepted. 

1. There was a discussion concerning the examination of the preachers. 

RESOLVED: That the Supervising Preachers, as well as Probation Preachers and Evangelists, shall be examined openly at the Conference in regard to their pastoral and moral conduct. The preachers being examined shall withdraw for the time of his examination. All was found in good order. 

Elder A. Ziegenfuss from the Evangelical Association, Elder William Mohr and Elder William Laros from the Baptist congregation, and Elder William Bamford and Elder F. M. Brady from the M. E. Church and Elder Frank Haas from the Heavenly Recruits, were present and were accepted as advisory members of this Conference. 

While examining the preachers about their conduct it was asked whether Elder Joel Rosenberger was free of tobacco. Since there was no satisfactory answer, and he was not present, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we send him a telegram that he should come to defend himself. He came and gave a satisfactory answer to the Conference. 

Brother William Ellinger was not present, but sent a letter to the Presiding Elder, William Gehman, with the message that he and his family are sick and therefore he can not be present. He made known his thoughts that he seeks to serve the Lord. Therefore he was considered an Evangelist, as before. 

Brother Samuel McDonald from Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, was absent because of his infirmity. An inquiry was made and all was found in good order. 

2. A committee was appointed to examine the Quarterly Conference proceedings. The Committee: A. B. Gehret and C. H. Brunner. Their report stated that everything was all right, except from Reading. That was then corrected. 

3. Reports of the Preachers: 

The Preachers handed in their reports with the following 

Presiding Elder 1
Ordained Preachers 9
On Probation 8
Probation Preachers to Be Ordained 2
Candidates for Ministry 2
Deacons 7
Deacons on Probation 2
Deacons to Be Ordained 1
New Converts 124
Received into Church Fellowship 72
Received by Transfer 32
Died During the Past Year 8
Withdrawn 21

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer by Jonathan Moyer.

At the Monday evening worship service a sermon (was preached) by Elder M. A. Zyner in German, text I Corinthians 12:31 and by Elder M. D. Haws, text Isaiah 11:3. 

Third Meeting

Tuesday, February 4, 1890 – Morning 

(The meeting) opened with singing and prayer by William B. Musselman. The proceedings of the second meeting were read and approved. 

1. The report from the preachers was continued: 

Moved Away 8
Transferred 20
Increase in Members 57
Decrease 16
Total Membership 517
Appointments 24
New Appointments 1
Number of Sermons 3103
Families Visited 3141
Prayer Meetings Visited 276
Sunday Schools Visited 188
Number of Classes 27
Class Leaders 28
Sunday Schools 16
Officers and Teachers 183
Scholars 92
Average Sunday School Attendance 636
Number of Union Sunday Schools 1
Subscribers for Gospel Banner and Panier 171
Number of New Subscribers 33
Number of Churches 21
Apartment for Preacher 1
Estimated Values of Church Property $30,180.00
Increase of Church Property 2,955.00
Decrease of Church Property 1,000.00
Collected for Church Property 2,944.00
Collected for Sunday Schools 386.48
Collected for Preachers Salary, cash 1,689.75
Collected for Preachers in Kind 356.36
Collected for Home Mission 69.40
Collected for Heathen Mission 24.13
Collected for Repair work on Church Property 2.99
Collected for Sexton and Sundry 734.06
Collected for Presiding Elder in E. P a.$205.34
Collected for Presiding Elder in W. P a. 129.97
Collected for Tabernacle Work 33.68
Collected for Evangelists 76.95
Collected for Camp Meeting 369.93
Total amount from the fields$6,636.0852

Brother Jacob Moyer asked to be excused from the Conference because of sickness of his children. His request was granted. The Conference meeting was closed with singing and prayer by M. Kauffman. 

Fourth Meeting 

Tuesday, February 4, 1890 – Afternoon 

(The meeting) opened -with singing and prayer by A. B. Gehret. Then the proceedings of the third meeting were read and approved. 

1. A committee was appointed for the disbursement of the Home and Heathen Mission money. The Committee: G. A. Campbell, A. Strawn, Lewis Wieand, Milton, Kauffman, H. G. Musselman. 

Collected for Home Mission: 

Quakertown and Hatfield $7.59 
Ruch’s and Springtown 6.60 
Coopersburg and Emaus 26.42 
Upper Milford and East Hereford 9.82 
Terre Hill and Remps 8.25 
Westmoreland 7.00 
Balance in treasury of 1889 38.69 
Total $108.09 
Disbursed as follows:   
E. H. Flyte $20.00 
G. A. Campbell 40.00 
E. Hershey 8.0068.00
Balance $40.09

Collected at Thanksgiving Meeting for the Heathen Mission:

Quakertown and Hatfield $2.97
Ruch’s and Springtown 4.51
Coopersburg and Emaus 10.74
Upper Milford and East Hereford 5.91
Total $24.13

The Committee reported that Elder A. Strawn shall send this money to Bishop Simpson in New York. 

2. William Gehman was then re-elected to the office of Presiding Elder. 

3. The Candidates for Ministry, Brother H. B. Musselman from Quakertown and Brother George Klein from Reading were examined in regard to their calling and their character. In accordance with our Church Discipline they were accepted as preachers of the Gospel on probation. 

4. WHEREAS, the Brethren G. A. Campbell and A. B. Gehret have satisfactorily ended their time as Probation Preachers, therefore 

RESOLVED: That they shall be ordained by the Presiding Elder at the earliest proper occasion. 

5. RESOLVED: That the preachers, which are not under the Stationing Committee, shall be considered local preachers. The meeting was closed with singing and prayer, led by Elder E. Hershey. (In the) Tuesday evening worship service, a sermon was preached by Elder John Knauss, text Job 27:5 and Elder G. A. Campbell in English, text Acts 9:6. 

Fifth Meeting

Wednesday, February 5, 1890 – Morning 

(The meeting) opened with singing and prayer by Joel Rosenberger. 

The proceedings from the Fourth Meeting were read and accepted. 

1. The Reading Course Examining Committee handed in its report concerning Probation Preachers. 

The report: We have examined and found satisfactory, the Brethren O. Hillegass, E. H. Flyte and A. Rhoads. 

Committee: A. Strawn, W. Gehman, W. B. Musselman. 

2. RESOLVED: That we do not accept preachers on probation who are not willing to follow orders by the Stationing Committee; also that we do not ordain preachers when they are not totally in agreement with our doctrine and plan of operation and are not willing to submit to God and the Conference. 

3. The Circuits were arranged as follows: 

1. Bethlehem, South Bethlehem and Plainfield 

2. Allentown and Catasauqua 

3. Reading, Royersford and Blandon 

4. Terre Hill and Remps 

5. Coopersburg and Emaus 

6. Springtown and Ruch’s 

7. Quakertown and Hatfield 

8. Upper Milford, East Hereford, Alburtus and Skippack 

9. Blair County, Pennsylvania 

10. Armstrong and Westmoreland Counties, Pennsylvania 

4. The preachers who were willing to serve on a circuit to which they will be appointed are: W. B. Musselman, G.A. Campbell, J.E. Fidler53, M.D. Haws, A.B. Gehret, O. Hillegass, M.A. Zyner, E.H. Flyte, J. Moyer, A. Strawn, E.U. Hershey, A. Rhoads, G. Klein, and H.B. Musselman. 

5. The Stationing Committee consisted of the Presiding Elder and the Delegates. 

6. RESOLVED: That a camp meeting shall be held on the old campground, Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County, and that the Presiding Elder, William Gehman, shall determine the time for it and shall also supervise. That part of the woods where the meeting is to be held must be free so that anyone with his carriage can go in without having to pay when he is willing to submit to the rules of order. The committee must also see to it that there is provided a place where people can feed their horses and to admit people who are willing to pay for it. The Committee: Daniel Mohr, Harrison Bush, J. F. Roeder, Milton Kauffman and C. H. Brunner. 

7. A committee was appointed to secure tents for the camp meeting for those who want to rent with the understanding that these people make their intention known two weeks in advance. The Committee: David Bassler, Alvin O. Gehman and Harvey Hottel. 

8. The Committee for the Tabernacle this year is: A. O. Gehman, Milton Kauffman and J. G. Musselman. 

9. The Committee for Examining the Evangelists is: Elder W. Gehman, W. B. Musselman, and G. A. Campbell. 

10. RESOLVED: That a committee shall be appointed to examine the account of Brother Abraham Kauffman(deceased), and Brother William Gehman in regard to the donated money for the print shop.

The Committee: Charles Kauffman, John B. Gehman and William Gehman. 

11. RESOLVED: That, after this account has been examined and it is determined how much more money is needed to payoff the debt, promise shall be given to John B. Gehman that this money will be paid within three years. The meeting was closed with singing and prayer by John Krupp. 


Wednesday, February 5, 1890 – Afternoon 

The Conference meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by David Bassler. The proceedings from the forenoon meeting were read and accepted. 

1. WHEREAS, Brother John F. Sell from Reading has satisfactorily ended his time as probation deacon, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That he shall be ordained at the earliest proper occasion. 

2. RESOLVED: That when an Assisting Preacher is sent into a district to work ‘together with a Supervising Preacher, the Quarterly Conference shall take care of the salary for the Assisting Preacher. 

3. WHEREAS, Elder M. D. Haws requested to be excused from the Conference to return home to his sick wife. RESOLVED: That we excuse him. 

4. RESOLVED: That a convention for preachers and one for the Sunday School be held this Conference year and shall last two days. The first day shall be for the Sunday School and the second day for the Preachers’ Convention. The place shall be Coopersburg and (the convention) shall be held on Wednesday and Thursday, May 14 & 15. The Committee for these Conventions: William B. Musselman, William Gehman and M. A. Zyner. 

5. RESOLVED: That the Presiding Elder, William Gehman, shall be chairman of these Conventions and each speaker shall have 20 minutes time. 

6. RESOLVED: That if someone has a suggestion concerning the program for these conventions, they shall make it known to the Chairman, Elder William Gehman, Vera Cruz, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. 

7. RESOLVED: That we make an addition to the resolution from the last Annual Conference concerning the harvest festival and 

RESOLVED: That each Supervising Preacher on his circuit, at each place of preaching, shall arrange a harvest festival meeting and speak about the spreading of the Gospel among the heathen and receive a collection for this mission. 

8. RESOLVED: That each Supervising Preacher on his circuit shall, at each place of preaching, speak once every year about temperance. 

9. Elder Joel Rosenberger asked to be excused from the Conference because of his wife’s failing health. He was excused. 

10. RESOLVED: That a Board of Trustees shall be appointed for the Mount Zion Meeting House in Royersford. The Conference appointed: William Gambler, 1 year; Tilghman Schmoyer, 2 years; James Rieser, 3 years. 

11. RESOLVED: That the committee for camp meeting shall see to it that railway excursion tickets are at hand in all our districts early enough to get to our camp meeting on Chestnut Hill. 

12. RESOLVED: That the Conference appoint a committee regarding the construction of the Reading Church.54 The Conference was appointed as a committee. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer led by the Presiding Elder, William Gehman. 

(In the) Wednesday evening worship service Elder Frank Haas from Philadelphia, preached in English, text Acts 3:1-9. After him Elder A. B. Gehret (preached) in German, text Lamentations 3:24. 

Seventh Meeting 

Thursday, February 6, 1890 – Morning 

The Conference meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Elder M. A. Zyner. Then the proceedings from the Wednesday afternoon meeting were read and accepted. 1. The Stationing Committee handed in its report: 

1. Quakertown and Hatfield — J. E. Fidler 

2. Coopersburg and Emaus — A. B. Gehret 

3. Springtown and Ruch’s — M. A. Zyner 

4. Bethlehem, South Bethlehem, Plainfield — M. D. Haws 

5. Allentown and Catasauqua — W. B. Musselman 

6. Upper Milford, East Hereford, Alburtus, Skippack Jonathan Moyer 

7. Reading, Blandon and Royersford — Oswin Hillegass 

8. Terre Hill and Remps — Abel Strawn 

9. Westmoreland and Armstrong County, Pennsylvania George A. Campbell 

10. Blair County, Pennsylvania — E. H. Flyte 

Local Preachers: 

Aaron Rhoads — Reading, Pennsylvania 

George Klein — Reading, Pennsylvania 

H. B. Musselman — Quakertown, Pennsylvania 

John Knauss — Emaus, Pennsylvania 

Owen Bitting — Lanark, Pennsylvania 

Joel Rosenberger — Hatfield, Pennsylvania 

Evangelists: E. Hershey, Jacob Moyer and William K. Ellinger 

2. RESOLVED: That the Local Preachers shall see to getting new places to travel with the tabernacle and shall assist the Supervising Preachers. 

3. WHEREAS, Brother Jacob Moyer wants to work more this year than in last year, therefore 

RESOLVED: That Brother Moyer (if he wishes) shall be permitted to go to Norristown to preach as well as hold prayer meetings. In the same way the other Local Preachers shall have the same opportunity. 

4. WHEREAS, Elder George A. Campbell has supervision over Westmoreland and Armstrong County, Pennsylvania, and Elder E. H. Flyte has supervision over Blair County, Pennsylvania, therefore 

RESOLVED: That Elder George A. Campbell have authority to hold the Quarterly Conference and Elder E. H. Flyte shall be under the supervision of Elder George A. Campbell. 

5. Evangelist E. Hershey requested permission from the Conference to travel to the heathen land of India this year if God would open the way. Permission was granted to him. 

6. The report from the Committee was presented regarding the construction of the Reading church and is as follows:55 

WHEREAS, regarding the construction of the Reading Church, Brother Abel Strawn expressed his willingness to help relieve the debt so that only $2,000.00 will be left to be paid, if this amount can be secured in this year, 1890, therefore 

RESOLVED: That the entire debt $2,789.61, shall stand as it was before. 

7. RESOLVED: That we adopt a resolution of sympathy in regard to the passing away of our beloved Brother and deceased Elder Abraham Kauffman and that one copy of this resolution be sent to the bereaved families, the brethren and sisters whose shepherd he was, and one copy be used for publication. Therefore

RESOLVED: That we as a Conference make known our hearty sympathy and how much we feel the loss of our beloved Brother and Elder A. Kauffman.

8. RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference shall be held in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, beginning the first Monday in February, 1891. 

9. C. H. Brunner was appointed Secretary and Milton Kauffman Treasurer. 

10. A collection was received for the expenses and labor of the Secretary. 

11. RESOLVED: That we as members of this Conference express our hearty thanks to all brethren and sisters, friends and neighbors of Bethlehem for their love, generosity and hospitality which they have shown us during the Conference session. We wish them God’s blessing in time and eternity. 

12. RESOLVED: That we as a Conference and denomination confess that God’s blessing was with us and that at this time united brotherly love was felt during the entire Conference session. The evening worship services were visibly blessed. We praise God for it. 

William Gehman, Presiding Elder 

M. A. Zyner, Secretary 

51 Old numeration. The numeration was changed at the Annual Conference of 1892.

52 The correct total appears to be $7023.04

53 In the text, Fitler. 189. 

54 A marginal note in English reads “not to be published.”

55 A marginal note in English reads, “not to be published.” 192

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