1891 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1891 

The Twelfth56 Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania held in Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. beginning on February 2, 1891. 

According to the plan, the preachers and delegates as well as many other brethren and sisters from far and near gathered on the previous Saturday in the church on which occasion Elder John Knauss preached in German about love as in I Corinthians 14:1. After him Elders M. D. Haws and W. B. Musselman spoke. 

On Sunday morning the Conference Sermon was preached by Elder Solomon Eby from Canada on Acts 20:28. 

In the afternoon Elder George A. Campbell preached on John 1:29, followed by Elder A. Strawn and others. 

In the evening Elder M. A. Zyner preached on Philippians 2:5, followed by Elder W. K. Ellinger in English. 

First Meeting 

Monday, February 2, 1891 – Morning 

The first meeting was opened at 8:30 by Presiding Elder William Gehman as Chairman, with the reading of Psalm 90 and singing. Thereafter a half hour was spent in united prayer for God’s guidance during the Conference. This was followed by a short admonition by the Presiding Elder. 

1. RESOLVED: That we go by the following program: 

1. The morning meeting- shall last from 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. 

2. The afternoon meeting from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m. 

3. Voting shall be done by raising the right hand. 

4. Each speaker shall stand up and address the Chairman before he speaks, and shall speak no longer than ten minutes on any one subject. No one shall speak more than one time on one subject unless he gets permission to do so from the Chairman. 

5. In case there are two or more speak at the same time, the Chairman shall decide who shall speak first. 

6. No whispering or talking shall be allowed during the Conference session. It is the duty of the Chairman to keep order. 

Conference members present: 

Preachers: William Gehman, A. Strawn, M.D. Haws, W. B. Musselman, John Knauss, A. B. Gehret, G. A. Campbell, Joel Rosenberger, Owen Bitting. 

Preachers Absent: William K. Ellinger, Samuel McDonald, E. Hershey. 

Probationers: M. A. Zyner, J. A. Moyer, J. E. Fidler, E. H. Flyte, Aaron Rhoads, George Kline, O. Hillegass, H. B. Musselman. 

Evangelists: Jacob H. Moyer. 

Delegates: Milton Kauffman, J. D. Kindig, Christian Ruch, Joseph Preisch, J. D. Baus, Lewis Wieand, Peter Foltz, William Gambler. 

Delegate absent: G. M. Walters. 

2. Elder Solomon Eby, a delegate from the Canada Conference, was accepted as an advisory member with the right of voting at this Conference. Also Elder Jesse Laros from the Evangelical Association and Elder Lewis Taylor were accepted as advisory members.

3. The proceedings from the last Annual Conference were read and accepted with the following addition: Elder William Heffner, who was to be ordained during the past year (1889), has been expelled from our Society because of unchristian behavior according to our Church Discipline. 

4. RESOLVED: That a committee be appointed to examine the Quarterly Conference proceedings. 

The committee: Elder W. B. Musselman and M. A. Zyner. 

5. RESOLVED: That all Supervising Preachers shall be examined in regard to their moral and official conduct by a committee consisting of the Presiding Elder and all delegates. 

6. RESOLVED: That the Quarterly Conference proceedings shall stand valid before the Annual Conference and complaints against any Conference member which are not recorded in the Quarterly Conference proceedings cannot be recognized later except when they have been revealed after the last Quarterly Conference. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer was offered by Elder O. Bitting. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, February 2, 1891 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by E. H. Flyte. 

1. The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and accepted. 

2. A letter from Elder E. Hershey, Missionary of our Society in Africa, was read in which he mentions his good health and good spirit as well as his hearty prayer and concern for the success of the Conference. He reports that he has traveled 3000 miles on land and 4500 miles on water. 

3. RESOLVED: That we excuse the absence of the elders Samuel McDonald, William K. Ellinger and G. M. Walters (delegate) because of their business-related circumstances. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer offered by Elder Solomon Eby. 

On Monday evening Elder A. B. Gehret preached from Psalm 100:2 followed by Elder Solomon Eby. 

Third Meeting 

Tuesday, February 3, 1891 – Morning 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by E.H. Flyte.

1. The proceedings of the previous meeting accepted. 

2. The reports of the Supervising Preachers and Evangelists were handed in which showed the following results:

1. Presiding Elder 2
2. Ordained Preachers 12
3. Probationers 8
4. Probationers to be Ordained 3
5. Applicants for the Ministry 0
6. Deacons 4
7. Deacons on Probation 1
8. Deacons on Probation to be Ordained 1
9. Stewards 18
10. New Converts 94
11. Baptized 87
12. Received into Church Fellowship 65
13. Received by Transfer 24
14. Died 8
15. Withdrawn 16
16. Expelled 5
17. Moved Away 11
18. Transferred 16
19. Increase 24
21. Total Number of Members57 550
22. Appointments 24
23. New Appointments 1
24. Sermons Preached 2205
25. Families Visited 3829
26. Prayer Meetings Attended 441
27. Sunday Schools Visited 189
28. Classes 29
29. New Classes 3
30. Class Leaders 28
31. Sunday Schools 13
32. New Sunday Schools 2
33. Officers and Teachers 179
34. Scholars 851
35. Average Attendance 684
36. Number of Union Sunday Schools 2
37. Subscribers for Banner and Panier 241
38. New Subscribers66
39. Number of Churches 17
40. Apartment for Preachers 1
41. Value of Church Property $25,778.00
42. Increase of Church Property58 133.48
44. Collected for Church Property133.48
45. Collected for Sunday Schools 513.64
46. Collected for Preachers’ Salary in Cash 1,770.95
47. Other Contributions 593.52
48. Collected for Assistants 26.40
49. Collected for Home Missions 83.84
50. Collected for Heathen Missions 82.14
51. Collected for Repairs on Church Property 189.00
52. Collected for Sexton and Sundry 673.23
53. Collected for Presiding Elder 173.34
54. Collected for Tabernacle Work 221.57
55. Collected for Missionary (at Hershey’s Farewell Address) 42.08
56. Collected for Camp Meetings 228.74
57. Total Amount Collected $4,731.93

3. RESOLVED:. That William B. Musselman, M. A. Zyner and George A. Campbell shall serve as a committee to prepare a resolution concerning the mission of Elder Solomon Eby from Canada. The resolution is as follows: 

WHEREAS, the Canadian Conference considered it to be a good practice to send Elder Solomon Eby to this Annual Conference as delegate with the intention of creating a closer relationship between the Conferences, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we as a Conference express our hearty thanks for their evidence of love and respect toward us, and since Brother Eby himself apologized in a way in regard to his mission, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That we entirely agree with his presentation and believe that it is very necessary to have a closer relationship between the Conferences. 

4. The Committee to examine the Quarterly Conference Proceeding brought in its report. They were all found incomplete. 

5. RESOLVED: That the report of the above mentioned committee is accepted and the imperfections in the various Quarterly Conference proceedings shall be recorded. 

6. The Committee to Examine the Preachers handed in its report, which was accepted as follows: It was all found in good order. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer offered by Elder O. Bitting. 

Fourth Meeting 

Tuesday, February 3, 1891 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Elder J. Rosenberger. 

1. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

2. RESOLVED: That the delegates from the various circuits shall serve as a committee, with Elder Solomon Eby as Chairman, in order to examine the Presiding Elder, the Local Preachers and Evangelists. 

3. RESOLVED: That we accept as an advisory member of this Conference, Evangelist C. W. Ruth, from the Heavenly Recruit Association of Indianapolis, Indiana, who is in our midst. 

4. RESOLVED: That the Brethren Milton Kauffman, A. Strawn, H. G. Musselman, C. H. Brunner and Lewis Wieand shall serve as a standing committee over the Home Mission for the coming year. 

5. RESOLVED: That the money in the Heathen Mission treasury shall be sent to Elder E. Hershey in Africa by Elder M. A. Zyner. 

6. Some of our preacher brethren were openly examined because of an accusation that they some years ago have propagated false teachings. Elders M. A. Zyner and S. Eby were appointed to set up a resolution which reads as follows: 

Because accusations which have come to this Annual Conference that some of our preacher-brethren have spread false teaching some years ago, it was assumed, examined and more or less confirmed. The respective persons recognized their wrongs and promised that they will be more careful in the future not to get caught in a net of false teachings again. As a result they were forgiven and it ended in harmony. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder J. A. Moyer. 

In the evening, Elder H. B. Musselman preached on Nehemiah 3:8 followed by Evangelist C. W. Ruth from Indianapolis in English. 

Fifth Meeting 

Wednesday, February 4, 1891 – Morning 

The fifth meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by George Kline. 

1. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

2. The committee to Examine the Presiding Elder, Local Preachers and Evangelists presented its report as follows: Presiding Elder William Gehman was examined in regard to our Church Order and it was found: 

1. That he has held the Quarterly Conferences in the proper way. 

2. That he has not held as many meetings for missions as is required by our Church Discipline. 

3. We believe that the results would have been better if he would have spent more time on the various fields of service in preaching and visiting the members of the congregations. 

It was discussed and Brother Gehman justified his action to the satisfaction of the Conference. 

The Local Preachers and Evangelists were examined and all was found in order. 

3. Elder L. Frank Haas from Philadelphia, Presiding Elder of the Heavenly Recruit Association, who is in our midst, was accepted as an advisory member of this Conference. 

4. The preachers which are willing to work under the Stationing Committee are: Abel Strawn, Joshua E. Fidler, George A. Campbell, Marks D. Haws, Adam B. Gehret, Oswin Hillegass, William B. Musselman, Milton A. Zyner, Jonathan A. Moyer, Edwin H. Flyte, Harvey B. Musselman and George Kline. 

On condition: Owen Bitting, Aaron Rhoads and John Knauss. 

5. Elder William Gehman was re-elected as Presiding Elder. The meeting was closed with singing and prayer offered by Elder A. Rhoads. 

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday, February 4, 1891 – Afternoon 

The sixth meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Elder John Knauss. 

1. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

2. Whereas the Brethren J. A. Moyer, M. A. Zyner and J. E. Fidler have satisfactorily ended their time as probationers, therefore, 

RESOLVED — That they shall be ordained at the earliest proper occasion by the Presiding Elder. 

3. RESOLVED: That Elder William B. Musselman, A. B. Gehret and M. A. Zyner shall serve for this and the next Conference as a standing committee to examine the probationers in the Reading Course as follows:

Second year:

Oswin Hillegass

E. H. Flyte

Aaron Rhoads

First year:

H. B. Musselman

George Kline 

4. RESOLVED : That the circuits shall be arranged as follows: 

1. Quakertown and Hatfield 

2. Coopersburg, Emaus, and Zion’s Hill 

3. Springtown and Ruch’s 

4. Bethlehem and Plainfield

5. Allentown and Catasauqua 

6. Upper Milford, Hereford and Skippack 

7. Reading Station with Remps as subordinate station 

8. Terre Hill Station 

9. Royersford Station 

10. Westmoreland, Armstrong and Blair Counties 

5. RESOLVED: That a camp meeting shall be held on the old camp ground, Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania and: 

1. That the Presiding Elder shall determine the time for it and be the supervisor over it. 

2. That the woods or the camp ground shall be cleared and free so that people can come in with their horses and buggies if they are willing to follow the rules and order by the Presiding Elder and Camp Meeting Committee. 

3. That the Committee arrange to have a place beside the woods where visitors can leave their horses for feeding and provide for them if they are willing to pay for it. 

4. The Committee for the campground consists of the Brethren Henry K. Landis, Thomas Geho, Allen Gehman, John F. Roeder and Thomas Hockman. 

5. The Committee shall see to it that excursion tickets to the camp ground are provided in time for all our circuits. 

6. RESOLVED: That the Brethren Harvey Hottel, Joseph D. Fackenthal and C. H. Brunner shall serve as a committee in charge of tents. They shall rent the tents needed, erect them on the campground and after the camp meeting is over take them down again. Whoever wants to rent a tent shall give notice to this Committee at least two weeks before the camp meeting. 

7. RESOLVED: That the Brethren M. A. Zyner, Milton Kauffman and John G. Musselman shall serve as a Committee for the Tabernacle. 

8. Whereas Elder Joel Rosenberger asked to be excused because of sickness in the family, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we permit him to go. The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder M. D. Haws. In the evening Elder J. A. Moyer preached on Psalm 144:3. It was followed by Elder Oswin Hillegass. 

Seventh Meeting 

Thursday, February 5, 1891 – Morning 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by J. D. Baus. 

1. The proceedings from the last meeting were read and accepted. 

2. The Stationing Committee presented its report as follows: 

1. Quakertown and Hatfield — A. B. Gehret 

2. Coopersburg, Emaus and Zion’s Hill — J. E. Fidler 

3. Springtown and Ruch’s — M. A. Zyner 

4. Bethlehem and Plainfield — M. D. Haws 

5. Allentown and Catasauqua — William B. Musselman 

6. Upper Milford, Hereford and Skippack — J. A. Moyer 

7. Reading Station — Oswin Hillegass Remps (subordinate station to Reading) — George Kline 

8. Terre Hill Station — A. Strawn 

9. Royersford — H. B. Musselman 

10. Westmoreland, Armstrong and Blair County –George Campbell 

Jacob H. Moyer and William K. Ellinger shall serve as Evangelists with the same privileges as before. The Brethren Owen Bitting, John Knauss, Joel Rosenberger, Aaron Rhoads, Samuel McDonald and Edwin H. Flyte shall serve as Local Preachers where there is an opportunity to speak and assist the Circuit Preachers. 

3. Whereas Elder Owen Bitting requested to be excused because of his business matters, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That we permit him to leave. 

4. The Committee which was formed by the last Annual Conference to examine the account of Elder William Gehman and Abraham Kauffman (deceased) concerning our printing shop presented its report which was accepted as correct. 

RESOLVED: That this Conference give Brother John B. Gehman an assurance for the rest of the debt which is $328.41. 

5. RESOLVED: That a Ministerial Convention and a Sunday School Convention be held in Upper Milford, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. 

1. The Ministerial Convention shall be on May 6 and the Sunday School Convention on May 7. 

2. The Committee for both Conventions shall consist of elders William Gehman. William B. Musselman and M. A. Zyner. 

3. The Presiding Elder shall be Chairman of both Conventions and each speaker shall have 20 minutes. 

4. If someone wants to have something discussed (at the conventions) he shall make it known to the Chairman, William Gehman, Vera Cruz, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, not later than April 1. 

5. Each Sunday School shall send a delegate to the Sunday School Convention and a special collection shall be received which the delegate shall bring to the Convention to cover expenses of the Convention. 

6. RESOLVED: That each Supervising Preacher shall hold a Harvest Festival service on his circuit giving attention especially to the spreading of the Gospel among the heathen and shall receive a collection, for the support of this endeavor. 

7. RESOLVED: That each preacher in charge shall preach about the matter of temperance at least once a year and at each place of preaching. 

8. Elder William B. Musselman was elected delegate to attend the next Annual Conference in Canada as well as in Indiana. 

9. Resolved: That Elder George Campbell, who supervises Westmoreland, Armstrong and Blair Counties, shall have authority to hold Quarterly Conferences, with permission to invite other preachers to assist when he wishes. 

10. Resolved: That we excuse delegate Christian Ruch as he requested.

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer led by Elder Solomon Eby. 

Eighth Meeting 

February, 1891 – Afternoon 

The eighth meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by the Presiding Elder, William Gehman. 

1. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

2. The Home Mission Committee presented its report as follows: 

Whereas the Committee could not find a specific use in our Church rules and regulations for the Home Mission money and we do not have travelling Evangelists, therefore 

Resolved: That the money which is now in the treasury shall be used this year to travel with the tabernacle and to set up new fields. 

3. The report from Elder William B. Musselman about income and expenditures for the new tabernacle was examined by the Home Mission Committee. It was found in good order and accepted. 

4. The Committee to Examine the Probationers in the Reading Course presented their report. 

 Field Handbook On
Lessons On Christian Baxter’s
Second YearBibleHolinessTheologyAddressAve
O. Hillegass45% 90%67%67%
A. Rhoads49% 80%34%55%
E.H. Flyte34% 60%67%54%
First Year     
H.B. Musselman28%90%  66%
George Kline20%62%0% 28%

The report was accepted: William B. Musselman, M. A. Zyner. 

5. The circumstances of the Reading Church property were discussed, considered and consequently 

Resolved: That this Conference give an assurance to Elder A. Strawn, signed by the Presiding Elder and Secretary for $2100.00 with 6 % interest for one year for the above mentioned property. 

6. The Committee to compose an affectionate resolution for Elder Eusebius Hershey who is now laboring as a missionary in Africa presented its resolution as follows: 

Whereas as Elder Eusebius Hershey asked the last Annual Conference for permission to go to Africa, and Whereas we have received a report that he has happily arrived there, therefore 

Resolved: That we give thanks to God for His protection and wish him God’s richest blessing and grace and many souls as a reward and that we’ the members of this Conference, as well as all brethren and sisters who know Brother Hershey, promise to pray for him. Committee: M. A. Zyner, George A. Campbell. 

8. A collection was received for the expenses and work of the Secretary. 

9. Resolved: That the next Annual Conference shall be held in Upper Milford, Lehigh County, beginning the first Monday in February, 1892. 

10. Resolved: That we as members of this Conference express our hearty thanks to all brethren and sisters, friends and neighbors from Quakertown for the love, generosity and hospitality we have experienced during the Conference session. We wish them God’s blessing in time and eternity. 

11. Resolved: That we as a Conference and Congregation must confess that God’s blessing was with us and that a united brotherly love during the session could be sensed and has strongly revealed itself. 

The evening worship hours were visited by many and rewarded by God’s grace. We praise God for it. 

William Gehman, Chairman 

C.H. Brunner, Secretary 

56 Old numeration. The numeration was changed at the Annual Conference of 1892. 

57 Line 20 is missing in the text. 

58 Line 43 is missing in the text. The amounts in line 42 and 44 are identical. 

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