1892 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1892 

The Ninth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren of Christ of Pennsylvania was held at Upper Milford, Lehigh County, starting February 1, 1892. 

On the previous Saturday the Annual Ministerial Convention was held at which time most of the preachers and delegates of the Conference attended. The Convention was a great blessing and the teaching useful and instructive. 

On Sunday morning a spirited Conference Sermon was preached by Elder Menno Bowman from Canada from II Timothy 4:2. In the afternoon at 2 o’clock Elder A. Good from Ohio preached from John 3:5, whereupon a blessed testimony hour followed. The evening worship service was opened with a testimony hour at the close of which a person was annointed for bodily healing. A sermon followed by Elder M. D. Haws from Colossians 3:15. 

First Meeting 

February 1, 1892

The first meeting was opened at 8:30 by Presiding Elder William Gehman as Chairman with singing and prayer. Then half an hour was spent in united prayer for God’s blessing and guidance by the Holy Spirit in performing the various business matters and especially for brotherly love and complete liberty during the Conference session. Then a suitable address followed by the Chairman of the Conference from Psalm 127:1. 

1. The following rules were adopted: 

1. The time for the morning meetings shall be 8:00 to 11:30 a.m. 

2. The afternoon meeting shall open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 4:30 p.m. 

3. Voting shall be performed by raising the right hand. 

4. Anyone who wants to speak shall stand up and first address the Chairman. He shall not speak longer than ten minutes on any subject. Nobody shall speak for the second time unless by permission of the chairman. 

5. When two or more brethren want to speak at the same time, the Chairman shall decide who speaks first. 

6. No whispering or talking/shall be allowed during Conference Meetings. It is the duty of the Chairman to keep order.

2. The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and accepted. 

3. Elder Menno Bowman from the Canada (Conference), Elder A. Good from the Ohio (Conference) and Elder W.H. Laros from the Baptist denomination were accepted as advisory members of this conference. 

4. Whereas Elder Noah Detwiler, during the past year labored among us with great success and was a great blessing to this Conference and for the whole society, therefore 

Resolved: That we extend to Brother Detwiler a hearty invitation to join this conference as a full member. Whereas, Brother Detwiler has expressed his willingness to unite with this Conference according to the wish of the Conference, therefore 

Resolved: That we receive Brother Detwiler as a full voting member of this Conference and Church. 

Ordained Preachers Present: William Gehman, Noah Detwiler, Owen Bitting, A. Strawn, M. A. Zyner, J. E. Fidler, William B. Musselman, John Knauss, M. D. Haws, J. A. Moyer, A. B. Gehret, Joel Rosenberger. 

Absent: William K. Ellinger, George A. Campbell, Samuel McDonald. 

Probationers Present: O. S. Hillegass, H. B. Musselman, Aaron Rhoads, George Kline. 

Evangelists: Jacob H. Moyer. 

Delegates Present: Noah Moyer, Frank Haldeman, Jeremiah Boyer, H.G. Musselman, William Yeakel, C. H. Brunner, Peter Foltz, Milton Kauffman, Tilghman Schmoyer. 

5. The following committees were chosen: 

1. Committee to examine the Quarterly Conference Proceedings: M. A. Zyner, A. B. Gehret. 

2. Committee to Examine the Presiding Elder and Travelling Preachers through the delegates: Noah Detwiler, John Knauss, Joel Rosenberger. 

Elder William Ellinger wanted to be excused because of his business matters. It was granted. 

The meeting was then closed with singing and prayer led by Elder W. B. Musselman. 

Second Meeting 

February 1, 1892, Afternoon 

The second meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by Elder O. Hillegass. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and accepted. The following committees were chosen: 

1. A Standing Committee For the Coming year to Examine all letters which are received by the Conference or concerning the Conference: The Presiding Elder, M. A. Zyner and Noah Detwiler. 

2. Committee to Examine the Local Preachers, Probationers and Evangelists: William Gehman, William B. Musselman and A. Strawn. 

3. Elder Menno Bowman from Canada and Elder Andrew Good from Ohio, who were sent by their respective Conferences as delegates to this Conference, presented their reason for coming as follows: We believe that it is good and expedient and a great blessing for the denomination in general, since we have no episcopal head, that the various Conferences, be represented at the Annual Conferences through delegates, to form a closer relationship between the Conferences. This Conference wholly agreed with this proposal of the brethren and expressed its joy for having these brethren in its midst. 

4. A letter from Elder George A. Campbell was read in which he explained to the satisfaction of the Conference why he cannot be present. A letter was also read from G.M. Walters and J.H. Smail. The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder A.B. Gehret. In the evening, Elder Menno Bowman preached in German, and Elder A. Good in English on the gift of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:38-39. The sermons were annointed with the Holy Spirit and God’s power revealed itself. It could be seen and felt. 

Third Meeting 

February 2, 1892 – 8:00 a.m. 

The meeting was opened at 8 o’clock with singing and prayer offered by Elder J. E. Fidler. 

1. The proceedings from the last meeting were read and accepted. 

The rest of the reports from the Preachers were submitted with the following results: 

Presiding Elders 1
Ordained Preachers 15
Probationers to be ordained 2
Applicants for Ministry 4
Deacons 4
Deacons on Probation1
Deacons on Probation to Be Ordained 0
Stewards 20
New Converts 143
Baptized 113
Received into Church Membership 108
Received with Reservation 8
Died 6
Withdrawn 10
Moved Away 8
Transferred 9
Increase 70
Total Membership 619
Appointments 26
New Appointments 4
Number of Sermons 2181
Families Visited 3853
Prayer Meetings Visited 696
Sunday Schools Visited 292
Classes 30
Class Leaders 28
Sunday Schools 15
New Sunday Schools 1
Officers and Teachers 166
Average Attendance 634
Union Sunday Schools 1
Subscribers to Banner and Panier 189
New Subscribers 28
Churches 17
Apartments for Preachers 1
Value of Church Property $31,260.00
Increase of Church Property 1,284.60
Collected for Church Property 1,269.67
Collected for Sunday Schools 458.59
Collected for Preachers’ Salary in Cash 1,970.18
Collected for Preachers’ Salary in Kind 465.64
Collected for Helpers38.96
Collected for Home Mission 224.82
Collected for Heathen Mission79.42
Collected for Repairs on Church Property100.95
Collected for Sexton and Sundry 604.94
Collected for Presiding Elder 176.80
Collected for Tabernacle Work 582.47
Collected for The Poor 161.10
Collected for Camp Meetings 159.39
Collected for Evangelists’ Work 196.63
Total Amount collected $6,490.06

2. The following committees presented their reports which were accepted. The committee to Examine the Probationers, Local Preachers and Evangelists report that no complaints were found. Committee: William Gehman, A. Strawn, William B. Musselman. 

The committee to Examine the Presiding Elder and the Travelling Preachers had no complaints to report. Committee: Noah Detwiler, John Knauss, Joel Rosenberger. 

The Committee appointed to Examine Letters found one that was sent to the Presiding Elder, William Gehman, with no signature. This letter was handed over to a committee consisting of all Conference members which examined it and found it to be suspicious, slanderous and disgraceful. This committee absolved the Presiding Elder from all charges and accusations and was determined to find out who the person is, or the persons are, who would be guilty of such a terrible act, so that they could be punished in accordance with our church rules as a warning for other similar characters in the future. Committee: Noah Detwiler, William Gehman, M. Kauffman, John Knauss, M. A. Zyner. 

3. Elder Noah Detwiler presented the following report: 

Received at Tabernacle Meetings   $422.86 
Received from the Home Mission Treasury  128.33 
Total   $551.19
Expenditures Connected with Tabernacle  $206.75 
Rent   73.33 
Balance In Treasury   271.11 
Total    $551.19

4. A standing committee was elected for the coming year over the Home Mission: The Presiding Elder, Milton Kauffman, Lewis Wieand, C. H. Brunner, H. G. Musselman. 

5. The following committee was elected to answer the question: Is it permitted in our denomination that a Travelling Preacher be president of a Milk Association? Committee: Noah Detwiler, W. B. Musselman, John Knauss, M. D. Haws, Milton Kauffman; Advisory Members of this committee: Elders Menno- Bowman and A. Good. The above named Committee reported that it is not allowed for any of our preachers to be president of a Milk Association. This matter was further examined by the Conference and discussed and finally it was 

Resolved: That it shall not be allowed for any of our preachers to serve as an official in any association, except, in our Church. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer led by Elder H. B. Musselman. 

Fourth Meeting 

February 2, 1892 – Afternoon 

The fourth meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by Elder John Knauss. Then the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

1. The report from the Treasurer of the Heathen Mission was read as follows: 

Collected in 1890 $82.14 
Paid out to Elder John Washington
– Africa, 1891 
Balance $52.14
Collected in 1891   
     Quakertown and Hatfield $5.00 
     Coopersburg and Emaus 22.22 
     Springtown and Ruch’s 6.24 
     Bethlehem and Plainfield 12.31 
     Allentown and Catasauqua 4.45 
     Upper Milford, Hereford, and Skippack 11.53 
     Reading 4.07 
     Terre Hill 5.10 
     Royersford 3.05 
     Westmoreland 7.00 
Total  $133.11

C. H. Brunner, Secretary; Milton Kauffman, Treasurer 

2. Resolved: That the money in the Heathen Mission Treasury be sent to Elder A. B. Simpson in New york by W. B. Musselman and M. A. Zyner. 

3. Resolved: That the Stationing Committee shall consist of the Presiding Elder and all delegates. 

4. The Stationing Committee shall fix the boundaries of the fields of service. The preachers which are willing to submit themselves unconditionally to the Stationing Committee and are willing to dedicate their full time to the Conference are: W. B. Musselman, J. E. Fidler, M. D. Haws, J. A. Moyer, A. Rhoads, Caleb Betz, Noah Detwiler, H. B. Musselman, O. S. Hillegass, George Kline, Robert Dreisbach, A. B. Gehret, Lucy Musselman. 

On Condition: William Gehman, M. A. Zyner, John Knauss, O. Bitting, George A. Campbell, Jacob H. Moyer as helper. 

5. W. B. Musselman was elected as Presiding Elder. The Meeting was closed with singing and prayer. 

In the evening, Elder A. Good preached with evidence of the Spirit and the power on Hebrews 9:4, followed by Elder A. Strawn. 

Fifth Meeting 

February 3, 1892 – 8:00 a.m.

The fifth meeting was opened at 8 o’clock with singing and prayer offered by Elder A. Strawn. 

1. The proceedings of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

2. The committee that keeps the record of members of the Conference who are absent presented its report which was accepted as follows: It is expected that all members of the Annual Conference shall be present or send in a report with the reason for being absent. Since Elder Samuel McDonald for Armstrong County is not present and has not sent an explanation, therefore we as a Conference instruct him to be present from now on if possible or to send in a report and make known the reason for his absence. Committee: M. A. Zyner, A. Strawn 

3. The following candidates for the ministry were examined and were accepted as Probationers: Robert Dreisbach, Caleb Betz, Lucy Musselman. Brother Alfred Clauser is a member of the Quarterly Conference which recommended him to this Annual Conference. But, since he is not present, therefore we shall give him permission to serve as the Quarterly Conference directs until the next Annual Conference. 

4. The Committee to Examine the Quarterly Conference Proceedings presented its report which was accepted. It reads: 

a. We have found all proceedings imperfect, except one. 

b. We wish to recommend to the preachers in charge of the various circuits that they bring this to the attention of the various secretaries. The secretaries shall see to it that the proceedings are written in proper order and that each thought is expressed in a way that the right meaning of the same can be understood and at the end of the Conference year a statistical report shall be brought in the Quarterly Conference Book like this: 

a. Report of the Board of Trustees, which includes the Home Mission and Heathen Mission. 

b. Report of the amount collected for the Supervising Preacher. 

c. Report of the amount collected for the Presiding Elder. 

d. Report of the income and expenditures of the Sunday School. 

e. Report of the election of officers for the coming year. 

Committee: M. A. Zyner, A. B. Gehret 

5. Resolved: That we number our Annual Conference for the first conference after the Union Conference in 1883 instead of the Union Conference in 1879 as before. Therefore, this would be the Ninth instead of the l3t n Annual Conference. Committee: M. A. Zyner, A. B. Gehret 

6. Whereas, Elder Oswin S. Hillegass has ended his term as a probationer to the satisfaction of the Conference, therefore 

Resolved: That he shall be ordained by the Presiding Elder at the earliest appropriate time. Brother Aaron Rhoads shall again serve as probationer. 

7. Resolved: That a camp meeting shall be held on the old camp ground, Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. 

a. The presiding Elder shall determine the time for the camp meeting and shall also supervise it. 

b. The woods should be free during the time of the meeting so that anyone who is willing to submit to the rules of the Presiding Elder and the Camp Meeting Committee can drive in free with his carriage. 

c. The Committee in charge of the campground: the Brethren John Roeder, Roger Laudenschlager, Allen Gehman, Thomas Geho, Milton Kauffman. 

d. The Committee shall provide a place beside the woods where people can leave their horses during the time and have them cared for, for these people who are willing to pay for this. The committee shall also arrange for excursion tickets to the camp ground from all our circuits. 

8. The Committee consists of the Brethren, Harvey Hottel, Joseph P. Fackenthal and David Bassler. Those who want to rent tents shall notify their Supervising Preacher in time so that he can give the order to the Tent Committee at least two weeks before the meetings. 

9. The Committee in Charge of the Tabernacle is: Noah Detwiler, Milton Kauffman and John G. Musselman. Haws. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder M. D. 

Sixth Meeting 

February 3, 1892 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by Elder M. A. Zyner. 

1. The proceeding of the last meeting were read and accepted. Elder Joel Rosenberger asked to be excused which was granted. 

2. Resolved: That the debt to our printing shop, for which the Annual Conference two years ago gave an assurance to Brother John B. Gehman for $328.41, shall be collected this year through the Presiding Elder. 

3. W. B. Musselman has collected the money for the new tabernacle. The account concerning this bill was examined by A. B. Gehret and H. B. Musselman and found to be correct. 

4. The matter concerning the Reading Church property was discussed. Whereas, Elder William Gehman holds the mortgage of this property for $2100.00 at 6 % it was 

Resolved: That Brother William Gehman shall hold the mortgage for one more year and that we try to find the money at 5 % if possible. 

Brother Gehman declared for himself, that in case of his death, he would not claim more from the Reading Church property than the mortgage contains. The interest for the past year amounted to $126.00 of which the class of Reading contributed $59.40. Then there was some thought about what to do about the remaining $66.60. The Lord awakened a spirit of giving within the meeting through one of the brethren so that the whole sum could be collected and even $7.33 more. The money was then handed over to Brother Gehman. 

Committee: M. A. Zyner, William Gehman, A. Strawn. 

5. Delegates for the next General Conference were elected: William Gehman, Noah Detwiler and M. A. Zyner. 

6. Elder Noah Detwiler was appointed to be delegate for the next Annual Conference in Canada. 

7. Elders William B. Musselman and A. Strawn shall serve as a committee to divide the expenses among the various circuits for the travelling of the Presiding Elder and Delegates to the Annual Conference. 

8. Resolved: That once a year at each place of preaching a message shall be preached about marriage, temperance and harvest festival. At the last mentioned occasion the necessity of the Heathen Mission shall be presented to the congregation and a collection shall be received for the support of the same. We also recommend to the Supervising Preachers that at each place of preaching a meeting shall be held on Thanksgiving Day, at which occasion a collection shall be received for the support of the poor. The deacon (or where there is no deacon, the steward) shall watch over the money till it is needed. 

The Brethren Menno Bowman, Andrew Good, A. Strawn and Peter Foltz asked to be excused. It was granted. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer led by Brother William Yeakel. 

In The evening, Elder Menno Bowman preached from John 8:36 followed by Elder A. Good. 

Seventh Meeting 

February 4, 1892 – Morning 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer offered by Elder John Knauss. 

The proceedings of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

The the following committees presented their reports: 

1. Report of the Stationing Committee: 

a. Quakertown and Hatfield – M. A. Zyner 

b. Coopersburg, Emaus, Springtown, Ruch’s and Zion’s Hill – J. E. Fidler and Lucy Musselman, assistant. 

c. Bethlehem, Catasauqua and Plainfield – A. B. Gehret and Robert Dreisbach, assistant. 

d. Allentown Station – Oswin Hillegass 

e. Upper Milford, Hereford and Skippack – William Gehman and John Knauss, assistant 

f. Reading Mission – J. A. Moyer 

g. Terre Hill and Remps – M. D. Haws 

h. Royersford and Spring City – H. B. Musselman 

i. Westmoreland, Armstrong and Blair Counties – to be assigned 

j. Tent and evangelistic work – Noah Detwiler. 

Local Preachers: A. Strawn, Joel Rosenberger, Owen Bitting and George A. Campbell. 

Evangelists: A. Rhoads, Caleb Betz, William K. Ellinger, George Kline, and Jacob H. Moyer. 

Committee: William B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, William Yeakel, H. G. Musselman, Frank Haldeman, Tilghman Schmoyer, Jeremiah Boyer, C. H. Brunner, Noah Moyer, Milton Kauffman, Peter Foltz. 

2. Report of the Home Mission Committee: 

February 4, 1891- Amount in treasury $131.92 
Collected, 1891   
     Quakertown and Hatfield 19.95 
     Coopersburg and Emaus 50.43 
     Springtown and Ruch’s 23.21 
     Allentown and Catasauqua 33.10 
     Bethlehem and Plainfield 21.01 
     Upper Milford, Hereford, Skippack 27.30 
     Terre Hill 17.50 
     Royersford 24.27 
Total  $356.69
1891 Expenditures   
     Noah Detwiler $128.33 
     Ministerial Convention Program 1.33 
Leaves a balance of $227.03 

Resolved: That the Treasurer of the Home Mission shall pay $90.00 to Elder Noah Detwiler for travel expenses as delegate to the Annual Conference in Canada, and the balance of $137.03 shall be used during the coming year for the tabernacle and evangelistic work. 

Committee: William B. Musselman, Milton Kauffman, C. H. Brunner, Lewis Wieand, H. G. Musselman. 

3. Report of the Standing Committee to Examine Probationers in the Reading Course: 

Second YearTheologyHebrewsRef. PastorAverage
H.B. Musselman53%80%83%72%
George Kline0%20%57%25%
Third YearTheologyNelson on
Mosh. Church
A. Rhoads72%10%21%34%
O. Hillegass68%30%21%39%

Resolved: That 50 % average must be reached in order to pass except on Mosheim ‘s Church History. 

Reading Course on the Bible for the coming year is as follows: 

First Year- Gospel of John and First Epistle of John 

Second Year- Hebrews

Third Year- Isaiah 

Committee: William B Musselman, A.B. Gehret, M.A. Zyner. 

4. C. H. Brunner was re-elected Secretary and Milton Kauffman, Treasurer, for the coming year. 

5. The following requests to be brought before the next General Conference were read- namely: 

a. To examine the books in our Reading Course whether they are valid. 

b. To consider the question, whether it should permitted for our preachers to hold office in any organization other than the Church. 

c. To give the Editor of the Banner and Panier a little reminder of his obligations. 

d. How to examine and reprimand a Presiding Elder in between the Annual Conferences if he is in error. 

5.59 Whereas the Elder Eusebius Hershey, who in the year 1890 traveled to Africa as a voluntary missionary of our denomination, has died in the last year, therefore 

Resolved: That we, the Annual Conference and the denomination of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, express cordial thanks to the Elder John Washington in Africa for his love and care for Brother Hershey which he has rendered during his stay with him in health as well as in his sickness, death and burial. We wish him God’s richest blessing for this. We also want to express our hearty sympathy for the bereaved family, and wish them the comforting gift of the Holy Spirit and God’s blessing and care. Committee: H. B. Musselman, Noah Detwiler. 

6. Whereas the Brethren Menno Bowman for the Canadian Conference and Andrew Good from the Indiana Conference, who were sent to this Conference as delegates, have been a great blessing to the Pennsylvania Conference, therefore 

Resolved: That we as a Conference render our hearty thanks to the Brethren for their love and respect they have shown to us, as well as for their advice and counsel. They have given us some red hot sermons filled with God’s power, so that the result was a great blessing and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Some came forward to the altar and received victory. Committee: H. B. Musselman, Noah Detwiler. 

7. Resolved: That the next Annual Conference shall be held in Coopersburg, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, beginning the first Monday in February, 1893. Then a collection was received for the expenses and work of the Secretary which amounted to $4.90.

8. Resolved: That we as members of this Conference express our hearty thanks to all brethren, sisters and neighbors at Upper Milford for the love, generosity and hospitality which they, have shown to us during this entire conference session. We wish them God’s richest blessing and nearness in time and eternity. 

9. Resolved: That we as a Conference and denomination confess that God’s blessing was among us with a full measure and the Holy Spirit revealed Himself strongly among us. True united brotherly love prevailed during the whole session so that we must confess that this conference was the most blessed and the best we have ever held. The evening worship services we visibly blessed. To God be the glory. 

W. B. Musselman, Chairman 

C. H. Brunner, Secretary. 

59 The number 5 was repeated.

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