1893 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1893 

The Tenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren In Christ of Pennsylvania was held at Coopersburg, Lehigh County, beginning Monday, February 6, 1893. 

First Meeting 

February 6, 1893 – 9:00a.m. 

The first meeting was opened with singing and prayer at 9 o’clock by Presiding Elder William B. Musselman. Then a half hour was spent in united prayer for the rich blessing of God and the leading of the Holy Spirit in conducting the various business matters and especially for abundant love during the Conference session. Then an appropriate sermon was delivered to the Conference by the Presiding Elder. 

Ordained Preachers Present: William B. Musselman, M. A. Zyner, J. E. Fidler, A. B. Gehret, O. S. Hillegass, William Gehman, J. A. Moyer, M. D. Haws, A. Strawn, J. Knauss, N. Detwiler, O. Bitting, George A. Campbell. 

Absent: Joel Rosenberger, Samuel McDonald, William K. Ellinger.

Probationers Present: H. B. Musselman, W. C. Betz, Lucy Musselman, Robert Dreisbach. 

Absent: A. Rhoads, George Kline. 

Evangelists Present: Jacob H. Moyer. 

Delegates Present: J. D. Kindig, Milton Kauffman, L. F. Haldeman, Jacob Mann, William Yeakel, Adam Wessner, Isaac Artz, Tilghman Schmoyer. 

1. The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and accepted. 

2. Resolved: That the Secretary choose an assistant Secretary. He named A. B. Musselman as his assistant. 

3. Elder M. Weber from Canada, Elder Lewis Taylor from Steinsburg, as well as all probationers of our society were received as advisory members of this Conference. 

4. Resolved: That the morning meetings shall begin at 8:30 and shall be closed at 11:30 a.m. The afternoon meetings shall begin at 1:30 and close at 4:30p.m. 

5. Resolved: That we accept Parliamentary Practices by Rev. Neeley, D.O., as the order of this Conference. Then the following committees were appointed: 

(1.) Finance Committee: M. A. Zyner, William Gehman, William Yeakel. 

(2.) Committee to Examine Quarterly Conference Proceedings: A. B. Gehret, George A. Campbell, H. B. Musselman. 

(3.) Committee on Worship Services: M. Kauffman, J. E. Fidler, A. Strawn. 

(4.) Committee on Correspondence: M. D. Haws, William Gehman, L. F. Haldeman. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer led by Elder D. Bitting. 

Second Meeting 

Monday, February 6, 1893 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Elder John Knauss. The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. The Preachers then gave brief oral reports of the work and their respective fields as well as of the tabernacle work which were very interesting and encouraging. All of them expressed good courage and the work in general is flourishing and progressing. The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder J. E. Fidler. 

Third Meeting 

Tuesday, February 7, 1893 – Morning 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Delegate Isaac Artz. Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.

1. The Committee to Examine Quarterly Conference Proceedings brought its report as follows: All except two were found unacceptable. Also, three candidates for preaching were recommended by the Quarterly Conferences to this Conference as well as a petition and one complaint. 

Committee: A. B. Gehret, George A. Campbell, H. B. Musselman. 

2. Resolved: That the matters of the Ruch’s Class shall be tabled. 

3. The following committees were appointed: 

(1.) Committee to. Examine the Presiding Elder and the Supervising Preachers through the Delegates: A. Strawn, Noah Detwiler, Jahn Knauss. 

(2.) Committee to. Examine the Local Preachers, Evangelists and Assistants through the Delegates: M. D. Haws, A. B. Gehret, J. E. Fidler. 

4. The Committee on The Reading Course brought its report and was accepted as follows:

First YearBibleLessons on
Lucy Musselman91%92%80%91%88.5%
Robert Driesbach81%65%96%86%82%
Second YearBibleReformed PastorPhilosophyTheologyAve.
George Kline38%40%0%15%23%
Third YearBibleNelson on
H.B. Musselman81%95%100%97%93%

Committee: M. A. Zyner, William B. Musselman, A. B. Gehret. 

5. The following applicants for the ministry expressed themselves in regard to their calling and were examined according to our Church Discipline and Principle and passed: Wilson Steinmetz, C. H. Brunner, Jonas Knerr, A. M. Clauser. 

6. Whereas Elder H. B. Musselman has served his time as a probationer to the satisfaction of the Conference, therefore 

Resolved: That the Presiding Elder shall ordain him according to our Church Discipline at the first appropriate opportunity. 

The meeting was closed with singing and prayer led by Delegate William Yeakel. 

Fourth Meeting 

Tuesday, February 7, 1893 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Elder William B. Musselman. Then the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

1. The Committee to Examine the Presiding Elder and the Travelling Preachers handed in its report which was accepted as follows: We found that they all, except five, neglected their duties more or less. Committee: A. Strawn, N. Detwiler, John Knauss. The ones found guilty admitted their faults and were all excused having promised to do better in the future. 

2. The Committee to Examine Local Preacher and Evangelists reported that everything was found in order. Committee: M. D. Haws, A. B. Gehret, J. E. Fidler. 

3. Whereas, William K. Ellinger, George Kline and Aaron Rhoads have handed in their resignation as preachers and members of this society, therefore, Resolved: That we accept them. 

4. A letter addressed to this Conference was read from Elder E. A. Anthony, Brown City, Michigan, which contained transfer certificates for Jacob and Amanda Stauffer. They were formerly members in his district but have now moved to Pennsylvania. The transfer certificates shall be delivered to the Supervising Preacher of the Loop and Fairmount Circuit. 

5. Resolved: That the Finance Committee shall prepare instructions on how the oral reports of the Supervising Preachers shall be given. Two hundred shall be printed in the English language and one hundred in the German language. 

6. The Preachers who are willing to submit themselves unconditionally to the Conference are the following: William B. Musselman, A. B. Gehret, M. D. Haws, Robert Dreisbach, C. H. Brunner, O. S. Hillegass, H. B. Musselman, Alfred Clauser, Jonas Knerr, J. E. Fidler, J. A. Moyer, W. C. Betz, Wilson Steinmetz, Lucy Musselman. On Condition: M. A. Zyner, John Knauss, Noah Detwiler, William Gehman, Owen Bitting, Jacob H. Moyer, A. Strawn, George A. Campbell. 

7. William B. Musselman was again elected Presiding Elder and William Gehman as Vice Presiding Elder.

8. Since a complaint was brought to this conference by the Quarterly Conference against the Ruch’s Class, a committee was elected, consisting of all Preachers and Delegates, to examine the same. The meeting closed with singing and benediction. 

Fifth Meeting 

Wednesday, February 8, 1893 – Morning 

The meeting opened with singing and prayer led by Elder M. D. Haws. The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

1. A Standing Committee to Examine the Presiding Elder was elected consisting of M. D. Haws, O. S. Hillegass, A. B. Gehret. 

2. The Committee to Examine the Ruch’s Class brought its report which was accepted as follows: 

Resolved: That we will act according to our Church Discipline and if they ask forgiveness during this Conference session for their behavior during the past year and are willing to submit it themselves to the Conference, they shall be dealt with in a gracious way. 

3. Since the Allentown Quarterly Conference made a request to this Conference concerning the support of C. H. Brunner for his work at Erwinna and Bridgeton, this matter was turned over to the Finance Committee. 

4. A committee was elected consisting of the Deacons, Milton Kauffman, William Yeakel and H. G. Musselman, to receive the money collected annually on Thanksgiving Day for the poor and to payout as the need arises. The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder J. A. Moyer. 

Sixth Meeting

Wednesday, February 8, 1893 – Afternoon 

This meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Delegate J. D. Kindig. The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. The following resolutions were then passed: 

1. That the Stationing Committee shall consist of the Presiding Elder and all the delegates. 

2. That the above Committee may decide upon the use of the Home Missions money. 

3. That the money in the Heathen Mission fund shall be sent by the Elders M. A. Zyner and William B. Musselman to the treasurer of the International Missionary Alliance for African mission work. 

4. That we shall hold a camp meeting on the old camp meeting site, Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County. 

a. The Presiding Elder shall set the time as well as be in charge of the same. 

b. The woods shall be free during camp meeting time so that everyone who is willing to submit to the rules of the Presiding Elder and the Camp Meeting Committee can freely drive in with his carriage. 

c. The Committee shall see to it that next to the woods preparations shall be made so that horses can be taken care of at a reasonable price. The committee shall also prepare for excursion tickets to the camp meeting from all our circuits. 

5. That the sleeping tents which will be erected on the grounds shall not be meant for those persons who board with the members and pay for it, but are only for- visitors. 

6. That the Camp Meeting Committee shall consist of the Brethren Roger Laudenslager, Thomas Geho, David M. Taylor, H. G. Musselman and H. S. Gabel. 

7. Whereas the Brethren Milton Kauffman, Harvey Hottel and Thomas Hockman have decided to make tents, therefore 

Resolved: That we shall receive our tents from them. Whoever wants to rent tents shall make it known to the Supervising Preacher at least two weeks before camp meeting time and he in turn shall notify the Committee. 

8. That the Presiding Elder be permitted to hold other camp meetings during the coming year as he considers them beneficial. 

9. That we again desire to have tabernacle meetings during the coming year. 

10. That the Committee in Charge of The Tabernacle shall consist of Noah Detwiler, H. K. Landis and Thomas Hockman. 

11. That William Yeakel, Milton Kauffman and A. Strawn shall serve as a committee in seeking to free Elder William Gehman from the Reading Church matters.

This committee reported that the Conference shall recall the mortgage it had given to Elder William Gehman and shall give it to Brother Joel Brunner. The Conference shall also give him an assurance for the interest. Accepted. 

12. That M. A. Zyner, William Gehman and William B. Musselman shall serve as a committee to take in hand the matter of the Reading Church and to deal with it according to their best discernment. 

Elder William Weidner, of the Evangelical Association, was received as an advisory member. 

13. That the following books of the Bible shall be introduced to the Reading Course for the coming year: 

First year- Epistle of James

Second year- 1 Epistle of Peter 

Third year- 1 Corinthians. 

14. That A. B. Gehret, William B. Musselman and M. A. Zyner shall serve again as Committee in Charge of the Reading Course. The Committee shall examine Fisher’s Church History and shall introduce it if they consider it good. 

15. That all candidates for the ministry shall be examined in regards to our Doctrine of Faith and Church Discipline at the same time that our probationers are examined in the Reading Course. 

16. That the whole Conference shall form a committee in order to see whether the person who wrote the slandering letter to Elder William Gehman before last Annual Conference has become known. The above committee reported that the sender of the letter has not become known and chose therefore a committee consisting of William B. Musselman, M. A. Zyner, A. Strawn, A. B. Gehret and George A. Campbell to examine this matter and, if at all possible, to discover the slanderer and judge him according to our Church Discipline. 

17. That we shall advise our Sunday Schools to obtain their Sunday School literature from our printing establishment. 

18. Whereas the Ruch’s Class, consisting of five members, did not accept the conditions of the Examining Committee, therefore 

Resolved: That they (except for Sister Stein), henceforth, will not be regarded as members of our society. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Jacob H. Moyer. 

Seventh Meeting 

Thursday, February 9, 1893 – Morning 

The meeting opened with singing and prayer led by Elder O. S. Hillegass. The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

1. The Stationing and Boundary Committee handed in its report and was accepted as follows: 

1. Quakertown and Hatfield- M. A. Zyner 

2. Coopersburg, Springtown and Emaus- J. E. Fidler, Lucy Musselman, helper 

3. Erwinna and Bridgeton Mission- C. H. Brunner 

4. Bethlehem and Plainfield- A. B. Gehret 

5. Stemton Mission- Wilson Steinmetz 

6. Allentown- Eighth and Gordon Streets- O. S. Hillegass 

First Ward and Catasauqua- A. M. Clauser 

7. Upper Milford, Hereford, and Graterford- William Gehman, Robert Dreisbach, helper 

8. Reading Station- George A. Campbell 

9. Terre Hill, Remps and Sandy Hill- M. D. Haws 

10. Spring City and Royersford- H. B. Musselman, Jonas Knerr, helper 

11. Loop and Fairmount- W. C. Betz 

12. Shellhamer Church- to be supplied 

13. Tabernacle work- Noah Detwiler, Wilson Steinmetz, helper. 

Local Preachers: John Knauss, A. Strawn, Owen Bitting, Joel Rosenberger. 

Evangelists: Samuel McDonald, J. A. Moyer, J. H. Moyer. 

Committee: William B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, William Yeakel, J. D. Kindig, Isaac Artz, Adam Wessner, L. F. Haldeman, Milton Kauffman, Jacob Mann, Tilghman Schmoyer. 

2. Resolved: That once a year at every preaching location a sermon shall be preached on marriage, temperance and Harvest Home. At the latter occasion the necessity for Foreign Missions shall be presented to the congregation and a collection received for its support. We also recommend that at every preaching location a worship service shall be held on Thanksgiving Day, and a collection be received for the poor.

3. The matter about gold and golden necklaces was discussed. 

4. Resolved: That this Conference will not send any fraternal delegates to other Annual Conferences. Then the Elders M. D. Haws and Isaac Artz were excused according to their requests. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder John Knauss. 

Eighth Meeting

Thursday, February 9, 1893 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Elder J. A. Moyer. Then the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

1. The Finance Committee for Home Mission brought its report which was accepted, except for the wages for the tabernacle worker Noah Detwiler which should be $35.00 per month instead of $24.55. 

2. Resolved: That the Local Preachers shall receive their railroad expenses to and from the tabernacle meetings from the Home Mission Treasurer at the next Annual Conference. 

3. C.H. Brunner was again elected as Secretary and Milton Kauffman as Treasurer for the coming year. 

4. A collection in the amount of $3.07 was received for the costs and work of the Secretary. 

5. Whereas Elder Moses Weber from the Canada Conference worked among us this past year with good success, therefore Resolved: That we would like to express our thanks to him and wish him God’s richest blessing for his concern and work. 

6. The following resolutions were passed: -That – the next Annual Conference shall be held at Terre Hill, Lancaster County, beginning the first Friday in February, 1894. The previous Wednesday the Probationers shall be examined in the Reading Course.

-That we shall make a request to the next General Conference to include into our Church Discipline the resolution of the last General Conference which reads: “That no elder of our church is permitted to be a member of any company which has only financial gain as its purpose.” 

Report of the Heathen Mission Receipts: 

Quakertown Circuit $15.25
Coopersburg Circuit 52.85
Bethlehem Circuit 15.58
Allentown Circuit 17.62
Upper Milford Circuit 28.28
Reading Mission 5.65
Terre Hill Circuit 7.57
Royersford Circuit 3.10
Total $145.90

Report of the Tabernacle Work: 

Receipts from the Tabernacle meetings $206.80 
Evangelistic Work 28.85 
From Home Mission Treasury 197.03 
Total  $432.69
Expenses at Tabernacle Meetings $209.51 
Rent Expenses 30.00 
Balance  $197.17

Report of the Treasurer of the Money for the Poor

Quakertown Circuit $11.18 
Coopersburg Circuit23.77 
Bethlehem Circuit 8.29 
Allentown Circuit 15.21 
Upper Milford Circuit 22.97 
Reading Mission 4.00 
Terre Hill Circuit 5.17 
Royersford Circuit10.77 
Total Expenditures:  $101.36
Brother and Sister Steiner (Bangor) $25.71 
Sister Dyer (Reading) 31.00 
Sister Beller (Emaus) 2.17 
Brother Daniel Fritz (Terre Hill) 5.1764.05
Balance in Treasury  $37.31

William Yeakel, Treasurer. 

Report of the Home Mission Finance Committee: 

Quakertown Circuit $43.15 
Coopersburg Circuit 191.19 
Bethlehem Circuit 82.17 
Allentown Circuit 94.55 
Upper Milford Circuit 84.21 
Reading Mission 10.61 
Terre Hill Circuit36.16 
Royersford Circuit 42.58 
Western Pennsylvania 4.50 
Total  $589.12
Elder Noah Detwiler, Rent Last Year $30.00 
Elder Noah Detwiler, Moving 12.00 
C. H. Brunner, Erwinna Mission 38.39 
J. A. Moyer, Reading Mission 40.00120.39
Balance In Treasury  $469.03

Budget for the Coming Year: 

Noah Detwiler, $35.00 per month while he holds the tabernacle meetings, out of which he shall pay his personal expenses such as travel money, etc. The remainder of the receipts above (added by R. Albright), after the expenditures connected with the tabernacle meetings, shall be given to the Home Mission Treasurer. 

Erwinna Mission, per quarter- $20.00 

Stemton Mission, per quarter- $29.00 

The helper in the tabernacle work shall receive a special collection every week whenever he works. 

This year the Presiding Elder can use the remainder in the Home Mission Treasury if he deems it necessary and has the permission of the Committee. 

Statistical Report: 

Presiding Elder 1
Ordained Preachers 15
Probationer 3
Probationers to Be Ordained 1
Candidates for the Ministry 4
Candidates for Quarterly License 2
Deacons 7
Deacons on Probation 5
Stewards 27
Converts 175
Baptized 140
Received into Church Fellowship 128
Received in by Transfer 15
Withdrawn 19
Expelled 35
Moved Away 8
Transferred 25
Increase 67
Total Membership 648
Appointments 25
New Appointments 3
Sermons Preached 2370
Families Visited 3949
Prayer Meetings Visited 497
Sunday Schools Visited 295
New Classes 5
Class Leaders 31
Sunday Schools 14
New Sunday Schools 1
Officers and Teachers 182
Pupils 1009
Average Attendance 685
Union Sunday Schools 2
Subscribers to Banner and Panier 66
Parsonages 1
Value of Church Property $35,433.00
Increase in Church Property 3,029.45
Collected for Church Property 2,551.74
Collected for Sunday Schools469.75
Collected for Preachers in Cash 2,039.42
Collected for Preachers in Kind 429.16
Collected for Assistants 236.93
Collected for Home Mission 589.42
Collected for Heathen Mission 145.91
Collected for Repair of Church Property/sexton 171.05
Collected for Other Expenses 1,085.27
Collected for Presiding Elder 558.45
Collected for Tabernacle Work 241.85
Collected for Evangelistic Work 132.80
Collected for the Poor 85.31
Collected for Camp Meeting 514.11
Collected for Delegates to General Conference 86.50
Collected in Total $9,337.66

Resolved: That as a Conference we express our heartfelt thanks to the sisters, brothers and friends in Coopersburg for their love and hospitality which they extended to us during this Conference session. We wish them God’s richest blessing. 

Finally, we can say as a Conference that the blessing of God rested on this Conference. Love and unity were evident during the whole session, and the Holy Spirit strongly revealed Himself during the evening services. 

W.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder 

C.H. Brunner, Secretary

Milton Kauffman, Treasurer   

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