1894 Annual Conference Minutes


February, 1894 

Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania was held in Terre Hill, Lancaster County, beginning Friday, February 2, 1894. 

First Meeting 

Friday, February 2, 1894 – Morning 

This meeting was opened at 8 o’clock by the Presiding Elder William B. Musselman as Chairman with an address, singing and prayer for the leading of God during this Conference session. 

Ordained Preachers Present: William B. Musselman, A.B. Gehret, H. B. Musselman, M. A Zyner, William Gehman, O. S. Hillegass, George A. Campbell, M. D. Haws, J. E. Fidler. Absent: Joel Rosenberger, J. A. Moyer, O. Bitting, Samuel McDonald, John Knauss, A. Strawn. 

Probationers: R. D. Dreisbach, W. C. Betz, A. M. Clauser, C. H. Brunner, Jonas Knerr, Wilson Steinmetz, Lucy Musselman. 

Delegates: David M. Taylor, George E. Teel, William Yeakel, Milton Kauffman, Thomas F. Rutman, Robert Bergstresser, Edgar Shick, C. J. Shelly, Adam Wessner, P. Y. Foltz. 

The minutes of the last Annual Conference were read and accepted. 

1. RESOLVED: That the secretary shall appoint an assistant secretary. He named Elder J. E. Fidler. Elder C. K. Fehr of the Evangelical Association and Elder Lewis Taylor from Steinsburg, as well as all probationers of our denomination, were accepted as advisory members of this Conference. 

2. RESOLVED: That the morning meetings shall open at 8:00 a.m. and close at 11:20 a.m. The afternoon meetings shall start at 1:00 p.m. and close at 5:00 p.m.

Then the following committees were appointed by the Chairman. 

Committee on Worship Service: M. D. Haws, P. Y. Foltz, Eli Martin. 

Finance Committee: George A. Campbell, Milton Kauffman, A. B. Gehret. 

Committee on Correspondence: George A. Campbell, William Gehman, William Yeakel. 

Committee to Examine the Quarterly Conference Proceedings: M. A. Zyner, Wilson Steinmetz, H. B. Musselman. 

Committee to Examine Traveling Elders and Presiding Elder:60 

First Committee: M.D. Haws, George A Campbell, A. B. Gehret. 

Second Committee: William Gehman, M. A. Zyner, O. S. Hillegass. 

Committee to Examine Local Preachers, Evangelists and Helpers: William Gehman, M. D. Haws, J. E. Fidler. 

The supervising preachers then gave their oral reports which were very interesting and encouraging. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Brother James L. Boyer. 

Second Meeting 

Friday, February 2, 1894 – Afternoon 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Elder William Gehman. 

Then the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

Since Brother James Boyer from Lehighton is a candidate for the ministry and, because of personal circumstances, cannot continue to be present, he gave an explanation of his calling and was examined by the Committee for Local Preachers. 

Elder Jacob Zern of the Evangelical Association was then accepted as an advisory member of this Conference. 

The committee for the discovery of the writer of the letter to Elder William Gehman reported that the guilty one was found to be J. D. Fackenthal who then had a hearing and was expelled. He cannot become a member again except he repent and confess before the Quarterly Conference. 

Committee: W. B. Musselman, A. B. Gehret, M. A. Zyner, A. Strawn, George A. Campbell 

Presiding Elder William B. Musselman, who had been appointed by the last Annual Conference to collect our printing company debt, gave the reason why he did not collect it. His manner of action was approved by the Conference. 

Letters from the following people were read to the Conference after the correspondence committee requested it: Noah Detwiler, Abel Strawn, Samuel McDonald, Ella Bean, Abbie Mountain. 

The following candidates from the ministry expressed the nature of their call: Sylvester Knerr, Isaac W. Artz, E. S. Peissert, Lewis Taylor. 

Committee for examination of these candidates: William Gehman, O. S. Hillegass, M. S. Zyner.

The Committee to Examine Candidates for the Ministry, in church discipline and the probationers in the Reading Course reported the following: Candidates examined on church discipline: 

James L. Boyer 93% 

Edgar S. Reissert 67% 

Sylvester Knerr 60 % 

Isaac W. Artz 53 % 

Lewis Taylor 50% 

Probationers examined in the Reading Course: 

First Year:Bible (James)Lessons in
Lessons in
W. Steinmetz77%83%77%60%75%
W.C. Betz96%97%94%34%80%
C.H. Brunner94%87%100%93%94%
A.M. Clauser84%87%60%60%73%
J.B. Knerr72%65%50%45%58%
Second Year:Bible
(1 Peter)
PhilosophyTheologyReformed PastorChurch HistoryAverage
R.D. Dreisbach85%88%92%82%50%79%
Lucy Musselman92%80%71%98%13%71%

If a candidate makes less than 33 1/3 % in anyone book of the Reading Course, he has to repeat that course in the following year. 

The meeting closed with singing and benediction. 

Third Meeting 61 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Brother Jonas B. Knerr. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. 

The following committees submitted their reports: 

Whereas, Elder Noah Detwiler from the Canadian Conference came to Pennsylvania several years ago and joined with this Conference and has worked among us with great sincerity and success with much self-denial, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That we as a Conference express herewith our sincere thanks for his untiring and unending labors in the tabernacle work and wish him G od’s richest blessing in the future, and whereas, He requests a dismissal certificate, therefore 

RESOLVED: That we will send him one. 

Committee: A. B; Gehret, Milton Kauffman, George A. Campbell 

The Committee to Examine Candidates for the Ministry reported that all of them passed and were received. 

Committee: William Gehman, M. S. Zyner, O. S. Hillegass 

Whereas, Elder J. A. Moyer sent his resignation, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That we accept it. 

The Committee to Examine Traveling Preachers and Presiding Elder reported that all of them were found right and were approved. 

Since the Local Preachers (to be examined by) the above committee were not present, we elected the following two committees: 

First Committee: M. D. Haws, G. A. Campbell, A. B. Gehret. 

Second Committee: William Gehman, O. S. Hillegass, M. A. Zyner. 

The Committee to Examine the Quarterly Conference Proceedings reported that all of them, except for the ones from Allentown and Lehighton, were found imperfect. Committee: M. A. Zyner, H. B. Musselman, Wilson Steinmetz 

The following committee was appointed for the examination of the complaint which was found in the Terre Hill Quarterly Conference proceedings: William Yeakel, Wilson Steinmetz, George A. Campbell, O. S. Hillegass, M. A. Zyner (Not to be published). 62

The above committee reported the following: 

Since there existed a dissatisfaction between Brother Frank Michael and Elder A. Strawn, it was examined and found That Brother Strawn sent a message, through Elder William Gehman, that he does not personally have anything against Brother Michael and, if he failed in anything, he asks for forgiveness. After this message Brother Michael declared something similar toward Brother Strawn and asked that Brother Strawn should write him and that he will answer, and that all shall be right between them. 

RESOLVED: That when a delegate is not present at the proper time, except for sickness, the Conference shall no longer acknowledge him as a delegate. 

RESOLVED: That the classes shall elect no preacher to serve in an office. 

RESOLVED: That such officers, who do not attend the Quarterly Conference or send in a report with a satisfactory excuse, shall be accountable to the next Quarterly Conference, (and further 

RESOLVED: That) if they are absent for the second time without sending a report and satisfactory excuse, they shall be removed from office. 

Then Elder William B. Musselman was again elected as Presiding Elder and Elder J. E. Fidler as Vice Presiding Elder. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by Elder W. B. Musselman. 

Fourth Meeting 

This meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by Brother William Yeakel. 

The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

The Standing committee over the Presiding Elder for the coming year was elected as follows: M. D. Haws, O. S. Hillegass, A. B. Gehret. 

RESOLVED: That the stationing, Boundary and Appropriating committee shall consist of the Presiding Elder and all delegates. 

The following committee over the treasury for the poor was then elected from among the Deacons: Milton Kauffman, H. G. Musselman, William Yeakel. 

RESOLVED: That the money in the Heathen Mission treasury shall be sent to the “International Missionary Alliance” through Elder C. H. Brunner. 

RESOLVED: That every Supervising preacher shall see to it that the superintendent of every Sunday school Shall designate a Missions Day where the necessity of the support of Heathen Missions shall be presented to the Sunday School and a collection shall be received. 

The existing committee over the Reading Course was re-elected for this year: M. A. Zyner, W. B. Musselman, A. B. Gehret, Committee. 

The following books of the Bible shall be introduced into the Reading Course for the following year: 

Third year — Romans 

Second year – 1 Timothy 

First year — Titus 

RESOLVED: That a Camp Meeting shall be held on the old campground, Chestnut Hill, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, under the same agreements as last year. 

The following committee was then elected for the camp meeting: Jacob Backenstoe, D. B. Mohr, H. G. Musselman, J. G. Musselman, H. S. Gabel. 

RESOLVED: That the above committee shall rent the tents for the Camp Meeting from the Brethren Harvey Hottel, Milton Kauffman and Tho mas Hockman for $2.50 for seven days or $3.00 for ten days, put up and taken down, without floor. 

The following committee was elected to be in charge of the tabernacles: Jacob Zimmerman, Thomas Hockman, and the tabernacle workers. 

RESOLVED: That the stewards shall pay the rent for their preachers, and what they collect above that, the preacher shall report as wages and report the rent separately. RESOLVED: That we advise our stewards to make their collections monthly. 

The committee over the Reading Church property reported that they were not able to sell or to exchange (the property). Therefore it remains as before. 

RESOLVED: That the Presiding Elder shall deal throughout this year with the Printing Company debt as he thinks it best. 

RESOLVED: That when a member in good standing of a class moves to another class, his name shall be transferred soon thereafter. 

RESOLVED: That every Supervising Preacher shall, during his first year, preach a sermon about marriage at every preaching station in his district. Also every year at every preaching station (he shall preach) a sermon about temperance. Also (he shall conduct) a Harvest Home Meeting, at which occasion he shall receive a collection for the support of the Heathen Missions. Also, he shall see to it that at every preaching location a meeting shall be held on Thanksgiving Day and a collection received for the treasury for the poor. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer led by A. M. Clauser. 

Fifth Meeting 

The meeting was opened with singing and prayer led by W. B. Musselman.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted. 

Whereas, we as a Conference believe that the coming of the Lord is rapidly approaching, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That we advise our preachers to make mention of this more often. Whereas the Reading Church debt is a burden on the Reading Class, therefore, 

RESOLVED: That the Annual Conference will take the responsibility for $1200.00 under the condition that the Reading class takes upon itself the remainder with interest, and, further, 

RESOLVED: That every Supervising Preacher shall try to collect as many dollars in his district as he has members, and if possible more, and to present them over at the next Annual Conference. Collected for interest throughout the last year — $30.00. W. B. Musselman, George A. Campbell, M. A. Zyner, Committee Then C. H. Brunner was again elected Secretary and Milton Kauffman, Treasurer. 

RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference shall be held in Reading beginning the first Friday in February, 1895. 

Then a collection was received for the costs and work of the secretary which amounted to $3.47. 

Report of the Stationing Committee: 

1. Quakertown and Hatfield Circuit — M. A. Zyner 

2. Coopersburg and Springtown Circuit — J. B. Knerr, Lucy Musselman, helper 

3. Erwinna, Bridgeton and Lambertville Mission — R. D. Dreisbach 

4. Bethlehem and Plainfield Circuit — A. B. Gehret, John Knauss, helper 

5. Lower Siegfried and Walnutport Mission — Wilson Steinmetz, James L. Boyer, helper 

6. Lehighton, Weissport and Pleasant Corner Mission — H. B. Musselman 

7. Upper Milford, Hereford and Emaus Circuit — L. B. Taylor, A.B. Clauser, helper 

8. Reading Station — George A. Campbell 

9. Terre Hill and Remps Circuit — M. D. Haws 

10. Royersford and Graterford Circuit — C. H. Brunner 

11. Spring City and Norristown Mission – J. E. Fidler, Sylvester Knerr, helper 

12. Allentown and Catasauqua Circuit — O. S. Hillegass 

13. Loop and Fairmount Circuit — W. C. Betz 

14. Shellhamer and Fairmount Circuit — to be supplied Tabernacle work — to be supplied 

Local Preachers: A. Strawn, Joel Rosenberger, Owen Bitting.

Evangelists: E. S. Peissert. Samuel McDonald, Isaac Artz. 

Since Elder William Gehman has so many requests for preaching and because of this sincerely desires to be free to meet these requests, therefore we gave him permission for this year and wish him God’s blessing. 

Report of the Appropriating Committee: 

Erwinna and Bridgeton Mission $30.00 per quarter 

Lower Siegfried and Walnutport Mission 40.00 per quarter 

Weissport Mission 37.50 per quarter 

Spring City and Norristown Mission 10.00 per quarter 

(The Standing Finance Committee examined the circumstances of the Mission after the Conference and permitted $20.00 instead of $10.00). 

The Presiding Elder shall have permission throughout the year to use the remaining money in the Home Missions treasury as he sees fit and with consent of the Brethren William Yeakel, Milton Kauffman, and C. J. Shelly, and Home Missions Committee. 

W. B. Musselman, Chairman, William Yeakel, Adam Wessner, Thomas Rutman, Edgar Shick , George E. Teel, C. J. Shelly, Robert Bergstresser, P. Y. Foltz, David Taylor, Committee. 

RESOLVED : That the Vice Presiding Elder shall carry out the office of the Presiding Elder in Western Pennsylvania as he sees fit. 

Financial Report: 

CircuitsHome MissionForeign MissionForeign Mission
Sunday School
Coopersburg   199.5681.5829.4220.34
Erwinna Mission   7.957.032.313.81
Bethlehem   40.9519.893.9818.24
Lower Siegfried Mission  18.502.22.872.08
Allentown   99.8836.8313.3445.59
Upper Milford   113.5117.8017.2424.63
Reading Station   11.102.734.005.54
Terre Hill   17.6016.82 18.08
Royersford   38.013.407.6531.24
Western Pennsylvania   2.504.75  
Norristown and Lehighton   22.46  2.47
Balance in Treasury   32.85   
Collected at Camp Meeting   23.68   
Balance from Tabernacle Work   9.29   
TOTAL $657.54$204.43$83.88$187.78

Paid out from Home Mission Treasury throughout the past year: 

Erwinna Mission$80.00 
Lower Siegfried Mission116.00 
Tabernacle Workers’ Salary175.00 
Tabernacle Workers’ Expenses24.06 
Tent furnishing, improvements, etc.41.12 

Milton Kauffman, Treasurer 

Tabernacle Meeting Report from Elder N. Detwiler: 

Collected through tent meetings $197.32
Collected at Camp Meetings 23.68
TOTAL $221.00

Tabernacle Meeting Report from Elder C. H. Brunner: 

ColIected at tent meetings91.36

Report of the Treasurer of the Treasury for the Poor: 

Balance from last year $37.31
TOTAL $225.09

William Yeakel, Treasurer 

Statistical Report: 

Presiding Elders 1
Ordained Preachers 13
Probationers 7
Probationers for Ordination0
Candidates for the Ministry 3
Quarterly Conference Workers 6
Deacons 7
Deacons on Probation 5
Stewards 31
Converted 197
Baptized 167
Received into Membership 114
Received by Transfer 10
Died 6
Withdrawn 31
Expelled 15
Moved 10
Transferred 18
Increase 66
Total Membership 683
Appointments 26
New Appointments 3
Sermons Preached 2694
Families Visited 3515
Prayer Meetings Visited 429
Sunday Schools Visited 366
Classes 33
New Classes 3
Class Leaders 32
Sunday Schools 15
New Sunday Schools 2
Officers and Teachers 218
Scholars 1200
Average Attendance 749
Subscribers to Banner and Panier 286
New Subscribers to Banner and Panier 32
Parsonages 1
Value of Church Property $36,944.00
Increase in Value of Church Property 282.00
Collected for Church Property 434.56
Collected for Sunday Schools651.52
Collected in Sunday for Foreign Missions83.88
Collected for Preachers in Cash 1967.55
Collected for Preachers in Kind 311.86
Collected for Helpers 339.28
Collected for Home Missions591.72
Collected for Foreign Missions 204.43
Collected for Repairs of Church Property 192.96
Collected for Other Expenses 807.04
Collected for the Presiding Elder 423.65
Collected for Tabernacle Work 312.36
Collected for Evangelistic Work 78.33
Collected for the Poor 187.78
Collected for Camp Meeting 705.51

RESOLVED: That we as a Conference express our heartfelt thanks to all our sisters and brothers and friends in Terre Hill for their loving generosity and hospitality which they demonstrated during this Conference session. We wish them God’s richest blessing. 

Finally we can say the blessing of God rested on this Conference. Love and unity were evident during the whole session, and the Holy Spirit revealed Himself and was evident and could be sensed in the evening worship services which were well attended. 

W. B. Musselman, Presiding 

Elder C. H. Brunner, Secretary 

Milton Kauffman, Treasurer  

60 No explanation for having two committees is offered at this point in the German minutes. In the record of the Proceedings in the February 27, 1894, issue of the Gospel Banner a parenthetical note states, “On account of the local ministers not being present two committees had to be chosen.” 

61 There is no way from the German minutes or the Gospel Banner report to ascertain the dates and times of the rest of the meetings of this session. 

62 The passage of many years has made this prohibition unneccessary.

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