1895 Annual Conference Minutes


February 19, 1895 

The twelfth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the Pennsylvania district convened in Faith Chapel, Reading, February, 1895. 

First Meeting 

The first meeting was opened by reading Psalm 133 by the Presiding Elder, W. B. Musselman, followed by a half hour of prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the blessing of God upon the Conference.

Ordained Ministers Present: W. B. Musselman, M. A. Zyner, A. B. Gehret, H. B. Musselman, O. S. Hillegass, George A. Campbell, William Gehman, M. D. Haws, J. E. Fidler, John Knauss, A. Strawn. 

Ordained Ministers Absent: Joel Rosenberger, Samuel McDonald, O. Bitting. 

Probationers: R. D. Dreisbach, C. H. Brunner, W. C. Betz, A. M. Clauser, J. B. Knerr, Wilson Steinmetz, Lucy Musselman, James L. Boyer, S. B. Knerr, Isaac Artz, L. B. Taylor. 

Delegates: J. D. Kindig, H. G. Musselman, Readen Tettermer, James Kichline, John Weiss, W.H. Brown, C. J. Shelly, Tilghman Schmoyer, Adam Wessner, Lewis Wieand, Isaiah Smail, H. S. Wade, P. Y. Foltz. 

The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and received. 

RESOLVED: That the forenoon meeting open at 8:00 o’clock and close at 11:30. The afternoon meeting to open at 1:00 o’clock and close at 5:00. 

RESOLVED: That the following rules be adopted: Conference shall vote by raising the right hand. Speakers shall open their discussions by addressing the chair, and shall not be a 110 w ed more than five minutes. No one shall speak the second time except by permission of the chair. If two or more want the floor at the same time the chairman shall decide. The chairman is to keep order. “Parliamentary Practice,” by Rev. Neely, D. D., is accepted by this conference. 

The secretary appointed James L. Boyer as assistant secretary. 

RESOLVED: That all our probationers and Quarterly Conference Workers be received as advisory members. Also, Rev. U. Gambler of the United Brethren Church. Elder Daniel Hygema of the Western Conference, Rev. William Wieand of the Evangelical Association, Rev. Hess of the Covenant M. E. Church. 

The following committees were appointed by the chair: 

Auditing Committee: J. E. Fidler, R. D. Dreisbach. 

Finance Committee: L. B. Taylor, H. B. Musselman, J. D. Kindig. 

Committee on Communications: G. A. Campbell, P. Y. Foltz, William Gehman. 

Committee on Worship: George A. Campbell, O. S. Hillegass, C. H. Brunner. 

Committee on Quarterly Conference Minutes: M. A. Zyner, A. B. Gehret, Isaiah Small.

Committee to Examine Traveling Elders and Candidates: A. Strawn, John Knauss, William Gehman. 

Committee to Examine Evangelists and Local Preachers: M. D. Haws, J. G. Musselman, W. Steinmetz. 

Committee on Statistics: George A. Campbell, R. Tettermer, S. B. Knerr. 

The Pastors and Evangelists gave their oral reports. The work over the whole district is very flourishing. The standard of justification, sanctification, and divine healing is lifted up all around, and God is calling out and preparing a bride, and adorning her for His coming. 

Adjourned by singing and prayer, by O. S. Hillegass. 

Second Meeting 

Opened by singing and prayer, by R. D. Dreisbach. 

The proceedings of the previous meeting were read and received 

The following committees handed in their reports: 

Committee on Statistics reported everything correct. Received. 

Committee to Examine Traveling Elders reported as follows: They were all passed except Wilson Steinmetz, M. D. Haws, George A. Campbell. W. C. Betz and M. A. Zyner. Received. 

RESOLVED: That the charges against the above be investigated by a committee consisting of all ministers who are Conference members. 

Committee to Examine Probationers on the Reading Course: 

Applicants for the ministry examined on our church discipline: 

W. K. Ziegler 60% 

Dora B. Rote 52% 

First Year:

Philosophy of the plan of salvationLessons in Holiness
James L. Boyer 65%76%86%
S. B. Knerr 60%64%38%
Isaac Artz    
 Christian TheologyReformed PastorAverage
James L. Boyer 83%76%77-1/2%
S. B. Knerr 44%64%51-1/2%
Isaac Artz    

Second Year:

 (1 Timothy)
Philosophy of the plan of SalvationLessons in HolinessChristian Theology
Wilson Steinmetz 55%78%58%50%
W. C. Betz 87%74%85%75%
C. H. Brunner 80%100% 100%
J. B. Knerr 63%47% 48%
A.M.Clauser 47%44% 51%
 Reformed PastorChurch HistoryAverage
Wilson Steinmetz 61% 60-1/8%
C. H. Brunner 100%54%86-2/3%
J. B. Knerr 34%22%42-3/4%
A.M.Clauser 53% 39%

Third Year :

Philosophy of the plan of SalvationLessons in HolinessChristian Theology
R. D. Dreisbach 67%46% 64%
Lucy Musselman 84%86% 100%
 Church HistoryNelson on InfidelityFletcher’sAverage
R. D. Dreisbach 24%86%65%59%
Lucy Musselman 50%86%88%82%

Committee: W. B. Musselman, A. B. Gehret, M. A. Zyner. Received. 

Brother W. K. Ziegler and Sister Dora B. Rote having been recommended by their several Quarterly Conferences to this Conference then expressed the nature of their call and were referred to the Committee on Traveling Elders. 

Brother R. D. Dreisbach having served his three years probation was likewise referred to the above committee. 

Whereas, Brother Isaac Artz has not studied his reading course during the past year, therefore 

RESOLVED: That he take it up this year. Inasmuch as the examination of probationers has heretofore been connected with some difficulties, therefore 

RESOLVED : That we will have semi-annual examinations, one on the day previous to Sunday School Convention and at the same place, and one on the day previous to the Annual Conference, and that the Church history shall be divided in the three years course. Those who failed their examination on Church history shall be passed this year. RESOLVED: That the average of all studies be 33 1/3% to pass. 

RESOLVED: That those who neglected to study Church history in the past year shall take it up next year. The resignation of E. S. Peissert was then received. 

An Appeal from the Quakertown Quarterly Conference to this Annual Conference concerning the election of trustees, was referred to the committee on charges. 

RESOLVED: That this Conference tender a hearty vote of thanks to the pastor and people of the Bethlehem and Plainfield Circuit for their liberal contributions towards the Reading Church debt, being the only charge that fully complied with the request of the last Annual Conference. Some others have, however, done nobly too. 

RESOLVED: That Elder A. B. Gehret travel through the Pennsylvania Conference this year and make an earnest endeavor to collect money for the Reading Church, his expenses to be paid out of the money collected. A. B. Gehret and William Gehman shall have charge of the money collected. 

The meeting closed with singing and prayer by W. C. Betz. 

Third Meeting 

Opened by singing and prayer by William Gehman. 

The proceeding of the previous meeting were read and approved. 

Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Proceedings reported that all were found correct except five. The committee however recommends better spelling and writing to most of the Quarterly Conference secretaries. 

Committee: A. B. Gehret, M. A. Zyner, I.H. Smail. Received. 

Report of Auditors: We have audited the Quarterly Conference proceedings and found them all correct except five. Camp Meeting accounts were found correct. 

Committee: J. E. Fidler, R. D. Dreisbach. Received. 

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders reported: We have examined Brother W.K. Ziegler and Sister Dora B. Rote as applicants for the ministry, and recommend them as probationers to this conference.  We have likewise examined Brother R.D. Dreisbach who has served his three years of probation, and recommend the conference to ordain him. Committee: William Gehman, J. Knauss, A. Strawn. Received. 

Committee on the Examination of Local Preachers and Evangelists:  reported everything all right.  Committee:  M.D. Haws, H.G. Musselman, W. Steinmetz.  Received.

RESOLVED: That Elder R.D. Dreisbach be ordained in this church next Sunday Afternoon, February 3.

Report on Committee on Charges:

(a) Whereas the Quakertown Quarterly Conference has appealed to this Annual Conference concerning the election of trustees, therefore,

RESOLVED: That this Annual Conference continue to elect the trustees at the last Quarterly Conference of each year as heretofore. 

(b) RESOLVED : That this Annual Conference appeal to the next General Conference to specify the place and time for the election of trustees more definitely.

(c) Whereas the committee recognizes election of the trustees in the Quakertown Class since the last Quarterly Conference as illegal according to our Discipline, therefore RESOLVED: That the next Quarterly Conference shall elect one. 

(d) Certain charges of neglect of certain duties had been brought against Elder W. Steinmetz and others were likewise investigated and brethren acquitted. 

(e) Whereas charges were brought against Elder M. D. Haws concerning his financial standing, therefore this committee having investigated the matter and not finding him a man according to I Timothy 3:4,5, therefore this committee requests the Stationing Committee not to give him a charge for the present. 

(f) Whereas Elder M. A. Zyner was charged before this Annual Conference of disloyalty, untruthfulness and more or less conspiracy, this committee investigated the charges and declares him guilty. Therefore 

RESOLVED: That the committee request the Stationing Committee not to give him a charge for the present. Should he not humble himself, prove true and loyal to the Presiding Elder and Discipline, several measures shall be resorted to. [EDITOR’s NOTE: more details about this can be found in our April 2004 Newsletter]

William Gehman, Chairman, C.H. Brunner, Secretary. Received. 

Rev . Brown of the Evangelical Association and Rev. Lengel of the Holiness Christian Association were then received as advisory members. 

RESOLVED: That th’s Annual Conference appeal to the next General Conference to exchange “Field’s Handbook of Christian Theology” with “Christian Manual” by Rev. T. W. Farr of the New York Missionary Training Institute. 

The following submitted themselves unconditionally to the conference: W. B. Musselman, J. B. Knerr, R. D. Dreisbach, A. B. Gehret, Wilson Steinmetz, H. B. Musselman, O. S. Hillegass, L. B. Taylor, C. H. Brunner, J. E. Fidler, W. C. Betz, James L. Boyer, A. M. Clauser, Dora B. Rote, W. K. Ziegler, Sylvester Knerr, Isaac Artz, Lucy Musselman. 

Conditionally: George A. Campbell, William Gehman, John Knauss, A. Strawn. 

The term of office held by Brother W. Musselman as Presiding Elder for the past year having expired he vacated the chair, and Brother William Gehman was elected as temporary chairman. Brother W. B. Musselman was then re-elected as Presiding Elder for the ensuing year. After the Presiding Elder took the chair again, J. E. Fidler was re-elected as Vice Presiding Elder, C. H. Brunner, secretary, and Milton Kauffman, treasurer. 

A. B. Gehret, O. S. Hillegass, and C. H. Brunner were elected as a Standing Committee over the Presiding Elder for the ensuing year.

Adjourned by singing and prayer, led by W. B. Musselman. 

Fourth Meeting 

This meeting was opened by singing and prayer by A. Strawn after which the proceedings of the last meeting were read and received. 

Rev. W. P. Austin of the Holiness Christian Association was received as an advisory member. 

RESOLVED: That the Auditing Committee shall prepare a form for the financial report in the Quarterly Conference records and write it into each Quarterly Conference minute book. 

RESOLVED: That a committee consisting of William Gehman, A. Strawn, C.J. Shelly, C.H. Brunner, and A.B. Gehret act on the proposed resignation of M. A. Zyner. 

Above committee reported as follows: 

Whereas Elder M. A. Zyner refused to humble himself and comply with the conditions laid down in the resolution concerning the charges brought against him, therefore RESOLVED: That this conference does not recognize him as a member of our Conference or denomination from henceforth. William Gehman, Chairman, C.H. Brunner, secretary, A. Strawn, C.J. Shelly, A.B. Gehret. Received.  [EDITOR’s NOTE: more details about this can be found in our April 2004 Newsletter]

H. G. Musselman, Milton Kauffman, and William Yeakel were then re-elected as a Committee over the Poor Fund. 

RESOLVED: That the money in the Heathen Missionary Treasury amounting to $386.37 be sent to the “International Missionary Alliance” of New York through the conference secretary. At this point, the importance of this work was freely discussed. 

The Presiding Elder gave a touching address concerning the increasing interest in the missionary work manifested in our church . At the close of his address he made the question , “How many of those present are willing to go to the foreign field as missionaries if the Lord calls you, will you rise to your feet? ” Whereupon a dozen or more rose to their feet under a deep impression through the Holy Ghost. Many were moved to tears under the operation of the Spirit. Brother William Gehman, our dear Ex-Presiding Elder, who has founded the work here in Pennsylvania, and has been at the head of it for more than forty years until within the last few years, rose to his feet, after the others sat down, and said, “If I were a young man again and would see the great need of the missionary work as I see it now, I would go myself. I have often wondered, “he said, deeply moved, “Why some of our young men are not called to go as missionaries.” Brother A. Strawn then rose up and made about the same expression. A. B. Gehret, W. B. Musselman, and H. B. Musselman were then appointed as a Committee to Examine the Candidates on the Discipline, and The Probationers on the Reading Course in the ensuing year. The committee is to divide and assign the lessons. 

RESOLVED: That we hold a camp meeting on Chestnut Hill next summer under the same regulations as last year. The appointment of other camp meetings is to be left to the decisions of the Presiding Elder. Last year’s camp meeting committee was then re- appointed as follows: H. G. Musselman, H. S. Gabel, D. B. Mohr, Jacob Backenstoe, J. G. Musselman. 

RESOLVED: That the Stationing, Boundary. and Appropriating Committee consist of the Presiding Elder and all the delegates. 

RESOLVED : That the superintendence of the tabernacle work be committed to the Presiding Elder. 

RESOLVED: That the Appropriating Committee inform themselves concerning the expenses of the Presiding Elder during the past year in connection with the tabernacle work and act upon the same. 

RESOLVED: That the Presiding Elder endeavor to procure clerical orders from the several railroad companies for our traveling elders along their lines. His expenses shall be paid out of the Home Mission Fund. 

A collection was now taken up for expenses and salary of the secretary amounting to $3.82. (Thanks). 

Adjourned by prayer, by Elder W. Austin. 

Fifth Meeting 

This meeting was opened by singing and prayer, by Elder R. D. Dreisbach, after which the proceedings of the last meeting were read and received. 

Whereas the Quarterly Conference of Reading has referred to this Annual Conference the question, “Is it advisable to take our Sunday schools out into the woods and hold religious services with them if too inconvenient to attend camp meeting?” therefore, the question was discussed and it was 

RESOLVED: That it is not advisable. 

Whereas the Lord has led Brother W. W. Dill of Norristown, to build a church at that place and to present it to this denomination, handing the keys over to the Presiding Elder at the dedication, January 1, therefore 

RESOLVED : That this conference tender a hearty vote of thanks to the Lord and the dear brother for his kindness and liberality, and ask the Lord to bestow His richest blessings upon him, and use the church as the birthplace of hundreds of souls. 

RESOLVED : That the salary of the secretary be increased by another collection. This collection swelled the salary up to $6.18. (Many thanks). 

Whereas Sister Lottie Betz of the Fairmount (Westmoreland County) class ha,s received a bequest of $50.00 for the Heathen Mission from Sister Wallace which she forwarded to this Conference, therefore 

RESOLVED: That this Conference thankfully accepts the offering as a token of love for the lost millions, asking God’s blessing upon it. May the blessed Holy Ghost prompt many others in these last evil days to feel for the dear heathen who are daily perishing without Christ, and to do likewise. 

Committee: J. E. Fidler, A. B. Gehret, H. B. Musselman

Report of the Stationing, Boundary, & Appropriating Committee

Coopersburg, Quakertown and Springtown — Wilson Steinmetz, Assistant, Agnes Messinger. 

Erwinna and Bridgeton Mission — R. D. Dreisbach 

Bethlehem Station — O. S. Hillegass 

Plainfield — John Knauss 

Allentown, Emaus and Catasauqua — L. B. Taylor, Assistant, J. B. Knerr 

Walnutport and Lower Siegfried Mission — A. M. Clauser 

Weissport Mission — H. B. Musselman 

Upper Milford and East Hereford — William Gehman 

Reading Station – George A. Campbell 

Terre Hill and Remps — A. B. Gehret 

Royersford and Gratersford — C. H. Brunner, Assistant, Robert Bergstresser 

Spring City Mission — James L. Boyer 

Norristown and Hatfield — S. B. Knerr 

Fairmount, Westmoreland County — J. E. Fidler 

Loop, Blair County — W. K. Ziegler 

Annandale Mission — To be supplied 

Local Preachers: M. D. Haws, Isaac Artz, Samuel McDonald, A. Strawn, O. Bitting, Joel Rosenberger. 

Evangelists: Lucy Musselman, Dora B. Rote, W. C. Betz, J. H. Moyer 


Erwinna Mission $20.00
Walnutport and Lower Siegfried Mission 25.00
Weissport Mission 25.00
Spring City 30.00
W.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder for expenses connected with tabernacle and hall meetings during the past year 50.00

The fares of Elder J. E. Fidler and family and also of W. K. Ziegler to their charges shall be paid out of the Home Mission Fund. We recommend the balance in the treasury be used in tabernacle and hall work during the year according to the direction of the Presiding Elder. 

Committee — W. B. Musselman, chairman, H. G. Musselman, H. S. Wade, Adam Wessner, T. H. Schmoyer, John Weiss, C. J. Shelly, James H. Kichline, W. H. Brown, J. D. Kindig, L. H. Wieand, I.H. Smail, Readen Tettermer, P. Y. Foltz. 

The above report was received with the following changes: Walnutport and Lower Siegfried Mission — Lucy Musselman. A. Strawn, overseer. Appropriation $10.00 per quarter instead of $25.00. 

Plainfield, to be a mission in charge of A. M. Clauser. Appropriation $25.00 per quarter. 

Local Preachers: M. D. Haws, Isaac Artz, Samuel McDonald, John Knauss, O. Bitting, Joel Rosenberger. 

Evangelists: Dora B. Rote, W. C. Betz, J. H. Moyer 

Brother W. B. Musselman thanked the committee for offering him $50.00 toward his expenses in connection with tabernacle and hall meetings during the past year but positively refused to accept it, but as in the past year, necessity sometimes called him to these meetings, cheerfully paying his own expenses, then, on some occasions his quarterly collections were cut short, besides the unpleasant remarks he had to hear, therefore he requests the pastors of the different charges to have patience with him, and explain things, if he cannot accommodate them, and the classes he would like to, and sometimes as has to send a substitute. 

Financial Report 

Report of Home Mission Treasurer 1894. 

Money in treasury Feb. 1894 $657.54 
Appropriation Erwinna Mission  $120.00
” Lower Siegfried ”  160.00
” Spring City”  80.00
” Weissport ”  150.00
Expenses S. Easton hall meeting*  38.60
” Annandale ”  46.27
” Tabernacle ”  74.61
Chair duck  11.99
” Certificates, schedules, etc. ”  4.05
Deficit 27.97 

Milton Kauffman, treasurer 

*Transportation, fares, hall furnishings, rent, etc. No personal expenses. 

Report of Poor Fund treasurer: 1894 

Balance in hand Feb. 1894   $68.75 
Collected at Chestnut Hill C. Meeting   28.51 
Total $97.26
Expenses rent, provisions etc., Sister Steiner   71.59 
 ” Coal, etc., Sister Beller   2.40 
” (Not reported)   15.00 
Total   88.99
Balance Feb. 1st 1895    $8.27
Classes  Reading Church DebtHome MissionForeign MissionForeign Mission in S. SchoolPoor Collection
Coopersburg Springtown
Erwinna  Upper Black Eddy  6.50

Lower Siegfried 
Weissport  18.293.00 5.88
Upper Milford 

Reading  1.585.83  
Terre Hill 
Spring City 

South Easton 
Totals $162.95$578.97$259.34$127.03$79.53
Balance from last year     $8.27
Deficit from last year  $27.98   
Total in Treasury $550.99  $87.80

H. B. Musselman, secretary financial committee. 

A * before an amount means that the collections from both places are taken together. 


Presiding Elders 1
Ordained Ministers 14
Probationers 11
Probationers to be Ordained 1
Applicants for the Ministry 2
Quarterly Licensed Preachers 8
Deacons 8
Deacons on Probation 2
Deacons to be Ordained  
Stewards 33
New Converts 211
Baptized 168
Received into the Church 112
Received by letter of recommendation 29
Members Died 5
Members withdrawn 17
Members Expelled 15
Members Moved Away  
Members Transferred 34
Increase of Members 82
Decrease of Members  
Whole Number of Members 733
Appointments 27
New Appointments 4
Sermons Preached 2006
Pastoral Visits 3274
Prayer Meetings Visited 398
Sunday Schools 401
Number of Classes 35
Number of New Classes 2
Class Leaders 35
Sunday Schools 20
New Sunday Schools 3
Officers and Teachers 238
Scholars 1340
Average Attendance 1027
Union Sunday Schools 1
Subscribers to Banner and Panier 154
New Subscribers to Banner and Panier 20
Parsonages 1
Value of Church Property $40,252.31
Increase of Church Property 3,977.31
Collected for Parsonage Rent 686.95
Collected for Church Property 4,337.84
Collected for Sunday School 656.88
Collected for Foreign and Heathen Mission in S.S. 127.03
Collected for Ministers in Cash 1,644.43
Collected for Ministers in Other Contributions 422.25
Collected for Assistants 212.05
Collected for Home Mission 578.97
Collected for Foreign Mission 259.35
Collected for Repairing Church Property 159.43
Collected for Sexton and Sundry Expenses 963.01
Collected for Presiding Elder468.03
Collected for Tabernacle Work 91.27
Collected for Evangelistic Work 75.84
Collected for the Poor 79.53
Collected for Camp Meetings 259.77

RESOLVED: That Elder J. E. Fidler officiate as assistant Presiding Elder over the western Pennsylvania District. 

RESOLVED: That the next Annual Conference convene in Allentown, on the first Friday in February, 1896. 

RESOLVED: That we tender a hearty vote of thanks to the reporters of the Reading papers for reporting the proceedings of this convention and conference.

The conference and visitors then thanked the class and friends of Reading, by a rising vote, for their kindness and hospitality shown during the whole conference session. May the Lord bless them. The Holy Ghost was present during the whole session. Love and righteousness reigned victoriously. The church was crowded in the evenings, and we trust much good was done. Adjourned by prayer, by A. Strawn. 

W. B. Musselman, Chairman 

C. H. Brunner, Secretary 

63 The minutes of this conference are taken from The Gospel Banner, February 19, 1895, which are in English. The handwritten minutes of this Conference are not available.

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