Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1896 Yearbook
The Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania District convened in Liberty Street Evangelical Church, Allentown, at 8 o’clock, February 7, 1896.
The first session was opened by an earnest address from the chairman, Elder W. B. Musselman, on Rom. xii., 10, followed by a half hour of prayer for the guidance and blessing of the Holy Ghost upon the Conference.
ORDAINED MINISTERS PRESENT.- W. B. Musselman, A. B. Gehret, H. B. Musselman, O. S. Hillegass, Geo. A. Campbell, Wm. Gehman, J. E. Fidler, John Knauss, A. Strawn, R. D. Dreisbach.
ORDAINED MINISTERS ABSENT.- Joel Rosenberger, Samuel McDonald, M. D. Haws, O. Bitting.
PROBATIONERS PRESENT.- C. H. Brunner, W. C. Betz, A. M. Clauser, J. B. Knerr, Wilson Steinmetz, Jas. L. Boyer, L. B. Taylor, W. K. Ziegler, D. B. Rote.
EVANGELISTS PRESENT.- Lucy Musselman, Jacob H. Moyer.
DELEGATES PRESENT.- E Shick, Milton Kaufman, Joseph Preisch,
Thos. Rutman, Robt. Walp, T. Knauss, Menno Gehman, Adam Wessner, P. Y. Foltz, John Rosenberger, John Miller, Theo. Koons, Wm. Glasser, Jacob Crammer.
The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and received.
The Secretary then appointed Jas. L. Boyer as Assistant Secretary and H. B. Musselman as Financial Secretary. R. D. Dreisbach was appointed reporter.
Resolved, That the rules of our last Annual Conference be adopted for this Conference.
Resolved, That the following be admitted as advisory members: Our Home Mission Workers, Evangelists, and local preachers; also C. K. Fehr, of the Ev. Association ; J. M. Hartzell, of the Reformed Church; Wm. Mohr, of the Baptist Church; Harry Peters, of the Holiness Christians; also the local officers of the Salvation Army.
The following committees were then appointed by the Chairman:
Committee on Worship.- L. B. Taylor, A. Strawn, Wm. Gehman.
Committee on Communications. – R. D. Dreisbach, A. B. Gehret, Wm. Gehman.
Committee on Finance. –Milton Kaufman, Robt. Walp, O. S. Hillegass.
Committee on Quarterly Conference Records. – Geo. A. Campbell, A. B. Gehret, T. J. Knauss.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders. – J. Knauss, A. Strawn, Milton Kaufman.
Committee on Examination of P.E., Local Preachers, and Evangelists. — Geo. A. Campbell, J.E. Fidler, Wm. Gehman.
Committee on Statistics. – H. B. Musselman, J. E. Fidler.
Auditing Committee. – T. J. Knauss, W. Steinmetz
The pastors and evangelists gave in their oral reports. The work is prospering all around. The interest in the Home and Foreign Mission is wonderfully increasing. The classes are in a good state of justification, sanctification, divine healing, and the doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ. Prospects very encouraging.
Session closed by prayer by J. B. Knerr.
Opened by singing and prayer by W. Steinmetz, after which the proceedings of the previous session were read and received.
The Committee on the Examination of the Traveling Elders reported no charges, but perfect harmony. Committee – J. Knauss, A. Strawn, Milton Kaufman.
The Committee on the Examination of the P. E., Local Preachers, and Evangelists reported as follows: No complaint against the P.E., except that he neglected to preach at several places on the duties of the members toward their pastors. Elder. M.D. Haws sent in his resignation, which was received by this committee. It was found that W. C. Betz was a little self-willed, besides some peculiarities not quite satisfactory. No complaint against any of the others. Committee – Geo. A. Campbell, J.E. Fidler, Wm. Gehman.
A letter from Bro. Isaac Artz, of Terre Hill, requesting a certificate was read before the Conference. Inasmuch as Bro. Artz has joined another denomination, therefore
Resolved, That his name be dropped.
The brethren, Boyer. Schultz, and Seifried, of the Evangelical Association, were then received as advisory members.
Henry J. Ronemus, Wm. G. Gehman, and Amanda Shaffer, who had been recommended by their respective Quarterly Conferences to this Conference as applicants for the ministry, then expressed the nature of their call. They were questioned by the Conference concerning their consecration to the exclusive work of their high calling, their willingness for self-denial, sacrifice, suffering, and were referred to the Committee on the Examination of the Local Preachers, P. E., and Evangelists.
The Committee on the Examination of the Applicants on the Discipline and the Probationers on the Course reported as follows:
H. J. Ronemus 92
Wm. G. Gehman 100
Amanda E. Shaffer 79
First Year | a* | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i |
W. K. Ziegler | 70 | 60 | 39 | 55 | 48 | 54 | |||
D. B. Rote | 95 | 90 | 63 | 73 | 25 | 69 | |||
Second Year | |||||||||
S. B. Knerr | 70 | 42 | 79 | 70 | 48 | 58 | |||
Jas. L. Boyer | 87 | 62 | 87 | 100 | 77 | 83 | |||
Third Year | |||||||||
W. C. Betz | 77 | 57 | 77 | 57 | 80 | 54 | 67 | ||
A. M. Clauser | 60 | 35 | 87 | 57 | 82 | 44 | 61 | ||
J. B. Knerr | 40 | 25 | 87 | 23 | 51 | 39 | 46 | ||
W. Steinmetz | 69 | 70 | 65 | 55 | 85 | 48 | 67 | ||
C. H. Brunner | 93 | 66 | 100 | 79 | 100 | 71 | 85 |
[ * a – Bible
b – Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation
c – Lessons in Holiness
d – Christian Theology
e – Reformed Pastor
f – Church History
g – Nelson on Infidelity
h – Fletcher’s Appeal
i – Average]
Resolved, That C. H. Brunner, A. M. Clauser, W. C. Betz, Wilson Steinmetz, and J. B. Knerr, preachers on probation to be ordained, shall be referred to the following committee for examination: Geo. A. Campbell, Wm. Gehman, John Knauss, A. Strawn, Milton Kaufman.
WHEREAS, Roger Laudenslager, Charles J. Schelly, aud Henry G. Musselman have served their three years of probation as deacons, therefore
Resolved, That they shall be ordained in their respective classes at the first suitable opportunity.
WHEREAS, We realize the great evils around us of life insurance, therefore
Resolved, That we believe that the article on life insurance in our Discipline includes every description of the same.
Closed by prayer by John Miller.
Opened by singing and prayer by J. Rosenberger.
The proceeding of the last session were read and received.
The following committees reported:
Auditing Committee: The committee has audited the different accounts of the Annual Conference and found some slight mistakes in the Trustee Reports of Bethlehem, Erwinna, Loop, Upper Milford, Coopersburg, and Northampton. Committee: W. Steinmetz, T. J. Knauss.
The report was received.
Committee to Examine the Candidates for the Ministry: We have examined Henry J. Ronemus, Wm. G. Gehman, and Amanda Shaffer, and found them satisfactory. Committee: Geo. A. Campbell, Wm. Gehman, J. E. Fidler.
The report was received.
Committee to Examine the Preachers on Probation for Ordination: We have examined the candidates for ordination, with the following results: 1st. We recommend the brethren Wilson Steinmetz, A. M. Clauser, and C. H. Brunner to the Conference for ordination. 2nd. We found W. C. Betz and J. B. Knerr as unsatisfactory. They acknowledged that they had somewhat erred in the past, and promised to do better in the future, to be obedient, teachable, and loyal to the Presiding Elder and the Discipline. We therefore recommend that they remain on probation for another year. Committee: A. Strawn, Geo. A. Campbell, Milton Kaufman, Wm. Gehman, John Knauss.
The report was received.
Resolved, That the foregoing probationers recommended by the committee shall be ordained next Sunday afternoon.
The Committee on the Examination of the Quarterly Conference Proceedings reported them all correct, with the exception of Plainfield, Reading, Erwinna, Royersford, and Loop. Committee: A. B. Gehret, T. J. Knauss, Geo. A. Campbell.
The report was received.
WHEREAS, The Life Insurance and secret order systems have some benevolent principles, such as supporting and visiting the sick, and
WHEREAS, We have deacons to see after the needs of the poor of their class, therefore
Resolved, That we recommend the members of our church to immediately notify the local deacon of any case of sickness or necessity in the class, who shall see that one or more brethren or sisters (as suitable) shall be present every night during sickness and also during the day if necessary, and also see to their other necessities.
Wherever a class is unable to support their own poor, the deacon shall apply to the Poor Committee for assistance. In case the treasury is empty, the Poor Committee shall collect for this purpose from the various circuits. This does not affect the Poor Collection on Thanksgiving.
Resolved, That whenever a brother or sister feels called to preach, he or she shall first apply to the Quarterly Conference for a license before allowed to go out to preach.
Resolved, That the Annual Conference shall issue licenses to our preachers annually.
Resolved, That we elect one Presiding Elder for the following year.
At this point brother W. B. Musselman vacated the chair, the Vice-Presiding Elder taking his place, whereupon brother W. B. Musselman was re-elected as Presiding Elder for ensuing year.
After the P. E. took the chair again, the following officers were elected for the coming year.
Vice Presiding Elder.- J. E. Fidler. Standing Committee over the P. E.,- C. H. Brunner, A. B. Gehret, O. S. Hillegas.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder shall have the privilege to arrange his quarterly conferences as practicable according to his own judgment.
Resolved, That the Boundary, Appropriating, and Stationing Committee shall consist of the P. E. and all the delegates.
WHEREAS, We all see that the blessing of God has been especially resting upon our Home Mission work, which has been in charge of the Presiding Elder, therefore
Resolved, That we as a Conference heartily endorse the work of the Home Mission Society and will endeavour to aid the society as much as possible by our liberal offerings and earnest prayers.
Closed by prayer by W. Steinmetz.
The session was opened by singing and prayer, led by T. J. Knauss.
Proceedings of the previous session were read and received.
Resolved, That we recommend a Monthly (Home Missionary) meeting in each class under the supervision of the pastor, when a collection shall be lifted for the Home Mission Fund. The steward shall take charge of the money collected until the delegate to the Annual Conference is elected.
The subject of Foreign Mission was now brought before the Conference. Bro. H. L. Weiss and his wife, who had charge of a Mission School among the Indians in Oklahoma for several years, besides doing missionary work among them, spoke concerning their call. Bro. Weiss said that the Lord had been calling for years, and had given him some experience among the Indians. They had been thoroughly considering the subject, and now they are decided, and about ready to go to the foreign field to live, labor, or die for the lost as God may choose. Sister Weiss then spoke how the Lord had told her to “Ask of Me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance.” How He had mysteriously prepared her and called her to this special work. She said, “Go we must, and go we will, and if the Holy Ghost does not lead you to send us, we will go anyhow. I am spoiled forever for Pa.” Their testimonies showed their piety and consecration to this noble and important work. The Holy Ghost made an intensely deep and, we trust, lasting impression upon the audience, moving nearly all to tears.
The following resolution was then passed:
WHEREAS, Brother and Sister Weiss have expressed their divine call to the Foreign Mission Field to the satisfaction of the Conference, therefore
Resolved, That we receive them on probation into the Conference on condition that they labor in our Conference until next fall. Then the Presiding Elder shall appoint a special meeting, when, if found satisfactory, they shall be ordained as missionaries, and sent forth to the foreign field by this Conference.
Resolved, That we appoint a Foreign Missionary Board consisting of five men. The chair shall appoint three, and these three shall appoint the other two. This Board shall have charge of the Foreign Mission Funds.
Milton Kaufman, H. G. Musselman, and Wm. Yeakel were re-elected Poor Committee.
The following committee was appointed to examine the Probationers on the Reading Course: C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman, and A. B. Gehret. The committee shall assign the lessons.
The following committee was appointed over the tabernacles for the ensuing year: Jacob Zimmerman, Thos. Hockman, J. G. Musselman.
Resolved, That there shall be a Campmeeting held on Chestnut Hill, under the same regulations as previously. The following committee was appointed for the above Campmeeting: H. G. Musselman, H. S. Gabel, D. B. Mohr, J. G. Musselman, and Samuel Weiss.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder shall be allowed to hold Campmeetings wherever he sees fit, providing he sees that the expenses will be paid as in former years.
Resolved, That Bro. A. Strawn shall act as our book agent and keep on hand a stock of our books, disciplines, hymn-books, etc., for sale where they can be had at any time.
Resolved, That the following committee be appointed to compile and print a Conference Journal: C. H. Brunner, W. B. Musselman, and Geo. A. Campbell.
Bro. A. B. Gehret, who has been appointed to collect money for the Reading Church, reported as follows: Money collected, $296.39. Money promised, $12. Expenses, $10.68. Conference released him on condition that he should try his best to collect the amount pledged.
Resolved, That in case of necessity where a Church is on the decline the Presiding Elder shall have the privilege to use it as an appointment of the Home Missionary Society.
The following officers were then elected for the following year:-
Secretary, C. H. Brunner. Treasurer, Milton Kaufman. Delegates to the General Conference: William Gehman and C. H. Brunner.
Resolved, That our next Annual Conference convene at Royersford, on the third Friday of February, 1897.
The resolution on ordination was reconsidered and decided to have it to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock.
Adjournment by prayer by the chairman.
Opened by singing and prayer by J. Knauss.
The proceedings of the last session were read and approved.
The Chairman then appointed the following as members of the Foreign Missionary Board: C. H. Brunner, L. B. Taylor, and M. Kaufman, and these appointed W. B. Musselman and Wm. Gehman to complete the Board.
Report of the Stationing, Boundary, and Appropriating Committee:
1. Quakertown and Hatfield–Geo. A. Campbell.
2. Coopersburg, Springtown, and Colesville–W. Steinmetz
3. Erwinna and Bridgeton Mission–R. D. Dreisbach.
4. Bethlehem Station–O. S. Hillegas.
5. Northampton and Catasauqua Mission–A. M. Clauser.
6. Weissport and Lehighton Mission–H. B. Musselman. J. Woodring, Assistant.
7. Upper Milford and Hereford–Wm. Gehman
8. Reading Station–C. H. Brunner.
9. Allentown and Emaus–L. B. Taylor. Wm. G. Gehman, Assistant
10. Terre Hill and Remps–A. B. Gehret.
11. Royersford and Gratersford–J. E. Fidler. Robert Bergstresser, Assistant.
12. Spring City Mission–Jas. L. Boyer.
13. Norristown Station–S. B. Knerr.
14. Western Pa.-W. C. Betz.
15. Plainfield (Home Mission Society) to be supplied.
16. Walnutport (Home Mission Society) to be supplied.
17. Nazareth (Home Mission Society) to be supplied.
18. Easton (Home Mission Society) to be supplied.
19. Annandale, N.J. (Home Mission Society) to be supplied.
20. Glen Gardner, N.J. (Home Mission Society) to be supplied.
21. Foreign Missionaries–H. L. Weiss and Kate Weiss.
22. ANNUAL CONFERENCE LICENSED EVANGELISTS- W. K. Ziegler, A. E. Shaffer, Lucy Musselman, H. J. Ronemus, J. B. Knerr, D. B. Rote, J. H. Moyer.
23. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE LICENSED EVANGELISTS–R. J. Rote, L. M. Christman, E. C. Dech, Frany Wismer, C. J. Felty, Agnes Ziegler.
24. LOCAL WORKERS–Howard Rishel, Sarah Brunner, Nora Dreisbach, Wm. King, A. Strawn, John Knauss, Joel Rosenberger, Samuel McDonald, O. Bitting, Robt. Bergstresser, J. Woodring.
Northampton Mission $100.00
Weissport ” 80.00
Spring City ” 120.00
Erwinna ” 80.00
Quakertown ” on condition that he moves on the field and devotes
his spare time to Evangelistic Work 80.00
Plainfield to be decided.
Brother and sister W. C. Betz’s fare to Western, Pa., to be paid.
Brother J. E. Fidler’s fare and freight to Royersford to be paid. The balance in treasury to be paid over to the M. B. C. Home Mission Society.
The P. E. shall have authority to make changes during the year if he thinks advisable.
Bro. W. C. Betz having been for several years on probation as Preacher, has desired to resign as a Minister and member of our Church, saying that he don’t think he should ever be converted to our discipline in all things. He said, however, that he respects the Conference for not ordaining him, and believes they have done right, therefore
Resolved, That we receive his resignation.
A collection amounting to $8.04 was taken up for the salary and expenses of the Secretary. Thanks.
Resolved, That W. B. Musselman shall examine the applicants on the discipline this year.
The Committee on the Reading Course has decided to meet at Coopersburg on the day previous to the Chestnut Hill Campmeeting to examine the Probationers. The lessons will shortly be announced in the BANNER.
Bro. J. E. Fidler upon request of Conference gave an account of the work in general in Western Pa. And inasmuch as brother W. C. Betz, who was appointed to the Western Circuit, has resigned as a member of this Conference and Denomination, therefore
Resolved, That we deem it impracticable to send out a Minister for the present, or until they are willing to be loyal to our discipline.
Resolved, That we tender a hearty vote of thanks to the class and friends of Allentown for their kindness and hospitality shown us during this Conference.
WHEREAS, We heartily appreciate the kindness and love shown us by the Pastor, Bro. Specht, and his congregation for allowing us the use of this splendid Church (Evangelical) for our Conference, therefore
Resolved, That we tender them a vote of thanks and in return offer them a favour whenever and wherever possible.
Resolved, That all members of the Conference agreeing with the proceedings of this session shall sign their names.
Signed by W. B. MUSSELMAN, Chairman
C. H. BRUNNER, Secretary
J.B. Knerr, O.S. Hillegas, C.H. Brunner, L.B. Taylor, James L. Boyer, H.B. Musselman, S.B. Knerr, Geo. A. Campbell, R.D. Dreisbach, A.M. Clauser, J.E. Fidler, Wm. Gehman, A.B. Gehret, J.T. Knauss, W. Steinmetz, Robt. Walp, Theo F. Kunz, Joseph Preisch, William Glasser, Thomas Rutman, John W. Miller, Edgar Schick, J.H. Rosenberger, Jacob F. Cramer, Adam Wes[s]ner, Menno M. Gehman, Milton Kaufman, T.J. Knauss, P.Y. Foltz.