1897 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1897 Yearbook


The Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the Pennsylvania District, convened in Latschaw’s Hall, corner Fourth and Main streets, Royersford, at 8 o’clock a.m., February 19, 1897.

The first session was opened by a, half-hour of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost during this Conference Session, followed by a very practical address on Malachi, iii. 4-18, by the Chairman, W. B. Musselman.

ORDAINED MINISTERS PRESENT.- W. B. Musselman, Geo. A. Campbell, W. Steinmetz, R. D. Dreisbach, O. S. Hillegass, A. M. Clauser, H. B. Musselman, A. Strawn, Wm. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, A. B. Gehret, and J. E. Fidler.

ORDAINED MINISTERS ABSENT.- O. Bitting, Joel Rosenberger, Samuel McDonald, and John Knauss.

PROBATIONERS PRESENT.- Jas. L. Boyer, L. B. Taylor, W.K. Ziegler, W. G. Gehman, S. B. Knerr, J. B. Knerr.

PROBATIONERS ABSENT- D. B. Rote, Amanda E. Schaeffer, H. J. Kulp.


DELEGATES PRESENT- T. F. Kunz, E. Shick, E. C. Hollenbach, W. F. Edmunds, C. J. Shelly, Jas. M. Oplinger, Robt. Walp, Lewis Wieand, Adam Wesner, A. A. Wismer, J. W. Miller, E. W. Martin, and W. W. Dill.

The proceedings of the last annual Conference were read and received.

Resolved, That the Secretary shall appoint his assistants.

He appointed W. G. Gehman as Assistant Secretary, Jas. L. Boyer as Statistical Secretary, and H. B. Musselman as Financial Secretary. W. F. Edmunds was appointed Reporter by the Chairman.

Resolved, That the morning session shall open at 8 o’clock and close at 11.30 o’clock. The afternoon session shall open at 1 o’clock and continue to 5 o’clock.

Resolved, That Parliamentary practice shall be adhered to as much as possible. The Conference bar shall occupy the first five seats on both sides of the house.

The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Conference:

Committee on Worship–J. E. Fidler and J. L. Boyer.

Committee on Communications–W. Gehman, L. B. Taylor, and A. B. Gehret.

Committee on Finance–Robert Walp, H. B. Musselman, and E. W. Martin.

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders–A. Strawn, W. Gehman, and O. S. Hillegass

Committee on Examination of P. E., Wm. Gehman, O. S. Hillegass, Local Teachers, Evangelists, etc.- L. B. Taylor, J. E. Fidler, and H. B. Musselman.

Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records.- A. M. Clauser, R. D. Dreisbach, and W. G. Gehman.

Committee on Examination of Candidates for the Ministry- Geo. A. Campbell, A. M. Clauser, and A. B. Gehret.

Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination- Wm. Gehman, A. Strawn, and Geo. A. Campbell.

Committee on Statistics–W. Steinmetz, J. L. Boyer, and E. Shick.

Auditing Committee.-J. E. Fidler, E. C. Hollenbach, L. B. Taylor, W. F. Edmunds, and A. A. Wismer.

WHEREAS, Bro. W. R. Ziegler, Probationer, has for the last year had charge of a circuit under the direction of the Home Mission Society, therefore

Resolved, That we recognize him as a member of this Conference.

The rest of the session was devoted to hearing the oral reports of the Pastors.

Session was closed by prayer by E. C. Hollenbach.



Opened by singing, and prayer by W. F. Edmunds, after which the proceedings of the previous session were read and received.

The Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders reported as follows: Everything is all right with the exception of R. D. Dreisbach, who has lacked somewhat in diligence. The Committee desires information from Conference on a certain point. The report was received.

Rev. C. W. Ruth, Evangelist of the Holiness Christians, also our Home Mission Workers, helpers, and Evangelists, shall be recognized as advisory members of this body.

Resolved, That we recognize the Treasurer of our Annual Conference as a member of this body.

The Pastor’s reports were very encouraging. The work in general is in a prosperous condition.

Notwithstanding the severe financial pressure of the past year, the collections exceeded those of last year.

Resolved, That the Division Leaders of the Home Missionary Society report to their President and he to the Annual Conference.

W. B. Musselman, President of the Home Missionary Society, then gave a very interesting and glowing report of the sacrificing, self-denying, and zealous spirit of the workers and their successful work throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

C. M. Layton, of Walnutport, Pa., and J. H. Wesley, White House, New Jersey, were recommended to this Annual Conference by their respective Quarterly Conferences as candidates for the ministry. They gave the nature of their call, to the satisfaction of the Conference, and were recommended to the Committee on Candidates for the Ministry.

C. F. Snyder, of Milford Square, who was also recommended to this annual Conference by his Quarterly Conference as a candidate for the ministry, was absent, having been accepted by the Board of Foreign Missions as an applicant for a term of tuition in the New York Missionary Training Institute.

Session closed by prayer by G. A. Wentz.



Opened by singing, and prayer by G. A. Campbell.

The minutes of the last session were read and received with correction.

Report of the Committee on Examination of the Candidates for the Ministry: We have examined Bros. C. M. Layton and J. H. Wesley according to the rules of our Discipline, and found them satisfactory, and recommend them as Probationers. Committee: Geo. A. Campbell,

A. B. Gehret, A. M. Clauser.

The report was received.

Resolved, That we allow W. B. Musselman to examine C. M. Layton on the Discipline, at the first convenient opportunity.

Report of the Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: We have examined the records of the different Quarterly Conferences with the following result:

The Allentown, Coopersburg, Bethlehem, Terre Hill, Erwinna, Quakertown and Hatfield, Reading, and Upper Milford reports were found correct.

The Allentown Quarterly Conference recommends Brother Levi Moyer to this annual Conference as a Foreign Missionary candidate, and Carrie Doepel for admission to the annual Conference.

The Coopersburg Quarterly Conference recommends Brothers C. M. Layton and C. F. Snyder to this annual Conference.

The Gratersford record lacks the auditing report for the fourth quarter. They make an appeal to the annual Conference to have Gratersford a Mission, and Royersford to be joined to Spring City.

At the following places the Quarterly Conferences, we presume, are yet in session, as there are no accounts of closing exercises: Norristown, Northampton. Weissport, and Spring City. Committee: Wm. G. Gehman, A. M. Clauser, R. D. Dreisbach.

The report was received with the following corrections: Bro. Levi Moyer was recommended to the Foreign Missionary Board.

WHEREAS, The recommendation of the Allentown Quarterly Conference concerning Carrie Doepel is incorrect, we ask the Secretary of said Quarterly Conference to correct the same.

Report of the Committee on Examination of P. E., Wm. Gehman, 0. S. Hillegass, Local Preachers, and Evangelists:

We found everything all right with one exception.

WHEREAS, Henry J. Kulp has joined another church, therefore,

Resolved, That we drop his name, and

WHEREAS, The General Conference has transferred the district of Western Pennsylvania to the Indiana Annual Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That we also herewith transfer Elder S. McDonald.

Concerning Elder J. Knauss (deceased), a special memorial article shall be inserted in the minutes. Committee: J. E. Fidler, L. B. Taylor, and H. B. Musselman.

The report was received.

Report of the Statistical Committee: The schedules of the following ministers were found incorrect by the committee: C. H. Brunner, J. E. Fidler, A. M. Clauser, R. B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman, W. Steinmetz, O. S. Hillegass, and L.B. Taylor.

The committee requests that figures should not be mutilated so much in making out reports, as some have been doing. Committee: James L. Boyer, Wilson Steinmetz, Edgar Schick.

The report was received.

The Committee on the Reading Course reported as follows:


J. H. Wesley 72%

C. M. Layton

W. B. Musselman, Examiner.

First Year
W. G. Gehman971001001007795
H. J. Kulp (absent)
A. E. Schaeffer (absent)
Second Year
W. K. Ziegler624867583253
D. B. Rote (absent)
Third Year
S. B. Knerr64304714665447
Jas. L. Boyer80808049837575

[* a – Bible

b- Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation

c- Lessons in Holiness

d- Christian Theology

e- Reformed Pastor

f- Church History

g- Nelson on Fidelity

h- Fletcher’s Appeal

i. Average]





WHEREAS, Elder J. L. Boyer has neglected to comply fully with the wishes of the Examining Committee in neglecting a certain study, and he having passed the other studies, this committee asks this Conference to examine or consider the matter, and advise the committee what to do in this case.

The report was received.

Report of the Auditing Committee: We examined the reports and found them correct, with the following exceptions : Erwinna book, page 59, P. E. collections not added up; also on page 60, balance added wrong. Bethlehem book, on page 160, a mistake in adding up the accounts. Gratersford book, page 111, in Trustee Accounts. Statistical Reports audited and found correct, with the following exceptions: W. Steinmetz, A. M. Clauser, O. S. Hillegass, W. K. Ziegler, G. A. Campbell, and L. B. Taylor. Committee: J. E. Fidler, E. C. Hollenbach, W. F. Edmunds, L. B. Taylor, A. A. Wismer.

The report was received.

Brother J. L. Boyer, candidate for Ordination, gave his reasons for neglecting one of his studies, and was referred to the Committee on Ordination.

S. B. Knerr and L. B. Taylor, candidates for Ordination, were referred to the above committee.

The proceedings of the Board of Foreign Missions were read and received. (See Report.) The Board exonerated.

The report of the Poor Committee was read and received, and referred to the following committee: A. A. Wismer, C. J. Shelly, and A. Strawn. The committee was exonerated.

The report of Finance Committee was read and received. (See report of Financial Secretary.)

The Financial report of the P. E. was read, received, and

Resolved, That the Treasurer of the annual Conference pay to W. B. Musselman the excess of expenditures over the collections in connection with the tabernacle work and the new tabernacle, amounting to $67.09.

The financial and statistical reports of the President of the Home Mission Society were read and received. (See report of “Gospel Workers” Society.)

Rev. B. T. String of the M. E. Church was received as an advisory member.

The chair appointed W. Steinmetz, A. M. Clauser, and C. H. Brunner a committee on resolutions.

Resolved, That all moneys collected for charitable purposes, not paid over to the Treasurer of the Poor Fund, shall be included in the report of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees.

Resolved, That the division of Gratersford and Royersford circuit be referred to the Boundary Committee.

A question from the Coopersburg class was heard concerning the selling of tobacco by certain officers of our Church. The subject was discussed, with the following result :

WHEREAS, Our Discipline does not plainly prohibit the selling of tobacco, therefore

Resolved, That we exonerate Brother W. Steinmetz and any others for allowing the election of such officers in the past, and further

Resolved, That no person shall be elected to the office of Deacon, Class-Leader, or Sunday-School Superintendent who uses or deals in tobacco.

Resolved, That we kindly ask Brother W. W. Dill to compile and publish a tract on his knowledge and experience on tobacco.

The following ministers submitted themselves unconditionally to the Conference: W. Steinmetz, R. D. Dreisbach, O. S. Hillegass, A. M. Clauser, H. B. Musselman, L. B. Taylor, C. H. Brunner, A. B. Gehret, J. E. Fidler, J. L. Boyer, and S. B. Knerr.

Conditionally–G. A. Campbell, Wm. Gehman, and A. Strawn.

Closed by prayer by C. J. Shelly.



Opened by prayer by C. W. Ruth, after which he delivered a half- hour address on ” The Advantage of Eating no Breakfast.”

After another prayer by the Chairman, the proceedings of the last session were red and received with correction.


WHEREAS, It hath pleased our Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well, to take from our midst during the past year, Elder J. T. Knauss, of Emaus, Pa., be it

Resolved, That we confess that in him we have lost an earnest Christian laborer and faithful witness to the doctrine of sanctification, and deeply sympathize with the widow and family of the departed.

Brother J. T. Knauss was born August 13, 1821, and at the age of 35 was truly converted to God, and received as a member of this Church in 1882. He was admitted into the Ministry in 1883, ordained in 1886, and lived a consistent Christian life until he fell asleep January 21, 1897,

in the blessed hope of the glorious Resurrection and the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Committee to Examine the Appropriation of the Poor Fund reported as follows: We have examined the account of the Treasurer of the Poor Committee, and found that the money was properly appropriated. Committee: A. A. Wismer, A. Strawn, and C. J. Shelly.

The report was received.

The term of office of the Presiding Elder having expired, he gave some remarks concerning the work of the past year, after which the following resolution was passed:

Resolved, That we have one Presiding Elder, and that he hold the business meetings quarterly, and the Pastors conduct their own Communion Services, with the privilege of calling in neighboring Pastors.

At this point the Presiding Elder vacated the chair and the Vice-Presiding Elder took his place, after which Brother W. B. Musselman was re-elected Presiding Elder for the ensuing year.

After the Presiding Elder took his chair again he gave a short sketch of his plans for the coming year. The following officers were re-elected for the ensuing year: Vice-Presiding-Elder, J. E. Fidler. Standing Committee over the Presiding Elder, O. S. Hillegass, A. B. Gehret, and

C. H. Brunner. Secretary, C. H. Brunner. Treasurer, Milton Kaufman. The Committee on the Reading Course, A. B. Gehret, H. B. Musselman, and C. H. Brunner. W. B. Musselman shall examine the applicants on the Discipline Poor Committee, Milton Kaufman, C. J. Shelly, and A. A. Wismer. Committee over the Tabernacles, Jacob Zimmerman, Thos. Hockman, and J. G. Musselman.

Resolved, That there shall be a camp meeting held on Chestnut Hill, under the same regulations as previously. The following committee was appointed for this camp meeting: D. B. Mohr, Wm. Brunner, and A. H. Musselman. The committee is privileged to hire help if needed.

The Presiding Elder shall have the privilege to hold other campmeetings wherever he sees advisable.

Resolved, That the Foreign Mission Board of last year be re-elected.

Resolved, That the annual offering for the poor be lifted on the first Sunday in October instead of on Thanksgiving-Day as heretofore.

Resolved, That the examination of Probationers on the Reading Course begin at 9 am. on the day appointed by the committee.

Resolved, That the Presiding Elder and Delegates shall constitute the Stationing, Boundary, and Appropriating Committee.

Resolved, That a free-will offering be made in each class at a monthly prayer meeting held by their respective class-leaders for the ” Gospel Workers,” which shall be delivered to the Treasurer quarterly, receipted and reported to the Annual Conference.

Closed by prayer by W. W. Dill.



By resolution of previous session, an extra session convened at 6 o’clock.

The Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination reported as follows: The brethren L. B. Taylor and S. B. Knerr were found satisfactory and recommended for Ordination.

Brother James L. Boyer was found satisfactory with the exception of the Reading Course. He shall be examined to-night on the study neglected, and recommended for Ordination.

The report was received.

Resolved, That the Probationers recommended for Ordination shall be ordained tomorrow afternoon.

Closed by prayer by the Chairman, W. B. Musselman.



Opened by singing, and prayer by the Chairman, after which the proceedings of the previous session were read and approved.

The brethren James L. Boyer and L. B. Taylor were ordained on Sunday afternoon.

Brother S. B. Knerr, who had been passed and recommended by the Committee for Ordination, declined, desiring to labor on Probationer’s License another year. His request was granted.

Resolved, That we will not permit any of our Quarterly Conference Licensed Workers to travel as Evangelists, except by permission of the Annual Conference.

Resolved, That the Delegates from the Missions who expect support from the Conference shall not be members of the Stationing Committee.

A collection was taken up for the expenses and salary of the Secretary, amounting to $5.03. Thanks.

Report of the Stationing Boundary, and Appropriating Committee received with a slight change, as follows:

A. CIRCUITS.-Quakertown and Hatfield- Geo. A. Campbell.

Coopersburg and Springtown- Wilson Steinmetz.

Bethlehem, West Bethlehem, and South Bethlehem- H. B. Musselman. Helper, to be supplied.

Lehighton and Weissport- O. S. Hillegass. Helper, to be supplied.

Upper Milford, East Hereford, and Emaus- A. B. Gehret. Helper, A. Strawn.

Reading, Blandon, and Amityville- C.H. Brunner and Mrs. C. H. Brunner.

Gratersford, Skippackville, Gilbertsville, Lederachville, and Morwood- L. B. Taylor.

Royersford and Spring City- W. G. Gehman. Helper, to be supplied.

Terre Hill and Remps- R. D. Dreisbach and Mrs. R. D. Dreisbach.

Western Pennsylvania was transferred to the Indiana Conference by the last General Conference.

B. STATIONS.-Allentown-James L. Boyer.

Norristown- W. K. Ziegler and Mrs. W. K. Ziegler.

C. MISSIONS-Erwinna- J. H. Wesley and Mrs. J. H. Wesley.

Northampton, Kreidersville, Walnutport, and New Tripoli- A. M. Clauser. Helper, J. B. Knerr.

Annandale, Glen Gardner, and White House- J. E. Fidler.

D. TABERNACLES.-Tabernacle No. l- C. M. Layton.

Tabernacle No.2 – George Wentz and Mrs. George Wentz.

E. FOREIGN MISSIONARY CANDIDATES- H. L. Weiss and Kate Weiss for South America. C. F. Snyder for China.

F. ANNUAL CONFERENCE LICENSED EVANGELISTS.- Amanda E. Schaeffer, Lucy Musselman, Dora B. Rote, and S. B. Knerr.

G. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE LICENSED MISSIONARIES- Rosa J. Rote, Lizzie M. Christman, Elmira C. Dech, Frany L. Wismer, Cora J. Felty, Agnes Ziegler, Mary Kern, Martha A. Lewis, A. C. Spellman, Carrie L. Doepel, Ada W. Smith, Mamie Caskie, Jennie E. Goranflo, Annie K. Wentzel, Geo. Wentz, Emma Geisinger.

H. Local Workers- Howard Rishel, Sarah Brunner, Nora Dreisbach, Wm. King, O. Bitting, Robt. Bergstresser, J. Woodring, Geo. A. Shireman, Emma Schoch, Wm. Fretz, Bertha Snyder, John Yeakel, Wm. Gehman, Amelia Kichline.


Northampton Mission $160.00

Erwinna. 80.00

Annandale 160.00

Weissport Circuit (toward Rent) 40.00

Committee: W. B. Musselman, Chairman; Robt. Walp, J. M. Oplinger, L. H. Wieand, E. C. Hollenbach, A. A. Wismer, Theo. Kunz, W. F. Edmunds, Edgar Shick, E. W. Martin, C. J. Shelly, J. W. Miller, Adam Wesner.

Resolved, That we hold two Sunday School Conventions this year. One English, including Norristown, Gratersford, Royersford, Spring City, Quakertown, Hatfield, Reading, and Terre Hill; and one English and German, consisting of all the other Sunday Schools.

Resolved, That the English Convention convene at Reading, and the German Convention at Coopersburg.

The following officers were elected for the Sunday School Conventions:

ENGLISH CONVENTION.-Chairman, W. G. Gehman. Secretary, C. H. Brunner. Treasurer, J. C. Krupp. Committee: G. A. Campbell, L. B. Taylor, C. H. Brunner.

Resolved, That this Convention be held on Ascension Day.

Resolved, That only one delegate be elected, and that the superintendent be elected as such, if possible.

GERMAN CONVENTION.-Chairman, H. B. Musselman. Secretary, J. L. Boyer. Treasurer, M. Kaufman. Committee: J. E. Fidler, A. B. Gehret, A. M. Clauser.

Resolved, That this Convention be held on Ascension Day.

The committee of both conventions shall sit six weeks previously, and arrange a program.

Resolved, That we do not recognize Joel Rosenberger as a member of our annual Conference after this.

Resolved, That Brother Jacob Moyer shall apply to his class and Quarterly Conference for a Quarterly Conference license.

Resolved, That 260 copies of the Conference Journal be printed.

C. H. Brunner was elected editor.

WHEREAS, W. B. Musselman has taken upon himself the responsibility of the cost of the Journals of the last annual Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That the deficiency be paid out of the Home Mission Treasury, and the Journals shall be delivered to the book agent and the proceeds be put into the Home Mission Fund.

Resolved, That the balance of the Home Mission Fund be used by the Presiding Elder wherever he needs it.

Resolved, That we invite the Gospel Workers to bring their book stand to the campmeetings.

Resolved, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the brothers and sisters and friends of Royersford and Spring City for their kindness and hospitality shown toward us during the session of this Conference.

Resolved, That, by a rising vote of thanks, we express our hearty appreciation of the kindness of Brother Jacob Mowry and Sister Mowry opening their very commodious home to the accommodation of this Conference.

Resolved, That we feel ourselves under obligation to a vote of thanks to Mr. S. B. Latschaw for the use of his splendid hall and committee rooms.

Resolved, That the next annual Conference be held in Ebenezer Church, Bethlehem, on the first Friday in March, 1898.

Closed by prayer by L. B. Taylor.

W. B. Musselman, Chairman ; C. H. Brunner, Secretary; G. A. Campbell, James L. Boyer, R. D. Dreisbach, 0. S. Hillegass, E. C. Hollenbach, L. H. Wieand, W. W. Dill, Wilson Steinmetz, T. F. Kunz, A. M. Clauser, A. A. Wismer, John W. Miller, Adam Wesner, Jas. M. Oplinger, Robt. Walp, H. B. Musselman, Edgar Shick, W. F. Edmunds, Chas. J. Shelly, William Gehman, J. E. Fidler, A. B. Gehret, E. W. Martin, L. B. Taylor, Milton Kaufman, S. B. Knerr, W. K. Ziegler.

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