1899 Annual Conference Special Meeting Minutes

Extra Session of Conference.

An Extra Session of the ministers of the East Pennsylvania Conference, called by the Presiding- Elder C. H. Brunner, was held at Bethlehem at 8a.m. Dec, 1st, 1899.

 After singing and prayer the Roll call resulted as follows:—

MINISTERS PRESENT: — C. H. Brunner, G. A Campbell, R. D. Dreisbach, W.J. Fretz, W. G. Gehman, O. S. Hillegass, C. M. Layton, A. B. Musselman, H. B. Musselman, J. G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, R. L. Woodring, W. K. Ziegler, A. Strawn and L. B. Taylor.

MINISTERS ABSENT: — A. M. Clauser, J. E. Fidler, W. B Musselman, O. Bitting and Wm. Gehman.

Bro. F. E. Frey was received as an advisory member of this body.

Whereas, Bro. J. E. Fidler is under appointment to Armenia, therefore

Resolved, That we accept his resignation from his conference offices.

Whereas, Bro. A. M. Clauser has resigned as Pastor of his charge to take a course of training in the missionary Society “Light and Hope,” therefore

Resolved, That we receive his resignation from his conference offices.

Whereas, Eld. J. L. Boyer having been found guilty of disloyalty to the Word of God and our Discipline, causing divisions and was suspended, showing no penitent spirit, therefore

Resolved, That we expel him from this Society.

The following officers were elected:–

Vice Presiding Elder, H. B. Musselman, instead of J. E. Fidler.

Committee over Presiding Elder, R. D. Dreisbach and L. B. Taylor instead of A. M. Clauser, and H. B. Musselman who was elected as Vice Presiding Elder.

Officers of the English and German Sunday School Convention: Chairman, H. B. Musselman, instead of A. M. Clauser. Secretary, W. G. Gehman. instead of J. E. Fidler.

Committee to arrange programme for the S. School Convention: F. E. Frey and W. Steinmetz, instead of J. E. Fidler and A. M. Clauser.

Foreign Missionary Board: W. G. Gehman, instead of J. E. Fidler.

Committee on the Reading Course: A. B. Musselman, instead of J. L. Boyer.

Resolved, That the Harvest Home services be held right after the Annual Conference, and the Foreign Missionary subscription be paid in by New Year.

Resolved, That we recommend the Sunday Schools to hold an extra “Missionary Day” wherever they deem it advisable.

Resolved, That the different collections be handed over to the Presiding Elder.

The minutes of this session were read and received with corrections.

Resolved, That these minutes be published in the GOSPEL BANNER.

(The Beneficiary Society elected L. B. Taylor as Secretary instead of A M. Clauser.)

Attest: C. H. Brunner, chairman; W. G. Gehman, Secretary.

Signed: G. A, Campbell, A B. Musselman, W. K. Ziegler. W. Steinmetz. Abel Strawn, H. B. Musselman, C.M. Layton, J. G. Shireman, L. B. Taylor, W. J. Fretz, R. L. Woodring, O. S. Hillegass, R. D. Dreisbach.

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