1900 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1900 Yearbook


The Seventeenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, of the Pennsylvania District, convened in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Reading, Pa., at 8:30 A. M., September 14, 1900.

The first session was opened by singing and a very practical and searching address on Ephesians 2d chapter by the Chairman, C. H. Brunner. P. E., followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost during this Conference session.

Ordained Ministers Present –C. H. Brunner, W. B. Musselman, G. A. Campbell, A. M. Clauser, R. D. Dreisbach W. G. Gehman, O. S. Hillegass. L. B. Taylor, H. B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman. W. Steinmetz, A. Strawn, W. K. Ziegler.

Ordained Ministers Absent –O. Bitting, J. E. Fidler.

Probationers Present –W. J. Fretz, C. M. Layton, J. G. Shireman, R. L. Woodring, E. T. Shick, E. R. Heywood, W. W. Zimmerman.

Delegates Present — Wm. Shearer. G. K. Himmelreich, Milton Kauffman. J. F. Barrall, W. P. Wehr, A. G. Taylor, Titus G. Taylor, E. N. Cassell. C. H. Kline. J. W. Miller, Charles Wentz, C. R. Heywood, E. W. Martin, Wm. Manney.

Delegate Absent – H. F. Betz.

RESOLVED, That the Conference bar occupy the first three pews on each side and the Amen corner on the left side.

The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and received.

RESOLVED, That R. D. Dreisbach be appointed Reporter.

RESOLVED, That it be a standing rule for the Secretary to appoint his assistants. He appointed W. S. Hottel, Recording Secretary; E. N. Cassel, Statistical Secretary; H.R. Musselman, Financial Secretary. RESOLVED, That the Editor of the Journal shall be elected by acclamation. C. H. Brunner was elected.

RESOLVED, That the rules of last years Conference be adopted without any change.

Rev. Wm. Weidner, of the Evangelical Association, was received as an advisory member of this body.

The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and confirmed by the Conference:

1. Committee on Worship — J. G. Shireman and G. A. Campbell.

2. Committee on Communications — L. B. Taylor, O. S. Hillegass and E. T. Shick.

3. Committee on Finance — H. B. Musselman, M. Kauffman and R. L. Woodring.

4. Committee on Statistics–J. G. Shireman and E. N. Cassel.

5. Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records –W. K. Ziegler, A. M. Clauser and J. F. Barrall.

6. Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders –William Gehman. H. B. Musselman and M. Kauffman.

7. Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries – G. A. Campbell, W. Steinmetz and R. D. Dreisbach.

8. Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses – W. B. Musselman, W. Steinmetz and J. W. Miller.

9. Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination — H. B. Musselman, G. A. Campbell land William Gehman.

10. Auditing Committee–W. J. Fretz, A. G. Taylor, William Manney and E. W. Martin.

Committee on Resolutions — J. G. Shireman, W. J. Fretz and W. B. Musselman.

The rest of the session was devoted to hearing the oral reports of the pastors.

Session was closed by prayer by W. B, Musselman.



Opened by singing and prayer by G.A. Campbell, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received with corrections.

The following committee reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and


We examined the Presiding Elders, H. B. Musselman; local preachers and missionaries and found no charges against them.





Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:

We examined all the traveling elders and found no charges

against them, with the exception of three, who were too careless in visiting.





Committee on Communication:

We read the letter of Brother H. F. Betz, delegate of Erwinna, and did not deem his excuse worthy of acceptance. Therefore we recommend him to the mercy of this Conference. Committee:




Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:

We examined the books and found them all correct, with these exceptions: Walnutport and New Tripoli, last Quarterly minutes not recorded in Quarterly Conference book and Secretary’s name not properly signed; Erwinna and Bridgeton, some reports found wanting.


The Reading class recommends J. C. Roth, and the Home Missionary Society M. P. Zook and William S. Hottel to this Conference for Annual Conference Licenses. Committee:A. M. CLAUSER,



Examining Committee on the Discipline and Reading Course: (See Report).

Since Brother C. M. Layton, probationer, was absent at each of the four examinations the past Conference year, to the grief of the Examining Committee, we kindly ask this Conference for advice in this matter. Committee:



Note – J. L. Boyer served on this committee for one examination and was succeeded by A. B. Musselman, who served until his decease.

Auditing Committee:

We examined the Quarterly Conference books and find all correct with the exception of Reading, a mistake in adding summary financial report on page 89. Erwinna had no summary report. There was a slight mistake in adding the accounts of the Home Missionary Society. Committee:





Committee on Statistics:

We examined the schedules and found only four that were correct. Committee:



Elder Horace Trumbauer, of the Holiness Christian Church, was received as an advisory member.

The Pastors’ oral reports were continued.

The reports were very encouraging. The work, in general, is in a prosperous condition, spiritually and financially. A real missionary spirit is dominant in nearly all the classes.

RESOLVED, That C. H. Brunner, Presiding Elder, report the Home Mission work, and W. B. Musselman, the Missionary Presiding Elder, report the work of the Gospel Workers’ Society.

The report of the Presiding Elder showed good work accomplished for the Lord. A great number were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost through his Home Mission workers in halls and tabernacles. The report of the Missionary Presiding Elder was very interesting. Financially, the Lord does provide marvelously that they always pay their rent in advance. Many were saved, baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost during the past year. A spirit of unity exists between the Church and the Gospel Workers Society more than ever before.

WHEREAS, The Erwinna class had no pastor for some time, and had many discouragements in various ways for unavoidable lack of pastoral care; therefore

RESOLVED, That in view of these considerations, we excuse H. F. Betz for his absence, and express our sympathy for them.

The report of the Treasurer of the Beneficiary Fund was read and received. (See report)

The following applicants for the ministry expressed the nature of their call: J. C. Roth, M. P. Zook, and W. S. Hottel.

They were referred to the Committee on Examination of applicants for Annual Conference Licenses.

RESOLVED – That the candidates for ordination, R. L. Woodring. J. G. Shireman and W. J. Fretz be referred to the Committee on Ordination.

The report of the Secretary of the Foreign Missionary Board was read and received. (See report.)

The Lord touched hearts, and a real glory cloud of the missionary spirit hovered over the Conference.

Adjourned by prayer by W. K. Ziegler.



Opened by singing and prayer by W. B. Musselman, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.

The following committee reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: We recommend this Conference to ordain Elders R. L. Woodring, J. G. Shireman and W. J. Fretz on Sunday afternoon. Committee:




RESOLVED, That C. H. Brunner preach the Conference sermon on Sunday morning, and that W. B. Musselman preach the ordination sermon in the afternoon.

Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses: we have examined the applicants, Wm. S. Hottel, J. C. Roth and M. P. Zook, and recommend the Conference to receive them according to the discipline. Committee:




Committee on Plainfield and Bangor Church Property:

We have considered the subject of the property and did not deem it advisable to sell the same at the present time.

We have also examined the affairs of the Bangor Church property and found that the rights of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ terminated in the death of the late Elder David Henning some 12 years ago. Committee:




The committee was exonerated. After the Presiding Elder read his report of the Reading church account, it was

RESOLVED, That the report be referred to the former committee on the Liquidation of the Reading Church Debt. (See report.)

The financial reports of the Presiding Elder, in connection with the Home Mission work, were read and received, giving him the privilege to arrange it for the Conference Journal according to his discretion. (See report.)

RESOLVED, That the charges of the Reading Course Committee against C. M. Layton be referred to the Committee on Ordination, including the Presiding Elder.

Brother A. M. Clauser who had made a missionary trip through the Western States, gave an interesting report of his journey.

RESOLVED, That we elect a Committee on Appeals to the General Conference, consisting of Wm. Gehman, C. H. Brunner and L. B. Taylor.

The report of the Secretary, of the Finance Committee was read and received. (See report.)

RESOLVED, That the Committee on Resolutions draw up memorials concerning the deaths of Elders G. A. Wentz and A. B. Musselman.

WHEREAS, we as a Conference, clearly see the evil effect of any preachers of the Gospel speculating in real estate or personal property; therefore

RESOLVED, That this Conference desire the Committee on Appeals to draw up a resolution as an appeal to the General Conference to enact a law to prohibit Presiding Elders from any speculations whatever.

RESOLVED, that we, as a Conference, unitedly protest against higher percentages, as well as against more books of theories, arts, etc., in our Reading Course. We rather advise more study on the Bible.

RESOLVED, That the advisability of retaining Field’s Theology in the Reading Course be referred to the Committee on Appeals.

Closed by prayer by C. H. Brunner.



Opened by singing and prayer by W. J. Fretz, after which the minutes of the forenoon session were read and received.

The following committee reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Ordination with the Presiding Elder:

WHEREAS, C. M. Layton has stated the reasons for his neglect to study the reading course; therefore

RESOLVED, That we forgive him once more, on condition that he take up the study next year or revert back to Quarterly Conference license. Committee:





Committee on Resolutions:


WHEREAS, It hath pleased our Heavenly Father, who doth all things well, to take from our midst, so early, during the past year, Elders G. A. Wentz (1), of Nazareth, and A.B. Musselman (2), of Reading, Pa.; therefore

RESOLVED, That we confess that we keenly feel the loss of two faithful coworkers, ministers and brethren in the Lord, who both died in the faith, knowing that our loss is their eternal gain, and, as an expression of sympathy, we hereby ask the Secretary of this body to send a letter of condolence to the bereaved families of the departed. Committee:




Committee on Appeals:

(a) WHEREAS, the evil results of preachers of the Gospel speculating in real estate or personal property are clearly seen: and

WHEREAS, The teachings of Jesus are to those He sent out “Lay not up treasures upon earth.” and Paul says, “He that preaches the Gospel shall live of the Gospel;” therefore

RESOLVED. That we make an earnest appeal to the next General Conference to enact a law to prohibit our Presiding Elders from speculation, in any form, in real estate or personal property, buying cattle, houses, lands and stocks, by which they make financial gain. Committee:

(b) RESOLVED, that we make an appeal to the General Conference to exclude Field’s Hand Book of Theology from the Reading Course. We recommend not more theology, but rather more Bible. Committee:




After a lengthy discussion, opened in the forenoon and continued in the afternoon, it was finally

RESOLVED, That we elect two Presiding Elders for the church proper, and recognize W. B. Musselman as Missionary Presiding Elder ex-officio.

RESOLVED, That we elect the Presiding Elders first and assign each one’s territory later.

WHEREAS, Presiding Elder C. H. Brunner has vacated the Chair, and, before vacating the same, has very humbly stated to what degree he felt his insufficiency, thanking the Conference and Mission Workers for their tender forbearance and his tender love toward all; therefore

RESOLVED, That in reply to the same, the Conference, with one accord, hereby manifest their appreciation of his increasing and unrelenting service and vigilant care over the flock, and we thank God for the great and wonderful advancement the Conference has made in many different directions during the time of his office.

The Vice Presiding Elder, H. B. Musselman, now took the chair.

A collection was taken up for the labor and expenses of the Secretary, amounting to $6.26. Thanks.

The following ministers submitted themselves unconditionally to the Conference: C. H. Brunner, W. B. Musselman, G. A. Campbell, R. D. Dreisbach, W. J. Fretz, W. G. Gehman, O. S, Hillegass, C. M. Layton, H B Musselman. J. G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, R. L. Woodring, W. K. Ziegler, E. T. Shick, E. R. Heywood, W. W. Zimmerman, Wm. S. Hottel, M. P. Zook, J. C. Roth.

Conditional: A.M. Clauser, Wm. Gehman, A. Strawn, L .B. Taylor.

The time of election of Presiding Elders having come, by order of the conference the Vice-Presiding Elder appointed A. M. Clauser, L. B. Taylor and J. F. Barrall as the tellers. C. H. Brunner and H. B. Musselman were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year.

RESOLVED, That C. H. Brunner take the chair and preside during this Conference.

After he took the chair the following officers were elected: Vice Presiding Elders, W. G. Gehman and G. A. Campbell; Secretary; W.G. Gehman; Treasurer, M. Kauffman.

Standing Committee Over the Presiding Elders: R. D. Dreisbach, O. S. Hillegass and W. Steinmetz.

RESOLVED, That the Foreign Missionary Board, Poor Committee and Committee on the Reading Course be elected by acclamation.

Foreign Missionary Board elected C. H. Brunner, Wm. Gehman. W. G. Gehman, H. B. Musselman and M. Kauffman.

Poor Committee elected H. B. Musselman, C. J. Shelly and A. A. Wismer.

RESOLVED. That the election of the Reading Course Committee be laid on the table.

WHEREAS, We highly appreciated the oral and statistical reports given by W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, about the labor of the Gospel Workers’ Society: therefore

RESOLVED, That we, as a Conference, admitting the noble work done, and the spirit of true self-denial manifested, feel deeply interested in this Missionary Society and pledge ourselves to recognize and uphold the same with our prayers, as well as otherwise.

(a) RESOLVED, That the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Home Missionary Society shall be recognized as apart of the district of Presiding Elder C. H. Brunner by virtue of his office.

(b) RESOLVED, That C. H. Brunner is authorized to appoint his wife, Mrs. C. H. Brunner, to any office in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Home Missionary Society as he sees proper, and is privileged to make any rules which may be beneficial to the work of God and the church.

Adjourned by prayer by Rev. J. G. Shireman.



Opened by singing and prayer by W. Steinmetz, after which the minutes of the previous session were received with corrections.

Elders W. G. Gehman and J. G. Shireman and Brother A. A. Wismer were elected as delegates to the next General Conference.

RESOLVED, That the fares of the delegates to the General Conference be paid by the various charges throughout the Conference according to the apportionment made by Presiding Elder C. H. Brunner.

The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following officers: President, W. Steinmetz: Secretary. L. B. Taylor; Treasurer, M. Kauffman.

RESOLVED, That a committee of five be appointed by the Secretary to arrange the districts of the Presiding Elders. He appointed C. H. Brunner. H. E. Musselman, W. Steinmetz, William Gehman and W. B. Musselman.

The Committee on Presiding Elder Districts reported as follows:

We, as a committee, divided the districts as follows:

(a) Schuylkill Valley District, H. E. Musselman, Presiding Elder – Plainfield, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Coopersburg, Springtown, Quakertown, Hatfield, Norristown, Upper Milford, Hereford, Gratersford, Blandon, Reading, Athol, Terre Hill, Royersford. Spring City, with the tabernacles belonging to this district.

(b) Lehigh Valley District, C. H. Brunner, Presiding Elder – Allentown, South Allentown, Emaus, Erwinna, Northampton, Lehighton, Weissport, Walnutport, Tripoli, Girardville, Mount Carmel and all the missions through New Jersey. All the other tabernacles and one new one to belong to this district. The camp chairs shall be divided between these two districts.

(c) Central Pennsylvania District, W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder – This district comprises the various missions in charge of the Gospel Workers’ Society. Committee:






RESOLVED, That the Presiding Elders and the delegates of the circuits and stations constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

RESOLVED, That we grant C. R. Heywood leave of absence.

Adjourned by prayer by H. C. Musselman.



Opened by singing and prayer by C. H. Brunner, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.

RESOLVED, That W. G. Gehman be Vice-Presiding Elder of the Lehigh Valley District and G. A. Campbell of the Schuylkill Valley District.

RESOLVED, That C. H. Brunner, Presiding Elder, report to the next General Conference.

RESOLVED, That the Secretary send a blessed reminder to the Poor Committee for neglecting to send their report to this Conference, and ask them to send it at once to the Editor of the Conference Journal for publication.

RESOLVED, That the collections for the Missionary Presiding Elder and Gospel Workers shall continue as last year.

RESOLVED, That we recognize the Quarterly Conference license of the Gospel Workers’ Society as equivalent to our church Quarterly Conference license.

RESOLVED, That whenever the Gospel Workers turn one or more of their missions over to the Church, a committee, consisting of the Presiding Elder, the Missionary Presiding Elder and the Treasurer, shall appraise the personal property belonging to the Mission, and in case the Church chooses to buy the same, it shall be paid for out of the Home Missionary treasury.

WHEREAS, The Gospel Workers’ Society desires to open new halls right along, and therefore propose to surrender all classes and halls to the Mennonite Brethren in Christ; and

WHEREAS, They always pay their rent one month in advance, which (one month’s rent) they agreed to forfeit in case the church will close the mission inside of 90 days after it is handed over; therefore

RESOLVED, That all advance rent shall be refunded to them out of the Home Mission treasury for such mission halls where the work is carried on for 90 days or more

RESOLVED, That the Gospel Workers shall have the privilege to change their Gospel Banners as they think advisable.

RESOLVED, That the Camp Meetings be left to the Presiding Elders and the preachers of the campmeeting districts.

RESOLVED, That we erase Rule B, Sec. VI, page 7 of last year’s Journal and insert the following:

(b) Camp Meetings.- The advisability of having boarding stands at the various camp meetings shall be left to the decision of the Presiding Elders.

The report of the Stationing Boundary and Appropriating Committee was read and received as follows:

I. Schuylkill Valley’ District, H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder.

(a) Circuits.

1. Coopersburg and Springtown- L. B. Taylor.

2. Dillinger (Upper Milford) and Hereford- J. G. Shireman.

3. Gratersford, Harleysville and Trappe- G.A. Campbell.

4. Royersford and Spring City- W. J. Fretz, R. Bergstresser, helper

(b) Stations.

1. Bethlehem- R. L. Woodring.

2. Reading- W. K. Ziegler.

3. Terre Hill- O. S. Hillegass.

(c) Missions.

1. Quakertown and Hatfield- J. C. Roth.

2. Athol- To be supplied.

3. Blandon- To be supplied.

4. Nazareth and Plainfield- To be supplied.

II. Lehigh Valley District, C. H. Brunner, Presiding Elder

(a) Circuit.

1. Allentown, South Allentown and Emaus- W. Steinmetz

(b) Station.

1. Mt. Carmel- W. G. Gehman.


1. Walnutport and Tripoli- C. M. Layton

2. Lehighton and Weissport- R. D. Dreisbach

3. Girardville- Home Missionary Society.

4. Northampton- Home Missionary Society.

5. Cementon- Home Missionary Society.

6. Washington, N. J.- Home Missionary Society.

7. Belvidere. N. J.- Home Missionary Society

8. Hackettstown, N. J.- Home Missionary Society.

9. Erwinna- To be supplied.

III. Central Pennsylvania District, W. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder.

All the missions of the Gospel Workers’ Society

(d) Tabernacles- To be supplied.

(e) Local Preachers- A. Strawn, Allentown Quarterly Conference – William Gehman and O. Bitting, Dillinger Quarterly Conference.

(f) Annual Conference Licensed Missionaries- E. T. Shick, W. W. Zimmerman, E. R. Heywood, W. S. Hottel, M. P. Zook. J. C. Roth.

(g) Quarterly Conference Licensed Missionaries- Mrs. W. K. Ziegler, Mrs. C. H. Brunner, Mrs. K. D. Dreisbach, Mrs. J. G. Shireman, Anna Wesley, Amelia Kichline, Robert Bergstresser, H. M. Gehman. F. E. Frey, Alfred Deppe, Jacob H. Moyer, W. W. Dill, E. W. Martin, O. B. Adam, Theo. Clewell, W. F. Edmonds, J. F. Barrall, H. Walter Feldges, H. F. Meltzer, E. E. Kublic, W. F. Sheets, Norman Gehret, E. N. Cassell, W. H. Merrill.

(h) Foreign Missionaries – Chile, South America, H. L. Weiss and Mrs. H. L. Weiss; Thibet, C. F. Snyder; Hadjin, Turkey, Rose Lambert, J. E. Fidler and Mrs. J. E. Fidler.

A.M. Clauser shall have the privilege to travel like last year.


Walnutport and Tripoli… …………$15.00 per quarter

Lehighton and Weissport. ………..$15.00 ” “

Quakertown and Hatfield. ………..$15.00 ” “

RESOLVED, That after the new Tabernacle has been purchased two-thirds of the balance shall be at the disposal of Presiding Elder C. H. Brunner, and the balance at the disposal of Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman, to be used for Home Mission Work at their discretion.

Committee: H. E. Musselman, Chairman; C. H. Brunner, Secretary; W. B. Musselman, C. H. Kline, John W. Miller, Milton Kaufman, E. W. Martin, Wm. E. Manney, E. N. Cassell. Geo. K. Himmelreich, J. F. Barrall, A. G. Taylor, Wm. Schearer.

RESOLVED, That the moving expenses of W. J. Fretz and half of the moving expenses of J. C. Roth to their fields of labor he paid out of the Home Mission Fund.

RESOLVED, That the next Annual Conference convene in Bethlehem at 8 A.M. the first Friday in October, 1901.

The following committee was elected on the Reading Course:

On the Discipline – Presiding Elders C. H. Brunner and H. B. Musselman.

Other Studies– W. G. Gehman, R. D. Dreisbach and R. L. Woodring.

RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Secretary draw up resolutions approving the work of our Foreign Missionaries and send them to their respective fields of labor.

RESOLVED. That we hold one Sunday School Convention in each of the Presiding Elder districts of the Church, and hold a forenoon and afternoon session in each of the Conventions instead of three as heretofore.

The following officers were elected for the Sunday-School Conventions:

I. Schuylkill Valley District–Chairman. R. L. Woodring; Secretary J. G. Shireman; Treasurer, W. K. Ziegler; Committee, H. C. Musselman, J. H. Barrall, L. B. Taylor.

RESOLVED, That this Convention convene at Dillinger on Ascension Day.

RESOLVED, That we extend a hearty invitation to the Presiding Elders of the other two districts to be present at our Convention.

RESOLVED, That we pay the fares of the Superintendents, Delegates and Essayists.

II. Lehigh Valley District – Chairman, W. G. Gehman; Secretary, R. D. Dreisbach: Treasurer, W. Steinmetz; committee, E. T. Shick, W. G. Gehman, William S. Hottel.

RESOLVED, That this convention convene in Allentown on Ascension Day. Each Sunday-School shall be represented by the Superintendent and one Delegate elected from the laity, the fares of each to be paid out of the treasury.

RESOLVED, That we invite the three Presiding Elders and A. M. Clauser and heartily desire the presence of all the Quarterly Conference licensed workers.

The committees shall meet six weeks before the convention to arrange programmes.

Committee or, the Liquidation of the Reading Church Debt:

WHEREAS, C. H. Brunner, Presiding Elder, has been an agency and influence exceeding all previous movements toward obliterating the Reading church debt (assumed by the Annual Conference); and

WHEREAS, Said Brother Brunner has again manifested a marked interest by reducing said debt in the past Conference year; and

WHEREAS, There is still a small debt existing; and

WHEREAS, This Conference has been divided into two Conference Districts; therefore,

RESOLVED. That we recommend each Conference member to personally congratulate said Brother Brunner for the effort made by him and, above all, thank the Lord for the success; and

WHEREAS, Brother Brunner is not Presiding Elder in this district; therefore

RESOLVED, That we exonerate him from collecting the remaining church debt, and, further, that H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, shall proceed in the noble effort so successfully executed by his predecessor in the past. Committee:



RESOLVED, That we change article G, page 6, in the Journal, to read thus:

The pastors shall have charge of the Foreign and Home Missionary money until Annual Conference, unless needed sooner.

RESOLVED, That each pastor shall bring to the Conference an itemized report according to the form of the “Report of the Financial Secretary.”

RESOLVED, That the Treasurer be authorized to loan money out of the Conference funds to the Missionary Presiding Elder according to the judgment and arrangements of the Treasurer and Presiding Elders, to be used in his mission work.

RESOLVED, That the price of the Conference Journal be fifteen cents, and that the Editor shall insert as many illustrations as possible.

RESOLVED, That the minutes be published only in the Conference Journal, and that a supplement be sent to the subscribers of the Banner of the other Conferences

RESOLVED, That the pastors pay their Conference Journal to their respective Presiding Elders at the first Quarterly Conference.

Committee on Resolutions: In as much as the ministers frequently labor very hard, often before and after the camp meetings, wearing both shoes and clothing, therefore

RESOLVED, That, in case any money is left, it be permissible for the respective Presiding Elders to divide a sum amongst the ministers according to the amount of work done by each one, the said sum not exceeding $40.00 (of remainder of camp collections after all expenses are paid).

In case more is left it shall be paid to the Home Missionary Treasurer.





WHEREAS, Our beloved missionaries, Brother and Sister H. L. Weiss, Chile, South America C. F, Snyder, Thibet: Sister Rose Lambert and Brother and Sister J. E. Fidler, of Turkey, having labored so faithfully on their respective fields, and submitted reports to the entire satisfaction of’ the Conference; therefore

RESOLVED, That we, as a Conference, feel thankful to God for His loving protection over them, and ask Him to keep them in the future, pledging ourselves to up hold them with our prayers and gifts.



The minutes of the forenoon session were read and received with corrections.

RESOLVED, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the Brethren and Sisters and Friends of Reading for their kindness and hospitality shown us during the session of this Conference.

RESOLVED, That we appreciate the loyalty and the untiring efforts of the Reading Class in standing by their late pastor and his family, and also in reducing the debt on their Church.

Adjourned by prayer by C. H. Brunner.

Attest: C. H. Brunner. P. E, Chairman; H, B, Musselman, P. E.: W. B. Musselman M. P. E.; W. G. Gehman, Secretary.

Signed: O. S. Hillegass. R. L. Woodring, A. M. Clauser, R. D. Dreisbach, W. J. Fretz, John W.. Miller, A, G. Taylor, Wm. E. Manney, M. Kauffman, E. W. Martin, Wm. Gehman, L. B. Taylor, C. M Layton, E. R. Heywood. E. N. Cassell, E. T. Shick, C. Wentz, W. Steinmetz, W. K. Ziegler, Geo. K Himmelreich, C. H. Kline, Titus G. Taylor, J. F. Barrall.

1. George A. Wentz – Brother George A. Wentz was born April 13, 1867. Married to Ellamina Metzger, 1889, and entered the ministry in 1898. He held tabernacle meetings in Washington, N. J., Ottsville, Pa., etc., and was stationed at Nazareth, Pa., shortly before his death, May 6, 1899.

2. A. B. Musselman – Brother Allen B, Musselman was born December 29,1872. He came a Christian in his early years; married Alice Baus in 1892, entered the ministry in Canada in 1894,ordained in 1898. Entered the Pennsylvania Conference in 1899 and was stationed at Reading until the time of his death, May 2, 1900

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