Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1901 Yearbook
The Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the Pennsylvania District, convened in Ebenezer church, Bethlehem, Pa., at 8 A. M., October 4, 1901.
The first session was opened by the secretary, by singing and prayer, after which it was
RESOLVED, That a chairman for this conference be elected by ballot. Elder W. B. Musselman was elected, whereupon he gave a very practical and encouraging address on Psalm 133, followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost during this conference session.
Ordained Ministers Present.- C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman, W. B. Musselman, G. A. Campbell, A. M. Clauser, R. D. Dreisbach, W. G. Gehman, O. S. Hillegas, L. B. Taylor, W. Steinmetz, A. Strawn, W. K. Ziegler, W. J. Fretz, J.G. Shireman, R. L. Woodring, Wm. Gehman.
Ordained Ministers absent.- O. Bitting, J. E. Fidler.
Probationers Present.- E. T. Shick, E. R. Heywood, W.W. Zimmerman, C. M. Layton, J. C. Roth, M. P. Zook, W.S. Hottel.
Delegates Present.- H. L. Musselman, Jacob Purnell, P.Y. Foltz, A. M. Gehman, Jerry Morgan, J. W. Miller, H. H. Bergey, M. Kaufman, C. W. Stine, A. A. Wismer, J. M. Oplinger, O. A. Olewine, Adam Keller, R. T. Laudenslager, A. O. Hill, G. K. Himmelreich.
Delegate Absent- Herbert Shick.
RESOLVED, That the conference bar include the first two pews and the two amen corners of the church.
The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and received.
According to the standing rule, the secretary appointed his assistants as follows: Wm. S. Hottel, Recording Secretary. J.G. Shireman, Statistical Secretary, J. F. Barrall, Financial Secretary.
RESOLVED, That the Editor of the Journal be elected by one open vote. C.H. Brunner was elected.
RESOLVED, That W. F. Edmonds be appointed Reporter. The following committees were then appointed by the chair and confirmed by the conference.
1. Committee on Worship- R. L. Woodring and W. Steinmetz.
2. Committee on Communications. -W. G. Gehman, R. L. Woodring and L. B. Taylor.
3. Committee on Finance.- J. F. Barrall, M. Kaufman, A. M. Gehman,
4. Committee on Statistics.- J. G. Shireman and R.T. Laudenslager.
5.Committee on Examination on Quarterly Conferences Records- E. T. Shick, J. C. Roth, J. M. Oplinger, O.A. Olewine and P.Y. Foltz.
6. Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders.- Wm Gehman, R. T. Laudenslager and A.M. Clauser.
7. Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries.- G.A. Campbell, W. Steinmetz and O.S. Hillegas.
8. Committee on Examination for Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses- G. A. Campbell, W. K. Ziegler and R.D. Dreisbach.
9. Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination–Wm. Gehman, W. Steinmetz and A. A. Wismer.
10. Auditing Committee.–W. J. Fretz, H. L. Musselman, M. P. Zook and C.W. Stine.
11. Committee on Resolutions,- C. H. Brunner, H.B. Musselman and R. L. Woodring.
The remainder of the session was devoted to hearing the oral reports of the Pastors. Closed by prayer by Elder R.D. Dreisbach.
Opened by singing and prayer by C. M. Layton after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:
We examined the records and found them correct.
Recommendations :
The Bethlehem class recommends J. F. Barrall; the Nazareth class, W. F. Edmunds; the Terre Hill class, E. W. Martin; the Royersford class, R. Bergstresser, the Blandon class, E. N. Cassel; the Allentown class, Theodore Clewell; and the Home Missionary Society; H. F. Meltzer; E. E. Kublic and H. W. Feldges, to this Conference for Annual Conference Licenses.
J. C. ROTH ,
The Committee on Examination of Traveling- Elders :
We examined all the Traveling Elders and found them all satisfactory. Committee:
The Committee on Statistics:
We examined the schedules and found them all correct with few exceptions, which we corrected. Committee:
The oral reports of the Pastors were continued.
The reports were very encouraging. The work, in general, is in a prosperous condition, spiritually and financially. The Pastors have good courage. A real missionary spirit is dominant in nearly all the classes as proved by the sacrifice of the dear ones.
Auditing Committee: We examined the Quarterly Conference accounts and have found the following mistakes: Coopersburg, in pastor’s salary; Allentown, in trustee’s report; Blandon, in pastor’s salary; Girardville, no Sunday School report, and mistake in the hall expenses; Bethlehem, in the Sunday School report; Weissport, in the trustee’s report and minister’s salary; Walnutport, no money collected for the poor; Upper Milford, in total of miscellaneous collections; Home Missionary Society Committee, in expenses of the third quarter, Nazareth, no summary report; Mistake in Mohnsville Camp Meeting accounts. We advise that the secretary of the Quakertown Quarterly Conference use the system in back of book to make out summary reports. Committee:
The report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons was submitted and received. [See Report.]
The report of the Secretary of the Beneficiary Society was submitted and received. [See Report.]
RESOLVED, That the Presiding Elders, H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner and W.B. Musselman report. H.B. Musselman reported a few missions and classes organized through tabernacle meetings and commented on the work done through camp meetings and stated that the work looks bright. C. H. Brunner reported that the missions in the Home Missionary Society were progressive spiritually financially. Large crowds are easily gathered in open air hear the Gospel and many get saved and filled with the Spirit. On both districts there are places ready to build houses of worship.
RESOLVED, That the Conference resolve itself into a committee as a whole, to sit at 7:30 P.M. and that W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, report the work of the Gospel Worker Society to this committee.
The following applicants for the Ministry expressed the nature of their call: J. F. Barrall, W F. Edmunds, E. W. Martin, R. Bergstresser, E. N. Cassel. Theodore Clewell, H. F. Meltzer, E. E. Kublic, H. W. Feldges.
They were referred to the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses.
RESOLVED, That the candidates for Ordination, E .T .Shick, E. R. Heywood, and W. W. Zimmerman, be referred to the committee on Ordination.
Closed by prayer by Elder W. K. Ziegler.
Opened by singing and prayer by E. N. Cassel, after the minutes of the previous session were read and received. The following committee reports were submitted and received.
Committee on Communications: We read the letter concerning the absence of Herbert Shick, delegate of Erwinna, and do not deem his excuse for absence acceptable. Therefore we recommend him to this Conference to deal with him as they see fit.
We recommend the letters of J. E. Fidler and Rose Lambert, of Armenia, C. F. Snyder, of China, and H. L. Weiss, of South America, to be read to this Conference. Committee:
Auditing Committee: We have examined the accounts of Conference schedules and found them correct, with the exception of Weissport, Walnutport and Spring City. Committee:
Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses: We have examined R. Bergstresser and found him satisfactory in Doctrine and Discipline. One hindrance is his family. Therefore we recommend him to this body for consideration. Committee:
RESOLVED, That the chair appoint another committee to examine R. Bergstresser. He appointed H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, W. J. Fretz, L. B. Taylor and A. Strawn.
The Committee on Examination of Applicants for the Ministry did not unanimously recommend the remainder of the applicants, but after a discussion by the Conference, it was unanimously agreed by a rising vote to receive them into the Conference according to the Discipline.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries: We have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory. Committee:
Examining Committee on the Discipline and Reading Course: (See Report.)
Since Brother C. M. Layton was absent again at the examinations during the Conference year, we refer him the consideration of the Conference. Committee:
The Report of the Committee as a Whole:
Brother A.M. Clauser who made a missionary trip through some of the western states, was asked to report. This report was encouraging, showing the goodness of God in the saving and filling of souls with the Holy Spirit.
W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, gave a very interesting report of the Gospel Worker Society. Financially the Lord does provide in a most marvelous manner. Many were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost during the year. In his report he plainly showed the approval of God in all things.
RESOLVED, That we give the Home Missionary Society the privilege of becoming a Gospel Worker Society, Division No. 2.
RESOLVED, That the Conference elect a board of trustees for the Norristown church.
A. A. Wismer, C. H. Brunner and the Presiding Elder of the Schuylkill Valley District were elected.
RESOLVED, That the trustees elected for the Norristown church act shortly after Conference.
RESOLVED, That we have an executive committee,
The following were elected: Wm. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman, G. A. Campbell, and W. K. Ziegler,
RESOLVED, That the tent committee report to the Presiding Elders as to the getting of tents no later than November 15, 1901.
Chairman, C. H. Brunner; Secretary, R. L. Woodring.
The report of the Secretary of the Finance Committee was read and received. (See Report )
The Missionary Presiding Elder read the Statistical Report of the Gospel Worker Society which was received. (Report)
The remainder of the session was denoted to hearing the letters of the Missionaries, C. F. Snyder, J. E. Fidler, Rose Lambert and H. L. Weiss. They were referred to the Committee on Resolutions.
RESOLVED, That a question box be placed on the table and the questions be answered by the chair at the beginning of the afternoon session. Closed by prayer by W. J. Fretz.
Opened by singing and prayer by W. Steinmetz, after which the minutes were read and received with corrections.
The following committee reports were submitted and received :
Committee on Ordination:
We have reconsidered the candidates for ordination and recommend E. T. Shick and W. W. Zimmerman to this Conference for Ordination. E. R. Heywood shall travel the coming year as the Conference may direct. Committee:
RESOLVED, That the candidates for Ordination be ordained on Sunday afternoon.
Committee on Resolutions :
(a)WHEREAS, The excuse received from Brother Herbert Schick, delegate from Erwinna, concerning his absence has not been deemed satisfactory , therefore
RESOLVED, That this Conference is displeased with the absence of said delegate.
(b) RESOLVED, That we would respectfully recommend the members of our church to encourage the Foreign Missionary Board in forwarding their funds through the aforesaid Board, and not to forward their money direct to the Missionaries, thereby lessening or neglecting their contributions in the direct channel, provided by Conference, for the support pledged to our respective Missionaries.
(c) WHEREAS, We have in the inspired record a number of instances where the children of Christian parents were formally and publicly dedicated to the Lord. I Sam. 22-28, Mark, 10:5, 13.16.
THEREFORE, We heartily encourage our people to dedicate their little children to the God by prayer and laying on of the hands of the pastors.
(d) WHEREAS, We have frequently been asked for certificates of birth or baptism, and
WHEREAS, We do not believe in the sprinkling of infants, therefore
RESOLVED, That we will have proper certificates printed substituting the word “Dedicated to the Lord,” to be given when children are formally dedicated to the Lord by prayer and the laying on of hands of the minister in charge.
Committee: C. H. BRUNNER,
RESOLVED, That the Chair appoint a committee to arrange Birth Certificate.
He appointed the two Presiding Elders and Secretary.
RESOLVED, That last year’s decision concerning the failure of C. M. Layton, to take up his studies, be carried out.
RESOLVED, That we elect two Presiding Elders for the church proper, and recognize W. B. Musselman as Missionary Presiding Elder, ex-officio.
RESOLVED, That the Presiding Elders, C. H. Brunner and H. B. Musselman address the Conference before the election of Presiding Elders.
They expressed their gratitude towards the Conference and Mission Workers for their forbearance and prayers and recognize the leadings of the Lord during the past years and expressed their willingness to go where ever the Lord calls them to go.
The following ministers submitted themselves unconditionally to the Conference: H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, W. B. Musselman, E. T. Shick, R. D. Dreisbach, W. K. Ziegler, J. G. Shireman, R. L. Woodring, O. S. Hillegas, W.J. Fretz, G. A. Campbell , W. Steinmetz, W. S. Hottel, J. C. Roth, W. G. Gehman, M. P. Zook, W. W. Zimmerman, H. F. Meltzer, H. W. Feldges, E. E. Kublic, E. R. Heywood, Theodore Clewell, J. F. Barrall, W. F. Edmunds, E. W. Martin, E. N. Cassel.
Conditional: L. B. Taylor, C. M. Layton, A. Strawn, Wm. Gehman, R. Bergstresser, A. M. Clauser.
The time of election of Presiding Elders having come, the Conference ordered the Chair to appoint tellers. He appointed A. M. .Clauser, L. B. Taylor and J. F. Barrall.
C. H. Brunner and H. B. Musselman were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year.
H. B. Musselman was elected Chairman of the next Annual Conference.
Other officers elected: Vice Presiding Elders, W. G. Gehman and R. L. Woodring; Secretary, W. G. Gehman; Treasurer, A. M. Gehman.
Standing Committee the Presiding Elders: G. A. Campbell, O. S. Hillegas and J. G. Shireman.
A collection was taken up for the labor and expenses of the Secretary, amounting to $4.22. Thanks.
The following Committees were elected by acclamation:
Foreign Missionary Board.- C H Brunner, W. G Gehman, H. B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman and A. M Gehman.
The Board of Deacons.- M. Kaufman, A. A. Wismer and C. J. Shelly.
Reading Course Committee.- W. K. Ziegler, W. G. Gehman and R. D. Dreisbach.
RESOLVED, That H. B. Musselman preach the Conference sermon on Sunday morning, and that C. H. Brunner preach the Ordination sermon in the afternoon. It was afterwards decided that W. B. Musselman preach in the evening.
RESOLVED, That the three Presiding Elders and the delegates of the circuits and stations constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriation Committee.
Adjourned by prayer by W. S. Hottel, to 7.30 P. M.
Opened by singing and prayer, by. W. B. Musselman, after which the minutes of the previous Session were read and received.
Committee on Resolutions.
WHEREAS, Our beloved Brother Milton Kaufman, has served this Conference so nobly for the last eighteen years, in the capacity of Treasurer, therefore
RESOLVED, That we as a body herewith express our hearty appreciation for serving this body so acceptably for such a number of years, and also wish him an abundance of His peace and joy the future days of his life.
Committee :
WHEREAS, This Conference has received very welcome and encouraging letters and reports from our beloved Missionaries, Brother and Sister H. L. Weiss, of Chile, South America, Brother and Sister J. E. Fidler and Rose Lambert, of Hadjin, Turkey, and C. F. Snyder, of China, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That we as a Conference feel grateful to God for their protection during those troublesome days and pledge ourselves to support them with our prayers and gifts, trusting the Lord to make real to them Phil. 4:19, open doors of service, give them glorious victories and many if He should tarry.
Committee on Examining Applicant R. Bergstresser.
We have examined Brother Robert Bergstresser as applicant for the ministry in his relation to his family and upon his promise to be faithful to the Conference and Presiding Elder, we hereby recommend him to this Conference as a Probationer. Committee:
RESOLVED, That the Stationing Boundary and Appropriating Committee shall begin its session Sunday at 9: P. M.
RESOLVED, That the Presiding Elder Districts be divided as follows:
(a) Schuylkill Valley District, H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder,- Plainfield, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Coopersburg, Springtown. Quakertown, Hatfield, Norristown, Upper Milford, Hereford, Macungie, Gratersford, Blandon, Fleetwood, Reading, Athol, Terre Hill, Royersford, Spring City, with all the tabernacles belonging to this district.
(b) Lehigh Valley District, C. H. Brunner , Presiding Elder,- Allentown, South Allentown, Emaus, Erwinna, Washington, N. J., Northampton, Lehighton, Weissport, Walnutport, Tripoli, Girardville, Mount Carmel and all the missions through New Jersey.
(c)General Missionary District, W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder,- This district comprises the various missions in charge of the Gospel Worker Society.
RESOLVED, That we recommend each Pastor to a special effort to swell the Beneficiary Fund to assist the worthy widows of the deceased Pastors.
RESOLVED, That persons of one district shall not be permitted to go into another district to collect money without the permission of the respective Presiding Elders.
The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following, officers-: President, W. Steinmetz; Secretary, L. B. Taylor; Treasurer, A.M. Gehman.
When the subject of the Reading Church was brought, the sum of 102.50 was collected in a few minutes, after-which H. B. Musselman assumed the responsibility of collecting the rest.
RESOLVED, That H. L. Musselman be granted leave of absence on Monday morning, Providing the Stationing Committee is finished. Closed by prayer by C. H. Brunner.
W. G. Gehman addressed the Sunday School at 9:30 At 10 o’clock H. B. Musselman preached the Conference sermon from I Cor. 4:1,2 The duties and responsibilities of the Pastor were brought out very prominently. How he is to devote his time in saving souls and edifying
the body of Christ.
At 2:30 P.M. C. H. Brunner preached the Ordination sermon from Rom 1:14, 16. The address was fraught with practical thoughts, especially portraying the life of the Apostle Paul. E. T. Shick and W. W. Zimmerman were ordained “by the laying on of the hands of the presbytery.” This part of the service was very touching. The Lord melted their hearts as well as many others.
After a praise meeting in the evening led by W. W. Ziegler, W. B. Musselman preached a stirring and practical sermon on the New Commandment from John 13: 36.
The church was crowded all day and the Lord’s presence was manifested in power and glory.
Opened by singing and prayer by J W. Miller, after which the minutes were read and received with a few alterations.
The report of the Treasurer of the Foreign Missionary Board was read and received. (See Report.)
The Report of the Stationary, Boundary and Appropriating Committee was read and received as follows:
I. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY DISTRICT, H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder.
(a) Circuits.
1. Coopersburg and Springtown- E. W Martin.
2. Dillinger, Hereford and Macungie- J. G. Shireman.
3. Gratersford and Harleysville- G. A Campbell .
4. Royersford, Spring City and Norristown- J. W. Fretz.
5. Terre Hill and Remps- O. S. Hillegas.
6. Blandon, Athol and Fleetwood- E. N. Cassel.
(b) Stations.
1. Bethlehem- R. L. Woodring.
2. Reading- W. K. Ziegler.
1. Quakertown, Hatfield and Souderton- J. C. Roth.
2. Nazareth and Plainfield- E. R. Heywood.
(d) Tabernacles- To be supplied.
(e) Local Preacher- L. B. Taylor, Coopersburg, Quarterly Conference.
A. M. Clauser shall have the permission to travel like last year.
(f) Annual Conference Licensed Missionaries- W. F. Edmonds and J. F. Barrall.
(g) Quarterly Conference Licensed Missionaries- Mrs. W E. Ziegler, Mrs. J. G. Shireman, Mrs. James Kichline, J. H. Moyer, W. W. Dill, O. B. Adams and Norman Gehret.
(h) Appropriations for ensuing year :
Quakertown and Hatfield 15.00 per quarter.
Nazareth and Plainfield 15.00 per quarter
II. LEHIGH VALLEY DISTRICT C. H. Brunner Presiding Elder.
(a) Stations.
1. Allentown- E. T. Shick, Wm. Gehman Assistant.
2. Mt. Carmel- W. G. Gehman.
1. South Allentown and Emaus- W. Steinmetz.
2. Lehighton and Weissport- R. D. Dreisbach.
3 Girardville- Theodore Clewell.
4. Northampton- To be supplied.
5.Walnutport and Tripoli- To be supplied. R. Bergstresser was assigned to this place afterward.
6. Erwinna- To be supplied.
7 Washington, N. J.- To be supplied.
(c) Tabernacles- To be supplied.
(d) Local Preachers- A. Strawn, Allentown Quarterly Conference, O. Bitting, South Allentown Quarterly Conference.
(e) Annual Conference Licensed Missionaries- M. P. Zook, ,W.S. Hottel, H.F. Metzler, E. E. Kublic, H. W. Feldges and W.W. Zimmerman.
(f)Quarterly Conference Licensed Missionaries.- H. M. Gehman, Alfred Deppe, Mrs. C. H. Brunner, Mrs. R. D. DREISBACH, Anna Wesley, C. J. Edwards, W. H. Stutzman, J. H. Rauch, R. W. Zollar, and C. M. Layton.
(g)Appropriations for ensuing year :
South Allentown and Emaus $15.00 per quarter
Lehighton and Weissport, $15.00 per quarter
Girardville $15.00 per quarter
Walnutport and New Tripoli to be decided upon by Presiding Elders. This was decided to be $25.00 per quarter.
III. GENERAL MISSIONARY DISTRICT- W. B Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder of Gospel Worker Society:
IV. FOREIGN MISSIONARIES- Chile, South America, H. L. Weiss and Mrs. H. L. Weiss; Thibet, C. F. Snyder Hadjin, Turkey, J. E Fidler, Mrs. J. E. Fidler and Rose Lambert.
After the Appropriations are taken out of the Home Missionary Treasury two thirds of the balance shall be at the disposal of Presiding Elder C. H. Brunner, and the rest at the disposal of Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman to be used for Home Mission work at their discretion.
Committee: W. B. Musselman, Chairman, H. B. Musselman, Secretary, C. H . Brunner, P. Y . Foltz, G. K. Himmelreich, J. W. Miller, A.A. Wismer, H. L. Musselman, Adam Keller, A. M. Gehman, R. T. Laudenslager, Milton Kaufman and C. W. Stine.
WHEREAS, We highly appreciated the oral and statistical reports given by W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, concerning the labor of the Gospel Worker Society, therefore
RESOLVED, That we, as a Conference admitting the noble work done, and the Spirit of true self denial manifested, feel deeply interested in this Missionary Society and pledge ourselves to recognize and uphold the same with our prayers, as well as otherwise.
(a) RESOLVED, That the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Home Missionary Society shall be recognized as a part of the district of Presiding Elder C. H. Brunner, by virtue of his office.
(b) RESOLVED, That C. H. Brunner be authorized to appoint his wife, Mrs. C. H. Brunner, to any office in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Home Missionary Society that he may see proper, and is privileged to make any rules which may be beneficial to the work of God and the church.
RESOLVED That the collections for the missionary Presiding Elder and Gospel Workers shall continue as last year.
RESOLVED, That we recognize the Quarterly Conference License of the Gospel Worker Society as equivalent to our Church Quarterly Conference License.
RESOLVED, That whenever the Gospel Workers turn one or more of their missions over to the church, a committee consisting of the Presiding Elder, the Missionary Presiding Elder and the Treasurer, shall appraise the personal property belonging to the Mission, and in case the church chooses buy the same, it shall be paid for out of the Home Missionary treasury.
WHEREAS, They always pay their rent one month in advance, which (one month’s rent) they agreed to forfeit in case the church will close the mission inside of ninety days after it is handed over ; therefore
RESOLVED, That all advance rent shall be refunded to them out of the Home Mission treasury for such mission halls where the work is carried on for 90 days or more
RESOLVED, That the Gospel Workers shall have the privilege to change their Gospel Banners as they think advisable.
RESOLVED, That we publish 200 Conference Journals and sell them at 25 cents a piece.
RESOLVED, That the Secretary arrange a brief report of last Sunday’s services to be published in the Conference Journal.
Resolution Concerning our Foreign Missionaries.- Having listened with great interest to the reports sent to the Conference by our beloved missionaries, Brother and Sister Fidler and Sister Rose Lambert of Turkey, Brother and Sister H. L. Weiss of Chili and Brother C. F. Snyder of China, therefore
RESOLVED, We as a Conference greatly appreciate their labor and self-denial and pledge our prayers for their protection as well as our gifts for their support.
H. B. MUSSELMAN, Chairman F. M. Board
W. G. GEHMAN, Secretary F. M. Board
RESOLVED, That we buy a new rectangular tabernacle for the camp meetings and that the Presiding Elder apportion the amount according to membership, for the Pastors to collect.
RESOLVED, That the Chair appoint a committee of three including the Secretary, to decide which of the resolutions, if any, shall be standing rules.
RESOLVED, That the Chairman and Secretary of the Foreign Missionary Board draw up resolutions approving the work of our Foreign Missionaries and send them to their respective fields of labor.
RESOLVED, That the minutes be published only in the Conference Journal and that a supplement be sent to the subscribers of the Banner of the other Conferences.
RESOLVED, That the pastors pay their Conference Journal to respective Presiding Elders at the first Quarterly Conference.
RESOLVED, That the Treasurer be authorized to loan money without interest, out of the Conference funds, to the Missionary Presiding Elder, according to the judgment of the Treasurer and Presiding Elders.
RESOLVED, That it be a standing rule for each Pastor to bring to the Conference an itemized report according to the form of the “Report of the Financial Secretary.”
RESOLVED, That each Presiding Elder shall issue the licenses to their respective preachers.
RESOLVED, That the next Annual Conference convene in Mt. Carmel, at 8 a. m., the third Friday in October, 1902.
RESOLVED, That it be a standing rule that the Presiding Elders examine their respective applicants on the Discipline.
RESOLVED, That we hold a Sunday School Convention in each of the Presiding Elders Districts of the Church.
RESOLVED, That the Conference resolve itself into two committees, each comprising the members of their respective Presiding Elder Districts for the election of officers for the Sunday School Conventions.
Adjourned by prayer by J. G. Shireman.
Opened by singing and prayer by J. C. Roth.
The committee on Sunday School Conventions reported as follows.
I. Schuylkill Valley District- Chairman, W. K. Ziegler; Secretary, R. L. Woodring , Treasurer, W. J. Fretz. Committee:
RESOLVED, That this Convention convene at Coopersburg on Decoration day May 30, 1902.
RESOLVED, That we extend a hearty invitation to the Presiding Elders of the other two districts to be present at our Convention.
RESOLVED, That we pay the fares of the Superintendents, Delegates and Essayists.
RESOLVED, That the Committee on Program meet six weeks previous to the Convention and that the Pastors of the District send subjects to the Chairman if they have any.
II. Lehigh Valley District- Chairman, R. D. Dreisbach, Secretary, Wm. S. Hottel, Treasurer, E. T. Shick. Committee:
RESOLVED, That this Convention shall convene in Lehighton on Ascension day.
RESOLVED, That each School shall be represented by the Superintendent and one Delegate elected from the laity.
RESOLVED, That the fares of the Superintendents and Essayists shall be paid by the Convention.
RESOLVED, That we have two sessions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon.
RESOLVED, That the Committee shall meet six weeks before the Convention also to arrange the programme for the evening service.
The Report of the Committee on Standing Rules was submitted and received as follows:
We recommend the following Resolutions to be added to the Standing Rules.
(a) RESOLVED, That each class shall lift a free will offering for the Missionary Presiding Elder, each quarter.
(b) Add to Miscellaneous on page 7, paragraph 7, – Each Pastor shall bring to the Conference an itemized according to the form of the report of the Financial Secretary
(c) That we insert the words “by their respective Presiding Elders,” between the words “examined” and “on our articles” under Applicants for the Ministry. Paragraph B, page 5.
(d) A Foreign Missionary Board consisting of five shall be elected annually. The President shall call and preside at the meetings of the board held annually or oftener. The Secretary shall communicate with the Foreign Missionaries and report to the Annual Conference. The Treasurer shall report the financial standing of the board to the Annual Conference. Committee:
RESOLVED, That the respective Presiding Elders of our church meet the proper officials of the different railroads, and present to them a list of such pastors and workers, who devote all their time to the Ministry and arrange that the suitable ones receive their clerical orders. Committee:
RESOLVED , That we have a Conference Fund into which we put the balance of money left from the sale of lumber at the Chestnut Hill camp meeting.
RESOLVED, That the fares of the probationers and examiners on the Reading Course at the spring examination be paid out of the Conference Fund. Committee:
RESOLVED That the Conference Secretary be appointed to get Annual Conference Schedules and forms for Oral and Statistical Reports printed, to be paid out of the Conference fund .
RESOLVED, That the Conference appoint a Building Committee for the proposed church building at Macungie. J. G. Shireman and A. M . Gehman were appointed.
As a token of the appreciation of the services and wise counsel of our beloved Chairman during this conference a rising vote of thanks was tendered him.
An article concerning Camp Meetings and Sunday Conventions shall be inserted in the Standing Rules.
As a token of the appreciation of the services and wise counsel of our beloved Chairman during this Conference a rising vote of thanks was tendered him.
A rising vote of thanks was tendered the brothers and sisters of Bethlehem for their kindness and the hospitable entertainment the Conference received during its session. Truly we must confess that the Lord led the Conference. Many precious lessons were learned. The officers, pastors and workers were more united than ever, and in the name of the Lord we will go to our field of labor, suffering, testing, as well as victory and blessing with better courage than ever endeavoring to stand true to each other, lift up the standard until He that shall come, will come. Amen.
The minutes of this session were read and received. Adjourned by prayer by C. H. Brunner.
Attest: W. B. MUSSELMAN, Chairman.
W. G. GEHMAN, Secretary.
Signed:- J. C. Roth, Milton Kaufman, W. J. Fretz , H. B. Musselman, W. Steinmetz, Wm. S. Hottel, A. A. Wismer C. H. Brunner, O. S. Hillegas, E. T. Shick, Jacob Purnall, Chas. W. Stine, H. H. Bergey, J. W. Miller, H. W. Feldges, R. D. Dreisbach, Alfred M. Clauser, Adam Keller, O. A. Olewine, Jas. M. Oplinger, Jerry Morgan, J. G. Shireman, W. K. Ziegler, L. B. Taylor, R. L. Woodring, E. N. Cassel, E. R. Heywood, Geo. K. Himmelreich, William Gehman Geo. Campbell, Allen M. Gehman, R. T. Laudenslager, A. O. Hill.