Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1902 Yearbook
The Nineteenth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, of the Pennsylvania District, convened in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Reading, Pa., at 8 A. M., October 17, 1902.
The first session was opened by singing and a very practical and searching address on True Love,” on I Peter 3:8-17, by the chairman, H. B. Musselman, P. E., followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost during this
Conference session.
ORDAINED MINISTERS PRESENT- H. B Musselman, C. H. Brunner, W. G. Gehman, G. A. Campbell, A. M. Clauser, R. D. Dreisbach, W. J. Fretz, O. S. Hillegass, E. T. Shick, J. G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, R. L. Woodring, W. K. Ziegler, L. B. Taylor, W. W. Zimmerman, Wm. Gehman, W. B. Musselman.
ORDAINED MINISTERS ABSENT – O. Bitting, A. Strawn, J. E. Fidler and H. L. Weiss, Foreign Missionaries.
PROBATIONERS PRESENT — R. Bergstresser, E. N. Cassel, E. W. Martin, J. C. Roth, W. S. Hottel, E. E. Kublic, E. R. Heywood, M. P. Zook, J. F. Barrall, F. W. Feldges, H. F. Meltzer, T. E. Clewell.
DELEGATES PRESENT — Adam Keller, Francis Snyder, H. L. Musselman, A. A. Wismer, G. K. Himmelreich, C. W. Benner, R. T. Laudenslager, A. M. Gehman, Charles Eroh, H. M. Hottel, A. O. Hill, Wm. Brown, Oliver Bartholomew.
Resolved, that the conference bar include the first three pews and the one amen corner.
The proceedings of the last Annual Conference were read and received.
According to the standing rule, the secretary appointed his assistants as follows: W. J. Fretz, Recording Secretary; J. G. Shireman, Statistical Secretary; J. F. Barrall, Financial Secretary .
Resolved that R. D,. Dreisbach be appointed reporter.
Resolved, that the Conference resolve itself into a committee of the whole to hold evening sessions on Friday and Saturday.
Resolved, That the Editor of the JOURNAL be elected by an open vote for two years. R. L. Woodring was elected.
The following committees were then appointed by the chair and confirmed by the Conference.
Committee on Worship.- W. K. Ziegler. A. Keller.
Communications.- W. G. Gehman, R. L. Woodring, E. N. Cassel.
Committee on Finance.- J. F; Barrall, A. M. Gehman, A. Gaumer.
Committee on Statistics.- J. G. Shireman, C. W. Banner.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records.- J. C. Roth, P. Y. Foltz, E. W. Martin, R. T. Laudenslager, A. A. Wismer.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders.- Wm. Gehman, L. B. Taylor.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.- G. A. Campbell, E. T. Shick, O. S. Hillegass.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses.- C. H. Brunner, W. K. Ziegler, R. D. Dreisbach.
Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination.- W. K. Ziegler, C. H. Brunner, William Gehman.
Committee on Resolutions.- C. H. Brunner, R. L. Woodring, W. J. Fretz.
Auditing Committee–W. Steinmetz, W. S. Hottel, H. L. Musselman, Charles Eroh.
The remainder of the forenoon session was devoted to hearing the oral reports of the pastors. Closed by prayer by R. T. Laudenslager
Friday Afternoon October 17, 1902
Opened by singing and prayer by C. H. Brunner, after, which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received.
Committee on Communications We read the letter of A. Strawn, of Allentown, and deem his excuse for absence acceptable.
We recommend the letters of J. E. Fidler and Rose Lambert of Armenia, and H. L. Weiss, of South America, to be read to this Conference.
W. G. Gehman,
R. L. Woodring,
E. N. Cassel.
Committee on Quarterly Conference Records. – We examined the records and found them correct.
J. C. Roth,
P. Y. Foltz,
E. W. Martin,
R. T. Laudenslager,
A. A. Wismer.
Committee on Examination on Traveling Elders.- We have examined all the Traveling Elders through their respective delegates, and found them all satisfactory.
William Gehman,
L. B. Taylor,
A. M. Clauser,
Committee Examining on the Discipline and Reading Course. (See Report)
WHEREAS, H. F. Meltzer failed to be present at the first semi-annual examination, therefore
Resolved, That he present himself at the first semi-annual examination next year.
The oral reports of the pastors were continued.
The reports were encouraging. There is a marked increase in membership, spirituality, and finances in general. The pastors, by realized and anticipated faith obtained good reports. There is a sound missionary spirit predominant for Home and Foreign work. Closed by prayer by O. S. Hillegass.
Third Session
Saturday Morning, October 18, 1902.
Opened by singing and prayer by Feldges, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
The report of the Committee of the whole.- Elder A. M. Clauser who made a missionary trip through the western states, was asked to report. He reported that throughout the year souls were saved even a number were baptized different places.
Resolved, That the Missionary Society be a body by itself, and that the Church elect a president for the Society.
Resolved, That all charges be under one Presiding Elder.
Resolved, That all collections at Quarterly Conferences be turned over to the Presiding Elder of the Church.
Resolved, That the president of the Home Missionary Society hold an all-day meeting on every charge, and a Missionary Meeting at each appointment, and take up a cash collection and subscriptions, the pastor to collect and bring them to the Annual Conference, and the Stationing
Committee divide it as they see fit.
The Executive Committee reported some progress made during the year.
Resolved, That we continue the Executive. Committee.
WHEREAS, The Conference has reluctantly accepted the excuses of the absence of the delegates of Allentown and Spring City, therefore
Resolved, That we earnestly desire the delegates to be present hereafter except in cases of impossibility.
G. A. Campbell, Chairman,
W. J. Fretz, Secretary.
Committee on Statistics, We have examined the Annual Conference schedules and found a goodly number of them incorrect, which were corrected.
J. G. Shireman,
C. W. Benner.
The report of the Finance Committee was submitted and received. (See Report)
The report of the Secretary of the Beneficiary Society was submitted and received.(See report.)
The report of the Treasurer of the Annual Conference Fund was submitted and received. (See Report.)
The report of the Treasurer of the Home Missionary Society was submitted and received. (See Report.)
The financial reports of the Presiding Elders were submitted and received. (See Reports.)
The financial reports of the Presiding Elders were submitted and received. (See Reports.) The report of the Presiding Elder relative to the defraying of the Reading Church debt was submitted and referred to the Committee on Resolutions, to draw up resolutions of
The report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons was submitted and received. (See Report.)
WHEREAS, an urgent telegram for J. F. Barrall to come home to attend to business was received, therefore
Resolved, That he be permitted to go home and investigate and return as soon as possible.
The letters of our Foreign Missionaries were read to the Conference and referred to the Committee on Resolutions.
Rev. J. H. Von Neida and Rev. H. H. Romig, of the U. B. Church, were received as advisory members of this Conference.
The report of the President of the Board of Trustees of the Norristown Church was received. The Board was exonerated.
Resolved, That we elect the Presiding Elder and two lay members as a Board of Trustees. A. A. Wismer and A. M. Gehman were elected from the laity.
Resolved, That we would respectfully recommend the members of our church to encourage the Foreign Missionary Board in forwarding their funds through the aforesaid board, and not to forward their money direct to the missionaries, thereby lessening or neglecting their
contributions in the direct channel, provided by Annual Conference for the support pledged to our respective missionaries. (Page 15, Resolution B be inserted in the Standing Rules.)
Resolved, That our single men who apply for the work, shall be referred to the Home Missionary President.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder of the church proper buy the tabernacle and that the secretary assist him in apportioning the amount according to membership, for the pastors to collect.
Resolved, That Rev. L. F. Haas be received as an advisory member.
Resolved, That the candidate for ordination, E. R. Heywood, be referred to the Committee on Ordination.
Resolved, That the subscriptions for Home Mission Work be taken between New Year and the camp meeting season.
Resolved, That the subscriptions for Foreign Missions be taken soon after the Annual Conference, to be collected before February l. (To be incorporated on Page 5-D)
Resolved, That “In October “be omitted in article 6,- Special Services.
Resolved, That Article C, page 5, Special Services, be omitted.
Resolved, That we omit Article B, (Temperance) page 5, Special Services.
Revise Article L, page 6, as follows: One or more Sunday School Conventions shall be held annually. The officers shall be elected at the Annual Conference.
WHEREAS, Our classes are well supplied with competent Stewards, therefore
Resolved, That we discourage ordaining Deacons prior to the next General Conference
Resolved, That the editor of the Conference JOURNAL arrange a brief report of next Sunday’s services to be published in the Conference JOURNAL.
Resolved, That the minutes be published only in the Conference JOURNAL and that a supplement be sent to the subscribers of the “Banner” of the other Conferences, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.
Closed by prayer by W. Steinmetz.
Fourth Session
Saturday Afternoon, October 18, 1902
Opened by singing and prayer by H. B. Musselman, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received with as few alterations.
Resolved, That Revs. A. Lehman, of the United Brethren Church, and J. S. Farnsworth, of the Evangelical Association, be received as advisory members.
The following committee reports were submitted and received.
Auditing Committee, – We have examined all the books and accounts and found them all correct, with a few exception of the Conference Schedules of Coopersburg, Reading, Dillinger, Fleetwood and Walnutport.
We also found a few slight mistakes in a few Quarterly Conference Records which were corrected.
We as a committee would kindly advise the pastors to make plain figures, and also fill out their schedules properly.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries. – We examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries and found all satisfactory.
Committee on Resolutions, –WHEREAS, our beloved Presiding Elder, H. B. Musselman has served this body so acceptably for the last year in raising sufficient money to pay off the Reading Church debts, therefore
Resolved, That we as a body herewith express our hearty appreciation for the same , and wish him God’s speed and blessing.
WHEREAS, This Conference has received very welcome and encouraging letters and reports from our beloved missionaries, Brother and Sister H. L. Weiss, of Chili, South America; Brother and Sister J. E. Fidler and Rose Lambert, of Hadjin, Turkey, therefore
Resolved That we as a Conference feel grateful to God for their protection during these troublesome days and will pledge ourselves to support them with our prayers and gifts, trusting the Lord to make real to them Phil. 4;19, open new doors of service, give them glorious victories if He shall tarry.
A letter from C. F. Snyder of China, was also expected but failed to come at this time.
Committee on Ordination.- We. have examined E. R. Heywood and found his character satisfactory, but for various reasons concerning his capabilities, we would recommend this Conference to postpone his ordination.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elders give their oral reports
C. H. Brunner reported unity among the ministers, a few halls opened, tabernacle meetings held, a goodly number saved, baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. The pastorates and mission are in good condition financially and spiritually. Several churches were built, or are being built. Open air meetings are held and largely attended and people are getting healed and prepared for the Lord’s coming.
W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, gave a very interesting report of the Gospel Worker Society. Financially the Lord provides in a most marvelous manner. Many were saved and filled with the Holy Ghost during the past year. The colportage work is grand. Many banners and books were sold, and the sale of Gospel Worker Calendars is marvelous. In his report he plainly showed the approval of God in all things.
H. B. Musselman reported the work united and an increase in membership and growth in spirituality a goodly number saved in tabernacles and the work getting more sound right along. The open air meetings are grand, a few new churches built and even colportage work increasing A collection was taken up for the labor and expenses of the secretary amounting to $8.81. Thanks.
The following ministers submitted themselves unconditionally to the Conference.
H. B. Musselman W. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, W. G. Gehman, R. Bergstresser, G. A. Campbell, E. N. Cassel, A. M. Clauser, T. E. Clewell, R. D. Dreisbach, W. J. Fretz, O. S. Hillegass, E. W. Martin, J. C. Roth, E. T. Shick, J. G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, W. K. Ziegler, W. W. Zimmerman, W. S. Hottel, H. F. Meltzer.
Conditionally:- O. Bitting and A. Strawn, absent; Wm. Gehman, A. M. Clauser.
The time for the election of a Presiding Elder, having come, the Conference ordered the chair to appoint tellers. He appointed A. M. Clauser and L. B. Taylor.
H. B. Musselman was elected unanimously as Presiding Elder for the ensuing year.
C. H. Brunner was elected as the president of the Missionary Society. It was afterward made unanimous by a rising vote.
RESOLVED that we recognize W. B. Musselman as Missionary Presiding Elder ex-officio.
Other Officers Elected.- Vice Presiding Elder, R. L. Woodring; Secretary, W. G. Gehman; Treasurer, A. M Gehman
The following committees were elected by acclamation:
Standing Committee over the Presiding Elders.- W. K. Ziegler, J. G. Shireman
and W. Steinmetz.
Foreign Missionary Board.- H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, A. M. Gehman and Wm. Gehman.
The Board of Deacons.- M. Kauffman, C. J. Shelly, and A. A. Wismer
Reading Course Committee.- W. G. Gehman , R. D. Dreisbach. W. K. Ziegler.
Resolved, That H. B. Musselman preach the Conference sermon on Sunday morning. C. H. Brunner shall preach Sunday afternoon and R. L. Woodring Sunday evening.
Resolved, That we grant W. B. Musselman leave of absence from Conference after the session of the Committee of the Whole.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, the President of the Home Missionary Society, the delegates of the circuits and stations, constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.
Resolved, That the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee begin its session Sunday at 7 P.M.
Resolved, That C. H. Brunner, president of the Home Missionary Society be recognized as Missionary Presiding Elder ex-officio.
Closed by prayer by Wm. Brown.
Extra Session
Sunday Afternoon, October 19, 1902
Opened by singing and prayer by W. K. Ziegler, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following Committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee of the Conference of the Whole.- WHEREAS, Bro. L. F. Haas presented himself to this Conference as a candidate for the ministry, and after coming to a thorough understanding, it was
Resolved, That we recommend him to this Conference to be received as a probationer.
W. K. ZIEGLER, Chairman,
W. J. FRETZ, Secretary,
Resolved, That L. F. Haas be examined orally by the Conference on the Doctrinal part of the Discipline and on the Form and Rules of the Discipline by a written examination by the Presiding Elder between now and Spring.
L. F. Haas was examined on Doctrine and was found satisfactory. Closed by prayer by Wm. Gehman.
Services Sunday, October 19
M. P. Zook had charge of the praise meeting, at 9.30 A. M.
At 10 o’clock H. B. Musselman preached the Conference sermon from I Tim. 4: 16. Take heed unto thyself and to the doctrine. The duties and responsibilities, as well as the character of the true pastor, were brought out very practically.
At 3 P. M. C. H. Brunner preached a stirring and practical sermon from Eph. 1: 15, 23. The address was especially portraying the life of true apostleship to which the church is recommended.
W. W. Zimmerman opened the evening services at 7 P. M. with a praise service, after which R. L. Woodring delivered an address from Col. 3: 3, 4, followed with an altar service after which a number of the brethren were anointed and claimed healing. The church was crowded all day and the Lord’s presence was manifested in power and glory.
Sixth Session
Monday Morning, October 20, 1902
Opened by singing and prayer by E. T. Shick, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Resolutions.- As the scriptures contain a number of instances where children of Godly parents were formally and publicly dedicated to the Lord, I Sam. 22, 28, Mark 10,13-16, we heartily encourage our people to dedicate their children to the Lord, by prayer and laying on of the hands of the Elders, who shall then furnish proper certificates.
Resolved, That whenever the Gospel Worker Society or the Home Missionary Society turn one or more of their Missions over to the church, a committee consisting of the Presiding Elder, Treasurer and Missionary Presiding Elder of the Society in question, shall appraise the personal property belonging to the said Mission, in case the church chooses to buy the same, such property to be paid for out of the Home Missionary Treasury.
Report of the Building Committee of the Macungie church was submitted and received. The committee was exonerated.
Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.- H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder.
(a) Stations.
1. Bethlehem- W. G. Gehman.
2. Allentown- E. T. Shick.
3. Mt. Carmel- R. L. Woodring.
(b) Circuits.-
1. Quakertown and Hatfield- J. C. Roth.
2. Coopersburg and Springtown- E. W. Martin.
3. South Allentown and Emaus- W. Steinmetz.
4. Gratersford and Harleysville- O. S. Hillegass.
5. Dillinger and Hereford- E. N. Cassel.
6. Royersford, Spring City and Norristown- W. J. Fretz.
7. Blandon, Fleetwood and Macungie- J. G. Shireman.
8. Reading and Athol- W. K. Ziegler.
(c) Missions.
1. Nazareth and Plainfield- W. S. Hottel.
2. Northampton and Cementon- L. F. Haas.
3. Walnutport and Tripoli- R. Bergstresser.
4. Lehighton and Weissport- R. D. Dreisbach.
5. Girardville and Mahanoy City- E. R. Heywood~
d) Tabernacles- To be supplied.
(e) Local Preachers.
L. B. Taylor, Coopersburg Quarterly Conference.
A. Strewn, Allentown Quarterly Conference.
O. Bitting, South Allentown Quarterly Conference.
Wm. Gehman, Dillinger Quarterly Conference.
(f) Annual Conference Licensed Missionaries
J. F. Barrall, M. P. Zook, H. F. Meltzer, E. E. Kublic, H. W. Felges, W. W. Zimmerman, T. E. Clewell.
(g) Quarterly Conference Licensed Missionaries
J. A. Moyer, W. W. Dill, O. B. Adam, Norman Gehret, H. M. Gehman, Alfred Deppe, C. M. Layton, A. O. Hill, Mrs. J. G. Shireman, Mrs. R. D. Dreisbach.
(h) Appropriations for the Ensuing Year.
Nazareth and Plainfield…… ….. ……$10.00 per quarter
Northampton and Cementon …………20.00 per quarter
Walnutport and Tripoli………….. ……20.00 per quarter
Lehighton and Weissport………………15.00 per quarter
Girardville and Mahanoy City……… 15.00 per quarter
II. General Missionary Districts.
(a) W. B. Musselman, Missionary presiding Elder of the Gospel Worker Society.
(b) C. H. Brunner, Missionary Presiding Elder of the Home Missionary Society.
III. Foreign Missionaries. – Chili, South America, H. L. Weiss and Mrs. H. L. Weiss; Thibet, C. F. Snyder; Hadjin, Turkey, J. E. Fidler and Mrs. J. E Fidler and Rose Lambert.
Resolved, That L. F. Haas be paid the sum of $30 for moving expenses.
Resolved, That Bro. E. R. Heywood’s moving expenses be paid.
Resolved, That after the above appropriations and the moving expenses of L F. Haas and E. R. Heywood are paid, the sum of $125 be used by the Presiding Elder and the remainder be used by the Home Missionary Presiding Elder, C. H. Brunner.
Committee:- C. H. Brunner, chairman; H. B. Musselman, Secretary; A. Gaumer, Allen M. Gehman, Francis Snyder, Adam Keller, G. K. Himmelreich, A. A. Wismer, P. Y. Foltz, C. W. Benner, H. M. Hottel, W. C. Hale, H L. Musselman, and R. T. Laudenslager.
WHEREAS, Brother C. H. Brunner served so faithfully in this Conference as Pastor and Presiding Elder, proving himself a self-sacrificing man, therefore
Resolved, That we further congratulate him in his newly assigned held of labor and office, and that we give him our sympathy, aid and much praying.
Resolved, That hereafter the probationers meet for examination at 8 A.M.
Resolved, That the first semi-annual examination be held in Bethlehem during the first week in April, 1903.
Resolved, That we recommend the pastor of the Bethlehem Class to hold a convention with the first semi-annual examination and pay the expenses of the examiners and probationers.
Resolved, That we privilege the Church Presiding Elder and the Missionary presiding Elder of :the Home Missionary Society to hold a union camp meeting if they choose.
Resolved, That the Sunday School Convention Districts be divided a follows:
Schuylkill Valley District- Spring City, Royersford, Harleysville, Gratersford, Athol, Reading, Macungie, Fleetwood, Blandon, Terre Hill, Remps, Mt. Carmel, Girardville and Mahanoy City.
Lehigh Valley District- Quakertown, Hatfield, Coopersburg, Springtown, Bethlehem, Allentown, South Allentown, Walnutport, Tripoli, Northampton, Cementon, Lehighton, Weissport, Dillinger, Hereford, Nazareth and Plainfield.
Resolved, That these Sunday School Conventions be held on Ascension Day.
Resolved, That these districts resolve themselves into separate bodies, to elect their officers. They reported as follows:
I. Schuylkill Valley District.- Chairman, W. J. Fretz; Secretary, R. L. Woodring; Treasurer, G. A. Campbell.
Resolved, That this Convention convene at Macungie.
Resolved, That we pay the fares of the superintendents, delegates and essayists.
Resolved, That we have two sessions – one in the morning and one in the afternoon, a special meeting in the evening. Programme to be arranged by the committee. No pastor permitted to leave.
II. Lehigh Valley District. – Chairman, E. T. Shick; Secretary, R. D. Dreisbach; Treasurer, E. N. Cassel.
Resolved, That this Convention convene at Walnutport.
Resolved, That each school be represented by the superintendent and one delegate elected from the laity.
Resolved, That the fares of the superintendents, delegates and essayists be paid by the convention.
Resolved, That we hold two sessions- one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, with special services in the evening, requesting all pastors to remain for the same.
Resolved, That the committee meet six weeks before Convention to arrange a programme. Also to arrange for evening service.
Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation to the Missionary Presiding Elders to be present at this Convention.
Resolved, That we publish 225 Conference Journals and sell them at 25 cents a piece.
Resolved, That the pastors pay their Conference Journals to the editor within one week after they receive them.
Resolved, That G. A. Campbell be treasurer of the Annual Conference Fund.
Resolved, That a collection be lifted once a year in a prayer meeting in each class for their respective class leader, for the Conference Fund. The pastor in charge shall bring the same to the Annual Conference.- [Standing Rule.]
WHEREAS, We highly appreciated the oral report given by W. B, Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, concerning the labor of the Gospel Worker Society, therefore
Resolved, That we, as a Conference, admitting the noble work done, and the spirit of true self-denial manifested, feel deeply interested搏n this Missionary Society, and pledge ourselves to recognize and uphold the same with our prayers as well as otherwise.
Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to loan money without interest, out of the Conference funds, to the Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Worker Society, according to the judgment of the Treasurer, Presiding Elder and Missionary Presiding Elder of the Home Missionary Society.
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in Mt. Carmel, at 8 A. M. on the third Friday in October, 1903.
A rising vote of thanks was tendered the brethren and sisters of the Reading Class for their kindness and the hospitable entertainment the Conference received during its session.
Resolved, That Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman be Chairman of the next Annual Conference.
Resolved, That the Quarterly Conference accounts of the Stewards be from quarter to quarter and the reports on the schedules from Annual Conference to Annual Conference.
Closed by prayer by W. K. Ziegler
Seventh Session
Monday Afternoon, October 20,1902
Opened by singing and prayer by R. L. Woodring, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received with few corrections.
Resolved, That the delegate looks after the pastor’s moving expenses.
The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following officers: President, J. G. Shireman; Secretary, R. L. Woodring; Treasurer, L. B. Taylor.
The Foreign Mission Board elected the following officers: President, H. B. Musselman; Vice President, C. H. Brunner, Secretary, W. G. Gehman; Treasurer, A. M. Gehman.
Resolved, That we recommend each pastor to make a an effort to swell the Beneficiary Fund to assist the worthy widows of the deceased pastors.
WHEREAS, The delegate elected by the Nazareth and Plainfield Quarterly Conference has failed to be present at the Annual Conference, and not even sent in on excuse of absence, therefore,
Resolved, That this Conference is grieved with the actions of said delegate and asks the pastor to investigate the cause of his absence and instruct this class to send a reliable representative in the future.
The Annual Conference which had been announced to convene at Mt. Carmel has been changed to Reading by a mutual agreement of the Presiding Elders and the pastors of Mt. Carmel and Reading, although the Mt. Carmel class was desirous to have the same convene at their place, and reluctantly yielded to the change, yet on account of the present financial depression, the coal regions and the unfinished condition of the new church, it was deemed advisable to make the above change.
The minutes of the afternoon session were read and received. Adjourned by prayer by W. B. Musselman.
H. B. MUSSELMAN, Chairman
W. G. GEHMAN, Secretary
C. H. Brunner, R. L. Woodring, J. C. Roth, L. B. Taylor, E. T. Shick, W. S. Hottel, G. A. Campbell, RD. Dreisbach, O. S. Hillegass, P. Y. Foltz, A. A. Wismer, W. W. Zimmerman, O. B. Bartholomew, E. W. Martin, A. Gaumer, T. E. Clewell, E. R. Heywood, W. Steinmetz, W. Brown, W. C. Hale, Charles, Eroh, R. S. Laudenslager, A. O. Hill, R. Bergstresser, H. L. Musselman, Adam Keller, J. G. Shireman, G. K. Himmelreich, L. Frank Haas, Francis Snyder, H. M. Hottel, E. N. Cassel, A. M. Clauser, Wm. Gehman, W. J. Fretz, Allen M. Gehman, C. W. Benner, W. K. Ziegler.