Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1903 Yearbook
The Twentieth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, of the Pennsylvania District, convened in the Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Mount Carmel, Pa., at 8 a.m., Oct. 16, 1903.
The first session was opened by singing and a very instructive and heart-searching address on “Kindly Affection With Brotherly Love,” Rom. 12,10, by the chairman, H. B. Musselman, P. E., followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost during this conference session.
ORDAINED MINISTERS PRESENT. – H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, Geo. A. Campbell, R. D. Dreisbach, W.J. Fretz, L.F. Haas, O.S. Hillegass, E.T. Shick, J.G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, R.L. Woodring, L.B. Taylor, W.W. Zimmerman, Wm. Gehman, W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman.
ORDAINED MINISTERS ABSENT – A. Strawn, A.M. Clauser, O. Bitting, H.L. Weiss, Foreign Missionary.
PROBATIONERS PRESENT. – R. Bergstresser, E.N. Cassel, E.W. Martin, J.C. Roth, W.S. Hottel, E.E. Kublic, E.R. Heywood, M.P. Zook, J.F. Barrall, H.F. Meltzer, T.E. Clewell, L.F. Haas.
DELEGATES PRESENT. – Adam Keller, C.O. Wenk, P.Y. Foltz, C.H. Kline, A. Deppe, W.C. Hale, Jacob Purnell, A.A. Wismer, C.W. Teel, L.M. Sell, H.H. Bergey, A. Gaumer, Allen M. Gehman, W.H. Brunner, F.L. Zimmerman, J.D. Moyer.
Resolved, That both amen corners and the first three pews on both sides of the church constitute the conference bar.
The minutes of the last Annual Conference were read and received with a few slight corrections.
According to the standing rule, the secretary appointed his assistants as follows: W.S. Hottel, Recording Secretary; J.G. Shireman, Statistical Secretary; J.F. Barrall, Financial Secretary.
Resolved, That R.D. Dreisbach be appointed reporter.
Resolved, That we hold evening sessions on Friday and Saturday.
The following committees were then appointed by the chair and confirmed by the Conference.
Committee on Worship – R.L. Woodring, F.L. Zimmerman.
Committee on Communications – E.N. Cassel, Wm. Gehman, W. Steinmetz.
Committee on Finance – J.F. Barrall, Allen M. Gehman, J.D. Moyer.
Committee on Statistics – J.G. Shireman, A. Gaumer.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records. – W.J. Fretz, E.W. Martin, E. T. Shick, P.Y. Foltz, R. Bergstresser.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders. – L.B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, A.A. Wismer.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries. – Geo. A. Campbell, W. Steinmetz, O.S. Hillegass.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses. – W.G. Gehman, J.G. Shireman, Geo. A. Campbell.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Ordination. – C.H. Brunner, E.T. Shick, R.L. Woodring.
Committee on Resolutions.- R.L. Woodring, C.H. Brunner, R.D. Dreisbach.
Auditing Committee – J.C. Roth, L.F. Haas, L.M. Sell, E.N. Cassel.
The remainder of the forenoon session was devoted to hearing the oral reports of the pastors. Closed by prayer by C.H. Brunner.
Second Session
Friday Afternoon, October 16, 1903
Opened by singing and prayer by E.T. Shick, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Quarterly Conference Records.- We have examined the records and found them all correct with the exception of Walnutport, Girardville, and Coopersburg.
W.J. Foltz,
E.W. Martin, R. Bergstresser, Committee E.T. Shick, P.Y. Foltz,
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders. – We have examined all the Traveling Elders through their respective delegates, and found no charge against any except E.R. Heywood, who failed to read the Discipline on his charge.
L.B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, Committee
A.A. Wismer,
Committee on Statistics. – We have examined the Schedules and found them all incorrect, except those of W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel, J.C. Roth, J.G. Shireman and that of the Reading charge.
J.G. Shireman,
A. Gaumer, Committee
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, and Missionaries. – We examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory except A. Strawn who is charged with disloyalty to the church and Pastor, circulating untruthful reports about the work and Pastor, and sowing dissension among the classes.
Geo. A. Campbell,
W. Steinmetz, Committee
O.S. Hillegass,
The report of the Secretary of the Finance Committee was submitted and received. (See Report.
The report of the Secretary of the Reading Course Committee was submitted and received. (See Report.)
WHEREAS, Bro. E.W. Martin has failed to make his percentage, we recommend that he take up the same studies for the ensuing year.
WHEREAS, H.F. Meltzer who passed on the Discipline, T.E. Clewell on the First year course, and M.P. Zook on the Second year course, have not appeared at their respective examinations for some reasons, but now desire to resume their studies, therefore,
Resolved, That, we recommend the Conference to grant their desire.
W.G. Gehman, R.D. Dreisbach, Committee
Resolved, That the Candidates for Ordination, J.C. Roth and W.S. Hottel, be referred to the Committee on Ordination.
Mr. Chas. D. Martz, Secretary of the Y.M.C.A., of Mt. Carmel, Pa., Misses A.C. Spellman, S.J. Haupt, A.W. Smith and L.M. Musselman, of the Gospel Worker Society, were introduced to the Conference.
The oral reports of the pastors were continued.
The reports were encouraging. The work in general appears prosperous, in numbers and spirituality. A marked feature is the missionary spirit manifested in all the classes.
Resolved, That the Missionary Presiding Elders and the Presiding Elder of the church give their oral reports.
C.H. Brunner, Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Herald Society, reported severe tests, had the more blessed victories. Many were converted and baptized right along. One worker died on the battlefield.
The finances were better than ever before. New missions were opened at Philadelphia and Stroudsburg. The mission at Phillipsburg is ready to be turned over to the church. We wish to gratefully acknowledge the liberal appropriations received from the last Annual Conference.
W.B. MUSSELMAN, Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Worker Society, gave a very spicy and interesting report. At present they have more than a dozen applicants for the work. They had more converts this summer than ever before. Finances are on the increase. The colportage work is marvelous. They expect to print about 2500 Gospel Worker calendars this year. Many of their newly published G.W.S.S. Heralds are being sold. The Lord leads wondrously.
H.B. MUSSELMAN, Presiding Elder, reported the ministry more united in love than ever before. Small hindrances existing for years have been wiped out. Many tent meetings were held with blessed results. Camp Meetings were large gatherings with glorious spiritual results. The officers in the church are loyal and stand by their different pastors.
The financial reports of the Presiding Elders was submitted and received. (See Reports.)
Closed by prayer by W. Steinmetz.
Third Session
Friday Evening, October 16, 1903
Opened by singing and prayer by L.B. Taylor, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received with corrections.
The following committee reports were submitted and received.
Auditing Committee. – We have audited all the books and accounts and found them all correct except the Conference Schedules of Coopersburg, Gratersford and Harleysville, Nazareth and Plainfield. We also found a slight mistake in the Northampton Camp meeting accounts which we corrected. We found mistakes in the Coopersburg and Reading Quarterly Conference summary accounts. We found no Quarterly Conference summary in the Nazareth and Plainfield Quarterly Conference minute book, consequently could not audit it.
J.C. Roth,
L.F. Haas,
E.N. Cassel, Committee L.M. Sell,
Committee on Communications. – We have read the letters from H.L. Weiss, of Chili, S. A., and C. F. Snyder, of Thibet, and recommend to have them read to this conference. We also read a letter from A Strawn of Allentown, which we hold under advice.
E.N. Cassel,
Wm. Gehman, Committee
W. Steinmetz,
The report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons was submitted and received.. (See Report)
The report of the Treasurer of the Beneficiary Fund was submitted and received. (See Report)
Resolved, That E.R. Heywood whose ordination has been postponed be referred to the Committee on Ordination.
Resolved, That the Conference resolve itself into a committee of the whole, except F.L. Zimmerman and W.W. Zimmerman, to consider the Home Missionary Work. Adjourned for the Committee of the whole to meet.
Fourth Session
Saturday Afternoon, Oct. 17, 1903
Opened by singing and prayer by E.W. Martin, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received.
Committee on Communications. – We have read the letter of A.M. Clauser, of Groveland, Ill., and recommend to have it read to this Conference.
E.N. Cassel,
Wm. Gehman, Committee
W. Steinmetz,
The letters of our Foreign Missionaries, and A.M. Clauser, of Groveland, Ill., were read and referred to the Committee on Resolutions.
The report of Sister Rose Lambert came too late for Conference.
Resolved, That the Treasurer of Conference Fund pay the expenses of the committees which served during the past year.
The report of the Committee of the Whole was submitted and received.
Resolved, That W.G. Gehman read the essay which he had read before the Ministerial Convention, on “The Relation of Our Church to the Home Missionary Society.”
Resolved, That a committee of seven be elected to form articles of mutual agreement, between the Gospel Herald Society and the church proper, which articles shall be submitted to the Gospel Herald Society for each one of them to sign.
Resolved, That W.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, H.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman be four of these men, the last three each to appoint another man. E.N. Cassel, J.G. Shireman and R.L. Woodring were appointed.
WHEREAS, W.W. Zimmerman has proven himself incapable financially showing a lack of ability to do pastoral work, therefore,
Resolved, That this committee recommend the conference not to give him a charge for the present.
Resolved, That we appreciate the publishing of the Gospel Worker Society Herald, and deem it the proper paper in every particular, for its intended mission.
WHEREAS, Charges have been brought against E.R. Heywood, therefore
Resolved, That these charges be referred to the Committee on Examination of applicants for ordination.
WHEREAS, A. Strawn is charged with disloyalty to church and pastor, circulating untruthful reports about the work and pastor, sowing dissension among the classes, which charges have been sustained against him, therefore
Resolved, That we expel him.
The report of the sub committee of seven, on the articles of mutual agreement between the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Conference, and the Gospel Herald Society, was submitted and received.
Geo. A. Campbell, Chairman.
W.S. Hottel, Secretary.
The report of the Board of Trustees of the Norristown Church was submitted and received.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, A.A. Wismer and A.M. Gehman be re-elected as a Board of Trustees of the Norristown Church.
Resolved, That we erase Standing rule, Page 8, E. Insert the following: That all expenses of committees of investigation, appointed by the Presiding Elder, be paid out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the Editor of the Conference Journal arrange a brief report of next Sunday’s services to be published in the Conference Journal.
Resolved, That the minutes be published only in the Conference Journal, and that a supplement be sent to the subscribers of the “Banner,” of the other Conferences, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder of the church proper buy the tabernacle, and a tent to live in, and that the secretary assist him in apportioning the amount according to membership, for the pastors to collect.
A collection was lifted for the labor and expenses of the Secretary, amounting to $6.26. Thanks.
No applicants for the Ministry shall be received into the Conference as Probationers who are not willing to submit themselves unconditionally to the Stationing Committee, or “Gospel Herald Society.” (Standing Rule.)
Resolved, That the Conference accept the written excuse for absence of O.B. Bartholomew, of Siegsfried, as satisfactory, on account of sickness.
The applicant for the Ministry, C.J. Edwards, of the Gospel Herald Society, expressed the nature of his call. He was referred to the Committee on Examination of applicants for Annual Conference Licenses.
Rev. W.J. Marks, of the Holiness Christian Church was introduced to this Conference.
Resolved, That the Treasurer be authorized to loan money without interest out of the Conference funds, to the Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Worker Society, according to the judgment of the Treasurer, Presiding Elder and Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Herald Society.
Resolved, That whenever the Gospel Worker Society or the Gospel Herald Society turn one or more of their Missions over to the church, a committee consisting of the Presiding Elder, Treasurer and Missionary Presiding Elder of the Society in question, shall appraise the personal property belonging to said Mission, in case the church chooses to buy the same, such property to be paid for out of the Home Missionary Treasury.
As the Scriptures contain a number of instances where children of Godly parents were formally and publicly dedicated to the Lord, 1 Sam. 22, 28; Mark 10, 13-16, we heartily encourage our people to dedicate their children to the Lord by prayer and laying on of the hands of Elders, who shall then furnish proper certificates.
WHEREAS, This Conference has received official letters from Elder H.L. Weiss, of Chile, South America, and C.F. Snyder, of Thibet, which were read with interest, speaking well for the faithful labors of our dear co-workers in the regions beyond, therefore
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the devoted labors of our beloved Missionaries, and in view of the dark and dangerous times which threaten our missionaries especially in Thibet, we sincerely pledge ourselves to uphold them as also our Missionaries in Armenia, by our prayers and gifts.
R.L. Woodring,
R.D. Dreisbach, Committee
C. H. Brunner,
The following ministers submitted themselves unconditionally to the Conference:
H.B. Musselman, W.B. Musselman, R. Bergstresser, Geo. A. Campbell, E.N. Cassel, W.J. Fretz, L.F. Haas, E.E. Kublic, E.R. Heywood, O.S. Hillegass, M.P. Zook, W.S. Hottel, E.W. Martin, J.F. Barrall, J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, H.F. Meltzer, J.G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, T.E. Clewell, R.L. Woodring, W.G. Gehman and W.W. Zimmerman.
Conditional:- C.H. Brunner, R.D. Dreisbach, L.B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, A.M. Clauser, H.W. Feldges, O. Bitting, H.L. Weiss, Foreign Missionary.
The time for the election of a Presiding Elder having come, the chair appointed J.F. Barrall and E. T. Shick as tellers.
H.B. Musselman was elected Presiding Elder for the ensuing year.
Resolved, That we recognize W.B. Musselman and C.H. Brunner as Missionary Presiding Elders, ex officio.
Other officers elected. – Vice Presiding Elder, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, W.G. Gehman.
The following were elected by acclamation:
Treasurer Allen M. Gehman.
Standing Committee over Presiding Elder.- O.S. Hillegass, J.G. Shireman, R.L. Woodring.
Foreign Missionary Board. – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, A.M. Gehman, E.T. Shick.
Board of Deacons.- M. Kauffman, A.A. Wismer, C.J. Shelly.
Reading Course Committee.- W.G. Gehman, Principal; J.G. Shireman, E.T. Shick, J.C. Roth.
Resolved,- That H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, preach the Conference sermon on Sunday morning. W.G. Gehman shall preach Sunday afternoon, and E.T. Shick Sunday evening.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, President of the Gospel Herald Society, President of the Gospel Workers Society, the delegates of the circuits and stations, constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.
Resolved, That the Stationing, Boundary, and Appropriating Committee begin its session Sunday at 7 p.m.
WHEREAS, A letter from A.M. Clauser to this Conference was read, therefore
Resolved, That we rejoice to hear that the blessing of God has been attending his labors during the past year and pray God for still greater blessings upon him in the future.
R.L. Woodring,
R.D. Dreisbach, Committee
C.H. Brunner,
Resolved, That the President of the Gospel Herald Society, hold an all day meeting on each charge, and a Missionary meeting at each appointment, and take up collections and subscriptions, the pastor to collect and bring the same to the Annual Conference, and the Stationing Committee divide it as they see fit.
WHEREAS, We highly appreciated the oral report given by W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, concerning the labor of the Gospel Worker Society, therefore
Resolved, That we, as a Conference, admitting the noble work done, and the spirit of true self denial manifested, feel deeply interested in this Missionary Society, and pledge ourselves to recognize and uphold the same with our prayers as well as otherwise.
Resolved, That the subscriptions for the Home Mission work be taken between New Year and the Camp meeting season.
Resolved, That H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, be Chairman of the next Annual Conference.
Resolved, That the Quarterly Conference accounts of the Stewards be from quarter to quarter and the reports on the schedules from Annual Conference to Annual Conference. (Made Standing Rule.)
Resolved, That R.L. Woodring be elected Editor of the Conference Journal for next year.
Resolved, That W.J. Fretz be Treasurer of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That Pastors pay for Conference Journals to the Editor within one week after they receive them.
Resolved, That the first semi-annual examination be held in Allentown the first Tuesday in April, 1904.
Resolved, That the probationers meet for examination at 8 a. m.
Closed by prayer by Wm. Gehman.
Fifth Session
Saturday Evening, October 17, 1903
Opened by singing and prayer by L.F. Haas, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following Committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee to Examine Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses. – We have examined C.J. Edwards and found him satisfactory in Doctrine and Discipline, therefore we recommend him to the Annual Conference for the Ministry.
W.G. Gehman,
J.G. Shireman, Committee
Geo. A. Campbell,
Committee on Ordination.- We have examined W.S. Hottel, J.C. Roth and E.R. Heywood as candidates for ordination and recommend W.S. Hottel and J.C. Roth to this Conference for ordination. We cannot recommend E.R. Heywood for ordination as we do not believe that he possesses the characteristics of a pastor as set forth in 1. Tim. 3.
C.H. Brunner,
R.L. Woodring, Committee
E.T. Shick,
The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following officers:
J.G. Shireman, Chairman.
J.C. Roth, Secretary.
L.B. Taylor, Treasurer.
The report of the Treasurer of the Conference Fund was submitted and received. (See Report.)
Resolved, That we recommend each pastor to make a special effort to swell the Beneficiary Fund to assist the worthy widows of the deceased pastors.
Resolved, That J.C. Roth and W.S. Hottel be ordained on Sunday afternoon. H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, shall have charge of the services.
Resolved, That this Conference grant the Secretary the privilege to curtail the minutes, providing he does not change the meaning.
Closed br prayer by H.B. Musselman.
Services Sunday, October 18
E.N. Cassel had charge of the praise meeting at 9:30 a. m. At 10 o’clock H.B. Musselman preached the Conference sermon from Col. 4-17 and Acts 20-27. In his discourse he said this was an age of “New Things.” “It is not new things we want but old. God’s word is old and yet ever new. The character of true apostleship was presented in power, and God’s presence melted the hearts of many.”
M.P. Zook addressed the Sunday School at 1:30 p. m. At 2:00 p. m. W.G. Gehman preached the Ordination sermon and based his remarks on Amos 3-7 and 1 Tim.4:13-16. J.C. Roth and W.S. Hottel were ordained. God’s power was again manifested. The evening meeting opened with a song service and glowing testimonies from many. At 7:30, E.T. Shick delivered a practical address, followed with an invitation by Mrs. C.H. Brunner.
Sixth Session
Monday Morning, October 19, 1903
Opened by singing and prayer by L.B. Taylor, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following Committee reports were submitted and received:
Report of the Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board. –
J.E. Fidler and Mrs. J.E. Fidler, having returned from Hadjin, Turkey, of their own accord, and after due consideration have been transferred to the Canadian Conference.
H.W. Feldges, who had been laboring in the Gospel Herald Society for nearly four years, was accepted by this board as a Missionary to Chili, South America, and having held farewell services throughout the Conference, expects to sail in October of this year.
Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee. – H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder.
(a) Stations.
Allentown – J.C. Roth.
Mt. Carmel – R.L. Woodring.
Coopersburg – E.W. Martin.
Phillipsburg, N.J. – C.J. Edwards.
(b) Circuits.
Hatfield and Quakertown – W.S. Hottel.
Bethlehem and Springtown – W.G. Gehman.
South Allentown and Emaus – L.F. Haas.
Macungie, Fleetwood and Blandon – W.J. Fretz.
Dillinger and Hereford – E.N. Cassel.
Reading and Athol – E.T. Shick.
Terre Hill and Remps – G.A. Campbell.
Spring City, Royersford, Norristown – J.G. Shireman.
Gratersford and Harleysville – O.S. Hillegass.
(c) Missions.
Nazareth, Plainfield and Bath – T.E. Clewell.
Northampton – W. Steinmetz.
Walnutport and Tripoli – R. Bergstresser.
Weissport and Lehighton – J.F. Barrell.
Girardville and Mahanoy City – E.R. Heywood.
Erwinna – To be supplied.
(d) Local Preachers.
L.B. Taylor, Coopersburg Quarterly Conference
R.D. Dreisbach, Weissport Quarterly Conference
Wm. Gehman, Dillinger Quarterly Conference
O. Bitting, South Allentown Quarterly Conference
(e) Annual Conference Licensed Missionaries
E.E. Kublic, H.F. Meltzer, M.P. Zook, W.W. Zimmerman
(f) Quarterly Conference Licensed Missionaries
C.W. Haas, W.W. Dill, J.H. Moyer, Norman Gehret, H.M. Gehman, Alfred Deppe, Charles Eroh.
Nazareth, Plainfield and Bath – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – $6.00 per month
Northampton – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 6.70 per month
Walnut port and Tripoli – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 8.00 per month
Weissport and Lehighton – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 7.00 per month
Girardville and Mahanoy City – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -6.00 per month
L.F. Haas shall be donated $20.00 for moving expenses, etc.
(a) W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, in charge of the Gospel Workers Society.
(b) C.H. Brunner, Missionary Presiding Elder, in charge of the Gospel Herald Society.
Chili, South America – H.L. Weiss and Mrs. H.L. Weiss.
Thibet – C.F. Snyder.
Hadjin, Turkey – Miss Rose Lambert.
H.W. Feldges is under appointment as missionary to Chili under H.L. Weiss.
J.E. Fidler and Mrs. J.E. Fidler, who returned from Hadjin, Turkey, in Spring were transferred to the Canadian Conference some time ago.
Resolved, That $650 be donated to the Gospel Herald Society out of the Home Mission fund.
WHEREAS, C.H. Brunner shall collect the Home Missionary money during the ensuing year, therefore
Resolved, That we recommend that 50 per cent of the money collected the coming year be donated to the Gospel Herald Society on condition that C.H. Brunner with some of his workers hold one all day meeting at each regular appointment, and pay their own fares.
H.B. Musselman, Chairman, Adam Keller,
C.H. Brunner, Secretary, C.H. Kline,
W.C. Hale, W.H. Brunner,
F.L. Zimmerman, W.B. Musselman,
A.A. Wismer, A. Gaumer,
P.Y. Foltz, L.M. Sell,
H.H. Bergey, Allen M. Gehman,
J.D. Moyer,
The Foreign Missionary Board elected the following officers: H.B. Musselman, President; W. G. Gehman, Secretary; Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer.
Resolved, That we hold two Sunday School Conventions this year, and that the Conference divide the districts, and appoint the places.
The districts were divided as follows:
1. Schuylkill Valley District. – Spring City, Royersford, Gratersford, Reading, Macungie, Fleetwood, Blandon, Terre Hill, Quakertown, Hatfield, Allentown, Remps, South Allentown, Dillinger.
2. Lehigh Valley District. – Mt. Carmel, Girardville, Mahanoy City, Coopersburg, Springtown, Bethlehem, Walnutport, Northampton, Cementon, Lehighton, Weissport, Nazareth, Plainfield, Phillipsburg, N.J.
Resolved, That the Conventions be held at Royersford and Lehighton, respectively.
Resolved, That the money in the respective Treasuries be divided equally.
Resolved, That these districts resolve themselves into separate bodies, to elect their officers.
They reported as follows:
1. Schuylkill Valley District. – Chairman, L.F. Haas; Secretary, W.S. Hottel; Treasurer, Geo. A. Campbell.
H.B. Musselman,
E.N. Cassel, Committee.
J.C. Roth,
Resolved, That this Convention be held on Decoration Day, May 30, 1904.
Resolved, That the fares of the superintendents, delegates and essayists be paid by the Convention.
Resolved, That each superintendent be instructed to take up a liberal collection for the expenses.
Resolved, That we hold two sessions – one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon – with special services in the evening. No pastor shall be permitted to leave.
Resolved, That each school shall be represented by a superintendent and delegate elected from the laity.
Resolved, That the committee meet six weeks before the convention to arrange a program. Also to arrange program for the evening service.
Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation to the two Missionary Presiding Elders to be present at this Convention.
2. Lehigh Valley District. – Chairman, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, R.L. Woodring; Treasurer, J.F. Barrall.
W.G. Gehman,
R. Bergstresser, Committee
R.L. Woodring,
Resolved, That this Convention convene on the fourth day of July, 1904.
Resolved, That each school be represented by the superintendent and one delegate elected from the laity.
Resolved, That the fares of the superintendents, delegates and essayists be paid by the Convention.
Resolved, That we hold two sessions – one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, with special services in the evening, requesting all pastors to remain for the same.
Resolved, That the Committee meet six weeks before the Convention to arrange a program, also to arrange for the evening service.
Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation to the Presiding Elder, and the two Missionary Presiding Elders.
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in Allentown at 8 a.m., the fourth Thursday in October 1904.
Resolved, That we elect delegates to the General Conference. W.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman were elected from the Ministry and Allen M. Gehman and J.D. Moyer from the laity.
Resolved, That we elect two alternate delegates from the Ministry and two from the laity, to serve in the order of their election in case either one of the delegates cannot serve.
R.L. Woodring and J.G. Shireman, C.W. Stine and O.B. Bartholomew, were elected.
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Conference, E.N. Cassel and R.L. Woodring be a committee to formulate appeals to be sent to the next General Conference.
Resolved, That the delegate see that the pastor’s moving expenses are defrayed.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder and Secretary of the Conference apportion the fares of the General Conference members for the pastors to collect on their charges, and hand them to the Presiding Elder in good time.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder find out the cheapest route to the General Conference, and those who will have their fares paid travel that route.
Closed by prayer by E.N. Cassel.
Seventh Session
Monday Afternoon Oct. 19, 1903
Opened by prayer by Geo. A. Campbell, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received with corrections.
The following Committee reports were submitted and received:
The report of the Committee on the Division of the Reading Course was submitted and received. (See Report)
Committee on Appeals to General Conference. – WHEREAS, We, as a Conference, see the inconsistency of denying young converts the privilege of becoming members of the church as long as they are not fully enlightened in reference to the evils of Secret Societies and life insurance, yet acknowledging their conversion, therefore
Resolved, That we recommend the General Conference to modify these rules.
Resolved, That we as a Conference unitedly protest against higher percentages as well as against more books of theories, arts, etc., in our Reading Course and to substitute some book on the deeper life in Christ instead of “Lessons in Holiness.”
Resolved, That we recommend the General Conference to omit the time limit of the Presiding Elder.
W.G. Gehman,
E.N. Cassel, Committee
R.L. Woodring,
Resolved, That we recommend our Ministers not to officiate at Sunday Funerals, and use their influence strongly against the same.
Resolved, That we greatly appreciate and thankfully acknowledge the sacrifice and services rendered this Conference by our Missionary Presiding Elder W.B. Musselman in giving us so much of his precious time and valuable advice.
C.H. Brunner,
R.L. Woodring, Committee
R.D. Dreisbach,
The report of the Treasurer of the Foreign Missionary Board was submitted and received. (See Report)
Resolved, That we continue the Executive Committee and that the Chair appoint one member to fill the vacancy. W.G. Gehman was appointed.
Resolved, That we elect a committee of five men, to look after the matter of buying an Orphanage and Home, investing them with power to buy the same, if they see fit to do so. They shall also have the power to appoint one of their number to collect the necessary funds if they purchase the same.
Resolved, That H.B. Musselman be one of the committee on Orphanages and Homes, and that he appoint the remaining four.
He appointed L.B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, J.G. Shireman, W.G. Gehman.
Resolved, That we get 260 Conference Journals printed to sell at 25 cents a piece and donate $25 to the Editor to be paid out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That we privilege the Editor of the Gospel Worker Society Herald, W.B. Musselman, to publish in his paper whatever he desires of the Conference minutes.
A rising vote of thanks was tendered the brethren and sisters of the Mt. Carmel class for their kindness and the hospitable entertainment the Conference received during its session.
Resolved, That an extra Ministerial Convention be held in Reading, the middle of the year for two days, the ministers to bring their families along. The Presiding Elder and Pastor of Reading shall arrange a program.
Resolved, That the advisability of C.J. Edwards passing through the Reading Course be left to the discretion of the Reading Course Committee and the Presiding Elder.
Closed by prayer by R.L. Woodring.
Attest: H.B. Musselman, Chairman.
W.G. Gehman, Secretary.
Signed. – C.H. Brunner, M.P.E., W.B. Musselman, M.P.E., R.L. Woodring, J.C. Roth, R.D. Dreisbach, C.J. Edwards, W.J. Fretz, Allen M. Gehman, J.G. Shireman, L. Frank Haas, E.N. Cassel, E.W. Martin, H.H. Bergey, Adam Keller, W.C. Hale, E.R. Heywood, O.S. Hillegass, S.M. Sell, F.L. Zimmerman, E.T. Shick, Jacob Purnell, L.B. Taylor, A.A. Wismer, Geo. A. Campbell, A. Gaumer, P. Y. Foltz, W.S. Hottel, R. Bergstresser, A. Deppe, James M. Oplinger, C.H. Kline, J.D. Moyer, W.H. Brunner, Charles W. Teel, W. Steinmetz, William Gehman, Theo. Clewell, C.O. Wentz, W.W. Zimmerman.