Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1905 Yearbook
The Twenty-second Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of the Pennsylvania District, convened in the Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Bethlehem, Pa., 8 a.m., October 12, 1905.
The first session was opened by singing and a very instructive and impressive address on “The Unity of the Brethren,” Psalm 133 by the chairman, H.B. Musselman, P.E., followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Ghost during this conference session.
The following members were enrolled:
ORDAINED MINISTERS PRESENT. – H. B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, Geo. A. Campbell, J.G. Shireman, W.J. Fretz, L. Frank Haas, O.S. Hillegas, E.T. Shick, W. Steinmetz, R.L. Woodring, L.B. Taylor, W.W. Zimmerman, W.S. Hottel, J.C. Roth, R. Bergstresser, E.N. Cassel, J.F. Barrall, W.G. Gehman, Wm. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, R.D. Dreisbach and O. Bitting.
PROBATIONERS PRESENT. – H.F. Meltzer, C.J. Edwards, L. Frank Haas, E.E. Kublic, M.P. Zook.
DELEGATES PRESENT. – C.O. Wentz, Allen M. Gehman, O.C. Kistler, A.A. Wismer, Adam B. Keller, E.R. Hartman, O.B. Bartholomew, Wm. H. Billman, G.K. Himmelreich, L.M. Sell, G.O. Billig, J.D. Moyer, H.K. Kratz, W.P. Wehr, B. Engelman, Geo. E. Teel, John L. Sutton.
Resolved, That the first two pews on the women’s side and the first three pews on the men’s side with both amen corners constitute the Conference Bar.
Resolved, That R.D. Dreisbach and O. Bitting forfeit their voice in this Conference until they give satisfaction to this Conference, according to Discipline, why they are on the conditional list.
The minutes of the previous Annual Conference were read and received with correction.
The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows: W.S. Hottel, Recording Secretary; J.G. Shireman, Statistical Secretary; J.F. Barrall, Financial Secretary.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a reporter. W.J. Fretz was appointed.
The delegate, W.P. Wehr, and Elder Wm. Gehman gave their excuses for being late, were pardoned, and given seats in this Conference.
The following committees were appointed by the Chair and confirmed by Conference:
Committee on Worship.- W.G. Gehman, J.D. Moyer.
Committee on Communications. – R.L. Woodring, Wm. Gehman, Geo. A. Campbell.
Committee on Finance. – J.F. Barrall, Allen M. Gehman, G.O. Billig.
Committee on Statistics. – J.G. Shireman, J.D. Moyer.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records. – L. Frank Haas, E.T. Shick, R. Bergstresser, Geo. A. Campbell, H.K. Kratz, C.O. Wentz, Wm. H. Billman.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders. – Wm. Gehman, L.B. Taylor, A.A. Wismer.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries. – J.C. Roth, O.S. Hillegas, L.M. Sell.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses. – W.G. Gehman, J.C. Roth, W. Steinmetz.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Ordination. – E.T. Shick, W. G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner.
Committee on Resolutions.- C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel, R. Bergstresser.
Auditing Committee.- W.J. Fretz, E.N. Cassel, E.R. Hartman, O.C. Kistler, W.W. Zimmerman, O.B. Bartholomew, John L. Sutton.
Resolved, That we postpone the regular time to open the afternoon session till the call by the Chair, to give the committees time to sit.
The remainder of this session was devoted to the oral reports of the pastors.
Adjourned by prayer by C.J. Edwards.
Second Session
Thursday Afternoon. Oct. 12, 1905
Opened by singing and prayer by A.A. Wismer.
The roll was called, after which the minutes were read and received.
The following committee reports were read and received:
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.
We examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory.
J.C. Roth,
O.S. Hillegas, Committee.
L.M. Sell.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records. – We examined all Quarterly Conference Records and found them correct, except Phillipsburg report no opening service and no election of Secretary and are not signed by the Secretary for the quarters; Gratersford and Harleysville have no adjournment of First Quarterly Conference and are not signed by the Secretary; Spring City and Royersford have not used the printed Summary Statistical Report blank: also have an error in the dates.
We also found that the Mt. Carmel class recommends C.W. Stine, and the Bethlehem class Frank M. Hottel to this Conference as applicants for the ministry.
We recommend that the Summary Statistical Report be pasted in the minute books at the end of the minutes.
L. Frank Haas,
E.T. Shick,
R. Bergstresser,
H.K. Kratz, Committee.
C.O. Wentz,
Geo. A. Campbell,
Wm. H. Billman.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders. – We examined the Traveling Elders through their delegates and have found them all right except T.E. Clewell.
Wm. Gehman,
L.B. Taylor, Committee
A.A. Wismer.
Committee on Reading Course. -(See Report of Examination.)
Committee an Worship. – H.F. Meltzer shall preach tonight, followed by Mrs. C.H. Brunner.
W.G. Gehman,
J.D. Moyer, Committee
Committee on Communications. – We have read the letter from E.W. Martin, of Terre Hill, and recommend the same to this Conference.
R.L. Woodring,
Wm. Gehman, Committee.
Geo. A. Campbell.
The oral reports of the pastors were continued.
The reports show zeal on the part of the pastors which bore fruit numerically, financially and spiritually on their respective charges.
The Sunday School work is grand. There are new open doors for mission work right on the several fields of labor.
Souls were saved and baptized during the year. Open air work is one special feature of the work. Missionary offerings, both Home and Foreign, were large.
Resolved, That the Missionary Presiding Elders and the Presiding Elder of the Church give their oral reports.
C.H. Brunner, M.P.E., of the Gospel Herald Society, reported many converted during the year, also a number baptized. Quite a number have been marvelously healed by the Lord.
Open air services are very interesting and well attended in Pottstown and Norristown especially. About $4000.00 worth of literature was sold by the Heralds last year. The G.W.S. Herald sells excellently. A number of tent meetings held resulted in a number saved. A hall was opened in Pottstown with a number of good standbys. We have a few very good Sunday Schools that are interested in Foreign Missionary work, and offered through the barrels about $50.00.
One of the Heralds soon leaves for the Foreign Field. The workers are well united and loyal, willing to work and sacrifice.
H.B. Musselman, P.E., reported the ministry well united. The work is quite large and means especial work on the part of the pastors. A few very good tabernacle meetings were held. The three Camp Meetings were very large and the attendance was very good. The work has been well established and the weaker classes were encouraged. At these Camp Meetings a number of souls were saved and others were cut loose. Some confessed their wrong and received victory.
A number of parsonages have been paid off and all these are in a good condition. The people on every charge are standing by and sacrifice for the work. The brethren in the ministry will stand by any man who may be put in as leader.
W.B. Musselman, M.P.E., and Editor and Publisher of the G.W.S. Herald, reported less halls and few more workers. They have fifty-two workers at present. Halls are hard to rent. Only 3800 meetings were held in halls, but more evangelistic work was done. 16,000 visits were made last year where the workers prayed. 3200 open air meetings were held, during fairs or shows often, in various towns where subscribers for the G.W.S. Herald were solicited. 8100 G.W.S. Heralds are published per week. They expect to have 10,000 by another year. They receive many encouraging reports from readers of the G.W.S. Herald.
Our stock of supplies is getting larger right along.
They had more conversions during the summer than ever before. The workers are learning to know that the work depends on them.
Resolved, That the Conference meet in a Committee of the Whole, at 7 p.m., to consider the letter of E.W. Martin, T.E. Clewell, who is under charges, the number of Presiding Elders, the Mission work, and the Orphanage work.
The reports of the Treasurers of the Sunday School Conventions of the Schuylkill Valley and Lehigh Valley Districts were respectively submitted and received. (See Reports.)
The report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons was submitted and received. (See Report.)
The report of the Treasurer of the Conference Fund was submitted and received. (See Report.)
R.W. Zoller and P.J. Musselman, of the Gospel Herald Society, were recommended to the Conference as applicants for Annual Conference Licenses.
The financial reports of the Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Herald Society and of the Presiding Elder of the Church, were respectively submitted and received. (See Reports.)
The financial report of the Treasurer of the Beneficiary Society was submitted and received. (See Report.)
The reports of the Treasurer of the Board of Foreign and Home Missions were submitted and received. (See Reports.)
Adjourned by prayer by Geo. A. Campbell.
Third Session
Friday Morning, Oct. 13, 1905
Opened by singing and prayer by Wm. Gehman.
The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Auditing Committee. – We examined the accounts of the Schedules, Quarterly Conferences, Camp Meetings, Sunday School Conventions, Poor Committee and Presiding Elder and have found them all correct except the schedules of Allentown, Hatfield, Phillipsburg, Blandon and Fleetwood, and Terre Hill; Hellertown camp meeting accounts, a slight mistake; and in the Quarterly Conference Summary accounts of the following Quarterly Conferences: Allentown in collections for Missions: Nazareth in Gospel Workers’ collections and Sunday School accounts; Blandon in Sunday School and Trustee accounts.
W.J. Fretz,
E.N. Cassel,
E.R. Hartman,
O.C. Kistler, Committee.
John L. Sutton,
W.W. Zimmerman,
O.B. Bartholomew.
Committee on Statistics. – We examined the Schedules and found them in good shape.
J.G. Shireman,
J.D. Moyer, Committee.
Committee of the Whole. – We recommend the Conference as follows :
(1) WHEREAS. E.W. Martin sent a letter to this Conference signed by several of the Terra Hill class, requesting a pastor under certain conditions; therefore
Resolved, That this letter be handed over to the Stationing Committee.
(2) WHEREAS, The Presiding Elder had suspended T.E. Clewell before Conference because of immoral conduct, therefore
Resolved, That he be expelled from the Church and Conference.
(3) WHEREAS, The advisability of having two Presiding Elders was discussed, therefore
Resolved, That we have two Presiding Elders over the entire work.
(4) Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of five, including himself, and not including the two elected Presiding Elders, the remaining four to be unconditional ordained men, to divide the districts and assign the Presiding Elders to their districts respectively.
(5) Resolved, That the Conference elect a Board of Trustees consisting of six ordained ministers and three lay members, who shall be invested with full power to take possession, and order and arrange all the affairs of the Orphanage.
(6) Resolved, That the Conference request the different pastors to take subscriptions for the Orphanage, and that the Presiding Elders likewise do their utmost in assisting and urging this matter along on the various charges and missions and that all subscriptions be paid not later than March 20, 1906.
(7) Resolved, That this Committee pray the Conference to take the office of Deacon from C.J. Shelly, of Allentown.
C.H. Brunner, Chairman.
W.S. Hottel, Secretary.
Resolved, That this Conference lift the office of Deacon from C.J. Shelly, of Allentown, according to the prayer of the Committee of the Whole.
Resolved, That all collections received on a charge for the building or purchase of churches, parsonages, or other purposes on another charge shall be reported by the pastor where collected. (Standing Rule.)
Resolved, That the minutes be published only in the Conference Journal, and that the Secretary be privileged to curtail them as he sees fit and order a supplement printed to be sent to the subscribers of the “Banner,” of the other conferences, to be paid for out of the Annual Conference Fund. (Standing Rule.)
Resolved, That the Board of Trustees of the Norristown Church now give their report.
The report was received.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder of that District, A.A. Wismer and Allen M. Gehman be re-elected as a Board of Trustees of the Norristown Church.
Resolved, That the Editor of the Conference Journal arrange a brief report of next Sunday’s services to be published in the Conference Journal.
Resolved, That the Secretary of the next Annual Conference be elected as Editor of the Conference Journal for next year.
Resolved, That we sell the Conference Journal next year at twenty-five cents a copy and whatever the Editor pays more for printing, cuts, etc., than this will aggregate, shall be paid for out of the Annual Conference Fund.
Resolved, That pastors pay for Conference Journals to the editor within one week after they receive them.
Resolved, That W.J. Fretz be Treasurer of the Annual Conference Fund.
WHEREAS, It is not advisable for the Camp Meeting Committee to figure too closely on the expenses, consequently at times there remains a balance, therefore
Resolved, That in case there is more collected at a camp meeting than is needed to pay all expenses, the balance shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Annual Conference who shall hold it as an equipment fund to be used to buy equipments for camp meeting, such as tabernacles, lamps, etc., as may be needed from time to time, according to the decision of the Presiding Elders and the Camp Meeting Committees. (Standing Rule; drop whereas and the whole clause and resolved.)
Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders shall have charge of the Camp Meeting Equipage and order the repairing of the same.
Resolved, That the Financial Secretary of the Annual Conference be Secretary of the Home Mission Fund.
Resolved, That the Class Leaders and Stewards be elected shortly before and that their term of office begin immediately after the last Quarterly Conference. (Standing Rule.)
The word “Resolved,” on Pages 8 and 9 of the Journal shall be erased.
The applicants for the Ministry, F.M. Hottel, of Bethlehem, Pa., C.W. Stine, of Mt. Carmel, Pa., and R.W. Zoller and P.J. Musselman, of the Gospel Herald Society, expressed the nature of their call.
They were referred to the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses.
Resolved, That L. Frank Haas, candidate for ordination having finished the Reading Course, be referred to the Committee on Ordination.
Resolved, That we hear the oral report of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Weiss, returned missionaries from Chile, S.A.
The reports of both were highly appreciated and indicate a marked realization of the blessings of God upon their work. The work is progressing and souls are being saved and baptized right along.
Rev. Wm. Gould, of the Free Methodist Church, of Allentown, was introduced to the Conference.
Resolved, That H.L. Weiss be referred to the Committee on Ordination.
Resolved, That we refer the last two resolutions on Page 16 to the Committee on Resolutions for revision.
Adjourned by prayer by Rev. Wm. Gould.
Fourth Session
Friday Afternoon, Oct. 13, 1905
Opened by singing and prayer by O.C. Kistler.
The roll was called, after the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Finance. – (See Report) – J.F. Barrall, Allen M. Gehman, G.O. Billig.
Committee on Worship. – M.P. Zook shall preach tonight, followed by C.W. Stine.
J.D. Moyer,
W.G. Gehman, Committee.
Committee on Resolutions. – The Treasurer of the Home and Foreign Mission Funds shall be authorized to loan money without interest out of these funds to the Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Worker Society, according to the judgment of the Treasurer and Presiding Elders.
Wherever the Gospel Worker Society turns one or more of their Missions over to the Church, a committee consisting of the Presiding Elders, Treasurer and Missionary Presiding Elder, shall appraise the personal property or real estate belonging to said Mission in case the Church chooses to buy the same, paying the same out of the Home Mission Treasury.
C.H. Brunner,
E.N. Cassel, Committee.
R. Bergstresser,
Committee on Investigation of Camp Goods. – We examined the camp goods and mildew proofed some of the tents and repaired the lamps and made boxes for the same.
J.G. Shireman,
E.N. Cassel, Committee.
W.G. Gehman,
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses. – We examined the applicants F.M. Hottel, C.W. Stine, R.W. Zoller and P.J. Musselman and recommend the Conference to receive them according to the discipline.
W.G. Gehman,
J.C. Roth, Committee.
W. Steinmetz,
R.D. Dreisbach and O. Bitting gave their excuses for absence which were received, but not having satisfied the Conference entirely as to why they left the active work, therefore
Resolved, That they be received only as advisory members.
The following ministers submitted themselves unconditionally to the Conference:
H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, Geo. A. Campbell, W.J. Fretz, L. Frank Haas, O.S. Hillegass, E.T. Shick, J.G. Shireman, W. Steinmetz, R.L. Woodring, W.W. Zimmerman, W.S. Hottel, J.C. Roth, W.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, R. Bergstresser, J.F. Barrall, E.N. Cassel, C.J. Edwards, M.P. Zook, H.F. Meltzer, E.E. Kublic. F.M. Hottel, C.W. Stine, R.W. Zoller, P.J. Musselman.
Conditional. – R.D. Dreisbach, L.B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, O. Bitting.
The time for the election of Presiding Elders having come, it was
Resolved, That the Chair appoint Tellers for the election of Presiding Elders and other officers.
E.N. Cassel and J.F. Barrall were appointed.
W.G. Gehman and C.H. Brunner were elected Presiding Elders.
Resolved, That W.G. Gehman be Chairman and C.H. Brunner Secretary of the next Annual Conference respectively.
The Chair now appointed the Committee of five, including himself, as set forth in the report of the Committee of the Whole to divide the districts and assign the Presiding Elders to their districts respectively.
He appointed R.L. Woodring, E.T. Shick. E.N. Cassel, J.C. Roth and H. B. Musselman.
Resolved, That we adjourn for committees to meet until the call by the Chair.
After the intermission the following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Dividing of Presiding Elder Districts:
(a) BETHLEHEM DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, W.G. Gehman. Cementon, Northampton, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Plainfield, Phillipsburg, Erwinna, Springtown, Coopersburg, Quakertown, Hatfield, and all the work of the Gospel Herald Society, except Pottstown.
(b) READING DISTRICT. Presiding Elder, C.H. Brunner. Mt. Carmel, Girardville, Weissport, Lehighton, Walnutport, Tripoli, Allentown, South Allentown, Emaus, Macungie, Fleetwood, Blandon, Reading, Alburtis, Hereford, Terre Hill, Remps, Royersford, Spring City, Athol, Gratersford, Harleysville, Zionsville and Pottstown Mission.
H.B. Musselman,
R.L. Woodring,
E.T. Shick, Committee.
E.N. Cassel,
J.C. Roth.
The Chairman was asked to withdraw from the Conference for a while, after which it was
Resolved, That this Conference desire the Stationing Committee to station H.B. Musselman to Bethlehem at the beginning of its session, and after that he shall be on the Stationing Committee to help station the remaining ministers.
Rev. J.G. Rosenberger, of Bethany U.E. Church, of town, was introduced to this Conference.
Resolved, That the Secretary cast the ballot to elect W.B. Musselman Missionary Presiding Elder.
The following other officers were now elected:
Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.
Standing Committee over the Presiding Elders: J.C. Roth, E.N. Cassel, E.T. Shick.
Foreign Missionary Board: H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, Allen M. Gehman, E.T. Shick.
Board of Deacons: R. Laudenslager, A.A. Wismer, H.G. Musselman.
Committee on the Reading Course: J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, E.N. Cassel.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elders of the Church, W.B. Musselman, President of the Gospel Worker Society, the delegates of the circuits and stations, shall constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee, and begin its session tonight at 7:45 o’clock.
Resolved, That no preacher be permitted to leave Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon, and that the Chair be one of the committee of three to decide which, if any, of the preachers shall preach on Sunday night in the respective churches. The Chair shall appoint the remaining two. He appointed W.G. Gehman and E.N. Cassel.
Resolved. That C.H. Brunner preach the Conference Sermon Sunday forenoon.
Resolved, That we send a telegram to W.B. Musselman to have him come and preach the ordination sermon on Sunday afternoon.
H.B. Musselman is to preach Sunday night.
W.G. Gehman shall have charge of the ordination service Sunday afternoon.
Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention some time in the middle of the year, for one day, the Presiding Elders and one that they shall appoint shall constitute a committee to arrange a program and set the date. All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present, also a hearty invitation shall be extended to the ministers’ wives and families.
Adjourned by prayer by Wm. Gehman.
Fifth Session
Saturday Morning, Oct. 14, 1905.
Opened by singing and prayer by O.B. Bartholomew.
The roll was called after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Publishing of Conference Sermon. – We have decided that the Conference Sermon of the last Conference shall not be published for the present.
W.G. Gehman,
J.C. Roth, Committee.
E.N. Cassel,
Auditing Committee. – We examined the Foreign Mission, Home Mission, Annual Conference Fund accounts and found them correct.
W.J. Fretz,
E.N. Cassel,
O.C. Kistler,
John L. Sutton, Committee.
O.B. Bartholomew,
E.R. Hartman,
W.W. Zimmerman.
Committee on Ordination:
(1) WHEREAS, L. Frank Haas has passed the three years Reading Course satisfactorily and during this time has proved himself faithful, loyal and competent to the satisfaction of the Conference, therefore
Resolved, That we recommend this Conference to recognize him as an ordained preacher in our Conference.
(2) WHEREAS, H.L. Weiss has labored with exceptional success as a Foreign Missionary in Chile, S.A., for the last eight years and has proved himself worthy of the approval and confidence of this Conference, therefore
Resolved, That we recommend this Conference to ordain him.
E.T. Shick,
C.H. Brunner, Committee.
W.G. Gehman.
The report of the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions was submitted and received. (See Report.)
Resolved, That we fall upon our knees and thank God for the work of the Lord through our Foreign Missionaries on the various fields of labor.
Earnest prayers were offered to God. It was a season of thanksgiving.
Report of the Standing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee:
Allentown.-J.C. Roth.
Reading.- E.T. Shick.
Zionsville.- O.S. Hillegass.
South Allentown and Emaus.- R. Bergstresser.
Macungie, Alburtis and Hereford.- W.J. Fretz.
Gratersford and Harleysville.- R.L. Woodring.
Royersford and Spring City.- E.N. Cassel.
Mt. Carmel and Girardville.- J.G. Shireman.
Lehighton and Weissport.- J.F. Barrall.
Walnutport and Tripoli.- Geo. A. Campbell.
Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill.- W. Steinmetz.
Pottstown and Athol.- H.F. Meltzer.
(d) TABERNACLES. To be supplied.
O. Bitting.- South Allentown and Emaus Quarterly Conference.
Wm. Gehman.- Zionsville Quarterly Conference.
R.D. Dreisbach.- Lehighton and Weissport Quarterly Conference.
C.W. Haas, J.H. Moyer, H.M. Gehman, Alfred Deppe, E.W. Martin, O. C. Kistler.
Bethlehem.- H.B. Musselman.
Coopersburg and Springtown.- W.S. Hottel.
Quakertown and Hatfield.- L. Frank Haas.
Phillipsburg and Erwinna.- C.W. Stine.
Northampton and Cementing.- W.W. Zimmerman.
Norristown.- C.J. Edwards.
Nazareth and Plainfield.- To be supplied.
Philadelphia.- To be supplied.
Washington, N.J.- To be supplied.
East Stroudsburg.- To be supplied.
Stroudsburg.- To be supplied.
(e) TABERNACLES.- To be supplied.
L.B. Taylor.- Coopersburg and Springtown Quarterly Conference.
E.E. Kublic, R.W. Zoller, P.J. Musselman and F.M. Hottel.
H.K. Kratz, F.E. Frey, W.W. Dill and W.H. Garman.
Lehighton and Weissport Mission, per month………. $8.00
Walnutport and Tripoli ……………………….. 6.00
Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill ……………… 7.00
Pottstown and Athol ………………………….. 15.00
R. Bergstresser, Moving Expenses……………….. 20.00
R.L. Woodring, Moving Expenses ………………… 20.00
J.G. Shireman, Moving Expenses …………………..20.00
E.N. Cassel, Moving Expenses ………………….. 15.00
W. Steinmetz, Moving Expenses …………………. 15.00
O.S. Hillegass, Moving Expenses ……………….. 10.00
To be used at the discretion of the Presiding Elder. 150.00
Phillipsburg and Erwinna Mission, per month……… $15.00
Northampton and Cementing Mission ………………. 15.00
Norristown Mission …………………………… 15.00
L. Frank Haas, Moving Expenses ………………… 20.00
C.J. Edwards, Moving Expenses …………………. 20.00
C.W. Stine, Moving Expenses …………………… 15.00
W.W. Zimmerman, Moving Expenses ……………….. 15.00
The balance in the treasury to be used at the discretion of the Presiding Elder.
W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder in charge.
Chile, South America. – A.E. Dawson, Mrs. A.E. Dawson, H.W. Feldges, David Manchilla, Niels Gunstad and Mrs. Niels Gunstad.
Under Appointment.- M.P. Zook.
Home on Furlough.- H.L. Weiss and Mrs. H.L. Weiss.
Thibet.-C.F. Snyder.
Hadjin, Turkey. – Home on Furlough, Miss Rose Lambert.
C.H. Brunner, Chairman.
W.G. Gehman. Secretary.
H.B. Musselman, A.A. Wismer, Allen M. Gehman, J.D. Moyer, Adam B. Keller, B. Engelman, L.M. Sell, O.C. Kistler, G.O. Billig, Wm. H. Billman and E.R. Hartman.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District, with as many Heralds as he chooses to bring along, take the Home Mission subscriptions on both districts between New Year and the Camp Meeting season, they to pay their own expenses. Dates to be arranged by the Presiding Elder with the approval of the respective pastors.
E.T. Shick and H.B. Musselman were elected Vice-Presiding Elders over the Reading and Bethlehem Districts respectively.
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene at Reading, Pa., at 8 a.m., the second Thursday in October, 1906.
Resolved, That the matter of examining C.J. Edwards on the various studies of the Reading Course be left to the entire discretion of the Reading Course Committee, also the time and place for holding the semi-annual examination for probationers.
Resolved, That C.W. Stine and H.F. Meltzer be given seats in the Conference, being they were stationed by the Stationary Committee.
Resolved, That we hold one Sunday School Convention in each district on Decoration Day, May 30, I906.
Resolved, That we print 250 Conference Journals to sell at twenty-five cents a copy and whatever the editor pays more for printing, etc., to be paid for out of the Annual Conference Fund, and further that we donate $10 to him out of the Conference Fund for his labors.
Resolved, That the Secretary send Conference Journals to our Foreign Missionaries, to be paid for out of the Foreign Mission Treasury.
Adjourned by prayer by H.B. Musselman.
Sixth Session
Saturday Afternoon, Oct. 14, 1905
Opened by singing and prayer by H.L. Weiss.
The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Worship. – E.N. Cassel shall preach tonight, followed by O.S. Hillegas.
W.G. Gehman, Committee.
J.D. Moyer.
Report of Sunday School Convention for Reading District.
Chairman, R.L. Woodring; Secretary, J.F. Barrall; Treasurer, Geo. A. Campbell.
C.H. Brunner,
J.C. Roth, Committee.
E.N. Cassel,
Resolved, That we hold two sessions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. The Committee on Program also to arrange for the special evening service. All pastors to remain for the same.
Resolved, That this Convention be held at Allentown.
Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation to the Missionary Presiding Elder of the Gospel Worker Society to be present at this Convention.
Report of Sunday School Convention for Bethlehem District. –
Chairman, W.S. Hottel; Secretary, C.W. Stine; Treasurer, L.B. Taylor.
L. Frank Haas,
H.B. Musselman, Committee.
C.J. Edwards.
Resolved, That we hold two sessions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. The Committee on Program also to arrange for special services in the evening. No pastor shall be permitted to leave.
Resolved, That this Convention be held at Coopersburg, Pa.
Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation to the Missionary Presiding Elder to be present at this Convention.
The oral report of the Secretary of the Executive Board was given to the Conference.
The oral report of the President of the Committee on Orphanage and Home was submitted and received.
The Foreign Mission Board report the election of the following officers:
Chairman, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, W.G. Gehman; Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.
The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following officers: J.G. Shireman, Chairman; J.C. Roth, Secretary; L.B. Taylor, Treasurer.
Resolved, That the Chairman and Secretary see to the printing of the “Essay on Sanctification,” by C.H. Brunner, and pay for it out of the Annual Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention be held at Royersford.
J.C. Roth was elected Chairman and R.L. Woodring, Secretary of this Convention.
The Presiding Elders appointed E.N. Cassel the third man on Committee to Arrange Program.
Since the Stationing Committee added the name of M.P. Zook to the list of Foreign Missionaries, therefore
Resolved, That we drop his name from the list of probationers.
Election of Board of Trustees for the Orphanage and Home.-
From the Ministry: H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, L.B. Taylor, J.G. Shireman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel. From the Laity: H.L. Musselman, O.B. Bartholomew, Allen M. Gehman.
Elder A.M. Clauser, of Berne, Ind., was introduced to Conference.
A liberal collection was lifted for the labor and expenses of the Secretary, amounting to $11.62. (Thanks.)
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, the pastor in charge, with the three Trustees of Terre Hill, Pa., have charge of the property at that place.
Resolved, That we urge our pastors to secure as many new subscribers to the Gospel Banner as possible.
Resolved, That we privilege the Gospel Workers to canvass our districts and get all the subscribers they can for the Gospel Worker Society Herald.
Resolved, That we privilege W.B. Musselman to authorize our preachers as agents for the Gospel Worker Society Herald, and collect the subscriptions for the same.
Resolved, That we authorize the Chairman and Secretary of this Conference to sign the necessary papers for the Committee on Sewerage for the Borough of Mt. Carmel, if they deem the same advisable upon their due investigation.
A rising vote of thanks was tendered the brethren and sisters of the Bethlehem class for their kindness and hospitable entertainment the Conference received during this session.
Resolved, That we adjourn to meet in session on Monday morning at 8 a.m.
Adjourned by prayer by R. Bergstresser.
Services Sunday October 15, 1905
At 10 o’clock, Sunday morning, C.H. Brunner preached the conference sermon, basing his remarks on Acts 20:28; Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of God, which he has purchased with his own blood.
At 2:00 p.m. W.B. Musselman preached the ordination sermon, (selecting no special text), which indeed made the sermon not the less effective; it was full of thought for God’s ministers, and was received with many amens. A real melting time prevailed. H.L. Weiss, of Chile, South America, was ordained.
At 7:30 p.m. H.B. Musselman gave us a very practical address from I Sam. 27:1; very profitable seasons were spent during these services, the church being filled to overflowing with eager admirers of God’s truth. The reward of our worthy leaders is a well united Conference.
Seventh Session
Monday Morning, Oct. 16, 1905
Opened by singing and prayer by R.L. Woodring.
The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and received with correction.
The following committee reports were submitted and received:
Committee on Resolutions:
WHEREAS, we have received very gratifying and encouraging reports from all our Foreign Missionaries through the Gospel Banner and official communications to our Foreign Mission Board, and
WHEREAS, We have been highly privileged to have Brother and Sister H. L. Weiss, missionaries from Chile, present at this conference on their furlough, and have listened with great pleasure to their earnest addresses as well as to the touching messages of Miss Rose Lambert, of Turkey, who also is home on furlough, therefore
Resolved, That we appreciate the earnest and self denying service of these, as well as of the rest of our beloved fellow laborers in the “regions beyond,” and pledge ourselves to continue their support, and pray God that their future lives as well as the lives of their members may be spared from the hands of their enemies and be used to the glory of God and the salvation of many souls, and that they may be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be printed and sent to each of the missionaries, to be paid for out of the Annual Conference Fund.
C.H. Brunner,
E.N. Cassel, Committee.
R. Bergstresser.
The election of the officers of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: H.B. Musselman, Chairman; C.H. Brunner, Secretary; E.N. Cassel, Treasurer.
Resolved, That the balance of money in the treasury of the two Sunday School Conventions be divided equally.
Resolved, That the Chairman and Secretary of the next Annual Conference print new Summary Financial Report Blanks.
Resolved, That the former pastor is to see that the rent is paid for the month of October before he moves from his charge.
Resolved, That the pastors leave their former charge as soon as possible after Conference.
WHEREAS, We highly appreciated the oral report given by W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, concerning the work of the Gospel Worker Society, therefore
Resolved, That we as a Conference admitting the noble work done and the spirit of true self-denial manifested, feel deeply interested in this Missionary Society and pledge ourselves to recognize and uphold the same with our prayers as well as otherwise, and would greatly appreciate the presence of W.B. Musselman during the whole of the next Conference session, if convenient.
C.H. Brunner,
E.N. Cassel, Committee.
R. Bergstresser.
Resolved, That the Secretary get four Conference Journals and send them to the different railroad companies, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the money paid to any pastor for the Orphanage shall be paid to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, who shall acknowledge the same by receipt and forward it to the Treasurer.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of five, including himself, to draw up resolutions concerning the matter of H.L. Weiss and the South American work.
He appointed W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, J.C. Roth, E.N. Cassel.
Resolved, That we adjourn and have a private session to open at the call by the Chair.
Adjourned by prayer by L. Frank Haas.
Eighth Session (Private Session)
Monday Afternoon, Oct. 16, 1905.
Opened by singing and prayer by Adam Keller.
The Committee on H.L. Weiss and the South American work reported as follows:
WHEREAS, The work of Chile, South America, under the Superintendency of H.L. Weiss has been owned and blessed of God in the past, therefore
Resolved, That we heartily endorse the manner and method of work as conducted by Bro. Weiss, under the Superintendency of the Christian and Missionary Alliance and therefore deem it unwise to take further steps for the present.
H.B. Musselman,
W.G. Gehman,
W.B. Musselman, Committee.
J.C. Roth,
E.N. Cassel.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder nominate the Secretaries of the Quarterly Conferences and the Quarterly Conferences elect them.
Adjourned by prayer by W.B. Musselman.
H.B. Musselman, Chairman.
W.G. Gehman, Secretary.
Signed:- C.H. Brunner, Presiding Elder; W.B. Musselman, M. Presiding Elder; W.S. Hottel, J.C. Roth, W.J. Fretz, J.G. Shireman, E.T. Shick, E.N. Cassel, O.S. Hillegass, H.F. Meltzer, Geo. A. Campbell, J.F. Barrall, W.W. Zimmerman, C.J. Edwards, John L. Sutton, A.A. Wismer, R. Bergstresser, W. Steinmetz, L. Frank Haas, C.W. Stine, J.D. Moyer, G.O. Billig, Allen M. Gehman, W.P. Wehr, O.B. Bartholomew, L.M. Sell, G.K. Himmelreich, Adam Keller, B. Engelman, C.O. Wentz, E.R. Hartman, Wm. H. Billman, H.K. Kratz, H.L. Weiss, Geo. E. Teel, William Gehman. L.B. Taylor, O.C. Kistler, R.L. Woodring.