Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1906 Yearbook
The Twenty-third Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the M. B. C. Church, Tenth and Oley Streets, Reading, Pa., at 8 a.m., October 11, 1906.
The first session was opened by singing and prayer by H. B. Musselman, and a very earnest and practical address on Ps. 133 by the Chairman, W. G. Gehman, P. E. This was followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit during these Conference sessions.
The following members were enrolled:
ORDAINED MINISTERS PRESENT: W. G. Gehman, C. H Brunner, H. B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman, G. A. Campbell, J. C. Roth, E. T. Shick, J. G. Shireman, J. F. Barrall, L. F. Haas, E. N. Cassel, R. L. Woodring, W. S. Hottel, W. J. Fretz, O. S. Hillegass, R. Bergstresser, W. Steinmetz, L. B. Taylor, W. W. Zimmerman, W. B. Musselman
PROBATIONERS PRESENT: H. F. Meltzer, C. J. Edwards, E. E. Kublic, P. J. Musselman, R. W. Zoller, F. M. Hottel.
DELEGATES PRESENT: H. L. Musselman, G. O. Billig, Adam Keller, W. D. Evert, H. H. Bergey, E. R. Hartman, M. M. Ziegler, Leidy Sell, Allen M. Gehman, B. Engelman, F. P. Bobst, G. K. Himmelreich, J. A. Kern, C. W. Teel, J. M. Oplinger, R. D. Hollenbach, O. C. Kistler, Jacob C. Sassaman.
DELEGATE ABSENT: J. H. Rittenhouse.
Resolved, That the amen Corners and the first three pews through the church constitute the Conference Bar.
Resolved, That the minutes of the last Annual Conference shall not be read. The Chair shall appoint a committee of three to examine the minutes.
The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows: Recording Secretary, W. S. Hottel; Statistical Secretary, J. G. Shireman; Financial Secretary, J. F. Barrall.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Time-keeper. He appointed R. Bergstresser and C. J. Edwards respectively.
The following committees were appointed by the Chair and approved by Conference:
Committee on Worship: E. T. Shick, Adam Keller.
Committee on Communications: R. L. Woodring, Wm. Gehman, W. Steinmetz.
Committee on Finance: J. F. Barrall, Allen M. Gehman, G. O. Billig
Committee on Statistics: J. C. Shireman, Leidy Sell.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: E. N. Cassel, L. Frank Haas, E. T. Shick, C. W. Stine, M. M. Ziegler, R. D. Hollenbach, W. W. Zimmerman, O. C. Kistler.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elder: L. B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, H. H. Bergey.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists, and Missionaries: J. C. Roth, O. S. Hillegass, C. W. Teel.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: H. B. Musselman, J. C. Roth, Geo. A. Campbell.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Ordination: H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel.
Committee on Resolutions: H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel, C. H. Brunner.
Auditing Committee: J. C. Roth, W. J. Fretz, E. R. Hartman, W. D. Evert, B. Engelman, Jacob C. Sassaman, H. L. Musselman, H. H Bergey, G. O. Billig.
Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes: E. N. Cassel, J. C. Roth, H. B. Musselman.
Resolved, That the time allowed for the oral reports of each pastor be limited to eight minutes.
The oral reports of the pastors were then heard.
These reports were very encouraging and spoke well for the zeal, devotion and untiring labors of the pastors. A large number were saved and baptized. A number of remarkable cases of healing were reported. The offerings were larger than ever before, signifying an increase of consecration and interest in the Lord’s work. The Sunday School work is very promising.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to revise the valuation of church property. He appointed C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman and E. N. Cassel.
Resolved, That the pastors hand in their class books with their schedule for the work of the Statistical Committee.
Resolved, That the orphanage money on hand not paid in shall go into next year’s account. Revs. H. B. Jones, A. J. Dolbow and Adam Sommer, of the Holiness Christian Church, and Rev. W. H. Smith, pastor of the Covenant M. E. Church, were introduced to the Conference.
Resolved, That we postpone the regular time of the opening of the afternoon session to the call of the Chair, for committee work.
Adjourned by prayer by L. B. Taylor.
Thursday Afternoon. October 11, 1907
Opened by singing and prayer by W. Steinmetz.
The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
The following committee reports were read and received:
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:
We examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory.
Committee: J. C. Roth, O. S. Hillegass, C. W. Teel
Committee on Worship: R. W. Zoller shall preach to-night, followed by P. J. Musselman.
Committee: E. T. Shick, Adam Keller
Committee on Statistics: We examined the Schedules and found them all correct with the exception of the one from Northampton; a Presiding Elder was reported and had none to report.
Committee: J. G. Shireman, Leidy Sell
Committee on Finance: See Report of the Financial Secretary.
Committee: J. F. Barrall, Allen M. Gehman, G. O. Billig
Committee On Communications: We have examined the letters of W. B. Musselman and J. R. Rittenhouse and recommend them be read to this Conference. Also the letters from our Foreign Missionaries, and recommend the Conference to refer the same to the Committee on Resolutions.
Committee: Wm. Gehman, R. L. Woodring, W. Steinmetz
Committee on Revision of Valuation of Church Property: We have revised the valuation of the various Church properties and noted the same on the respective schedules.
Committee: C. H. Brunner, R. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel,
Committee Reading Course: (See Report of Examination.)
This Committee also reported that,
WHEREAS, F. M. Hottel has not appeared at the examination, but has sent a letter stating his excuse, we therefore submit his letter with this report to the Conference for consideration.
Committee: J. C. Roth, E. T. Shick, E. N. Cassel,
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:
We have examined the Quarterly Conference records and found them all correct with the exception of,
(1) No record of the annual election of officers in the Bethlehem, Athol, Northampton, Norristown, Harleysville, South Allentown, Walnutport, and Mount Carmel records.
(2) No Missionary Presiding Elder’s collection recorded for the first quarter in the Athol records.
(3) No record for what church the trustees were elected in the Nazareth, Gratersford and Walnutport records.
(4) Balance in Summary Financial Report not in red ink in the Athol, Norristown, Harleysville and Walnutport records.
(5) Name of appointment not given in Summary Financial Report in the Athol records.
(6) No annual report of the Board of Trustees in the Allentown, Fleetwood, Reading and Mt. Carmel records.
(7) No record of officers passed in the four quarters in the Reading and Norristown records.
(8) No record of the revision of church records in the Nazareth records.
(9) Report of Trustees not signed in the Zionsville and Walnutport records.
(10) Sunday School report not signed in the fourth quarter in the Norristown records.
(11) No report of the Presiding Elder’s collection for the fourth quarter in the Gratersford records.
(12) The name of the Secretary not given in the first Quarterly Conference in the South Allentown records.
(13) No record where the next Quarterly Conference is to be held in the Quakertown records.
(14) Summary financial report not signed by the Secretary in the Walnutport, Reading, Bethlehem, Northampton, Macungie, and Phillipsburg records.
We also found Quakertown and Hatfield Quarterly Conference recommend H. K. Kratz to this conference as an applicant for the ministry. We recommend that the secretaries record more definitely how the Quarterly Conferences were opened, also whether the Presiding Elder spoke on the duties of the Officers in the first Quarterly Conference and on the duties of the members toward their pastor sometime during the year.
E. N. Cassel,
L. Prank Haas,
E. T. Shick,
C. W Stine,
M. M. Ziegler,
R. D. Hollenbach,
W. W. Zimmerman,
O. C. Kistler
After an extension of the time was decided upon, the Report of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home, prepared by the Superintendent, was read and received. (See Report.)
Resolved, That we meet in the basement of the church at 7:45 this evening, in a Committee of the Whole, to consider work relative to the Orphanage and Home, the Conference Journal, several church buildings, the letters referred to the Conference by the Committee on Communications, and such other business as shall present itself. The Chair appointed H. B. Musselman as Chairman of this Committee.
Brother H. B. Kratz, of Hatfield, who was recommended to the Conference by his respective Quarterly Conference, expressed the nature of his call and was referred to the Committee on Examination of applicants for annual Conference License.
WHEREAS, E. E. Kublic, C. J. Edwards and H. F. Meltzer have passed the Reading Course, therefore
Resolved, That we refer them to the Committee on Ordination.
Adjourned by prayer by W. D. Evert.
Friday Morning, October 12, 1906
This session was opened by prayer by Geo. A. Campbell, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Resolved, That we reconsider the Report of the Committee on Quarterly Conference Records.
This report was referred back to the Committee for correction. The report appears on the minutes now as corrected by the Committee. The Auditing Committee reported and the report was referred back to the Committee.
The following committee reports were read and received:
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference Licenses:
We examined the applicant H. K. Kratz and recommend the Conference to receive him according to the discipline.
H. B. Musselman,
J. C. Roth,
G. A. Campbell.
Committee on Ordination: We have met the brethren C. J. Edwards, H. F. Meltzer and E. E. Kublic, and whereas they preferred not to be ordained for the present so that they might more fully show their efficiency to the satisfaction of the Conference, therefore we recommend that they be not ordained for the present.
H. B. Musselman,
C. H. Brunner,
E. N. Cassel.
Committee of the Whole: We wish to submit, the following recommendations to the Conference:
(1) WHEREAS, J. H. Rittenhouse is absent from this conference, sending an excuse, stating that he is not well enough to be present, therefore
Resolved, That this Committee is grieved at the absence of Bro. Rittenhouse and pray God for his health, so that in the future he may be able to attend if he is elected.
(2) WHEREAS, We received a letter from Brother W. B. Musselman that he could not be present at once but expected to be present some part of this Conference, therefore,
Resolved, That we are very glad to hear from him. We are, however, sorry that he cannot be with us all the time, as we would greatly enjoy his presence and wise counsel during the entire Conference.
(3) WHEREAS, Brother F. M. Hottel has not appeared at the Reading Course Examinations this year, therefore
Resolved, That we are displeased with his absence and find his excuse somewhat unsatisfactory. We hope he will do better in the future.
(4) Resolved, That we recommend the Conference to appoint a committee to look after the church properties at Norristown, Erwinna and Hereford and deal with them as they see fit.
(5) Resolved, That we ask the Conference to procure a photograph of the whole Conference and secure a half-tone cut for the Conference Journal.
(6) Resolved, That we recommend the Conference to donate $85.00 to our worthy Superintendent of the Orphanage as a slight token of his faithful supervision of the building and repairing as well as his devotion and untiring labors in the management of the farm.
(7) Resolved, That we recommend the Conference to elect a Superintendent of the Orphanage and Home.
(8) Resolved, That we recommend the Conference to elect a Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home, consisting of six ordained ministers and three lay members. Two ordained ministers and one lay member to be elected for three years; two ordained ministers and one lay member to be elected for two years, and two ordained ministers and one lay member for one year, and thereafter all to be elected for three years.
The above Board of Trustees shall have full charge of the Orphanage and Home with complete authority to govern the temporal and financial arrangements of the same.
H. B. Musselman, Chairman.
W. S. Hottel, Secretary.
The Presiding Elders now reported.
C. H. Brunner, Presiding Elder of the Reading District, reported that he found the work in an excellent condition when put in office. There were no deaths in the ranks of the brethren and not even serious illness. There were camp meetings held at Reading and Wescoesville. The latter consisted of 136 tents, the largest one we ever held. Many souls were saved and baptized at both. Successful and glorious tent meetings were held at Vernfield, Weissport and Royersford. All the offerings were grand, as the reports will show. The ministry is united to the man. The brethren have preached the truth without reserve from the pulpits and at the camp meetings, resulting in the salvation of many souls; cutting loose the honest ones and cleaning out quite some of the rubbish. Of the nineteen churches in this district all are free from debt except one on which $75.00 is due yet.
W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District, reported the ministry united.
Tent meetings were held at Nazareth, Catasauqua and Bingen, where souls were saved and much good done. The camp meeting at Hellertown was grand, large, and many souls were saved and baptized. The missions were well represented there. There was one parsonage bought and quite some paid on it. The Gospel Herald Society is doing nicely.
The missions at Washington, N. J. and Stroudsburg have been making progress. The mission in Philadelphia is doing finely. We held a few good tent meetings in this large city. The brethren have a large route where they sell 400 Heralds weekly. We have fully organized a Mennonite Brethren in Christ class of thirty members including the Heralds. This class is ready to be received into the Conference. They desire to be self-supporting.
W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, reported: We enjoyed our visit at your camp meetings this summer. We have a number of good, strong missions, while others need a little lift yet. Many souls have been saved during the year.
We have remodeled the building where we are in, quite extensively, and have at the present time a fully equipped printing plant. We bought a large new up-to-date Babcock Optimus printing press, besides smaller presses, cutter, stitcher, etc. We are printing 10,700 copies weekly of our twenty page paper, The Gospel Herald, though we have not been pushing the paper very hard of late. We are also publishing a twenty-four page religious monthly for a party in Pittsburg. We are also printing a great many tracts. We printed 200,000 for one party. We buy our paper at bottom rates by the car load. The whole work on these papers, tracts, etc., from beginning to end, except the linotype work, is all being done by our workers. In Pittsburg we sell 1000 Gospel Heralds weekly and often hundreds more. We are still launching out by faith and are aiming at a larger permanent home and plant in some large city.
The following reports were read and received:
Report of the Treasurer of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention: L. B. Taylor, Treasurer. (See Report.)
Report of the Treasurer of the Reading District Sunday School Convention: G. A. Campbell, Treasurer. (See Report.)
Report of the Treasurer of the Beneficiary Society: L. B. Taylor, Treasurer,. (See Report)
Report of the Treasurer of the Camp Meeting Equipment Fund: A. M. Gehman, Treasurer. (See Report.)
Report of the Treasurer of the Orphanage and Home: E. N. Cassel, Treasurer. (See Report.)
Report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons: A. A. Wismer, Treasurer. (See Report.)
Report of the Treasurer of the Conference Fund: W. J. Fretz, Treasurer. (See Report.)
Report of the Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund: Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer. (See Report.)
Report of the Treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions: Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer.
(See Report.)
Resolved, That the Editor of the Conference Journal arrange a brief report of next Sunday’s services.
Resolved, That the Secretary of the next annual Conference be elected Editor of the Conference Journal for next year.
Resolved, That we sell the Conference Journal at twenty-five cents a copy and whatever the extra cost will be, including cuts, printing, etc., be paid out of the Annual Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the pastors pay for their Conference Journals within one week after they receive them. (Standing Rule.)
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three including himself, to look after the churches designated by the Committee of the Whole. He appointed H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, W. G. Gehman. Rev. C. T. Eisenberger, of the Methodist Episcopal Church; Rev. James D. Kistler, of the United Evangelical Church; Rev. C. D. Dreher. Presiding Elder of the Evangelical Association; and Revs. J. A. Wiegand and W. L. Bollman, of the Evangelical Association, all of Reading, were introduced to the Conference.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to make arrangements for a cut for the Conference Journal. He appointed the Editor of the Conference Journal, E. N. Cassel and E. T. Shick. The Report of the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions was read and received. W. G. Gehman, Secretary. (See Report.)
Resolved, That the money paid to any pastor for our Orphanage and Home shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees through the Secretary. The Secretary shall credit it on the Records and the Treasurer shall acknowledge it. (Standing Rule.)
Resolved, That we authorize the Chairman and Secretary of this Conference to sign the necessary papers for the Committee on Sewerage for the Borough of Mt. Carmel, if they consider the same advisable, upon their due investigation.
Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention some time in the middle of the year, for one day. The Presiding Elders and one whom they shall appoint shall constitute a committee to arrange a programme and set the date. All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall also be extended to the ministers’ wives and families.
Adjourned by prayer and benediction by Rev. C. D. Dreher.
Friday Afternoon, October 12, 1906
This session was opened by prayer by E. T. Shick, after which the minutes were read and approved.
The Report of the Auditing Committee was read and received and referred to a committee consisting of J. C. Roth and E. N. Cassel to be condensed.
The Committee on Worship, reported as follows: J. G. Shireman shall preach to-night, followed by O. S. Hillegass.
E. T. Shick,
Adam Keller.
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
(1) WHEREAS, Our Missionaries in Chili, China and Turkey reported good health, excellent courage and God’s marvelous protection through tests by sickness and fire and WHEREAS, God has wonderfully blessed their efforts in the salvation of many souls, healing the sick, etc., on the various places, therefore
Resolved, That we appreciate the devotion, self-denial and untiring service of these of our beloved brethren and sisters in the “Regions Beyond,” and that we pledge ourselves to continue their support as well as to pray more earnestly that their lives may be protected from the hands of their enemies, that they may be kept in the hour of discouragements and temptations, that they may be used more efficiently and successfully than ever for the salvation of souls, the preparation of the Bride and the hastening of the coming of the Lord.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be printed and sent to each one of the missionaries, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.
(2) WHEREAS, This Conference has resolved to donate $85.00 to the Superintendent of our Orphanage and Home, and WHEREAS, He stated that he highly appreciated the expression of satisfaction and kindness offered, and WHEREAS, With tears yet firmly he declares that he cannot conscientiously receive the same, therefore
Resolved, That we as a Conference express our entire satisfaction with his services during
the past and greatly appreciate his devotion and sacrifice in this noble cause.
H. B. Musselman,
E. N. Cassel,
C. H. Brunner.
The Oral Report of the President of the Board of Trustees of Norristown Church was
heard and received.
Resolved, That the Financial Secretary of the Annual Conference be Secretary of the
Home Mission Fund. (Standing Rule.)
The time for the election of Presiding Elders having come, the roll of conditional and
unconditional ministers was called with the following result:
Unconditional: W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, W, B. Musselman, H. B. Musselman, G. A. Campbell, J. C. Roth, E. T. Shick, J. G. Shireman, J. E. Barrall, L. F. Haas, E. N. Cassel, R. L. Woodring, W. S. Hottel, W. J. Fretz, O. S. Hillegass, R. Bergstresser, W. Steinmetz, E. E. Kublic, C. W. Stine, H. B. Meltzer, W. W. Zimmerman, C. J. Edwards, P. J. Musselman, R. W. Zoller, R. M. Hottel and H. K. Kratz.
Conditional: Wm, Gehman and L. B. Taylor. Revs. B. W. Luckenbill, F. D. Geary, and James Tonkin, of the Evangelical Association, were introduced to the Conference.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint tellers for the election of Presiding Elders and other officers.
He appointed E. N. Cassel and J. F, Barrall.
The Chairman, W. C. Gehman, then vacated the chair and the Vice Presiding Elder, H. B. Musselman, took the chair, whereupon C. H. Brunner and W. A. Gehman were re-elected Presiding Elders on the first ballot.
Resolved: That C. H. Brunner shall serve on the Reading District and W. G. Gehman on the Bethlehem District.
Resolved, That W. G. Gehman be Chairman and C. H. Brunner Secretary of the next Annual Conference.
Resolved, That the other officers be nominated and elected by ballot.
Resolved, That the Secretary cast the ballot for the election of W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder.
Resolved, That the Secretary cast the ballot for the election of Allen M. Gehman as Treasurer of the Annual Conference.
Other officers were elected as follows:
Standing Committee over the Presiding Elders: E. N. Cassel, J. C. Roth and E. T. Shick.
Board of Foreign Missions: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, Allen M. Gehman and E. T. Shick.
Board of Deacons: R. Laudenslager, A. A. Wismer and H. G. Musselman.
Committee on the Reading Course: J. C. Roth, E. N. Cassel and E. T. Shick.
Superintendent of the Orphanage and Home: W. G. Gehman.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: For three years, H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman and Allen M. Gehman; for two years, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, H. L. Musselman; for one year, L. B. Taylor, J. G. Shireman, O. B. Bartholomew.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elders of the Church, W. B. Musselman, President of the Gospel Worker Society, if present, and the delegates of the circuits and stations, constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee, and begin its session to-night at 7:45 o’clock.
Adjourned by prayer by H. B. Musselman.
Saturday Morning, October 13, 1906
This session was opened by singing and prayer by R. Bergstresser.
The roll was called after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
The Auditing Committee submitted the following report, condensed by J. C. Roth and E. N. Cassel. The report was received.
We have audited the accounts and found the schedules of Norristown, Coopersburg and Phillipsburg incorrect. A mistake in Reading Camp Meeting accounts on page 45, and in the Quarterly Conference records, Financial Summary of Walnutport, Gratersford, Royersford, Coopersburg, Nazareth, Zionsville, Macungie, Quakertown, Mt. Carmel and Phillipsburg. On pages 20 and 23 in Zionsville record. On pages 18, 19, 21, 27 and 28 of Bethlehem record. On page 23 South Allentown record, on page 20 in Phillipsburg record, and page 20 Mt. Carmel record.
J. C. Roth,
W. J. Fretz,
E. R. Hartman,
W. D. Evert,
B. Engelman,
Jacob C. Sassaman,
H. L. Musselman,
R. H. Bergey,
G. O. Billig.
The election of officers was continued as follows:
Vice Presiding Elders: Reading District, E. N. Cassel; Bethlehem District, H. B. Musselman.
Treasurer of the Annual Conference Fund: W. J. Fretz.
Trustees of the Norristown Church: H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner and W. G. Gehman.
Officers of the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention: Chairman, H. B. Musselman.
Secretary, J. F. Barrall
Committee: W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner and J. C. Roth.
Resolved, That the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention be held in Reading, Pa.
The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following officers:
President: E. N. Cassel
Secretary: W. J. Fretz
Treasurer: E. T. Shick
The Board of Foreign Missions reported the following officers:
President: H. B. Musselman
Secretary: W. G. Gehman
Treasurer: Allen M. Gehman
Adjourned by prayer by E. E. Kublic.
Saturday Afternoon, October 13, 1906
This session was opened by singing and prayer by O. C. Kistler.
The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
The Reading Sunday School Convention District reported the election of the following officers and other business: Chairman, W. J. Fretz; Secretary, R. L. Woodring; Treasurer, J. F.
Barrall; Committee on Programme, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel and J. C. Roth.
Resolved, That this convention be held at South Allentown.
Resolved, That we have two sessions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon, and a special service in the evening. The pastor shall arrange for the special service in the evening and report to the committee. No pastor shall be allowed to leave except by consent of the committee.
The report was received.
The Bethlehem Sunday School Convention District reported the election of the following officers and other business: Chairman, L. Frank Haas; Secretary, P. J. Musselman; Treasurer, L. B. Taylor; Committee on Programme, H. B. Musselman, C. W. Stine and W. S. Hottel.
Resolved, That this convention be held in Bethlehem.
Resolved, That we hold two sessions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. The Committee on Programme shall also arrange for special services in the evening. No pastor shall be permitted to leave.
Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation through the Secretary to the Missionary Presiding Elder, W. B. Musselman, to be present at this Convention.
The report was received.
Resolved, That both Sunday School Conventions be held on Decoration Day 1907.
The Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home reports the election of the following officers: President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; Treasurer, E. N. Cassel.
Resolved, That the Chairman, W. G. Gehman, preach the Conference Sermon tomorrow morning at 9:45. C. H. Brunner shall preach at 2:30, and W. B. Musselman in the evening, if he arrives.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of three, including himself, to decide who shall preach tomorrow evening in case W. B. Musselman shall not arrive. He appointed J. C. Roth, Frank Haas and W. G. Gehman.
Resolved, That no preacher shall be permitted to leave tomorrow.
Resolved, That the Secretary, with the privilege of appointing some one to assist him, shall revise and print new Summary Financial Report Blanks, new Schedules and new Sunday School Statistical Report Blanks. He appointed H. B. Musselman.
Resolved, That this year the traveling and other expenses of the Reading Course Committee and Probationers at the spring examination shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, the pastor in charge, with the three Trustees of Terre Hill, Pa., have charge of the property at that place.
Resolved, That the Secretary send Conference Journals to our Foreign Missionaries and Railroad Companies, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.
The Committee on Worship reported that G. A. Campbell shall preach tonight, followed
by L. Frank Haas.
E. T. Shick,
Adam Keller.
Resolved, That the Editor print 400 Conference Journals.
Resolved, That we donate $10.00 to the Editor for his services.
Resolved, That each Presiding Elder shall hold his own Home Missionary meetings and take the subscription with the assistance of the respective pastors.
Resolved, That the report of the Committee on Resolutions, page 18 in the Journal, be adopted as a standing rule. Also Resolutions 4 and 5, page 28, and that Paragraph B, Section III, Page 5, be erased.
Resolved, That we urge our pastors to secure as many new subscribers to the Gospel Banner as possible. A liberal collection was lifted for the labor and expenses of the Secretary, amounting to $9.00. (Thanks.)
Adjourned by prayer by Wm. Gehman.
Sunday, October 14, 1906
At 9:45 a.m., the Chairman, W. G. Gehman, preached a very instructive and impressive Conference Sermon from 1 Timothy 8:14-15, emphasizing very strongly the definite calling and characteristics of the minister of God.
At 2:30 p.m., C. H. Brunner, Presiding Elder of the Reading District, gave an address on the difference between the fine and false professors from the Epistle of Jude.
After a stirring Praise Meeting in the evening, H. B. Musselman, Vice Presiding Elder, gave us an earnest address on the possibilities of Faith, from Heb. 11:35-36. The interest and attendance during the day was excellent.
Monday Morning, October 15, 1906
This session was opened by singing and prayer by Wm. Gehman.
The roll was called, after which the minutes were read and received with correction.
The Committee on the Reading Course submitted the divisions of the course of study for 1907, which was received. (See Report.)
J. C. Roth,
E. N. Cassel,
E. T. Shirk.
The following report of The Committee on Resolutions was read and received.
WHEREAS, The different classes have so nobly contributed toward the Orphanage and Home work so that funds were available to pay for the property, stock, implements and a number of repairs and improvements, far above our expectation; therefore
Resolved, That we acknowledge the blessing of God in this work and herewith express our appreciation of the interest and self-sacrificing spirit manifested in this cause, and further
Resolved, That for the present we make no definite arrangements for the future but that we proceed as the Lord may open the way.
H. B. Musselman,
E. N. Cassel,
C. H. Brunner.
Resolved, That we have a General Camp Meeting Committee, consisting of the two Presiding Elders and the Chairman of each Camp Meeting Committee, to which matters that may refer to Camp Meetings in general may be referred.
Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders have charge of the Camp Meeting equipage and order the repairing of the same.
Resolved, That we have a committee of three, including the two Presiding Elders and one appointed by them, to secure an “Act of Incorporation” of the Pennsylvania Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church.
Resolved, That the above Committee be invested with power to examine the different deeds and charters and correct the same if necessary.
The President of the Executive Board reported. Not much can be reported as the work assigned to us is still unfinished.
W. G. Gehman, President,
C. H. Brunner, Secretary.
The Executive Board was again re-elected, as follows: W. G. Gehman, President; C. H. Brunner, Secretary; Wm. Gehman, Treasurer: H. B. Musselman, G. A. Campbell.
Resolved, That Resolution 2, Page 29, be made a Standing Rule.
Resolved, That we excuse Jacob C. Sassaman from being present at the Conference because of his own plea of being physically and mentally disabled.
The following report of the Committee on Resolutions was read and received:
WHEREAS, We highly appreciate the oral report given by W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, concerning the work of the Gospel Worker’s Society, therefore
Resolved, That we as a Conference admitting the noble work done and the spirit of true self-denial manifested, feel deeply interested in this Missionary Society and pledge ourselves to recognize and uphold the same with our prayers as well as otherwise, and would greatly appreciate the presence of W. B. Musselman during the whole of the next Annual Conference session if convenient.
H. B. Musselman,
E. N. Cassel,
C. H. Brunner.
Resolved, That we ask the Editor of the Gospel Herald to send each pastor a copy of the mailing list of the subscribers on his charge.
Resolved, That each pastor record the mailing lists of the subscribers of the Gospel Banner and Gospel Herald in a book, together with an accurate statement of the account of each subscriber, to be transferred, to their successor.
Resolved, That from henceforth the Annual Conference supply class books, stewards books, rent books, trustee books and all the other account books for the different charges, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That the Board of Trustees have charge of all the old account books.
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene at Royersford, Pa., at 8 a.m., on the second Thursday in October, 1907.
Resolved, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the brothers and sisters of the Reading Class for their kindness and the hospitable entertainment the Conference received during this session.
Adjourned by prayer by W. B. Musselman.
W. C. Gehman, Chairman,
C. H. Brunner, Secretary,
Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer,
H. B. Musselman, Vice P. E.,
E. N. Cassel, Vice P. E.,
W. B. Musselman, Missionary P. E.,
W. S. Hottel, Recording Sec’y,
J. G. Shireman, Statistical Sec’y,
J. F. Barrall, Financial Sec’y.
J. C. Roth, R. Bergstresser,
W. Steinmetz, L. B. Taylor
E. E. Kublic, Leidy Sell,
H. F. Meltzer, James M. Oplinger,
C. W. Stine, O. S. Hillegass,
C. J. Edwards, Adam Keller,
G. A. Campbell, Julius A. Kern,
W. J. Fretz, M. M. Ziegler,
R. L. Woodring, B. Engelman,
William Gehman, F. P. Bobst,
H. H. Bergey, C. W. Teel,
G. O. Billig, W. D. Evert,
G. K. Himmelreich, H. L. Musselman,
W. W. Zimmerman, O. C. Kistler,
P. J. Musselman, R. D. Hollenbach,
E. T. Shick, E. R. Hartman
L. Frank Haas