1907 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1907 Yearbook


The Twenty-fourth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the Church, Sixth and Walnut Streets, Royersford, Pa., at 8 am., October 10, 1907.

The first session was opened by singing and prayer by the Secretary, C. H. Brunner, and a very earnest and practical address on the thirteenth chapter of first Corinthians, by the Chairman, W. G. Gehman. This was followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit during these Conference sessions.

The following members were enrolled:


Present.- W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman, J. C. Roth, J. G. Shireman, E. N. Cassel, R. L. Woodring, J.. F. Barrall, E. T. Shick, W. J. Fretz, L. Frank Haas, Geo. A. Campbell, R. Bergstresser, W. S. Hottel, O. S. Hillegass, W. Steinmetz, L. B. Taylor and W. W. Zimmerman.

Absent.- W. B. Musselman and H. L. Weiss.


Present.- C. W. Stine, E. E. Kublic, P. J. Musselman, F. M.. Hottel and H. K. Kratz.

Absent.- H. P. Meltzer, C. J. Edwards and R. W. Zoller.


Present.- H. L. Musselman, G. O. Billig, John Ziegler, W. D. Evert, H. H. Bergey, E. R. Hartman, F. R. Gehman, J. H. Baus, O.C. Kistler, John Flickinger, M. M. Ziegler, Allen M. Gehman, G. W. Teel, J. A. Kern, O. B. Bartholomew, H. E. Gackenbach, G. K. Himmelreich and S. S. Geil.

Absent.- None.


Present. V. H. Reinhart, C. A. Parson.

Resolved, That the seats to the right and left of the pulpit and the first three pews throughout the church constitute the Conference Bar.

Resolved, That the minutes of the previous Conference shall not be read. The Chair shall appoint a committee of three to examine the minutes. He appointed E. N. Cassel, J. C. Roth and H. B. Musselman.

The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows: Recording Secretary, C. W. Stine; Statistical Secretary, J. G. Shireman; Financial Secretary, J. F. Barrall.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Time-keeper. He appointed R. L. Woodring and E. T. Shick, respectively.

The following committees were appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:

Committee on worship.- E. N. Cassel and E. R. Hartman.

Committee on Communications.- R. L. Woodring, Wm. Gehman and W. S. Hottel.

Committee on Finance.- J. F. Barrall, Ellen M. Gehman and G. O. Billig.

Committee on Statistics.- J. G. Shireman and P. J. Musselman.

Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records.- E. N. Cassel, L. Frank Haas, E. T. Shick, R. Bergstresser, M. M. Ziegler, H. E. Gackenbach, W. W. Zimmerman, E. E. Kublic, and O. C. Kistler.

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders.- Wm. Gehman, L .B. Taylor and J. H. Baus.

Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.- J. C. Roth, O. S. Hillegass and G. K. Himmelreich.

Committee on Examination of applicants for annual Conference License.–H. B. Musselman, J. C. Roth and Geo. A. Campbell.

Committee on Examination of applicants for Ordination.- H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner and E. N. Cassel.

Committee on Resolutions.- H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel, C. H. Brunner and W. S. Hottel.

Auditing Committee.–J. C. Roth, W. J. Fretz, E. R. Hartman, W. D. Evert, F. M. Gehman, S. S. Geil, H. L. Musselman, H. H. Bergey, G. O. Billig, C. W. Teel, O. B. Bartholomew and John Ziegler.

Committee to audit Schedules. J. G. Shireman and J. F. Barrall.

Resolved, That the time allowed for the oral reports of each pastor be limited to ten minutes.

The pastors now began to submit their oral reports.

Resolved, That we adjourn to the call of the Chair. Prayer by H. B. Musselman.



Thursday Afternoon, October 10, 1907

The session opened at 3 p.m., at the call of the Chair. Prayer by W. S. Hottel.

The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following committee reports were submitted and received:

Auditing Committee.–We have audited the following accounts:- Orphanage, Board of Deacons, Camp Meetings, Presiding Elder’s reports, Quarterly Conference Records, Foreign and Home Mission accounts, Sunday-school Conventions accounts, Conference and Camp Meeting Equipment Fund and Miscellaneous papers, and have found the following errors in the Quarterly Conference Records:-

Sunday-school accounts:- Northampton, page 62;Walnutport, page 46.

Steward’s accounts:- Weissport, page 64; Harleysville, page 49; Reading, page 50; and Coopersburg, page 45.

Rent accounts:- Macungie, page 42.

Gospel Worker’s Offerings :- Gratersford, page 53.

Building Committee Reports:- South Allentown, page 66.

J. C. Roth,

W. J. Fretz,

H. H. Bergey,

H. L. Musselman,

O. B. Bartholomew,

John Ziegler,

W. D. Evert,

S. S. Geil,

C. W. Teel,

F. M. Gehman,

E. R. Hartman.


Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:- We examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory.


J. C. Roth,

O. S. Hillegass,

G. K. Himmelreich.

Committee on Quarterly Conference Records: We have examined the Quarterly Conference Records and found them all correct except the following:-

Philadelphia Record.- No revision of the class records, and election of delegate and alternate.

South Allentown Record.- “No reading of minutes in fourth quarter.

Mt. Carmel, Walnutport, Easton and Allentown Records. – No mention of the Presiding Elder speaking on the duties of the officers.

Walnutport Record.- No record of the Missionary Presiding Elder’s collection in the second quarter.

Nazareth Record.- No record of election or appointment of auditors in first quarter and the summary report pasted in second quarter.

Blandon Record.- No record of devotional exercises in second and third quarters.

Coopersburg Record.- No record of any financial and statistical reports except the report of the trustees.

E. N. Cassel,

L. Frank Haas,

E. T. Shick,

R. Bergstresser,

M. M. Ziegler,

R. E. Gackenbach,

W. W. Zimmerman,

E. E. Kublic,

O. C. Kistler.


Committee on Worship- We recommend that V. H. Reinhart preach tonight, followed by H. K. Kratz.

E. N. Cassel,

E. R. Hartman,


Committee on Communications- We have examined the letters of Rose Lambert, missionary to Hadjin, Turkey, and of H. W. Feldges, and wife, missionaries to Chili, South America, and recommend the Conference to refer the same to the Committee on Resolutions.

R. L. Woodring,

Wm. Gehman,

W. S. Hottel,

Committee to audit Schedules- We have audited the schedules and found them correct with the exception of the Macungie schedule, where the total of the Alburtis account was not carried back to the total column on the schedule from Fleetwood, a mistake in the totaling of the Blandon collections.

J. G. Shireman,

J. F. Barrall,


Committee on Finance. See report of the Financial Secretary)

Committee on Examination of Travelling Elders- We have examined the Travelling Elders through their respective delegates and found them all satisfactory with the exception of W. Steinmetz. On account of nervous affection we deem it advisable to recommend the Conference to relieve him of the duties of taking charge of a work for the present.

Committee on Statistics.- We examined the Schedules and found them all correct with the exception of the following:- Mt. Carmel, in the total value of church property; Lehighton schedules, only one ordained minister was reported where two should have been; Walnutport and Zionsville schedules in totaling of membership; Coopersburg schedule, one ordained minister was reported, where there should have been three; Northampton schedule, in totaling up the membership and valuation of church property; Philadelphia schedule, in reporting a Presiding Elder, and totaling up membership; Nazareth schedule, Secretary did not sign name to schedule.

J. G. Shireman,

P. J. Musselman,


The rest of the oral reports of the pastors were heard.

These reports were very interesting and encouraging, a large number were saved and baptized. Many were healed; some very remarkable cases. The special offerings were larger than ever. The attendance at nearly all places has been very good. The Sunday Schools are in a flourishing condition. There is a very noticeable progress in the loyalty, devotion and spiritual condition of the classes in general.

The Report of Superintendent and Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home was read and received. (See Report.)

Resolved, That we meet in the basement of the church, at 8 p.m., this evening, as a Committee of the Whole, to consider the work of the Orphanage and Home, and such other business as may present itself.

Adjourned with prayer by Wm. Gehman.


Friday Morning October 11, 1907

This session was opened by prayer by Geo. A. Campbell. The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following reports were submitted and received:-

Committee of the Whole.- We wish to submit the following recommendations to the Conference:

Resolved, That upon the request of Bro. W. Steinmetz, we recommend the Conference to relieve him from taking charge of a work for the present.

Resolved, That CĀ· J. Edwards be expelled from being a member of the Church and Conference.

Resolved, That H. F. Meltzer be expelled from the Conference.

Resolved, That we drop R. W. Zoller from the Church and Conference

Resolved, That we get a cut or cuts of the orphanage and Home Farm for the Conference Journal and that W. G. Gehman, H. B. Musselman and C. H. Brunner, constitute a committee to procure the same.

Whereas, The Board of Trustees has done so nobly in managing the affairs of our Orphanage and Home and,

Whereas, The Superintendent has given us such a complete statement of the financial standing of the same, therefore,

Resolved, That we, as a Conference, highly appreciate the untiring labors of said Board, and further

Resolved, That for the present we make no definite arrangements for the future, but that we proceed as the Lord may open the way.

H. B. Musselman, Chairman,

C. W. Stine, Secretary.

Report of the Treasures of the Board of Foreign Missions.

Report of the Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund. (See Report)

Report of the Treasurer of the Orphanage and Home. (See Report.)

Report of the Treasurer of the Beneficiary Fund: (See Report)

Report of the Treasurer of the Board of Deacons. (See Report)

Report of the Treasurer of the Annual Conference Fund. (See Report)

Report of the Treasurer of the Camp Meeting Equipment Fund. (See Report)

Report of the Treasurer of the Reading District Sunday School Convention. (See Report)

Report of the Committee on the Reading Course. (See Report.)

Report of the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions. (See Report.)


A. Reading District, C.H. Brunner, P. E. The Lord had been leading during the year. Quite a number have been saved, baptized and added to the church, on the various fields.

The offerings have been very good throughout. The Home Mission Meetings were very well attended and the subscriptions for the Home Mission work were excellent, exceeding those of last year at nearly every place.

The Camp Meeting at Reading was owned of the Lord. It was larger than last year. Souls were saved and a number baptized. The Camp Meeting at Wescoesville was large, well attended and a number saved and baptized.

The debt on the last of the nineteen churches in this district has been paid. Two parsonages were built, one of which is fully paid. The pastors stood by nobly and are very loyal and obedient. (For financial report, see reports.)

B. Bethlehem District, W. G. Gehman, P. E. The Lord greatly blessed and prospered the work throughout the year, both spiritually and financially. A very valuable property for church and parsonage purposes has been purchased in Philadelphia. A very desirable parsonage property has been bought at Northampton.

We held a grand crimp meeting of 132 tents at Hellertown; the largest in the Conference this season. Many were saved and baptized. The Gospel Herald Society missions were well represented. We call it a successful camp meeting in every sense of the word. Tabernacle meetings were held at Centre Valley and Philadelphia.

We wish to state that the spirit of disloyalty dominant at Coopersburg for years has been conquered and loyalty and harmony prevail in general. In fact progress has been noticed over the entire district, especially at Bethlehem. To Him be all the praise.

C. General Missionary District.

W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, was not present, but reported by letter.

“We are steadily moving on. One year ago We said, in substance, “We are launching out by faith and are aiming for a larger permanent home and plant in some large city.” To-day, our headquarters, comprising large buildings, is in Cleveland, Ohio, and we are laying the foundation for a permanent work there.

Our Missions throughout are getting along splendidly.

We are having more applicants for the work than ever.

We can only thank God and His own for the support and encouragement in every way.”

D. Gospel Herald Society, W. G. Gehman, Pres. The work has been making steady progress. The Gospel Worker Society Missions at Sunbury and Shamokin have been turned over to us and are now supplied by Gospel Heralds.

At Shamokin we purchased a very valuable lot at a suitable location. containing a large dwelling in the rear. On the front we built a nice chapel, which is almost finished.

We held the first Gospel Herald Society camp meeting at Shamokin in SeptemberĀ· There were 85 tents. Far beyond our expectation. All the Gospel Heralds were present; also nearly

all the ministers of the Conference. It was glorious indeed. Souls were saved every day with one exception.

Successful tent meetings were held at Sunbury, Stroudsburg, Scranton, Washington, N.J., and Norristown.

All the workers are very loyal, obedient and open-hearted to their leaders. Throughout the Society there were very many saved and a large number baptized.

Resolved, That the Editor of the “Conference Journal” arrange a brief report of next Sunday’s services.

Resolved, That the Secretary of the next Annual Conference be elected Editor of the “Conference Journal” for next year.

Whereas, We highly appreciate the untiring labors and faithful management of the Superintendent of our Orphanage and Home Farm, therefore

Resolved, That we, as a Conference, express our entire satisfaction with his services during the past, and greatly appreciate his devotion and sacrifice in this noble cause.

Whereas, Bro. P. J. Musselman has passed the Reading course satisfactorily, therefore

Resolved, That he, and also Bro. E. E. Kublic be referred to the Committee on Ordination.

Resolved, That we hold a ministerial Convention some time in the middle of the year, for one day. The Presiding Elders, and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a committee to arrange a programme and set the date. All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall also be extended to the ministers wives and families.

The brethren V. H. Reinhart and C. A. Parson, members of the Gospel Herald Society, expressed the nature of their call and were referred to the Committee on Applicants.

Report of the Executive Board. – The Executive Board wishes to state that they have nothing to report at this time.

W. G. Gehman,

C. H. Brunner,

Wm. Gehman,

H. B. Musselman,

Geo. A. Campbell,


Bro. C. F. Snyder, our returned missionary from Thibet, being present, therefore,

Resolved, That he received as an advisory member.

The delegates who were absent at the time of the morning roll call offered their written excuses, which were received.

Resolved, That we elect two Presiding Elders. The roll of conditional and unconditional ministers was called with the following result:-

Unconditional- W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, H. B. Musselman, J. C. Roth, E. N. Cassel, E. T. Shick, J. G. Shireman, J. F. Barrall, W. S. Hottel, R. L. Woodring, L. Frank Haas, O. S. Hillegass, W. J. Fretz, R. Bergstresser, C. W. Stine, E. E. Kublic, W. W. Zimmerman, and P. J. Musselman.

Conditional.- Wm. Gehman, Geo. A. Campbell, W. Steinmetz, and L. B. Taylor.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint tellers for the election of the Presiding Elders. He appointed E. N. Cassel and J. F. Barrall.

H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman were elected Presiding Elders.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of five, including the two Presiding Elders, to divide the districts and appoint the Presiding Elders. He appointed J. C. Roth, J. G. Shireman, E. N. Cassel, H. B. Musselman, and W. G. Gehman.

Adjourned to meet at the call of the Chair. Prayer by C. F. Snyder.


Friday Afternoon, October 11, 1904

This session was opened by singing, and prayer by O. C. Kistler.

The roll was called with all present. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following Committee Reports were read and received:-

Committee on Worship.- We recommend that E. E. Kublic preach tonight, followed by O. S. Hillegass.

E. N. Cassel,

E. R. Hartman,


Committee on Examination of applicants for Annual Conference License.- We examined the applicants, V. H. Reinhart and C. A. Parson, and recommend the Conference to receive them according to the discipline.

H. B. Musselman,

J. C. Roth,

Geo. A Campbell,


Committee on Resolutions.- Whereas, Our missionaries in Chili, China, and Turkey, reported good health, excellent courage and God’s gracious protection through tests in sickness, railroad accidents, earthquakes, etc., and

Whereas, God has wonderfully blessed their efforts in the salvation of many souls, healing the sick, etc., in the various places, therefore,

Resolved, That we appreciate the devotion, self-denial, and untiring service of those of our beloved brethren and sisters in the “Regions Beyond,” and that we pledge ourselves to continue their support as well as to pray more earnestly that their lives may be protected from the hands of their enemies, that they may be kept in the hour of discouragements and temptations, that they may be used more efficiently and successfully than ever for the salvation of souls, the preparation of the Bride and the hastening of the coming of the Lord.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be printed and sent to each one of the missionaries by the Secretary, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.

H. B. Musselman,

E. N. Cassel,

C. R. Brunner,

W. S. Hottel,


Report of the Committee on Presiding Elder Districts:

A. Bethlehem District – H. B. Musselman, P. E., Bethlehem, Allentown, South Allentown and Emaus, Zionsville, Gratersford and Harleysville, Spring City and Royersford, Reading and Athol, Blandon, Fleetwood and Terre Hill, Macungie, Alburtis and Hereford, Northampton, Weissport and Lehighton, Coopersburg and Springtown, Quakertown and Hatfield.

B. Mt. Carmel District – W. G. Gehman, P. E., Mt. Carmel, Shamokin, Sunbury, Scranton, East Stroudsburg, Washington, N. J., Easton and Erwinna, Nazareth and Plainfield, Walnutport and Tripoli, Norristown, Philadelphia.

J. C. Roth,

E. N. Cassel,

J. G. Shireman,

H. B. Musselman,

W. G. Gehman,


We proceeded with the election of officers:

Chairman of the next Annual Conference, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner.

Resolved, That the Secretary cast the ballot for the election of W. B. Musselman as Missionary Presiding Elder. Also Allen M.. Gehman, Treasurer.

Vice Presiding Elders, C. H. Brunner and E. N. Cassel.

Committee over the Presiding Elders.- J. C. Roth, E. T, Shick and J. G. Shireman.

Board of Foreign Missions.- H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, Allen M. Gehman and J. C. Roth.

Committee on the Reading Course.- W. S. Hottel, E. N. Cassel and E. T. Shick.

Resolved, That the Secretary cast the ballot for the election of R. T. Laudenslager, A. A. Wismer and H. G. Musselman, as Board of Deacons.

Resolved, That the Secretary cast the ballot for the election of W. G. Gehman, Superintendent of the Orphanage and Home.

Trustees of the Orphanage and Home for three years.- J. G. Shireman, E. T. Shick and O. B. Bartholomew.

Conference Fund.- Secretary, J. G. Shireman; Treasurer, W. J. Fretz.

Camp Meeting Equipment Fund.- Secretary, J. F. Barrall; Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.

Resolved, That the Executive Board be re-elected for the coming year.

The Board of Foreign Missions hereby recommends this Conference to ordain Bro. C. F. Snyder.

H. B. Musselman,

W. G. Gehman,

C. H. Brunner,

Allen M. Gehman,

E. T. Shick,


The following reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Communications.–We have read a letter from Bro. R. D. Dreisbach, and recommend the same to be read before the Conference.


R. L. Woodring,

Wm. Gehman,

W. S. Hottel,

Committee on Resolutions.- (a) WHEREAS, Bro R. D. Dreisbach expressed his desire to withdraw from being a member of the Annual Conference on account of his present circumstances and with no immediate outlook for a change, therefore,

Resolved, That the Conference grant him his request.

(b) WHEREAS, Bro. C. F. Snyder, our returned missionary from China, who has faithfully labored there for the last nine years, was in our midst and gave us an interesting and encouraging report, and

WHEREAS the Lord has been blessing the work in saving a number of souls who stand for the Lord, therefore,

Resolved, That we highly appreciate the labors and sacrifice on his part and pray God’s blessing upon the work in a more abundant measure.

H. B. Musselman,

E. N. Cassel,

C. H. Brunner,

W. S. Hottel,


Report of the President of the Gospel Herald Society.- (See Report)

Report of Treasurer of Sunday School Convention of Bethlehem District.- (See Report)

Adjourned with prayer by R. L. Woodring.


Saturday Afternoon, October 12, 1907

The session was opened by singing and prayer by E. N. Cassel.

The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following reports were submitted and received.

The committee appointed to look after the church properties at Norristown, Erwinna and Hereford, and deal with them as they see fit, reports that they deemed it advisable not to take any action in the matter up to this time.

W. G. Gehman,

C. H. Brunner,

H. B. Musselman,


The Committee appointed to secure an “Act of Incorporation” of the Pennsylvania Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, hereby reports not much progress made thus far, on account of awaiting the future action of the Executive Board.

H. B. Musselman,

C. H. Brunner,

W. G. Gehman,


Resolved, That this year the travelling and other expenses of the Reading Course Committee and Probationers at the spring examination shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.

Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, the pastor in charge, with the three Trustees of Terre Hill, Pa., have charge of the property at that place.

Resolved, That the Secretary send Conference Journals to our Foreign Missionaries and to the Railroad Companies to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.

Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee was read and received.-(See Report.)

Resolved That H. B. Musselman preach the Conference sermon, and W. G. Gehman, the Ordination sermon.

Resolved, That C. H. Brunner be Vice-Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District and E. N. Cassel, Vice-Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District.

Resolved, That Presiding Elder W. G. Gehman hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference and take the subscriptions with the assistance of the respective pastors.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three, who, under the direction of the Presiding Elders, shall have charge of the Camp Meeting equipage. The matter of erecting a building for the storage of the Camp Meeting equipage shall be left to this committee.

The Chair appointed J. C. Roth, E. N. Cassel and E. T. Shick as the above committee.

Resolved, That the Secretary ask the Editor of the Gospel Herald to send each pastor a copy of the mailing list of the subscribers on his charge.

Resolved, That each pastor record the mailing lists of the subscribers of the Gospel Banner and Gospel Herald in a book together with an accurate statement of the account of each subscriber, to be transferred to their successor. (Standing Rule.)

Resolved, That from henceforth the Annual Conference supply class books, stewards’ books, rent books, trustee books, and all the other account books for the different charges, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund. (Standing Rule.)

Resolved, That we have a General Camp-Meeting Committee, consisting of the two Presiding Elders and the Chairman of each Camp-Meeting Committee, to which matters that may refer to Camp-Meetings in general may be referred.

Resolved, That we have a Committee of three, including the two Presiding Elders and one appointed by them, to secure an “Act of Incorporation” of the Pennsylvania Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ.

Resolved, The above Committee shall be invested with power to examine the different deeds and charters and correct the same if necessary.

C. H. Brunner was appointed as the third person on this Committee.

The Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund reported.-(See Report. )

The Treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions reported.- (See Report.)

The Board of Foreign Missions reported the election of officers, as follows: President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.

Resolved, That we have two Sunday School Conventions, and that the members of the Conference Districts resolve themselves into two respective committees to organize.

Resolved, That the next annual Conference convene at Bethlehem, Pa., at 8 a.m., on the second Thursday of October, 1908.

Adjourned to the call of the Chair. Prayer by L. B. Taylor.


Saturday Afternoon, October 12, 1907

The session was opened by singing and prayer by R. Bergstresser.

The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following Reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Communications- We have read the telegram of W. B. Musselman stating that he could not be present at this Conference on account of much work, and asks to be excused.

R. L. Woodring,

Wm. Gehman,

W. S. Hottel,


Committee on Resolutions.- WHEREAS, W. B. Musselman,. Missionary Presiding Elder, could not be present at this Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That we are sorry that we are deprived of his presence and wise counsel, and further,

Resolved, That we appreciate the noble work in which he and the Gospel Worker Society are engaged and the spirit of true self-denial manifested, and pledge ourselves to uphold them with our prayers and support.

H. B. Musselman,

E. N. Cassel,

C. H. Brunner,

W. S. Hottel,


Committee on Ordination.- We have examined the brethren E. E. Kublic and P. J. Musselman, and recommend them to the Conference for ordination.

H. B. Musselman,

C. H. Brunner,

E. N. Cassel,


The Committee on the Reading Course reported the divisions of the studies for 1908.- (See Report.)

Committee on Worship.- We recommend that C. H. Brunner preach this evening, followed by J, G. Shireman, and that J. C. Roth preach on Sunday evening.

E. N. Cassel,

E. R. Hartman,


Reports of the Committees to Organize end arrange forĀ·the Sunday School Conventions.

A. Bethlehem District- Chairman, C. H. Brunner; Secretary, J. F. Barrall; Treasurer, R. Bergstresser.

Committee on Programme.- H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel, and J. C. Roth.

Resolved, That we have two sessions, one in the forenoon, and one in the afternoon, with special services in the evening. The committee shall arrange for the evening service. No pastor shall leave without the consent of the Committee.

Resolved, That the Convention be held at Allentown on Ascension Day, 1908.

Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation to the Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District and the Missionary Presiding Elder.

J. C. Roth, Chairman,

E. N. Cassel, Secretary.

B. Mt. Carmel District- Chairman, C. W. Stine; Secretary, H. K. Kratz; Treasurer, E. E. Kublic.

Committee on Programme.- W. G. Gehman, J. G. Shireman, and P. J. Musselman.

Resolved, That this convention be held at Walnutport, on Ascension Day, 1908.

Resolved, That we field two sessions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. The Committee on Programme shall arrange for special services in the evening. No pastor shall be permitted to leave.

Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation, through the Secretary, to the Missionary Presiding Elder, W. B. Musselman, to be present at this Convention.

J. G. Shireman, Chairman,

P. J. Musselman, Secretary.

Resolved, That the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention convene at Coopersburg, Pa. The following officers were elected: Chairman, L. Frank Haas; Secretary, W. J. Fretz; Committee, H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, J. F. Barrall.

Upon their request, G. K. Himmelreich and S. S. Geil were excused from further attendance at this Conference.

Resolved, That the candidates for ordination be ordained tomorrow afternoon, and that the Chairman have charge of the service.

The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following officers: Chairman, J. C. Roth; Secretary, W. S. Hottel; Treasurer, J. F. Barrall.

Resolved, That none of the Conference members be absent from the services tomorrow, excepting the two members excused previously.

A liberal offering was lifted for the labor and expense of the Secretary, amounting to $10.58. Thanks.

Resolved, That we have 500 Conference Journals printed.

Resolved, That we donate $10.00 to the editor for his services.

Resolved, That each delegate shall see that the moving expenses of their pastor be paid.

Adjourned by prayer by JĀ· CĀ· Shireman and benediction by L. Frank Haas.


Sunday, October 13, 1907

Each service was opened by a song service, in charge of R. L. Woodring. At 10 a.m., H. B. Musselman, P. E. of the Bethlehem District, preached a very instructive, practical Conference sermon from acts 6:4. Our hearts burned within us as the word was preached in the demonstration of power and the Holy Ghost. It will not be without fruit among the ministry.

At 2p.m., Bro. W. G. Gehman, P. E. of the Mt. Carmel District, preached the Ordination sermon from 1 Timothy 3:10; 2 Timothy 4:5. The meaning, object and benefits of ordination were clearly and forcibly set forth. The proper characteristics of a candidate for ordination, including loyalty, faithfulness, obedience, etc., were clearly defined. The brethren C. F. Snyder, B. A., of China; E. E. Kublic, and P. J. Musselman were ordained amidst the manifest presence of the glory of God.

At 7.30 p.m., J. C. Roth preached a stirring sermon on Abraham’s question relating to Sodom, “Shall God destroy the righteous with the wicked?” He depicted clearly the difference between the end of the righteous and the unrighteous. An invitation and altar service followed, ending with a praise meeting. The church was crowded all day and God’s blessing rested upon every service. This was by many termed the best Conference they ever attended.


Monday Afternoon, October 14, 1907

This session was opened by singing and prayer by L. B. Taylor.

The roll was called, after which the minutes were read and received.

The following reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Communications.- We have read a letter from W. B. Musselman, and recommend the same to be read to this Conference.

R. L. Woodring,

Wm. Gehman,

W. S. Hottel,


The Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home reported the election of the following officers: President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; Treasurer, E. N. Cassel.

Resolved, That the Secretary cast the ballot for the election of H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, H. L. Musselman, Oscar Baer and H. H. Bergey as trustees of our churches at Norristown, Hereford and Erwinna.

Resolved, That we reconsider Standing Rule H, on page 7, of last year’s Journal.

Resolved, That the above be referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

Resolved, That the Reading Sunday School Convention accounts be transferred to the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention.

Committee on Resolutions reported the following: (a) Resolved, That the minutes shall be published in the Conference Journal. The Secretary shall be privileged to curtail them as he sees fit, and have them published in the Gospel Banner.

(b) WHEREAS, The Conference, having later received a letter from W. B. Musselman, stating more fully his reason for being unable to be present at this Conference, and are perfectly satisfied that the relationship is ever the same, and further,

WHEREAS, W. B. Musselman has presented to this Conference a good, substantial safe during the year, wherein to preserve Conference records and documents, therefore,

Resolved, That we therefore appreciate the donation and expect to make good use of the same.

H. B. Musselman,

E. N. Cassel,

C. H. Brunner,

W. S. Hottel,


The Committee on Annual Conference Records, not being able to report, they were excused.

Resolved, That all financial accounts of the different Boards and Committees shall be submitted to the Annual Conference by the Secretary and signed by the Secretary and Treasurer of the respective Boards.

Resolved, That the word “Church” be dropped from our records wherever it appears in connection with “Mennonite Brethren in Christ.”

Resolved, That the Secretary be authorized to make the above corrections on all deeds, charters, and other documents wherever and whenever advisable.

Resolved, That the Editor be permitted to add to the Official Record all committees he may decide on.

Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and one appointee by the Chair constitute a committee to buy a parsonage for the Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District if they deem it advisable. He appointed C. H. Brunner.

Resolved, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the brothers and sisters of the Royersford and Spring City classes for their kindness and the hospitable entertainment the Conference received during this session.

Adjourned by prayer by H. B. Musselman.

W. G. Gehman, Chairman,

C. H. Brunner, Secretary,

Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer,

H. B. Musselman, P. E.,

W. B. Musselman, M. P. E.,

E. N. Cassel, Vice P. E.,

C. W. Stine, Recording Sec’y.,

J. G. Shireman, Statistical Sec’y.,

J. F. Barrall, Financial Sec’y.,

J. C. Roth, R. Bergstresser, R. L. Woodring, L. B. Taylor, Wm. Gehman, W. Steinmetz, W. J. Fretz, G. A. Campbell, W. S. Hottel, P. J. Musselman, O. S. Hillegass, E. T. Shick, L. Frank Haas, F. M. Hottel, W. W. Zimmerman, H. H. Bergey, H. K. Kratz, F. M. Gehman, G. O. Billig, John Flickinger, H. L. Musselman, M. M. Ziegler, John Ziegler, O. B. Bartholomew, E. R. Hartman, J. H. Baus, O. C. Kistler, H. E. Gackenbach, W. D. Evert, C. W. Teel, J. A. Kern.

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