1908 Annual Conference Minutes




Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1908 Yearbook


Thursday Forenoon, October 8, 1908

The Twenty-fifth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, convened in Ebenezer Church. Bethlehem, PA., at 8 A.M., October 8, 1908.

The first session was opened by singing “I need Thee every hour,” and prayer by the Chairman, H. B. Musselman, P. E., after which he gave us an earnest and practical address on the second chapter of Philippians. This was followed by a season of earnest prayer for the blessing of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit during the Conference Session.

The following members were enrolled:


Present: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, W. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, J. C. Roth, Wm. Gehman, J. G. Shireman. E. N. Cassel, R. L. Woodring, J. F. Barrall, E. T. Shick, W. J. Fretz, G. A. Campbell, R. Bergstresser, W. S. Hottel, O. S. Hillegass, L. B. Taylor, W. W. Zimmerman, E. E. Kublic and P. J. Musselman.

Absent: H. L. Weiss, of Chile.


Present: C. CY. Stine, F. M. Hottel, H. K..Kratz, V. H. Reinhart and C. A. Parson.


Present: H. L. Musselman, G. O. Billig, John Ziegler, G.Ray Klinger, H. H. Bergey, E. R. Hartman, M. E. Stickler, J. H. Baus, R. T. Laudenslager, R. D. Dreisbach, M. M. Ziegler, Allen M. Gehman, S. H. Lichtenthaler, J. A. Kern, O. B. Bartholomew, H. E. Gackenback, G. K. Himmelreich and S. S. Geil.

Absent: None.


Present: C. F. Yost, C. A. Parson, D. H. Manney, J. F. Anderson, G. M. Reinbold, H. A. Kauffman, E. F. Richard and M. W. Ettinger.

Resolved, That the seats to the right and left of the Chair and the first three pews throughout the church constitute the Conference Bar.

Resolved, That the minutes of the last Annual Conference be not read. The Chair shall appoint a committee to examine them.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to print the essay on “Present Day Dangers Confronting the Church,” by C. H, Brunner. He appointed E. N. Cassel, J. C. Roth and W. G. Gehman;

The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows: Recording Secretary, C. W. Stine: Statistical Secretary, J. G. Shireman; Financial Secretary, J. F. Barrall.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Timekeeper. He appointed W. J. Fretz and E. E. Kublic, respectively.

The following committees were appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:

Committee on Worship: J. C. Roth and H. L. Musselman.

Committee on Communications: R. L. Woodring, W. G. Gehman and E. T. Shick.

Committee on Finance: J. F. Barrall, Allen M. Gehman and G. O. Billig.

Committee on Statistics: J. G. Shireman and H. L. Musselman.

Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: E. T. Shick, R. Bergstresser, W. W. Zimmerman, E. E. Kublic, H. E. Gackenback, C. W. Stine, M. M. Ziegler, M. E. Stickler, R. T. Laudenslager, F. M. Hottel and John Ziegler.

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: G. A. Campbell, Wm. Gehman and L. B. Taylor.

Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries: W. S. Hottel, E. N. Cassel, O. S. Hillegass and G. K. Himmelreich.

Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference License: W. G. Gehman, J. C. Roth and W. S. Hottel.

Committee on Applicants for Ordination: J. C. Roth, C. H. Brunner and E. M. Cassel.

Committee on Resolution: W. G. Gehman, J. C. Roth and W. S. Hottel.

Auditing Committee: E. N. Cassel, R. L. Woodring. W. J. Fretz, H. H. Bergey, S. S. Geil, P. J. Musselman, O. B. Bartholomew, R. D. Dreisbach, E. R. Hartman, J. H. Baus, H. K. Kratz, V. H. Reinhart, G. Ray Klinger and S. H. Lichtenthaler.

Committee to Audit Schedules: J. G. Shireman and J. F. Barrall.

Committee on Annual Conference Records: J. C. Roth, E. N. Cassel and W G. Gehman.

Resolved, That the time allowed for the oral reports of each pastor be limited to ten minutes.

The pastors now began to submit their oral reports.

Resolved, That we adjourn to the call of the Chair.

Prayer by W. S. Hottel.



Thursday Afternoon, October 8, 1908.

The session opened at 2:30 p.m., at the call of the Chair. Prayer by R. D. Dreisbach.

The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The reports of the following committees were submitted and received:

Committee on Worship: G. F. Yost shall preach to-night followed with an invitation by C. A. Parson.


J. C. Roth,

H. L. Musselman.

Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Minutes for 1905 and 1906: We have examined the Minutes of the Conference of 1905 and 1906, and found a few mistakes which we had the Secretary to correct.


E. N. Cassel,

J. C. Roth,

H. B. Musselman

Committee on the Reading Course: (See Report.)

Auditing Committee: We have audited the following accounts: Quarterly Conference Records, Orphanage, Conference Fund, Equipment Fund, Home Mission, Foreign Mission, Camp Meeting, Board of Deacons, Presiding Elders, Gospel Herald Society, and Sunday School Conventions, and found them correct with the following exceptions: Mt. Carmel Quarterly Conference Record; the offering of the first quarter for the Presiding Elder not corresponding with the Summary. Nazareth and Plainfield Quarterly Conference record on page 89 in the Steward’s report. Fleetwood, Blandon, Terre Hill and Remps Quarterly Conference record in Summary of Gospel Worker’s offerings. Hellertown Camp Meeting Secretary’s account on page 115.

Shamokin Camp Meeting Treasurer’s account on the third last page.


E. N. Cassel, E. R. Hartman,

R. L. Woodring, P. J. Musselman,

W. J. Fretz, O. B. Bartholomew,

H. H. Bergey, R. D. Dreisbach,

J. R. Baus, V. H. Reinhart,

S, S. Geil, G. Ray Klinger,

S. H Lichtenthaler, H. H. Kratz.

Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: We examined the Quarterly Conference Records and found them all correct except Philadelphia record, and Fleetwood. Blandon, Terre Hill and Remps record summary reports not signed by the Secretary.

Quakertown and Hatfield record no mention made of devotional exercises in the second, third and fourth quarters. Also no mention of exhortations on duties of officers, nor duties of members towards the pastor.

Mt. Carmel recorded no devotional exercises throughout.

Gratersford and Harleysville records no election of Secretary.

Nazareth and Plainfield records no devotional exercises in the first and second quarters.


E, T. Shick, R. Bergstresser,

F. M. Hottel, C. W. Stine,

E. E. Kublic, W. W. Zimmerman,

M. M. Ziegler, H. E. Gackenbach,

John Ziegler, M. E. Stickler

R. T. Laudenslager

Committee to Audit Schedules: We have audited the schedules and found them all correct.


J. F. Barrall,

J. G. Shireman.

Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries: We have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, and Missionaries and have found them all satisfactory.


W. S. Hottel,

E. N. Cassel,

O. S. Hillegass,

G. K. Himmelreich.

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: We have examined the Traveling Elders and found no complaint but all found satisfactory. L. Frank Haas has been suspended so we did not examine him.


G.A. Campbell,

Wm. Gehman,

L. B. Taylor.

Committee on Statistics: We examined the Schedules and found them all correct.


J. G. Shireman,

H. L. Musselman.

Committee on Communications: We received communications from W. B. Musselman, stating that he is unspeakably busy, and if possible desires Conference to excuse him from being present, or at least being present one certain day only. We recommend that Conference wire him that we are exceeding sorry for his absence and desire his presence for Sunday evening and Monday until Conference closes


R. L. Woodring,

W. G. Gehman,

E. T. Shick.

Committee on Resolutions: Resolved, That the Chairman of this Conference appoint a Committee of three to see to all the necessary printing during the year.


W G. Gehman,

J. C. Roth,

W. S. Hottel.

The Chair appointed W. G. Gehman, J. C. Roth and C. H. Brunner.

Superintendent of the Orphanage and Home: (See Report. )

Executive Board: The work assigned to the Executive Board has made good progress and the Board hopes to give a more complete report in the near future.


W. G. Gehman,

H. B. Musselman

G. A. Campbell,

C. H. Brunner,

Wm. Gehman,

G. A. Campbell.

The rest of the oral reports of the pastors were heard. These reports were very encouraging. Many were saved, baptized and added to the church. The special offerings in general exceeded those of any former year notwithstanding the hard times. The open-air services are well attended and the Sunday School work is making progress.

Resolved, That we meet as a Committee of the Whole in the basement of the church this evening at 7:30 to consider matters relative to the Orphanage and Home, to L. Frank Haas,

the work of the Executive Board and other business that may present itself.

WHEREAS, Bro. C. W. Stine has passed the Reading Course satisfactorily, therefore

Resolved, That he be referred to the Committee on Ordination.

The President of the Gospel Herald Society submitted the names of G. F. Yost, H. A. Kauffman and D. H. Manney to the Conference as applicants for Annual Conference license. These brethren expressed the nature of their call to the satisfaction of the Conference and were recommended to the Committee on Applicants.

Resolved, That the Secretary of the next Annual Conference be elected Editor of the Conference Journal for the next year.

Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention some time in the middle of the year, for one day. The Presiding Elders and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a committee to arrange a programme and set the date. All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall also be extended to the ministers’ wives and families.

The following reports were submitted and received:

Report of the Treasurer of the Orphanage and Home: (See Report. )

Report of the Treasurer of the Beneficiary Fund: (See Report. )

Report of the Treasurer of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention: (See Report.)

Report of the Treasurer of the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention: (See Report.)

Report of the Treasurer of the Camp Meeting Equipment Fund: (See Report.)

Adjourned by prayer by P. J. Musselman.


Friday Morning, October 9, 1908.

This session was opened by prayer by E. N. Cassel. The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: We examined the applicants, H. A. Kauffman, G. F. Yost and D. H. Manney, and recommend the Conference to receive them according to the discipline.


W. G. Gehman,

J. C. Roth,

W. S. Hottel.

Committee on Ordination: We have examined C. W. Stine and recommend the Conference to ordain him on Sunday afternoon.


J. C. Roth,

C. H. Brunner,

E. N. Cassel.


WHEREAS, Charges have been preferred against L. Frank Haas, causing his suspension, which charges were sustained and admitted to, therefore

Resolved, That he be no longer a member of our Church and Conference.

Resolved, That we elect an Executive Board, consisting of five unconditional men to be elected annually, who shall have power to act as trustees with authority to purchase, hold, sell otherwise dispose of personal property and real estate in behalf of the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania.

Resolved, That the above Executive Board shall be the party of the second part in the matter of the transfer of the Church property on Third street, Quakertown, Pa.

Resolved, That the Executive Board be authorized to secure the funds necessary to purchase the above property including expenses and give acceptable security.

WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home have recently purchased a property in Center Valley, therefore

Resolved, That we heartily approve of the said action of the Board, and cheerfully accept the property and call the price paid very reasonable, and further be it

Resolved, That each pastor present the matter clearly and fully before his congregation and take up a liberal subscription for the above, to be paid in by May 1, 1909.

Resolved, That we add two preachers, and one layman to the present number of members of the Board of Trustees.

Resolved, That we change the term of office of the Trustees from three years to two years.

Resolved, That at this Conference we elect two preachers, and one layman for one year, and two preachers and one layman to serve two years on the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home.

WHEREAS, The Superintendent of the Orphanage and Home has so wisely managed the farm and at the same time being compelled by the pressure of the work, to assist in the work himself more than should have been expected, infringing upon his precious time and other duties, therefore

Resolved, That we greatly appreciate his services during the past and further,

Resolved, That we ask the Conference to re-elect him and further ask the Board of Trustees to secure a manager for the farm to work under the instructions of the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees.

Resolved, That we recommend the Conference, to elect J. C. Roth, W. S. Hottel and Oscar Baer to serve as trustees of the Orphanage and Home for two years.


J. C. Roth, Chairman,

C. W. Stine, Secretary.

Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Report.)

Treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Report. )

Treasurer of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Report. )

Treasurer of the Board of Deacons: (See Report. )

Resolved, That we erase the Secretary’s name from the reports of the Treasurers.

Resolved, That the Treasurers sign and submit the reports of the various Treasuries.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to draw up regulations concerning the recording of the accounts of the Secretaries of the respective Camp Meetings. He appointed W. G. Gehman, E. N. Cassel and J. C. Roth.

The Presiding Elders now submitted their oral and financial report:

A. Mt Carmel District, W. G. Gehman, P. E.: The work looks good. The ministry is very well united. We had a very good Camp Meeting of 75 tents at Shamokin. which has been a great blessing. The dull times hardly affected our finances. Our missions have a lot of good solid people. (For Financial Report see Reports.)

B. Bethlehem District: H. B. Musselman, P. E. Love and unity have been prevailing throughout. Services have been remarkably well attended on Sundays, prayer meetings, open-air meetings and Sunday Schools. We have very many young people who are doing exceptionally well. Notwithstanding the financial depression, the offerings were much higher than before, besides many improvements on Church properties. Camp meetings were larger than ever and many were saved and baptized at each. (For Financial Report see Reports. )

C. Gospel Herald Society: W. G. Gehman, President. The young men are doing very well. Some of them are very strong characters. They are loyal and preach and work with enthusiasm. Their work is very difficult. Their domestic work in the missions, preaching every night and making a great many calls speaks well for their energy and faithfulness. Grand tent meetings were held at Hackettstown, N. J., Washington, N. J., and Sunbury, Pa. (For Financial Report see Reports.)

WHEREAS, There are several hundred dollars left of the Home Mission Funds of last year, therefore

Resolved, That we will offer W. G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society the privilege to apply that balance from last year to those church properties under his supervision last year.

Resolved, That we elect two Presiding Elders.

The Secretary called the roll of unconditional and conditional members with the following results:

Unconditional: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, W. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, J. C. Roth, E. N. Cassel, J. G. Shireman, Wm. Gehman, R. L. Woodring, J. F. Barrall, E. T. Shick, W. J. Fretz, R. Bergstresser, W. S. Hottel, O. S. Hillegass, F. M. Hottel, L. B. Taylor, W. W. Zimmerman, P. J. Musselman, E. E. Kublic, H. K. Kratz, C. W. Stine and V. H. Reinhart.

Conditional: G. A. Campbell.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint tellers. He appointed W. S. Hottel and J. F. Barrall.


Resolved, That we elect all the officers by nomination and ballot. The following were elected:

Presiding Elders: H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman.

Missionary Presiding Elder: W. B. Musselman.

Resolved, That H. B. Musselman be Chairman of the next Annual Conference, and C. H. Brunner, Secretary.

The election of officers was continued as follows:

Treasurer: Allen M. Gehman.

Vice Presiding Elders: J. C. Roth and C. H. Brunner.

Committee over the Presiding Elders: W. S. Hottel, J. G. Shireman and E. N. Cassel.

Resolved, That H. B. Musselman be Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District and W. G. Gehman, be Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District.

Resolved, That J. C. Roth be Vice Presiding Elder under H. B. Musselman and C. H. Brunner be Vice Presiding Elder under W. G. Gehman.

Board of Foreign Missions: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, J. C. Roth, and Allen M. Gehman.

Committee on the Reading Course: E. N. Cassel, J. C. Roth, and W. S. Hottel.

Board of Deacons: T. Laudenslager, A. A. Wismer and B. G. Musselman.

Superintendent of the Orphanage and Home: W. G. Gehman.

Board of’ Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: For two years: J. C. Roth. W. S. Hottel, and Oscar Baer. For one year: C. H. Brunner and H. L. Musselman.

Annual Conference Fund: Secretary, J. G. Shireman; Treasurer, W. J. Fretz.

Camp Meeting Equipment Fund: Secretary, J. F. Barrall, Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.

Resolved, That the Annual Conference elect a Board of Trustees consisting of eight ordained ministers and four laymen, who shall have full charge of all the arrangements and management of the Orphanage and Home. They shall be elected for a term of two years. They shall be so elected that the term of office of four preachers and two laymen expires at each Annual Conference. (Standing Rule.)

Prayer by E. T. Shick. Adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Friday Afternoon, October 9, 1908

This session was opened by singing and prayer by S. S. Geil. The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following reports were submitted and received:

Treasurer of the Annual Conference Fund: (See Reports.)

Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund: (See Reports.)

Board of Trustees elected over the churches at Erwinna, Hereford and Norristown.

Nothing was done in the matter of Erwinna and Hereford. The financial report of the Norristown. (See Reports.)

Board of Trustees:

H. B. Musselman, Chairman,

W. G. Gehman, Secretary,

Oscar Baer, Treasurer,

H. L. Musselman, H. H. Bergey.

Brother O. B. Bartholomew, one of the trustees of the Orphanage and Home, addressed the Conference concerning his convictions in relation to the work at the Orphanage farm. This made a deep impression on the Conference and led to a season of earnest prayer for the Lord’s leading in this matter.

Resolved, That the Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District examine the applicants for Annual Conference License on the Discipline.

The election of officers and committees was continued.

Executive Board: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, J. C. Roth, C. H. Brunner and E. N. Cassel.

Delegates to the General Conference: J. C. Roth, O. B. Bartholomew, C. H. Brunner, Allen M. Gehman and W. S. Hottel.

Resolved, That we elect five alternate delegates, three from the ministry and two from the laity, to serve in the order of their election: E. N. Cassel, H. L. Musselman. J. G. Shireman, H. H. Bergey and R. L. Woodring were elected.

Resolved, That the Stationary, Boundary and Appropriating Committee sit at 7 o’clock this evening in the basement of the Church.

The matter relative to the transfer of the church property on Third Street, Quakertown, was brought up and the following resolution passed unanimously: [EDITOR’s NOTE: more details about this court case can be found in our April 2004 Newsletter]

WHEREAS, The Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in a suit in equity, being No. 5 of April Term, A.D. 1905, decreed that M. A. Zyner, the pastor of the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Quakertown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania had the right to exercise the function of pastor of the said church, and that the defendants named in said suit were the rightful owners of the church property located on the east side of Third Street, in the Borough of Quakertown, aforesaid, and

WHEREAS, All the members of the Evangelical Mennonite Church of Quakertown, have signed an agreement in writing expressing their willingness to convey the aforesaid church property and real estate and surrender their charter to the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, upon the following conditions, viz.: that the said Mennonite Brethren in Christ shall assume the entire debt and interest now on the said church property, that the members of the said Evangelical Mennonite Church of Quakertown shall have the privileges of ingress and egress to the said church building for the purpose of holding services on Sunday afternoon, every four weeks for so long a time as three of the now living members shall desire it, and to have the privilege also to hold funeral services in the said church building so long as the members of the said Evangelical Church of Quakertown may desire it, the said service to be free from all expenses and the church to be in proper condition for the holding of said services, therefore, be it

Resolved, In Conference assembled in the Borough of Bethlehem this ninth day of October, A.D. 1908, that the above stated conditions be accepted by a majority of the votes of the members of the Conference the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, and that the deed for the above-named church property be accepted together with the charter, and that Harvey B. Musselman, Charles H. Brunner, John C. Roth, William G. Gehman and Emanuel N. Cassel, be delegated and empowered to make the necessary provisions for carrying into effect the above stated articles.

WHEREAS, The foregoing document has been signed by the proper authorities, therefore

Resolved, That we spread the same on the minutes as follows:

Witness the hand of the Chairman of the above-named Conference this ninth day of October, A.D. 1908.

Attest: Charles H. Brunner, Secretary; H. R. Musselman, Chairman.

The following reports were submitted and received:

Committee on Worship: E. N. Cassel shall preach this evening.

H. B. Musselman shall preach the Conference Sermon on Sunday forenoon. W. G. Gehman shall preach the Ordination Sermon on Sunday afternoon, and W. B. Musselman shall preach in the evening.


J. C. Roth,

H. L. Musselman.

Executive Board: We wish to announce the election of the following officers:

President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; Treasurer, J. C. Roth.


H. B. Musselman,

J. C. Roth,

C. H. Brunner,

W. G. Gehman,

E. N. Cassel.

Committee appointed to purchase a parsonage for the President Elder of the Bethlehem District. The Committee has not done anything in this matter.


H. B. Musselman,

W. G. Gehman,

C. H. Brunner.

Committee in charge of the Camp Meeting Equipage: We made arrangements with Allen M. Gehman to erect an addition to his wagon shed wherein a nice place is available to store goods, which place has been received, and our camp goods stored therein.


J. C. Roth,

E. N. Cassel,

E. T. Shick.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three, who under the direction of the Presiding Elders shall have charge of the Camp Meeting Equipage.

Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Secretary ascertain the expenses, route, time, etc., for the delegates to the General Conference, including all other expenses of a like nature, and apportion the same to the various fields.

Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, the pastor in charge, with the trustees of Terre Hill. Pa. Have charge of the properties at that place.

Resolved, That the Secretary ask the Editor of the “Gospel Herald” to send each pastor a copy of the mailing list of the subscribers on his charge.

Resolved, That Resolution 1, page 19, and Resolution 5, page 20 be made standing rules.

The organization of the following Committees and Boards was reported.

Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home:

President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, W. S. Hottel; Treasurer, C. H. Brunner.

Beneficiary Society: President, T. C. Roth; Secretary, W. M. Hottel; Treasurer, J. F. Barrall.

Board of Foreign Missions: President, H. B. Musselman; Treasurer, C. H. Brunner: Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.

Board of Examiners: President, J. C. Roth; Secretary, W. S. Hottel; Treasurer, E. N. Cassel.

Adjourned by prayer by G. A. Campbell.


Saturday Morning, October 10, 1908

This session was opened by singing and prayer by William Gehman. The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The following reports were read and received:

Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee: (See Report. )


WHEREAS, It has pleased our Heavenly Father, who doeth all things well to permit to be taken from our midst during the past year by the hand of death, Elder Wilson Steinmetz, of Fleetwood, Pa., be it

Resolved, That we confess that we have lost in him a conscientious Christian and willing laborer, and commend the widow and the family to the God of all Grace and comfort, who knoweth the hearts of all men and giveth rewards according to the deeds done in the body.

Brother Wilson Steinmetz was born January 24, 1849. In 1893 he was licensed to preach the Gospel which he did up to the last Annual Conference, since which, on account of physical disability, he had no charge until his death, July 28, 1908, aged 59 years, 6 months, and 4 days. For a number of years two of his daughters have been active workers in the Gospel Worker Society, one of whom fell asleep in Jesus several years ago.


W. G. Gehman,

J. C. Roth,

W. S. Hottel

Resolved, That Presiding Elder W. G. Gehman, hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference and take the subscriptions with the assistance of the respective pastors.

Resolved, That each delegate shall see that the moving expenses for their pastor be paid.

Resolved, That we have two Sunday School Conventions, and that the members of the Conference Districts resolve themselves into two respective committees to organize.

Adjourned to the call of the Chair.


Saturday Afternoon, October 10, 1908

The session was opened by singing and prayer by Allen M. Gehman. The roll was called after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

The Report of the Board of Examiners was read and received.

The following reports were read and received:

Committee on Worship: C. H. Brunner shall preach this evening.


J. C. Roth,

H. L. Musselman.

Committee to organize Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention: Chairman, J. C. Roth; Secretary, R. P. Bergstresser; Treasurer, J. F. Barrall.

Committee on Programme: Chairman, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, J. C. Roth; E. N. Cassel.

Resolved, That we have two sessions, one in the forenoon, and one in the afternoon with special services in the evening. The Committee shall arrange for the evening services. No pastor shall leave without the consent of the Committee.

Resolved, That this Convention be held at Quakertown on Ascension Day, 1909.

Resolved, That me extend a hearty invitation to the Presiding Elder, W. G. Gehman of the Mt. Carmel District, and Missionary Presiding Elder, W. B. Musselman. Also, the Pastors of the Mt. Carmel District, and the Gospel Heralds.

J. F. Barrall, Secretary,

W. S. Hottel, Chairman.

Committee to organize Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention: Chairman, E. E. Kublic; Secretary, V. H. Reinhart; Treasurer, H. A. Kauffman.

Committee on Programme: W. G. Gehman, J. G. Shireman, E. T. Shick.

Resolved, That this Convention be held at Philadelphia on the day previous to Ascension Day, 1909.

Resolved, That we hold two sessions, one in the forenoon and one in the afternoon. The committee on programme shall arrange for special services in the evening. No pastor shall be permitted to leave.

Resolved, That we extend a hearty invitation through the secretary to the Missionary Presiding Elder, W. B. Musselman; Presiding Elder, H. B. Musselman, of the Bethlehem District, and other ministers of the Bethlehem District to be present at this convention.

J. G. Shireman, Chairman.

P. J. Musselman, Secretary.

Committee on Regulations relative to the recording of Camp Meeting accounts: All bills of Camp Meeting expenses shall be submitted to the Secretary of the Committee in an itemized form giving date of all expenses. The Secretary shall have the bill O.K.’d by the Chairman of the Committee and issue an order on the Treasurer, who shall pay such orders when properly signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee.

The Secretary shall enter the bills in his book as they are submitted and also enter all money as it is received, giving date, and name of party from whom such money is received, making the Camp Meeting Committee creditor for all money received and debtor for all money paid out. He shall also compile a summary of receipts and expenses at the end of the record of all expenses for the year.

The Treasurer shall make himself debtor in his book for all the various amounts of money as they are received and creditor for all money paid out, giving date and name of party or parties from whom money is received, and date and name of party or parties, and number of order to whom money is paid.


W. G. Gehman,

E. N. Cassel

J. C. Roth.

Committee on Resolutions: Resolved, That we make the following appeals to the General Conference:

1. To add ” Except by two-thirds vote of the Annual Conference,” to paragraph 11 on page 76 in the Discipline.

2. That the Annual Conference adopt uniform “Pastor’s Oral Report Blanks.”

3. That the General Conference encourage the various Annual Conferences to send fraternal delegates to the different Annual Conferences from time to time, as the various Conferences deem it advisable, in order that the Annual Conferences become more intimately acquainted with each other.

4. To revise 1st paragraph on page 67 in the Discipline to read “once a week” instead of ” once a year,” line second.

5. To modify the first paragraph chapter 5, page 83 of the Discipline to read “by two or more brethren, etc.”

6. That the article on Life Insurance on page 43, section 14, in the Discipline read “Believing that taking out life insurance policies is contrary to the spirit and teachings of Christianity, no member shall be permitted to insure his life or that of anybody else.”


W. G. Gehman,

J. C. Roth,

W. S. Hottel

The Chairman appointed J. C. Roth, E. N. Cassel and F. M. Hottel, as Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage.

WHEREAS, We have been informed through the Gospel Banner and through the report of the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions how the Lord has so wonderfully spared and blessed the lives and labors of all our Missionaries in Chile, China and Turkey, even in sickness, through the burning of one of their new chapels, through persecutions, etc., therefore

Resolved, That we appreciate the reports in the Gospel Banner from our devoted co-laborers in those benighted lands.

That we praise the giver of all good gifts for supplying health, strength, and courage, so that none died or left the field during the year.

That we continue to support them with our means, and uphold them with our prayers that the coming year may be one of the greater blessing and power, witnessing and soul saving than any before, and that both they and their converts may be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be printed and sent to each one of the missionaries by the Secretary, to be paid for out of the Conference Fund.

Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene at Allentown, Pa., the second Thursday of October, 1909 at 8 a.m.

Resolved, That the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention convene at Bethlehem. The following officers were elected: Chairman, W. G. Gehman; Secretary R. L. Woodring; Committee on Programme: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, and J. C. Roth.

The above Convention shall convene on April 15, 1909.

Rev. H. Horace Romig, pastor of Bethany United Evangelical Church was introduced to the Conference.

A liberal offering was lifted for the labor and expense of the secretary amounting to $11.31. Thanks

. Resolved, That none of the Conference members be absent from the services to-morrow.

Resolved, That we print 500 Conference Journals to be sold at 25 cents each. Any expenses in connection with the printing of the Journals not covered by the receipts for the same, shall be paid for out of the Annual Conference Fund, or any balance from the sale of them shall be paid into said fund.

Resolved, That we donate $10.00 to the editor of the Conference Journal.

The report of the Board of Examiners on the Reading Course was read and received. (See Report.)

Adjourned by prayer by E. T. Shick.


Sunday, October 11, 1908

A little rain during the night settled the dust, and cleared up the atmosphere, so that the weather was all that could be desired. The brothers and sisters commenced to gather early from the various classes from far and near.

A 10:00 a.m., H. B. Musselman, the Chairman of the Conference, preached the Conference Sermon, exhorting the ministry to be loyal, active, faithful, self-denying, and make full proof of their ministry.

At 2 o’clock W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, preached the Ordination Sermon, emphasizing the call and study of the pastor and the importance of ordination. This was followed by a very impressive service, during which C. W. Stine was ordained.

In the evening, after a short address W. S. Hottel, W. B. Musselman. Missionary Presiding Elder of Cleveland, Ohio, preached a stirring, instructive sermon on the “Mystery of Godliness.”

The services during the day were accompanied by excellent singing. The addresses were pointed and powerful. The large church was crowded to the doors, and the glory of the Lord filled the house and the hearts of his people.


Monday Morning, October 12, 1908

This session was opened by prayer by J. G. Shireman. The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

A telegram from W. B. Musselman, received many hours late, was handed to W. G. Gehman for investigation.

Resolved, That the Printing Committee with the Chairman of the Annual Conference, get new dedication certificates during the year.

Resolved, That the Committee appointed last year to secure an “Act of Incorporation,” be discontinued and that this work be assigned to the Executive Board, which Board shall have full power and authority to secure an “Act of Incorporation,” examine and correct deeds, titles, charters, etc., and dispose of all other legal matters that may present themselves from time to time.

WHEREAS, We are not sufficiently informed at this time relative to the election of a General Board of Trustees to fulfil the duties and functions decided upon by the Annual Conference, therefore

Resolved, That the Executive Board elected at this Conference shall be hereby duly authorized and empowered to formulate or elect a Board according to the requirements of the law in case the election of the present Executive Board is illegal.

W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, now gave us a very interesting report of the progressive work of the Gospel Worker Society, whereupon the following report was read and received.


WHEREAS, W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder, gave us a glowing report of the work of the Gospel Worker Society and further,

WHEREAS, The Lord has upheld the Society especially during the financial pressure in Ohio, and has graciously blessed their work to the saving of souls and sowing the seed through evangelistic and colportage work, therefore

Resolved, That we humbly and earnestly praise God for His blessing bestowed in the past, and that we highly appreciate and endorse the noble work of pioneering in which they are engaged, and the spirit of self-denial manifested, and pledge ourselves to uphold them with our prayers, and to swell the offerings and get as many new subscribers for the “Gospel Herald” as possible.


W. C. Gehman,

J. C. Roth,

W. S. Hottel.

Resolved, That this Conference go to the Orphanage Farm in a body, with the 12:45 p.m. train today, if we get through, excusing the Secretary, on account of the Journal, also Wm. Gehman, because of his age. Also H. E. Gackenbach in case he does not want to go.

Resolved, That we tender a rising vote of thanks to the brothers and sisters of the Bethlehem Class for their kindness and hospitality shown unto us during the Conference Session.

Adjourned by prayer by W. B. Musselman.

H. B. Musselman, Chairman,

C. H. Brunner, Secretary,

Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer,

W. G. Gehman, P. E.,

W. B. Musselman, M. P. E.,

J. C. Roth, Vice P. E.,

C. W. Stine, Recording Secretary,

J. C. Shireman, Statistical Secretary,

J. F. Barrall, Financial Secretary.

W. J. Fretz, O. B. Bartholomew,

E. N. Cassel, M. E. Stickler,

E. E. Kublic, M. M. Ziegler,

V. H. Reinhart, John Ziegler,

W. S. Hottel, S. H. Lichtenthaler,

E. T. Shick, G. Ray Klinger,

W. W. Zimmerman, R. T. Laudenslager,

R. Bergstresser, E. R. Hartman,

R. L. Woodring, J. A. Kern,

G. A. Campbell, H. L. Musselman,

F. M. Hottel, J. H. Baus,

H. K. Kratz, H. H. Bergey,

P. J. Musselman, G. O. Billig,

L. B. Taylor, S. S. Geil,

0. S. Hillegass, G. K. Himmelreich,

William Gehman, H. E. Gackenbach,

R. D. Dreisbach.

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