1911 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1911 Yearbook



            The Twenty-eighth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, convened in the Walnut Street Church, Royersford, Pa., at 8 a.m., October 12, 1911.

            The first session was opened by singing, “I Need Thee Every Hour,” followed by a season of earnest prayer for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the blessing of God upon this Conference session.

            After this the Chairman, H.B. Musselman gave us a very earnest address from Psalms 122 and 123.

            The following members were enrolled:-


            H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, J.G. Shireman, F.M. Hottel, J.C. Roth, J.F. Barrall, R.L. Woodring, E.T. Shick, R. Bergstresser, W.J. Fretz, H.K. Kratz, O.S. Hillegass, E.E. Kublic, W.W. Zimmerman, P.J. Musselman, V.H. Reinhart, G.A. Campbell, L.B. Taylor, H.L. Weiss, C.F. Snyder.

            Probationers.- F.E. Frey, M.W. Ettinger.


            H.L. Musselman, G.O. Billig, Leidy Sell, S.S. Geil, John Ziegler, H.H. Bergey, G.K. Himmelreich, Maurice E. Brownback, R.D. Dreisbach, (alternate), A.A. Wismer, O.C. Kistler, (alternate), Allen M. Gehman, O.B. Bartholomew, S.H. Lichenthaler, H.G. Brunner, Thomas Fehnel, H.E. Gackenbach. W.D. Evert, John G. Weiss.

            Of the ministers all were present at the opening of the first session except W.B. Musselman, L.B. Taylor, G.A. Campbell, H.L. Weiss, Chile, S.A., C.F. Snyder, China.

            All of the Delegates were present at the opening of the first session except H.E. Gackenbach, of Walnutport Mission.

            Resolved, That the seats to the right and left of the Chair, the first three pews throughout the church, and the basement for private sessions, constitute the Conference Bar.

            The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows: Recording Secretary, H.A. Kauffman; Statistical Secretary, F.M. Hottel; Financial Secretary, J.F. Barrall.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Timekeeper. He appointed W.J. Fretz and E.E. Kublic respectively.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee to examine the Minutes of the last Annual Conference. (Standing Rule).

            The following committees were appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:

            Committee on Worship.- J.C. Roth and Maurice Brownback.

            Committee on Communications.- E.T. Shick and W.G. Gehman.

            Committee on Finance. – J.F. Barrall, G.O. Billig and Allen M. Gehman.

            Committee on Statistics.- F.M. Hottel and H.L. Musselman

            Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records. – R.L. Woodring, M.W. Ettinger, W.W. Zimmerman, P.J. Musselman. E.E. Kublic. E.N. Cassel, W.S. Hottel. O.B. Bartholomew, John G. Weiss, Thomas Fehnel and R.D. Dreisbach.

            Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders.- Wm. Gehman, A.A. Wismer and G.K. Himmelreich.

            Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.- J.G. Shireman, O.S. Hillegass and R. Bergstresser.

            Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference License. – C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel and E.N. Cassel.

            Committee on Applicants for Ordination. – E.N. Cassel, W.G. Gehman and C.H. Brunner.

            Committee on Resolutions. – W.G. Gehman, R.L. Woodring, and W.S. Hottel.

            Auditing Committee. – W.J. Fretz, E.T. Shick, V.H. Reinhart, J.C. Roth, F.E. Frey, H.H. Bergey, Leidy Sell, H.G. Brunner, Maurice E. Brownback. O.C. Kistler, S.H. Lichenthaler, W.D. Evert, John Ziegler and S.S. Geil.

            Committee to Audit Schedules. – H.K. Kratz, and J.F. Barrall.

            Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records. – J.C. Roth and E.N. Cassel.

            Resolved, That the time allowed for the oral reports of each pastor be limited to ten minutes.

            The pastors now began to submit their oral reports.

            Resolved, That the time of the opening of the afternoon session be left to the call of the Chair.

            Adjourned by prayer by J.H. Moyer.



            Opened by singing and prayer by A.A. Wismer.

            The roll was called after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

            Rev. H.J. Glick, Pastor of the United Evangelical Church, of Royersford, was introduced to the Conference.

            The following committee reports were read and adopted:

            Committee on Communications. – We received communications from the following aged Ministering brethren of our number:- Elder L.B. Taylor of Coopersburg, Pa., writes:- “My heart is with the brethren, and my desire as strong as ever to be present at the Conference, but on account of a broken down body this cannot be. ‘I still rejoice in the God of my salvation. May the dear Lord lead the Conference in Jesus name.'”

            Elder G.A. Campbell, of Quakertown, Pa., writes:- My hearts’ desire is to come to Conference, but it seems all pertaining to this life has an end. “I trust you will pardon me as my time has been, and I am perfectly satisfied. The Lord has been good to me. You must increase, but I must decrease. I trust the Lord will deal kindly with you all and lead the work to His honor and glory.”

            H.E. Gackenbach. Delegate of Walnutport, Pa., writes:- “It is impossible for me to be present at the Conference, the Conference will therefore please excuse me for not coming this once.”

E.T. Shick,

W.G. Gehman,


            Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records. – We have examined the Quarterly Conference Records and found them all correct, with the following exceptions: Walnutport,- No mention of the passing of the officers in any quarter: Mt. Carmel,- No mention of the passing of the officers in the third and fourth quarters: Northampton,- The Summary not signed by the Secretary; Reading,- No mention of Delegate and Alternate delegate in the Summary.

R.L. Woodring,

E.E. Kublic,

W.W. Zimmerman,

Thomas Fehnel,

E.N. Cassel,

R.D. Dreisbach,

W.S. Hottel,

P.J. Musselman,

John G. Weiss,

O.B. Bartholomew,

M.W. Ettinger,


            Committee to Examine Annual Conference Minutes. – We have examined the minutes of the Twenty-seventh Annual Conference and found them all correct with the exception of no account of the Poor Fund collection in the Summary.

J.C. Roth,

E.N. Cassel,


            Committee to Audit Schedules. – We have audited the schedules and have found them all correct with the exception of those of Macungie, Zionsville and Mt. Carmel.

H.K. Kratz,

J.F. Barrall,


            Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.- We have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory.

R. Bergstresser,

0.S. Hillegass,

J.G. Shireman,


            Committee on Statistics.- The report was referred back for more explicit statements.

Committee on Worship.- H.A. Kauffman shall preach tonight.

J.C. Roth,

Maurice E. Brownback.


            Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders.- We have examined all through their delegates and found them all satisfactory.

Wm. Gehman,

G.K. Himmelreich,

A.A. Wismer,


            Board of Examiners. – (See Reports.)

            Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage.- (See Reports.)

            Committee on Finance.- (See Reports.)

            Committee on Resolutions.- WHEREAS, the Brethren, G.A. Campbell and L.B. Taylor, members of this Conference are unable to be present at this Conference on account of their physical conditions and,

            WHEREAS, We deeply regret their absence, Therefore

            Resolved, That we pledge our united prayers for their restoration for future usefulness and happiness.

W.G. Gehman,

R.L. Woodring,

W.S. Hottel,


            The rest of the oral reports of the pastors were now heard.

            All these reports were, very encouraging. The Lord has been leading the work at the various places.

            The Brethren also on the smaller charges, some of whom had their severe tests, all reported good courage. The Lord gave glorious victories over the whole field. The total offerings far exceeded those of any preceding years.

            The time of the session was extended indefinitely to hear the rest of the reports of the Pastors.

            The Committee on Resolutions reported as follows:-

            WHEREAS, H.E. Gackenbach, Delegate of the Walnutport Mission, fails to be present at this Conference, but he reported that it is impossible for him to be present and kindly asks this Conference to pardon him this once, Therefore

            Resolved, That we grant him pardon, but are sorry that he cannot be present for his own benefit as well as ours, and pray the blessing of God upon him.

W.G. Gehman,

R.L. Woodring,

W.S. Hottel,


            The report was accepted.

            Resolved, That we have a private session this evening in the basement at the call of the Chair.

            Adjourned by prayer by J.C. Roth.



            This session was opened by singing and prayer by W.G. Gehman.

            The roll was called and the minutes were read and approved.

            The report of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home was read and accepted. (See Reports.)

            WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home have so faithfully and successfully managed the affairs of the Home and Farm during the past year, and,

            WHEREAS, We as a Conference. highly appreciate their services of sacrifice and labor, and further pledge our prayers that God may continue to use, the said Board in continuing this excellent and noble work of God.

            A resolution of sympathy was presented by the Committee on Resolutions which was accepted and ordered to be sent to our absent and infirm Brethren G.A. Campbell and L.B. Taylor.

            The matter of a proposed “Laymen’s Beneficiary Society” was discussed and action was postponed indefinitely.

            Adjourned by prayer by the Chairman.



            This session was opened by singing and prayer by A.A. Wismer.

            The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

            The following Committee reports were read and adopted:

            Committee on Statistics.- We have examined the schedules and found them all correct except: Springtown schedule, statistics incomplete; Northampton schedule, no whole number of members marked; Royersford, Walnutport and Emaus schedules, no total decrease of members.

F.M. Hottel,

H.L. Musselman,


            Chairman of the General Campmeeting Committee. – (See Reports.)

            The Presiding Elders now gave their reports.

            A.- W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District and President of the Gospel Herald Society, reported an excellent spirit of unity among the brethren. A very successful campmeeting was held at Mizpah Grove, consisting of 90 tents. At Nazareth a lot was purchased for a church. The basement walls are finished and about enough subscribed for a substantial church which is proposed to be built in a few months. A lot for a church building has been secured at Easton which is entirely paid for. Philadelphia Mission has declared itself, as self-supporting a short time ago.

            The Gospel Herald Society held a glorious campmeeting of 43 tents at Shamokin, Pa., and very good tabernacle meetings were held at a number of places.

            He also submitted his Financial and Statistical Reports which were adopted with comments. (See Reports.)

            B.- H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District. Our Home and Foreign Mission interests are increasing as is proved by the offerings. We held two campmeetings at Mizpah Grove consisting of 153 and 165 tents respectively. These were the best we ever had, especially the last one, which was the most harmonious and glorious we ever held. The ministry is more united than ever. The Lord has been wonderfully leading and blessing the work throughout the whole district. A number of the pastors held very successful tent meetings.

            He also presented his Financial and Statistical Reports, which were adopted. (See Reports.)

            After a short suspension of business, Conference adjourned by prayer by G.O. Billig.



            This session was opened by singing and prayer by O.C. Kistler.

            The roll was called, after which the minutes were read and approved.

            The following committee reports were read and adopted:-

            Committee on Worship. – E.N. Cassel shall preach tonight.

J.C. Roth,

Maurice E. Brownback,


            Executive Board.-(See Reports.)

            Board of Foreign Missions. -(See Reports.)

            Board of Publication and Printing. – Referred back for revision.

            Committee on Resolutions. –

            WHEREAS, We have heard the report of the Board of Foreign Missions through their Secretary, and have read the reports in the “Gospel Banner,” throughout the past year, learning, thereby, how the Lord has spared our Missionaries from physical as well as spiritual dangers, and how He has blessed their labors of love in the spread of His truth. and,

            WHEREAS, They have been faithfully continuing in the work of spreading the Gospel, and doing personal work, in the saving of souls and establishing the believers, therefore,

            Resolved, That we highly appreciate their reports in the Gospel Banner as well as those sent to the Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions from time to time, and,

            Resolved, That we praise God for the bountiful blessings hitherto bestowed upon the Missionaries personally as well as upon their labors bestowed, and further,

            Resolved, That we continue to support them with our means and uphold them with our prayers, that in the coming year the highest favor of God may rest upon them both in sowing the seed, reaping the grain, and establishing believers that both they and their converts may be preserved blameless unto the coming of the Lord.

W.G. Gehman,

R.L. Woodring,

W.S. Hottel,


            Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund.-(See Reports.)

            Board of Examiners.- WHEREAS, H.A. Kauffman has passed the Reading Course satisfactorily, therefore

            Resolved, That we recommend him to the Committee on Ordination.

J.C. Roth,

W.S. Hottel,

E.N. Cassel,


            A petition was presented by the Lay Delegates through H.G. Brunner which was tabled.

            The Report of the Board of Publication and Printing was read and adopted. (See Reports.)

            Resolved, That we have two Presiding Elders and that one Presiding Elder have part of the church and the other have the rest of the Church, and the Gospel Herald Society.

            Resolved, That the Secretary of the Conference be Editor of the Conference Journal and that we donate him Ten Dollars($10), out of the Conference Fund.

            Resolved, That we proceed to the election of officers.

            The Secretary called the roll for unconditional and conditional Ministers, with the following result:

            Unconditional.- H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, Wm. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, J.G. Shireman, F.M. Hottel, R.L. Woodring, J.F. Barrall, J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, R. Bergstresser, W.J. Fretz, H.K. Kratz, O.S.Hillegass, E.E. Kublic, W.W. Zimmerman, P.J. Musselman, V.H. Reinhart, F.E. Frey, M.W. Ettinger.

            Conditional.- None.

            Absent. – W.B. Musselman, L.B. Taylor, G.A. Campbell, H.L. Weiss and C.F. Snyder.

            The Chair appointed J.F. Barrall and R.L. Woodring as tellers.

            The following officers were elected:

            Presiding Elders.- H.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman.

            Vice Presiding Elders.- C.H. Brunner and E.N. Cassel.

            Missionary Presiding Elder.- W.B. Musselman.

            Officers of the Next Annual Conference:-

            Chairman, H.B. Musselman.

            Secretary, C.H. Brunner.

            Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.

            Committee over the Presiding Elders.- J.G. Shireman, W.S. Hottel and R.L. Woodring.

            Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home.- H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel, W.G. Gehman, H.L. Musselman and Allen M. Gehman.

            Executive Board.- H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and J.G. Shireman.

            Board of Foreign Missions.- H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and Allen M. Gehman.

            Board of Examiners. – E.N. Cassel, W.S. Hottel and E.T. Schick.

            Board of Publication and Printing.- J.C. Roth, Chairman; R.L. Woodring, Secretary; C.H. Brunner, Treasurer.

            Officers for the Next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention.- Chairman, H.K. Kratz; Secretary, J.F. Barrall.

            Resolved, That H.B. Musselman shall be Presiding Elder over the District comprising part of the Church, and W.G. Gehman over the District comprising the balance of the Church, and the Gospel Herald Society.

            Resolved, That C.H. Brunner shall be Vice Presiding Elder under H.B. Musselman and E.N. Cassel shall be Vice Presiding Elder under W.G. Gehman.

            Resolved, That the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee sit between the close of this session and the opening of the next session.

            Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention some time in the middle of the year, for one day. The Presiding Elders and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a committee to arrange a program and set the date. All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall also be extended to the Ministers’ wives and families.

            Resolved, That the Executive Board elected at this Conference shall be, hereby, duly authorized and empowered to formulate or elect a board according to the requirements of the law in case the election of the present Executive Board is illegal.

            Resolved, That the Presiding Elder, the pastor in charge, with the trustees of Terre Hill, Pa., have charge of the properties at that place.

            Resolved, That all bills of Camp meeting expenses be submitted to the Secretary of the Committee in an itemized form giving date of all expenses. The Secretary shall have the bill O.K.’d by the Chairman of the Committee and issue an order on the Treasurer, who shall pay such orders when properly signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee.

            The Secretary shall enter the bills in his book as they are submitted, and also enter all money as it is received, giving date, and name of party from whom such money is received, making the Camp Meeting Committee creditor for all money received and debtor for all money paid out. He shall also compile a summary of receipts and expenses at the end of the record of all expenses for the year.

            The Treasurer shall make himself debtor in his book for all the various amounts of money as they are received and creditor for all money paid out, giving date and name of party or parties from whom money is received and date and name of party or parties and number of order to whom money is paid.

            Resolved, That, whenever, any Presiding Elder desires any money from the Home Mission Treasurer, he shall inform the Secretary of the desired amount, who shall take note of the same and forward the request to the Treasurer, who shall forward the same to the Presiding Elder, up to the amount appropriated to him at the Annual Conference.

            Resolved, That all expenses in connection with tabernacle outfits and expenses in connection with Camp Meeting Equipage shall be paid out of the Camp Meeting Equipage Fund.

            Resolved, That the Secretary ask the Publishers of the “Gospel Herald” and “Gospel Banner” to furnish each pastor with a copy of the mailing list of the subscribers on his charge through the Presiding Elders.

            Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Delegates from the stations and circuits constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Resolved, That the Board of Publication and Printing, print 100 copies of the Report of the Board of Foreign Missions for distribution by the Foreign Mission Board.

            H.B. Musselman, Fraternal Delegate to the Indiana Conference last Spring reported.

            Adjourned by prayer by R.D. Dreisbach.



            This session was opened by singing and prayer by W.D. Evert.

            The roll was called, after which the minutes of the previous session were read and approved.

            The following committee reports were read and adopted:-

            Auditing Committee.- We have audited the following accounts: Quarterly Conference Records, Orphanage, Equipment Fund, Executive Board, Campmeetings, Presiding Elders. Gospel Herald Society, Sunday School Conventions, Home and Foreign Mission Boards, Annual Conference Fund and found them all correct with the exception of the following: Quarterly Conference Records: Gratersford, in summary of Gospel Workers Offering; Mt. Carmel and Zionsville, in summary of stewards reports; Coopersburg, in steward reports of the first quarter; Nazareth, in rent collectors report in the third quarter and Zionsville, Sunday School report in Summary incomplete.

J.C. Roth,

W.J. Fretz,

V.H. Reinhart,

H.H. Bergey,

S.H. Lichtenthaler,

S.S. Geil,

Leidy Sell,

E.T. Shick,

F.E. Frey,

John Ziegler,

O.C. Kistler,

Maurice E. Brownback,

W.D. Evert,

H.G. Brunner,


            Committee on Resolutions.-

            WHEREAS, H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, who had been sent as a Fraternal Delegate to the Indiana and Ohio Conference submitted his report, making mention of the promising young men in their conference, who, if they devote all their time and talents to the work of the Lord, shall be a great blessing to the work; also stating that all their deliberations were with freedom and he was shown due courtesy throughout the Conference, therefore,

            Resolved, That we accept his report and pray God’s blessing upon their conference, upon its ministry and laity, and upon its Home and Foreign Missionary Work.

W.G. Gehman,

R.L. Woodring,

W.S. Hottel,


            The following Committees reported the election of officers:

            Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home.- President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, W.S. Hottel; Treasurer, C.H. Brunner.

            Executive Board. – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner; Treasurer, W.G. Gehman.

            Board of Examiners.- President, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, W.S. Hottel; Treasurer. E.T. Shick.

            Committee Over the Presiding Elders.- Chairman, J.G. Shireman: Secretary, R.L. Woodring.

            Board of Foreign Missions.- President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner; Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.

            Report of Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee. -(See Reports.)

            Committee on Ordination.- The name of H.A. Kauffman has been handed to us as a candidate for Ordination. We have learned that he has passed the Reading Course with good credit and that he has proven himself an efficient and loyal worker in the Gospel Herald Society with good moral character. He has however not had the privilege to prove his ability as a pastor in the church according to the discipline and as he desires that his ordination be postponed, therefore,

            Resolved, That his desire, be granted. We also pray God’s blessing upon his future life and labors.

E.N. Cassel,

W.G. Gehman,

C.H. Brunner,


            The chairman appointed the Camp Meeting Equipage Committee, as follows: F.M. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, J.F. Barrall and Allen M. Gehman.

            Report of the Committee on Communications.- We have received a night message from W.B. Musselman, of Cleveland, Ohio, and recommend it to be read before the Conference.

E.T. Shick,

W.G. Gehman,


            This communication was read and referred to the Committee on Resolutions.

            Resolved, That we now take up the Petition of the Lay Delegates relative to the proposed “Laymen’s Beneficiary Society,” which reads as follows:

            We, the undersigned, Lay Delegates of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Conference in session in Royersford, Pa., on October 13, 1911, would humbly ask Conference to again take into consideration the resolution postponed at the last evening’s private session, entitled “The Laymen’s Beneficiary Society.”

            Resolved, That each delegate pledges himself and his family to become members of this Society, and further,

            Resolved, That each of us will use his influence, in favor of this movement in our respective classes.

H.C. Brunner, Chairman.

A.A. Wismer, Secretary.

G.O. Billig,

H.L. Musselman,

Maurice E. Brownback,

H.H. Bergey,

O.C. Kistler,

O.B. Bartholomew,

R.D. Dreisbach,

S.H. Lichenthaler,

John Ziegler,

John G. Weiss,

Thomas Fehnel,

W.D. Evert,

G.K. Himmelreich,

Leidy Sell,

Allen M. Gehman,

S.S. Geil,


            Resolved, That we receive the Petition of the Lay Delegates.

            Resolved, That we have a Laymen’s Beneficiary Society.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of eight to formulate articles, rules and regulations for this Society, consisting of four preachers including himself and four lay delegates.

            The Chair appointed C.H. Brunner. E.N. Cassel, W.G.Gehman, H.B. Musselman, Allen M. Gehman. R.D. Dreisbach, A.A. Wismer and G.O. Billig.

            Resolved, That each Presiding Elder district, constitute a committee to elect officers for the Sunday School Conventions.

            Report of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention. -(See Reports.)

            Adjourned to the call of the Chair by prayer by H.K. Kratz.



            This session was opened by devotional services.

            The roll was called after which the minutes were read and approved with corrections.

            The following reports were read and adopted:

            Committee on Resolutions.- This report was referred back for revision.

            Report of the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention. – (See Reports.)

            Report of the Beneficiary Society.-(See Reports.)

            The Camp Meeting Equipage Committee reported the election of the following officers: Chairman, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, F.M. Hottel; Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.

            The Beneficiary Society reported the election of the following officers: President, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, W.S. Hottel; Treasurer, J.F. Barrall.

            A liberal offering was now lifted for the services of the Secretary, amounting to $13.50. “Thanks.”

            The Committee on Worship reported as follows:

            Resolved, That we have an open air meeting at Third and Main Sts., at 6:45 this evening, all members of the Conference to be present except the Chairman and those excused by the Conference and that J.G. Shireman shall preach at 8 P.M.

            H.B. Musselman shall preach the Conference Sermon at 9:45 A.M. Sunday. W.G. Gehman shall preach at 2 P.M. and C.H. Brunner shall preach in the evening. We ask the Chairman to use the Bethlehem Male Quartette as he sees fit; the Chairman shall have charge of the services.

J.C. Roth,

Maurice E. Brownback,


            Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene at Allentown. Pa., on the second Thursday of October, 1912.

            Resolved, That the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention convene at Coopersburg, Pa.

            Adjourned by prayer by Wm. Gehman.



            The morning service was opened at 9:30 by W.G. Gehman. At 9:45 the Chairman, H.B. Musselman preached a glorious Conference sermon. At 2 P.M., W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, gave us a grand message. The evening service opened by a song service at 6:45; at 7 o’clock C.H. Brunner, of Bethlehem, preached; the evening service was also signally blessed of the Lord.

            Many of the brothers and sisters from other classes were present, even though it rained during the greater part of the day.

            The attendance was large all day, the church being filled to the door.

            The Bethlehem Male Quartette sang several inspiring selections in the forenoon and afternoon meetings.



            Opened by singing and prayer by Thomas Fehnel.

            The roll was called and the Minutes of the last session were read and approved, after which the following reports were read and adopted:

            Committee on Resolutions,-(a) WHEREAS, W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder of Cleveland, Ohio, sent a night letter to the Chairman of this Annual Conference stating his sincere desire to be present at its session, but on account of him not seeing his way clear to be present at this Annual Conference, begs us to pardon him for being absent, and,

            WHEREAS, We as a Conference highly appreciate his labors of love and sacrifice in the service of the Lord, his deep devotion to the cause of Christ, “spending and being spent” for the spreading of God’s truth and the salvation of the lost, therefore,

            Resolved, That we are sorry to miss his presence, fellowship and wise counsel, and further,

            Resolved. That we pray God to bless him abundantly both physically and spiritually and graciously sustain and uphold him and use him more and more in His service and to his glory.

            (b) WHEREAS. We as a Conference realize and appreciate the noble work done by the “Gospel Workers Society,” in the spread of good spiritual literature, such as tracts, selling good books, as well as the “Gospel Herald” and other good religious papers; and,

            WHEREAS, We enjoy the spirit of self-sacrifice and untiring devotion on their part in the service of the Lord, and the salvation of souls, in selling and spreading good spiritual literature, in open air as well as indoor services, therefore,

            Resolved, That we unitedly praise God for the past blessings bestowed, for the souls saved, the believers edified, the victories won and the gracious manner in which their needs have been supplied, and further,

            Resolved, That we show our hearty appreciation for the self-denial and sacrifice manifested by the Society, by unitedly upholding them by our prayers and offerings, as well as by doing our best to get as many new subscribers for the “Gospel Herald” as possible.

            (c) WHEREAS, The “Gospel Banner” is being published on nice paper, with a clear type, and arranged in very appropriate departments, with very good reading matter, and,

            WHEREAS, It has been printed by the present Publishers at a sacrifice of valuable time and money, therefore,

            Resolved, That we appieciate the untiring sacrifices of the Publishers. to make the “Gospel Banner” one of the best, if not the best, church papers extant, and that we pledge our support by prayer and by way of furnishing original articles occasionally and continuing to be prompt in collecting subscriptions and forwarding the same promptly to the Publishers’ office.

            We recommend that the substance of the above resolutions be forwarded and printed in the columns of the “Gospel Banner.”

            (d) WHEREAS, The “Gospel Messenger” is so beautifully and profusely and instructively illustrated and so helpfully classified and the columns filled with very appropriate reading matter for the various departments respectively, and,

            WHEREAS, It is Offered at a very nominal price, therefore,

            Resolved, That we recommend this valuable paper to the various Sunday Schools for free distribution to members of the Sunday School, old and young, as well as visitors.

W.G. Gehman,

R.L. Woodring,

W.S. Hottel,


            Committee on Organization of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention.-(See Reports.)

            Committee on Organization of the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention -(See Reports.)

            Board of Examiners.-(See Reports.)

            Resolution relative to Church Properties.

            The Church at Norristown shall be in charge of the Board of Trustees, of Philadelphia.

            The Church at Erwinna, shall be in charge of the Board of Trustees, of Easton.

            The Church at Hereford, shall be in charge of the Board of Trustees, of Macungie. This shall be entered on the records of Macungie Quarterly Conference.

            All the receipts from the sale of Church Properties, where there is no class, shall be turned over to the Executive Board.

            The Presiding Elders appointed, E.N. Cassel, as the third man on program for the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention.

            The committee on program set April 4, 1912, as the date.

            Adjourned by prayer by R.D. Dreisbach.



This session was opened by singing and prayer by G.O. Billig.

            The roll was called, after which the minutes were read and approved.

            The Committee to formulate Articles. Rules and Regulations for the Laymen’s Benevolent Society reported as follows:

            We have formulated Articles and wish to submit them herewith:

W.G. Gehman, Chairman,

C.H. Brunner, Secretary,

E.N. Cassel,

H.B. Musselman,

Allen M. Gehman,

R.D. Dreisbach,

A.A. Wismer,

G.O. Billig,


            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee including himself to formulate blanks, books, etc., for the use of this Society.

            He appointed E.N. Cassel, Chairman; C.H. Brunner, Secretary; W.G. Gehman, Treasurer; and H.B. Musselman.

            This committee shall act in conjunction with the Board of Publication and Printing in the printing of the same.

            The officers of the “Laymen’s Benevolent Society” were now elected as follows:

President, Allen M. Gehman; Secretary, G.0. Billig; Treasurer, H.G. Brunner.

            Resolved, That money received. for “Mizpah Grove” during the year shall be paid to the Executive Board as received, in the usual way.

            Resolved, That we print 550 Conference Journals, to be sold at 25 cents each. Any expenses in connection with the printing of the Journals not covered by the receipts for the same, shall be paid out of the Annual Conference Fund, or any balance from the sale of them shall be paid into said fund.

            Resolved, That the President of the “Gospel Herald Society” shall purchase no lot or property for Church purposes without first consulting the Executive Board and securing its consent.

            Resolved, That in case a Church will be built during the year, a photograph of the same shall be taken and a cut inserted in the Conference Journal of next year.

            Resolved, That a photograph of the Foreign Mission Board shall be inserted in the Conference Journal.

            Resolved, That the Board of Publication and Printing shall get new missionary barrels. The Superintendents shall pay for the barrels they get.

            Resolved, That paragraph six and seven, on page six in the Journal be substituted by the following:-

            The Chairman of the Annual Conference shall appoint a committee of four who, under the direction of the Presiding Elders, shall have charge of the Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits. In case there is more collected at a Campmeeting than is needed to pay all expenses, the balance shall be paid to the Treasurer through the Secretary.

            The committee shall purchase Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits as needed under the direction of the Presiding Elders.

            Resolved, That W.G. Gehman, the Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference, between New Year and the Camp Meetings, and take the subscription with the assistance of the respective pastors.

            Resolved, That the Licenses be written and given by the Chairman of the Annual Conference, and signed by the Presiding Elder, as Chairman. (Standing Rule.)

            Committee on Resolutions.- Reported as follows, which was adopted.

            WHEREAS, The Pastor and members of the Royersford, and Spring City classes together with the business people and the many friends of these classes so royally received the Conference members and so cheerfully provided things for the body in such bountiful measures, and,

            WHEREAS, They have so hospitably entertained us during this entire Conference session, therefore,

            Resolved, That we show our heartfelt appreciation for their kindness manifested, by a rising vote of thanks.

W.G. Gehman,

R.L. Woodring,

W.S. Hottel,


            The minutes of this Session were read and approved.

            Conference adjourned by prayer by the Chairman.

Signed by every member of the Conference as follows:

H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman.

W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder.

C.H. Brunner, Secretary and Vice Presiding Elder.

Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer.

E.N. Cassel, Vice Presiding Elder.

H.A. Kauffman, Recording Secretary.

F.M. Hottel, Statistical Secretary.

J.F. Barrall, Financial Secretary.

J.C. Roth,

J.G. Shireman,

W.J. Fretz,

V.H. Reinhart,

E.E. Kublic,

H.K. Kratz,

O.S. Hillegass,

A.A. Wismer,

H.L. Musselman,

H.H. Bergey,

S.S. Geil,

M.E. Brownback,

R.D. Dreisbach,

William Gehman,

John G. Weiss,

Leidy Sell,

E.T. Shick,

O.C. Kistler,

Thomas Fehnel,

W.S. Hottel,

R. Bergstresser,

W.W. Zimmerman,

M.W. Ettinger,

P.J. Musselman,

R.L. Woodring,

G.O. Billig,

S.H. Lichtenthaler,

H.G. Brunner,

W.D. Evert,

John Ziegler,

F.E. Frey,

G.K. Himmelreich,

O.B. Bartholomew.

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