Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1915 Yearbook
The Thirty-second Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the M. B. Church, Walnut Street, Royersford, Pa.
The first meeting was opened at eight o’clock in the morning of October fourteenth, nineteen hundred and fifteen, by singing “Lead Me, Saviour, Lest I Stray,” followed by a season of thanksgiving and praise to God for His leadings in the past year, as well as of prayer for the blessing of God upon the officers and members of this Conference and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all the business transactions of this Conference Session.
A number of the brethren led in earnest prayer upon this occasion, after which we sang “Precious Name.”
The Chairman, Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman, then read the twelfth chapter of Romans and made a very strong address concerning the importance of the business to be transacted by this body.
The following members were then enrolled:
Ordained: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, W. B. Musselman. Wm. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, W. S. Hottel, E. N. Cassel, F. M. Hottel, J. G. Shireman, J. F. Barrall, R. L. Woodring, E. T. Shick, W. J. Fretz, H. K. Kratz, J. C. Roth, R. Bergstresser, O. S. Hillegass, E. E. Kublic, M. W. Ettinger, G. F. Yost, W. W. Zimmerman, V. H. Reinhart, C. F. Snyder, H. L. Weiss and P. J. Musselman.
All of these were present at the opening of the first meeting except W. B. Musselman, Cleveland, O.; C. F. Snyder, Taochow, China; H. L. Weiss, Chile, and P. J. Musselman, Palmerton, Pa.
Probationer: B. Bryan Musselman.
M. L. Musselman, Bethlehem; G. O. Billig, Allentown; W. G. Taylor. Reading; S. S. Geil, Philadelphia; Herbert E. Gehman, Coopersburg and Springtown; O. C. Kistler, South Allentown; Allen M. Gehman, Emaus and Macungie; M. E. Brownback, Spring City and Royersford; G. K. Himmelreich, Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill; Morris E. Stickler, Zionsville; H. H. Bergey, Quakertown and Hatfield; C. D. Bean, Graterford and Harleysville; A. F. Deibert, Lehighton and Weissport; S. H. Lichtenthaler, Easton; E. C. Goucher, Stroudsburg; W. D. Evert, Mount Carmel; O. B. Bartholomew, Northampton; Chas. F. Lilly, Nazareth and Plainfield; C. E. Neff, Walnutport.
All the Delegates were present. The Conference members thus number forty-five, all of whom were present with the exception of the four above mentioned.
We shall also remember all our absent Foreign Missionaries who are members of our Church: M. P. Zook, Mrs. M. P. Zook, H. W. Feldges, Mrs. H. W. Feldges, C. F. Snyder, Mrs. C. F. Snyder, V. G. Plymire and Mrs. H. L. Weiss, as well as Miss Anna La Fevre, W. H. Ruhl, Wm. Christie, C. H. Miller, Manuel Gomez, Innocencio Gomez, Dionisio Oyarzun and Ignacio Riveros, Foreign Missionaries supported by this Conference. Also our Missionary Presiding Elder, the Gospel Worker Society and the Gospel Herald Society as also our members at home who have stood by us so nobly during the past year.
Resolved, That the seats to the right and to the left of the Chair, and the first three pews throughout the Church and the basement for private meetings, constitute the Conference Bar.
The Secretary appointed his Assistants as follows: Recording Secretary, B. Bryan Musselman; Assistant Recording Secretary, H. A. Kauffman. The appointment was sustained.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Time-keeper.
He appointed H. K. Kratz as Reporter and V. H. Reinhart as Time-keeper.
Resolved, That no member shall be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair, except J. F. Barrall and M. E. Brownback.
The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference.
Committee on Worship: J. F. Barrall and M. E. Brownback.
Committee on Communications: R. L. Woodring and W. G. Gehman.
Committee on Finance: J. F. Barrall, G. O. Billig and Allen M. Gehman.
Committee on Statistics of the Schedules: E. N. Cassel, W. S. Hottel and J. G. Shireman.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: J. C. Roth, R. L. Woodring, M. W. Ettinger, E. E. Kublic, W. W. Zimmerman, M. E. Brownback, E. T. Shick, Chas. F. Lilly, S. H. Lichtenthaler, C. D. Bean, H. H. Bergey, C. E. Neff and H. K. Kratz.
Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: R. Bergstresser and M. W. Ettinger.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: William Gehman, O. B. Bartholomew and G. K. Himmelreich.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries: E. T. Shick, H. K. Kratz and O. S. Hillegass.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel and W. S. Hottel.
Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner and F. M. Hottel.
Committee on Resolutions: W. S. Hottel, W. G. Gehman and R. L. Woodring.
Auditing Committee: W. J. Fretz, Herbert E. Gehman, W. G. Taylor, O. C. Kistler, Morris E. Stickler, M. L. Musselman, G. F. Yost, V. H. Reinhart, E. C. Goucher, S. S. Geil, A. F. Deibert and W. D. Evert.
Committee to Audit Schedules: F. M. Hottel, W. G. Gehman and E. E. Kublic.
The work of the Statistical Secretary and of the Financial Secretary was apportioned to the Committee on Statistics of the Schedules and the Committee on Finance.
Upon the request of Pastor M. W. Ettinger, of Quakertown, it was resolved that the Conference would excuse him from Conference on next Monday afternoon on condition that he be satisfied with the proceedings in case the session is not closed.
Resolved, That the Committee on Statistics of the Schedules compile the Statistical Report and the Summary Statistical Report true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief and submit them to the Committee to Audit Schedules for their approval.
Resolved, That in case the Committee on the Statistics of the Schedules find any Schedules incorrect, they shall correct them in the presence of the Pastor and specify the errors in their report.
Adjourned at 11:37 to the call of the Chair.
Prayer by Pastor R. L. Woodring.
The afternoon meeting was opened at 3:53 by singing “What a Friend We Have in Jesus,” and prayer by E. C. Goucher.
The roll was called with all present, after which the minutes of the forenoon meeting were read and approved.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Annual Ministerial Convention: (See Reports.)
Report of the Mount Carmel District Sunday School Convention: (See Reports.)
Report of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention: (See Reports.)
Report of the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention: (See Reports.)
Report of the Board of Publication and Printing: (See Reports. )
Report of the Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Camp-Meeting Equipage: (See Reports. )
Report of the Board of Examiners on the Reading Course: (See Reports.)
Report of the Beneficiary Society: (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:
We have examined all the Traveling Elders through their delegates and found them all satisfactory.
William Gehman,
G. K. Himmelreich,
O. B. Bartholomew.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records:
We, the Committee to examine the Annual Conference Records, beg leave to submit the following report: We have read the Annual Conference Records and found them correct.
R. Bergstresser,
M. W. Ettinger.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:
We have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory.
E. T. Shick,
H. K. Kratz,
O. S. Hillegass.
Report of the Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:
We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Quarterly Conference Records and found them all correct except the following:
The Walnutport Records– No reading of minutes in the first, third and fourth quarters.
Spring City and Royersford Records– The amount of the offering for the Presiding Elder in the fourth quarter not reported.
Mount Carmel Records– No mention of Presiding Elder’s nor Missionary Presiding Elder’s Offering in the fourth quarter.
Stroudsburg Records– No mention of the reading of minutes in the second, third and fourth quarters.
South Allentown Record– No mention of the reading of the minutes in the first and third quarters.
J. C. Roth,
R. L. Woodring,
M. W. Ettinger,
E. E. Kublic,
W. W. Zimmerman,
M. E. Brownback,
E. T. Shick,
Chas. F. Lilly,
S. H. Lichtenthaler,
C. D. Bean,
H. H. Bergey,
C. E. Neff,
H. K. Kratz.
Report of the Committee on Finance: (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Worship:
Resolved, That H. A. Kauffman shall preach this evening followed by L. D. Wesner.
J. F. Barrall,
M. E. Brownback.
Resolved, That the time allowed for the oral report of each Pastor be limited to ten minutes.
Resolved, That we have a meeting in the basement this evening at the call of the Chair.
Adjourned at 4:55 with prayer by S. S. Geil.
This meeting was opened at 8 P. M. with prayer by J. C. Roth.
The roll was called with all present.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee: (See Reports.)
Report of the Board of Foreign Missions: (See Reports.)
Report of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: (See Reports.)
Report of the Executive Board: (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
(a) WHEREAS, We have had the pleasure of listening to a very comprehensive, touching and encouraging report of the work of our beloved Missionaries in the vineyard of the Lord in the “Regions Beyond,” setting forth the leadings of God bestowed upon the labors of our dear Missionaries, and,
WHEREAS, The Lord has so graciously bestowed his richest blessings upon the labors of the Missionaries, has kept the workers united, encouraged and inspired, therefore,
Resolved, That we humbly and heartily praise God for the many blessings bestowed upon the labors of our Missionaries and for their interest made manifest in the work, and further,
Resolved, That we earnestly pray God to continue his blessing upon the Missionaries and their work, so that they may be prospered physically and spiritually.
(b) WHEREAS, The Missionaries in South America keenly feel the loss of the death of Brother H. L. Weiss, their trusted and faithful leader, therefore,
Resolved, That we heartily sympathize with the Missionaries in South America in the loss of their honored leader, Brother H. L. Weiss, as well as with the widow and children of the deceased.
W. S. Hottel,
W. G. Gehman,
R. L. Woodring.
Resolved, That the Annual Trustee report submitted to the last Quarterly Conference of the Conference year shall contain an actual statement of the Financial Status of the Church
Properties which shall be recorded in the Trustee Book and Quarterly Conference Records.
Brother W. J. Fretz made a statement concerning the money of the Philadelphia Church which he deposited in the Germantown Avenue Bank stating that he has received two-thirds of the amount to this date and desires to pay over the whole amount, therefore,
Resolved, That Brother W. J. Fretz pay over what he has received and pay the balance to the Presiding Elder whenever be receives it. In case he will not receive the balance he shall not be held responsible for the same.
Resolved, That we add $1500.00 to the valuation of Mizpah Grove.
Adjourned at 11 P. M. with prayer by the Chairman.
The meeting was opened by singing “I’ve Yielded to God,” and prayer by W. D. Evert.
The roll was called with all present after which the minutes were read and approved.
The Pastors now proceeded to submit their oral reports. After the Pastors had submitted all their Oral Reports, the following report was read and adopted.
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
WHEREAS, We have listened with intense interest to the oral reports of the pastors from the various charges of Tabernacle and Hall meetings being held with good results. Many being saved, baptized and added to the Church during the year, and,
WHEREAS, The Pastors throughout the two districts show much concern for the work, in the spreading of the gospel, the salvation of souls and the edification of the believers, therefore,
Resolved, That we highly appreciate their love and sacrifice for the Lord’s work, and pray that God may indeed spare their lives to continue thus in the vineyard of the Lord and increase their devotion to Christ and His work, yet more and more, keeping them free from all worldly entanglements and popular issues, so that their usefulness for Christ may be increased yet more and more, until Jesus comes.
W. G. Gehman.
Father William Gehman now gave us a glowing, enthusiastic and touching address.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time.
The following Report was read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
WHEREAS, Our aged brother, Father William Gehman, was again spared during the past year so that he could be present this Conference, and,
WHEREAS, He has been well preserved so that he still enjoys mental and physical vigor, being well able to attend the services in his home church, the campmeetings and other gatherings, and,
WHEREAS, He still takes a hearty interest in the work of the Lord, standing by the work so that during the past summer while the pastor at Zionsville, Brother O. S. Hillegass, was afflicted, he assisted him faithfully, taking full charge of the work. He also was in attendance at the camp-meetings, preaching several strong, forceful and inspiring sermons, being still willing also to be used by the Presiding Elder, anywhere, therefore,
Resolved, That we humbly praise God for His blessings bestowed upon our honored brother, preserving him physically mentally and spiritually, and further,
Resolved, That we enjoy his attendance at the Annual sessions of the Conference and his keen and lively interest in all the deliberations as well as his hearty co-operation with us in the work of the Lord in its various phases, and further,
Resolved, That we pray God to continue His blessings upon him, keeping him in His love “looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life, ” so that he may abound yet more and more in the work of the Lord, and at the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, be found of Him in peace and obtain a full reward.
W. S. Hottel,
R. L. Woodring,
W. G. Gehman.
Adjourned at 11:35 A. M. with prayer by William Gehman.
This meeting was opened by singing “Take Hold and Never Let Go,” and prayer by Pastor E. T. Shick.
The roll was called with all present, and the minutes were read and approved.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Communications:
Elder P. J. Musselman, of Palmerton, Pa., writes and kindly asks pardon for absence from the Session of Conference as it is hardly expedient for him to attend. He reports: “The Lord has been very gracious toward me during the past year. I so keenly feel my shortcomings. I am not worthy of being reckoned among the brethren. The ministering brethren have been exceedingly considerate of me. My desire is to get down in my self, but up in Christ. My heart is ever in the work of the Lord.”
R. L. Woodring,
W. G. Gehman.
Oral, Statistical and Financial Report of W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District: (See Reports.)
Oral, Statistical and Financial Report of W. G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society: (See Reports.)
Oral, Statistical and Financial Report of H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District: (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Being privileged to listen to the Reports of our Presiding Elders and the President of the Gospel Herald Society with much interest, the reports giving to the Conference the general insight of God’s leadings throughout the entire Conference and Gospel Herald Society, the Lord bestowing many rich blessings upon every phase of the work, many being saved on the various charges, the ministry being spiritual, loyal and blessedly united, therefore,
Resolved, That we sincerely and highly appreciate their faithful services, their untiring and whole-hearted devotion to the Lord’s work, their strict honesty and fair-mindedness in the general oversight of the work as well as their self-sacrifice, thus inspiring the ministry to the man, for the Lord’s work, and otherwise proving a great blessing to the work in general, and further,
Resolved, That we unitedly pray God’s richest blessing upon them, enabling them physically, intellectually and spiritually to continue in their noble work for the Lord, so that through their labors, influence and instrumentality many more souls may be won for the Lord and the Lord’s kingdom be hastened.
W. S. Hottel,
R. L. Woodring.
Report of the Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund: (See Reports. )
Resolved, That we proceed to the election of officers. The roll was called for unconditional and conditional ministers with the following result:
Unconditional: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, William Gehman, C. H. Brunner, W. S. Hottel, E. N. Cassel, F. M. Hottel, J. G. Shireman, W. J. Fretz, R. L. Woodring, J. F. Barrall, E. T. Shick, B. Bryan Musselman, J. C. Roth, R. Bergstresser, H. K. Kratz, O. S. Hillegass, E. E. Kublic, G. T. Yost, M. W. Ettinger, V. H. Reinhart and W. W. Zimmerman.
Conditional: None.
The Chair appointed J. F. Barrall and R. L. Woodring as tellers.
Resolved, That we have two Presiding Elders.
The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
Presiding Elders: H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman.
Vice Presiding Elders: C. H. Brunner and W. S. Hottel.
Missionary Presiding Elder: W. B. Musselman.
Chairman of the Next Annual Conference: H. B. Musselman.
Secretary of the Next Annual Conference: C. H. Brunner.
Treasurer of the Annual Conference: Allen M. Gehman.
Committee over the Presiding Elders: F. M. Hottel, J. O. Shireman and E. N. Cassel.
Executive Board: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, J. G. Shireman and E. N. Cassel.
Board of Foreign Missions: H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner. W. G. Gehman, E. N. Cassel and Allen M. Gehman.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home (For two years.): H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman. E. N. Cassel. C. H. Brunner, Allen M. Gehman and H. S. Jones.
Board of Examiners: W. S. Hottel, E. N. Cassel and E. T. Shick.
Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: Allen M. Gehman, G. O. Billig and H. G. Brunner.
Resolved, That these be elected President, Secretary and Treasurer in the order of their election.
Resolved, That H. B. Musselman shall be Presiding Elder over the district comprising part of the Church and W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder over the district comprising the balance of the Church and the Gospel Herald Society.
Resolved, That C. H. Brunner shall be Vice-Presiding Elder under H. B. Musselman, and W. S. Hottel shall be Vice-Presiding Elder under W. G. Gehman.
Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Delegates from the Stations and Circuits constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.
Resolved, That the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee meet between the close of the afternoon meeting and the opening of the morning meeting.
WHEREAS, W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District and President of the Gospel Herald Society, in connection with his report has formally offered the Mission of Shamokin, Pa., members, property and all to this Conference, therefore,
Resolved, That we as a Conference heartily accept his offer.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of three to compile a report of the Conference, for publication in the Gospel Banner and also a report of the Sunday Services. He appointed W. S. Hottel, E. N. Cassel and J. G. Shireman.
Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention sometime in the middle of the year, for one day.
The Presiding Elders, and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a committee to arrange a program and set the date.
All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall also be extended to the Ministers’ wives and families.
Resolved, That we have another Ministerial Convention on the day prior to and at the same place of the next Annual Conference.
Resolved, That we hold a Sunday School Convention in each Presiding Elder’s District.
Resolved, That the Pastors and Delegates of each District constitute a Committee to arrange for these conventions.
Report of Committee on Worship:
Resolved, That F. M. Hottel preach this evening followed by W. J. Fretz. C. H. Brunner shall preach tomorrow evening followed by B. Bryan Musselman. On Sunday morning the services shall open with a short song service at 9:30 A. M. after which H. B. Musselman. Chairman of the Annual Conference, shall preach the Conference Sermon. The afternoon service shall open at 2:15 P. M. and at 2:30 P. M. W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District shall preach. The evening service shall open with a song service at 7 P. M. after which W. S. Hottel shall preach. All the services during the day shall be in charge of the Chairman of the Annual Conference.
J. F. Barrall,
M. E. Brownback.
Rev. Arthur Oakes, Pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Spring City, and Rev. J. S. Farnsworth of Pottstown, of the Evangelical Association, were introduced to the Conference.
Resolved, That all contributions received for the Benevolent Society shall be by check or money order, made payable to the Treasurer, H. G. Brunner, Zionsville, Pa., and forwarded to the Secretary, G. O. Billig, 941 Liberty Street, Allentown, Pa.
Resolved, That the Executive Board elected at this Conference shall be, hereby, duly authorized and empowered to formulate or elect a board according to the requirements of the law in case the election of the present Executive Board is illegal.
Resolved, That all the receipts from the sale of Church Property where there is no class, shall be turned over to the Executive Board.
Resolved, That the President of the “Gospel Herald Society” shall purchase no lot or property for Church purposes without first consulting the Executive Board and securing its consent.
Resolved, That money received for “Mizpah Grove” during the year shall be paid to the Executive Board as received, in the usual way.
Resolved, That in case a church or parsonage will be built or purchased during the year, a photograph of the same shall be taken and a cut inserted in the Conference Journal of next year.
Resolved, That the Church property at Erwinna be in charge of the Board of Trustees of Easton. Pa., and that the Church property at Hereford be under the control of the Board of Trustees of Macungie.
Resolved, That W. G. Gehman, the Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference, between New Year and the Camp
Meeting, and take the subscriptions with the assistance of the respective pastors.
Resolved, That the Secretary ask the publishers of the ”Gospel Herald” and ”Gospel Banner” to furnish each pastor with a copy of the mailing list of the subscribers in his charge through the Presiding Elders.
Resolved, That we suspend the Rules to adjourn.
Adjourned at 3:35 P. M. with prayer by R. L. Woodring.
This meeting was opened by singing “Glory to His Name.” The Chairman read the Sixteenth Psalm after which G. F. Yost led in prayer.
The roll was called with all present and the minutes were read and approved.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Auditing Committee:
The Auditing Committee begs leave to submit the following report:
We have audited the following accounts: Quarterly Conference Records, Orphanage and Home, Equipment Fund, Executive Board, Camp-meetings, Sunday School Conventions, Annual Conference Fund, Benevolent Society, Foreign and Home Missions, Presiding Elders, Gospel Herald Society, Board of Publication, Committee on Finance and Annual Conference Records.
We have found all correct with the following exceptions: In the Quarterly Conference Records:–Bethlehem record in summary report of Trustees, reads balance from last year $442.21 and should read $441.10. Philadelphia record in summary of Rent collections, reads $113.49 and should read.$113.45. Thus Total reads $305.14 and should read $305.10.
Herbert E. Gehman,
G. F. Yost,
A. B. Deibert,
S. S. Geil,
W. G. Taylor,
Morris E. Stickler,
W. J. Fretz,
M. L. Musselman.
W. D. Evert,
E. C. Goucher.
O. C. Kistler,
V. H. Reinhart.
Report of the Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference License:
There being no applicants, we have nothing to report.
C. H. Brunner,
E. N. Cassel,
W. S. Hottel.
Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee: (See Reports.)
The Chair appointed the following:
Board of Publication and Printing: C. H. Brunner, R. L. Woodring and J. F. Barrall.
Committee on Camp-meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: F. M. Hottel, J. C. Roth, E. T. Shick and Allen M. Gehman.
The following Boards and Committees reported the election of their officers:
Executive Board: President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; Treasurer, W. G. Gehman.
Board of Foreign Missions: President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; Treasurer, Allen M. Gehman.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, R. L. Woodring; Assistant Secretary, J. G. Shireman; Treasurer, C. H. Brunner.
Board of Managers: H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel and Allen M. Gehman.
Board of Examiners: President, W. S. Hottel; Secretary, E. N. Cassel; Treasurer, E. T. Shick.
Committee over the Presiding Elders: Chairman, E. N. Cassell; Secretary, J. G. Shireman.
Beneficiary Society: President, W. G. Gehman; Secretary, F. M. Hottel; Treasurer, J. F. Barrall.
Board of Publication and Printing: President, R. L. Woodring, Secretary, J. F. Barrall; Treasurer, C. H. Brunner.
Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.
Business was resumed at 10:55 A. M. The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention for 1916: (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Organize for the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention for 1916: (See Reports.)
Report of the Board of Examiners:
Studies for 1915 and 1916. (See Reports.)
Brother H. A. Kauffman, who for the last eight years had been laboring faithfully and acceptably in the Gospel Herald Society and was now assigned to an appointment by the Stationing Committee, his name was therefore entered upon the roll.
Adjourned with prayer by V. H. Reinhart.
The meeting was opened by singing “Jesus for Me,” and prayer by W. W. Zimmerman.
The roll was called and the minutes were read and approved.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Communications:
We have received a telegram and a letter from Elder W. B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder and President of the Gospel Workers’ Society, of Cleveland, Ohio, addressed to the Chairman of the Annual Conference in which he includes his report and he states, “with full confidence that I would be one in your midst at Conference this year, at least a day, I delayed my report. I do not now see my way open to come. We, as a Society, herewith express our appreciation for the degree of fellowship which exists between the Gospel Workers’ Society, the Gospel Herald Society and the M. B. in Christ denomination.”
R. L. Woodring,
W. G. Gehman.
Report of the Missionary Presiding Elder: (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Audit Schedules:
We audited all the Schedules and found all of them correct except Easton, Graterford and Harleysville, Stroudsburg. Mt. Carmel, Emaus and Macungie, Nazareth and Plainfield, after the Committee on Statistics did their work faithfully in examining according to our best knowledge and belief, which we corrected.
F. M. Hottel,
W. G. Gehman,
E. E. Kublic.
Report of the Committee on Statistics:
We beg leave to submit the following report. We found the following errors on the schedules which we corrected in the presence of the pastors: Bethlehem in computing membership; Zionsville, reported collected for Beneficiary Fund, $4.59 which should have been $4.75 as on Financial report blank, a net decrease in membership reported when there was none: Benevolent Society and delegate offering and children dedicated set in the wrong columns; Philadelphia reported $1743.99 collected for Church property which should have been $1220.34, the difference $523.65 being collected since the last Quarterly Conference which should not have been reported on the schedule; South Allentown in computing membership; Emaus and Macungie reported the amount expended in place of the amount collected in sexton and sundry expenses; Graterford reported $54.00 rent collected which should have been $49.50 and no total decrease marked in membership when there should have been five; Easton reported the expenses in place of collections in the sexton and sundry expenses and reported $119.50 rent collected in place of $131.00 and also reported only one ordained preacher and should have reported two; Northampton in computing membership and reported Missionary Presiding Elder Offerings of $9.54 which should have been $8.54; Nazareth reported $102.40 collected for rent which should have been $98.55; Plainfield reported $11.61 collected for Sunday Schools which should have been $10.28 and also $31.45 collected for rent which should have been $31.40; Walnutport in computing membership and also reported one ordained preacher and should have reported two; Coopersburg reported only one ordained preacher and should have reported two.
The Committee on Camp-meeting Equipment and Tabernacle Outfit reported the election of officers as follows: Chairman, F. M. Hottel: Secretary, J. C. Roth; Treasurer, E. T. Shick.
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
WHEREAS, Our Secretary has many burdens and responsibilities and much hard labor, at the Session of the Annual Conference and afterward in recording the minutes, as well as constantly during the year in attending to the many matters devolving upon him on account of his office, therefore,
Resolved, That we lift a real liberal offering for him at this time, as a token of thankful appreciation of his many services.
F. M. Hottel,
W. G. Gehman,
R. L. Woodring.
This offering amounted to $14.82. Thanks.
Summary Report of the Committee on Statistics: (See Reports. )
Report of the Committee to Audit Schedules:
The auditors of the Schedules also approve of the Financial Statistical Summary Totals and Grand Totals of the Schedules as compiled so faithfully and correctly by the Committee on Statistics.
F. M. Hottel,
W. G. Gehman,
E. E. Kublic.
Resolved, That the Editor of the Conference Journal print 775 copies this year.
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference be held in Philadelphia on the third Thursday of September, 1916, namely, September 21, at 8 A. M.
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Whenever a member of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society fail to pay his contribution till after Feb. 1, after it was due he shall pay then and thereafter at the rate under which he would re-enter at that time as a Beneficiary. The Pastor shall be careful that the names of members shall be written correctly and alike in both the Member’s Certificate Book and the Pastor’s Book. The Pastor should always be careful to send names of members exactly as recorded when he forwards the respective contributions to the Treasurer through the Secretary. If for any reason or other the names of members should change, then the change should be recorded on the books and the Secretary of the Society be informed accordingly.
W. S. Hottel,
W. G. Gehman,
R. L. Woodring.
Resolved, That the Board of Publication and Printing print pledge cards for Home Missionary and Foreign Missionary Subscriptions arranged so as to answer for receipts.
Resolved, That the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention be held at Emaus, Pa. The Committee on Program shall consist of H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman and J. C. Roth. C. H. Brunner was elected Chairman and E. T. Shick was elected Secretary.
The officers for the Annual Ministerial Convention were elected as follows: Chairman, E. N. Cassel; Secretary, H. A. Kauffman.
Committee on Program: Chairman, H. B. Musselman; Secretary. W. G. Gehman; F. M. Hottel.
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
WHEREAS, W. B. Musselman. Missionary Presiding Elder and President of the Gospel Worker Society, has sent us a concise but very interesting report of the work of the Gospel Workers’ Society, which bespeaks much blessing from the Lord for themselves as a Society, temporally, spiritually and physically and in the salvation of many souls continually in the different missions, and,
WHEREAS, We, as a Conference, have a real heart interest in the work of the Gospel Worker Society sharing their burdens as well as their joys, therefore,
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the self-sacrificing, untiring devotion and earnest labor for the Lord of W. B. Musselman and the Gospel Workers in the spreading of the truth, in spreading good literature, in holding open-air services as well as preaching in halls and missions, especially in the publishing of the “Christian Life Series,” which have proved such great blessings to our Sunday School work throughout the Conference, as well as to different Sunday Schools from other denominations, and further,
Resolved, That we pray God’s richest blessings upon the President, the Society and upon their work and that we continue our hearty support both by prayer and offerings, and further,
Resolved, That we pledge our support in securing new subscribers to the Gospel Herald, and also urge all our Sunday Schools, who have not yet, to introduce the Christian Life Missionary and to distribute them still more freely.
W. S. Hottel,
W. G. Gehman,
R. L. Woodring.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Editorial Committee of the Sunday School Supplies:
The Committee has elected W. S. Hottel as Editor of the “Christian Life Series” of the International Sunday School Lessons.
Brother W. S. Hottel, the Editor, as well as the rest of the Committee have up to this time been writing notes, comments and expositions on these lessons published by the Union Gospel Printing Company of Cleveland, Ohio.
H. B. Musselman, Chairman,
C. H. Brunner, Secretary,
W. G. Gehman,
E. N. Cassel,
W. S. Hottel.
Report of the Committee on Ordination:
There being no candidates for Ordination at this Conference the Committee has nothing to report.
W. G. Gehman,
C. H. Brunner,
F. M. Hottel.
WHEREAS, The Union Gospel Printing Company of Cleveland, Ohio, have been publishing the “Christian Life Series,” of Sunday School supplies for the past year, and,
WHEREAS, They have elaborately illustrated a goodly portion of the supplies and beautifully and artistically arranged them for the various departments for Sunday School work, at a sacrifice of time, talent and money, and,
WHEREAS, The Editorial Staff of the Pennsylvania Conference have freely contributed expositions, comments and practical hints on the Lessons during the year, and,
WHEREAS, Our Sunday Schools throughout the Conference without exception have been using these helps with universal satisfaction, many testimonials having been received relative to the value of these supplies, their scriptural and spiritual expositions from Pastors, Superintendents and Teachers throughout many States, therefore,
Resolved, That we as a Conference pledge our prayers and support to both Publishers and Editorial Staff and trust that the scope of usefulness of these supplies shall enlarge yet more and more and that many spiritual blessings shall result for scholars of various grades as well as for the Teachers and Officers of Sunday Schools using them.
Resolved, That this Committee be re-elected for the ensuing year.
Resolved, That each Pastor shall record the number of “Children Dedicated” and his offerings for the Annual Conference Delegate, and other offerings on his Schedule in the same order, and place as stated in the report of the Statistical Secretary in the Journal.
Resolved, That Resolutions 4, 5, 6 and 8 on page 24, Resolution 2 on page 25, Resolution 1 on page 31 and Resolution 2 on page 32 of last year’s Journal be made Standing Rules.
WHEREAS, The Pastor and Members of the Spring City and Royersford Classes have received us so cordially and entertained us so royally, providing for our every bodily needs during the Session of the Annual Conference, therefore,
Resolved, That we manifest our grateful appreciation of their liberal hospitality and warmhearted fellowship in this noble work, by a rising vote of thanks.
Upon the request of H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman and J. C. Roth to be excused from attendance at this evening’s service, it was
Resolved, That their request be granted.
Adjourned with prayer by E. N. Cassel.
This meeting was opened at 7 A. M. by singing “Nearer My God to Thee.” After the Chairman read a part of the Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm, Brother Morris E. Stickler led in prayer.
The roll was called with all present.
Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.
Business was resumed at 7:25 A. M.
The minutes were read and approved.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee to compile a Report of the Conference for the Gospel Banner as well as of the Sunday Services.
The Thirty-second Session of the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, of Pennsylvania, convened in the M. B. C. Church at Royersford, Pa., Oct. 14, 1915, at 8 A. M.
All the Ministers and Delegates were present at the opening of the first meeting. The Reports of the Pastors showed a marked advance along spiritual lines. Many were saved, baptized and added to the Church during the year, while numbers consecrated their lives to God and many were wonderfully healed from bodily afflictions. Several really successful Tabernacle meetings were conducted which resulted in the salvation of souls.
A much needed, substantial and commodious church was built at Philadelphia and a Parsonage was bought at Fleetwood and one at Stroudsburg.
The Presiding Elders reported the ministry devoted to God, the truth and the work; loyal, self-sacrificing and well united. They reported the work on every charge and mission in a real spiritual condition, the laity being very loyal, self-sacrificing and loving the truth. The various Sunday Schools are progressive, the prayer meetings large and spiritual. The attendance in general is so large that at several of the larger charges the Churches are too small to comfortably entertain the congregations.
The Home Missionary work in general is in a good condition. The Gospel Herald Society is increasing in numbers and usefulness. as well as the Gospel Worker Society, so that through the instrumentality of these noble workers many souls have been saved and much good literature has been spread.
The work of Foreign Missions is also in a very good condition, many souls having been saved, baptized and added to the Church.
The Missionaries have been kept encouraged, inspired and devoted to the Lord and His work.
The various offerings were large and liberal again, in their sum total amounting to about $70,000.00 for the year. These bespeak much self-sacrifice and devotion of the dear pilgrims, which is brought about by the preaching of the truth and the faithful labors of the Presiding Elders and Pastors.
H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman were re-elected Presiding Elders and assigned to the same Districts as last year. C. H. Brunner and W. S. Hottel were elected Vice-Presiding Elders. Only two Pastors were changed. J. C. Roth was appointed to Emaus and Macungie, and E. E. Kublic to Lehighton and Weissport. The Gospel Herald Society turned Shamokin Mission over into the Church and H. A. Kauffman was appointed their as Pastor.
Father William Gehman was again present and took a keen and lively interest in the deliberation of the Conference. He, although nearly 89 years of age, is whole-heartedly interested in the work of the Lord, willing to be used by the Presiding Elder any time and any where.
The “Christian Life” Missionary (formerly “Gospel Messenger”), that splendid Sunday School paper which has proved such a great blessing to those schools that distribute it, so beautifully arranged, instructively illustrated and published at such a low cost, was highly endorsed and recommended, as were also the “Christian Life Series” of Sunday School Quarterlies all the “Gospel Herald,” that splendid all around missionary and well adapted colportage paper.
The Conference throughout was harmonious, the discussions being with frankness and in the spirit of courtesy and consideration.
Love and peace prevailed at every meeting and the business was transacted in the fear of the Lord.
The forenoon service opened at 9.30 A. M., with a short song service, after which the Chairman of the Conference and Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District, H. B. Musselman, of Bethlehem, Pa., preached the Conference Sermon from 1 Tim. 4:6. The Sermon was a clear and definite description of what constitutes a “good minister of Jesus Christ.” It was delivered in a forceful, straight-forward and fearless manner. Its every declaration was Scriptural and spiritual in its principle and fraught with the life and power of the Holy Spirit. We are confident that this sermon will bear fruit in the life of every minister which will result in much blessing to the entire work of the Conference, and likewise that every one present received encouragement and inspiration.
The afternoon service opened at 2:15 P. M., with a short Song Service, after which W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, preached a Sermon on the “Three Fold Temptation of Christ,” basing his remarks on Rev. 2:14-18.
The Sermon was a very instructive discourse on the temptations of Christ, being full of vital and practical truths. It was filled with life and power and was no doubt effective to much good in the lives of those present.
The Evening Service opened at 7 P. M., with an inspiring Song Service, after which W. S. Hottel, of Bethlehem, Pa., preached a Sermon on “The Word of Life,” basing his remarks on 1 John 1:1-3.
The sermon was a strong exposition of the doctrine of the Divinity of Christ as well as a clear Biblical statement of the need of receiving the word of God into the mind and heart in order that the soul may be saved, born again and sanctified. The speaker was at his best and was used of our Lord in a marvelous manner.
A female quartette of the Allentown Class sang a number of excellent, inspiring and spiritual selections during the day which were attentively listened to and enjoyed by the large audience present. A chorus of female voices from Spring City sang in the evening services throughout the Conference. The attendance all day was large, the Church being filled to the doors.
Many of the dear pilgrims came from the various Charges and Missions of the Church. The weather was beautiful and the services all day were owned and blessed of God. Throughout the Conference, the presence of God was most manifest. We all agreed in saying the Conference was among the best we ever held.
W. S. Hottel,
E. N. Cassel,
J. G. Shireman.
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
(a) WHEREAS, Our Beloved Editor of the Conference Journal, C. H. Brunner, has spared no time and talent to give us an up-to-date Conference Journal containing certain historical events of our Conference and photos of our Home and Foreign Missionary work from time to time, beautifully and elaborately arranging the Journals in every particular, therefore,
Resolved, That we appreciate his concern on this line and as a mark of appreciation donate him $10.00 out of the Annual Conference fund.
(b) WHEREAS, The reports of the Stewards on the Schedules are to be from October 1 to October 1, and,
WHEREAS, The next Annual Conference is to convene September 21, 1916, therefore,
Resolved, That we as a Conference ask the Stewards on the various charges and missions to do their best to have all the money collected and handed over to their Pastor before the Annual Conference.
W. S. Hottel,
W. G. Gehman,
R. L. Woodring.
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Annual Conference be Secretary of the Home Mission Fund.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of five including himself to arrange and compile a Hymnal if they deem it advisable. The Conference shall assume the financial part in case the Committee decides to publish a hymnal. The Chair appointed J. F. Barrall, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, W. G. Gehman and H. B. Musselman.
Adjourned at 8:10 with prayer by the Chairman.
H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman,
W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder,
C. H. Brunner, Secretary, Vice-Presiding Elder,
Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer,
F. M. Hottel, Vice Presiding Elder,
B. Bryan Musselman, Recording Secretary,
H. A. Kauffman, Assistant Recording Secretary,
William Gehman,
E. N. Cassel,
F. M. Hottel,
J. G. Shireman,
J. F. Barrall,
R. L. Woodring,
W. J. Fretz,
E. T. Shick,
H. K. Kratz,
M. W. Ettinger,
R. Bergstresser,
O. S. Hillegass,
J. C. Roth,
E. E. Kublic,
G. F. Yost,
W. W. Zimmerman,
V. H. Reinhart,
M. L. Musselman,
G. O. Billig,
W. G. Taylor,
S. S. Geil,
Herbert E. Gehman,
O. C. Kistler,
M. E. Brownback,
G. K. Himmelreich,
Morris E. Stickler,
H. H. Bergey,
C. D. Bean,
A. F. Deibert,
S. H. Lichtenthaler,
E. C. Goucher,
W. D. Evert,
O. B. Bartholomew,
Charles F. Lilly,
C. E. Neff.