1916 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1916 Yearbook



The Thirty-third Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the M.B. in C. Church, on Eleventh Street near Ontario, Philadelphia, Pa.

The first meeting was opened at eight o’clock in the morning of September twenty-first, nineteen hundred and sixteen, by singing “Glory to His Name,” followed by a season of thanksgiving and praise to God for His leadings during the past year as well as prayer for the blessing of God upon the officers and members of this Conference and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all our business transactions.

The Chairman, Presiding Elder H.B. Musselman, read a portion of the second chapter of Philippians and gave us a very appropriate and needful address concerning the importance of

our gathering together and the business to be transacted.

The following members were then enrolled:


Ordained. – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, William Gehman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, R.L. Woodring, W.J. Fretz, J. F. Barrall, H.K. Kratz, J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, O.S. Hillegass, G.F. Yost, R. Bergstresser, E.E. Kublic, W.W. Zimmerman, V.H. Reinhart, C.F. Snyder, P.J. Musselman.

All of these were present at the opening of the first meetings except W.B. Musselman, Cleveland, O., and C.F. Snyder, Titao, China.

Probationers – B. Bryan Musselman and H.A. Kauffman.


H.S. Jones, Bethlehem; G.O. Billig, Allentown; W.G. Taylor, Reading; S.S. Geil, Philadelphia; O.C. Kistler, South Allentown; E.C. Goucher, Stroudsburg; C.W. Teel, Easton; G.K. Himmelreich, Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill; Herbert E. Gehman, Coopersburg and Springtown; Allen M. Gehman, Emaus and Macungie; M.E. Brownback, Royersford and Spring City; H.G. Brunner, Zionsville; C.D. Bean, Graterford and Harleysville; H.H. Bergey, Quakertown and Hatfield; W.D. Everett, Mt. Carmel; J.L. Manney, Shamokin (alternate); A.F. Deibert, Lehighton and Weissport; William H. Bender, Nazareth and Plainfield; J.M. Oplinger, Northampton; C.E. Neff, Walnutport.

All the Delegates were present. The Conference members thus number forty-five, all of whom were present except the two above mentioned.

We shall also not forget to mention our absent Foreign Missionaries who are members of our Church, namely: M.P. Zook, Mrs. M.P. Zook, H.W. Feldges, Mrs. H.W. Feldges, C.F. Snyder, Mrs. C.F. Snyder, V.G. Plymire, Mrs. Kate Weiss and Miss Grace I. Harkless. Also Miss Anna Le Fevre, Wm. Christie, W.N. Ruhl. C.H. Miller, E.E. Crist, Mrs. E.E. Crist, Manuel Gomez, Innocencio Gomez, Dionisio Oyarzum and Ignacio Riveros, although not members of our Church, yet are supported by our Conference. We shall also remember our Missionary Presiding Elder, the Gospel Worker Society and the Gospel Herald Society as well as our members at home who have stood by us so nobly during the past year.

Resolved, That the seats to the right and to the left of the Chair and the first two pews throughout the Church and the basement for private meetings constitute the Conference Bar.

The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows: – Assistant Secretary, B. Bryan Musselman; Recording Secretary, H.A. Kauffman.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Timekeeper and a Reporter.

He appointed W.J. Fretz as Reporter and V.H. Reinhart as Timekeeper.

Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair, except F.M. Hottel and S.S. Geil.


The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:

Committee on Worship: F.M. Hottel and S. S. Geil.

Committee on Communications: E.E. Kublic and W.G. Gehman.

Committee on Finance: J.F. Barrall, G.O. Billig and Allen M. Gehman.

Committee on Statistics of the Schedules: J.G. Shireman, W.S. Hottel and E.N. Cassel.

Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: J.C. Roth, W.W. Zimmerman, E.T. Shick, F.M. Hottel, M.E. Brownback, C.W. Teel, William H. Bender, C.D. Bean, W.D. Evert, J.M. Oplinger, E.C. Goucher, C. E. Neff, and P.J. Musselman.

Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: R. Bergstresser and E.E. Kublic.

Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: Wm. Gehman, H.H. Bergey and G.K. Himmelreich.

Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries: E.T. Shick, W.J. Fretz, and O.S. Hillegass.

Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: W.S. Hottel, C.H. Brunner and E.N. Cassel.

Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman and F.M. Hottel.

Committee on Resolutions: W.G. Gehman, W.S. Hottel and H.K. Kratz.

Auditing Committee: R.L. Woodring, W.G. Taylor, Herbert E. Gehman, H.S. Jones, O.C. Kistler, H.G. Brunner, G.F. Yost, V.H. Reinhart, S.S. Geil, A.F. Deibert and J.L. Manney.

Committee to Audit Schedules: W.J. Fretz, W.G. Gehman and H.K. Kratz.

Resolved, That we now hear the oral reports of the Pastors.

Resolved, That the time allowed for the oral report of each Pastor be limited to ten minutes.

Resolved, That we extend the time.

Adjourned at 11:35 to the call of the Chair.

Prayer by P.J. Musselman.



The afternoon meeting was opened at 3:20 by singing “Nearer My God to Thee,” and prayer by O.C. Kistler.

The roll was called with all present, after which the minutes of the forenoon meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

Report of the Annual Ministerial Convention. (See Reports.)

Report of the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention. (See Reports.)

Report of the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)

Report of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)

Report of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home. (See Reports.)

Report of the Executive Board. (See Reports.)

Report of the Board of Foreign Missions. (See Reports.)

Report of the Committee on Camp-Meeting Equipage. (See Reports.)

Report of the Board of Publication and Printing. (See Reports.)

Report of the Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society. (See Reports.)

Report of the Board of Examiners. (See Reports.)

Report of the Chairman of the General Camp-Meeting Committee. (See Reports.)

Report of the Treasurer of the Home Mission Fund. (See Reports.)

Report of the Committee on Worship:

Resolved, That R.W. Dickert preach this evening, followed by J.B. Layne.

F.M. Hottel,

S.S. Geil,


Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

Whereas, We have had the pleasure of listening to a very extensive, intensive, interesting and encouraging report of the condition of the Lord’s work of our beloved Missionaries in the “Regions Beyond,” describing clearly in detail the leadings of God through the labors of our beloved Missionaries, and,

Whereas, The Lord has graciously blessed the Missionaries in holding forth the Word of Life to the salvation and baptism of quite a number of souls and has kept the Missionaries united, encouraged and inspired, and:

Whereas, Our Foreign Mission Board has adopted several additional Missionaries whose support they have pledged for the ensuing year, therefore,

Resolved, That we earnestly pray God to continue His blessing upon the Missionaries and their work, so they may prosper physically and spiritually.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:

We have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries and found them all satisfactory.

E.T. Shick,

W.J. Fretz,

O.S. Hillegass,


Report of the Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:

We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Quarterly Conference Records and found them all correct except the following:

The Philadelphia, Graterford and Harleysville Records – No mention is made of the Presiding Elder speaking on the duties of members toward their Pastor.

Mt. Carmel Records – No mention of appointment of Auditors.

Stroudsburg Records – No mention is made of the reading of the minutes in the first, second, third and fourth quarters, and no report of the Gospel Workers’ Offering for month of June.

Shamokin Records – No mention is made that the Conference was opened with singing and prayer in the first three quarters and no Appropriations reported.

Zionsville Records – Reads that the Chairman appointed Morris E. Stickler as Secretary and it should read nominated by the Chairman and elected by the Class, and also no mention is made of Presiding Elder speaking on the Duties of Members toward their Pastor.

Walnutport Records – The minutes are not properly signed.

The committee would like to see a little more system and carefulness in the recording of minutes in some of the records.

We also find that the Quakertown and Hatfield Quarterly Conference recommends Brother R.W. Dickert for Annual Conference License.

J.C. Roth,

W.W. Zimmerman,

E.T. Shick,

F.M. Hottel,

M.E. Brownback,

C.W. Teel,

P.J. Musselman,

William H. Bender,

C.D. Bean,

W.D. Evert,

J.M. Oplinger,

E.C. Goucher,

C.E. Neff,


Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:

We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Traveling Elders through their delegates and found them all satisfactory.

William Gehman,

H.H. Bergey,

G.K. Himmelreich,


Report of the Committee on Statistics of the Schedules:

We have examined all the Schedules and found them all correct with the exception of the following:

Zionsville – Membership not properly filled out.

Easton – An error in reporting increase.

Mt. Carmel – Reports one member more on Schedule than in the Class Book.

Reading – Reports seven dropped which should be eight.

This committee recommends that the Pastors number their members in the Class Books.

J.G. Shireman,

W.S. Hottel,

E.N. Cassel,


Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

WHEREAS, One of our brethren and fellow-laborers, M.W. Ettinger, was removed from our midst by the Providential permission of God during the past year, having met with an automobile and trolley car collision, and,

WHEREAS, We have lost in him an earnest worker and whole-hearted brother, therefore,

Resolved, That we humbly and meekly bow to God in respect to this, His all wise providence and pray that those of us who have been so graciously spared hitherto, may be more fully qualified and more deeply enthused with Divine inspiration to spread the truth, edify the Church and advance the work of God in general “while it is day for the night cometh when no man

can work,” and further,

Resolved, That we pray God’s blessings upon the sorrowing widow and children.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


Brother W.G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society, recommended the Brethren N.H. Wolf and J.B. Layne, Gospel Heralds to this Annual Conference as Applicants for Annual Conference License.

Resolved, That we extend the time.

The Brethren N.H. Wolf and J.B. Layne, of the Gospel Herald Society, and Brother R.W. Dickert, of Quakertown, now expressed the nature of their call to the ministry and were referred to the Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference License.

Resolved, That we hold a Private Meeting in the basement this evening at the call of the Chair.

Adjourned at 5:35 with prayer by W.G. Taylor.



This meeting was opened at 8 P.M. in the basement of the Church with prayer by R.L. Woodring.

The roll was called with all present.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records.

We have read the Annual Conference Records and found them all correct with the following exception:

In the report of the Committee on Statistics the clause “Coopersburg reported only one ordained preacher and should have reported two,” does not appear in the minutes.

R. Bergstresser,

E.E. Kublic,


Report of the Committee to Examine Applicants for Annual Conference License:

We have examined the candidates R.W. Dickert, J.B. Layne and N.H. Wolf and found them satisfactory and recommend that they be granted Annual Conference License.

W.S. Hottel,

C.H. Brunner,

E.N. Cassel,


Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

WHEREAS, Brother W.J. Fretz had deposited Conference money of the Philadelphia Church in the Germantown Avenue Bank which Bank afterwards closed its doors to business, and,

WHEREAS, He has now at last received from that Bank the last one-third of the amount due him and has paid the same amount through his Presiding Elder to the Treasurer of the Annual Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That we heartily rejoice with Brother W.J. Fretz that all this money has been recovered.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


The following Resolution was then adopted:

Resolved, That we make the following corrections, changes and additions to the Special Laws and Resolutions under Boards and Committees:

The following Boards and Committees shall as soon as practicable after their election elect a President and a Secretary:

Executive Board, Board of Foreign Missions, Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home, Board of Publication and Printing. The Chairman and Secretary of the Annual Conference shall be Chairman and Secretary of the Home Mission Fund.

The Annual Conference shall elect a Conference Treasurer annually who shall be the Treasurer for the Executive Board, Board of Foreign Missions, Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home the Home Mission Fund and the Annual Conference Fund.

He shall deposit all the various funds in the name of the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania, ………………Treasurer. The various Boards shall draw on the Treasurer for the funds needed, using form of voucher check furnished by the Annual Conference. They shall not draw beyond the amount of their respective funds except by permission of the Executive Board.

The Treasurer shall keep an account of the amounts drawn, by each Board in a book furnished by the Annual Conference and report to the Annual Conference the standing of each fund as well as the total in the Treasury.

All Boards and Standing Committees shall submit a full and classified report of their work, financial and otherwise, to the Annual Conference.

The Annual Conference shall elect an Executive Board annually consisting of five ordained ministers that have submitted themselves unconditionally to the Annual Conference.

This Executive Board shall constitute a Board of Trustees and hold the title of all property belonging to the Annual Conference, except where there is a regularly organized class or church that has a local Board of Trustees and where the Annual Conference has otherwise provided for, by electing a separate Board of Trustees.

The Executive Board shall direct as to how and where the money in the Annual Conference Treasury shall be deposited, and also have the right to place it on certificate of deposit, or savings deposit, or make other good, safe and substantial investments.

It shall have the right to buy any property that they may deem good and necessary for the furtherance of the work of the Annual Conference. It shall have the authority to sell any

property that it holds in trust and execute and deliver a lawful deed for the same.

It shall have the authority to sell any property deeded to a local Board of Trustees at places where for any reason there is no longer a local board, or class, or organized church, and execute and deliver a lawful deed and conveyance, and use the net proceeds of the sale of such property for other church properties as it may deem it advisable.

It shall have the right to borrow money and issue Mortgages on the properties that it holds in trust or give other securities and have the right to loan out any money that it may have on mortgages or other good securities and also satisfy said mortgages or securities.

It shall have charge of all property belonging to the Annual Conference unless otherwise provided for.

It shall have charge of all the old quarterly conference records, class records, and all other records that are no longer needed by the various classes, boards or committees.

It shall act as a Board of Advisers to the Pastors and the President of the Gospel Herald Society in matters relative to the purchasing of properties for church purposes and the erection of churches and parsonages. The President of the Gospel Herald Society shall purchase no property for church purposes without consulting the Executive Board and receiving its consent.

It shall act as a Board of Advisers to the Laymen’s Benevolent Society in all matters not clearly stated, and in matters of dispute that may arise from time to time between Annual Conferences.

It shall purchase all tabernacles and living tents pertaining to tabernacle outfits, and the lumber for camp-meeting purposes and all new furniture and such articles as may be needed.

It shall designate the place and arrangement for the storing of the camp-meeting equipage and tabernacle outfits.

Campmeetings held in Mizpah Grove shall pay into the Treasury of the Executive Board, rent for the lumber that they use at the rate of three dollars per thousand feet.

In case there is a balance left over at the various campmeetings after all the expenses are paid, the balance shall be paid into the treasury of the Executive Board.

The title to all real estate held, controlled or possessed by any local class, church or congregation shall be vested in a Board of three Trustees to be annually elected by the Quarterly Conference of said local class, church or congregation in trust for the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania after the following form:

To A, B and C, Trustees, and their successors in office in trust for the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania.

The Annual Conference shall elect annually a Board of Foreign Missions consisting of five members.

All money contributed for the cause of Foreign Missions throughout the Conference shall be paid into the Annual Conference Treasury. They shall disburse the funds that they receive for the spread of the Gospel in heathen lands according as they deem good and proper.

The Annual Conference shall elect a Board of Trustees for the Orphanage and Home consisting of eight ordained ministers and four laymen. They shall be elected for a term of two years in such a manner that the term of office of four ministers and two laymen expires at each Annual Conference.

They shall hold meetings annually or oftener.

The Board of Trustees shall have the privilege to elect or appoint a Superintendent, sub-boards or committees to carry forward the work of the Home and the farm connected therewith, and shall direct all other matters relative to the same.

It shall have the right to purchase additional property from time to time as they deem necessary to carry on the work of the Home and shall also have the right to sell any property that to the best of its judgment they may deem advisable for the interest of the work under its supervision and trust, and execute and deliver good and lawful deeds and conveyances for the same.

It shall have the right to remove any of the present buildings or to erect additions to the present buildings or erect additional buildings as may be needed to carry on the work of the Home and the farm connected therewith.

It shall have the right to borrow money and give mortgages or other securities on the properties. It shall have the right to loan out any funds in its possession on mortgages or other securities or make other investments with the funds that it may have on hand, and also satisfy all mortgages or other securities.

It shall decide as to who shall be admitted into the Home and on what conditions, and shall also decide to whom and to what extent the Board shall give help to worthy poor throughout the church.

All moneys or donations of any kind received by any Pastor for the Orphanage and Home shall be forwarded as soon as practicable to the Superintendent or Managing Committee, who shall acknowledge the receipt of the same.

Each Pastor shall hold a special service at each appointment on which occasion the annual offering for the Poor shall be received. The Pastors shall bring this offering to the Annual

Conference and pay it into the Annual Conference Treasury as Orphanage and Home funds.

All money collected for charitable purposes, not paid over to the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home shall be included in the report of the Treasurer of the local Board of Trustees where collected.

In case there are any poor in any class that need help beyond that given them by their respective classes, the deacon on that charge where there is one, or the Pastor where there is no deacon, shall make known the nature of the need to the President of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home, who shall bring the matter before the Board. The Board shall assist as it may deem it advisable.

The Chairman of the Annual Conference shall appoint a committee of four, who, under the direction of the Presiding Elders shall see that the Camp-Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle outfits are kept in good working condition and repairs. They shall purchase such articles as will be necessary to the proper maintenance or upkeep of the Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle outfits. For the payment of their expenses they shall submit bills from time to time to the Executive Board.

In case any Pastor, or the President of the Gospel Herald Society, desires to use, or cause to be used a tabernacle he shall make application for the same to his respective Presiding Elder. In case the privilege to use a tabernacle is granted, the Presiding Elder shall inform the Equipage Committee. The Pastor or the President of the Gospel Herald Society shall be present in person and in conjunction with a member of the Campmeeting Equipage Committee shall see that the tabernacle and outfit is shipped. The expenses of this shall be paid by the one that uses or causes the tabernacle to be used.

The number of tabernacles to be used on the respective Presiding Elder Districts and in the Gospel Herald Society shall be mutually agreed upon by the Presiding Elders.

The words “Gospel Herald Society,” in “A” under “Applicants and Probationers” shall be erased.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of five including himself to decide as to whether or not the Treasurer of the Annual Conference shall have a salary or donation and if so, how much.

The Chair appointed the following:

E.N. Cassel, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, J.C. Roth and H.B. Musselman.

Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair.

Adjourned at 11:50 P.M., with prayer by E.T. Shick.



The fourth meeting opened at 10:30, Friday morning by singing, “What a Fellowship” and prayer by R. Bergstresser.

The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following report was read and adopted:

Report of the Committee appointed to designate whether the Annual Conference Treasurer shall have a donation and if so how much.

Resolved, That we donate twenty-five dollars annually to the Treasurer of the Annual Conference. The Executive Board shall decide out of which fund this donation shall be paid.

E.N. Cassel,

C.H. Brunner,

W.G. Gehman,

J.C. Roth,

H.B. Musselman,


The Oral Reports of the Pastors were continued.

Adjourned with prayer by J.G. Shireman.



This meeting was opened by singing “Leaning on Jesus,” and prayer by Pastor V.H. Reinhart.

The roll was called and the minutes were read and approved.

The following report was read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

WHEREAS, We have learned from the report of the Board of Examiners on the Reading Course that B. Bryan Musselman and L.D. Wesner have passed the Reading Course satisfactorily, and,

WHEREAS, H.A. Kauffman has passed the Reading Course satisfactorily several years ago and has labored under appointment by the Conference the past year, therefore,

Resolved, That we refer these brethren to the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Ordination.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


The Oral Reports of the Pastors were concluded. All these reports were very good and spoke of much blessing and prosperity in all departments of the Lord’s vineyard.

We were also glad to hear a glowing report from our venerable Father William Gehman, who, although in his ninetieth year, was present throughout every meeting of this Annual Conference Session as well as the Ministerial Convention on the day before.

Brother P.J. Musselman, of Slatington, a local preacher also reported good courage.

The following reports of the Committee on Resolutions were read and adopted:

(a) WHEREAS, Our aged brother, Father William Gehman, has again been spared during the past year so that he could be present at this Conference, and,

WHEREAS, He is so well preserved physically, mentally and spiritually, so that he is still active and useful in the service of God in his home church, campmeetings and other gatherings, and,

WHEREAS, He still takes such a deep interest in the work of the Lord as represented by the Conference, and is always willing to be used by the Presiding Elder, anywhere, therefore,

Resolved, That we heartily praise God for the blessings thus bestowed upon our honored brother, and further,

Resolved, That we enjoy his presence among us at the Annual Conference Session, and also his lively and hearty co-operation in the work of the Lord in its various phases, and further,

Resolved, That we pray God to continue His blessings upon him and keep him in His love and fellowship, looking for the coming of the Lord, and cause him to be rich in faith and love, so that he may be still more fruitful in his old age.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.H. Kratz,


(b) WHEREAS, We have listened with much pleasure to the oral reports of the different Pastors, and thereby learned of many souls having been saved, many having been baptized and added to the Church, and the various offerings quite largely increased, and,

WHEREAS, The Pastors on both districts manifest a deep concern for the work of the Lord, in the spreading of the Gospel, the salvation of souls and the advancement of the work in general, therefore,

Resolved, That we heartily appreciate the interest and sacrifice of the different Pastors, and pray God to spare their lives for future and continued service for Him, and, that their zeal and devotion may be deepened yet more and more, and that each one may be kept faithful to his trust and not be side-tracked by the enemy and become ensnared in worldly, religious schemes, and worldly entanglements.

W.G. Gehman,


Resolved, That the Presiding Elders be not limited in the time of their reports. The following reports were now read and adopted:

Oral, Statistical and Financial Report of W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District. (See Reports.)

Oral, Statistical and Financial Report of W.G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society. (See Reports.)

Oral, Statistical and Financial Report of H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District. (See Reports.)

Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

WHEREAS, We were privileged to listen to the Reports of our Presiding Elders and the President of the Gospel Herald Society, by which we had brought before us a comprehensive view of the work of the Conference and the Gospel Herald Society, setting forth the gracious leadings of God and His blessing bestowed upon the entire work, and,

WHEREAS, They reported progress in the work in general many souls having been saved on the various charges and missions, the church having been edified and the ministry being well united devoted and loyal, therefore,

Resolved, That we appreciate their whole-hearted devotion to the work of the Lord, their honesty and frankness, as well as their faithful oversight of the work in its entirety, by their counsel, sermons and example proving a great blessing to the different Pastors and members of the Church, and further,

Resolved, That we pray God to bless them abundantly, so that they may be enabled physically, intellectually and spiritually to go forward in their work for the Lord and to make them a still greater blessing to His cause in the coming days than they have ever been hitherto and that through their instrumentality many souls shall be saved and the people of God be edified and perfected.

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,



Resolved, That we proceed to the election of officers. The roll was called for unconditional and conditional ministers with the following results:

Unconditional – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, Wm. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, R.L. Woodring, W.J. Fretz, J.F. Barrall, H.K. Kratz, J.C. Roth, B. Bryan Musselman, E.T. Shick, O.S. Hillegass, G.F. Yost, R. Bergstresser, E.E. Kublic, W.W. Zimmerman, V.H. Reinhart, H.A. Kauffman and P.J. Musselman.

Absent – C.F. Snyder and W.B. Musselman.

Conditional None.

The Chair appointed W.J. Fretz, H.K. Kratz and J.F. Barrall as tellers.

Resolved, That we have two Presiding Elders.

The following were elected for the ensuing year:

Presiding Elders – H.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman.

Vice Presiding Elders – C.H. Brunner and W.S. Hottel.

Missionary Presiding Elder – W.B. Musselman.

Chairman of the Next Annual Conference – H.B. Musselman.

Secretary of the Next Annual Conference – C.H. Brunner.

Treasurer of the Annual Conference – Allen M. Gehman.

Committee over the Presiding Elders – F.M. Hottel, E.N. Cassel and J.G. Shireman.

Executive Board – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel and J.G. Shireman.

Board of Foreign Missions – H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and Allen M. Gehman.

Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home – (For two years.) – W.S. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, E.T. Shick, R.L. Woodring, A.A. Wismer and H.G. Brunner.

Editorial Committee on the Sunday School Lessons – Editor-in-Chief, W.S. Hottel.

Committee: H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and W.S. Hottel.

Board of Examiners – W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and W.S. Hottel.

Board of Publication and Printing – R.L. Woodring, J.F. Barrall and C.H. Brunner.

Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society – Allen M. Gehman, President; G.O. Billig, Secretary; and C.H. Brunner, Treasurer.

Resolved, That H.B. Musselman shall be Presiding Elder over the district comprising part of the Church and W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder over the District comprising the balance of the church and the Gospel Herald Society.

Resolved, That C.H. Brunner shall be first Vice Presiding Elder and W.S. Hottel shall be second Vice Presiding Elder.

Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Delegates from the Stations and Circuits constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

Resolved, That the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee meet between the close of the afternoon meeting and the opening of the morning meeting.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of three to compile a report of the Conference, for publication in the Gospel Banner and also a report of the Sunday Services.

He appointed W.S. Hottel, R.L. Woodring and E.N. Cassel.

Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention sometime in the middle of the year, for one day.

The Presiding Elders, and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a committee to arrange a program and set the date.

All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall also be extended to the Ministers’ wives and families.

Resolved, That we have another Ministerial Convention on the day prior to and at the same place of the next Annual Conference.

Resolved, That we hold a Sunday School Convention in each Presiding Elder’s District.

Resolved, That the Pastors and Delegates of each District constitute a Committee to arrange for these conventions.

Resolved, That all contributions received for the Benevolent Society shall be by check or money order, made payable to the Treasurer, H.G. Brunner, Zionsville, Pa., and forwarded to the

Secretary, G.O. Billig, 941 Liberty Street, Allentown, Pa.

Resolved, That W.G. Gehman, the Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference, between New Year and the Camp-Meetings, and take the subscriptions with the assistance of the respective Pastors.

Resolved, That the Church property at Erwinna be in charge of the Board of Trustees of Easton, Pa., and that the Church property at Hereford be under the control of the Board of Trustees of Macungie.

The Report of the Committee on Worship was read and adopted as follows:

W.J. Fretz shall preach this evening followed by R. Bergstresser.

F.M. Hottel,

S.S. Geil,


Resolved, That we suspend the Rules to adjourn.

Adjourned at 4:40 with prayer by M.E. Brownback.



This meeting was opened by singing “At the Cross,” after which J.L. Manney led in prayer.

The roll was called with all present and the minutes were read and approved.

The following Reports were read and adopted:

Report of the Beneficiary Society. (See Reports.)

Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

(a) WHEREAS, Our Editor of the Conference Journal, Brother C.H. Brunner, has much hard labor in arranging matters relative to the same, and in getting it printed and forwarded to the different Pastors, and,

WHEREAS, He spares no time, thought and labor to make it handy, useful and real practical, furnishing us with most useful knowledge, therefore,

Resolved, That we express our appreciation for his interest shown and his manifold, untiring services rendered and that we donate him ten dollars out of the Annual Conference Fund.

(b) WHEREAS, The various Classes have elected and sent to this Annual Conference as delegates such noble, interested and spiritual men, and,

WHEREAS, The different delegates took such a deep interest in the deliberations of the Conference, being wide awake, active and alive in every matter presented to the Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That we encourage the Classes to continue to elect such men as delegates from time to time, and further,

Resolved, That we highly appreciate the interest of the different delegates in the work of the Lord and pray God to bless them abundantly and to make them a great blessing in their respective Classes.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


Report of the Committee on Applicants for Ordination:

We examined B. Bryan Musselman and H.A. Kauffman, candidates for Ordination, and have learned that they have proven themselves efficient, loyal workers with good character and with ability as Pastors in the Church according to the discipline, therefore, we recommend them to be ordained.

WHEREAS, L.D. Wesner has passed the Reading Course satisfactorily but did not have the opportunity to prove himself to the Conference as a worker in the Church according to the discipline,

Therefore, we recommend that his ordination be postponed.

C.H. Brunner,

F.M. Hottel,

W.G. Gehman,


Report of the Stationing Boundary and Appropriating Committee. (See Reports.)

Resolved, That the Brethren B. Bryan Musselman and H.A. Kauffman be ordained on Sunday afternoon.

Brother R.W. Dickert, the newly appointed Pastor at Quakertown, was now admitted into the Conference Bar.

The Chair appointed the following Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage – F.M. Hottel, J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick and Allen M. Gehman.

The following Boards and Committees reported the election of their officers:

Executive Board – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.

Board of Foreign Missions – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.

Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, R.L. Woodring; Assistant Secretary, J.G. Shireman; Board of Managers – H.B. Musselman, E.N. Cassel, Allen M. Gehman.

Board of Publication and Printing – President, R.L. Woodring; Secretary, J.F. Barrall.

Board of Examiners – President, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, E.N. Cassel.

Committee over the Presiding Elders – Chairman, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, F.M. Hottel.

Committee on Campmeeting Equipage – Chairman, F.M. Hottel; Secretary, E.T. Shick.

The Committee appointed to compile a hymn book reported through the Chairman, J.F. Barrall, giving estimates and propositions favorable to the Conference upon which it was

Resolved, That we get the proposed Hymn Book compiled and published.

Resolved, That we elect the same Hymn Book Committee again that was appointed last year, namely, H.B. Musselman, J.F. Barrall, W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner and E.N. Cassel.

The Hymn Book Committee reported the election of the following officers: – Chairman, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, J.F. Barrall.

Resolved, That we suspend the Rules.

Adjourned at 9:50 with prayer by G.F. Yost.



This meeting was opened by singing, “Blessed Assurance Jesus is Mine,” after which Herbert E. Gehman led in prayer.

The roll was called with all present after which the minutes were read and approved.

The following Reports were read and adopted:

Committee on Communications —

We have received a telegram from Elder W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder and President of the Gospel Worker Society of Cleveland, Ohio, addressed to the Chairman of the

Annual Conference which states. “God’s richest blessings upon you all. Heretofore thought my way was open to attend Conference Saturday. Feel He leads otherwise. All is well between the Gospel Worker Society and the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church. Will write.”

We herewith express our appreciation for the degree of fellowship which exists between the Gospel Worker Society, the Gospel Herald Society and the Mennonite Brethren in Christ

denomination, but are sorry that W.B. Musselman can not be present with us.

E.E. Kublic,

W.G. Gehman,


Report of the Board of Examiners – (See Reports.)

Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention.(See Reports.)

Report of the Committee to Organize for the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)

Report of the Committee on Worship:

W.S. Hottel shall preach this evening. On Sunday morning the Services shall be held in the Drury Theatre, 13th and Tioga Streets, and be opened by a short song service at 9:30 A.M., after which H.B. Musselman, Chairman of the Annual Conference shall preach the Conference Sermon.

The afternoon service shall open at 2:00 P.M., and at 2:30 Presiding Elder W.G. Gehman shall preach the Ordination Sermon.

The evening service shall open with a song service at 7:30 P.M., after which C.H. Brunner shall preach. The Services on Sunday shall be in charge of the Chairman of the Annual Conference.

F.M. Hottel,

S.S. Geil,


Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

WHEREAS, The office of Secretary of the Annual Conference involves many burdens and responsibilities and demands much labor, time and thought at the Session of the Annual Conference, as well as afterward in recording the minutes and also during the entire year in attending to numerous matters which as a consequence of his office devolves upon him, therefore,

Resolved, That we highly appreciate his services and tireless efforts in the discharge of his various duties, and further,

Resolved, That we express our high appreciation of his services and that we also give him a donation of twenty-five dollars out of the Annual Conference Fund.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


Resolved, That the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention be held at Coopersburg, Pa., on Thursday, April 12, 1917.

Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene at Allentown, Pa., Thursday, October 11, 1917, at 8:00 A.M.

The two Presiding Elders appointed H.K. Kratz to serve with them as a Committee on Program for the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention.

Resolved, That we have 830 Conference Journals printed.

Resolved, That we now elect the Delegates to the next General Conference.

The following were elected:

Ministers – C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel and E.N. Cassel.

Laymen – G.O. Billig, H.S. Jones and Allen M. Gehman.

Resolved, That we elect two Alternate Delegates from among the ministers and two from among the laity.

The following were elected:

Ministers J.G. Shireman and F.M. Hottel.

Laymen – W.G. Taylor and H.H. Bergey.

Resolved, That these serve in the order in which they were elected.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of three including himself to apportion the expense of these Delegates to the General Conference among the various Classes.

He appointed W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner and H.B. Musselman.

The Pastors shall forward their apportioned amount to the Secretary of the Annual Conference within a month after they are notified.

Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of two to examine the Minutes of this Annual Conference after they are recorded.

He appointed R. Bergstresser and H.K. Kratz.

Resolved, That we elect the following officers:

Officers for the next Annual Ministerial Convention: Chairman, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, B. Bryan Musselman.

Committee on Program: H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman and C.H. Brunner.

Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.

Officers for the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention:

Chairman, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, R.L. Woodring.

Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

WHEREAS, The Pastor and members of the Philadelphia Class have spared no time, labor and expense, in providing for our entertainment, furnishing us with everything needful for our physical comfort, and,

WHEREAS, They have received us most cordially and entertained us most royally during the Session of the Annual Conference, therefore,

Resolved, That we highly appreciate their kindness and love shown to us, as well as their fellowship in the truth, and further,

Resolved, That we manifest our appreciation by a rising vote of thanks, and unitedly pray God’s blessings upon both Pastor and people, so they may prosper individually as well as collectively.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H. K. Kratz,


Adjourned at 5:15 P.M. with prayer by Father William Gehman.



This meeting was opened at 8 A.M. by singing “Blest Be [text incomplete]

The Reports of the following Committees were read and [text incomplete]

The roll was called with all present.

The minutes were read and approved.

The Reports of the following Committees were read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Statistics. (See Reports.)

Report of the Auditing Committee:

The Auditing Committee submits the following report:

We have examined the following financial accounts – Quarterly Conference Records, Orphanage and Home, Equipment Fund, Executive Board, Camp Meetings, Sunday School Conventions, Annual Conference Fund, Benevolent Society, Foreign and Home Mission, Presiding Elders, Gospel Herald Society, Board of Publication and Printing and the Report of the Committee on Finance and hereby certify that the foregoing reflect the true statement of affairs of the Conference to our best knowledge and belief.

R.L. Woodring,

W.G. Taylor,

Herbert E. Gehman,

V.H. Reinhart,

G.F. Yost,

H.S. Jones,

J.L. Manney,

H.G. Brunner,

O.C. Kistler,

A.F. Deibert,


Report of the Committee to Audit Schedules:

We have examined the different Pastor’s Schedules, the Summary of all the Schedules and the Quadrennial Summary to be submitted to the General Conference and hereby certify that the Summary and Quadrennial Summary are drawn up to exhibit the true statement of the affairs of the Conference to our best knowledge and belief.

W.J. Fretz,

W.G. Gehman,

H.K. Kratz,


Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

(a) WHEREAS, Messrs. Wolf and Conway, owners and proprietors of the Drury Theatre, have given us the rental of their spacious and commodious theatre on 13th and Tioga Streets, in

which we held the Sunday Services of this Annual Conference Session, and,

WHEREAS, They have given us every possible convenience, enabling us to accommodate the large number of people gathered for the services, very acceptably, therefore,

Resolved, That we highly appreciate their favor shown by renting us the aforesaid theatre and kindly express our thanks for the same by sending them a copy of this resolution, signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Annual Conference.

(b) WHEREAS, We realize the value and importance of spreading good, wholesome, sound literature in these last days when false doctrines are being widely circulated through the pulpit, stage and the printed page, and thereby the untaught in the truth are being ensnared by error and Satan’s deceptive seductions, therefore,

Resolved, That we urge all our Pastors to spread as much Gospel literature as possible and thereby help spread the truth, and further,

Resolved, That whenever Pastors sell literature for which they receive the retail price the same shall be reported on the Schedules accordingly. When they sell through their members on their charge allowing them a certain commission the Pastors shall report only the net proceeds, and further,

Resolved, That whatever literature sold the amount of the price of which has already entered into the accounts, such as the “Christian Life Missionary,” etc., the same shall not be reported by the Pastor, on the Schedule.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


Report of the Committee to compile a report of the Conference for the Gospel Banner as well as of the Sunday Services.


The Thirty-third Session of the Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ, of Pennsylvania, convened in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church on Eleventh Street, near Ontario, Philadelphia, Pa., September 21, 1916, at 8 A.M.

All the Ministers and Delegates were present at the opening of the first meeting. The Reports showed a marked advance along spiritual lines. Many were saved, baptized and added to the Church during the year while numbers consecrated their lives to God and many were wonderfully healed from physical infirmities.

A much needed Parsonage was built at Graterford, Pa., during the year.

The Presiding Elders reported the ministry devoted to God, the truth and the work; loyal, self-sacrificing and well united. They reported the work on every charge and Mission in a real

spiritual condition. The laity being very loyal, self-sacrificing and loving the truth. The various Sunday Schools are progressive, the prayer meetings large and spiritual. The attendance in general is so large that at several of the larger charges the churches are too small to comfortably accommodate the congregations.

The Home Missionary work is in a good condition. The Gospel Herald Society is earnestly and zealously engaged in spreading the truth and in real solid Missionary work, as well as the Gospel Worker Society so that through the labors of these consecrated workers many souls have been saved.

The Missionaries in the “regions beyond” have also been signally blessed by the Lord, so that through their labors many were saved and baptized during the past year.

The Board of Foreign Missions has adopted three additional missionaries during the past year, so that the Conference now supports nineteen missionaries on the Foreign field.

The various offerings were large and liberal again so that the total receipts amounted to almost $76,000.00.

These offerings manifest the spirit of self-sacrifice and devotion of the members of the various Classes.

H.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman were re-elected Presiding Elders and assigned to the same Districts as last year. C.H. Brunner and W.S. Hottel were re-elected Vice-Presiding Elders. All the Pastors were re-appointed to their former charges.

R.W. Dickert, of Quakertown, Pa., N.H. Wolf and J.B. Layne, of the Gospel Herald Society, were granted Annual Conference Licenses.

B. Bryan Musselman and H.A. Kauffman were ordained on Sunday afternoon, September 24, 1916.

Father Wm. Gehman, now in his 90th year, was again present during the entire Conference Session and took a hearty interest in the deliberations of the Conference.

The Publications of the Gospel Worker Society, “The Gospel Herald,” “The Christian Life Missionary,” and the “Christian Life Series,” of Sunday School quarterlies were highly endorsed and recommended.

The Conference was most harmonious and blessed. The Lord has most graciously prospered the work during the past year for which we give him all the glory.


The morning service opened at 9:30 A.M., with a song service after which the Chairman of the Conference, Presiding Elder, H.B. Musselman, of Bethlehem, Pa., preached the Conference Sermon, basing his remarks on I Corinthians 4:1.

The sermon was a clear and forceful description of a Pastor’s Call, Mission and Obligations as a Minister and Steward of Christ. We are certain that this sermon will work effectually in the life of every Pastor.

After a short, song service Presiding Elder, W.G. Gehman, of Easton, Pa., preached the Ordination Sermon at 2:30 P.M. His theme was “The Man of God.” The sermon was very practical, setting forth the need of the Pastor being in constant touch with God. This was followed by the Ordination of the Brethren B. Bryan Musselman and H.A. Kauffman. This service was very impressive, the power of God being made manifest.

The evening service opened at 7:30 P.M., with an inspiring song service after which C.H. Brunner, of Allentown, Pa., preached a sermon on “Dangers Confronting the Christian.” The sermon was full of vital and practical truths as well as instruction and inspiration. It was delivered in a forceful and earnest manner.

A Female Quartette of the Allentown Class and the Preachers’ Quartette sang a number of very excellent selections during the day.

The services were held in the “Drury Theatre,” Thirteenth and Tioga Streets. The weather was most beautiful, and the attendance was large all day. The services throughout were owned and blessed of God.

W.S. Hottel,

R.L. Woodring,

E.N. Cassel,


Missionary Presiding Elder, W.B. Musselman, of Cleveland, Ohio, now gave us a very interesting verbal report.

The following report was read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

(a) WHEREAS, W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder and President of the Gospel Worker Society, has given us a very interesting report of the work of the Gospel Worker Society, setting forth how the Lord has blessed and prospered the work of the Society, temporally and spiritually, and how many souls have been saved in the different missions during the past year, much good literature has been spread, and,

WHEREAS, We, as a Conference, are in hearty fellowship with the work of the Gospel Worker Society, rejoicing with them in all their victories and feeling for them in all their tests, trials and adversities, therefore,

Resolved, That we highly appreciate the spirit of sacrifice and devotions, both of W. B. Musselman and the Gospel Workers in so earnestly and zealously spreading the truth by preaching in the open-air, halls and missions, and by publishing and spreading good literature such as the “Gospel Herald” and the “Christian Life Series” of Sunday Schools’ Supplies, and further,

Resolved, That we pray God’s richest blessings upon the President, the Society and upon their work and that we continue our hearty support both by prayer and offerings, and further,

Resolved, That we pledge our support in securing as many new subscribers to the “Gospel Herald” as possible, and also by urging our Sunday Schools to distribute the “Christian Life

Missionary” real freely.

(b) WHEREAS, The Union Gospel Printing Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, has been publishing the “Christian Life Series,” of Sunday School Quarterlies, and the “Christian Life Missionary,” at

quite a sacrifice of time, talent and money, and,

WHEREAS, Paper and other materials connected with printing and publishing have so abnormally advanced in price, therefore,

Resolved, That we appreciate their self-sacrificing work, and further,

Resolved, That the Editorial Committee serve as a Committee to act in the interest of this Sunday School Literature in behalf of the Pennsylvania Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ in case of emergencies or when called upon by the Union Gospel Printing Company.

Resolved, That we pledge our support and co-operation and try and induce as many Sunday Schools and individuals as possible outside to adopt the same supplies.

W.G. Gehman,

W.S. Hottel,

H.K. Kratz,


Resolved, That Delegate A.F. Deibert be excused from further attendance at this Conference as per his request.

Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair.

Adjourned with prayer by G.O. Billig.



This meeting was opened at 1:20 P.M. by singing “We Are Almost Home,” and prayer by W.B. Musselman.

The roll was called after which the minutes were read and approved.

Resolved, That the Annual Trustee report submitted to the last Quarterly Conference of the Conference year shall contain an actual statement of the Financial Status of the Church Properties which shall be recorded in the Trustee Book and Quarterly Conference Records.

Whenever a member of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society fail to pay his contribution till after Feb. 1, after it was due he shall pay then and thereafter at the rate under which he would re-enter at that time as a Beneficiary. The Pastor shall be careful that the names of members shall be written correctly and alike in both the Member’s Certificate Book and the Pastor’s Book. The Pastor should always be careful to send names of members exactly as recorded when he forwards the respective contribution to the Treasurer through the Secretary. If for any reason or other the names of members should change, then the change should be recorded on the books and the Secretary of the Society be informed accordingly. (Standing Rule.)

Adjourned with prayer by H.B. Musselman, Chairman.


H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman,

W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder,

W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder,

C.H. Brunner, Secretary, First Vice Presiding Elder,

W.S. Hottel, Second Vice Presiding Elder,

B. Bryan Musselman, Assistant Secretary,

H.A. Kauffman, Recording Secretary,

Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer,

William Gehman,

O.S. Hillegass,

E.N. Cassel,

G.O. Billig,

W.G. Taylor,

S.S. Geil,

F.M. Hottel,

J.G. Shireman,

R.L. Woodring,

W.J. Fretz,

J.F. Barrall,

H.K. Kratz,

J.C. Roth,

E.T. Shick,

G.F. Yost,

R. Bergstresser,

E.E. Kublic,

W.W. Zimmerman,

V.H. Reinhart,

P.J. Musselman,

R.W. Dickert,

H.S. Jones,

O.C. Kistler,

G.K. Himmelreich,

Herbert E. Gehman,

H.H. Bergey,

M.E. Brownback,

A.F. Deibert,

H.G. Brunner,

E.C. Goucher,

C.D. Bean,

W.D. Evert,

Jno. L. Manney,

C.W. Teel,

William H. Bender,

J.M. Oplinger,

C.E. Neff.

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