Annual Conference Proceedings
Monday Evening, November 4, 1918.
The Thirty-fifth Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, on Tenth Street near Oley Street, Reading, Pa.
The first meeting was opened at seven P.M., November fourth, Nineteen hundred and eighteen, by singing, “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.” This was followed by a short season
of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for His gracious blessings during the past and also for the guidance of the Holy Spirit during this Conference Session, and for the blessing of God upon
the officers and members of the Conference and the members of the various congregations represented.
This Conference Session was postponed from the original dates because of the state-wide quarantine of several weeks on account of the Spanish Influenza epidemic. The quarantine even now was not altogether lifted, but privileges were granted to hold the business sessions only. This accounts for the curtailing of some of the business and the elimination of the usual preaching services.
The Chairman, Presiding Elder, H.B. Musselman, then read First Peter four, verse seven to the end of the chapter and made a short but earnest and encouraging address.
The following members were then enrolled:
Ordained. – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, Wm. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, R.L. Woodring, W.J. Fretz, J.F. Barrall, H.K. Kratz, J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, B. Bryan Musselman, H.A. Kauffman, O.S. Hillegass, G.F. Yost, R. Bergstresser, E.E. Kublic, W.W. Zimmerman, V.H. Reinhart, C.F. Snyder and P.J. Musselman.
Died during the year – Wm. Gehman and H.A. Kauffman.
Probationers. – R.W. Dickert, J.B. Layne, A.G. Woodring, and W.F. Heffner.
H.S. Jones, Bethlehem.
G.O. Billig, Allentown.
S.W. Heiser, Reading.
S.S. Geil, Philadelphia.
Wm. Haag, South Allentown (Alternate).
S.H. Lichtenthaler, Easton.
J.H. Bruch, Stroudsburg.
G.K. Himmelreich, Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill.
H.L. Shelly, Coopersburg and Springtown.
Allen M. Gehman, Emaus and Macungie.
Russel Fox, Royersford and Spring City.
H.B. Shelly, Zionsville.
M.M. Ziegler, Graterford and Harleysville (Alternate).
H.H. Bergey, Quakertown and Hatfield.
Moses Snyder, Mt. Carmel.
R.S. Anderson, Shamokin.
C.E. Eroh, Lehighton and Weissport (Alternate).
Charles F. Lilly, Nazareth and Plainfield.
O.B. Bartholomew, Northampton and Walnutport.
C.H. Brosious, Sunbury.
Whereas, Both the Delegate and the Alternate Delegate from Lehighton could not possibly be present, therefore, Brother C.E. Eroh of Lehighton was accepted as Delegate from that charge.
All the Delegates were present. The Conference members thus number forty-eight.
We shall also not forget to mention our Foreign Missionaries who are members of our Church, namely: M.P. Zook, Mrs. M.P. Zook, H.W. Feldges, Mrs. H.W. Feldges, C.F. Snyder, Mrs. C.F. Snyder, V.G. Plymire. Mrs. Kate Weiss and Miss Grace I. Harkless. Also Miss Anna Le Fevre, Wm. Christie, W.N. Ruhl, C.H. Miller, E.E. Crist, Mrs. E.E. Crist, E.R. Hess, M.B. Fuller, S.P. Hamilton, Manuel Gomez, Innocencio Gomez, Dionisio Oyarzun and Ignacio Riveros, although not members of our Church, yet are supported by our Conference. We shall also remember our Missionary, Presiding Elder, the Gospel Worker Society, and the Gospel Herald Society as well as our members at home who have stood by us so nobly during the past year.
Resolved, That the seats to the right and to the left of the Chair and the first three pews throughout the church constitute the Conference Bar.
The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows:- Assistant Secretaries, B. Bryan Musselman and P.T. Stengele; Recording Secretary, A.G. Woodring.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Timekeeper and a Reporter.
He appointed H.K. Kratz as Reporter and V.H. Reinhart as Timekeeper.
Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair except B. Bryan Musselman and S.W. Heiser.
The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:
Committee on Worship: B. Bryan Musselman and S.W. Heiser.
Committee on Communication: E.T. Shick, and J.C. Roth.
Committee on Finance: J.F. Barrall, G.O. Billig, and Allen M. Gehman.
Committee on Statistics: (of the Schedules) J.G. Shireman, W.S. Hottel and E.N. Cassel.
Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: E.E. Kublic and R. Bergstresser.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, W.W. Zimmerman, V.H. Reinhart, C.E. Eroh, H.B. Shelly, M.M. Ziegler, J.H. Bruch, Russel Fox, Moses Snyder, J.B. Layne, R.S. Anderson and C.H. Brosious.
Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: H.H. Bergey, O.B. Bartholomew and G.K. Himmelreich.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists, and Missionaries: R.L. Woodring, G.F. Yost, and O.S. Hillegass.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel and B. Bryan Musselman.
Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: F.M. Hottel, E.N. Cassel and C.H. Brunner.
Committee on Resolutions: W.S. Hottel, W.G. Gehman, and R.L. Woodring.
Committee on Auditing: F.M. Hottel, H.S. Jones, H.L. Shelly, Wm. Haag, G.F. Yost, R.W. Dickert, S.W. Heiser, S.H. Lichtenthaler, Charles F. Lilly, S.S. Geil, W.F. Heffner and H.H. Bergey.
Committee to Audit Schedules: W.G. Gehman, H.K. Kratz and E.E. Kublic.
Resolved, That the Oral Reports of the Pastors be omitted at this Conference.
Resolved, That we hear the reports of the Presiding Elders now.
The following Reports were now read and adopted:
Annual Report of W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of W.G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Whereas, We were privileged to listen to the interesting Reports of our Presiding Elders and the President of the Gospel Herald Society giving us a grand, general survey of the work of the Lord throughout the entire conference and the Gospel Herald Society, and,
Whereas, They reported much blessing from God upon the work throughout, many souls having been saved, baptized and added unto the church, as well as the people of God edified, the
Ministry united, devoted and loyal and the borders of the work extended and the Truth spread far and wide, therefore,
Resolved, That we most heartily appreciate the sincere devotions of our worthy leaders of the work of the Lord, as well as their fairness and frankness and their able leadership and general oversight of the work, and further,
Resolved, That we unitedly and earnestly pray God to bless them physically, intellectually and spiritually, enabling them to move forward in this noble work for the Lord and to make them a still greater blessing to the work, so that through their instrumentality the work may move forward with unhindered success.
W.S. Hottel,
R.L. Woodring,
Annual Report of the Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage. (See Reports).
Annual Report of the Board of Examiners on the Reading Course. (See Reports).
Annual Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Beneficiary Society. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Board of Publication and Printing. (See Reports.)
A letter from Brother W.J. Fretz was read before the Conference and referred to the Committee on Resolutions.
A letter from Brother P.J. Musselman was also read before the Conference.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of three to whom the communication from P.J. Musselman shall be referred.
The Chair appointed C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel and E.N. Cassel as this Committee.
Resolved, That the Annual Ministerial Convention be dispensed with this year. The expenses of the Committee on Program shall be paid out of the Annual Conference Fund.
Resolved, That we suspend business for a short time to the call of the Chair.
After a short recess, business was resumed at the call of the Chair.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to the Call of the Chair.
Adjourned at 10:20 P.M., with prayer by J.G. Shireman and the benediction by the Chairman.
The morning meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 10:45 by singing “Blessed Be The Name of The Lord,” and prayer by Brother C.E. Eroh.
The Chairman then read Romans the twelfth chapter after which the following business was transacted:
The roll was called with all present after which the minutes of the evening meeting were read and approved with corrections.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Annual Report of the Hymn Book Committee. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Benevolent Society. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Examine Quarterly Conference Records:
We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Quarterly Conference Records and find them all correct except the following:
Sunbury, in transferring steward’s account from fourth Quarter to the Summary is $134.60 and should be $78.10, and no Delegate or Alternate Delegate’s name in the Summary
Zionsville, no total average attendance in Sunday School report of the fourth Quarter.
Graterford, no summary of the Graterford Trustee Report, the Steward’s account in second Quarter is entered in summary as $108.35 and should be $106.35.
Mt. Carmel, in Parsonage fund in the third Quarter in transferring into the summary is $11.55 and should be $18.30.
J.C. Roth,
E.T. Shick,
W.W. Zimmerman,
V.H. Reinhart,
C.E. Eroh,
H.B. Shelly,
J.H. Bruch,
Russel Fox,
Moses Snyder,
J.B. Layne,
R.S. Anderson,
C. H. Brosious,
M.M. Ziegler,
W.G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society, recommended P.T. Stengele, of Scranton, Pa., and W.R. Stengele, of Harrisburg, Pa., Gospel Heralds, to this Annual Conference as Applicants for Annual Conference License.
Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and extend the time.
The Brethren W.R. Stengele and P.T. Stengele now expressed the nature of their call before the Conference and were referred to the Committee on Applicants.
Report of the Committee to Examine the Annual Conference Records.
We have examined the Annual Conference Records and found them all correct.
E.E. Kublic,
R. Bergstresser,
Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.
We beg leave to report that we have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries, and found them all satisfactory.
R.L. Woodring,
G.F. Yost,
O.S. Hillegass,
Report of the Committee on the Communication of P.J. Musselman.
We beg leave to report that we considered the Communication of P.J. Musselman and recommend that he be reverted to Quarterly Conference License.
C.H. Brunner,
W.S. Hottel,
E.N. Cassel,
Report of the Committee on Resolutions.
(a) Relative to W.J. Fretz.
Whereas, W.J. Fretz has sent in a written report stating that he was obliged to leave the active work on account of a physical breakdown and expresses his sorrow of heart for his being thus deprived of being engaged in the active work. He also expresses his gratefulness to the brethren for what they did for him during his sickness and asks the Conference to kindly classify him as a Quarterly Conference Licensed Worker, therefore,
Resolved, That we sympathize with him in his condition and pray God’s blessing upon him, and further,
Resolved, That we grant him his request to be classified as Quarterly Conference Licensed Worker.
(b) Relative to money collected by the Stewards for October,
Whereas, The Annual Conference has been delayed this year, on account of the epidemic prevailing, and,
Whereas, The respective Presiding Elders had ordered the Stewards on the various charges to pay over to the different Pastors, the money collected by the Stewards for the month of October, therefore,
Resolved, That the different Pastors keep the money for that month.
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
Report of the Committee to Examine Traveling Elders.
We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Traveling Elders through their Delegates, who reported them very commendably; we therefore find them all satisfactory.
H.H. Bergey,
O.B. Bartholomew,
G.K. Himmelreich,
Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair.
Adjourned with prayer by C.H. Brosious and benediction by the Chairman.
The afternoon meeting was called to order by the Chairman at 1:20 by singing “Then Forward Still,” and prayer by J.B. Layne.
The Roll was called after which the minutes of the forenoon meeting were read and approved.
The Secretary then read the obituaries of Father William Gehman, Pastor H.A. Kauffman and the wife and life-companion of Pastor J.G. Shireman which were accepted and ordered spread on the minutes.
The following Report was read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Whereas, God in His wise providence has been pleased to allow the removal by the hand of death from among us Father William Gehman, who up to a ripe old age took such a live interest in the progress of the work of the Lord; Elder H.A. Kauffman, a very active and promising young minister and Mrs. J.G. Shireman, wife of Pastor J.G. Shireman, one of our Quarterly Conference Licensed workers, therefore,
Resolved, That our hearts are grieved by this separation, but that we bow in humble submission to our all-wise God and loving heavenly Father, and pray God’s comfort and consolation upon the bereaved ones and encourage the hearts of all of us “until the daybreak and the shadows flee away.”
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
Resolved, That the Secretary call the Roll for Conditional and Unconditional Ministers. The following was the result:
Unconditional: – H.B. Musselman. W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, R.L. Woodring, B. Bryan Musselman, H.K. Kratz, J.F. Barrall, J.C. Roth, E.T. Shick, O.S. Hillegass, G.F. Yost, R. Bergstresser, E.E. Kublic, W.W. Zimmerman, V.H. Reinhart, R.W. Dickert, A.G. Woodring. J.B. Layne and W.F. Heffner.
Absent: – W.B. Musselman and C.F. Snyder.
Conditional. – None.
Resolved, That we elect two Presiding Elders.
The Chair appointed tellers as follows: H.K. Kratz, F.M. Hottel and J.G. Shireman.
The following were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year – H.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman.
Resolved, That H.B. Musselman shall be Presiding Elder over the District comprising the greater part of the Church, and W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder over the District comprising the balance of the Church and the Gospel Herald Society.
Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Delegates from the Stations and Circuits constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.
Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair and that the Stationing Committee sit at this time.
After recess, business was resumed at 4:30 at the call of the Chair.
The Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee was now read and accepted. (See Reports.)
Resolved, That we sell the Property known as the Preisch property in Bethlehem to Joseph Clomsitch for $1,800.00 and hereby authorize the Executive Board to execute a deed of
conveyance for the same.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of three to formulate a Report of this Conference for the “Eastern Gospel Banner.”
He appointed W.G. Gehman, H.K. Kratz and J.C. Roth.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Annual Report on the “Eastern Gospel Banner.” (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Committee on the Sunday School Lessons. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Executive Board. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Finance. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Worship.
There being no evening services held due to the prevalence of the Spanish Influenza epidemic, we therefore have no report to submit.
B. Bryan Musselman,
S.W. Heiser,
Resolved, That we hold a meeting this evening at 7 o’clock.
Adjourned with prayer by R. Bergstresser and benediction by the Secretary.
This meeting was opened by singing “Nearer My God to Thee,” and prayer by V.H. Reinhart.
The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee to Examine Applicants for Annual Conference License.
We have examined the Applicants for Annual Conference License, W.R. Stengele and P.T. Stengele and recommend them to this Conference for Annual Conference License.
C.H. Brunner,
W.S. Hottel,
B. Bryan Musselman,
Report of the Committee on Resolutions.
Whereas, W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder and President of the Gospel Worker Society, has sent us a very interesting and comprehensive report of the work of the Gospel Worker Society, stating the gracious leadings of the Lord during the past year, as well as the many blessings bestowed, so that there was no sickness among the workers and the work has prospered in general, and,
Whereas, in the same report he also states how wonderfully the Lord has led and blessed in the work of publishing Gospel literature, so that, in spite of prevailing conditions on account of the war, there has been no serious hindrance in this blessed work, and,
Whereas, The Union Gospel Printing Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, prints and publishes so many good religious publications, such as books, magazines, papers and tracts, as well as a full and complete line of Sunday School literature, at the outlay of much time. labor and money involving a good deal of sacrifice, and,
Whereas, We, as a Conference, are in hearty fellowship with the work of the Gospel Worker Society and the Union Gospel Printing Co., being in full sympathy with them in all their tests, rejoicing with them in all their victories and successes, as well as with all their progress in spreading the Truth, therefore,
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the spirit of sacrifice and devotion both of W.B. Musselman and the Gospel Workers in so earnestly laying themselves out to spread the Truth in every possible way, and further,
Resolved, That we pray God’s richest blessing upon the President, the Society and upon all their endeavors, and further,
Resolved, That we continue our hearty support both by prayers and offerings, and still further,
Resolved, That we unitedly pledge ourselves to secure as many new subscribers to the various publications, such as the “Gospel Herald,” the “Christian Life Missionary,” and the “Eastern Gospel Banner,” as well as to interest as many as possible in the “Christian Life Series” of Sunday School literature and also sell as many “Daily Food” wall rolls as possible.
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
An abstract of the Report of the Board of Foreign Missions was read by the Secretary and it was resolved to accept the report. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions.
(a) Whereas, The Conference was again privileged to listen to a most interesting and encouraging report of the Lord’s work now carried on by our beloved and devoted Foreign
Missionaries in the various Mission Fields, describing in detail the leadings of God through the labors, devotion and sacrifices of our Missionaries and
Whereas, The Lord has most remarkably blessed the Missionaries in putting forth the word of Truth with God’s approval, many being brought to the Lord, and were baptized, and,
Whereas, The lives of our Missionaries have been so remarkably preserved, with perfect unity prevailing in the Faith and Spirit, therefore,
Resolved, That we sincerely unite in thanking God for the past favors and pray God’s blessing upon our Missionaries so that their future usefulness and their prosperity physically and spiritually may continue and increase yet more and more until “He Come.”
(b) Whereas, We were obliged to dispense with the regular order of holding the Annual Conference on Account of the prevailing Influenza epidemic, thus being deprived of holding evening and Sunday services, so that the Reading Class did not receive the special blessings and inspiration naturally flowing from our Annual Conference session, therefore,
Resolved, That we donate them $100.00 out of the Treasury of the Executive Board as a token of appreciation for their hospitable entertainment of the members of the Conference, under these circumstances.
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
Annual Report of the Treasurer of the Annual Conference. (See Reports.)
The Chair now appointed the following Standing Committees:
Board of Publication and Printing: – C.H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman and A.G. Woodring.
Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage: – F.M. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, J.C. Roth and E.T. Shick.
Resolved, That we continue the election of Officers, Boards and Committees. The following were elected :
Vice Presiding Elders: – C.H. Brunner and W.S. Hottel.
Resolved, That C.H. Brunner be first Vice Presiding Elder and W.S. Hottel be second Vice Presiding Elder.
Resolved, That the other officers be nominated and elected by ballot.
Missionary Presiding Elder: – W.B. Musselman.
Chairman of the Next Annual Conference: – H.B. Musselman.
Secretary of the Next Annual Conference: – C.H. Brunner.
Treasurer of the Annual Conference: -Allen M. Gehman.
Committee over the Presiding Elders: – E.N. Cassel, J.G. Shireman and F.M. Hottel.
Executive Board: – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel and J.G. Shireman.
Board of Foreign Missions: – H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and W.S. Hottel.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: -W.S. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, E.T. Shick, and R.L. Woodring from the ministry and H.G. Brunner and A.A. Wismer from among the laity.
Editorial Committee on the Sunday School Lessons: –
Editor-in-chief: – W.S. Hottel.
Committee: – H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and W.S. Hottel.
Editorial Staff on the “Eastern Gospel Banner”: –
Editor: – C.H. Brunner.
Associate Editors:- B. Bryan Musselman, F.M. Hottel, E.E. Kublic, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, H.K. Kratz and J.C. Shireman.
Board of Examiners – W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and W.S. Hottel.
Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society : – President, Allen M. Gehman; Secretary, G.O. Billig; Treasurer, H.G. Brunner.
Hymn Book Committee: – H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and J.F. Barrall.
The following resolutions were read and adopted:
Resolved, That we recommend each Pastor to furnish his respective Presiding Elder with a complete list of subscribers to the “Eastern Gospel Banner,” on his charge as soon after the
Annual Conference as convenient and no later than December 1, 1918.
Resolved, That we encourage all our Pastors to write original articles for the Eastern Gospel Banner. All articles by the Associate Editors and Pastors shall be sent to the Editor.
Whereas, C.H. Brunner, the Editor of the Conference Journal, has a great amount of hard labor in arranging the matter for the journal, getting it printed and forwarded to the different Pastors, and,
Whereas, He devotes much time and thought to gather facts of interest and practical use, making it most practical, helpful and useful, therefore,
Resolved, That we heartily appreciate his valuable services thus rendered, and his manifold and untiring labor bestowed and further,
Resolved, That we donate him ten dollars out of the Annual Conference Fund.
Whereas, The Secretary of the Annual Conference, C.H. Brunner, has many burdens, and responsibilities, as well as a great deal of hard labor and thought, and,
Whereas, The duties of the office demand much of his time at the session of the Annual Conference, as well as afterward in recording the minutes, and during the entire year in attending to numerous matters pressing upon him as a consequence of his office, therefore,
Resolved, That we sincerely appreciate his tireless services and faithful discharge of all his various duties, and further,
Resolved, That we donate him twenty-five dollars out of the Conference Fund as a slight token of his services thus rendered.
Whereas, The different delegates have taken a deep interest in the various deliberations of the Conference, having been wide awake, alive and active, therefore,
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the interest of the different delegates in the work of the Lord, and pray God to bless them abundantly and to make them a great blessing to the work in their respective classes, and further,
Resolved, That we heartily encourage the different classes to continue to elect as delegates from time to time, such men as are loyal to God and the work in general, as well as wide awake, useful and diligent.
Resolved, That the Church property at Erwinna be in charge of the Board of Trustees of Easton, Pa., and that the Church property at Hereford be under the control of the Board of Trustees of Macungie.
Resolved, That W.G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society, shall have charge of the general sale of the “Rose of Sharon” Hymnal,
Whereas, We realize the value and importance of spreading good, wholesome, sound literature in these last days when false doctrines are being widely circulated through the pulpit, stage and printed page, and thereby the untaught in the truth are being ensnared by error and Satan’s deceptive seductions, therefore,
Resolved, That we urge all our Pastors to spread as much Gospel Literature as possible and thereby help spread the truth, and further,
Resolved. That whenever Pastors sell literature for which they receive the retail price, the same shall be reported on the schedules accordingly. When they sell through their members on their charge allowing them a certain commission, the Pastors shall report only the net proceeds, and further,
Resolved, That whatever literature is sold, the amount of the price of which has already entered into the accounts, such as the “Christian Life Missionary,” etc., the same shall not be reported by the Pastor on the Schedule, and further
Resolved, That we recommend that no Pastor shall make it a practice to do any wholesale literature business by employing agents.
Resolved, That all contributions received for the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by check or money order, made payable to the Treasurer, H.G. Brunner, Zionsville, Pa., and forwarded to the Secretary, G. O. Billig, 941 Liberty Street, Allentown, Pa.
Resolved. That we lift no offerings for the Secretary of the Executive Sunday School Conventions, and Annual and Semi-Annual Ministerial Conventions, but give him a donation of two dollars on each occasion out of the treasury of the Sunday School Convention and out of the collections for expenses for the Ministerial Convention respectively.
Resolved, That W.G. Gehman, the Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference, between New Year and the Camp Meetings, and take the subscriptions with the assistance of the respective Pastors.
Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention sometime in the middle of the year, for one day.
The Presiding Elders, and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a Committee to arrange a program and set the date.
All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall be extended to the Ministers’ wives and families.
Resolved, That we have another Ministerial Convention on the day prior to the next Annual Conference, and at the same place.
Resolved, That we hold a Sunday School Convention in each Presiding Elder’s District.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elders, Pastors and Delegates of each District constitute a Committee to organize for these Sunday School conventions.
The Chair appointed J.G. Shireman and W.S. Hottel to organize for the respective Sunday School Conventions.
Resolved, That the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention convene in Philadelphia on Wednesday, April 16, 1919.
The Committee on Program shall consist of H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman and F.M. Hottel.
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in the M.B. in C. Church on Tenth Street near Oley Street, Reading, Pa., at 8 A.M., on October 15, 1919.
Resolved, That the Spring Examination on the Reading Course be held in Philadelphia at 7 P.M., April 14, 1919.
Adjourned with prayer by E.T. Shick and the benediction by the Secretary.
This meeting was opened by singing “Jesus is Good to Me,” and prayer by W.F. Heffner, after which the Chairman read a Scripture lesson from 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
The Roll was called and the minutes were read and approved.
Resolved. That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.
After a recess, Conference was called to order and business was resumed at 10:55.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Auditing Committee:
We, the undersigned, auditors have examined the following financial accounts: Quarterly Conference Records, Orphanage and Home, Equipment Fund, Executive Board, Camp Meetings, Sunday School Conventions, Annual Conference Fund, Benevolent Society, Foreign Missions, Home Missions, Hymn Book Committee, Presiding Elders, Gospel Herald Society, Board of Publication and Printing and the Report of the Committee on Finance.
We have found the books and reports in a very good condition, with the exception of a few errors which have been corrected.
We therefore certify that the foregoing reflect the true statement of affairs of the Conference to our best knowledge and belief.
F.M. Hottel,
H.S. Jones,
Wm. Haag,
G.F. Yost,
Charles F. Lilly,
S.S. Geil,
H.H. Bergey,
R.W. Dickert,
S.H. Lichenthaler,
H.L. Shelley,
S.W. Heiser,
W.F. Heffner,
Report of the Committee to Compile a Conference Report for the Eastern Gospel Banner. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions.
Whereas, The Pastor, B. Bryan Musselman, and the members of the Reading Class with the friends of the work have spared neither time, labor nor expense in providing and entertaining the Annual Conference members, furnishing everything needful for our physical comfort, receiving us most cordially. Therefore,
Resolved, That we highly appreciate their devotion, kindness and love shown us, as well as their fellowship in the Lord’s work, and further,
Resolved, That we express our appreciation by a rising vote of thanks and unitedly pray God’s blessing upon both Pastor and people for their future welfare.
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
Report of the Committee on Communication.
We, the Committee on Communication, beg leave to report, that we received no communication, therefore have nothing to report.
E.T. Shick,
J.C. Roth,
Report of the Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination.
We wish to report that there were no candidates for ordination presented.
F.M. Hottel,
E.N. Cassel,
C.H. Brunner,
Report of the Board of Examiners. Lessons for 1919. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Organize for the Mt. Carmel District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
The following officers were now elected:
Annual Ministerial Convention.
Chairman, J.G. Shireman.
Secretary, H.K. Kratz.
Committee on Program: H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman and B. Bryan Musselman.
Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention.
Chairman, W.G. Gehman.
Secretary, R.W. Dickert.
Upon their request, the brethren V.H. Reinhart, J.H. Bruch and C.E. Eroh were permitted to leave before the close of the forenoon meeting.
Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair.
Adjourned with prayer by G.O. Billig.
This meeting was opened by singing “How Beautiful To Walk in the Steps of the Saviour,” and prayer by E.T. Shick.
The Roll was called and the minutes were read and approved.
The following Boards and Committees announced the election of their officers:
Board of Foreign Missions – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.
Executive Board – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home – President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, R.L. Woodring; Assistant Secretary, J.G. Shireman.
Board of Managers – H.B. Musselman. E.N. Cassel and Allen M. Gehman.
Editorial Committee on the Sunday School Lessons – Chairman, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.
Board of Examiners – President, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, E.N. Cassel; Treasurer, W.S. Hottel.
Committee over the Presiding Elders – Chairman, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, F.M. Hottel.
Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage – Chairman, F.M. Hottel; Secretary, E.N. Cassel.
Board of Publication and Printing – President, C.H. Brunner; Secretary B. Bryan Musselman.
Beneficiary Society – President, W.G. Gehman; Secretary, F.M. Hottel.
The following committee reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Statistics of the Schedules. (See Report in the Minute Book.)
Report of the Committee to Audit Schedules:
We have audited the different Pastors’ Schedules and the summary of Schedules and hereby certify that they exhibit the true statement of the affairs of the Conference to our best knowledge and belief.
W.G. Gehman,
H.K. Kratz,
E.E. Kublic,
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Whereas, Pastor C. H. Brunner, Editor of the Eastern Gospel Banner has again so ably and acceptably edited the Eastern Gospel Banner during the past year, having cheerfully given much time, labor and talent to this project, so that we were privileged to have a splendid paper to offer to our ever-increasing constituency, therefore,
Resolved, That we as a Conference heartily appreciate his noble services of self-sacrifice, and further,
Resolved, That we pray God’s richest blessings upon him so that he may be preserved in good health and physical and spiritual vigor, thus being enabled to continue his services in this capacity with great joy and much blessing.
W.S. Hottel,
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Whereas, W.S. Hottel, Editor of the Christian Life Series of Sunday School Quarterlies has again, during the last year, given much of his valuable time in editing the most valuable, and helpful supplies on spiritual, doctrinal and dispensational truths, which also have during the past year brought great blessing to our Sunday Schools throughout the Conference, and
Whereas, Brother Hottel has again been re-elected to this office and work, therefore,
Resolved, That we appreciate his devotion and sacrifice on this line and pray that great blessings may come to him during this coming year, should the Lord tarry.
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.
After a short recess business was resumed at 5:35 and the following business was transacted:
Resolved, That we have 925 Journals printed at twenty-five cents each.
Resolved, That the Secretary send a copy of the Conference Journal to the Publisher of the Eastern Gospel Banner and the Editor of the Gospel Banner. Also to the Secretaries of the various Annual Conferences and ask for an exchange.
Resolved, That we ask the Pastors to bring their Benevolent Society Remittance Record books along to the Annual Conference.
Resolved, That the Reference Committee relative to the war be re-elected, as follows: Chairman, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner; W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and W.S. Hottel.
Adjourned with prayer and benediction by the Chairman.
H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman,
W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder,
C.H. Brunner, Secretary, First Vice Presiding Elder,
W.S. Hottel, Second Vice Presiding Elder,
B. Bryan Musselman, Assistant Secretary,
A.G. Woodring, Recording Secretary,
Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer,
J.F. Barrall,
H.. L. Shelly
G.F. Yost,
E.E. Kublic,
E.T. Shick,
R.L. Woodring,
R.W. Dickert,
J.G. Shireman,
R. Bergstresser,
J.C. Roth,
F.M. Hottel,
W.W. Zimmerman,
W.F. Heffner,
H.K. Kratz,
O.S. Hillegass,
E.N. Cassel,
J.B. Layne,
V.H. Reinhart,
J.H. Bruch,
C.E. Eroh,
H.B. Shelly,
C.H. Brosious,
Wm. Haag,
O.B. Bartholomew,
G.K. Himmelreich,
R.S. Anderson,
Russell Fox,
M.M. Ziegler,
S.H. Lichtenthaler,
H.H. Bergey,
Charles F. Lilly,
S.S. Geil,
H.S. Jones,
Moses Snyder,
G.O. Billig,