Annual Conference Proceedings
Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1920 Yearbook
The Thirty-seventh Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in Ebenezer M.B. in C. Church, Corner Main and Durham Streets, Bethlehem, Pa., September 23rd, 1920.
The first meeting was opened at 8 A.M., according to announcement, by singing, “Jesus Lover of My Soul.” This was followed by a season of prayer during which the Lord touched our hearts. This was a time of thankfulness and praise to the Lord for His gracious help during the past year and prayer for His guidance during this conference session, and for the blessing of God upon the officers and members of the Conference as well as upon our beloved lay members of the various congregations at home who have stood by the Pastors and the Conference so nobly during the past year. This was followed by singing, “I Need Thee Every Hour.”
The Chairman, H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District, read the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Psalm followed by a very needful and helpful message.
The following members were then enrolled:
Ordained – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, W.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.S. Hottel, E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, B. Bryan Musselman, E.T. Shick, R.L. Woodring, J.C. Roth, H. K. Kratz, J.F. Barrall, O.S. Hillegass, G.F. Yost, R. Bergstresser, E.E. Kublic, V.H. Reinhart, W.W.
Zimmerman, R.W. Dickert, J.B. Layne, M.P. Zook, C.F. Snyder, and H.W. Feldges.
Probationers – A.G. Woodring, W.F. Heffner and N.H. Wolf.
All these were present from the first meeting except W.B. Musselman, E.T. Shick, W.W. Zimmerman, M.P. Zook, C.F. Snyder, and H.W. Feldges.
M.L. Musselman, Bethlehem.
G.O. Billig, Allentown – Bethel.
S.W. Heiser, Reading.
S.S. Geil, Philadelphia.
O.C. Kistler, Allentown – Salem
Allen M. Gehman, Emaus and Macungie.
H.L. Shelley, Coopersburg and Springtown.
N.L. Swartz, Easton.
J.H. Bruch, Stroudsburg.
R.R. Fox, Royersford and Spring City.
G.K. Himmelreich. Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill.
H.H. Bergey, Quakertown and Hatfield.
C.D. Bean, Graterford and Harleysville.
Moses Snyder, Mount Carmel.
H.G. Brunner, Zionsville.
H.F. Ebersole, Shamokin.
C.E. Eroh, Lehighton and Weissport.
Charles F. Lilly, Nazareth and Plainfield.
O.B. Bartholomew, Northampton and Walnutport.
C.B. Brosius, Sunbury.
The Conference members thus number forty-eight.
We are also remembering our Foreign Missionaries who are members of our Conference, namely:
M.P. Zook. Mrs. M.P. Zook, H.W. Feldges, Mrs. H.W. Feldges, C.F. Snyder, Mrs. C.F. Snyder, and Mrs. Kate Weiss. Also Wm. Christie, W.N. Ruhl, E.E. Crist, Mrs. E.E. Crist, E.R. Hess, S.P. Hamilton, Mrs. S.P. Hamilton, Wm. C. Cadman, Mrs. Wm. C. Cadman, S.W. Kerr, Mrs. S.W. Kerr, Miss Anna LeFevre, Mrs. Nettie Meier, E.O. Jago and Miss Mary A. Butterfield, although not members of our Church, yet are supported by our Conference.
Special thanksgiving has also been offered up in this morning’s devotion for the noble company of believers whom the Lord has given us and special prayers were offered in their behalf.
Resolved, That the seats to the right and to the left of the Chair and the first three pews throughout the Church and the west end room for private meetings, constitute the Conference Bar.
The Secretary appointed his assistants as follows: – Assistant Secretary, B. Bryan Musselman; Recording Secretaries, A.G. Woodring and N.H. Wolf.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Timekeeper and a reporter.
He appointed H.K. Kratz as Reporter and J.B. Layne as Timekeeper.
Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair, except W.S. Hottel and M.L. Musselman.
The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:
Committee on Worship: W.S. Hottel and M.L. Musselman.
Committee on Communication: R. L. Woodring and B. Bryan Musselman.
Committee on Finance: J.F. Barrall, G.O. Billig and Allen M. Gehman.
Committee on Statistics (of Schedule): E.N. Cassel, W.S. Hottel, J.G. Shireman and R.W. Dickert.
Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: E.E. Kublic and R. Bergstresser.
Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: J.C. Roth, N.H. Wolf, V.H. Reinhart, C.E. Eroh, J.B. Layne, C.B. Brosius, R.R. Fox, Moses Snyder, E.E. Kublic, S.W. Heiser, O.B. Bartholomew, and H.F. Ebersole.
Committee on Examination of Travelling Elders: H.H. Bergey, C.D. Bean and G.K. Himmelreich.
Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries: G.F. Yost, R.W. Dickert, and O.S. Hillegass.
Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, and C.H. Brunner.
Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: C.H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman and W.G. Gehman.
Committee on Resolutions: W.G. Gehman, R.L. Woodring and H. K. Kratz.
Committee on Auditing: F.M. Hottel, H.L. Shelley, M.L. Musselman, G.F. Yost, W.F. Heffner, H.H. Bergey, H.G. Brunner. S.S. Geil, N.L. Schwartz, O.C. Kistler, J.H. Bruch, Charles F. Lilly and R. Bergstresser.
Committee to Audit Schedules: W.G. Gehman, H.K. Kratz and A.G. Woodring.
Resolved, That the Pastors be limited to ten minutes in submitting their oral reports.
The Pastors now began to submit their Oral Reports.
Rev. C.D. Huber, Pastor of Emmanuel United Evangelical Church of this city was introduced to the Conference.
The Report of the Committee on Worship was read and accepted as follows:
The brethren J.B. Layne, G.F. Yost and E.E. Kublic shall preach about twenty minutes each this evening.
W.S. Hottel,
M.L. Musselman,
Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair, not later than 3:30 this afternoon.
Adjourned at 11:25 with prayer by O.C. Kistler, and benediction by the Secretary.
The Chair opened the afternoon service with singing, “Where He Leads Me I Will Follow.” and prayer by C.E. Eroh.
The roll was called after which the minutes of the forenoon meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Communications:
We have received a letter from W.W. Zimmerman which we recommend to be read to this Conference.
R.L. Woodring,
B. Bryan Musselman,
Report Of the Committee to Examine Quarterly Conference Records:
We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Quarterly Conference Records and find them all correct except the following:
No record of revising of Church Records in the Fourth Quarter of the Mt. Carmel minutes.
A mistake in transferring Stewards’ money in the Fourth Quarter of the Lehighton minutes.
J.C. Roth,
S.W. Heiser,
R.R. Fox,
J.B. Layne,
O.B. Bartholomew,
V.H. Reinhart,
C.B. Brosius,
H.F. Ebersole,
Moses Snyder,
C.E. Eroh,
N.H. Wolf,
E.E. Kublic,
Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries.
We beg leave to report that we have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries, and found them all satisfactory and devoted to the work of the Lord.
G.F. Yost,
R.W. Dickert,
O.S. Hillegass,
Report of the Committee to Examine the Annual Conference Records.
We have examined the Annual Conference Records of 1919 and found them all correct with the exception of two slight errors.
On page 2 on the Conference Minutes, we find the word Convention-Bar and in the Journal on page 16 reads Conference Bar. On page 18 on the Conference Minutes we find the date 1919 omitted.
E.E. Kublic,
R. Bergstresser,
Report of the Committee to Examine Traveling Elders:
We beg leave to report that we have examined all the Travelling Elders through the various delegates and found everything in a most excellent condition without almost any exception.
H.H. Bergey,
C.D. Bean,
G.K. Himmelreich,
Report of the Committee to Devise a Plan for Church Records:
The committee met and decided to continue the present method of recording church membership for the time being.
W.G. Gehman,
B. Bryan Musselman,
C.H. Brunner,
E.N. Cassel,
W.S. Hottel,
J.C. Roth,
H.B. Musselman,
Report of the Board of Examiners on the Reading Course. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Board of Publication and Printing. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage. (See Reports.)
Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee. (See Reports.)
Annual Report of the Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home. (See Reports.)
Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.
A Resolution relative to the recording of the minutes was received, whereupon it was
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of seven to take the matter into consideration.
The Chair appointed W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman, E.N. Cassel, J.C. Roth, J.G. Shireman and F. M. Hottel.
Resolved, That the Chairman be added to this Committee.
Adjourned at 5:35 with prayer by J.G. Shireman, and the benediction by the Chairman.
The Chairman opened the morning meeting with singing “I Need Thee Every Hour,” after which he read the Second Chapter of Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians, verses one to eleven, followed with prayer by F.M. Hottel.
The roll was called after which the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Finance. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions.
(a) Whereas, Brother N.H. Wolf has been found an able Pastor, doing creditable work in the Conference during the last year, therefore,
Resolved, That we recommend him to the Committee on Ordination.
(b) Whereas, A great number of parsonages are already equipped with ranges and heaters which is very convenient in the event of a Pastor being changed, therefore,
Resolved, That we recommend each class to purchase a suitable range and heater where none are installed as yet.
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
H.K. Kratz,
Report of the Committee Relative to the Annual Conference Minutes :
Resolved, That the Reports adopted by the Annual Conference, which have of late years been printed separately in the latter part of the Conference Journal under the heading Reports, be copied in the Annual Conference Minute Book in typewritten form.
W.G. Gehman,
B. Bryan Musselman,
E.N. Cassel,
J.C. Roth,
C.H. Brunner,
J.G. Shireman,
F.M. Hottel,
H.B. Musselman,
Report of the Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society (See Reports.)
Report of the Annual Conference Treasurer. (See Reports.)
Report of the Beneficiary Society. (See Reports.)
Report of the Hymn Book Committee. (See Reports.)
Report of the Executive Board. (See Reports.)
Report of the Board of Foreign Missions. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Worship.
The following brethren shall preach about twenty minutes each this evening: V.H. Reinhart, N.H. Wolf and R. Bergstresser.
W.S. Hottel,
M.L. Musselman,
The Oral Reports of the Pastors were concluded.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Whereas, The Lord has so graciously spared all the Pastors of our Conference, and has favored us at this time to again listen to the glowing reports of the different Pastors relative to the working of the Lord on the various charges throughout this Conference, with the greatest of joy, all again relating the many victories won, many having been saved and baptized and added to the ranks, much progress being made among the believers, the sacrifices of the pilgrims ever being on the increase, therefore,
Resolved, That as a Conference we humbly and unitedly praise God for His blessing upon His own work in these last days, and further,
Resolved, That we pray the Lord ever to keep the Ministry Spirit filled and further pray God’s richest blessing upon the various Pastors and flocks, so that all may be kept well spiritually, mentally, morally and physically, so that the work of the Lord may progress unhindered until He come.
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
H.K. Kratz,
Resolved, That we extend the time indefinitely.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Bethlehem District. (See Reports.)
Report of W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Mount Carmel District. (See Reports.)
Report of W.G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
Whereas, The Lord has so blessedly preserved both of our Presiding Elders in “Himself” and given us the privilege of listening to their interesting Reports, also the Report of the President of the Gospel Herald Society, giving to the Conference in detail the Lord’s leading in the work entrusted them, and,
Whereas, They reported the work more united than ever before, the manifestations of God’s presence and power more visibly seen, the Ministers open-hearted, obedient and loyal, the respect shown, the warm welcome received in their homes, with their whole-hearted support and prayers, therefore,
Resolved, That we most tenderly appreciate their deep affection, their earnest labors, frankness and able leadership in these days of compromise and further,
Resolved, That we humbly and unitedly pray the blessings of God upon them for still greater usefulness in the advancement of His Cause and the hastening of the Lords’ coming.
R.L. Woodring,
H.K. Kratz,
Adjourned at 11:35 with prayer by R. Bergstresser and benediction by the Chair.
The meeting was opened by singing “I Will Guide Thee With Mine Eye,” and prayer by J.B. Layne.
The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of t he Annual Ministerial Convention. ( See Reports.)
Report of the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of the Mount Carmel District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee on Examination of Candidates for Annual Conference License.
We, the Committee, beg leave to report, that no Candidates were referred to us.
E.N. Cassel,
F.M. Hottel,
C.H. Brunner,
The letter from Bro. W.W. Zimmerman referred to the Conference by the Committee on Communications was read to the Conference and ordered spread on the minutes.
Lebanon, Pa., September 20, 1920.
To the Chairman of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Annual Conference, Rev. H.B. Musselman, in care of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Conference convened in the Church, corner Main and Durham Streets, Bethlehem, Pa., September 25, 1920.
My Dearly Beloved Brother and Brethren:
Greetings in Him!
I hereby wish to express the thoughts of my heart to you briefly.
Inasmuch as I would like to enjoy my fellowship with you all at the Convention and Conference, but it appears the Lord leads in such mysterious ways in all of our lives and He does especially so it seems in mine. I therefore shall take it as He leads.
After much prayer and thought I concluded that I could not be with you this year. I have never doubted my calling to preach the Gospel. That has been settled with my God. I feel that I must preach it in some sphere or other. But owing to my inability in meeting the requirements of the Annual Conference, I therefore kindly ask the Conference to excuse my absence and further ask said Conference to favor me with classified Quarterly Conference License as a worker subject to
the Easton, Pa., Quarterly Conference if the Conference sees it fit to do so.
And, furthermore, I wish to say that there is nothing between myself or the weakest brother of the Conference whatever. I love every one’s fellowship. I always loved to work with them all. I especially want to thank Brother H.B. Musselman, for his patience, advice, counsel and favor shown. Also all the other Brethren.
I kindly ask you all to remember me at the throne of Grace in prayer for myself and family.
Trusting that you will have a most blessed Conference and that God’s smiles and favors will go with each Brother in the Ministry in this dark day of sin and that many souls may yet be won and prepared for His appearing.
I expect to meet you in the Morning.
Your unworthy Brother,
W.W. Zimmerman.
P.S. – If the Conference finds any error in this letter, please pardon the same.
W.W. Zimmerman.
Resolved, That we grant him his request.
Resolved, That we proceed to the election of Presiding Elders.
Resolved, That the Secretary call the Roll for Conditional and unconditional Ministers. The following was the result:
Unconditional – H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel, J.G. Shireman, R.L. Woodring, B. Bryan Musselman, H.K. Kratz, J.F. Barrall, J.C. Roth, O.S. Hillegass, G.F. Yost, R. Bergstresser, E.E. Kublic, V.H. Reinhart, R.W. Dickert, A.G. Woodring, J.B. Layne, W.F. Heffner, N.H. Wolf.
Absent: – E.T. Shick, W.B. Musselman, C.F. Snyder, H.W. Feldges and M.P. Zook.
Conditional: – W.S. Hottel.
As an explanation of Brother Hottel’s conditions he read the following statement before the Conference:
In view of the fact that I am conditional at this Annual Conference because I believe it to be of the Lord that I give the balance of my time, after the editing of the Sunday School Lesson Quarterly, to general missionary work.
I wish to state that there is nothing but love and good will in my heart towards my leader and all my brethren and that our relation in the future shall continue to be most friendly, cordial and christian like.
I humbly beg all my dear brethren to forgive me for any wrong I may ever have done to any of them, as well as my failings, shortcomings and sins of the past, and, most sincerely and heartily thank them all for all their kindnesses and love shown towards me, as well as for their patience and long-suffering with me all these years of service together.
I shall continue to pray and labor in every way possible for the best interests of the work of the Conference, and trust that our fellowship shall always continue to be most hearty and vital.
Very cordially,
W.S. Hottel.
The following report was read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Resolutions.
Whereas, Brother W.S. Hottel desires to devote his time to literary work in connection with the Sunday School Lessons and Missionary work in general, therefore,
Resolved, That we grant him his request and pray God’s blessing upon him.
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
H.K. Kratz,
Resolved, That we elect two Presiding Elders.
The Chair appointed tellers as follows: E.N. Cassel, R.W. Dickert and J.F. Barrall.
The following were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year: – H.B. Musselman and W.G. Gehman.
Resolved, That H.B. Musselman shall be Presiding Elder over the District comprising the greater part of the Church, and W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder over the District comprising the balance of the Church and the Gospel Herald Society.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair not later than eight o’clock tomorrow morning, and that the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee sit at this time.
Adjourned with prayer by R.L. Woodring and the benediction by the Chairman.
This meeting was opened at nine o’clock by singing, “I Need Thee Every Hour.”
The roll was called and the Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The following report was read and adopted:
Report of the Stationing, Boundary, and Appropriating Committee. (See Reports.)
Adjourned with prayer by W.G. Gehman and benediction by the Chairman.
This meeting was opened by singing, “Nearer My God to Thee,” and prayer by J.H. Bruch, after which the Chairman read a portion of the Sixth Chapter of Ephesians, verses ten to eighteen.
The roll was called and the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The following reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Worship:
The following brethren shall preach about 20 minutes each this evening: A.G. Woodring. R.W. Dickert and W.F. Heffner.
H.B. Musselman shall preach the Annual Conference Sermon at 9:15 A.M.
W.G. Gehman, shall preach the Ordination Sermon at 2:15 P.M.
C.H. Brunner shall preach at 7:30 P.M. followed by an address of about 20 or 30 minutes by B. Bryan Musselman.
The Chairman of the Annual Conference shall have charge of the services throughout the day.
W.S. Hottel,
M.L. Musselman,
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
(a) Resolved, Thar our Annual Conference Secretary keep a record of Church Membership of all our Foreign Missionaries whose names have hitherto been recorded in various classes throughout the Conference, and of all the Gospel Workers who are members of our Church as well as Elders W.B. Musselman and W.S. Hottel and family.
(b) Whereas, We have been receiving such encouraging reports of the Lord’s work through C.H. Brunner, Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, now carried on most successfully by our beloved, devoted and consecrated Missionaries on the various Mission fields, describing the leadings of the Lord through the labors and sacrifices of our Missionaries, and,
Whereas, The Lord has again most signally blessed the Missionaries while speaking the Truth of God’s Word, souls having been saved and baptized, and,
Whereas, The lives of all of our Missionaries have been so graciously spared and preserved, perfect harmony and unity prevailing among them, therefore
Resolved, That we earnestly unite in praising God for the past favors, and pray God’s blessing upon our Missionaries spiritually and physically for future usefulness, so much the more as we see the day approaching.
Whereas, C.H. Brunner, the Editor of the Conference Journal, has a great amount of labor in arranging the matter for the Journal, getting it printed and forwarded to the different pastors, and,
Whereas, He devotes much time and thought to gather facts of interest and practical use, making it most practical, helpful and useful, and
Whereas, C.H. Brunner is also the Secretary of the Annual Conference and has many burdens and responsibilities, as well as a great deal of labor and thought, and
Whereas, The duties of his office demand much of his time at the session of the Annual Conference in recording the Minutes, as well as afterwards and during the entire year in attending to numerous matters pressing upon him as a consequence of his office, therefore
Resolved, That we sincerely appreciate his tireless and valuable services in the faithful discharge of all his various duties, and further,
Resolved, That we donate him thirty-five dollars out of the Annual Conference Fund as a slight token of appreciation of his services thus rendered.
(d) Whereas, Pastor C.H. Brunner, Editor of the Eastern Gospel Banner, has again edited most ably and acceptably this Church Organ during the past year, devoting cheerfully, considerable of his time and talent, laboring in love and working in faith, thus privileging us to have a splendid paper on spiritual doctrinal and dispensational lines to offer to the many members and outside friends of the work, therefore,
Resolved, That we, as a Conference, heartily appreciate his self-denial and sacrifice and further
Resolved, That we pray God’s richest blessings upon him in order that he may be preserved in good physical and spiritual health, thus being enabled to continue his services in this capacity with the great joy and manifold blessings.
(e) Whereas, W. S. Hottel, Editor of the Christian Life Series of Sunday School Quarterlies, has during the past year spent considerable of his time in editing these practical and most helpful supplies spiritually, doctrinally, and dispensationally, and
Whereas, A considerable number of Sunday Schools were again added to our list of Sunday Schools using these supplies thus spreading this teaching into almost every state and territory
of the United States, in some districts in Canada, and some foreign countries, therefore
Resolved, That we thank God for His leadings on this line and appreciate with thankful hearts to God, the labors of Brother Hottel and pray God’s blessing upon him that he may be found in health physically and spiritually in his labors for the Lord in the future.
(f) Whereas, The Pastor, W.S. Hottel, and the members of the Bethlehem Congregation, with M.L. Musselman in charge of the arrangements, have spared neither toil nor expense in providing for and entertaining the Annual Conference members, refreshments being served in the basement of their new church, therefore
Resolved, That we, as an Annual Conference, recognize their devotedness to the Lord and His work in the hospitable way manifested toward us, therefore further
Resolved, That we tender them a rising vote of thanks and unitedly pray God’s richest blessing upon them.
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
H.K. Kratz,
Report of the Committee to Examine Candidates for Ordination:
We have examined N.H. Wolf, W.F. Heffner and A.G. Woodring, candidates for Ordination, and recommend them to the Conference for Ordination.
C.H. Brunner,
B. Bryan Musselman,
W.G. Gehman,
Resolved, That these brethren be ordained Sunday afternoon.
Resolved, That we continue the election of Officers, Boards and Committees. The following were elected:
Vice – Presiding Elders: C.H. Brunner and B. Bryan Musselman.
Resolved, That C.H. Brunner shall be First Vice Presiding Elder and B. Bryan Musselman be Second Vice Presiding Elder.
Resolved, That the other officers be nominated and elected by ballot.
Missionary Presiding Elder: W.B. Musselman.
Chairman of the next Annual Conference: H.B. Musselman.
Secretary of the Next Annual Conference: C.H. Brunner.
Treasurer of the Annual Conference: Allen M. Gehman.
Committee Over the Presiding Elders: E.N. Cassel, F.M. Hottel and J.G. Shireman.
Executive Board: H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel and J.G. Shireman.
Board of Examiners: E.N. Cassel, B. Bryan Musselman, and H.K. Kratz.
Board of Foreign Missions: H.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and B. Bryan Musselman.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: J.G. Shireman, F.M. Hottel, B. Bryan Musselman, R.L. Woodring, H.G. Brunner and A.A. Wismer.
Editorial Staff on the “Eastern Gospel Banner:”
Editor: C.H. Brunner.
Associate Editors: E.N. Cassel, E.E. Kublic, H.K. Kratz, B. Bryan Musselman, F.M. Hottel, J.C. Roth and R.L. Woodring.
Hymn Book Committee: H.B. Musselman. C.H. Brunner, W.G. Gehman, E.N. Cassel and J.F. Barrall.
Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: President, Allen M. Gehman; Secretary, G. O. Billig; Treasurer, H.G. Brunner.
The Chair now appointed the following Standing Committees:
Committee on Camp Meeting Equipage; F.M. Hottel, J.C. Roth, B. Bryan Musselman and G.F. Yost.
Board of Publication and Printing: C.H. Brunner, A.G. Woodring and R.W. Dickert.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of five, including himself, as a Reference Committee Relative to Compulsory Military Training. The Chair appointed the following: W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner, E.N. Cassel, J.C. Roth and H.B. Musselman.
Resolved, That Article E in Special Laws on Page7 of the Journal be re-considered and referred to the Committee on Resolutions.
Resolved, That we proceed to the election of Delegates to the General Conference.
The following were elected as Delegates to the General Conference:
Ministers – W.B. Musselman, C.H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman and E.N. Cassel.
Laymen – Allen M. Gehman, G.O. Billig and Harold L. Moyer.
The following were elected as Alternate Delegates to serve in the order named below:
Ministers – J.C. Roth and F. M. Hottel.
Laymen – H.H. Bergey and H.S. Jones.
Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to apportion the amounts to be paid by each class to defray the expenses of the delegates to the General Conference.
He appointed the following: W.G. Gehman, C.H. Brunner and E.N. Cassel.
Resolved, That the amount collected be paid to the committee no later than December 1, 1920.
Resolved. That W.G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society, shall have charge of the general sale of the “Rose of Sharon”’ Hymnal.
Whereas, We realize the value and importance of spreading good wholesome, sound literature in these last days when false doctrines are being widely circulated through the pulpit, stage and printed page, and thereby the untaught in the truth are being ensnared by error and Satan’s deceptive seductions, therefore,
Resolved, That we urge all our Pastors to spread as much Gospel literature as possible and thereby help spread the truth, and further,
Resolved, That whenever Pastors sell literature for which their receive the retail price, the same shall be reported on the schedule accordingly. When they sell through their members on their charge, allowing them a certain commission, the Pastors shall report only the net proceeds, and further,
Resolved, That whatever literature is sold, the amount of the price of which has already entered into the accounts, such as the “Christian Life Missionary,” etc., the same shall not be reported by the Pastor on the Schedule, and further,
Resolved, That we recommend that no Pastor shall make it a practice to do any wholesale literature business by employing agents.
Resolved, That the Church property at Hereford be in charge of the Board of Trustees of Macungie, Pa., and that the Church property at Plainfield be under the control of the Board of
Trustees of Nazareth, Pa.
Resolved, That all contributions received by the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by checks or money order, made payable to H.G. Brunner, Treasurer, Zionsville, Pa., and forwarded to the Secretary, G.O. Billig, 941 Liberty Street, Allentown, Pa.
Resolved, That we lift no offerings for the Secretary of the respective Sunday School Conventions, and Annual and Semi-Annual Ministerial Conventions, but give him a donation of two dollars on each occasion out of the treasury of the Sunday School Convention and out of the Collections for expenses for the Ministerial Conventions respectively.
Resolved, That W.G., Gehman, the Presiding Elder of the Mt. Carmel District, hold all the Home Missionary meetings throughout the Conference, between New Year and the Camp Meeting, and take the subscriptions with the assistance of the respective Pastors.
Resolved, That we hold a Ministerial Convention sometime in the middle of the year, for one day.
The Presiding Elders, and one whom they shall appoint, shall constitute a Committee to arrange a program and set the date.
The Presiding Elders appointed J.C. Roth as the third man on this Committee.
All ordained ministers or probationers having charge of a work shall be present. A hearty invitation shall be extended to the Ministers’ wives and families.
Resolved, That we have another Ministerial Convention on the day prior to the next Annual Conference and at the same place.
Resolved, That we hold a Sunday School Convention in each Presiding Elder’s district.
Resolved, That the Presiding Elders, Pastors and Delegates of each District constitute a Committee to organize for these Sunday School Conventions.
Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in Bethel M.B. in C. Church, Gordon Street above Eighth, Allentown. Pa., at 8 A.M., October 13, 1921.
Resolved, That the next Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention convene in the M.B. in C. Church, Emaus, Pa.
The committee announces April 14, 1921 as the date of this Convention.
The following officers were elected:
Annual Ministerial Convention:
Chairman, F.M. Hottel.
Secretary, W.F. Heffner.
Committee on Program, H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman and B. Bryan Musselman.
Semi-Annual Ministerial Convention:
Chairman, C.H. Brunner.
Secretary, R.L. Woodring.
Committee on Program appointed previously: H.B. Musselman, W.G. Gehman and J.C. Roth.
The Chair appointed the following Chairmen to organize for the Sunday School Conventions –
Bethlehem District – J.C. Roth.
Mt. Carmel District – J.F. Barrall.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to 1:30 P.M.
Adjourned with prayer by H.L. Shelly and benediction by E.N. Cassel.
The meeting was opened at 1:30 by singing, “I’m On the Way,” and prayer by W.F. Heffner.
‘The roll was called and the minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved.
The following Committee Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Organize for the Mount Carmel District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to compile a report of the Conference and the Sunday Services for the Eastern Gospel Banner.
The Chair appointed the following Committee: E.N. Cassel, H.K. Kratz and J.G. Shireman.
Resolved, That we grant the request G.K. Himmelreich, O.B. Bartholomew, J.H. Bruch and H. F. Ebersole to be excused from attendance at Conference after the Sunday evening service.
Resolved, That we recommend each pastor to furnish his respective Presiding Elder with a complete list of subscribers to the “Eastern Gospel Banner,” “Gospel Herald” and “Christian Life Missionary”, on his charge as soon after the Annual Conference as convenient and no later than December 1, 1920.
Resolved, That the price of the Conference Journal be fifty cents and in case of a deficit this shall be provided for out of the Conference Fund.
Resolved, That we print 925 Journals.
Resolved, That we ask the Board of Foreign Missions to print 1500 copies of the Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions.
Resolved, That the Secretary send a copy of the Conference Journal to the Publisher of the “Eastern Gospel Banner,” and the Editor of the “Gospel Banner” and to the various Railroad Companies. Also to the Secretaries of the various Annual Conferences and ask for an exchange.
The following report was read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on Communication:
We have received a communication from W.B. Musselman, President of the Gospel Worker Society of Cleveland, Ohio and recommend it to be read to this Conference.
R.L. Woodring,
B. Bryan Musselman,
The above letter was read and referred to the Committee on Resolutions.
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn until Monday morning at 8 o’clock.
Adjourned with prayer by R. Bergstresser and benediction by the Chairman.
This meeting was opened with singing “Jesus Is Good to Me,” and prayer by S.W. Heiser.
The Roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The following Reports were read and adopted:
Report of the Committee on the Statistics of the Schedules. (See Reports.)
Report of the Committee to Audit Schedules.
We have audited the different Pastors Schedules and the Summary of Schedules also the Summary Statistical Report of the General Conference Quadrennium, and hereby certify them
to declare the true statements of the affairs of the Conference to the best of our knowledge and belief.
W.G. Gehman,
H.K. Kratz,
A.G. Woodring,
Report of the Committee to Compile a Report of the Conference and Sunday Services for the “Eastern Gospel Banner.” (See Reports.)
Report of the Auditing Committee.
We, the undersigned auditors, beg leave to report that we have examined the following financial accounts: Quarterly Conference Records, Orphanage and Home, Camp Meeting Equipment Committee, Executive Board, Camp Meetings, Sunday School Conventions, Annual Conference Fund, Benevolent Society, Foreign Missions, Home Missions, Hymn Book Committee, Presiding Elders, Gospel Herald Society, Board of Publication and Printing and the report of the Committee on Finance.
We have found the books and accounts in a very good condition, with the exception of several errors which were corrected in the presence of the Pastors.
We therefore certify that the foregoing reflect a true statement of affairs of the Conference to the best of our knowledge and belief.
F.M. Hottel,
H.L. Shelly,
G.F. Yost,
W.F. Heffner,
H.G. Brunner,
M.L. Musselman,
J.H. Bruch,
H.H. Bergey,
Charles F. Lilly,
N.L. Swartz,
S.S. Geil,
R. Bergstresser,
O.C. Kistler,
Report of the Committee on Resolutions:
(a). Whereas, W.B. Musselman, Missionary Presiding Elder and President of the Gospel Worker Society in his communication to Conference expressed himself as being still in the Lord’s service and trusting in Him in spite of trials and tests on many lines through which the Lord has brought him gloriously, and
Whereas, He sincerely thanks the Conference in the name of the Gospel Worker Society for their prayers and support in general to date, and
Whereas, He expresses their willingness to do all they can or asked for by the Annual Conference for the “Eastern Gospel Banner,” and otherwise, as heretofore, therefore
Resolved, That we highly appreciate the spirit of devotion and sacrifice both of our beloved Brother W.B. Musselman and the Gospel Workers in so cheerfully and whole-heartedly devoting their time, talents and energies in spreading the Truth in every possible way, and further
Resolved, That we pray God’s richest blessing upon the President and the Society in all their earnest labors, and further
Resolved, That we continue our hearty support both by prayer and offerings.
(b) Whereas, The Union Gospel Printing Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, W.B. Musselman. General Supt., prints and publishes various good scriptural books, magazines, papers and tracts, and a complete line of Sunday School literature, as well as the “Eastern Gospel Banner,” sacrificing time, talent, labor and money in this great and noble work, therefore
Resolved, That we as a Conference pledge our hearty support in prayer and in fellowship of the Spirit and in their work spreading the Truth in every respect.
We recommend that on page 7 in the Journal, paragraph E under Quarterly Conference rules be expunged.
W.G. Gehman,
R.L. Woodring,
H.K. Kratz,
Resolved, That we suspend the rules and suspend business to the call of the Chair.
Business was resumed at 12 M.
The various Boards and Committees report the election of the following officers:
Committee over the Presiding Elders: Chairman, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, F.M. Hottel.
Executive Board: President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.
Board of Foreign Missions: President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.
Board of Examiners: President, E.N. Cassel; Secretary, B. Bryan Musselman.
Board of Trustees of the Orphanage and Home: President, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, R.L. Woodring; Assistant Secretary, J.G. Shireman.
Committee over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: Chairman, F.M. Hottel; Secretary, J.C. Roth.
Board of Publication and Printing: President, C.H. Brunner; Secretary, A.G. Woodring.
Hymn Book Committee: Chairman, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.
Reference Committee Relative to Compulsory Military Training: Chairman, H.B. Musselman; Secretary, C.H. Brunner.
Adjourned at 12:10 P.M. with prayer and benediction by the Chairman.
H.B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman,
W.G. Gehman, Presiding Elder,
C.H. Brunner, Secretary, First Vice Presiding Elder,
B. Bryan Musselman, Assistant Secretary, Second Vice Presiding Elder,
A.G. Woodring, Recording Secretary,
N.H. Wolf, Recording Secretary,
Allen M. Gehman, Treasurer,
W.S. Hottel,
E.N. Cassel,
F.M. Hottel,
J.C. Roth,
R.L. Woodring,
H.K. Kratz,
R.W. Dickert,
J.G. Shireman,
J.F. Barrall,
G.F. Yost,
E.E. Kublic,
R.. Bergstresser,
W.F. Heffner,
O.S. Hillegass,
V.H. Reinhart,
J.B. Layne,
M.L. Musselman,
G.O. Billig,
O.C. Kistler,
S.S. Geil,
S.W. Heiser,
H.L. Shelly,
R.R. Fox,
C.D. Bean,
Charles F. Lilly,
H.F. Ebersole,
J.H. Bruch,
G.K. Himmelreich,
O.B. Bartholomew,
C.E. Eroh,
Moses Snyder,
H.H. Bergey,
H.G. Brunner,
N.L. Swartz,
C.B. Brosius,