1934 Annual Conference Reports


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1934 Yearbook


Wednesday Forenoon, October 18, 1934

            The Fifty-first Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ of Pennsylvania convened in Bethel M. B. in C. Church, 526530 North Eighth street, Allentown, Pa.

            The first meeting was opened by the Chairman, H. B. Musselman, at 9 a. m., according to announcement, by singing, “When the Love of Jesus Dwelleth in the Heart,” and prayer by Pastor J. B. Layne, after which the Chairman gave us a most earnest, helpful and needful address, emphasizing the strenuous conditions of these last days and the great need of devoted, consecrated laborers, full of faith and courage. This was followed by a season of prayer, during which the Lord touched our hearts. This was a time of thankfulness and praise to the Lord for His gracious help during this Conference year and for the blessings of God upon the officers and members of the Conference, as well as upon our beloved lay members of the various congregations at home, who have stood by the pastors and the Conference so nobly during the past year.

            After singing “Let the Beauty of Jesus be Seen in Me,” the Chairman called for the enrollment of members.

            The names of the members of the Conference were then enrolled by the Secretary, C. H. Brunner, as follows:


            Ordained–H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman, F. M. Hottel, E. N. Cassel, G. F. Yost, J. G. Shireman, A. G. Woodring, N. H. Wolf, P. T. Stengele, F. B. Hertzog, J. C. Roth, T. D. Gehret, H. K. Kratz, W. F. Heffner, J. B. Layne, Paul E. Baer, J. B. Henry, E. H. Musselman, C. L. Miller, E. E. Kublic, W. B. Musselman, E. T. Shick, R. Bergstresser, J. F. Barrall, O. S. Hillegass, C. F. Snyder, H. W. Feldges, N. M. Cressman and V. H. Reinhart.

            Deceased–R. L. Woodring.

            Probationers–H. W. Hartman, E. George, E. B. Hartman, A. M. Sprock, R. H. Gehman, E. W. Bean, M. M. Myers, W. W. Hartman and J. T. Anderson.


Allentown District

            G. Henry Hildebrand, Allentown (Bethel.)

            Paul H. Cressman, Bethlehem.

            Fred Geibel, Philadelphia.

            S. W. Heiser, Reading.

            Paul I. Wentz, Emaus, Macungie and Zionsville.

            H. L. Shelly, Coopersburg and Allentown (Salem.)

            R. R. Fox, Royersford and Spring City.

            G. K. Himmelreich, Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill.

            H. H. Bergey, Quakertown and Hatfield.

            C. K. Wismer, Graterford and Harleysville.

            A. W. Deppe, Nazareth and Northampton.

            Edward T. Semmel, Lehighton, Weissport and Walnutport.

Easton District

            Herbert V. Smith, Easton.

            Paul H. Miller, Shamokin.

            Mason Klinger, Mt. Carmel.

            George R. Fish, Stroudsburg.

            C. B. Brosius, Sunbury.

            Frank A. Borchers, Scranton.

            Thomas Campbell, Sr., Wissinoming and West Philadelphia.

            George S. Messersmith, York.

            Both Presiding Elders, all the Pastors, all the Delegates and a number of others were present at the opening of the first meeting.

            We are remembering at this time, W. B. Musselman, of Cleveland, Ohio, and his work, and the Gospel Herald Society, a number of whom were present at this Conference; C. F. Snyder and Mrs. C. P. Snyder, of China; N. M. Cressman and Mrs. N. M. Cressman, of French IndoChina; Mrs. Fred Whale, Miss Mary A. Miller, of Africa; H. W. Feldges and Mrs. H. W. Feldges, of Colombia.

            Also the following, although not members of our Conference, yet have been supported by our Conference:

            Africa–E. E. Crist, Mrs. E. E. Crist, E. R. Hess, Harry Stam, Mrs. Harry Stam, Joseph Ummel and Paul Ummel.

            French Indo-China–William C. Cadman and Mrs. William C. Cadman.

            Palestine–Miss Mary A. Butterfield, on furlough.

            Special thanksgiving has also been offered up in the morning devotion for all our churches and missions in the homeland, the noble company of believers whom the Lord has given us and special prayers were offered in their behalf.

            Resolved, That the first four pews in front and to the right of the Chair constitute the Conference Bar.

            The Secretary appointed his assistants, as follows: Assistant Secretary, B. Bryan Musselman; Recording Secretaries, N. H. Wolf, H. L. Shelly and A. G. Woodring.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Timekeeper.

            He appointed H. K. Kratz as Reporter and J. C. Roth as Timekeeper.

            Resolved, That no members be permitted to leave the Conference Bar without permission by the Chair except B. Bryan Musselman and G. Henry Hildebrand, the Pastor and Delegate of the Allentown Congregation.


            Committee on Worship: Elected at the last Annual Conference: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, B. Bryan Musselman, C. H. Brunner, and the Allentown Delegate, G. Henry Hildebrand.

            The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference.

            Committee on Communications: T. D. Gehret and H. K. Kratz.

            Committee on Finance: F. M. Hottel, H. L. Shelly, G. Henry Hildebrand and C. H. Brunner.

            Committee on Statistics: E. N. Cassel, P. T. Stengele, Paul E. Baer, J. B. Layne, J. G. Shireman and T. D. Gehret.

            Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: J. C. Roth, E. E. Kublic and W. F. Heffner.

            Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: F. B. Hertzog, H. K. Kratz, E. H. Musselman, C. L. Miller, Mason Klinger, E. E. Kublic, A. W. Deppe, Frank A. Borchers, George R. Fish, George S. Messersmith, C. K. Wismer, Thomas Campbell, Sr., S. W. Heiser, Paul H. Miller and Edward T. Semmel.

            Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: Herbert V. Smith, H. H. Bergey and G. K. Himmelreich.

            Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries: P. T. Stengele, H. K. Kratz, J. C. Roth and J. B. Henry.

            Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: C. H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman and F. M. Hottel.

            Committee on Examination of Candidates for Ordination: B. Bryan Musselman, E. N. Cassel and P. T. Stengele.

            Committee on Resolutions: W. G. Gehman, J. B. Henry and F. B. Hertzog.

            Committee on Auditing: G. P. Yost, W. F. Heffner, Paul I. Wentz, Herbert V. Smith, C. B. Brosius, Paul H. Cressman, R. R. Fox, G. Henry Hildebrand, H. H. Bergey and Fred Geibel.

            Resolved, That the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records shall carefully compare the Annual Conference minutes with a copy of the Year Book and note any and all errors, make a Copy of any and all corrections, omissions or additions, and certify in the following form,

            “We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference minutes for the session of………….. and found them correct except the following corrections”–Two copies of this certificate shall be made and signed and pasted into the Conference Year Books, one held by the Chairman and one by the Secretary, which shall serve as the official records of the Annual Conference.

            Resolved, That the above Resolution be made a Standing Rule.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and have a meeting this evening to hear the oral reports of the Presiding Elders and the Pastors, the Pastors’ Reports shall be limited to four minutes each. The minutes of the afternoon meeting shall be read at the opening of the Friday morning meeting.

            Resolved, That we adjourn to the call of the Chair.

            Adjourned at 11:45 with prayer by J. Harold Sherk and benediction by E. E. Kublic.


Thursday Afternoon, October 18, 1934

            The Chairman opened the afternoon, meeting at 3:30 o’clock with singing “Leaning on Jesus” and prayer by J. B. Layne.

            The roll was called after which the minutes of the forenoon meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we ask J. Harold Sherk, Fraternal Delegate from the Ontario Conference, to address the Conference.

            Resolved, That A. D. Lehman, a Pastor in the Ontario Conference, be recognized as an advisory member and have a seat in the Conference bar.

            The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:

            We have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries and found them all in a satisfactory condition.

            P. T. Stengele,

            H. K. Kratz,

            J. C. Roth,

            J. B. Henry,


            Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:

            Having examined all the Traveling Elders. through the various Delegates, we, the Committee on examination of Traveling Elders, with pleasure report that we have found them not only satisfactory but highly praiseworthy for their lives of sacrifice and devotion in connection with the Lord’s work.

            Herbert V. Smith,

            H. H. Bergey,

            G. K. Himmelreich,


            Report of the Executive Board. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Board of Trustees of The Home. (See Reports.)

            Report of H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Allentown District. (See Reports.)

            Report of W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder of the Easton District. (See Reports.)

            Report of W. G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Allentown District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Easton District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Chairman of the General Camp Meeting Committee. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Ministerial Convention. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Camp Meeting Equipage Committee. (See Reports.)

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            Resolved, That the Secretary call the roll for Conditional and Unconditional Ministers. The following was the result:

            Unconditional–H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, C. H. Brunner, B. Bryan Musselman, F. M. Hottel, J. G. Shireman, E. N. Cassel, J. C. Roth, G. F. Yost, H. K. Kratz, A. G. Woodring, N. H. Wolf, W. F. Heffner, E. C. Kublic, J. B. Layne, P. T. Stengele, F. B. Hertzog, T. D. Gehret, J. B. Henry, E. H. Musselman, Paul E. Baer and C. L. Miller.


            Resolved, That we elect two Presiding Elders.

The Chair appointed the tellers as follows: G. F. Yost, J. B. Layne and F. M. Hottel.

            The following were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year: H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman. Vice Presiding Elders: B. Bryan Musselman and C. H. Brunner.

            Resolved, That H. B. Musselman shall be Presiding Elder over the District comprising the greater part of the Conference, and W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder over the District comprising the balance of the Conference and the Gospel Herald Society.

            The following report was read and adopted:

            Report of the Committee on the Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:

            We, the Committee on Quarterly Conference Records, beg leave to report we have examined the Quarterly Conference Records and found them in an excellent Condition. A few slight mistakes were found which we instructed the Pastors to Correct.

            The Lehighton and Walnutport Classes, through their Quarterly Conference requests this Annual Conference to make them a Circuit instead of remaining missions.

            F. B. Hertzog,

            H. K. Kratz,

            E. H. Musselman,

            Paul H. Miller,

            Mason Klinger,

            E. E. Kublic,

            A. W. Deppe,

            F. A. Borchers,

            George R. Fish,

            G. S. Messersmith,

            C. L. Miller,

            C. K. Wismer,

            T. W. Campbell,

            S. W. Heiser,

            Edward T. Semmel,


            Resolved, That the request of the Lehighton, Weissport and Walnutport Classes be referred to the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and a delegate from each station, and Circuit constitute the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

            Report of the Committee on Worship:

            The Probationers taking the examination shall give short messages on Wednesday evening prior to the opening of the Conference on Thursday morning.

            On Thursday evening the Pastors shall give oral reports of their labors limited to four minutes and the Presiding Elders give reports limited to five minutes.

            On Friday night Rev. J. Harold Sherk, Fraternal Delegate from the Ontario, Canada, Conference, and Rev. A. D. Lehman, accompanying him, shall preach.

            T. D. Gehret and P. T. Stengele shall preach on Saturday night.

            H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder and Chairman of the Annual Conference, shall preach the Conference Sermon on Sunday morning.

            W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder, shall preach on Sunday afternoon and E. N. Cassel and B. Bryan Musselman shall preach on Sunday night.

            H. B. Musselman,

            W. G. Gehman,

            B. Bryan, Musselman,

            C. H. Brunner,

            G. Henry Hildebrand,


            Resolved, That we adjourn to meet this evening at 7:45 o’clock.

Adjourned at 5:30 with prayer by J. B. Henry and benediction by E. H. Musselman.


Thursday Evening, October 18, 1934

            The evening meeting was opened at 7:45 o’clock with singing, “How Beautiful to Walk in the Steps of the Saviour,” and prayer by P. T. Stengele.

            The roll was called.

            The Pastors submitted their oral reports.

            Presiding Elders H. B. Musselman and W. G. Gehman submitted their oral reports.

            This was a most delightful service. The main auditorium and the east balcony and side room were filled with eager listeners delighted with these excellent and encouraging reports.

            The Bethel Male Sextette rendered an excellent selection in song entitled, “Singing Glory.”

            Adjourned at 9:45 o’clock with prayer and benediction by W. G. Gehman.


Friday Morning, October 19, 1934

            The meeting was opened with singing “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross” and prayer by F. M. Hottel.

            Presiding Elder W. G. Gehman read 2 Corinthians, Chapter 1 and made some very helpful remarks.

            The roll was called after which the minutes of the Thursday afternoon and evening meetings were read and approved.

            The following reports were read and adopted:.

            Report of the Committee on Finance. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Board of Examiners. (See Reports.)

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and adjourn to call of the Chair not later than 3 o’clock.

            Adjourned at 10 o’clock with prayer by G. Henry Hildebrand and benediction by T. D. Gehret.


Friday Afternoon, October 19, 1934

            The meeting was opened at 3:00 o’clock with prayer by C. L. Miller.

            The roll was called after which the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee reported progress and asks to sit again.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

Business was suspended at 3:05 o’clock.

Business was resumed at 4:55 o’clock.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

            The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Stationing, Boundary, and Appropriating Committee. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee on Statistics. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee on Communications:

            We have received a communication from J. F. Barrall, Local Preacher of the Shamokin Quarterly Conference in which he reports that he has good courage to serve the Lord, however, on account of business he could not be present.

            T. D. Gehret,

            H. K. Kratz,


            Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records:

            We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference Minutes for the Session of 1933 and found them correct.

            J. C. Roth,

            E. E. Kublic,

            W. F. Heffner,


            Report of the Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Board of Publication and Printing. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Board of Foreign Missions. (See Reports.)

            Upon his request, Delegate G. Henry Hildebrand was granted leave of absence from tomorrow’s meetings.

            H. W. Hartman, having been duly stationed by the Conference to Quakertown, was admitted into the Conference Bar.

            Adjourned at 5:45 o’clock with prayer by E. E. Kublic and benediction by F. B. Hertzog.


Saturday Morning, October 20, 1934

            The meeting wag opened with singing “What A Wonderful Saviour” and prayer by F. B. Hertzog.

            The Chairman read 2 Timothy 2:1-11, followed by some very instructive remarks.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            The following reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Beneficiary Society. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee on Resolutions.

            (1) Whereas, We have listened with great interest and profit to the reports of our Presiding Elders, also the report of the President of the Gospel Herald Society in which they paid a glowing tribute to the faithfulness and loyalty of the Pastors, as well as the laity on the various charges who have manifested deep interest and concern in the Lord’s work and have sacrificed greatly, and,

            Whereas, Our Presiding Elders have toiled willingly and untiringly giving their best for the good of the work, therefore,

            Resolved, That we herewith express our appreciation for their wise counsel, able leadership and thoughtful consideration of the various problems that have confronted them, and that we pray that they may be Divinely sustained and preserved until He come.

            (2) Whereas, The Lord has remarkably preserved and strengthened our ministering brethren during the past year, and,

            Whereas, The Pastors have reported spiritual progress and victory, so that much definite work has been done for God, souls have been saved, others have been remarkably healed, therefore,

            Resolved, That we praise the Lord for His marvelous leadings, for His blessings so abundantly bestowed upon the ministry, and that by the grace of God we strive to prove worthy of the calling wherewith we have been called, and serve to the very best of our power and ability.

            (3) Whereas, God in His wisdom has removed from our ranks Pastor R. L. Woodring, of Nazareth, Pa., by death, on June 10, 1934, after having faithfully ministered on eight different charges covering a period of 38 years, and,

            Whereas, We feel the loss of the labor of love, co-operation and fellowship of our brother, trusting, however, that our loss is his eternal gain, therefore,

            Resolved, That we humbly bow to the will of our Heavenly Father and pray God’s blessing and the comfort of the Holy Ghost upon Sister Woodring and children, the Pastors of the Conference and others of believers in the body of Christ.

            (4) Whereas, C. H. Brunner, Secretary of the Foreign Mission Board, has been constantly in touch with our representatives on the various Mission Fields, and has reported at length concerning the work being done, and,

            Whereas, The Lord has graciously overruled in the preservation of the lives of all the Missionaries, having enabled them to continue in the spread of the Gospel and the winning of souls, so that much effectual work for God has been done, therefore,

            Resolved, That we praise the Lord who has hitherto supplied the needed strength and who has sustained the Missionaries in these trying times, and further,

            Resolved, That we pray God to continue to bless and prosper them in the future.

            (5) Whereas, C. H. Brunner, the Editor of the “Annual Year Book” and Secretary of the Annual Conference, has with his many duties secured many valuable facts of interest and arranged matter for the press throughout the entire year, therefore,

            Resolved, That we highly appreciate his whole-hearted interest and untiring labor, and further,

            Resolved, That we donate fifty dollars out of the Annual Conference Fund as a token of appreciation for his services thus rendered.

            (6) Whereas, The Union Gospel Press, of Cleveland, Ohio, has published the Christian Life Series of Sunday School literature which has won its way into many Sunday Schools throughout the world, and,

            Whereas, They consider no labor too great in making this literature the very best possible, both doctrinally and spiritually, and,

            Whereas, Through this medium, tons of literature are sent into many parts of the world, therefore,

            Resolved, That we give hearty thanks to God for His leadings; and heartily pledge our prayers and support otherwise and continue to pray God’s choicest blessings upon them that their courage, health and strength fail not and that our fellowship in the Word and work of the Lord may increase more and more until the Lord’s return.

            (7) Whereas, We realize the value and importance of good, wholesome, literature in these last days, when false doctrines are being widely circulated through the pulpit, radio, stage and printed page and thereby many who are unversed in the Word are being ensnared by the errors and deceptions of Satan, therefore,

            Resolved, That we urge, all our Pastors to spread as, much Gospel literature as possible and thereby help to spread the truth, and further,

            Resolved, That whenever Pastors sell literature for which they receive the retail price, the same shall be reported on the Schedule accordingly. When they sell through members on their charge, allowing, a certain commission, the Pastors shall report only the net proceeds, and further,

            Resolved, That whatever literature is sold, the amount of the price of which has already entered the accounts, such as the Christian Life, etc., the same shall not be reported by the Pastor on the schedule.

            (8) Resolved, That the church property at Hereford be in charge of the Board of Trustees of Macungie, Pa.

            (9) Resolved, That we as a Conference recognize W. G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society, as the agent appointed by the Union Gospel Press to handle their Sunday School supplies and all other publications.

            (10) Resolved, That the Pastors hold the Home Missionary meetings under the direction of the respective Presiding Elders and that the subscriptions be taken some time between Conference and New Year. The pledges for Foreign Missions shall be taken some time between New Year and April 1.

            (11) Whereas, It is one of our standing rules for each Pastor to hold a special service at each appointment, on which occasion the Annual Offering for the poor shall be lifted, and,

            Whereas, The Home for our aged is in need of funds, and,

            Whereas, The offering for the poor has been very low from year to year, therefore,

            Resolved, That our Pastors shall lay special stress upon this offering, designating it as an offering for The Home and that this offering shall be lifted at a Special Service on or before Thanksgiving Day.

            (12) Resolved, That W. G. Gehman, President of the Gospel Herald Society, shall have charge of the general sale of the Church Hymnal.

            (13) Resolved, That we ask the Sunday Schools to remit 25 cents for each officer and Teacher reported on this year’s schedule, to be added to the Conference Fund for printing of supplies. This amount shall be paid to the Conference Treasurer before next New Year.

            (14) Resolved, That the management of the Cafeteria of the Mizpah Grove camp Meeting continue the direction of the Executive Board.

            (15) Whereas, The Pastor, B. Bryan Musselman, and the members of the Allentown Congregation have so abundantly provided for the entertainment of the Annual Conference members and friends of the work, all meals being served in the basement of the Church, therefore,

            Resolved, That we appreciate their devotedness to the Lord, His servants and His work, and further,

            Resolved, That we tender them a rising vote of thanks and unitedly pray God’s blessing upon them for usefulness in the Lord’s work.

            (16) Whereas, The daily papers, the “Allentown Morning Call” and “The Chronicle and News” have given such splendid service in publishing the proceedings of the Annual Conference, and,

            Whereas, Their correspondents have so courteously co-operated with our Conference Reporter, therefore,

            Resolved, That we express our appreciation for their services and pray God’s blessing upon them, and further,

            Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Conference and be forwarded by Pastor B. Bryan Musselman.

            (17) Resolved, That each class lift an offering for the next Annual Conference expenses, the amount, to be based on the basis of 10 cents per member. These amounts shall be recorded in the first empty space of both Financial and Statistical Schedules.

            (18) Whereas, Pastor J. Harold Sherk, who has been sent as Fraternal Delegate from the Ontario, Canada Conference gave an address bringing the greetings of his conference, and,

            Whereas, We have listened to his address with interest, therefore,

            Resolved, That we appreciate the thoughtfulness of our Sister Conference in sending a Fraternal Delegate, and further,

            Resolved, That we pray God’s richest blessings upon the Ontario Conference.

            W. G. Gehman,

            J. B. Henry,

            F. B. Hertzog,


            Report of the Committee on Auditing:

            We, the Committee on Auditing, have examined the following accounts: Presiding Elders’ Reports, Benevolent Society, Camp Meetings, Sunday School Conventions, Board of Publication and Printing, Quarterly Conference Records, The Home, Executive Board, Foreign and Home Missions, Gospel Herald Society, Conference Treasurer and the Report of the Committee on Finance. The records were found to be in an excellent condition. A few minor errors were corrected in the presence of the parties concerned.

            G. F. Yost,

            Paul I. Wentz,

            W. F. Heffner,

            Herbert V. Smith,

            C. B. Brosius,

            Paul H. Cressman,

            R. R. Fox,

            G. Henry Hildebrand,

            H. H. Bergey,

            Fred Geibel,


            Whereas, Brother H. W. Hartman has served in the Gospel Herald Society for a number of years and has previously passed the Reading Course acceptably, and,

            Whereas, he has been assigned to an appointment by the Stationing Committee at this Conference, therefore

            Resolved, That he be referred to the Committee on Ordination.


            Resolved, That we continue the election of Officers and Boards.

            Resolved, That the officers be nominated and elected by ballot.

The following were elected:

            Chairman of the Next Annual Conference: H. B. Musselman.

            Secretary and Treasurer of the Next Annual Conference: C. H. Brunner.

            Committee Over the Presiding Elders: F. M. Hottel, G. F. Yost and P. T. Stengele.

            Resolved, That W. B. Musselman be recognized as Missionary Presiding Elder, Ex-Officio.

            Executive Board: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, E. N. Cassel, C. H. Brunner and B. Bryan Musselman.

            Board of Foreign Missions: H. B. Musselman, C. H. Brunner, W. G. Gehman, B. Bryan Musselman.

            Board of Examiners: E. N. Cassel, H. K. Kratz, T. D. Gehret and B. Bryan Musselman.

            Board of Trustees of the Home (For two years): B. Bryan Musselman, F. M. Hottel, G. F. Yost, F. B. Hertzog, A. A. Wismer and Paul I. Wentz.Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: President, Allen M. Gehman; Secretary, C. E. Musselman; Treasurer, H. G. Brunner.

            Resolved, That all contributions received by the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by check or money order, made payable to H. G. Brunner, Treasurer, and forwarded to C. E. Musselman Secretary, No. 1131 North Eighteenth Street, Allentown, Pa.

            Fraternal Delegate: Appreciating the courtesy of the Ontario Conference in sending Pastor J. Harold Sherk as Fraternal Delegate to this Conference, therefore

            Resolved, That we send a Fraternal Delegate to the next annual session of the Ontario Conference.

            Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman, Chairman of this Annual Conference, was elected Fraternal Delegate.

            Board of Publication and Printing: President, B. Bryan Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner; and E. N. Cassel (appointed by the chairman).

            Committee over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: Chairman, B. Bryan Musselman; Secretary, F. M. Hottel; F. B. Hertzog and P. T. Stengele (appointed by the chairman).

            Committee on Conference Report:

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Committee of three to compile a report of the Conference and Sunday Services for the “Gospel Banner” and the “Year Book.”

            He appointed C. H. Brunner, A. G. Woodring and T. D. Gehret.


            Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Nos. 1121-1125 Main Street, Bethlehem, Pa., October 17, 1935, including the services on the following Sunday.

            Resolved, That a Committee of five, including the two Presiding Elders, be appointed by the chairman to arrange and publish a program for all the services of the next Annual Conference.

            The following were appointed: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman, B. Bryan Musselman, P. T. Stengele and C. H. Brunner.

            Resolved, That we hold the Annual Ministerial Convention at Royersford, Pa., on April 18, 1935. All ordained ministers and probationers having charge of a work shall be members of this Convention.

            Officers: The following officers were elected for this Convention: Chairman, W. G.. Gehman; Secretary, T. D. Gehret.

            Committee on Program: H. B. Musselman, W. G. Gehman and E. N. Cassel.

            Sunday School Conventions.

            Resolved, That we hold a Sunday School Convention on each District. The Presiding Elders, Pastors and Delegates of their respective Districts shall constitute a committee to organize for these Sunday School Conventions.

            Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Chairman in each District to organize for these Conventions.

            He appointed the following:

            Allentown District: P. T. Stengele.

            Easton District: J. G. Shireman.

            Camp Meetings.

            Resolved, That we hold two Camp Meetings on the Allentown District and one on the Easton District.

            Resolved, That we print 950 copies of the Year Book for 1934. The price of the Year Book shall be twenty-five cents per copy. In case of a deficit, this shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.

            Resolved, That we print 1,000 copies of the Annual Report of the President of the Gospel Herald Society for distribution among those not having Year Books.

            Resolved, That we ask the Board of Foreign Missions to print 1,000 copies of the Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions.

            Resolved, That we suspend the rules to meet at the call of the Chair not later than 2:30 o’clock.

            Adjourned at 12 o’clock with prayer by P. T. Stengele, and benediction by J. B. Layne.


Saturday Afternoon, October 20, 1934

            The meeting was opened at 2:30 o’clock with prayer by R. R. Fox.

            The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

            Resolved, That we suspend business until the call of the Chair.

            Business was resumed at 4 o’clock.

            The various Boards and Committees reported the election of the following officers:

            Committee over the Presiding Elders–Chairman, F. M. Hottel; Secretary, G. F. Yost.

            Executive Board–President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, E. N. Cassel.

            Board of Foreign Missions–President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner.

Board of Examiners–President, E. N. Cassel; Secretary, T. D. Gehret.

            Board of Trustees of The Home–President, H. B. Musselman; Secretary, E. N. Cassel; Assistant Secretary, Paul I. Wentz.

            Board of Publication and Printing–President, B. Bryan Musselman; Secretary, C. H. Brunner.

            Committee Over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits— Chairman, B. Bryan Musselman; Secretary, F. M. Hottel.

            Beneficiary Society–President, W. G. Gehman; Secretary, F. M. Hottel; Treasurer, B. Bryan Musselman.

            The following Reports were read and adopted:

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Allentown District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Easton District Sunday School Convention. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Allentown Division Camp Meeting of the Allentown District. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem Division Camp Meeting of the Allentown District. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Easton District Camp Meeting. (See Reports.)

            Report of the Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference License:

            We beg to report that we have had no applicants referred to us at this Conference.

            C. H. Brunner,

            B. Bryan Musselman,

            F. M. Hottel,


            Report of the Committee on Ordination:

            We have examined probationer H. W. Hartman and have ascertained that he has passed the reading course with credit, and had charge of a Gospel Herald Mission for a number of years and has showed himself a consecrated, devoted and obedient worker, adhering to the teaching of the Word of God, we therefore recommend that he be ordained on Sunday afternoon.

            B. Bryan Musselman,

            E. N. Cassel,

            P. T. Stengele,


            Resolved, That the Pastors meet the officers of the Beneficiary Society at the Ministerial Convention and present their checks for the Beneficiary Fund.

            Resolved, That the Executive Board be privileged to permit a change in the deeding of church property if and whenever in their judgment the interest of the Conference is better served by doing so.

            Whereas, The question relative to the advisability of using musical instruments in connection with our religious services has been brought up occasionally during the past, and,

            Whereas, Our Discipline has referred this question to the decision of the respective Annual Conferences, therefore,

            Resolved, That we as a Conference declare ourselves as not being antagonistic to the use of musical instruments in connection with our religious worship. This question shall be left to the discretion of the various individual congregations to be decided by a two-thirds vote of Quarterly Conference.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the Call of the Chair.

Business was resumed at 5 o’clock.

            Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

Business was resumed at 5:40 o’clock.

            Resolved, That we have a Superannuation Fund.

            Resolved, That the last Standing rule on, Page 9 be substituted by the following:

            Resolved, That a free-will offering shall be lifted in each prayer meeting class once each quarter by their respective Class Leaders for the Superannuation Fund.

            Resolved, That the Reading Course Committee in conjunction with the Presiding Elders be encouraged to offer recommendations for a revision of the books for the Reading Course to the end of making the Course more of a systematic course of study for the Probationers.

            Resolved, That whenever an election is held, except when otherwise provided for by our Disciple, the informal ballot shall be used to nominate the candidates and where one candidate is to be elected the three highest shall be used as candidates; where three candidates are required the five highest shall be considered. A majority in every instance shall be necessary for an election. After the first ballot has been cast if there be no election the candidate receiving the least number of votes shall be eliminated.

            Adjourned at 5:50 o’clock with prayer by Presiding Elder W. G. Gehman and benediction by the Chairman, Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman.


            H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman.

            W. G. Gehman, Presiding Elder.

            C. H. Brunner, Secretary-Treasurer, Vice Presiding Elder.

            B. Bryan Musselman, Assistant Secretary, Vice Presiding Elder,

            N. H. Wolf, Recording Secretary.

            A. G. Woodring, Recording Secretary.

            H. L. Shelly, Recording Secretary.

            E. N. Cassel,

            P. T. Stengele,

            F. M. Hottel,

            G. F. Yost,

            F. B. Hertzog,

            T. D. Gehret,

            J. G. Shireman,

            H. K. Kratz,

            J. C. Roth,

            W. F. Heffner,

            J. B. Layne,

            Paul E. Baer,

            J. B. Henry,

            E. E. Kublic,

            C. L. Miller,

            H. W. Hartman,

            E. H. Musselman,

            Paul I. Wentz,

            G. Henry Hildebrand,

            R. R. Fox,

            S. W. Heiser,

            Paul H. Cressman,

            Fred Geibel,

            G. K. Himmelreich,

            Herbert V. Smith,

            Paul H. Miller,

            C. B. Brosius,

            A. W. Deppe,

            Edward T. Semmel,

            C. K. Wismer,

            George S. Messersmith,

            Frank A. Borchers,

            Thomas W. Campbell, Sr.

            H. H. Bergey,

            George R. Fish,

            Mason Klinger.

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