1945 Annual Conference Minutes


Annual Conference Proceedings


Minutes, as well as Committee Reports, Indexes, and Statistics are in the 1945 Yearbook


Wednesday Morning, October 17, 1945

           The Sixty-second Annual Conference of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Pennsylvania Conference, convened in Bethel M. B. in C. Church, 526-30 N. 8th Street, Allentown, Pa., on Wednesday, October 17, 1945.

           The Conference was called to order for the first meeting at 10:00 A. M. by the Chairman, Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman.

           After singing “What a Friend We Have In Jesus”, E. N. Cassel led in prayer. The Chairman spoke briefly on the importance and need of prayer, basing his remarks on the following portions of the Word: Phil. 2:1-4, I Cor. 13:4, 7, and Col. 3:12-15. This was followed by a period of prevailing and earnest prayer in which all the members joined. There was deep appreciation of the mercies of God and His gracious providence in sparing the lives of all the ministering brethren. There was also heartfelt concern for our faithful and sacrificial laity, and praise to God for having given us so noble a band of people.

           The Conference members felt the need of dependence upon God and asked for wisdom that in all the deliberations and actions of this Conference session, the will of God might be fully carried out.

           The Secretary, T. D. Gehret, appointed the following assistants: Assistant Secretary, N. H. Wolf; Recording Secretaries, W. H. Frank and J. B. Henry.

           The following were enrolled as members of the Conference:


           Ordained–Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, C. H. Brunner, E. N. Cassel, W. H. Frank, R. H. Gehman, T. D. Gehret, J. E. Golla, E. B. Hartman, H. W. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. F. Heffner, J. B. Henry, F. B. Hertzog, F. M. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, H. K. Kratz, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Layne, B. Bryan Musselman, H. B. Musselman, R. C. Reichenbach, E. J. Rutman, A. M. Sprock, P. T. Stengele, T. E. Turnbull, N. H. Wolf, A. G. Woodring, G. F. Yost, H. W. Feldges, C. L. Miller, E. T. Shick, and C. F. Snyder.

           Probationers– Willard E. Cassel, D. E. Thomann, J. T. Anderson, John Dunn, J. E. Hartman, W. F. Heffner, Winferd B. Hottel, E. D. Rapp, H. D. Yarrington.


Allentown District

           R. Paul Schaeffer, Allentown (Bethel)

           Paul H. Cressman, Bethlehem

           S. W. Heiser, Reading

           Fred Geibel, Philadelphia

           H. H. Bergey, Quakertown

           Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Wissinoming

           Paul I. Wentz, Emmaus, Macungie and Zionsville

           H. L. Shelly, Coopersburg and Allentown (Salem)

           Howard G. Adams, Fleetwood, Blandon and Terre Hill

           R. R. Fox, Royersford and Spring City

           A. W. Bean, Graterford and Harleysville

           A. W. Deppe, Nazareth and Northampton

           J. D. Kreiss, Walnutport, Lehighton and Weissport

           Daniel K. Ziegler, Hatfield

Easton District

           Herbert V. Smith, Easton

           Paul H. Miller, Shamokin

           George S. Messersmith, York

           Harold L. Snyder, Mount Carmel

           Raymond L. Winfield, Jersey City, N. J.

           R. Spedden, Chester

           George W. Butler, Scranton

           Clettus L. Ream, Harrisburg

           Herbert E. Cole, Staten Island, N. Y.

           E. J. Dietzman (Alternate), West Philadelphia, Pa.

           Edward J. Weber, Newark, N. J.

           George R. Fish, Stroudsburg

           Charles W. Weaber, Lebanon

           All the ministering brethren were present at the opening of the session, excepting C. F. Snyder, C. L. Miller, H. W. Feldges.

           Resolved, That the first five pews of the three tiers from the fight of the Chair constitute the Conference Bar.

           Resolved, That the Chair appoint a Reporter and a Timekeeper. He appointed J. E. Golla as Reporter and W. F. Heffner as Timekeeper.

           Resolved, That no member be permitted to leave the conference bar without permission by the Chair except the Pastor and Delegate of the Allentown Congregation, B. Bryan Musselman and R. Paul Schaeffer, and J. E. Golla.

           Resolved, That we seat any Alternate Delegate as the Delegate of the charge in the event that the Delegate cannot be present.


           Committee on Worship: (Appointed at the last Annual Conference): H. B. Musselman, B. Bryan Musselman, J. E. Golla.

           The following committees were then appointed by the Chair and approved by the Conference:

           Committee on Communications: P. T. Stengele, E. N. Cassel, C. H. Brunner.

           Committee on Finance: Paul I. Wentz, H. L. Shelly, H. W. Hartman, R. Paul Schaeffer, Paul H. Cressman.

           Committee on Statistics: E. N. Cassel, J. B. Layne, P. T. Stengele, Paul E. Baer, C. E. Kirkwood, E. B. Hartman, A. M. Sprock, W. W. Hartman, Willard E. Cassel.

           Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records: E. E. Kublic, H. K. Kratz.

           Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records: F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Henry, R. C. Reichenbach, J. E. Golla, D. E. Thomann, E. J. Rutman, Paul H. Miller, George W. Butler, George R Fish, C. B. Brosius, A. W. Deppe, A. W. Bean, George S. Messersmith, Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., Harold L. Snyder, Herbert E. Cole, Edward J. Weber, Charles W. Weaber.

           Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders: Herbert V. Smith, H. H. Bergey, Howard G. Adams.

           Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries: G. F. Yost, A. G. Woodring, W. F. Heffner, R. H. Gehman, E. W. Bean.

           Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License: P. T. Stengele, J. B. Layne, F. B. Hertzog, T. D. Gehret, B. Bryan Musselman.

           Committee on Applicants for Ordination: F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel, J. B. Layne, T. D. Gehret, B. Bryan Musselman.

           Committee on Resolutions: B. Bryan Musselman, A. G. Woodring, Paul E. Baer.

           Committee on Auditing: F. M. Hottel, S. W. Heiser, T. E. Turnbull, R. Spedden, Fred Geibel, R. R. Fox, Daniel K. Ziegler, Raymond L. Winfield, Clettus L. Ream, J. D. Kreiss, E. J. Dietzman.

           Report of the Committee to arrange a program for the services of Annual Conference:

           Wednesday, 7:30 P. M.–The Pastors shall submit their oral reports limited to three minutes each. The Presiding Elders shall also give their oral reports.

           Thursday, 7:45 P. M.–Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman, Chairman of the Annual Conference, shall preach the Conference sermon, and Presiding Elder B. Bryan Musselman of the Easton District shall follow with closing remarks.

           H. B. Musselman,

           B. Bryan Musselman,

           J. E. Golla,


           Resolved, That the Gospel Heralds and Annual Conference Licensed Workers present during this Conference be advisory members and be invited to sit in the Conference Bar.

           Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn to the call of the Chair.

           Adjourned at 10:45 A. M. with prayer by H. W. Hartman.


Wednesday Afternoon, October 17, 1945

           The meeting was opened at 4:30 P. M. with singing “Come, Thou Blessed Saviour” and prayer by H. W. Hartman.

           The roll was called after which the minutes of the morning, meeting were read and approved.

           The following reports were read and adopted:

           Report of the Committee on Examination of Annual Conference Records:

           We hereby certify that we have examined the Annual Conference Minutes for the session of 1944 and found them correct, and herewith submit two copies of the Year Book duly certified and signed.

E. E. Kublic

H. K. Kratz, Committee.

           Report of the Committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records:We, the committee on Examination of Quarterly Conference Records, beg leave to report that we have examined the Quarterly Conference Records, and have found them in good condition. A few errors were found which were corrected by the Pastors in our presence.

           We have found the following in the Philadelphia, Salem, Quarterly Conference Minutes:

           “A recommendation to the Annual Conference that John H. Riggall be granted Annual Conference License.”

           We found the following in the Nazareth and Northampton Quarterly Conference Minutes:

           “Resolved, That we petition the Annual Conference held in Allentown, Pa., on October 17, 1945, that the Nazareth and Northampton classes be recognized as self-supporting.”

           F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Henry, A. W. Deppe, George R. Fish, George W. Butler, Herbert E. Cole, A. W. Bean, R. C. Reichenbach, Edward J. Weber, Charles W. Weaber, E. J. Rutman, George S. Messersmith, Thomas W. Campbell, Sr., C. B. Brosius, D. E. Thomann, J. E. Golla, Paul H. Miller, Harold L. Snyder,


           Report of the Committee on Finance: (See Reports)

           Report of the Committee on Examination of Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries:

           We beg leave to report that we have examined the Presiding Elders, Local Preachers, Evangelists and Missionaries, and have learned that there are no charges brought against them.

           G. F. Yost,                R. H. Gehman,

           A. G. Woodring,      E. W. Bean,

           W. F. Heffner,


           Report of the Committee on Examination of Traveling Elders:

           We beg leave to report that we have examined the Traveling Elders through their respective delegates, and find that almost without exception, their conduct has been such as becomes our M. B. in C. Pastors. Where such has not been the case proper correction and confession has taken place, and we therefore report them as satisfactory.

           Herbert V. Smith,

           H. H. Bergey,

           Howard G. Adams,


           Report of Presiding Elder H. B. Musselman on Examination of Candidates for the Ministry:

           I have examined the following applicant on the Discipline;

                       John H. Riggall-100%

           I therefore recommend him to the Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference License.

           H. B. Musselman, Examiner.

           Report of H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Allentown District: (See Reports)

           Report of B. Bryan Musselman, Presiding Elder of the Easton District: (See Reports)

           Report of B. Bryan Musselman, President of the Gospel Herald Society: (See Reports)

           Report of Board of Foreign Missions: (See Reports)

           Whereas, We have learned from the report of the Committee on Quarterly Conference Records that the Philadelphia Salem congregation have recommended John H. Riggall for Annual Conference License, therefore

           Resolved, That we refer him to the Committee on Applicants for Annual Conference License.

           Resolved, That we have an evening meeting and the minutes of the afternoon meeting shall be read at the Thursday morning meeting.

Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and adjourn.

           Adjourned at 4:55 P. M. with prayer by E. J. Rutman and benediction by F. M. Hottel.


Wednesday Evening, October 17, 1945

           The meeting was opened with the song “My Soul Is Filled With Glory,” and prayer by C. E. Kirkwood.

           The roll was called.

           The business of the evening consisted of the oral reports of all the ministers in the active work limited to 3 minutes each, also the reports of both Presiding Elders and the President of the Gospel Herald Society.

           The reports were heartening and soul-inspiring, as they reflected the good hand of God upon the work in the saving of souls and the building up of believers in the faith.

           A quartet of young ministers inspired the audience with a beautiful selection entitled “God Made My Heart.”

           The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P. M. with prayer and benediction by the Chairman, H. B. Musselman.


Thursday Morning, October 18, 1945

           The meeting was opened with singing “He Leadeth Me,” and prayer by F. M. Hottel.

           The Chairman read the following Scripture passage, II Cor. 11:6-33, II Cor. 12:10-21, I Tim. 6:1-6, and made appropriate remarks.

           The Roll was called.

           The minutes of the Wednesday afternoon and evening meetings were read and approved.

           The following Reports were read and adopted:

           Report of the Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: (See Reports)

           Report of the Board of Publication and Printing: (See Reports)

           Report of the Committee over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits:

           We have worked under the direction of the Presiding Elders and the Executive Board.

           B. Bryan Musselman,

           F. B. Hertzog,

           P. T. Stengele,

           T. D. Gehret,

           Paul E. Baer,


           Resolved, That we resolve ourselves into a private session.

           Resolved, That we adjourn to meet in private session at 1:30 P. M.

           Adjourned with prayer by J. B. Henry.


Thursday Afternoon, October 18, 1945

           The afternoon meeting was opened at 1:30 P.M. with singing “How Film A Foundation”, and prayer by Paul E. Baer.

           The roll was called.

           Resolved, That no minister in the active work of our Conference shall be engaged in any secular employment.

           Business was resumed in open session at 3:40 P. M. with prayer by A. M. Sprock.

           The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

           Resolved, That we determine “Who are the preachers who are willing to minister this year, according to the direction of the Conference and our Discipline, and what is their number”

           The following ministering brethren responded “Yea” to the roll call: G. F. Yost, A. G. Woodring, N. H. Wolf, T. E. Turnbull, D. E. Thomann, P. T. Stengele, A. M. Sprock, E. J. Rutman, R. C. Reichenbach, H. B. Musselman, B. Bryan Musselman, J. B. Layne, E. E. Kublic, H. K. Kratz, C. E. Kirkwood, F. M. Hottel, F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Henry, W. F. Heffner, W. W. Hartman, H. W. Hartman, E. B. Hartman, J. E. Golla, T. D. Gehret, R. H. Gehman, W. H. Frank, Willard E. Cassel, E. N. Cassel, C. H. Brunner, E. W. Bean, Paul E. Baer.

           Resolved, That two Presiding, Elders be elected and that the informal ballot be used in nominating the candidates, the five highest be candidates, and elected according to the Discipline.

           The Chair appointed the following as tellers: F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Layne, F. M. Hottel.

           Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

           The following were elected Presiding Elders for the ensuing year: T. D. Gehret, and P. T. Stengele.

           Whereas, H. B. Musselman has served as Presiding Elder of the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Penna. for a total of 43 years, and has rendered faithful and efficient service through these many years, therefore

           Resolved, That he be elected as Presiding Elder Emeritus.

           Resolved, That the Executive Board designate the Presiding Elder Districts and also assign the respective Presiding Elders to their Districts.

           Adjourned at 5:35 P.M. with prayer by G. F. Yost and benediction by A. G. Woodring.


Friday Morning, October 19, 1945

           The meeting was opened with singing “How Beautiful to Walk in the Steps of the Saviour”, and prayer by A. M. Sprock.

           The roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

           The morning devotions were in charge of B. Bryan Musselman who gave us a helpful and tender message on Ephesians three.

           Rev. C. L. Miller, one of our ministering brethren who has been laboring on the mission field of the Belgian Congo for a period of eight years, was present in the meeting and was invited to address the Conference.

           Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

Business was resumed.

           Resolved, That we suspend the rules and extend the time indefinitely.

Business was resumed.

           Adjourned at 12:15 P. M. with prayer by G. F. Yost and benediction by Willard E. Cassel.


Friday Afternoon, October 19, 1945

           The meeting was opened with singing “Walking in the Spirit of the Lord”, and prayer by H. L. Shelly.

           The roll was called, and the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

           Report of the Committee on Examination of Applicants for Annual Conference License:

           We have examined applicant John H. Riggall and we recommend that he be granted Annual Conference License on three years probation according to the Discipline.

           P. T. Stengele,           T. D. Gehret,

           J. B. Layne,               B. Bryan Musselman,

           F. B. Hertzog,


           Report of the Board of Examiners: (See Reports)

           Report of the Committee on Applicants for Ordination:

           We wish to report that no applicants were presented.

           F. B. Hertzog, E. N. Cassel, B. Bryan Musselman, J. B. Layne, T. D. Gehret,


           The Executive Board reported that they tentatively redistricted the Conference appointments and assigned the newly elected Presiding Elders to the Districts tentatively and referred their report to the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee.

Resolved, That we suspend business to the call of the Chair.

Business was resumed.

Resolved, That we have an evening meeting at 8:00 o’clock.

Adjourned with prayer by Howard G. Adams and benediction by R. C. Reichenbach.


Friday Evening, October 19, 1945

           The meeting was opened with the singing of the hymn “Precious Name” and prayer by J. B. Henry.

           The Roll was called and the minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

           The following report was read and adopted:

           Report of the Stationing, Boundary and Appropriating Committee. (See Reports)

           The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 P. M. with prayer by Thomas W. Campbell, Sr. and benediction by E. E. Kublic.


Saturday Morning, October 20, 1945

           The meeting opened with singing “Nearer My God to Thee” and prayer by C. E. Kirkwood.

           The Chairman, H. B. Musselman, gave us a helpful exhortation on “Divine Love”, basing his remarks on I John 4.

           The roll was called.

           The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

           The Chair appointed the following Committees:

           Board of Publication and Printing: T. D. Gehret, N. H. Wolf, Paul I. Wentz.

           Committee over Camp Meeting Equipage and Tabernacle Outfits: F. B. Hertzog, T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, J. B. Layne, Paul E. Baer.

           Resolved, That the Chair appoint a committee of three to compile a report of the Conference for the Gospel Banner and the Year Book.

He appointed F. B. Hertzog, N. H. Wolf and A. G. Woodring.

           Resolved, That the filling of the pulpits of the newly assigned pastors on Sunday, October 21st, be arranged for by the respective Presiding Elders and the newly assigned Pastors.

           The following reports were read and adopted:

Report of the Executive Board: (See Reports)

           Report of the Home: (See Reports)

           Report of the Conference Treasurer: (See Reports)

           Report of the Committee on Communications:

           We beg leave to report that we have received communications from Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Snyder and Rev. H. W. Feldges, retired missionaries of the conference. They state that they are doing what little work they can and are still interested in the spreading of the gospel. Their reports will appear in the report of the Board of Foreign Missions.

           We have also received a communication from Ray P. Pannabecker, Editor of the Gospel Banner and recommend that this letter be read to the conference.

           P. T. Stengele,

           E. N. Cassel,

           C. H. Brunner,


           Resolved, That the letter received from Ray P. Pannabecker, Editor of the Gospel Banner, be referred to the Committee on Resolutions.


           Resolved, That we proceed to the election of Officers and Boards.

The following were elected:

Vice Presiding Elders: F. B. Hertzog and J. B. Layne.

           Resolved, That the other Officers and Boards be nominated orally and be elected by ballot.

           The following were elected:

Chairman of the Next Annual Conference: P. T. Stengele.

           Secretary of the Next Annual Conference: T. D. Gehret.

           Treasurer of the Next Annual Conference: Paul I. Wentz.

           Committee over the Presiding Elders: F. M. Hottel, H. K. Kratz, N. H. Wolf.

           Executive Board: T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, F. B. Hertzog, J. B. Layne, H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel, B. Bryan Musselman.

           Resolved, That we suspend the Rules and extend the time indefinitely.

           Board of Trustees of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society: President, H. G. Brunner; Secretary, C. E. Musselman; Treasurer, A. L. Wentz.

           Adjourned at 12:10 P. M. with prayer by W. F. Heffner and benediction by Paul E. Baer.


Saturday Afternoon, October 20, 1945

           The meeting was opened with prayer by J. E. Hartman.

The roll was called.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The following reports were read and adopted:

Report of the Committee on Statistics: (See Reports)

Report of the Auditing Committee:

           We, the Auditing Committee, have examined the accounts of the following: Presiding Elder’s Reports, Benevolent Society, Board of Publication and Printing, Quarterly Conference Records, The Home, The Executive Board, Foreign Missions, Home Missions, Conference Treasurer, Ministers’ Retirement Fund and Committee on Finance.

           All accounts were presented in a creditable and business like manner, the several minor errors discovered were corrected to the satisfaction of those concerned.

           F. M. Hottel,             Clettus L. Ream,       Raymond L. Winfield,

           S. W. Heiser,             Daniel K. Ziegler,     Edward J. Dietzman,

           T. E. Turnbull,          J. D. Kreiss,              R. R. Fox,

           Fred Geibel,              R. Spedden,


           The election of Officers and Boards was continued.

The following were elected:

           Board of Foreign Missions: H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel, P. T. Stengele, J. B. Henry, T. D. Gehret, J. B. Layne and N. H. Wolf.

Board of Examiners: E. N. Cassel, H. K. Kratz and T. D. Gehret.

           Board of Trustees of the Home (for two years): H. B. Musselman, E. N. Cassel, T. D. Gehret, P. T. Stengele, Timothy H. Gehman, E. O. Mann.

           Resolved, That we go on record as favoring a time limit for Pastors and Presiding Elders, and that we petition General Conference to permit us to determine the tenure of service.

           Resolved, That the Executive Board be empowered to locate, purchase and maintain a home for the Presiding Elders as a parsonage. These homes are to be located and selected by mutual agreement between the Presiding Elders and the Executive Board.

           Resolved, That all contributions received for the Laymen’s Benevolent Society shall be paid by check or money order, made payable to A. L. Wentz, Treasurer, and forwarded to C. E. Musselman, Secretary, 1131 North Eighteenth Street, Allentown, Pa.

           Resolved, That the following changes be made in the Year Book:

           Page 12, under Minister’s Retirement Fund, the word “Church” shall be added to Mennonite Brethren in Christ.

           One page 89, under Forms of Bequest and Devise, it be made to read “Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania.”

           One page 13, under Annuities, in paragraphs one and two, “ten” shall be made to read “fifteen”.

           One page 13, under Annuities, in paragraph three, seventy shall be made to read “seventy-two”; and “five hundred dollars” shall be made to read “six hundred dollars”.

           On page 14, paragraph six, “five” shall be made to read “$7.50”.

           On page 14, the following shall be added to paragraph six, “but in no case to exceed three hundred dollars in one year.”

           Resolved, That whenever a Pastor and Superintendent of the Sunday School desire, they may be permitted to designate one of the Semi-Annual Missionary Offerings for Home Missions in the place of Foreign Missions, or they may have a Home Missionary offering in addition.

           The following report was read and adopted:

           Report of the Committee on Resolutions:

           1. Whereas, We have listened to the reports of our esteemed Presiding Elders, H. B. Musselman and B. Bryan Musselman, and have been reminded anew of God’s faithfulness and blessings upon the work of their districts through the loyalty of the pastors and cooperative spirit of the laity, and

           Whereas, We have heard the report of B. Bryan Musselman, President of the Gospel Herald Society, showing the noble work accomplished by this group of consecrated young men who are student ministers with missionary vision, and

           Whereas, Our leaders have pursued their various duties and tendered untiring service to promote the work of the Lord, therefore

           Resolved, That we express our appreciation and thankfulness, and that we pray the rich blessings of God to attend them.

           2. Whereas, The Lord has graciously preserved all of our pastors during the year and has given them interesting reports of the goodness of the Lord in keeping His flock and bringing others into the fold, therefore

           Resolved, That we thank God for His marvelous doings and that by the grace of God we strive to prove worthy of our high calling and serve to the best of our ability.

           3. Whereas, The various charges of our Conference have been blessed with a group of believers who have stood by faithfully and by their consistent lives have meant much in the success of the work, therefore

           Resolved, That we highly appreciate their labor of love and pray God to bless and reward them abundantly for their spiritual and financial support.

           4. Whereas, T. D. Gehret, Secretary of the Annual Conference and Editor of the Year Book, has devoted much time in his secretarial responsibilities and arranged for the publishing of a beautiful and interesting Year Book, therefore

           Resolved, That we appreciate his service and donate the sum of fifty dollars out of the Annual Conference Fund.

           5. Whereas, C. H. Brunner, Secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions, has given us an interesting and helpful account of our missionaries in the Year Book and Regions Beyond, therefore

           Resolved, That we donate the sum of twenty dollars as a token of appreciation, this amount to be paid by the Board of Foreign Missions.

           6. Whereas, We were privileged to have in our midst C. L. Miller, one of our former pastors and now a missionary on furlough in the Belgian Congo, Africa, and

           Whereas, He addressed this Conference expressing his appreciation for our prayers, support and fellowship of the brethren, therefore

           Resolved, That we praise the Lord for His goodness to Brother Miller and family in healing them and pray God to direct his steps to His glory.

           7. Whereas, This Conference has chosen the brethren, T. D. Gehret and P. T. Stengele to serve as Presiding Elders, therefore

           Resolved, That we pledge them our unstinted prayers, support and loyalty in their new responsibilities and make them an inspiration and blessing to the pastors and their congregations.

           8. Whereas, The Union Gospel Press of Cleveland, Ohio, has for many years been publishing the Christian Life Series of Sunday School literature, and continues to be sound in teaching, therefore

           Resolved, That we praise God for their noble work that is ever expanding and continue to pray in their behalf.

           9. Resolved, That as a Conference we recognize Mrs. E. T. Gehman, Manager of the G. H. S. Bible House at Easton, as the agent appointed by the Union Gospel Press, to handle the Sunday School supplies and all other publications.

           10. Resolved, That the church property at Hereford be in charge of the Board of Trustees at Macungie.

           11. Whereas, Pastor B. Bryan Musselman and the members of the Allentown congregation have so abundantly provided for the entertainment of the Annual Conference members and friends of the work, all meals being served in the basement of the church, therefore

           Resolved, That we tender them a rising vote of thanks and unitedly pray God’s blessings upon them as they continue in the Lord’s work in their community.

           12. Having listened with interest to a communication from the Editor of our church paper, the Gospel Banner, we rejoice with him in his recovery from his recent serious illness and

           Whereas, Our Editor and the General Conference Executive Committee have urged all our ministers and members to make a special, concerted effort to secure new subscribers during the coming month of November, therefore

           Resolved, That we urge all our pastors and members to heartily cooperate in this work and secure as many new subscribers for the Gospel Banner as possible and also do our best to help to make it the best and most helpful, spiritual paper possible, and further

           Resolved, That a copy of this resolution, signed by the Chairman and Secretary, be forwarded to Brother Pannabecker.

           13. Whereas, Our Conference Treasurer, Paul I. Wentz, has most commendably served the Conference, bearing all expenses incident, therefore

           Resolved, That we express to him our sincere gratitude and donate $50.00 out of the Conference Fund as a token of our appreciation.

           14. Whereas, H. B. Musselman has untiringly and judiciously served the Conference as Presiding Elder over a period of 43 years, therefore

           Resolved, That we praise God and appreciate our Brother’s services throughout the years and pray the goodness of God with a pledge of constant fellowship among the brethren will continue.

           B. Bryan Musselman,

           A. G. Woodring,

           Paul E. Baer,


           Resolved, That Presiding Elder Emeritus H. B. Musselman be included in the list of Annuitants as of October 1, 1945.

           Resolved, That any charges brought against a Pastor or Presiding Elder must be in writing and properly signed by the party or parties bringing the charges, and said charges must be brought by a member of our church.

           Resolved, That whenever an election is held for officers accountable to the Quarterly Conference (except where otherwise provided for by our Discipline) the informal ballot shall be used to nominate the candidates. When one officer is to be elected the three highest shall be used as candidates. When three officers are required the five highest shall be considered. A majority in every instance shall be necessary for an election. After the first ballot has been cast, if there be no election, the candidate receiving the least number of votes shall be eliminated.

           Resolved, That the next Annual Conference convene in the Beulah Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church, Twelfth and Spruce Streets, Easton, Pa., on Wednesday, October 16, 1946 at 10:00 A. M.

           Resolved, That there shall be a meeting called by the Presiding Elders of all the ministers, within a reasonable time when the matter of campmeetings, Sunday School conventions, ministerial convention and Beneficiary Society meet and transact its business and consider such other matters as may be properly presented.

           Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Pastor of the Easton Congregation constitute a committee to arrange the program of services for the next Annual Conference and send a copy to each of the Pastors.

           The various Boards reported their organization as follows:

           Executive Board: P. T. Stengele, President; E. N. Cassel, Secretary.

           Board of Foreign Missions: H. B. Musselman, President; T. D. Gehret, Secretary; J. B. Henry, Assistant Secretary.

           Board of Trustees of the Home: H. B. Musselman, Chairman; E. N. Cassel, Secretary; F. B. Hertzog, Assistant Secretary.

           Resolved, That the present officers of the Beneficiary Society continue in office until new officers can be elected.

           Resolved, That we authorize the Executive Board to unite with the officers of the Laymen’s Benevolent Society to work out a plan whereby the amount of money invested in church property shall become a workable Church Extension Fund.

           Resolved, That we print 1100 copies of the Year Book to be sold at twenty-five cents per copy. Checks shall be made payable to T. D. Gehret, Secretary. The deficit shall be paid out of the Conference Fund.

           Resolved, That we ask the Board of Foreign Missions to authorize the Conference Secretary to print 1000 copies of the Annual Report of the Board of Foreign Missions.

           Adjourned at 5:00 p. m. with prayer by Chairman H. B. Musselman and benediction by T. D. Gehret.


           H. B. Musselman, Presiding Elder, Chairman,

           B. Bryan Musselman, Presiding Elder,

           T. D. Gehret, Secretary, Vice Presiding Elder,

           Paul I. Wentz, Treasurer,

           E. N. Cassel, Vice Presiding Elder,

           N. H. Wolf, Assistant Secretary

           W. H. Frank, Recording Secretary

           J. B. Henry, Recording Secretary

           Paul E. Baer, E. W. Bean, C. H. Brunner, Willard E. Cassel, R. H. Gehman, J. E. Golla, E. B. Hartman, H. W. Hartman, J. E. Hartman, W. W. Hartman, W. F. Heffner, F. B. Hertzog, F. M. Hottel, C. E. Kirkwood, H. K. Kratz, E. E. Kublic, J. B. Layne, R. C. Reichenbach, E. J. Rutman, A. M. Sprock, P. T. Stengele, D. E. Thomann, T. E. Turnbull, A. G. Woodring, G. F. Yost, R. Paul Schaeffer, Paul H. Cressman, H. H. Bergey, H. L. Shelly, R. R. Fox, A. W. Bean, A. W. Deppe, J. D. Kreiss, Herbert V. Smith, Paul H. Miller, George W. Butler, Edward J. Weber, Daniel K. Ziegler, S. W. Heiser, Howard G. Adams, Thos. W. Campbell, Sr., Fred Geibel, C. B. Brosius, George S. Messersmith, Harold L. Snyder, Raymond L. Winfield, R. Spedden, Clettus L. Ream, Herbert E. Cole, Edw. J. Dietzman, George R. Fish, Charles W. Weaber.

According to announcement, the special meeting for the transaction of unfinished business from the Annual Conference of October 1945, was held in Bethel M. B. C. Church, Allentown, Pa., on Thursday, January I7, 1946.

  The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, P. T. Stengele. After singing, “I Am Thine 0 Lord”, Pastor A. G. Woodring led in prayer.

            All the ministering brethren in the active work were present and answered to the roll call.

            Resolved, That we have two Camp Meetings this summer and that they be held in Mizpah Grove, Allentown. The Allentown District Camp Meeting shall be held from July 13 to 21. The Bethlehem District Camp Meeting shall be held from July 27 to August 4.

            Resolved, That we have a literature stand at our Camp Meetings, and that Mrs. E. T. Gehman and the President of the Gospel Herald Society shall have charge of the same.

            Resolved, That the rental of tents for each Camp Meeting District be $4.25. Floors to be put in.                        

Resolved, That H. W. Hartman and Paul E. Baer, together with the secretaries of the two Camp Meetings be a committee on publicity.

                        Report of the Committee to Organize for the Allentown District Camp Meeting:

            This District comprises: Allentown (Bethel), Reading, Sunbury, Shamokin, York, Mt. Carmel, Graterford, Harleysville, Nazareth, Northampton, Royersford, Spring City, Walnutport, Lehighton, Harrisburg, Hatfield and Lebanon.

            Place: Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date: July 13 to 21, 1946.

            Officers: Chairman, F. M. Hottel; Secretary, A. G. Woodring: Treasurer, J. B. Layne.

            Resolved, That the Presiding Elder together with the Officers of the Committee make all the arrangements.

            The Presiding Elder shall invite the Preachers and shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable.

            An invitation shall be extended to the Gospel Herald Brethren to attend, through their President, B. Bryan Musselman.

                                 P. T. Stengele, Chairman,

                                 A. G. Woodring, Secretary.

            Report of the Committee to Organize for the Bethlehem District Camp Meeting:

            This District comprises: Bethlehem, Philadelphia, Easton, Quakertown, Chester, Wissinoming, Coopersburg, Allentown (Salem), Emmaus, Macungie, Zionsville, Fleetwood, Blandon, Terre Hill,

Scranton, Stroudsburg, West Philadelphia, Jersey City, N. J., Newark, N. J., and Staten Island, N. Y.

            Place: Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa. Date: July 27 to August 4, 1946.

            Officers: Chairman, N. H. Wolf; Secretary, J. B. Henry; Treasurer, G. F. Yost.

            Resolved, That the Presiding Elder together with the Officers of the Committee make all the arrangements.

            The Presiding Elder shall invite the Preachers and shall secure the extra help if he and the Committee deem it advisable.

            An invitation shall be extended to the Gospel Herald Brethren to attend, through their President, B. Bryan Musselman.

                                  T. D. Gehret, Chairman,

                                  J. B. Henry, Secretary.

            Resolved, That we have a Ministerial Convention to be held in Royersford, Pa., on Thursday, April 25, 1946.

            Resolved, That the two Presiding Elders and the Pastor be a committee on program.

            The following officers were elected for this Convention: Chairman, T. D. Gehret; Secretary, H. W. Hartman.

            Resolved, That fifty dollars ($50.00) from the Annual Conference Fund be donated to the Royersford congregation towards the expense of this Convention.

            Resolved, That we have a Sunday School Convention, to be held in Mizpah Grove, Allentown, Pa., on Wednesday, July 24, 1946.

            The following officers were elected for this Convention:

            Chairman, P. T. Stengele; Secretary, W. H. Frank; Treasurer, F. M. Hottel.

            Resolved, That the Presiding Elders and three officers of each Camp Meeting District be the Committee on Program.

            A hearty invitation shall be extended to the members of the Gospel Herald Society.

            Resolved, That an assessment of 500 per member according to the membership as reported at the 1945 Conference, be made towards the moving expenses of the Pastors. This amount shall be forwarded to the Secretary of the Executive Board on or before September 15th. Checks will be made payable to the Mennonite Brethren in Christ Church of Pennsylvania. Money received from this source shall be placed in a fund to be known as a moving fund.

            The Beneficiary Society met, transacted routine business and elected the following officers: Chairman, F. B. Hertzog; Secretary, F. M. Hottel; Treasurer, A. G. Woodring.

            Resolved, That we adjourn.

            Adjourned at 4:45 p. m. with prayer and benediction by H. B. Musselman.

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